Members Tech Financial Resources

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Transcript of Members Tech Financial Resources

  • 8/3/2019 Members Tech Financial Resources




    2301 McGee Street, Suite 800

    Kansas City, Missouri 64108

    Main: (816) 842-3600

    Help Desk: (816) 783-8500

    December 2000


    2001 National Association of Insurance Commissioners. All rights reserved.

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    2001 National Association of Insurance Commissioners. All rights reserved.

  • 8/3/2019 Members Tech Financial Resources


    OVERVIEW: ....................................................................................................................................... 3

    AUTOMATED TOOLS:..................................................................................................................... 3

    I-SITE ................................................................................................................................................ 3Analyst Notes ................................................................................................................................. 3

    Analyst Team Report...................................................................................................................... 3Audit Trail...................................................................................................................................... 4Company Demographics................................................................................................................ 4

    Codelist Generator......................................................................................................................... 4

    Company Profiles........................................................................................................................... 4

    Data Reference Guide.................................................................................................................... 4

    Data Models................................................................................................................................... 4Exam Jumpstart Reports ................................................................................................................ 4

    Exam Team Designation Page....................................................................................................... 5Exam Team Synopsis...................................................................................................................... 5

    Exam Tracking System (ETS)......................................................................................................... 5

    Filing-at-a-glance.......................................................................................................................... 5

    Financial Analysis Handbook (Checklists).................................................................................... 5

    Financial Analysis Handbook (Electronic Manual) ...................................................................... 5

    Financial Annual Statement (Pick-a-Page) Reports ...................................................................... 5File Repository............................................................................................................................... 6

    Filing Performance........................................................................................................................ 6

    IRIS Detail Page ............................................................................................................................ 6IRIS Worksheet Report................................................................................................................... 6

    IRIS Worksheet On-Line Analytical Processing (OLAP)................Error! Bookmark not defined.

    Line Report .................................................................................................................................... 6Loss Reserves................................................................................................................................. 6

    Scoring Reports.............................................................................................................................. 6

    Scoring Worksheet ......................................................................................................................... 6

    Summary Reports ........................................................................................................................... 7Security and Subsidiary Information ............................................................................................. 7

    On-line I-SITE Training................................................................................................................. 7

    Personalized Information Capture System..................................................................................... 7View Documents............................................................................................................................. 7

    ADDITIONAL AUTOMATED TOOLS............................................................................................ 8

    FINANCIAL ANALYSIS HANDBOOK USING PROGRAM AUTOMATOR(FAH)......................................... 8

    FINANCIAL CONDITION EXAMINERS HANDBOOK IN FOLIO VIEWS (FCEH)........................................ 8NAIC ELECTRONIC LIBRARY ............................................................................................................. 8

    OTHER RESOURCES........................................................................................................................ 9

    ACL TRAINING ................................................................................................................................... 9

    A.M. BEST.......................................................................................................................................... 9

    CRN-CORPORATE RESOURCENET...................................................................................................... 9

    CONSUMERINSURANCE GUIDE........................................................................................................... 9

    EDGAR DATABASE ........................................................................................................................... 9FINANCIAL ANALYSIS TRAINING-....................................................................................................... 9

    FINANCIAL EXAMINERS TRAINING- .................................................................................................. 10HOOVERS ONLINE ........................................................................................................................... 10

    INSURANCE INFORMATION INSTITUTE (I.I.I.).................................................................................... 10

    LEARNITONLINE (LIOL).................................................................................................................. 10

    NAIC STATE TRAINING.................................................................................................................... 11STANDARD AND POORS .................................................................................................................... 11

    STATENET ........................................................................................................................................ 11


    2001 National Association of Insurance Commissioners. All rights reserved.

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    WEB SITE RESOURCES AND EXAMPLES:............................................................................... 12

    LEARNITONLINE COURSE TITLES: ................................................................................................... 12I-SITE LOG-IN PAGE: ....................................................................................................................... 18

    CORPORATE RESOURCENET WEB SITE............................................................................................. 20

    CONSUMERINSURANCE GUIDE WEB PAGE....................................................................................... 22HOOVERS WEB SITE........................................................................................................................ 26

    INSURANCE INFORMATION INSTITUTE .............................................................................................. 27A.M. BEST WEB SITE ....................................................................................................................... 28

    STANDARD AND POORS WEB SITE ................................................................................................... 30NAIC STATENET WEB SITE ............................................................................................................. 33


    FINANCIAL ANALYST........................................................................................................................ 35

    FINANCIAL EXAMINER...................................................................................................................... 35


    2001 National Association of Insurance Commissioners. All rights reserved.

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    Introduction: The NAIC has valuable sources of information that can assist

    our Financial staff, but what are these resources, how can they use them and

    how can it make their jobs more efficient? This presentation is designed togive you an introductory insight on how to help Financial staff be effective

    and efficient in using the resources that are available to them via the NAIC

    and elsewhere.

