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Introducing C# and the .NET Framework 1-1

Module 1

Introducing C# and the .NET Framework

Contents: Lesson 1: Introduction to the .NET Framework 4 1-4

Lesson 2: Creating Projects Within Visual Studio 2010 1-16

Lesson 3: Writing a C# Application 1-33

Lesson 4: Building a Graphical Application 1-44

Lesson 5: Documenting an Application 1-58

Lesson 6: Debugging Applications by Using Visual Studio 2010 1-66

Lab: Introducing C# and the .NET Framework 1-78

1-2 Programming in C# with Microsoft® .Visual Studio® 2010

Module Overview

Microsoft® Visual Studio® 2010 and the Microsoft .NET Framework 4 provide a comprehensive development platform to enable you to build, debug, deploy, and manage applications.

This module describes the purpose of the .NET Framework 4, and how to build applications by using Visual Studio 2010.


After completing this module, you will be able to:

Explain the purpose of the .NET Framework 4.

Create Microsoft Visual C#® projects by using Visual Studio 2010.

Explain the structure of a Visual C# application.

Use the Windows® Presentation Foundation (WPF) Application template to build a simple graphical application.

Introducing C# and the .NET Framework 1-3

Use XML comments to document an application.

Use the debugger to step through a program.

1-4 Programming in C# with Microsoft® .Visual Studio® 2010

Lesson 1

Introduction to the .NET Framework 4

This lesson introduces the .NET Framework 4, and describes the key concepts of .NET and some of the tools that are provided to help simplify development.


After completing this lesson, you will be able to:

Describe the purpose of the .NET Framework 4.

Describe the role of Visual C# for writing the code for .NET Framework 4


Describe the purpose of an assembly.

Explain how the common language runtime (CLR) compiles and runs


Describe the tools that the .NET Framework 4 provides.

Introducing C# and the .NET Framework 1-5

What Is the .NET Framework 4?

Key Points

The .NET Framework 4 provides a comprehensive development platform that offers a fast and efficient way to build applications and services. Using Visual Studio 2010, developers can utilize the .NET Framework 4 to create a wide range of solutions that operate across a broad range of computing devices.

The .NET Framework 4 provides three principal elements: the CLR, the .NET Framework class library, and a collection of development frameworks.

The Common Language Runtime

The .NET Framework 4 provides an environment called the CLR. The CLR manages the execution of code and simplifies the development process by providing a robust and secure execution environment that provides common services such as memory management, transactions, interprocess communications, multithreading, and many other features.

1-6 Programming in C# with Microsoft® .Visual Studio® 2010

The .NET Framework Class Library

The .NET Framework 4 provides a library of reusable classes that developers can use to build applications. The classes provide a foundation of common functionality and constructs that help simplify application development and remove the requirement for developers to constantly reinvent logic. For example, the System.IO.File class contains functionality that enables developers to manipulate files on the Windows file system. In addition to using the classes in the .NET Framework class library, you can extend these classes by creating your own libraries of classes.

Development Frameworks

The .NET Framework 4 provides several development frameworks that you can use to build common types of applications. These frameworks provide the necessary components and infrastructure to get you started. The development frameworks include:

ASP.NET. Enables you to build server-side Web applications.

WPF. Enables you to build rich client applications.

Windows Communication Foundation (WCF). Enables you to build secure and reliable service-oriented applications.

Windows Workflow Foundation (WF). Enables you to build workflow solutions to fulfill the complex business requirements of modern organizations.

Question: What is the purpose of the .NET Framework 4, and the three main

components that it provides?

Additional Reading

For more information about the .NET Framework, see the Microsoft .NET page at

Introducing C# and the .NET Framework 1-7

The Purpose of Visual C#

Key Points

The CLR runs executable code that is generated by using a compiler. You can build applications for the .NET Framework by using any language that has a compiler that can generate executable code in the format that the CLR recognizes. Visual Studio 2010 provides compilers for C++, Visual Basic, F#, and C#. Compilers for other languages are available from a variety of third-party vendors.

C# is the language of choice for many developers. It uses a syntax that is very similar to C, C++, and Java, and has several extensions and features that are designed for operation with the .NET Framework. Because of its heritage, many developers who are familiar with other programming languages find C# easy to learn and can be productive very quickly.

The C# language has been standardized and is described by the ECMA-334 C# Language Specification. Several vendors apart from Microsoft produce C# compilers. The Microsoft implementation is called Visual C#, and is integrated into Visual Studio. Visual Studio supports Visual C# with a full-featured code editor, compiler, project templates, designers, code wizards, a powerful and easy-to-use debugger, and other tools. C# is also available from Microsoft as Visual C# Express

1-8 Programming in C# with Microsoft® .Visual Studio® 2010

Edition, which provides a subset of the features that are provided with Visual Studio.

Note: C# is an evolving language. Visual C# 2010 uses C# 4.0, which contains several

extensions to the C# language that are not yet part of the ECMA standard.

Question: Which programming languages have you used?

Additional Reading

For more information about the Microsoft implementation of Visual C# 2010, see the Visual C# page

For more information about the new features of C# 4.0, see the What's New in Visual C# 2010 page at

Introducing C# and the .NET Framework 1-9

What Is an Assembly?

Key Points

When you compile a Visual C# application by using Visual Studio 2010, the compiler generates an executable file that the CLR can run. This file is called an assembly. An assembly contains code in an intermediate format called Microsoft intermediate language (MSIL). All compilers for the .NET Framework generate code in this format, regardless of the programming language that was used to write an application. This enables the CLR to run code in the same way, regardless of the language that the developer used.

Assemblies are the building blocks of .NET Framework applications; they form the fundamental unit of deployment, version control, reuse, and security.

You can think of an assembly as a collection of types and resources that work together and form a logical unit of functionality. An assembly provides the CLR with the information that it needs to be aware of type implementations.

An assembly can be of two types: an executable program, or a library that contains executable code that other programs can reuse. By using a library, developers can modularize the development of their applications into logical components.

1-10 Programming in C# with Microsoft® .Visual Studio® 2010

Typically, when you are distributing assemblies to customers as part of your application, you will want to ensure that the assembly contains versioning information, and that the assembly is signed.

Versioning your assemblies is important because ultimately, any applications that you build will have multiple releases. Versioning information can help you identify which versions customers already have and enable you to perform the necessary steps to upgrade the application. Similarly versioning information can also help when documenting and fixing bugs.

Signing your assemblies is equally important because it ensures that your assembly cannot easily be modified or replaced by an alternative implementation from a malicious source, and because it gives the assembly a strong name.

Information such as the assembly version and security identity is stored as metadata in an assembly manifest. The manifest also contains metadata that describes the scope of the assembly, and any references to classes and resources. The manifest is typically stored in a portable executable (PE) file.

Assembly Versioning

Assembly version information is stored in the assembly manifest and is used with the assembly name and culture to derive the assembly’s identity. An assembly version number consists of the following:

Major version number

Minor version number

Build number

Revision number

Assembly Signing

Assembly signing is an important step that developers should include in their build process because it provides the following benefits:

It protects assemblies from modification.

It enables you to include the signed assembly in the Global Assembly Cache (GAC), so you can share the assembly with multiple applications.

It guarantees that the name of the assembly is unique.

To sign your assembly, you can use the Sign Tool that is provided with the .NET Framework, or you can use the assembly-signing functionality in Visual Studio 2010.

Introducing C# and the .NET Framework 1-11

Question: Why would you choose to distribute an assembly rather than distribute

the source code?

Additional Reading

For more information about the purpose and features of assemblies, see the Assemblies in the Common Language Runtime page at

For more information about assembly versioning, see the Assembly Versioning page at

For more information about assembly signing, see the SignTool.exe (Sign Tool) page at

1-12 Programming in C# with Microsoft® .Visual Studio® 2010

How the Common Language Runtime Loads, Compiles, and Runs Assemblies

Key Points

Assemblies contain MSIL code, which is not executable. When you run a .NET Framework application, the CLR loads the MSIL code from an assembly and converts it into the machine code that the computer requires.

The CLR is a fundamental component of the .NET Framework. It handles code execution and provides useful services for application development. The CLR contains several components that perform the following tasks when you run a .NET Framework application:

1. The Class Loader locates and loads all assemblies that the application requires. The assemblies will already be compiled into MSIL.

2. The MSIL-to-native compiler verifies the MSIL code and then compiles all assemblies into machine code ready for execution.

Introducing C# and the .NET Framework 1-13

Note: The CLR performs the verification step because it is possible to write your own

MSIL code. If you use a C# compiler, the MSIL code will be valid, but the CLR cannot

make any assumptions.

3. The Code Manager loads the executable assembly and runs the Main method.

4. The Garbage Collector provides automatic lifetime memory management of all objects that your application creates. The Garbage Collector disposes of any objects that your application is no longer using.

5. The Exception Manager provides structured exception handling for .NET applications, which is integrated with Windows structured exception handling.

