Meet Puppet's new product lineup 12/7/2017

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Transcript of Meet Puppet's new product lineup 12/7/2017

Automation for the Modern Enterprise

7 December 2017

Welcome & introductions

Eric Sorenson

Director of Product Management

Mike Smith

Sales Engineer

What we’re covering today

How Puppet can help scale your automation success

New product offerings

Partnerships and ecosystem updates

Confidential - do not


The Journey toPervasive Automation

Using a common language

Across everything, no matter where it runs

Puppet’s vision for automation

know what you have control it and

enforce consistency

secure it and keep it


modernize it

Learn what you have and see where to start with Puppet Discovery

Quickly identify all of the services that are running across your hybrid landscape

Discover Traditional


Discover Cloud


Once you know what you have, manage it with











Discover Containers and

Cloud Native Services



Discovery leads to insights leads to action



Introducing Puppet Discovery

▪ Agentless service discovery — AWS EC2,

Containers, Physical hosts

▪ Instantly bring your unmanaged resources

under Puppet management

▪ Actionable intuitive views across your

hybrid landscape

▪ Delivered as turnkey and auto-updating



▪ Shipped at PuppetConf

▪ Delivered as a software appliance that is

capable of live updates

▪ General Availability will be early next year

Get Hands On with Puppet Discovery

Automate Ad Hoc Work With Puppet Tasks

Puppet excels at modern automation

• Model your desired state

• Continually monitor and enforce

desired configurations

• Automatically remediate any

unexpected changes or drift

Model-driven approach helps scale your automation footprint across your organization

But sometimes you just need to make point in time changes

Quickly troubleshooting systems & devices

Deploying one-off changes to individual systems

Executing sequenced actions as part of a deployment workflow

Stopping and restarting services where there may be multiple changes in state

Migrating databases

Introducing Puppet Tasks.

Easily automate ad hoc tasks.Eliminate manual work.

Puppet Bolt Puppet Enterprise

Task Management

Puppet Tasks comes in two flavors

Automate tasks across smaller

infrastructures with a simple, agentless,

extensible open source task runner

Get scale, governance and flexibility for

larger organizations & infrastructures

Puppet Bolt

• Simple

• Quickly get started automating manual,

repetitive work

• Agentless

• Simply connect to devices remotely and

execute scripts written in any framework

• Extensible

• Start automating simple tasks and simplify

adoption of Puppet Enterprise

Open source, agentless task runner to automate ad hoc work

Puppet Enterprise Task Management

Powerful ad hoc task automation and visibility for larger infrastructures and teams

• Scale

• Instantly run tasks across tens of thousands

of nodes

• Governance

• Control who runs which tasks

• View audit histories of every action taken

• Flexibility

• Run tasks from web UI, API or CLI

• Filter and target infrastructure for task runs

Get started faster with modules that enable tasks

Pre-written modules on Puppet Forge enable you to quickly begin automating

• Learn about Puppet Tasks

• Find modules with pre-built tasks

• Read in-line documentation about tasks

• Learn how to write tasks

• Contribute tasks as Puppet modules

Run your existing scripts as tasks in Puppet

• Wrap commands and scripts in any

language and execute them as tasks

• Gain control and visibility into ad hoc work

across your infrastructure

• Use Puppet as secure, scalable way to

manage, version, delegate and execute

infrastructure as code

What’s new in Puppet Enterprise 2017.3


Puppet Platform 5

Performance and new functionality with clean backwards compatibility

Package Inspector v1.1

Easier for you to browse and search for packages on nodes managed by Puppet

Enhanced Japanese language support

Translation of additional features and supporting resources

Puppet Pipelines


Puppet Pipelines

Orchestrating and automating the entire software delivery lifecycle

Puppet Enterprise

Puppet Pipelines

Puppet Pipelines for Applications

Build and deploy containers to virtual machines on any cloud

access controls and audit trails • automate deployments and pipelines with gates

dashboards for complete visibility • integrated build system • cloud server

management and provisioning • notifications to Slack, Hipchat and email • on cloud

and on-premises

Puppet Pipelines for Containers

create and manage Kubernetes clusters anywhere • deploy to Kubernetes • build

Docker images • automate pipelines to Kubernetes clusters • track every event on

your apps

Build containers and deploy to Kubernetes on any cloud

Puppet Container Registry

local and remote repositories • audit trails • automated push pipelines

access control • image locality • teams • single sign-on

A Docker registry for the modern world

Partnerships & Ecosystem Updates


Strategic partnership to drive enterprise DevOps transformation


New App and Integration

Splunk App and

Add-On for Puppet


Splunk ITSI Module

for Puppet Enterprise

Ingest and analyze data from their Puppet environments.