    Automated Tools:

    I-SITEThere are many applications available within I-SITE that can assist your financial

    staff in their search for information. The I-SITE system was developed to allow allusers, especially field examiners, to access this data without having to connect

    directly to their states internal network. The I-SITE applications can be usedduring the investigation process for cross-referencing and supplemental reports. Thelack of data on an individual or firm is not an indication that data may not exist

    somewhere else. Passwords and IDs may be obtained from the State DP

    Coordinator. In the following list you will find some of the information available:

    Analyst NotesThe Analyst Notes application provides access to information entered by theNAIC analyst assigned to each company. These notes can include any

    pertinent information about a filing that is not captured by other means, such

    as records from telephone conversations, electronic mail messages,

    compliance and financial data reporting issues, summaries of conversationswith state regulators regarding a company's filing, etc. Analyst Notes allow

    you to reference any applicable information for a given company

    immediately on-line, without having to contact NAIC staff. If you would liketo contact NAIC staff, NAIC Analyst contact information is also displayed.

    A state must sign an agreement with the NAIC ensuring the confidentiality of

    this information prior to getting access to it. This is similar to the RBCconfidentiality agreement.

    Analyst Team Report


    The Analyst Team Report replaces the Exam Team Synopsis currently

    available for Property, Life and Fraternal companies. The process ofreviewing companies has changed from the old exam priority status to amore automated analysis approach that integrates analytical tools such as

    FAST and Risk Based Capital ratios. Instead of exam priority, the

    company will receive an automated level (i.e. Level A, Level B), whichthen will be reviewed by the Analyst who will either validate the automated

    Level assigned or change it based on their review. (Currently available for

    only 1999 data year)

    2001 National Association of Insurance Commissioners. All rights reserved.

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    Audit TrailThe Audit Trail application provides access to all changes (edits, inserts anddeletes) to a company's original financial data and demographics. This

    application provides detailed information about why, when and who made a

    change to the database. It allows you to reference the history of changes that

    were made to the financial or company demographics data, eliminating theneed to contact NAIC staff. In addition, this data can be used to trigger an

    event that sends a message via the Personalized Information Capture System(PICS) regarding data changes (see below for a description of PICS).

    Company DemographicsVarious demographic data is available on each company that submits annualfinancial statements to the NAIC. The financial demographic information is

    obtained from the Jurat page and supplement reports filed with the NAIC and

    includes: Company Information (i.e.-filing status), Company Contacts, AllAddresses, Officers, Filing by State and Waivers and Extensions.

    Codelist GeneratorThis application allows users to view the licensing records of businesses

    operating in all states. This system also allows states to update their state

    records to ensure that the information is accurate.

    Company ProfilesCompany profile reports provide a snapshot of a companys financial

    information for the previous 5 years. Quarterly profiles provide informationfor each quarter of the year for which you are requesting data. Profiles are

    available for Life, Health and Property Companies.

    Data Reference GuideData Reference Guide details how annual statement data is stored on the

    NAIC SYBASE and ORACLE database tables.

    Data ModelsData models describe the database structure and the relationships between the

    tables (objects). This site contains the available data models for NAICdatabases, and the changes in structure and business requirements from

    SYBASE to ORACLE. These models can be viewed in a PDF format using

    Adobe Acrobat Reader software.

    Exam Jumpstart ReportsExamination Jumpstart reports provide a variety of information that allowsexaminers to get a "head start" before arriving onsite to perform a financialexamination of a company. New enhancements have been added that allow

    users to view multiple reports, download multiple reports and deletingpreviously requested reports.


    2001 National Association of Insurance Commissioners. All rights reserved.

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    Exam Team Designation PageThis report provides the Examiner Team designations for a specific companyand data year. (Available for 1998 and previous data years.)

    Exam Team Synopsis

    Examiner Team Reports contain information from findings by the NAICExaminer Team and Insurance Regulatory Information System (IRIS). This

    information provides an indication of the financial condition of insurancecompanies. (Available from 1998 and previous data years.)

    Exam Tracking System (ETS)Allows market conduct and financial examiners to communicate examinationschedules and results and includes functions for calling financial, market

    conduct and combined examinations, reporting dates and easy access to full

    information about the people involved in the examination; can also be used toview or update examination information.

    Filing-at-a-glanceThe Filing at a Glance report provides regulators the details of the status of

    an individual company's filing. This report provides receive dates and

    whether the filing passed all minimum standards. Filing at a Glance provides

    a quick look at the status of an annual or quarterly filing and eliminates theuncertainty regarding the availability of a filing and the need to contact the

    NAIC with questions.

    Financial Analysis Handbook (Checklists)The purpose of the Financial Analysis Handbook (FAH) is to aid department

    analysts in performing financial analysis of insurance companies. The FAH

    checklists are based off of the annual financial statements filed with theNAIC. A multitude of checklists are available on topics ranging from

    investments to reinsurance to affiliated transactions and many more. The

    checklist consists of the answers to the questions that are available in either ahardcopy manual or an electronic version of the manual, which requires an

    additional tool called Program Automator . The combination of the checklist

    merged with the manual creates a comprehensive tool in the financial

    analysis process. The FAH electronically calculates these ratios, and ifProgram Automator, is used the results can be electronically imported into

    the checklists, saving the analyst considerable time and effort.

    Financial Analysis Handbook (Electronic Manual)The Financial Analysis Handbook Manual is available electronically in twoformats, Program Automator and Microsoft Word. This tool is available

    within I-SITE Utilities. This educational component includes introductory

    chapters, a financial analysis framework chapter and analyst reference guides.