Question: What steps does the CLR perform when you run your application?

1-14 Programming in C# with Microsoft® .Visual Studio® 2010

What Tools Does the .NET Framework Provide?

Key Points

The .NET Framework provides several tools to help simplify the development of .NET applications. The following table describes some of the key tools.

Tool Description

Code Access Security Policy Tool (Caspol.exe)

Enables users to modify the machine, user, and enterprise security policy. This can include defining a custom permission set and adding assemblies to the full trust list.

Certificate Creation Tool (Makecert.exe)

Enables users to create x.509 certificates for use in their development environment. Typically, you can use these certificates to sign your assemblies and define Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) connections.

Global Assembly Cache Tool (Gacutil.exe)

Enables users to manipulate the assemblies in the GAC. This can include installing and uninstalling assemblies in the GAC so that multiple applications can access them.

Introducing C# and the .NET Framework 1-15

Tool Description

Native Image Generator (Ngen.exe)

Enables users to improve the performance of .NET applications. The Native Image Generator improves performance by precompiling assemblies into images that contain processor-specific machine code. The CLR can then run the precompiled images instead of using just-in-time (JIT) compilation. Alternatively, if you use JIT compilation, your code is compiled just before it is executed.

MSIL Disassembler (Ildasm.exe) Enables users to manipulate assemblies, such as determining whether an assembly is managed, or disassembling an assembly to view the compiled MSIL code.

Strong Name Tool (Sn.exe) Enables users to sign assemblies with strong names. The Strong Name Tool includes commands to create a new key pair, extract a public key from a key pair, and verify assemblies.

Question: You have created two applications that both use an assembly called

Contoso.ReportGenerator.dll. Both applications will run on the same machine.

What is the best approach to share the Contoso.ReportGenerator.dll assembly

and which tool would you use?

Additional Reading

For more information about the tools that the .NET Framework provides, see the .NET Framework Tools page at

1-16 Programming in C# with Microsoft® .Visual Studio® 2010

Lesson 2

Creating Projects Within Visual Studio 2010

This lesson introduces you to Visual Studio 2010 and describes how it can help simplify the development of .NET applications through the use of predefined application templates, and features of the integrated development environment (IDE).


After completing this lesson, you will be able to:

Describe the features that are available in Visual Studio 2010 that aid programming productivity.

Describe the various project types that Visual Studio 2010 supports and when to use them.

Describe the primary files that are found in most Visual Studio solutions.

Introducing C# and the .NET Framework 1-17

Explain how to create a console application by using the Console Application template in Visual Studio 2010.

Use Visual Studio to compile and run an application.

1-18 Programming in C# with Microsoft® .Visual Studio® 2010

Key Features of Visual Studio 2010

Key Points

Visual Studio 2010 presents a single development environment that enables you to rapidly design, implement, build, test, and deploy various types of applications and components by using a range of programming languages.

Some of the key features of Visual Studio 2010 are:

Intuitive integrated development environment. The Visual Studio 2010 IDE

provides all of the features and tools that are necessary to design, implement,

build, test, and deploy applications and components.

Rapid application development. Visual Studio 2010 provides design views for

graphical components that enable you to build complex user interfaces easily.

Alternatively, you can use the Code Editor views, which provide more control.

Visual Studio 2010 also provides wizards that help speed up the development

of particular components.

Introducing C# and the .NET Framework 1-19

Server and data access. Visual Studio 2010 provides the Server Explorer, which

enables you to log on to servers and explore their databases and system

services. It provides a familiar way to create, access, and modify databases that

your application uses.

Debugging features. Visual Studio 2010 provides a debugger, which enables you

to step through local or remote code, pause at breakpoints, and follow

execution paths.

Error handling. Visual Studio 2010 provides the Error List window, which

displays any errors, warnings, or messages that are produced as you edit and

build your code.

Help and documentation. Visual Studio 2010 also provides help and guidance

through Microsoft IntelliSense®, code snippets, and the integrated help system,

which contains documentation and samples.

Question: What are the main reasons why you may choose Visual Studio 2010

over a text editor such as Notepad++?

1-20 Programming in C# with Microsoft® .Visual Studio® 2010

Templates in Visual Studio 2010

Key Points

Visual Studio 2010 supports the development of different types of applications such as Windows-based client applications, Web-based applications, services, and libraries. To help you get started, Visual Studio 2010 provides several application templates that provide a structure for the different types of applications. These templates:

Provide starter code that you can build on to quickly create a functioning


Include supporting components and controls that are relevant to the project


Configure the Visual Studio 2010 IDE to the type of application that you are


Add references to any initial assemblies that this type of application usually


Introducing C# and the .NET Framework 1-21

Types of Templates

The following table describes some of the common application templates that you can use when you develop .NET Framework applications by using Visual Studio 2010.

Template Description

Console Application Provides the environment settings, tools, project references, and starter code to develop an application that runs in a command-line interface. This type of application is considered lightweight compared to the Windows Forms application template because there is no graphical user interface.

WPF Application Provides the environment settings, tools, project references, and starter code to build a rich graphical Windows application. A WPF application enables you to create the next generation of Windows applications, with much more control over user interface design.

Class Library Provides the environment settings, tools, and starter code to build a .dll assembly. You can use this type of file to store functionality that you might want to invoke from many other applications.

Windows Forms Application Provides the environment settings, tools, project references, and starter code to build a graphical Windows Forms application.

ASP.NET Web Application Provides the environment settings, tools, project references, and starter code to create a server-side, compiled ASP.NET Web application.

ASP.NET MVC 2 Application Provides the environment settings, tools, project references, and starter code to create a Model-View-Controller (MVC) Web application. An ASP.NET MVC Web application differs from the standard ASP.NET Web application in that the application architecture helps you separate the presentation layer, business logic layer, and data access layer.

Silverlight Application Provides the environment settings, tools, project references, and starter code to build a rich, graphical Web application.

1-22 Programming in C# with Microsoft® .Visual Studio® 2010

Template Description

WCF Service Application Provides the environment settings, tools, project references, and starter code to build Service Orientated Architecture (SOA) services.

Question: What project templates would you use for each of the following:

A client application that will run on a Windows-based computer.

A library of functionality that you want to use in other applications.

A Web site that you will host on an Internet Information Services (IIS) Web server.

Introducing C# and the .NET Framework 1-23

The Structure of Visual Studio Projects and Solutions

Key Points

Visual Studio 2010 uses solutions and projects as conceptual containers to organize your source files during development. Categorizing your source files in this way simplifies the build and deployment process for your .NET Framework applications.

Visual Studio Projects

A project is used to organize source files, references, and project-level configuration settings that make up a single .NET Framework application or library. When you create a project in Visual Studio, the project is automatically organized into a solution.

The following table describes some of the common file types that you will find in a Visual Studio project.

1-24 Programming in C# with Microsoft® .Visual Studio® 2010

File Description

.cs Code files that can belong to a single project solution. This type of file can represent any of the following:


Windows Forms files

Class files

.csproj Project files that can belong to multiple project solutions. The .csproj file also stores settings for the project, such as the output path for the build output and the target platform.

.aspx Files that represent ASP.NET Web pages. An ASP.NET file can contain your Visual C# code or you can use an accompanying .aspx.cs file to store your code in addition to the page markup.

.config Configuration files are XML-based files that you can use to store application-level settings such as database connection strings, which you can then modify without recompiling your application.

.xaml XAML files are used in WPF and Microsoft Silverlight® applications to define user interface elements.

Visual Studio Solutions

A single Visual Studio solution is a container for one or more projects. By default, when you create a new project, Visual Studio automatically creates a solution for the project. You can add additional projects to a solution. This is useful if, for example, you are building a library assembly and an application that tests this library. You can build and compile both projects as part of the same solution rather than having to run multiple instances of Visual Studio.

A solution can also contain project-independent items that any of the projects in the solution can use. For example, an ASP.NET solution can contain a single cascading style sheet (.css) file that applies a standard look and feel to any of the included ASP.NET projects.

Categorizing multiple projects into a single Visual Studio solution provides the following advantages:

It enables you to work on multiple projects within a single Visual Studio 2010


It enables you to apply configuration settings globally to multiple projects.

Introducing C# and the .NET Framework 1-25

It enables you to deploy multiple projects within a single solution.

The following table describes the solution definition files.

File Description

.sln A Visual Studio 2010 solution file that provides a single point of access to multiple projects, project items, and solution items. The .sln file is a standard text file, but it is not recommended to change it outside Visual Studio 2010.

.suo A solution user options file that stores any settings that you have changed to customize the Visual Studio 2010 IDE.

Question: What role does the .sln file play in Visual Studio solutions?

1-26 Programming in C# with Microsoft® .Visual Studio® 2010

Creating a .NET Framework Application

Key Points

The application templates that Visual Studio 2010 provides enable you to start creating an application with minimal effort. You can then add your code and customize the project to meet your own requirements.