Trigger a Puppet job when an ITSI notable event is detected.

Now available on Splunkbase

Gain insights and take action directly from within Splunk

Splunk ITSI Module for Puppet

Trigger a Puppet job when an ITSI notable event is detected.

Splunk App and Add-On for Puppet Enterprise

Ingest and analyze data from your Puppet environments.

New app and integration

Google Cloud Platform

Updates to Google Cloud modules on

Puppet Forge:

● gcompute module to include VPN

and load balancing

● Adding Puppet Tasks to gcompute,

gsql, gstorage, and possibly

gcontainer modules

New modules for:

● PubSub - message broker service

● Cloud Spanner - DB service

● StackDriver - logging service

Manage (more) Azure infrastructure

azure_vm { 'ssd-example':

ensure => present,

location => 'centralus',

image =>


user => 'azureuser',

password => 'Password_!',

size => 'Standard_DS1_v2',

resource_group => 'puppetvms',

storage_account_type => 'Premium_LRS',


The updated Azure module

● Disk storage improvements

● Better support for networking

● Azure tags


Manage container platforms and applications

Container platforms

Distributed container applications Helm


The official puppetlabs/docker module

● Replaces puppetlabs/docker_platform module

● Now supports Code Manager!

New features

● Deploy distributed container applications with Docker


● Support for Docker configuration secrets


Deploy and manage Kubernetes

● From new compute resource to Kubernetes cluster in

one step

● Deploy Kubernetes controllers and workers

Deploy apps on Kubernetes

● Deploy distributed apps on Kubernetes with Helm

● Deploy and manage the Helm service and repositories


Puppet Forge with Tasks Puppet Bolt PE Task Management

Start with Bolt and you can...

run a single command

run an inline shell script

transfer files

install puppet

run puppet resource

run a Puppet task

run a Puppet task plan

It's standalone and simple to use

Single download - no agent or puppet

infrastructure required

Puppet Tasks

Start with Puppet Enterprise,

and you can...

delegate running tasks via RBAC

see an audit history of past

orchestration jobs

scale to 10K’s of nodes

Drive automation with a GUI workflow,

command-line or API

Start with the Forge and you


learn about Puppet Tasks

find modules with pre-built tasks

read in-line documentation about tasks

download the puppet development kit

learn how to author tasks

contribute tasks as puppet modules


Puppet Task Runner

Puppet Task Runner CLI - "bolt"


Ad-hoc tasks with governance, scalability, and a graphical workflow


Puppet Enterprise: Task Execution


Puppet Enterprise: Task Results


Puppet Pipelines for Applications

Puppet Pipelines for Applications

provides automation from every commit

to every deployment to ensure that

your IT and engineering teams are

consistently shipping software and

delivering customer value on time.

Access controls and audit trails

Fine-grained access control and detailed audit trails ensure up-to-date information on who deployed what

and when. Users & Groups ensure that only authorized members of your team can deploy to your

production servers.

Automated deployments and pipelines with gates

Automated deployments and pipelines with Approvals and Gates ensure that the correct versions of

software flow through your stack fast while still ensuring the highest level of control.

Dashboards for complete visibility

Give your teams a complete picture of your entire stack and power to move software from dev and test to

production with one click. One-click rollbacks ensure the lowest mean time to recover (MTTR).

Integrated build system

Puppet Pipelines for

Applications includes an

integrated build system that

connects to your source

repositories either on-

premises or in the cloud.

Cloud server management and visibility

See a comprehensive list of

all your servers and virtual

machines, regardless of

their location in your public,

private, or hybrid cloud or

on-premises data center.

Puppet 5 Platform

● New unified major major versions and release cadence

● Backwards compatibility to 3.x agents and 4.x modules

● Performance improvements via JSON and Ruby updates

● Internationalization support and UTF-8 clean Puppet

Puppet Platform

Puppet Agent Puppet Server PuppetDB

Puppet Platform


Hiera 5

Puppet PlatformPuppet Platform

Even easier to extend and understand

● Greater visibility of where data comes from

● Per-environment data hierarchies

● Data hierarchies included in Puppet modules

● Easy to make use of external data sources


Japanese Language Support

Puppet Enterprise Support Lifecycle