    Financial Annual Statement (Pick-a-Page) Reports


    The data that is obtained from the Annual Statement pages for those

    companies that file their annual statements with the NAIC.

    2001 National Association of Insurance Commissioners. All rights reserved.

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    File RepositoryThis is a resource within I-SITE that allows individuals to retrieve and submitshared files. (Such as MS databases, RIRS reports, excel spreadsheets.)

    Filing Performance

    Each annual statement filing to the NAIC will be reviewed for accuracy bythe NAIC. This data undergoes an extensive quality review to verify and

    ensure that companies have filed the data in a timely manner, in the correct

    format, and that it met all of the requirements when transmitted in hardcopy,electronic or by means of diskette.

    IRIS Detail PageThis report provides IRIS ratio results for a specific company and data year.

    IRIS Worksheet ReportThe IRIS Worksheet report displays IRIS results specific to a company for a

    given year. The information contained in this report includes: company

    demographics, summarized IRIS ratios results, key annual statement data andthe detailed IRIS ratio information, including the values of the inputs to eachratios calculation.

    Line ReportThe Line Report allows the user to select a specific line from a Statement

    Page, and presents a report containing data from that line for each of the

    companies selected. When the landscape view is selected from the bottom ofthe Financial Firm Search page, there is a new Line Report option that


    Loss ReservesLoss Reserve Analysis reports allow for the examination of a company's

    losses in relation to their loss reserves.

    Scoring ReportsScoring provides a set of weighted financial ratios that allow an analyst to

    prioritize companies based on solvency concern.

    Scoring WorksheetThis worksheet displays the calculations used to generate the scoring reports.


    2001 National Association of Insurance Commissioners. All rights reserved.

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    Summary ReportsThis tool can generate specific financial information for groups of companiesmatching the desired criteria. . (i.e.- All of the companies currently licensed

    and doing business in your state). The specific financial summary reports

    that are available include: Aggregate- A&H Loss Ratio, Aggregate-Business

    in the State, Aggregate-Credit A&H Loss Ratio, Aggregate-Market Share andLoss Ratio, Analyst Team, Detail-Market Share and Loss Ratio, Detail-

    Unlicensed Premiums, Detail Premium-A&H Net Premium, DetailPremium-Annuity Considerations, Detail Premium-Business in State, Detail

    Premium-Life Summary, Filing Submission Status, IRIS Summary Report,

    Market Share-A&H, Market Share-Credit A&H, Market Share-Credit Life,

    Market Share-Life and Annuity, Scoring Summary-Quarterly Report, ScoringSummary Report, Specific Issuer-Schedule D Securities

    Security and Subsidiary InformationThis application provides you with the ability to view current valuations

    information for securities and subsidiaries analyzed by the NAIC staff. Onlythose securities evaluated by the NAIC are contained in the NAIC database.

    On-line I-SITE TrainingThis tool provides interactive tutorial used to learn the I-SITE interface andits applications. (Currently the I-SITE Navigation and Financial Search

    tutorials are available.)

    Personalized Information Capture SystemThe Personalized Information Capture System (PICS) allows you to set up a

    customized notification system for NAIC databases. Rather than monitoring

    reports to determine if financial and/or company information (such as an IRIS

    ratio) has changed, you can elect to be notified via e-mail when informationchanges.

    View DocumentsThe View Documents application provides access to an electronic version of

    the financial filing document submitted by the company and stored by theNAIC. A printable version of a company's data as filed is available. In

    addition, electronic access to free-form text portions of the annual statement

    filing are available. These include SVO Compliance, Statement of Actuarial

    Opinion, Management Discussion and Analysis and Annual AuditedFinancial Statements.


    2001 National Association of Insurance Commissioners. All rights reserved.

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    Additional Automated Tools

    Financial Analysis Handbook using Program Automator (FAH)Program Automator allows individuals to combine the Financial Analysis Handbook

    reports (answers) with the questions available through Program Automator. The

    State Training Team offers this course.

    Financial Condition Examiners Handbook in Folio Views (FCEH)The Financial Condition Examiners Handbook is available in an electronic version,

    one of the components of the NAIC Electronic Handbook CD-ROM. FCEH is a

    Folio product that allows the user to bookmark particular sections, make notes within

    a paragraph and search for a word or groups of words. Other benefits of theelectronic handbook include copy, paste and save as a new version (ideal for

    examiners that are dealing with multiple companies.) The State Training Team

    offers this course.

    NAIC Electronic LibraryA quarterly CD-ROM that contains the following items:

    The Guide to Compliance with State Audit Requirements

    Financial Condition Examiners Handbook (FCEH)

    Market Conduct Examiners Handbook (MCEH)

    Model Laws (changes quarterly)


    2001 National Association of Insurance Commissioners. All rights reserved.

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    Other resources

    ACL trainingThis is a computer based auditing package used to analyze data from almost any

    database. ACL is used for data inquiry, analysis and report writing of financial,

    market conduct and other auditing examinations. Contact the Sr. Computer AuditSpecialist at (816) 783-8529.