The following steps describe how to create a console application.

Create a new console project by using the Console Application

template in Visual Studio 2010

1. Open Visual Studio 2010.

2. On the File menu, point to New, and then click Project.

3. In the New Project dialog box, specify the following settings for the project,

and then click OK:

a. In the Installed Templates list, under Visual C#, click Windows.

b. In the center pane, click Console Application.

Introducing C# and the .NET Framework 1-27

c. In the Name box, specify a name for the project.

d. In the Location box, specify the path where you want to save the project.

Programmer Productivity Features

Visual Studio 2010 provides a host of features that can help you to write code. When writing code, developers need to recall information about many program elements. Instead of manually looking up information by searching help files or other source code, the IntelliSense feature in Visual Studio provides the information that developers need directly from the editor. IntelliSense provides the following features:

Quick Info. The Quick Info option displays the complete declaration for any identifier in your code. Move the mouse so that the cursor rests on an identifier to display Quick Info for that identifier, which appears in a yellow pop-up box.

Complete Word. The Complete Word option types the rest of a variable, command, or function name after you have entered enough characters to disambiguate the term. Type the first few letters of the name and then press ALT+RIGHT ARROW or CTRL+SPACEBAR to complete the word.

Often, when you are building a .NET Framework application, you will need to repeat common constructs in your code. Examples might be a loop, or code to handle exceptions. Code snippets are designed to ease the burden of having to implement such common code by providing boilerplate code templates that can be readily inserted into your code and amended to suit your needs. You can access these code snippets by using the Code Snippet Picker.

You can manage code snippets by using the Code Snippet Manager dialog box, which is available on the Tools menu. The Code Snippet Manager enables you to add new code snippets by specifying new folders that the Code Snippet Picker will look in for code snippets; by importing code snippets; or by searching for code snippets online. The Code Snippets Manager is also useful for discovering the shortcut key sequence that is associated with a code snippet.

Finally, Visual Studio 2010 provides a host of other features on the shortcut menu that appears when you right-click a code statement. These include Refactor, Organize, Create Unit Tests, Go To Definition, Find All References, and Outline. These features will be covered in more detail in later modules.

1-28 Programming in C# with Microsoft® .Visual Studio® 2010

Question: What is the purpose of code snippets?

Introducing C# and the .NET Framework 1-29

Building and Running a .NET Framework Application

Key Points

Visual Studio provides an integrated environment that enables you to quickly compile and run your applications.

You can also build and run an application from the command line if you do not have Visual Studio available.

The following steps describe how to build and run an application.

Build and run an application in Visual Studio 2010

The following steps assume that you have created a new console application.

1. In Visual Studio 2010, on the Build menu, click Build Solution.

2. On the Debug menu, click Start Debugging.

1-30 Programming in C# with Microsoft® .Visual Studio® 2010

Build an application from the command line

The following steps assume that you have created a new console application called MyProject, which is saved in the C:\Users\Student\Documents \Visual Studio 2010\MyProject\ folder.

1. Click Start, point to All Programs, click Microsoft Visual Studio 2010, click

Visual Studio Tools, and then click Visual Studio Command Prompt


2. In the Visual Studio Command Prompt window, type the text in the following

code example, and then press ENTER.

csc.exe /t:exe /out:"C:\Users\Student\Documents\Visual Studio

2010\MyProject\myApplication.exe" "C:\Users\Student\Documents\Visual

Studio 2010\MyProject\*.cs"

3. Right-click the Start menu, click Open Windows Explorer, and then move to

C:\Users\Student\Documents\Visual Studio 2010\MyProject\.

The MyProject folder should now contain the myApplication.exe executable assembly, which you can run.

Question: Describe two ways to build and run a .NET Framework application.

Introducing C# and the .NET Framework 1-31

Demonstration: Disassembling a .NET Framework Assembly

Key Points

Run an existing .NET Framework application.

Open Ildasm.

Disassemble an existing .NET Framework assembly.

Examine the disassembled .NET Framework assembly.

Demonstration Steps

1. Log on to the 10266A-GEN-DEV virtual machine as Student with the password Pa$$word.

2. Run MyFirstApplication.exe in the E:\Demofiles\Mod1\Demo1 folder, and examine the applications output.

3. Close MyFirstApplication.exe.

4. Run ildasm.exe in the C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs \Windows\v7.0A\bin folder.

1-32 Programming in C# with Microsoft® .Visual Studio® 2010

5. Using ildasm, open the MyFirstApplication.exe in the E:\Demofiles\Mod1\Demo1 folder, and then inspect the contents of the MyFirstApplication assembly. Examine the following items:

The public key token and the version number in the assembly Manifest.

The constructor and Main method in the MyFirstApplication.Program node.

6. Close ildasm.exe.

Question: When developing a .NET Framework application, how would you find

Ildasm useful?

Introducing C# and the .NET Framework 1-33

Lesson 3

Writing a C# Application

This lesson describes the structure of a simple C# application, and how a C# application contains one or more classes. This lesson describes how to reference functionality that is defined in classes in other assembles and libraries, and how you can use the Console class in the .NET Framework class library to perform simple input and output operations. Finally, this lesson explains how and why you should add comments to your applications.


After completing this lesson, you will be able to:

Describe how Visual C# uses namespaces and classes.

Describe the structure of an application.

Perform input and output operations by using methods that the Console class provides.

Apply best practices commenting a Visual C# application.

1-34 Programming in C# with Microsoft® .Visual Studio® 2010

What Are Classes and Namespaces?

Key Points

Visual C# is an object-oriented language that uses classes and namespaces to modularize .NET Framework applications into logical components.

A class is essentially a blueprint that defines the characteristics of an entity, and includes properties that define the types of data that the object can contain and methods that describe the behavior of the object. A namespace represents a logical collection of classes. Classes are stored in assemblies, and a namespace is simply a device to disambiguate classes that might have the same name in different assemblies.

For example, the System.IO namespace includes the following classes that enable you to manipulate the Windows file system. However, you could create classes with the same name under your own namespace:




Introducing C# and the .NET Framework 1-35



To use a class that is defined in the .NET Framework, perform the following tasks:

1. Add a reference to the assembly that contains the compiled code for the class.

2. Bring the namespace that contains the class into scope.

If you are writing a .NET Framework application to write text to a new file on the file system, you can bring the System.IO namespace into scope and then use the WriteAllText method of the File class.

To bring a namespace into scope in a Visual C# application, you can use the using statement. The following code example shows how to bring the System, System.IO, and System.Collections namespaces into scope.

using System;

using System.IO;

using System.Collections;

The using statement is simply a convenience and you can manage without it. For example, you can use System.Console rather than Console.

Question: In your console application, you want to use the Console class, which

is part of the System namespace. How do you bring the System namespace into


1-36 Programming in C# with Microsoft® .Visual Studio® 2010

The Structure of a Console Application

Key Points

When you create a new console application by using the Console Application template, Visual Studio 2010 performs the following tasks:

It creates a new .csproj file to represent the console project and structure all of the default components in a console project.

It adds references to the assemblies in the .NET Framework class library that console applications most commonly require. This set of assemblies includes the System assembly.

It creates the Program.cs file with a Main method, which provides an entry point into the console application.

The Program.cs file that Visual Studio 2010 creates resembles the following code example.

Introducing C# and the .NET Framework 1-37

using System;

namespace MyFirstApplication


class Program


static void Main(string[] args)





The following table describes the code items in the Program.cs file.

Code item Description

using System; Brings the System namespace into scope.

namespace MyFirstApplication




Defines a new namespace called MyFirstApplication. Typically, in a new project, this defaults to the project name.

class Program




Defines a new internal class called Program.

static void Main(string[] args)




Defines a new private static Main method with a void return type that accepts a parameter of type string array.

What Is the Main Method?

Every .NET Framework application that compiles into an executable file must have a Main method. This method provides the CLR with an entry point into the application. When you run a .NET Framework application, the Main method is the first method that the CLR executes.

1-38 Programming in C# with Microsoft® .Visual Studio® 2010

When you develop your .NET Framework applications, it is good practice to keep the Main method lightweight, and let it serve as just an entry point, not a container for most of the logic in your application.

The Main method has the following significant characteristics:

It is private. This means that it is not visible to other classes outside the Program class.

It uses the static key, so it can be called without creating an instance of the Program class.

It uses the void return type, so it is a method that does not return data.

It accepts data in the form of a string array. Therefore, when you run the console application, any command-line arguments that you provide will be available in the args parameter.

Question: In your console application, you have a method called Main. What is

the purpose of the Main method?

Additional Reading

For more information about command-line arguments, see the Main() and Command-Line Arguments (C# Programming Guide) page at

Introducing C# and the .NET Framework 1-39

Performing Input and Output by Using a Console Application

Key Points

The System namespace provides the Console class, which contains several methods that enable you to add basic console I/O functionality to an application, such as accepting input and displaying data.

