Memorization of Surah AlBaqarah Juz 2+Tafseer Surah … ·  · 2015-11-16Memorization of Surah...

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Transcript of Memorization of Surah AlBaqarah Juz 2+Tafseer Surah … ·  · 2015-11-16Memorization of Surah...

Memorization of Surah AlBaqarah Juz 2+Tafseer Surah

Al Baqarah Tuesday, October 06 2015 | 1:00 PM (Malay Peninsula Standard Time)


In surah Al Kahf /1 , Allah Said :

ب ولم ـ ٱلهذى أنزل على عبده ٱلكت (١ۥ عوجا ) يجعل لهه ٱلحمد لله

All the praises and thanks are to Allâh, Who has sent down to His slave (Muhammad SAW) the Book (the

Qur'ân), and has not placed therein any crookedness. (1)

And in Surah Al Isra :

ل من ٱلقرءان ما هو شف للمؤمنين وننزا ) اء ورحمة لمين إله خسار ـ ( ٨٢ول يزيد ٱلظه

And We send down of the Qur'ân that which is a healing and a mercy to those who believe (in

Islâmic Monotheism and act on it), and it increases the Zâlimûn (polytheists and wrong-doers) nothing

but loss. (82)

Al Quran is Kalamullah . If you know Allah, the Quran will have an effect on you. The Quran is shifa &

rahmah on mukmineen – so we much believe in Allah for the Quran to be shifa on us.

ل And rahmatun lil mukmineen – Quran is a Mercy for the believers لمؤمنين ورحمة

And in Surah Al a’la :

ر من يخشى ) كه (١٠سيذه The reminder will be received by him who fears (Allâh), (10)

We remember all these by remembering Allah . If you have taqwa, then Allah will teach you.

Ayat 2/208 – stopped last . Today 209 – connected to 208. 208 was abt tricks & plots of shaitan. The 7

steps shaitan use – how trick humans , divert people, weakness of people etc.

Ayat 2/210

البقرة سورة

ه ۥ لڪم ن إنه ـ يط بعوا خطوٲت ٱلشه ول تته

لم ڪافهة ها ٱلهذين ءامنوا ٱدخلوا فى ٱلس أي ـ ي

بين ) من زللتم فإن( ٢٠٨عدو ت جاءتڪم ما بعد م ـ ن أنه فٱعلموا ٱلبي عزيز ٱلله

ٮ ڪة وقضى (٢٠٩) حڪيم ـ ن ٱلغمام وٱلمل فى ظلل م أن يأتيهم ٱلله هل ينظرون إله

ٱلمور ) ٱلمر ترج (٢١٠ وإلى ٱلله

O you who believe! Enter perfectly in Islâm (by obeying all the rules and regulations of the Islâmic

religion) and follow not the footsteps of Shaitân (Satan). Verily! He is to you a plain enemy. (208)

Then if you slide back after the clear signs (Prophet Muhammad SAW and this Qur'ân, and Islâm) have

come to you, then know that Allâh is All-Mighty, All-Wise. (209) Do they then wait for anything other

than that Allâh should come to them in the shadows of the clouds and the angels? (Then)

the case would be already judged. And to Allâh return all matters (for decision). (210)


ن ـ يط بعوا خطوٲت ٱلشه ول تتهلم ڪافهة ها ٱلهذين ءامنوا ٱدخلوا فى ٱلس أي ـ ه ي ۥ لڪم إنه

بين )٢٠٨( م عدو

O you who believe! Enter perfectly in Islâm (by obeying all the rules and regulations of the Islâmic

religion) and follow not the footsteps of Shaitân (Satan). Verily! He is to you a plain/clear enemy.