    A.M. BestThis site has never been publicly available. No ID and password are required. This

    web site includes: Ratings of Insurance Companies, Explanation of their Rating

    System and many insurance web site links. The URL for this site is:

    CRN-Corporate ResourceNetAn Internet database (the URL available through the NAIC web page) that supplies

    business publications and other data related to a company. Information availableincludes: Financial Reports from Dunn & Bradstreet (at a cost), recent newspaperarticles, recent magazine articles, direct links to companies and newswire

    information (Dow Jones). Each state has an identification and password. To obtain

    your state identification code and password the Library Services Manager at

    (816)783-8252.The URL for this site is:

    Consumer Insurance GuideAn Internet resource site that delivers accurate, unbiased insurance news for

    consumers with tips, in-depth stories, and expert guidance on auto, homeowners,

    health, life, and business insurance, plus annuities. This site offers financial security

    ratings for all types of insurance according to the Standard and Poors rating scale forcompanies that have willingly participated in their review process. The URL for this

    site is

    EDGAR DatabaseAn Internet resource site that allows you to retrieve publicly available filinginformation submitted to the Securities and Exchange Commission from January

    1994 to the present. The URL for this site is

    Financial Analysis Training-

    This program is designed to educate participants on financial analysis techniquesutilizing NAIC solvency surveillance tools, including the Financial AnalysisHandbook, FAST Scoring System, Company Profiles and IRIS Ratios. For inquiries

    into this class, please contact the Education and Training Department at the NAIC

    (816) 783-8206.


    2001 National Association of Insurance Commissioners. All rights reserved.
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    Financial Examiners Training-This is a program offered by the NAIC Education and Training Department that isco-sponsored by the NAIC and Society of Financial Examiners (SOFE.)

    This program is designed to give the beginning financial examiner an orientation to

    insurance regulation. The course covers assets and liabilities, SAP and GAAP, the

    annual statement, reinsurance, examinations and solvencies. For inquiries regardingthis class, please contact the NAIC Education and Training Department at the NAIC.

    (816) 783-8206.

    Hoovers OnlineHoover's is an Internet site that provides business information online through its Web

    site. Hoover's Online also features links to news, lists, stock quotes, and otherproducts such as Hoover's Industry Snapshots (global industry overviews). Hoover's

    offers approximately 14,000 company capsules (brief company descriptions and

    financials) for free, and approximately 4,000 company profiles (company histories,strategies, market positions, major events, and other information) available via online

    subscription. The profiles cover US and foreign public and nonpublic companies.The URL for this site is

    Insurance Information Institute (I.I.I.)The Insurance Information Institute is a primary source of information, analysis andreferral concerning insurance industry designed for media, researches and the public.

    The information that is available within this Web site includes Guidelines for Claim

    Filing, Fraudulent Service Providers, Preparing for a Catastrophe and How To SaveMoney on Insurance. In addition, this sight also contains information on News

    Media, Organizations, International Facts and Financial Services Facts about the

    Insurance Industry. The URL for this site is:

    LearnItOnLine (LIOL)Internet based training for your staff via Ziff Davis Educations corporateLearnItOnLine Web site. Refer to the attached page for available courses. Each

    state has one permanent ID available provided to their LIOL Coordinator to allocate

    to staff in need of training. The URL for this site is: if I cant remember my states login and ID?

    Send the Training Team an e-mail and we will reply with this information


    Also availableWe do have four sets of IDs that are rotated among states if you have a larger group

    of individuals that need training. These rotating IDs are given to states that requestthem for a period of 60 days, in the order that they are received. Send the TrainingTeam an e-mail to make a request (


    2001 National Association of Insurance Commissioners. All rights reserved.
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    NAIC State TrainingThe State Training Team provides training on the, I-SITE, Microsoft applications,Financial Condition Examiners Handbook, Financial Analysis Handbook Using

    Program Automator, Market Conduct Examiners Handbook, Querying the

    Sybase/Oracle Tables Using Access, as well as specialized Financial and Market

    Conduct Training. For technical computer training, please call the NAIC operatorand ask to speak to a state trainer or send an e-mail to:

    Standard and PoorsThis web site provides ratings and analysis on the creditworthiness of insurers

    around the world. Standard & Poors Insurance Ratings Services rates the financialstrength of more than 4,000 insurance companies worldwide, within the life, health,

    property/casualty, reinsurance, mortgage and title sectors. In addition, Insurance

    Ratings rates bonds and commercial paper issued by insurers. The URL for this siteis:

    StateNetThis web site has information about the NAIC, direct links to many of ourapplications, calendar of events, training information, discussion forums and the

    committee activities (i.e.-EX7). There is also a Whats New section that lists the

    current initiatives and information about Y2K. This web site is intended for NAIC

    staff members and State Department of Insurance Employees only. This site isconfidential and requires an I.D. and password that may be obtained for State Users

    through their DP Coordinator. The URL for this site is:

    If you already have an I-SITE ID and password, you can get directly into StateNetfrom the I-SITE Log-in page. The two available I-SITE locations are http://i-site- and


    2001 National Association of Insurance Commissioners. All rights reserved.

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    Web Site Resources and Examples:

    LearnItOnLine Course Titles: the Learn It OnLine computer training environment, you can select any of the followingcomputer-based tutorials. If you would like a recommendation about which tutorials to take, try the

    Skills Assessment before starting your course.