The following table describes some of the key methods that the Console class provides.

Method Description

Clear() Clears the console window and console buffer of any data. The following code example provides an example of this.

using System;


Console.Clear(); // clears the console display

1-40 Programming in C# with Microsoft® .Visual Studio® 2010

Method Description

Read() Reads the next character from the console window. The following code example provides an example of this.

using System;


int nextCharacter = Console.Read();

ReadKey() Reads the next character or key press from the console window. The following code example provides an example of this.

using System;


ConsoleKeyInfo key = Console.ReadKey();

ReadLine() Reads the next line of characters from the console window. The following code example provides an example of this.

using System;


string line = Console.ReadLine();

Write() Writes the text to the console window. The following code example provides an example of this.

using System;


Console.Write("Hello there!");

WriteLine() Writes the text followed by a line break to the console window. The following code example provides an example of this.

using System;


Console.WriteLine("Hello there!");

Question: Which two methods would you use to do the following:

Display the message "Please press any key" on a new line.

Capture the key that the user pressed.

Introducing C# and the .NET Framework 1-41

Additional Reading

For more information about the Console class, see the Console Class page at

1-42 Programming in C# with Microsoft® .Visual Studio® 2010

Best Practices for Commenting C# Applications

Key Points

It is good programming practice to begin all procedures with a brief comment that describes the functional characteristics of the procedure. This is for your own benefit and the benefit of anyone else who examines the code.

In Visual C#, comments begin with two slash marks (//). Comments can follow a statement on the same line, or occupy an entire line. Both are illustrated in the following code example.

// This is a comment on a separate line.

string message = "Hello there!"; // This is an inline comment.

The Comment and Uncomment Toolbar Buttons

You can add or remove comment symbols for a block of code by selecting the lines of code and choosing the Comment or Uncomment buttons on the Text Editor toolbar.

Introducing C# and the .NET Framework 1-43

Commenting Guidelines

As your code becomes more complex, use comments to make your code more readable and easier to maintain. You should use comments to explain the purpose of a section of code in natural language, especially when the purpose might not be obvious or clear.

The following list provides some guidelines regarding when you should comment your code:

Begin procedures with a comment block. This block should include information such as the purpose of the procedure, the value returned, the arguments, and so on.

In longer procedures, use comments to break up units of work within the procedure.

When you declare variables, use a comment to indicate how the variable will be used.

When you write a decision structure, use a comment to indicate how the decision is made and what it implies.

Question: Why is it important for you to comment your code?

1-44 Programming in C# with Microsoft® .Visual Studio® 2010

Lesson 4

Building a Graphical Application

This lesson introduces you to applications that have a graphical user interface, and provides the example of a WPF application.

This lesson also explains what WPF is, how WPF applications are structured, and how you can create your own WPF applications by using Visual Studio 2010.


After completing this lesson, you will be able to:

Describe the purpose of WPF.

Describe the structure of a WPF application.

Describe the controls that WPF provides, and how to set control properties.

Describe the concept of events, and how WPF controls use events.

Explain how to build a simple WPF application by using Visual Studio 2010.

Introducing C# and the .NET Framework 1-45

What Is WPF?

Key Points

Windows Presentation Foundation is the unified graphical subsystem for Windows that provides the foundation for building applications and high-fidelity experiences. It unifies how Windows creates, displays, and manipulates documents, media, and user interfaces. This enables you to create visually stunning user experiences.

Features of Windows Presentation Foundation

The main features of Windows Presentation Foundation are:

Extensive support for client application development. Developers can create eye-

catching, highly functional applications. WPF includes several text-rendering

features such as OpenType and TrueType.

Ease of user interface design. WPF provides a set of built-in controls. It uses the

concept that there is a logical separation of a control from its appearance,

which is generally considered to be a good architectural principle.

1-46 Programming in C# with Microsoft® .Visual Studio® 2010

Use of XAML. XAML enables developers to use an XML-based model to

declaratively manipulate the object model. XAML is faster and easier to

implement than procedural code. XAML is used to define the user interface in

a WPF application.

Support for interoperability with older applications. Developers can use WPF

inside existing Win32 code or existing Win32 code inside WPF.

Question: Why would you choose to use WPF to create an application instead of

Windows Forms?

Additional Reading

For more information about what WPF is, see the Introduction to WPF page at

Introducing C# and the .NET Framework 1-47

The Structure of a WPF Application

Key Points

When you create a new WPF application by using the WPF Application template, Visual Studio 2010 performs the following tasks:

It creates a new .csproj file to represent the WPF project and structure all of the default components in a WPF project.

It adds references to the necessary assemblies, which include the PresentationCore, PresentationFramework, System, System.Core, and System.Xaml assemblies.

It creates the App.xaml markup file and an App.xaml.cs code-behind file, which you can use to define application-level resources and functionality.

It creates the MainWindow.xaml markup file and the MainWindow.xaml.cs code-behind file, which you use as a starting point to building your first WPF window.

The default markup that is generated in the MainWindow.xaml markup file is shown in the following code example.

1-48 Programming in C# with Microsoft® .Visual Studio® 2010

<Window x:Class="WpfApplication1.MainWindow"



Title="MainWindow" Height="350" Width="525">




This markup defines a simple window with a default title, width, and height. You can change these properties by editing the XAML code, or by using the Properties window in Visual Studio. You can also change these properties dynamically, by using code when the application runs. The Grid control governs the layout of controls that you add to the window. If you want to use an alternative layout, you can replace the markup for the Grid control with a different layout control.

The default markup that is generated in the App.xaml markup file is shown in the following code example.

<Application x:Class="WpfApplication1.App"







Note that the Application element contains a StartupUri attribute that points to the window that you want to open when the application runs.

Both the App.xaml and MainWindow.xaml markup files use XAML to represent resources and user interface elements. XAML is a markup language for declarative application programming. Using the XAML markup at design time enables you to separate the user interface design from the application logic, which is stored in code-behind files. XAML directly represents the instantiation of managed objects.

Question: Can you think of any other markup languages that behave in a similar

way to XAML?

Introducing C# and the .NET Framework 1-49

The WPF Control Library

Key Points

WPF includes a rich library of controls that you can use to build your WPF applications. The controls that are included in the library are common user interface components that you would typically find in every Windows-based application, such as the button and the text box. You can also define your own custom controls.

WPF Common Controls

The following table describes some of the commonly used controls in the WPF control library. It also provides a simple XAML example for each, showing the common properties that you can set at design time.

1-50 Programming in C# with Microsoft® .Visual Studio® 2010

Control Description XAML example

Button The Button control represents a typical clickable button that you would find in most Windows applications.

<Button Name="myButton"





Click Me


Canvas The Canvas control represents a layout panel that enables you to position child controls absolutely.

<Canvas Background="Black"

Height="200" Width="200">

<!-- Child controls -->


ComboBox The ComboBox control represents a drop-down list that a user can scroll through and make a selection from.

<ComboBox Name="myComboBox">


Item a



Item b



Grid The Grid control represents a flexible table that can contain multiple columns and rows. You typically use the Grid control to position child controls.

<Grid ShowGridLines="True"

Width="200" Height="200">


<ColumnDefinition />

<ColumnDefinition />



<RowDefinition />


<!-- Child controls -->


Label The Label control represents a read-only text block that you could use to display some static text.

<Label Name="myLabel">



Introducing C# and the .NET Framework 1-51

Control Description XAML example

StackPanel The StackPanel control enables you to stack child controls horizontally or vertically.




<Label>Item 1</Label>

<Label>Item 2</Label>

<Label>Item 3</Label>


TextBox The TextBox control represents an editable field that you can use to display and capture text.

<TextBox Name="myTextBox">


Note that you can also define controls dynamically by using Visual C# in your code-behind file.

WPF Control Properties

Each control in WPF has an associated set of properties that you can use to define the appearance and behavior of a control. For example, most controls have a Height property and a Width property that specify the dimensions of the control, and a Margin property that indicates where the control should appear relative to the layout control it is contained within.

You can set control properties:

In the XAML window declaratively by editing the XAML directly.

In the Properties window. This approach modifies the XAML definition of a control on your behalf.

At run time, by using Visual C# code. This approach does not change the XAML definition of any controls.

Question: You are building a simple form to capture user credentials and enable

users to log on. Which controls could you use to build this form?

Additional Reading

For more information about the controls in the WPF control library, see the Control Library page at

1-52 Programming in C# with Microsoft® .Visual Studio® 2010

WPF Events

Key Points

When you create a WPF, ASP.NET, or Windows Forms application in Visual Studio 2010, you create an event-driven application. Event-driven applications execute code in response to an event. Each form and control that you create exposes a predefined set of events. When one of these events occurs, and there is code in the associated event handler, that code is invoked.

Handling Events

You can specify the events that a control responds to at design time by editing the XAML definition of a control (you specify the event and the name of an event-handling method to run when the event occurs). Alternatively, you can use the Events tab in the Properties window (this technique modifies the XAML definition of a control automatically).