(Ayat 2/208)

In Ayat 2/208, Allah Tell us to enter into Islam by accepting it completely, implementing ALL

rules of Islam, not only easy rules. We do not do this when tricked by Shaitan – it wants us to follow

our desires . So Allah Tells us not to follow the “steps of Shaitan” – Shaitan is beautifying sins for

you so that you will reject the Rules of Allah and abide what Shaitan tricked you with ie to sin. Be aware

of the STEPS of Shaitan, who make us not fear him – like he is the doctor, the counsellor but Allah Tells

us Shaitan is CLEAR ENEMY , 100% enemy. In Surat ul Taghabun (64) , it is stated that

ا لهڪم فٱحذروهم وإن تعفوا دڪم عدو ـ ہا ٱلهذين ءامنوا إنه من أزوٲجكم و أول أي ـ ي

حيم ) غفور ره (١٤وتصفحوا وتغفروا فإنه ٱلله

O you who believe! Verily, among your wives and your children are your enemies (who may stop you

from the obedience of Allâh), therefore beware of them! But if you pardon (them) and overlook, and

forgive (their faults), then verily, Allâh is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful. (64/14)

There is ا ا aduy/enemies from our children & wives but these عدو aduy / enemies do not take‘ عدو

us out of Islam . It is not ‘ADUY MUBIN ( plain/clear enemy) like Shaitan. Shaitan’s enmity will affect

you till destruction in An Naar in Akhirah . so always declare war against Shaitan & start solat , reading

Quran & seeking refuge with Allah against Shaitan. Shaitan is always with you awaiting for moments /

chance to divert you.

Ayat 2/209. Allah says:

ن زللتم فإن ت جاءتڪم ما بعد م ـ ن أنه فٱعلموا ٱلبي (٢٠٩) حڪيم عزيز ٱلله

Then if you slide back after the clear signs (Prophet Muhammad SAW and this Qur'ân, and

Islâm) have come to you, then know that Allâh is All-Mighty, All-Wise. (209)

After mentioning about the Shaitan, Ayat 208 is connected to Ayat 209 with :

Then if فإن

زللتم you slide back – ‘zalla’ means ‘slip’ . You are walking upright then you زللتم zalaltum ie you

divert. Inclined = zalla. Zalaltum = You slip & you divert from the path that you were on ! In Ayat 208,

after saying لم ڪافهة : Allah Warn believers ,(enter Islam perfectly) ٱدخلوا فى ٱلس

ن ـ – Humans are not perfect . ( do not follow the footsteps of shaitan ) ول تتهبعوا خطوٲت ٱلشهيط

we even defy Allah’s Command, & we follow our desires & make mistakes. Messages came & we still

did not abide . Allah still Sent more messages to us – And Allah will highlight our weakness when we

have a weakness in a particular aspect .

Ayat 2/209 is a Warning :

زللتم فإن “ You will divert” . Allah refers DIRECTLY to the humans (who divert) , not to the

Shaitan. Because humans divert even after :

ت ـ ن ن بعد ما جاءتڪم ٱلبي م

AFTER the clear signs (Prophet Muhammad SAW and this Qur'ân, and Islâm) have come to


Bayyinat is plural of Bayyinah from baana meaning apparent & clear – a clear message or Ayat

or Sunnah in which the message will never be mistaken. The Ayat & Sunnah is brought to you clear.

Allah Tells us that people who divert are NOT ignorant of the legislation (Allah

Forgives one who diverts or sins out for forgetfulness, or by force or out of ignorance . ) But people will

zalal ie inclined to divert from the sirat ul mustaqeem . Sirat is very thin, very sharp . We cannot cross on

our own by ourselves – we need Allah to cross the sirat ul mustaqeem to go to Allah , to reach Paradise .

So Ayat 2/208 refers to Shaitan & Ayat 2/209 refers to us ! There is an Ayat in the Quran

mentioning that the Shaitan make them divert . But in this Ayat 2/209 , Allah Refers to us humans as the

ones who divert even though we have the knowledge that is clear ( bayyinah) .

ن زللتم فإن ت جاءتڪم ما بعد م ـ ن ٱلبي

Then if you slide back after the clear signs

(Prophet Muhammad SAW and this Qur'ân, &

Islâm) have come to you

أنه لموا فٱع (٢٠٩) حڪيم عزيز ٱلله then know that Allâh is All-Mighty, All-Wise. (209)

The Warning in Ayat 2/209 is to believers who had believed for a long time

ن زللتم فإن ت جاءتڪم ما بعد م ـ ن ٱلبي – not a new revert – because this is Ayat Madaniyyah .