    Access 2000

    Access 2000: Level 1

    Access 2000: Level 2

    Access 2000: Advanced

    Access 2000: Introduction to ApplicationDevelopment

    Access 2000 (Deutsch)

    Access 2000: Ebene 1 (Deutsch) Access 2000: Ebene 2 (Deutsch)

    Access 2000: Erweitert (Deutsch)

    Access 2000 (Espaol)

    Access 2000: Nivel 1 (Espaol)

    Access 2000: Nivel 2 (Espaol)

    Access 2000:Avanzado (Espaol)

    Access 2000: Introcuccion al Desarollo

    de Aplicaciones (Espaol)

    Access 2000 (Franais)

    Access 2000: Niveau 1 (Franais)

    Access 2000: Niveau 2 (Franais) Access 2000: Avance (Franais)

    Access 2000: Introduction auDeveloppement des Applications


    Access 2000 (Italiano)


    Access 2000: Livello 1 (Italiano)

    Access 2000 (Japanese)

    Access 2000: Level 1 (Japanese)

    Access 2000: Level 2 (Japanese)

    Access 2000: Advanced (Japanese)

    Access 2000: Introduction to ApplicationDevelopment (Japanese)

    Access 2000 (NL/NL)

    Access 2000: Niveau 1 (NL/NL)

    Access 2000: Niveau 2 (NL/NL)

    Access 2000: Gevorderd (NL/NL)

    Access 2000 (Spanish/English)

    Access 2000: Nivel 1 (Spanish/English)

    Access 2000: Nivel 2 (Spanish/English)

    Access 2000: Avanzado(Spanish/English)

    Access 2000: Introduccin al Desarrollo

    de Aplicaciones (Spanish/English)

    Access 97 Access 97: Level 1

    Access 97: Level 2

    Access 97: Advanced

    Access 97: Introduction to Application


    Act! 2000

    ACT! 2000: Advanced

    ACT! 2000: Introduction

    Act! 4.0

    ACT! 4.0: Introduction

    ACT! 4.0: Advanced

    Approach Millennium Edition 9.0

    Approach Millennium Edition 9.0:


    Approach Millennium Edition 9.5

    Approach Millennium Edition 9.5:


    Approach Millennium Edition 9.5:


    Excel 2000

    Excel 2000: Level 2 Excel 2000: Level 1

    Excel 2000: Advanced

    Excel 2000 (Deutsch)

    Excel 2000: Ebene 1 (Deutsch)

    Excel 2000: Ebene 2 (Deutsch)

    Excel 2000: Erweitert (Deutsch)

    2001 National Association of Insurance Commissioners. All rights reserved.
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    Excel 2000 (Espaol)

    Excel 2000: Nivel 1 (Espaol)

    Excel 2000: Nivel 2 (Espaol)

    Excel 2000: Avanzado (Espaol)

    Excel 2000 (Franais) Excel 2000: Niveau 1 (Franais)

    Excel 2000: Niveau 2 (Franais)

    Excel 2000: Avanc (Franais)

    Excel 2000 (Italiano)

    Excel 2000: Livello 1 (Italiano)

    Excel 2000 (Japanese)

    Excel 2000: Level 1 (Japanese)

    Excel 2000: Level 2 (Japanese)

    Excel 2000: Advanced (Japanese)

    Excel 2000 (NL/NL) Excel 2000: Niveau 1 (NL/NL)

    Excel 2000: Niveau 2 (NL/NL)

    Excel 2000: Gevorderd (NL/NL)

    Excel 2000 (Spanish/English)

    Excel 2000: Nivel 1 (Spanish/English)

    Excel 2000: Nivel 2 (Spanish/English)

    Excel 2000: Avanzado (Spanish/English)

    Excel 7.0

    Excel 7.0: Introduction

    Excel 97 Business Statistics in Excel 97

    Excel 97: Level 1

    Excel 97: Level 2

    Excel 97: Advanced

    Filemaker Pro 5.0

    FileMaker Pro 5.0: Introduction

    Filemaker Pro 5.0: Intermediate

    Filemaker Pro 5.0: Advanced

    Freelance Graphics Millennium Edition 9.0

    Freelance Graphics Millennium Edition

    9.0: Introduction

    Freelance Graphics Millennium Edition 9.5

    Freelance Graphics Millennium Edition9.5: Introduction

    Freelance Graphics Millennium Edition

    9.5: Advanced

    FrontPage 2000

    FrontPage 2000: Introduction

    FrontPage 2000: Advanced

    FrontPage 2000 (Espaol)

    FrontPage 2000: Introduccin (Espaol) FrontPage 2000: Avanzado (Espaol)

    FrontPage 2000 (Franais)

    FrontPage 2000: Introduction (Franais)

    FrontPage 2000: Avanc (Franais)

    FrontPage 2000 (Spanish/English)

    FrontPage 2000: Introduccin


    FrontPage 2000: Avanzado


    FrontPage 2000 (Italiano) FrontPage 2000: Introduzione (Italiano)

    FrontPage 2000 (Japanese)

    FrontPage 2000: Introduction (Japanese)

    FrontPage 2000: Advanced (Japanese)

    FrontPage 2000 (Spanish/English)

    FrontPage 2000: Introduccion


    FrontPage 2000: Avanzado(Spanish/English)

