Mefa - Mech III - Civil - II - Unit-5

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Transcript of Mefa - Mech III - Civil - II - Unit-5

  • 7/31/2019 Mefa - Mech III - Civil - II - Unit-5



    Unit V

    Q1 Explain different business environments?


    Business & New Economic Environment

    The following are the different types of formation of business organizations

    1. Sole Proprietorship

    2. Partnership firm

    3. Joint Stock Company

    4. Co-operative society

    Factors affecting the choice of the new economic environment of business organization:

    The following are the factors affecting the choice of business organization.

    1. Easy to start and easy to close: The form of business organization should be such that it should

    be easy to start and easy to close. There should not be hassles or long procedures in the process

    of setting up business or closing the same.

    2. Division of labor: There should be possibility to divide the work among the available owners.

    The idea is to pool the expertise of all the people in business and run the business most


    3. Large amount of resources: Large volume of business requires large volume of resources.

    Some forms of business organizations do not permit to raise larger resources. Select the one

    which permits to mobilize the large resources.

    4. Liability: The liability of the owners should be limited to the extent of money invested inbusiness. It is better if their personal properties are not brought into business to make up the

    losses of the business.

    5. Secrecy: The form of business organization you select should be such that it should permit totake care of the business secrets. We know that century old business units are still surviving

    only because they could successfully guard their business secrets.

    6. Transfer of ownership: There should be simple procedures to transfer the ownership to the nextlegal heir.

    7. Ownership, management & control: If ownership, management and control are in the hands of

    one or a small group of persons, communication will be effective and coordination will beeasier. Where ownership, management and control are widely distributed, it calls for a high

    degree of professional skills to monitor the performance of the business.

    8. Continuity: The business should continue forever and ever irrespective of the uncertainties in


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    9. Quick decision-making: Select such a form of business organization which permits you to take

    decisions quickly and promptly. Delay in decisions may invalidate the relevance of the

    decisions.10.Personal contact with customers: Most of the till1es, customers give us clues to improve

    business. So choose such a form which keeps you close to the customers.

    11.Flexibility: In times of rough weather, there should be enough flexibility to shift from onebusiness to the other. The lesser the funds committed in a particular business, the better it is.

    12.Taxation: More profit means more tax. Choose which a form which permits to pay low tax.

    Q2 Explain the features of Sole Proprietorship with merits and demerits


    A single individual takes the initiative to start a business all by himself by supplying the

    entire capital, uses his own skill and intelligence in the management of its affairs and is solely

    responsible for the results of its operations


    1. In this form of sole proprietorship organization, a single individual takes the initiative of

    starting a business, supplies the entire capital and manages the business all by himself.

    2. He shoulders the entire responsibility of the business activities3. He performs all the duties in connection with the business activities

    4. The sole proprietorship carries on the business for his exclusive gain and bears all the risks

    incidental to the conduct of his business5. The liability of the sole proprietorship is unlimited.

    6. The sole proprietorship concern does not have a separate legal existence separate from that

    of the proprietor

    Merits of sole proprietorship

    Ease of formation

    Ease of dissolution

    Direct relationship between effort and reward

    Promptness in decision making

    Secrecy of the production processes

    Social utility of sole trading concerns


    Limited finance

    Unlimited liability

    Limited managerial skills

  • 7/31/2019 Mefa - Mech III - Civil - II - Unit-5


    Limited growth

    Uncertainty of duration

    Secrecy of a sole proprietorship concern is a social disadvantage

    Examples of sole trader businesses include small retailers, plumbers, builders, internet

    entrepreneurs, beauticians, market traders, grocers and butchers

    Q3 Explain Partnership firm features with demerits and merits?


    Partnership Firm

    The relation between two or more persons who have agreed to share profits of a business

    carried on by all or any of them acting for all

    Persons who have entered into partnership with one another are individually called "partners"

    and collectively as a "firm".

    1. Agreement: A partnership is the result of an agreement and not of status. It is created by

    mutual consent between the partners. There must be an oral or a written agreement to form

    a partnership.

    2. Presence of business: A partnership is a form of Business organization. The association of

    a few individuals is for conducting a certain business.

    3. Sharing of profits: The object of starting a partnership should be the sharing of profits.

    4. Unlimited liability: Each partner has an unlimited liability in respect of the debts of the

    firm. The creditors can recover their dues from the property of any or all the partners of the

    firm.5. Dual role of principal anti agent: Every partner can act simultaneously as a principal and

    agent of the firm. As an agent, he can bind the other partners by his acts. As a principal he

    is bound by the acts of the others.

    6. Number of members: A partnership firm can be formed with a minimum of two members.The maximum number of members to conduct a general business is twenty and in case of

    banking business, the maximum is ten.

    Merits of Partnership Firm

    Ease of formation

    Larger resources

    Unlimited liability Flexibility of organization

    Promptness in taking decisions

    Balance Judgment

    Reduced risk


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    Lack of harmony


    Limited risk-taking

    Risk of implied authority

    Lack of public confidence

    Joint and several liabilities

    Examples Mahindra-Logan, Maruti-Suzuki, etc

    Q4 Explain Joint Stock Company features with merits and demerits


    Joint Stock Company

    A company is a voluntary association of persons for the attainment of a common purpose with

    a capital divisible into units known as shares and with a limited liability. It is the creation of law

    and is known as an aI1ificial person with a perpetual success in and a common seal.

    An association of many persons who contribute money or money's worth to a common stock, and

    employ it in some common trade or business and who share the profit or loss arising there-from.


    Separate legal existence

    Limited liability Perpetual succession and common seal

    Transferability of shares

    Separation of ownership and management

    Number of members is seven


    Large financial resources

    Limited liability

    Transferability of shares

    Benefit of large-scale operations

    Perpetual succession

    Public confidence

    Tax benefit

    Separation of ownership ami management


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    Difficult and costly formation

    Oligarchic management

    Delay in administration

    Fraudulent management

    Concentration of economic power Delay in taking decisions

    Examples are Apple, Google etc

    Q5 Explain Co-operative form of organization?


    Co-operative Form of Organization

    A co-operative organization is defined as "an association of persons, usually to achieve a common

    economic end, through the formation of a democratically controlled business organization, making

    equitable contributions to the capital required and accepting a fair share or risk and benefits of the



    Voluntary association

    The capital of a co-operative society is procured by way of share capital from its members.

    Democratic setup

    Ideal of service

    Member's liability

    The co-operatives received special incentives from the government such as the exemption

    from income tax

    Separate legal existence


    Ease of formation

    Democratic on management liability of the members is limited

    the balance of the sUl'plus earned in any year, the funds can well be utlised for its growth

    Tax incentives

    Perpetual existence

    Social service

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    Limited capital

    Excessive state regulation

    Inefficiency management

    Lack of motivation

    Examples are Amul, Handlooms, FCI etc

    Q6 Explain public enterprises and their types

    Public Enterprises and Their Types

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  • 7/31/2019 Mefa - Mech III - Civil - II - Unit-5


  • 7/31/2019 Mefa - Mech III - Civil - II - Unit-5


    Problems faced by Public Enterprises

  • 7/31/2019 Mefa - Mech III - Civil - II - Unit-5


    Q7 Explain Changing Business Environment in Post-Liberalization Scenario