The warning after is about His Action – not about His Creation or An Naar . Allah Continues with :

أنه فٱعلموا (٢٠٩) حڪيم عزيز ٱلله … then know that Allâh is All-Mighty, All-Wise.

is a command. The Verb is ‘alima ie we need to know with certainty (yaqeen). Allah speak like فٱعلموا

this to believers who had believed for a long time , so even the warning is more stern – different than

Surah Makkiyyah . For new believers, Allah uses easier warnings – eg An Naar , punishment . Allah Uses

His Names Al Aziz ul Hakim ie Mussabihat ( Subbuh, Quddus) – to negate all imperfection from Allah -

uses a lot of Aziz ul Hakim. Allah Mussabihu – now through different things in life, he’ll see killing, etc but

your duty is to Allah who is Perfect. The Decree makes all perfect . A situation on its own is imperfect

but when put together in life , then the Decree is perfect.

The Mussabihat makes you negate from whatever you see in front of you. We need tasbih because we

are seeing things in front of us which can make us think bad of Allah ! That is why Allah Mentions His

Name Aziz ul Hakim . Allah Make it happen because His Might make it happen. Whatever He Wills (by

His Might), is NOT out of place.

Allah is Al Aziz and Allah is Al Hakim . Each Name is already beautiful, but when the 2 Names - Al Aziz ul

Hakim – are put together, will add more beauty . He is All Mighty. We are seeing things that make us

wonder / question regarding the Might of Allah ! But His Might make it happen with the Wisdom of Aziz ul

Hakim . Qudrat Allah

A person who is Aziz is noble but he is not wise . He needs people to do everything for him . He may do

things with no sense. And people may do things for him out of fear of him. Subhana Allah, His MIGHT is

connected to His WISDOM – His Might overcomes everybody & no one can touch Him with harm. Even if

you see them talking bad about Allah but in fact , no one can affect Allah , AL AZIZ, even by an iota and

no one can disable Allah.

The human who is Aziz can be zalim & oppressive !! Allah is the One who grants you ‘Izza – Your ‘Izza is

not from position, or money, or family ties. So Allah can also bring you down. Humans ‘Izza is not a

personal attribute – instead it goes up & it goes down. Sometimes people look up at you & sometimes

they look down at you. But with Allah , His Might is ABSOLUTE & will not be decreased even by an iota

even if everybody talks bad about Allah . Allah, Al Aziz , cannot be touched by harm at all & He , Al Aziz,

overcomes everything . This Is ‘Izza Allah .

Hence the Mussabihat .

“Huwa Al Aziz” is mentioned in Surah Al Hashr 3 times in 59/1 , 59/23 & 59/24

Al Aziz ul Hakim together is mentioned in Surat ul Jumua 2 times in 62/1 & 62/3

Meaning nothing will happen ( even if you want it to happen ) , except if Allah Wants it for you. You want

so many things & yet nothing happens and whatever you do NOT want to happen, will instead happen!

This shows that whatever Allah Wills , will happen – not by our will.

Aziz – the Power - occur by His Might and no one can interfere. Any attempt otherwise will be worthless.

Al Aziz ul Hakim – Might with Hiqmah – His Action (with Might) will be in its place. Whatever Allah Decide

with His Might & Wisdom , is best to happen . eg Aziz ul Hakim made Musa alaihi salam raised in Firaun’s

palace. Softening Firaun’s heart toward Musa, eventhough Firaun wanted male babies killed. Firaun has

might but he killed, & he oppressed; whereas Allah Aziz ul Hakim ( Might with Wisdom). More beauty

when the 2 Names are together .

Ayat 2/209. Allah says:

ن زللتم فإن ت جاءتڪم ما بعد م ـ ن أنه فٱعلموا ٱلبي (٢٠٩) حڪيم عزيز ٱلله

Then if you slide back after the clear signs (Prophet Muhammad SAW and this Qur'ân, and

Islâm) have come to you, then know that Allâh is All-Mighty, All-Wise. (209)

After receiving Guidance & Messages ( Quran & Sunnah), but the ( longtime) believers still slip ,

“ أنه فٱعلموا حڪيم عزيز ٱلله / then know that Allâh is All-Mighty, All-Wise” means that these

believers now have no more excuse. Allah Aziz , the All Mighty can Punish the person by His Might &

this Punishment is the Wisdom of Allah . We are being Warned by Allah’s ‘Izza. Allah is able to Humiliate

people . The Punishment of Allah is a Humiliation & the Reward of Allah is an Honor. And Allah Ends