You must provide the methods that handle the events by using code in the code-behind file.

The following code examples show the XAML markup for a Button control with a Click event handler, and the C# code that defines the event handler. When the

Introducing C# and the .NET Framework 1-53

user clicks the button, the myButton_Click method is called. The parameters to the myButton_Click method are defined by WPF, and they are populated with information about the button and the event at run time.

[XAML control declaration]

<Button Name="myButton" Click="myButton_Click">ClickMe</Button>

[Visual C# event handler]

private void myButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)


// Code to do something goes here.


The following code examples show how you can define a closing event handler for a Window control.

[XAML control declaration]

<Window x:Class="WpfApplication.MainWindow" Name="myWindow"



Title="MainWindow" Height="350" Width="525"



[Visual C# event handler]

private void myWindow_Closing(object sender,

System.ComponentModel.CancelEventArgs e)


// Code to do something goes here.


Question: When you develop your WPF applications, what two ways can you use

to specify events for controls?

1-54 Programming in C# with Microsoft® .Visual Studio® 2010

Building a Simple WPF Application

Key Points

You can create a WPF application in Visual Studio 2010 by using the WPF Application template.

Create a new WPF application

1. Click Start, point to All Programs, click Microsoft Visual Studio 2010, and then click Microsoft Visual Studio 2010.

2. In Visual Studio 2010, on the File menu, click New, and then click Project.

3. In the New Project dialog box, perform the following, and then click OK:

In the center pane, click WPF Application.

In the Name box, type a name for your WPF application.

In the Location box, type a path where you would like to save your project.

Download from

Introducing C# and the .NET Framework 1-55

Add controls to the WPF application

1. On the View menu, click Toolbox.

2. In the Toolbox window, double-click the control that you want to add to your application.

3. You can then use the Design window or the XAML window to customize the control.

Set control properties

1. In the Design window, click the control that you want to customize.

2. You can then set the properties as follows:

Switch to the XAML window, and then edit the XAML directly.

Switch to the Properties window, and then set the predefined properties.

Note: You can also set properties in Visual C# by using the Code Editor window.

Add event handlers to controls

1. In the Design window, click the control that you want to add an event handler to.

2. In the Properties window, on the Events tab, double-click the event that you want to add, for example, a Click event handler for a button.

Add code to the WPF application

1. In the Solution Explorer window, right-click the XAML file that you want to add code to, and then click View Code.

2. You can then use the Code Editor window to define the logic behind your controls.

Question: What windows in Visual Studio 2010 do you typically use when you

are building your applications?

1-56 Programming in C# with Microsoft® .Visual Studio® 2010

Demonstration: Building a Simple WPF Application

Key Points

Create a new WPF application.

Add controls to the WPF application.

Set the properties for the controls.

Add code to the application.

Build and run the application.

Demonstration Steps

1. Open Microsoft Visual Studio 2010.

2. In Visual Studio 2010, create a new project with the following characteristics:

Type: WPF Application

Name: MyFirstWpfApp

Introducing C# and the .NET Framework 1-57

Location: E:\Demofiles\Mod1\Demo2\Starter

3. Use the Toolbox to add a button control to the application.

4. Examine the XAML mark-up generated by Visual Studio 2010.

5. Use the Properties window to set the following properties for the button control:

FontSize: 20

Height: 50

Width: 150

6. Use the XAML window to perform the following:

In the Button element, set the Content attribute to Click Me.

In the Window element, set the Height attribute to 150.

In the Window element, set the Width attribute to 190.

7. Use the Events tab in the Properties window to generate a Click event handler for the button control.

8. Open the MainWindow.xaml.cs file, and in the ClickMeButton_Click method add the following code:

... private void ClickMeButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { MessageBox.Show("You clicked me!!"); } ...

9. Build and run the application.

Question: When you are developing a WPF application in Visual Studio 2010,

what are the two main ways in which you can set properties for WPF controls?

1-58 Programming in C# with Microsoft® .Visual Studio® 2010

Lesson 5

Documenting an Application

This lesson introduces XML comments and explains how you can use them when you are developing your .NET applications. This lesson also shows how to build a formatted help file by using the Sandcastle tool.


After completing this lesson, you will be able to:

Describe what XML comments are and how you can use them in .NET applications.

Describe some of the commonly used XML comment tags.

Explain how to generate an XML documentation file and how to use Sandcastle to generate a formatted help file by using this XML documentation file.

Introducing C# and the .NET Framework 1-59

What Are XML Comments?

Key Points

In Visual Studio 2010, you can add comments to your source code that will be processed to an XML file. This file can then be the input to a process that creates Help documentation for the classes in your code. You can also use an XML file to support IntelliSense on your component.

Inline comments are part of the Visual C# standard, whereas XML comments are a Microsoft extension and are typically used by third-party tools such as Sandcastle Help File Builder.

XML Documentation Comments

Documentation comments in Visual C# begin with three slash marks (///) followed by an XML documentation tag.

In the following code example, the Hello class contains <summary> and <seealso> documentation tags.

1-60 Programming in C# with Microsoft® .Visual Studio® 2010

/// <summary> The Hello class prints a greeting on the screen

/// </summary>

public class Hello


/// <summary> We use console-based I/O. For more information about

/// WriteLine, see <seealso cref="System.Console.WriteLine()"/>

/// </summary>

public static void Main( )


Console.WriteLine("Hello World");



Question: Why would you use XML comments rather than standard comments?

Additional Reading

For more information about XML comments, see the XML Documentation Comments (C# Programming Guide) page at

Introducing C# and the .NET Framework 1-61

Common XML Comment Tags

Key Points

There are several suggested XML tags that you can use. You can also create your own custom tags. The following table shows some XML tags and their uses.

Tag Purpose

<summary> … </summary> Provides a brief description. Use the <remarks> tag for a longer description.

<remarks> … </remarks> Provides a detailed description. This tag can contain nested paragraphs, lists, and other types of tags.

<example> … </example> Provides an example of how a method, property, or other library member should be used. It often involves the use of a nested <code> tag.

<code> … </code> Indicates that the enclosed text is application code.

<returns> … </returns> Documents the return value and type of a method.

1-62 Programming in C# with Microsoft® .Visual Studio® 2010

Question: Which tag would you use to provide a detailed description of a


Additional Reading

For more information about XML comment tags, see the Recommended Tags for Documentation Comments (C# Programming Guide) page at

Introducing C# and the .NET Framework 1-63

Generating Documentation from XML Comments

Key Points

You can compile the XML tags and documentation into an XML file by selecting the XML documentation file check box in the Properties window for a project, or by using the /doc command-line switch when you build an application that has embedded XML comments.

If there are no errors, you can view the XML file that is generated by using an application such as Windows Internet Explorer®, and you can generate a help file by using a tool such as Sandcastle.

Note: Sandcastle is not provided as part of Visual Studio, but it is available separately

from the CodePlex Web site.

Generate an XML file by using Visual Studio 2010

1. In Solution Explorer, right-click a project, and then click Properties.

2. In the Properties window, on the Build tab, select the XML documentation file check box.

1-64 Programming in C# with Microsoft® .Visual Studio® 2010

Generate an XML file by using csc.exe

1. Click Start, point to All Programs, click Microsoft Visual Studio 2010, click Visual Studio Tools, and then click Visual Studio Command Prompt (2010).

2. In the Visual Studio Command Prompt (2010) window, type the command in the following code example.

csc.exe /t:exe /doc:"C:\Users\Student\Documents\Visual Studio

2010\MyProject\myComments.xml" /out:"C:\Users\Student\Documents\Visual

Studio 2010\MyProject\myApplication.exe"

"C:\Users\Student\Documents\Visual Studio 2010\MyProject\*.cs"

Note: The /doc switch instructs the compiler to generate an XML file that contains the

XML comments.

The XML that the compiler generates should resemble the following code example.

<?xml version="1.0"?>






<member name="T:Hello">

<summary> The Hello class prints a greeting on the screen



<member name="M:Hello.Main">

<summary> We use console-based I/O. For more information

about WriteLine,

see <seealso cref="M:System.Console.WriteLine"






Introducing C# and the .NET Framework 1-65

Generate a .chm file by using Sandcastle Help File Builder

Now that you have an XML file that contains the comments that were extracted from your project, you can create a .chm file by using a tool such as Sandcastle Help File Builder.

1. Click Start, point to All Programs, click Sandcastle Help File Builder, and then click Sandcastle Help File Builder GUI.

2. In Sandcastle Help File Builder, on the File menu, click New Project.

3. In the Save New Help Project As dialog box, perform the following, and then click Save:

a. Browse to the path where you want to save the project.

b. Specify a name for the Sandcastle project.

4. In the Project Explorer window, right-click Documentation Sources, and then click Add Documentation Source.

5. In the Select the documentation source(s) dialog box, browse to the XML file folder, and then click Open.

6. On the Documentation menu, click Build Project.

Wait for the project to successfully build. This will take a minute.