    FrontPage 98 FrontPage 98: Introduction

    FrontPage 98: Advanced

    GoLive 4.0

    GoLive 4.0: Introduction

    GroupWise 5.5

    GroupWise 5.5: Introduction

    GroupWise 5.5: Advanced

    HTML 4.01

    HTML 4.01 Web Authoring: Level 1

    HTML 4.01 Web Authoring: Level 2

    HTML Programming 4.0

    HTML Programming 4.0: Introduction

    HTML Programming 4.0: Advanced

    Internet Explorer 4.0

    Internet Explorer 4.0: Introduction

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    Internet Explorer 5.0

    Internet Explorer 5.0: Introduction

    Internet Explorer 5.0 (Deutsch)Internet Explorer 5.0: Einfuhrung (Deutsch)

    Internet Explorer 5.0 (Franais)

    Internet Explorer 5.0: Introduction


    Internet Explorer 5.0 (Italiano)

    Internet Explorer 5.0: Introduzione


    Internet Explorer 5.0 (Japanese)

    Internet Explorer 5.0: Introduction(Japanese)

    Internet Explorer 5.0 (Spanish/English)

    Internet Explorer 5.0: Introduccin(Spanish/English)

    Internet Explorer 5.5

    Internet Explorer 5.5: Introduction

    Lotus 1-2-3 Millennium Edition 9.0

    Lotus 1-2-3 Millennium Edition 9.0:Level 2

    Lotus 1-2-3 Millennium Edition 9.0:

    Level 1

    Lotus 1-2-3 Millennium Edition 9.0:


    Lotus 1-2-3 Millennium Edition 9.5

    Lotus 1-2-3 Millennium Edition 9.5:

    Level 1

    Lotus 1-2-3 Millennium Edition 9.5:

    Level 2

    Lotus 1-2-3 Millennium Edition 9.5:Advanced


    Excel 98: Introduction for Macintosh

    Excel 98: Advanced for Macintosh

    PowerPoint 98 for Macintosh Word 98: Introduction for Macintosh

    Word 98: Advanced For Macintosh

    FileMaker Pro 5.0: Introduction for


    FileMaker Pro 5.0: Intermediate For


    FileMaker Pro 5.0: Advanced For


    Macintosh OS 9.0

    Macintosh OS 9.0: Introduction

    Macintosh OS 9.0: Advanced

    Microsoft Money 2000 Microsoft Money 2000

    Microsoft Netmeeting 3.0

    NetMeeting 3.0: Internet Conferencing

    Microsoft Office 2000 I

    Microsoft Office2000: Webcomponentenen Samenwerking (NL/NL)

    Microsoft Office 2000

    Microsoft Office 2000: Document


    Microsoft Office 2000: New Features Microsoft Office 2000: Web Components

    and Collaboration

    Microsoft Office 2000: Macro

    Programming Using VBA

    Microsoft Office 2000: Small Business


    Microsoft Office 2000 (Japanese)

    Microsoft Office 2000: New Features


    Microsoft Office 2000 (Deutsch)

    Microsoft Office 2000: Neue Funktionen(Deutsch)

    Microsoft Office 2000: Webkomponenten

    und Zusammenarbeit (Deutsch)

    Microsoft Office 2000 (Espaol)

    Microsoft Office 2000: ComponentesWeb para Colaboracin (Espaol)

    Microsoft Office 2000: Nuevas

    Caractersticas (Espaol)

    Microsoft Office 2000 (Franais)

    Microsoft Office 2000: Composants Web

    Components et Collaboration (Franais) Microsoft Office 2000: Nouvelles

    Fonctions (Franais)

    Microsoft Office 2000 (Japanese) I

    Microsoft Office 2000: Web Components

    and Collaboration (Japanese)

    Microsoft Office 2000 (Spanish/English)

    2001 National Association of Insurance Commissioners. All rights reserved.

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    Microsoft Office 2000: Componentes

    Web para Colaboracin (Spanish/English)

    Microsoft Office 97

    Microsoft Office 97: DocumentIntegration

    Microsoft PhotoDraw 2000Version 2.0

    Microsoft PhotoDraw 2000 Version 2.0:


    Microsoft Project 2000

    Microsoft Project 2000: Level 1

    Microsoft Project 2000: Level 2

    Microsoft Project 98

    Microsoft Project 98: Introduction

    Microsoft Project 98: Advanced

    Microsoft Publisher 2000 Microsoft Publisher 2000: Introduction

    Microsoft Small Business Tools

    Microsoft Office 97: Small Business


    Microsoft Works Suite

    Microsoft Works Suite 2000: Introduction

    Microsoft Works Suite 2000: Advanced

    Net Objects Fusion 5.0

    Net Objects Fusion 5.0: Introduction

    Netscape Communicator 4.5

    Netscape Communicator 4.5: Introduction

    Netscape Communicator 4.7

    Netscape Communicator 4.7: Introduction

    Netscape Communicator 4.7 (Japanese)

    Netscape Communicator 4.7: Introduction


    Netscape Communicator 4.7(Spanish/English)

    Netscape Communicator 4.7:

    Introduccin (Spanish/English)

    Notes 4.5

    Notes 4.5: Introduction

    Notes 4.6

    Notes 4.6: Mail Features

    Notes 4.6: Database Features

    Notes 5.0

    Notes 5.0: New Features

    Notes 5.0: Database Features

    Notes 5.0: Mail Features

    Notes 5.0: Advanced Features

    Notes 5.0 (Deutsch)