Saying : أنه فٱعلموا حڪيم عزيز ٱلله then know that Allâh is All-Mighty, All-Wise

ن زللتم فإن ت جاءتڪم ما بعد م ـ ن أنه فٱعلموا ٱلبي (٢٠٩) حڪيم عزيز ٱلله

Then if you slide back after the clear signs (Prophet Muhammad SAW and this Qur'ân, and Islâm) have

come to you, then know that Allâh is All-Mighty, All-Wise. (2/209)

So Allah Deal with you by His Names which He (Allah) Mentions (in the Quran) ; that is Allah Dealing with

you according to this Name/s . Even Allah’s Punishment is Wisdom. SO people of An Naar will praise


Al Musabihaat means you need to honor and to tasbeeh so that His Honor remains intact ( in the

humans’ eyes) . (His Honor is actually Absolute – nothing depletes it in actuality). You are, in this life,

swimming (by analogy). If you stop swimming or pause to look right or left , you will drown . If you have

no target , then you will tire out & drown.

So a believer ( analogy : swimmer) needs :-

continuous movement – meaning a believer has to constantly take the effort to


concentration / focus – believers do not let others sway them from offtrack

a target / goal – believers’ goal helps keep their motivation high – not tired out of

focus. You may feel pain, Tests but you shall reach the goal ( ie Paradise, Pleasure of

Allah) by sheer willpower, because you shall WILL YOURSELF to reach the goal.

These are TASBEEH . Root is sa-ba-ha meaning is related to swimming. In life you are swimming in an

ocean but you tasbeeh continuously ( Allah is Perfect . Nothing take your focus away ) .

Your duty is not to comment on the Action of Allah but to keep on Tasbeeh

(swimming’ continuously, with focus & a goal ) in life

– otherwise you will collapse because life is a Tests . Fitnah can decrease belief if you have no focus. The

focus is Paradise & the Pleasure of Allah . Whatever happens , let it pass . This tasbeeh is where we

can see Allah Azizun Hakimun . Allah is All Mighty All Wise.

What makes me think good always in my life ? with Tasbeeh & with positive attitude in my life even when

punishment & Tests are sent our way ? Allah’s Punishment for sure means that Allah , huwa Azizun

Hakim. When Allah afflict anyone with affliction, we need to know that Allah Huwa Azizun Hakimun so

that we can do Tasbeeh . Know that Allah is All Mighty All Wise & no one can stop it. When punishment

on zalaltum ( those who slip) , it is out of Might of Allah with His Hiqmah .

Warnings are only for people after Bayyinat came to them . Ie If no bayyinaat, no warning.

Warning comes after we gain knowledge . Knowledge is obligatory on Muslims especially about the

matters of Allah , His Commands , His Warnings – this is FARDHU ‘AIN ( obligatory).

1. From this Ayat, Allah will not warn till they know

2. Knowledge is obligatory – Fardhu’ Ain.

3. This warning will stop the person from slipping – he will think 100 times before he slips because

he knows the repercussion .

4. Ayat about when you slip , there was no mention of Shaitan . When you follow Shaitan after

knowing Shaitan is your clear enemy, then this is your problem. In Surah Hashr, Allah says :

نك إنى أخاف ٱلله ا كفر قال إنى برىء م ن ٱڪفر فلمه ـ نس ن إذ قال لل ـ لمين كمثل ٱلشهيط ـ ربه ٱلع

لدين فيہا( فكا١٦) ـ قبتہما أنهہما فى ٱلنهار خ ـ لمين ) ن ع ـ (١٧ وذٲلك جزٲؤا ٱلظه

(Their allies deceived them) like Shaitân (Satan), when he says to man: "Disbelieve in Allâh." But when

(man) disbelieves in Allâh, Shaitân (Satan) says: "I am free of you, I fear Allâh, the Lord of the 'Alamîn

(mankind, jinn and all that exists)!" (16) So the end of both will be that they will be in the Fire, abiding

therein. Such is the recompense of the Zâlimûn (i.e. polytheists, wrong-doers, disbelievers in Allâh and in

His Oneness). (17)

The shaitan will tell you to disobey, disbelieve or sin according to what you are inclined to. Once you

follow it & sin, shaitan will say “"I am free of you, I fear Allâh, the Lord of the 'Alamîn” . Shaitan is

symbol of logic – he judges with its mind – he is uses logic and convinces well . So do not slip

intentionally & keep Ayat 2/209 always in our mind .