Question: Which switch do you need to provide to get csc.exe to produce XML


Additional Reading

For more information about Sandcastle Help File Builder, see the Sandcastle Help File Builder page at

1-66 Programming in C# with Microsoft® .Visual Studio® 2010

Lesson 6

Debugging Applications by Using Visual Studio 2010

In this lesson, you will learn how to use Visual Studio 2010 to help you debug your applications. You will learn how to use the Debug toolbar, breakpoints, and debug windows to examine your application and step through application code at run time.


After completing this lesson, you will be able to:

Describe the functions that Visual Studio 2010 provides to aid debugging.

Explain how to set, disable, enable, and remove breakpoints.

Explain how to step into, step over, and step out of code.

Describe how to use the debug windows to examine information about an application.

Introducing C# and the .NET Framework 1-67

Debugging in Visual Studio 2010

Key Points

Debugging is an essential part of application development. You may notice errors as you write code, but some errors—especially logic errors—may only occur in specific circumstances that you do not test for. Users may report these errors to you, and you will have to correct them.

Visual Studio 2010 provides several tools to help you debug code. You might use these while you develop code, during a test phase, or after the application has been released. You will use the tools in the same way regardless of the circumstances.

You can run an application with or without debugging enabled. When debugging is enabled, your application is said to be in Debug mode. To access the numerous debug functions, including the ability to step through code line by line, you can use the controls on the Debug menu, the controls on the Debug toolbar, and keyboard shortcuts.

Debug Controls

The following table lists the main debug controls on the Debug menu and the Debug toolbar, and the corresponding keyboard shortcuts.

1-68 Programming in C# with Microsoft® .Visual Studio® 2010

Menu option Toolbar button Keyboard shortcut Description



Start/continue F5 This button is available when your application is not running and when you are in break mode. It will start your application in Debug mode or resume the application if you are in break mode.

Break All Break all CTRL+ALT+BREAK This button causes application processing to pause and break mode to be entered. The button is available when an application is running.



Stop SHIFT+F5 This button stops debugging. It is available when an application is running or in break mode.

Restart Restart CTRL+SHIFT+F5 This button is equivalent to stop followed by start. It will cause your application to be restarted from the beginning. It is available when an application is running or in break mode.

Step Into Step into F11 This button is used for stepping through code. See the next topic in this lesson.

Step Over Step over F10 This button is used for stepping through code. See the next topic in this lesson.

Step Out Step out SHIFT+F11 This button is used for stepping through code. See the next topic in this lesson.

Windows Windows Various This button enables access to various debug windows, each of which has its own shortcut key.

Introducing C# and the .NET Framework 1-69

Question: What are some of the debug functions that Visual Studio 2010


1-70 Programming in C# with Microsoft® .Visual Studio® 2010

Using Breakpoints

Key Points

When you run an application in Debug mode, you can pause execution and enter break mode. In break mode, no further execution takes place until you restart the application or step through the code line by line. You can also view and change variable values, execute additional code or evaluate expressions, and more. When you are in break mode, the current line of code is indicated by a yellow arrow in the gray bar to the left of the code and by a yellow background for the next statement due to be executed.

The Break All debug function enables you to enter break mode. However, this function does not give you much control over exactly where code execution pauses.

Breakpoints enable you to choose exactly where code execution will pause. If you place a breakpoint on a line of code, the application will enter break mode as soon as that line of code is reached, before it executes that line of code.

Introducing C# and the .NET Framework 1-71

Set a breakpoint

1. Locate the line of code where you want to set a breakpoint.

2. Add a breakpoint by using one of the following steps:

a. Click the gray bar to the left of the line of code.

b. Position the cursor on the line of code, and then press F9.

c. Position the cursor on the line of code, and then, on the Debug menu, click Toggle Breakpoint.

d. Right-click the line of code, point to Breakpoint, and then click Insert Breakpoint.

The breakpoint is indicated by a solid red circle in the gray bar to the left of the code and by a red background for the line of code that contains the breakpoint.

Disable or enable a breakpoint

1. Locate a line of code that has an enabled or disabled breakpoint.

2. Disable or enable the breakpoint by using one of the following steps:

a. Right-click the solid red circle in the gray bar to the left of the line of code, and then click Disable Breakpoint or Enable Breakpoint.

b. Right-click the line of code that contains the breakpoint, point to Breakpoint, and then click Disable Breakpoint or Enable Breakpoint.

c. If the breakpoint is disabled, click the solid red circle to the left of the code to enable it.

Disabled breakpoints are indicated by a red circle outline in the gray bar to the left of the code and a red outline around the code that contains the breakpoint.

Remove a breakpoint

1. Locate a line of code that has a breakpoint.

2. Remove the breakpoint by using one of the following steps:

a. If the breakpoint is enabled, click the solid red circle in the code to the left of the code to remove it.

b. Position the cursor on the line of code, and then press F9.

1-72 Programming in C# with Microsoft® .Visual Studio® 2010

c. Position the cursor on the line of code, and then, on the Debug menu, click Toggle Breakpoint.

d. Right-click the line of code, point to Breakpoint, and then click Delete Breakpoint.

e. Right-click the solid red circle in the gray bar to the left of the line of code, and then click Delete Breakpoint.

Question: How would you use the debug functions in Visual Studio 2010 to

debug your application and pause on a specific line of code?

Introducing C# and the .NET Framework 1-73

Stepping Through and Over Code

Key Points

You can step through code one statement at a time to see exactly how processing proceeds through your application. This is an extremely useful debugging technique because it enables you to test the logic that your application uses. Between statement executions, you can view and edit variable values. Each time your code reaches a branching statement such as a conditional statement, you can verify that the correct code executes and modify the code if it does not.

The various tools that you use to step through code enable you to step through code in exactly the way you want to. You can, for example, step through each line in each method that is executed, or you can ignore the statements inside a method that you know is working correctly. You can also skip over code completely, which prevents some statements from execution.

Step Into, Step Over, and Step Out

There are three debug functions that are essential for stepping through code. These are as follows:

1-74 Programming in C# with Microsoft® .Visual Studio® 2010

Step into. This function executes the statement at the current execution

position. If the statement is a method call, the current execution position will

move to the code inside the method. After you have stepped into a method,

you can continue executing statements inside the method one line at a time.

This also applies to properties. In addition, you can use the Step into function

to start an application in Debug mode. If you do this, the application will enter

break mode as soon as it starts.

Step over. As with Step into, the Step over function executes the statement at

the current execution position. However, this function does not step into code

inside a method or property. Instead, the code inside the method or property

is executed and the executing position moves to the statement after the

method call or property access. The exception to this is where the code for the

method or property contains a breakpoint. If this is the case, execution will

continue up to the breakpoint.

Step out. The Step out function enables you to execute the remaining code in

a method, property accessor, or loop. Execution will continue to the statement

that called the method or accessed the property, or to the statement following

the loop code. Execution will pause at this point.

Skipping Code

In break mode, the next statement to be executed is indicated by a yellow arrow in the gray bar to the left of the code and a yellow background for the statement. You can override this and set a different statement as the next one to execute. To do this, right-click the statement that you want to be executed next, and then click Set next statement. The arrow and yellow background will move to the statement that you have chosen.

If you use this technique, you should be aware that you will change the way in which your application works. If you skip important code such as variable assignments or critical method calls, you risk introducing errors that would not otherwise occur. You should skip statements with caution.

Continuing and Restarting

When you have finished stepping through your code, you can return to Debug mode with the start/continue functions. Execution will then continue until you

Introducing C# and the .NET Framework 1-75

enter break mode again, either with the Break all button or if the code encounters a breakpoint.

If you want to terminate the application and then run it again in Debug mode, you can use the Restart function. This is useful if you want to test the code that executes when an application first runs or any code that is only executed once when an application is used.

Question: Why would you use the Step into and Step over debug functions?

1-76 Programming in C# with Microsoft® .Visual Studio® 2010

Using the Debug Windows

Key Points

Visual Studio 2010 includes several windows that you can use to help debug your applications. These windows are available at run time, mostly in break mode.

The following table describes some of the commonly used debug windows in Visual Studio 2010.

Window Description

QuickWatch This is a modal window that enables you to evaluate variables and expressions. Type variable names or expressions in Expression, and then click Reevaluate to view the value and type of the variable or the result of the expression. Click Close to exit the QuickWatch window.

Locals This window enables you to view and edit local (in-scope) variables. You can expand variables, view members, and edit the contents of some variables in the Value column.

Introducing C# and the .NET Framework 1-77

Window Description

Immediate This window enables you to evaluate expressions, execute statements, and print out variable values. You can use this window to issue Visual Studio 2010 commands such as Debug.Print? to print the value of a variable or expression.

Output In this window, you can view error and information messages. One of the main uses of this window is to view traces from your applications by using the System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine() method.