    Notes 5.0: Mail-Funktionen (Deutsch)

    Notes 5.0 (Espaol)

    Notes 5.0: Caractersticas del Correo


    Notes 5.0 (Franais)

    Notes 5.0: Fonctions de Messagerie(Franais)

    Notes 5.0: Fonctions de la Base de

    Donnes (Franais)

    Notes 5.0 (Japanese)

    Notes 5.0: Mail Features (Japanese)

    Outlook 2000

    Outlook 2000: Introduction

    Outlook 2000: Advanced

    Outlook 2000 (Deutsch)

    Outlook 2000: Einfhrung (Deutsch)

    Outlook 2000: Erweitert (Deutsch)

    Outlook 2000 (Espaol)

    Outlook 2000: Avanzado (Espaol)

    Outlook 2000 (Japanese)

    Outlook 2000: Introduction (Japanese)

    Outlook 2000: Advanced (Japanese)

    Outlook 2000 (NL/NL)

    Outlook 2000: Introductie (NL/NL)

    Outlook 2000: Gevorderd (NL/NL)

    Outlook 2000 (Spanish/English)

    Outlook 2000: Introduccin(Spanish/English)

    Outlook 2000: Avanzado(Spanish/English)

    Outlook 97

    Outlook 97: Introduction

    Outlook 97: Advanced

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    Outlook 98

    Outlook 98: Introduction

    Outlook 98: Advanced

    Paradox 9.0

    Paradox 9.0: Introduction Paradox 9.0: Advanced

    PowerPoint 2000

    PowerPoint 2000: Introduction

    PowerPoint 2000: Advanced

    PowerPoint 2000 (Deutsch)

    PowerPoint 2000: Einfhrung (Deutsch)

    PowerPoint 2000: Erweitert (Deutsch)

    PowerPoint 2000 (Espaol)

    PowerPoint 2000: Introduccin (Espaol)

    PowerPoint 2000: Avanzado (Espaol)

    PowerPoint 2000 (Franais)

    PowerPoint 2000: Introduction (Franais)

    PowerPoint 2000: Avanc (Franais)

    PowerPoint 2000 (Japanese)

    PowerPoint 2000: Introduction (Japanese)

    PowerPoint 2000: Advanced (Japanese)

    PowerPoint 2000 (NL/NL)

    PowerPoint 2000: Introduction (NL/NL)

    PowerPoint 2000: Advanced (NL/NL)

    PowerPoint 2000 (Spanish/English)

    PowerPoint 2000: Introduccin(Spanish/English)

    PowerPoint 2000: Avanzado


    PowerPoint 97

    PowerPoint 97: Advanced

    PowerPoint 97: Introduction

    Presentations 9.0

    Presentations 9.0: Introduction


    QuarkXPress 4.0: Level One

    Quattro Pro 9.0

    Quattro Pro 9.0: Spreadsheets

    Quattro Pro 9.0: Charts and Databases

    QuickBooks 2000

    QuickBooks 2000: Get Going

    QuickBooks 2000: Keep Going

    Quicken 2000

    Quicken 2000: Introduction

    Quicken Basic 99

    Quicken Basic 99: Introduction

    StarOffice 5.1

    StarOffice 5.1: Transition from Microsoft


    ToolBook II Instructor 7.1

    ToolBook II Instructor 7.1: IntroductionToolBook II Instructor 7.1: Advanced

    Visio 2000 Visio 2000 Professional: Basic Skills

    Vizact 2000

    Microsoft Vizact 2000: Introduction

    Windows 2000

    Windows 2000: Introduction

    Windows 2000: Transition from

    Windows 98

    Windows 2000 (Franais)

    Windows 2000: Transition a partir de

    Windows 98 (Franais)

    Windows 2000 (Italiano)

    Windwos 2000: Introduzione (Italiano)

    Windows 2000 (Japanese)

    Windows 2000: Introduction (Japanese)

    Windows 2000: Transition from

    Windows 98 (Japanese)

    Windows 2000 (Spanish/English)

    Windows 2000: Introduccin


    Windows 95

    Windows 95: Introduction

    Windows 95: Advanced User

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    Windows 98 Word 2000 (Espaol)

    Windows 98: Introduction Word 2000: Nivel 1 (Espaol)

    Windows 98: Transition from Windows


    Word 2000: Nivel 2 (Espaol)

    Word 2000: Avanzado (Espaol) Windows 98: Selected Features and

    Internet Options Word 2000 (Franais) Word 2000: Niveau 1 (Franais) Introduction to Personal Computers

    Using Windows 98 Word 2000: Niveau 2 (Franais)

    Word 2000: Avanc (Franais)Windows 98 (Deutsch)

    Windows 98: Einfhrung (Deutsch) Word 2000 (Japanese)

    Word 2000: Level 1 (Japanese)Windows 98 (Espaol) Word 2000: Level 2 (Japanese) Windows 98: Introduccin (Espaol) Word 2000: Advanced (Japanese)

    Windows 98 (Franais) Word 2000 (NL/NL) Windows 98: Introduction (Franais) Word 2000: Niveau 1 (NL/NL)

    Word 2000: Niveau 2 (NL/NL)

    Windows 98 (Japanese) Word 2000: Gevorderd (NL/NL) Windows 98: Introduction (Japanese)