AYAT 2/210

Ayat 208 was a command . Ayat 209 was a warning . Ayat 210 is to show how their mind is very small -


ٮ ڪة وقضى ـ ن ٱلغمام وٱلمل فى ظلل م أن يأتيهم ٱلله هل ينظرون إله

ٱلمور ) ٱلمر ترج (٢١٠ وإلى ٱلله

Do they then wait for anything other than that Allâh should come to them in the shadows of

the clouds and the angels? (Then) the case would be already judged. And to Allâh return all

matters (for decision). (2/210)

Allah told the believers not to follow shaitan & do not slip / divert after you had received the

messages ( Quran & Sunnah ) . And yet they were not listening & not following – so Allah

asked (in meaning) ‘Till when will you stay like this ?’ or ‘ What are you waiting for ?’ –

similar to Surah Hadid :

وما نزل من ٱلحق قلوبہم لذڪر ٱلله …ألم يأن للهذين ءامنوا أن تخش (١٦)

Has not the time come for the hearts of those who believe (in the Oneness of Allâh - Islâmic

Monotheism) to be affected by Allâh's Reminder (this Qur'ân), and that which has been revealed of the

truth… (16)

These are the believers who fast , pray & do good deeds, but (deeds) is NOT what Allah

Wants . Allah Wants your HEARTS . So many of Allah’s Creations are worshipping Allah :

the animals are praising Allah but Allah does not want our actions for it is our hearts that

Allah Wants .

Islam is in the heart , not the actions. When we sacrifice a cow, “ the meat of it & the blood of it , will

not reach Allah “ . What reaches Allah is the state of our heart when doing this sacrifice. Our solat,

sedeqah, good deeds will NOT reach Allah UNTIL our heart is there ( that we are doing this for Allah’s

Sake) . ( See Surah Hadid, Ayat 16 above )

The believers are praying, doing good deeds , etc but Allah do not want us to be in the religion like a

machine or to be in competition. The case of one from Bani Israel whom Allah wants to send to Jannah

by His mercy but the Bani Israel man refused ! He wants to go to Jannah by his good deeds . So all his

good deeds were put on the balance and Allah’s Gift of one eye to him was put on the other . Is there

gratitude for this just one eye !? If he do not appreciate & thank Allah for having this one eye , then we

have done nothing even after doing all the work ( good deeds). This person , an ‘aabd, was a devotee

worshipping Allah for 70 years - yet all these deeds did not equal even one eye that Allah gave. What

more the other gifts Allah grant us – the brain, the Islam, the Iman which Allah Give us ? So what Allah

Appreciate, is the MOVEMENT OF THE HEART .

Eg of the man who killed 99 people , and then killed 100 people. He was on the way to a new town ( to

seek better environment) after repenting but died on the way – he did not even reach the new town,

yet Allah Forgives him & allows him to enter Jannah eventhough humans see him as a criminal. Why ?

Because Allah Sees his heart ( which repented ).

Our heart is the place of taqwa which Allah Looks at :

كم ـ أيہا ٱلنهاس إنها خلقن ـ ا وقباٮ ل لتعارفوا يكم شعوب ـ من ذكر وأنثى وجعلن إنه أڪرمكم عند ٱلله

عليم خبير ) أتقٮكم (١٣ إنه ٱلله

O mankind! We have created you from a male and a female, and made you into nations and tribes, that

you may know one another. Verily, the most honourable of you with Allâh is that (believer) who has

At-Taqwa [i.e. he is one of the Muttaqûn (pious - see V.2:2). Verily, Allâh is All-Knowing, All-Aware.