Memory This window enables you to examine and edit the contents of the memory that an application uses. This is an advanced function and can cause your application to behave unpredictably if you do not use this window carefully.

Call Stack This window enables you to view the stack of method calls that are used to reach the current code location. The current position is shown at the top of the window, and the series of calls that the application has processed to reach this location is shown below.

Modules This window enables you to view information about the modules (assemblies and executable files) that an application uses. Each module is listed along with its location, version, and other information.

Processes In this window, you can view information about the processes that the debugger is attached to.

Threads In this window, you can examine and control threads in an application.

Question: Why would you use the Locals and Immediate windows when

developing your application?

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<Button Margin="20,20,29,74" Name="button1">

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<ListBox Name="listbox1" VerticalAlignment="Top">

<CheckBox Name="Chk1">Option 1</CheckBox>

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<CheckBox Name="Chk3">Option 3</CheckBox>

<CheckBox Name="Chk4">Option 4</CheckBox>


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<TreeViewItem Header="Jim"/>

<TreeViewItem Header="Mark"/>

<TreeViewItem Header="Ray"/>


<TreeViewItem Header="Girl's Names">

<TreeViewItem Header="Betty"/>

<TreeViewItem Header="Libby"/>

<TreeViewItem Header="Janet"/>

<TreeViewItem Header="Sandra"/>






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<CheckBox Content="Sausage"/>

<CheckBox Content="Mushroom"/>

<CheckBox Content="Tomato"/>

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<CheckBox Content="Mustard"/>

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Module 2: Working With Controls 1


� Creating an Event Handler for a Control

� Using Windows Forms Controls

� Using Dialogs

� Validating User Input

� Creating Controls at Run Time

� Creating Menus

*****************************ILLEGAL FOR NON-TRAINER USE******************************

When you design the user interface (UI) and develop the code that operates behind the UI of an application, you will need to work with controls and their events, properties, and methods to meet the design requirements that you have been given.

This module covers how to create event procedures (handlers) in your application that will run in response to user actions. You will learn how to add programming logic to the event procedures of a control, how to use the Windows Forms intrinsic controls, dialog boxes, and menus, and how to validate the data entered by users of your application.

After completing this module, you will be able to:

� Create an event handler for a control.

� Select and use the appropriate controls in a Windows Forms application.

� Use dialog boxes in a Windows Forms application.

� Validate user input in a Windows Forms application.

� Add controls to a form at run time.

� Create and use menus in a Windows Forms application.



2 Module 2: Working With Controls

Lesson: Creating an Event Handler for a Control

� Event Model in the .NET Framework

� What Are Delegates?

� What Is an Event Handler?

� How to Create Handlers for Control Events

� How to Add and Remove Event Handlers at Run Time

� Practice: Creating an Event Handler for a Control

*****************************ILLEGAL FOR NON-TRAINER USE******************************

In the .NET Framework, an event is a message sent by an object to signal the occurrence of an action that is either user invoked by a user or programmatically. Each event has a sender that raises the event and a receiver that handles the event.

In this lesson, you will learn about events and the ways in which events can be handled in your application. You will then learn how to create procedures that handle events and how to add and remove event handlers at run time.

After completing this lesson, you will be able to:

� Describe the event model in the .NET Framework.

� Create and use event handlers.

� Create event procedures using the Handles and WithEvents keywords.

� Add and remove handles from event procedures at run time.


Lesson objectives

Module 2: Working With Controls 3

Event Model in the .NET Framework


Invokes the


this.button1.Click += new


private void button1_Click(object

sender, System.EventArgs e)



Delegate calls the

associated procedureDelegateDelegateDelegate

this.button1.Click += new


*****************************ILLEGAL FOR NON-TRAINER USE******************************

In the .NET Framework, an event is used to signal the occurrence of an action. For example, this action could be user invoked, such as the Click event of a Button control, or the event could be raised programmatically to signal the end of a long computation. The object that raises (triggers) the event is referred to as the event sender. The procedure that handles the event is referred to as the event receiver. In either case, the sender does not know which object or method will respond to the events that it raises. Therefore, it is necessary to have a component that links the event sender with the event receiver. The .NET Framework uses a Delegate type to work as a function pointer between the sender and the event receiver. In most cases, the .NET Framework creates the delegate and takes care of the details for you. However, you can create your own delegates for the cases where you want an event to call different event handlers under different circumstances.

Delegates are objects that you can use to call the methods of other objects. Delegates are useful in situations where you need an intermediary between a calling procedure and the procedure being called. You create a Delegate class that is used as the base class for a Delegate type. Within the Delegate class, you create the methods that are used to respond to the event or events that the delegate handles.


Delegate class

4 Module 2: Working With Controls

What Are Delegates?

public delegate void AlarmEventHandler(objectsender, AlarmEventArgs e);

public delegate void AlarmEventHandler(objectsender, AlarmEventArgs e);

� Delegate

� Binds events to methods

� Can be bound to single or multiple methods

� When an event is recorded by an application

� The control raises the event by invoking the delegate for the event

� The delegate in turn calls the bound method

*****************************ILLEGAL FOR NON-TRAINER USE******************************

In the .NET Framework, delegates are used to hold a reference to the method that will handle an event. For example, an event occurs when a user clicks a button. The button raises a click event, but does not know what behavior you, the programmer, want to occur when the button is clicked, so the button has a delegate member to which you assign your own method for handling the event. You can use the same infrastructure that is used by the .NET Framework to create your own delegates.

A delegate is a data structure, derived from the Delegate Class, which refers to a static method or to a class instance and an instance method of that class. Using delegates is useful when your application must perform an action by calling a method but you do not know what that action will be.

Delegates allow you to specify at runtime the method to be invoked. Delegates are object-oriented, type-safe, and secure.

By convention, event delegates in the .NET Framework have two parameters, the source that raised the event and the data for the event. The following example shows an event delegate declaration:

public delegate void AlarmEventHandler(object sender,

AlarmEventArgs e);

Event delegates are multicast, which means that they can hold references to more than one event handling method. Delegates allow for flexibility and fine-grain control in event handling. A delegate acts as an event dispatcher for the class that raises the event by maintaining a list of registered event handlers for the event. For more information on Delegates, see “Delegate Class” in the Visual Studio .NET help.



Event delegate declaration

Module 2: Working With Controls 5

What Is an Event Handler?

� Event Handlers

� Methods bound to an event

� When the event is raised, the code within the event handler is executed

� Two Event Arguments with Event Handlers

� An object representing the object that raised the event

� An event object containing any event-specific information

private void button1_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)



private void button1_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)



*****************************ILLEGAL FOR NON-TRAINER USE******************************

Functionality is added to controls by raising and consuming events. Before your application can respond to an event, you must create an event handler. The event handler (event procedure) contains the program logic that runs when the event is raised.

An event handler is a method (generally a sub procedure) that is bound to an event. When the event is raised, the code within the event handler runs. You can use the same event handler to handle more than one event. For example, you can create a single event handler to handle events of a button and a menu item that are used for the same purpose. Similarly, if you have a group of RadioButton controls on a form, you could create a single event handler and have each control's Click event bound to the single event handler.

The following code example is an event handler for the Click event of a button.

private void button1_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)



The following code example shows how you can use a single event handler to handle events for multiple controls.



Example of event handler

6 Module 2: Working With Controls

// inside the Windows Form Designer generated code region

this.button1.Click += new


// add the event to button1_click handler

this.button2.Click += new


private void button1_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)



Each event handler provides two parameters that allow you to handle the event


� The first parameter (Sender in the previous code example), provides a

reference to the object that raised the event. It specifies the source that raised the event.

� The second parameter (e in the previous code example), passes an object specific to the event being handled. This parameter contains all of the data

that is required to handle the event.

Event handler parameters

Module 2: Working With Controls 7

How to Create Handlers for Control Events

private void button1_Click(object sender,

System.EventArgs e){

MessageBox.Show("MyHandler received the event");


private void button1_Click(object sender,

System.EventArgs e){

MessageBox.Show("MyHandler received the event");


� Use WithEvents keyword to declare object variables that will be used with the Handles statement

� Use the Handles keyword at the end of the procedure declaration

*****************************ILLEGAL FOR NON-TRAINER USE******************************

C# .NET uses the 'System.EventHandler += new …' syntax to define an event handler. The standard way to create an event handler in C# .NET is through the Properties pane of the control.

To create an event procedure for a control:

1. In the Designer view, click the control that you want to create an event

handler for.