    Word 2000 (Spanish/English)Windows 98 (Spanish/English)

    Word 2000: Nivel 1 (Spanish/English) Windows 98: Introduccin

    (Spanish/English) Word 2000: Nivel 2 (Spanish/English)

    Word 2000: Avanzado (Spanish/English) Windows 98: Transicin Desde Windows

    95 (Spanish/English) Word 7.0

    Word 7.0: Level 1Windows Millennium Edition

    Windows Millennium Edition:

    IntroductionWord 97

    Word 97: Level 1

    Word 97: Level 2

    Windows NT 4.0 Word 97: Advanced Windows NT Workstation 4.0:

    IntroductionWord 97: Advanced Word Pro Millennium

    Edition 9.0Word 2000

    Word Pro Millennium Edition 9.0:

    Introduction Word 2000: Level 1

    Word 2000: Level 2

    Word 2000: Advanced Word Pro Millennium Edition 9.5

    Word Pro Millennium Edition 9.5:

    IntroductionWord 2000 (Deutsch)

    Word 2000: Ebene 1 (Deutsch) Word Pro Millennium Edition 9.5:

    Advanced Word 2000: Ebene 2 (Deutsch)

    Word 2000: Erweitert (Deutsch)

    WordPerfect 9.0 WordPerfect 9.0: Level 1

    WordPerfect 9.0: Level 2

    WordPerfect 9.0: Advanced

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    I-SITE Financial Firm Search Lookup Results Page:

    I-SITE Financial Reports Page:

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    Corporate ResourceNet Web Site

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    Consumer Insurance Guide Web Page

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    Consumer Insurance Guide Search Results based on the criteria Alabama

    Health companies for all ratings:

    Edgar Database Web site:

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    EDGAR Database Search the EDGAR Database:

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    EDGAR Database Search the EDGAR Archives:

    Detailed information for an available EDGAR file:

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    Hoovers Web Site

    Hoovers Online Web Site results based on the company criteria of Aetna:

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    Insurance Information Institute

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    Insurance Information Institute Financial Service options:

    A.M. Best Web site

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    A.M. Best Rating Scale

    A.M. Best Search using NAIC Company Code:

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    A.M. Best Search Results:

    Standard and Poors Web site

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    Standard and Poors CUSIP Ratings Services:

    Standard and Poors CUSIP Request (Select the Insurance Cos/PPN


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    Standard and Poors e-mail (or fax form) to submit for CUSIP

    information (4 free CUSIPS received within 2 working days):

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    NAIC StateNet Web site (ID & Password Required)(You may select the link from the I-SITE Log-in screen, if you have an I-SITE ID and


    NAIC StateNet Committee Activities Information:

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    NAIC StateNet National Meeting Minutes:

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    Examples of How Financial Staff can use NAIC Resources:

    Note: These are only EXAMPLES of financial analysis.

    Each state may conduct their financial analysis in a variety of ways.

    Financial Analyst

    1. IRIS Ratio Results-This page displays the ratio results for a company in comparison with an unusual

    range of acceptable ratios.(Available to the public)

    2. Examiner Team Synopsis Letters, Exam Team Designation Reports or Analyst Team Reports (IFAVAILABLE.) The Examiner Team reports are available for the data years of 1998 and below. The

    Analyst Team Reports are only available for 1999 data year. These reports are created by a team of

    examiners that rates and summarizes their review process.

    3. Scoring Reports Reviews at the individual ratios to determine what ratios are causing that high score.

    (i.e.-major organizational change-or purchasing another company.) (NOT Available to the public)4. Company Profile Reports-There are nine different profile reports that may be helpful in analyzing the

    trends of a company over a 5-year period.

    5. Financial Analysis Handbook Reports-Allows you to determine checklist answers through the

    generation of FAH Reports. Not every checklist answer is provided, but if an answer can bedetermined from companies filing it will be incorporated into the report.

    Financial Examiner(The information may vary depending on the rules governing the examination process for your Department

    of Insurance.)

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    1. Generally the Financial Examiner will receive a comprehensive prepared by a Financial Analysts. If

    not, the examiner would begin their own examination using the reports listed above in combinationwith the following information.

    2. View Exam Jumpstart reports.

    Cusip Exception-These reports show those cusip numbers listed on Schedule D that are not accounted

    for by the NAIC Securities Valuation Office.Designation Exceptions-A detailed report of one designation specified by the examiner. (Exceptionsthat an examiner might define would be any that were left blank or those that have been designated

    with a score of 7.)

    Reinsurance Assumed/Ceded-These reports help in the analysis of determining what the company hasdone to distribute the risk of their investments. (A list of companies that have either ceded premiums to

    this company7 or the company had ceded to another company.)

    Investment Market Value Exceptions for Common Stocks and Preferred Stocks-These reports display

    any differences in what the company reports for stock values and what the SVO reports as stockvalues. (This report only displays those values that are significantly different than the actual value.)

    3. View the Security and Subsidiary information available in I-SITE- To confirm that the cusip is correct

    and to view the status of investments (subsidiaries) for that company.

    4. View pick-a-page reports-Determine if there is a large difference between what the company reports

    and the reinsurance report. (Schedule F, Underwriting and Investment Exhibit and the Balance Sheet.)