After all the command , in Surah Hadid , Allah ask ’ what is wrong with you ?? ‘ when He said :

وما نزل من ٱلحق ألم يأن للهذين قلوبہم لذڪر ٱلله ءامنوا أن تخش

Has not the time come for the hearts of those who believe (in the Oneness of Allâh - Islâmic

Monotheism) to be affected by Allâh's Reminder (this Qur'ân), and that which has been revealed of the


And in Surah Baqarah, Ayat 2/210, Allah Asks if the believers wait till Allah comes and the angels come in

the Day of Judgement ? You are still living in your own world . Scholars say this Ayat is very strong :

ترج ٮ ڪة وقضى ٱلمر وإلى ٱلله ـ ن ٱلغمام وٱلمل فى ظلل م هل ينظرون إله أن يأتيهم ٱلله

( ٢١٠ٱلمور )

Do they then wait for anything other than that Allâh should come to them in the shadows of

the clouds and the angels? (Then) the case would be already judged. And to Allâh return all

matters (for decision). (2/210)

-: هل ينظرون

at the beginning of a sentence normally indicates that the sentence is a question . But our belief هل

& Aqeedah tells us that Allah does not need to ask a question for He already Knows all answers. So

this هل in Ayat 2/210 is to make us think. Here , هل in Ayat 2/210 is a negation .

ينظرون إله : Normally, the complexity of the Arabic language makes us understand that ينظرون

followed by إله means ‘looking’. And ينظرون without being followed by إله means “


= means “waiting”

= means “looking”

The Arabic-English dictionary will say ينظرون means “looking” . So in Ayat 2/210, we can wrongly

say it means “ they are looking at Allah” whereas our belief & aqeedah denies that anyone can “look at

Allah” . When we explain in English, we are not giving haq / truth to it. So for the Quran to be

illuminating, we must strengthen our belief & aqeedah before studying / going to the

Quran. Even for the Arabic speakers, they need to know Aqeedah before going to the Quran. Then only

it will have the effect of the Quran – illuminating.

In this Ayat 2/210 , actually means “ WAITING “ .

Allah Say to those who follow the Shaitan & the rebellious people, and those who slip after the message

& guidance:

ٮ ڪة وقضى ـ ن ٱلغمام وٱلمل فى ظلل م أن يأتيهم ٱلله هل ينظرون إله

ٱلمور ) ٱلمر ترج (٢١٠ وإلى ٱلله

Do they then wait for anything other than that Allâh should come to them in the shadows of

the clouds and the angels? (Then) the case would be already judged. And to Allâh return all

matters (for decision). (210)

So once we had received the Guidance , we must initiate a feeling within our hearts of

wanting to keep on the Guidance & not stray away or slip . Do not take Faith & Guidance for

granted. You need to appreciate Faith & Guidance, & that without Faith & Guidance, your life have no

meaning. Money & jewellery are nothing compared to Faith & Guidance. Faith & Guidance will take

you till the end , will take you to Paradise & will light your grave & your crossing over the

Sirat. This is invaluable. For someone with faith, there is no equivalent from the pleasures of the

Duniyya . So do not lose Faith & Guidance once you have acquired it. Do not change once you acquired

the Bayyinat / the clear signs . This Ayat 2/209 shows

ن زللتم فإن ت جاءتڪم ما بعد م ـ ن أنه فٱعلموا ٱلبي (٢٠٩) حڪيم عزيز ٱلله

Then if you slide back after the clear signs (Prophet Muhammad SAW and this Qur'ân, and Islâm) have

come to you, then know that Allâh is All-Mighty, All-Wise. (2/209)

Ask Allah to keep you steadfast on the Guidance once you have the Bayyinat . And not to slip .

For the GUIDANCE, we need to have 2 things :

1. We need to have GRATITUDE & be GRATEFUL to ALLAH .

Shaitan will make you ungrateful to Allah . When you are acquiring the knowledge, be grateful

that you have the Bayyinat , the Guidance .

2. Make DOA to Allah to make your heart steadfast on the Guidance.

Do not be in the group whom Allah WARNS as in Ayat 2/210 : Are you waiting for the Day of Judgement

( when it is too late)?? We only have this ONE LIFE to change or to catch up. In the Day of Judgement , all

the unseen will be seen ! There is no more ‘AMAL (deeds) in the Day of Judgement . ‘Amal (deeds) is

now , in this life. Are you waiting for that Day when Allah & the Malaikat comes in the Day of Judgement

to change ?? THIS IS A GREAT WARNING .


