Meet me halfway

Post on 04-Aug-2015

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Transcript of Meet me halfway


Concept Statement

Meet me halfway

• Users

• People who have meetings with others but cannot decide

where to meet

• Main Function

• Recommends places that are fair for every member of the


• Navigate the users to their destination

by assisting the planning process of meeting it becomes

a tool that helps the communication to be successful

• Conclude negotiations

• Analyze groups’ information

• Each member’s loacation(GPS)

• Purpose of the meeting

• Recommend places(Maximum 3)

• Give information of surroundings

• landmarks, popular sites

• Helps to search for wanted facilities

Choose a Place to meet


• Route Guidance

• Analyze each member’s information

• Means of transportation

• Shortest time(distance) or Least transfer

• Recommend routes

• Give precise direction of the route

• from current location to the destination

Choose a Route

• each member’s route demands similar amount of time



Cultural Probes

Participants recruiting plan

• 6 to 8 people

• Of different age, gender, residence, field and personality

• How

• Search around people near me

• Ask other people when more people are needed

Probing Package design

• Subway line map + Stickers

• Camera + Facebook

• Bottle with little papers


• with song ‘Meet me halfway’ by Black Eyed Peas

Subway line map + Stickers

• Mark specific places on the map with stickers • Location of you, your friends and people you meet often

• The first place you met your friends

• Places with special memory

• Places you usually meet people

• Places you prefer to meet people

Shows the conditions people

consider when meeting others

Camera + SNS

• Take pictures with your smartphone camera and

upload it on SNS, with brief comments • Places with special memory

• Places you usually meet people

• Places you prefer to meet people

• Then send a your SNS address to me

Shows the example of places where people

usually go while meeting people

Message in bottle

• Messages with questions inside a bottle • Where do you usually meet people? Why?

• Where do you prefer to meet people? Why?

• Who do you usually meet? Why?

• Who do you like to meet? Why?

• What do you consider when choosing places to meet?

• Do you argue with people while planning meetings? Why?


• ‘Meet me Halfway’ by Black Eyed Peas • Listen to the music while going through the probe

• Save notes of any kind of comment inside


• Each participants receive a package

• Go home and open the package

• Follow the instructions

• Open the music file in the USB and turn on the music

• Open the map and start checking locations

• Do what ever you planned, when you have a meeting take a camera(or

mobile-phone), take pictures (members, place etc), and up load on SNS

with brief explanation

• Open the bottle, unroll the paper and check the questions, then write


• Write comments and save it in the USB

• Send the package back to me

Context mapping




• Participants

• Age

• 10’s ~ 50’s

• Gender

• Job

• Diverse areas

• Residence

• Personality

• External or Internal

• Room setting

• Board

• Nametag

• Note & pen

• Drinks & snacks

• Things for the session

• Subway map

• Pocket Photo


• Recall Memories

• Note

• Think about recent meetings and scribble on note

• Members, location, purpose, transportation etc

• Photographs

• Go through phone gallery and SNS


• Map

• Mark location with

stickers on subway map

• Location of meetings

• Residence of members

• Locations one prefers

• Photographs

• Find photos of meetings

• With members

• Meeting places

• Print the photos

• With pocket photo

• Write about the photos

• With whom

• Where

• Why

• Discussion

• Talk about the location and photos

• Freely discuss about given questions

• How do you choose the locations?

• How do you think about the process?

• How do you usually get to the location?


Action Time Checklist

Introduction 05 min Tell the participants about session’s goal and feel free to talk

Ice-breaking 20 min Self-introduction (name, job, anything to say)

Short game (ex. Bingo – 3x3, about places I went recently)

Warm up 25 min Think of recent meetings (through photographs)

Talk a about on of the meetings

Part 1 05 min Mark locations on the map

Part 2 10 min Print photographs and add any information to it

Part 3 30 min


- Talk about the locations & photographs

- Talk about the given questions

Wrap up 05 min Opinions about the session



Main page

• Friend list

• Linked with the list in

user’s phone

Main page

• Group list

Main page

• Map

• Current location

• Route to the destination

• Bookmarks

• Places that are visited often

• Recently visited place

Main page

• Setting

• Transportation preference

• Means of transportation

• Time vs transfer

• Time vs

Making group

• Choose friends from the

friend list


• Main page

• Schedule of meetings


• Group setting

• Group name

• Purpose

• Members


• New meeting

• Title

• Time

• Wanted facility

• Recommendation

Thank you