ٮ ڪة وقضى ـ ن ٱلغمام وٱلمل فى ظلل م أن يأتيهم ٱلله هل ينظرون إله

ٱلمور ) ٱلمر ترج (٢١٠ وإلى ٱلله

Do they then wait for anything other than that Allâh should come to them in the shadows of

the clouds and the angels? (Then) the case would be already judged. And to Allâh return all

matters (for decision). (210)

The Verb in Ayat 2/210 relating to Allah is يأتيهم to affirm that Allah يأت (ya*ti or not) ie Allah

Comes or not ( in the Day of Judgement). How Allah Comes is in the way that suits His Majesty. We

cannot negate the Coming of Allah . Ahl ul Sunnah wa al Jamaah accepts when Allah Says He Comes

we affirm it but cannot try to imagine HOW He Comes . Your duty is only to affirm what Allah ; ( يأت )

Affirm without picturing it.

ٮ ڪة وقضى ـ ن ٱلغمام و ٱلمل فى ظلل م أن يأتيهم ٱلله هل ينظرون إله

ٱلمور ) ٱلمر ترج (٢١٠ وإلى ٱلله

Do they then wait for anything other than that Allâh should come to them in the shadows of

the clouds and the angels? (Then) the case would be already judged. And to Allâh return all

matters (for decision). (210)

literally means ‘ Allah Comes in the shades of the clouds’ but AQEEDAH tells us that Allah is ظلل

not under the cloud , & nothing can surround Allah . Allah is Above all . This is important Aqeedah .

Do not picture like in a movie ! Nothing grasp Allah but Allah Grasp all the Vision. That means nobody &

nothing surrounds Allah – He is above the 7 Heavens , & Rose over the Throne. For us , we are

surrounded by air & we are sitting on a chair – anybody except Allah can be surrounded. But NOTHING

surrounds Allah . Aqeedah is very important – otherwise you can misunderstand a

Verse in the Quran.

.means ‘precedes’ . So the clouds do NOT surround Allah. The clouds precede Allah ٱلغمام

And the ٮ ڪة ـ will surround the people in the Day of Judgement. This reminds us of Surat (angels) ٱلمل

Az Zumar 39/69 :

ہا ن وٱلشہداء وقضى بينہم بٱلحق وأشرقت ٱلرض بنور رب ـ ب وجاىء بٱلنهبي ـ ٱلكت ووض

(٦٩وهم ل يظلمون )

And the earth will shine with the light of its Lord (Allâh, when He will come to judge among men) and

the Book will be placed (open) and the Prophets and the witnesses will be brought forward, and it will

be judged between them with truth, and they will not be wronged. (69)

So Allah will Come but not in the way people will see Him. ( Believers see Allah only from Paradise when

Allah lift the veil from His Face ). Disbelievers cannot see Allah. We must believe & affirm that Allah will

Come as He said in the Quran; but we cannot picture this – how & why & where are all beyond our

capacity to do this. We cannot grasp Him. If we cannot even surround even one Name of Allah , then

Allah Himself is beyond our grasp of vision.

ٮ ڪة وقضى ـ ن ٱلغمام و ٱلمل فى ظلل م أن يأتيهم ٱلله هل ينظرون إله

ٱلمور ) ٱلمر ترج (٢١٠ وإلى ٱلله

Do they then wait for anything other than that Allâh should come to them in the shadows of

the clouds and the angels? (Then) the case would be already judged. And to Allâh return all

matters (for decision). (210)

ن ظلل فى ٱلغمام م means the clouds are in the forefront preceding ( Allah) – not

surrounding Allah . So Allah will Come .

ٮ ڪة و ـ ٱلمل and the angels ( will surround the people in the Day of Judgement)

the case would be already judged – Allah will Come to (Then) وقضى ٱلمر

differentiate between the people – the good from the bad , People of Paradise from People

of Hellfire. Allah will Account the people , to settle everything.

Duniya is not the place to take your rights . Allah is the One Who will settle between the people in the

Day of Judgement. Place to take the rights is in the Day of Judgement ( not this Duniyya). All matters

belong to Allah – Duniya, Deen, Decree, Legislations – All Matters in Duniyya & Akhirah belong to Allah

because He is the One who Judge, He is the One who Recompense, He is the One whose Warning is

important, whose Punishment is important … ALL the matters are referred to Allah.