2. In the Properties pane, click Event (the button displaying the lightning bolt).

3. Double-click the event that you want to handle. Code will be added to the Code view.

4. Add program logic to the event handler procedure using the supplied

arguments. The following code provides an example:

private void button1_Click(object sender,

System.EventArgs e)


MessageBox.Show("MyHandler received the event");




8 Module 2: Working With Controls

How to Add and Remove Event Handlers at Run Time

� To associate an event with an event handler at run time

� Use the AddHandler statement

� To remove the association of an event with an event handler at run time

� Use the RemoveHandler statement

this.button2.Click -= new System.EventHandler(this.button1_Click);

this.button2.Click -= new System.EventHandler(this.button1_Click);

this.button2.Click += new System.EventHandler(this.button1_Click);

this.button2.Click += new System.EventHandler(this.button1_Click);

*****************************ILLEGAL FOR NON-TRAINER USE******************************

In C# .NET, you can add and remove event handlers at run time by using the System.EventHandler += new … and System.EventHandler -= new


To add event handlers by using System.EventHandler += new … syntax:

1. Use the System.EventHandler += new … syntax to specify the name of

the event sender and receiver, as shown in the following code example:

// inside the Windows Form Designer generated code region

this.button1.Click += new


// add the event to button1_click handler

this.button2.Click += new


private void button1_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs




To remove event handlers by using System.EventHandler -= new …syntax:

• Use the System.EventHandler -= new …syntax to specify the name of the event sender and receiver.

// remove the event from button1_click


this.button2.Click -= new



Procedure: Adding event handlers using AddHandler

Procedure: Removing event handlers using RemoveHandler

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Private Sub TextBox1_KeyDown(ByVal sender As System.Object, _

ByVal e As System.Windows.Input.KeyEventArgs)

e.Handled = True

End Sub


private void textBox1_KeyDown(object sender, KeyEventArgs e)


e.Handled = true;


G#&&*$ HI ?*$>D1-0$D !"#$%& '$( !"#$% J'$(40$D !"#$%&'(' +-

A*%# %.'% %1$$#40$D #"#$%& '$( %.#0- 3'0-#( /1//40$D #"#$%& 9&1). '& >.$'0$1@$A:!1( '$(

@$A:!1(: &.'-# %.# &'+# 0$&%'$)# *, !"#$%*'$(#B.-)? B.1&M 0, =*1 &#% %.# C,(%4$% 3-*3#-%=

%* 3."$ *$ ' %1$$#40$D #"#$%M 0%& )*--#&3*$(0$D /1//40$D #"#$% '4&* 0& )*$&0(#-#( .'$(4#(

'$( 0& &133-#&&#(;

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%.# $#N% &#)%0*$

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Public Shared ReadOnly SuperClickEvent As RoutedEvent


public static readonly RoutedEvent SuperClickEvent;

#" ?-#'%# ' 6-'33#- ,*- %.# -*1%#( #"#$% %.'% #N3*&#& 0% '& ' %-'(0%0*$'4 ;A!B 8-'+#6*-C

#"#$%M '& &.*6$ 0$ %.0& #N'+34#I


Public Custom Event SuperClick As RoutedEventHandler

AddHandler(ByVal value As RoutedEventHandler)

Me.AddHandler(SuperClickEvent, value)

End AddHandler

'+( !"#$%&'( 5*-C0$D 60%. !"#$%& '$( ?*++'$(&

RemoveHandler(ByVal value As RoutedEventHandler)

Me.RemoveHandler(SuperClickEvent, value)

End RemoveHandler

RaiseEvent(ByVal sender As Object, _

ByVal e As System.Windows.RoutedEventArgs)


End RaiseEvent

End Event


public event RoutedEventHandler SuperClick




this.AddHandler(SuperClickEvent, value);




this.RemoveHandler(SuperClickEvent, value);



X&# ' (0,,#-#$% *'$(#B.-) )4'&& ,-*+ !"#$%*'$(#B.-)? \*1 +1&% (#-0"# ' $#6 )4'&&

,-*+ !"#$%*'$(#B.-) '$( )-#'%# ' $#6 (#4#D'%# %.'% 1&#& %.*&# #"#$% '-D1+#$%&;

$" X&# *'$(#+,(,-$. %* -#D0&%#- %.# $#6 #"#$% 0$ %.# )*$&%-1)%*- *, %.# )4'&& %.'% *6$&

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$#40$DM *- /1//40$D:M %.# %=3# *, (#4#D'%# %.'% .'$(4#& %.# #"#$%M '$( %.# %=3# *, %.#

)4'&& %.'% *6$& 0%; E$ #N'+34# 0& &.*6$ .#-#I


EventManager.RegisterRoutedEvent("SuperClick", _

RoutingStrategy.Bubble, GetType(RoutedEventArgs), GetType(Window1))



RoutingStrategy.Bubble, typeof(RoutedEventHandler), typeof(Window1));


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!"#$%*'$(#B.-) '$( 1&0$D %.# ,0)$*'$(# +#%.*(M '& &.*6$ .#-#I


Dim myEventArgs As New RoutedEventArgs(myControl.myNewEvent)



RoutedEventArgs myEventArgs = new RoutedEventArgs(myControl.myNewEvent);


G#&&*$ HI ?*$>D1-0$D !"#$%& '$( !"#$% J'$(40$D !"#$%&'(' +O

1"-/)$%&'/'1C/..G9-,-C'+,-%)'O/%0C-"\*1 )'$ 1&# %.# *'$(#+,(,-$. )4'&& %* -#D0&%#- ' )4'&&24#"#4 #"#$% .'$(4#-; E )4'&&24#"#4 #"#$%

.'$(4#- .'$(4#& ' 3'-%0)14'- #"#$% ,*- '44 0$&%'$)#& *, ' )4'&& '$( 0& '46'=& 0$"*C#( /#,*-#

0$&%'$)# .'$(4#-&; B.1&M =*1 )'$ &)-##$ '$( &133-#&& #"#$%& /#,*-# %.#= -#'). 0$&%'$)# .'$2

(4#-&; B.# ,*44*60$D 3-*)#(1-# (#&)-0/#& .*6 %* 0+34#+#$% ' )4'&&24#"#4 #"#$% .'$(4#-;

B* )-#'%# ' )4'&&24#"#4 #"#$% .'$(4#-I

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'& %.# #"#$%; E$ #N'+34# 0& &.*6$ .#-#I


Private Shared Sub SuperClickHandlerMethod(ByVal sender As Object, _

ByVal e As RoutedEventArgs)

' Handle the event here

End Sub


private static void SuperClickHandlerMethod(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)


// Handle the event here


#" F$ %.# &%'%0) )*$&%-1)%*- ,*- %.# )4'&& ,*- 6.0). =*1 '-# )-#'%0$D %.# )4'&&24#"#4 #"#$%

.'$(4#-M )-#'%# ' (#4#D'%# %* %.0& +#%.*(M '& &.*6$ .#-#I


Dim SuperClickHandler As New RoutedEventHandler( _

AddressOf SuperClickHandlerMethod)


RoutedEventHandler SuperClickHandler = new


$" E4&* 0$ %.# &%'%0) )*$&%-1)%*-M )'44 *'$(#+,(,-$.? $-0)#$.74,))C,(%4$. %* -#D0&%#- %.#

)4'&&24#"#4 #"#$% .'$(4#-M '& &.*6$ .#-#I


EventManager.RegisterClassHandler(GetType(Window1), _

SuperClickEvent, SuperClickHandler)




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&.*6 ' 60$(*6;

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'3340)'%0*$; \*1 )'$ .'$(4# '$ 1$.'$(4#( #N)#3%0*$

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E33;N'+4 90$ ?V: '$( ).**&# S0#6 ?*(# %* *3#$ %.# )*(# >4# ,*- %.# BHH408,#0!(


#" ?-#'%# ' +#%.*( %* .'$(4# %.# #"#$%M '& &.*6$ .#-#I


Private Sub App_Startup(ByVal sender As Object, _

ByVal e As StartupEventArgs)

' Handle event here

End Sub


void App_Startup(object sender, StartupEventArgs e)


// Handle the event here


G#&&*$ HI ?*$>D1-0$D !"#$%& '$( !"#$% J'$(40$D !"#$%&'(' +*

$" F$ ^E@G "0#6 ,*- %.# BHH408,#0!( */Y#)%M '(( %.# #"#$% .'$(4#- %* %.# E3340)'%0*$

(#)4'-'%0*$M '& &.*6$ 0$ /*4( .#-#I

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MessageBox.Show("Event raised by Window");

e.Handled = (bool)radioButton3.IsChecked;

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Private Sub myCommandHandler(ByVal sender As Object, _

ByVal e As ExecutedRoutedEventArgs)

' Handle the command here

End Sub


private void myCommandHandler(object sender, ExecutedRoutedEventArgs e)


// Handle the command here


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7!NN,(% */Y#)% /#0$D .'$(4#(;


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Dim abinding As New CommandBinding()

abinding.Command = ApplicationCommands.Find

AddHandler abinding.Executed, AddressOf myCommandHandler



CommandBinding abinding = new CommandBinding();

abinding.Command = ApplicationCommands.Find;

abinding.Executed += new ExecutedRoutedEventHandler(myCommandHandler);


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Executed="myCommandHandler" />



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7!NN,(%50(%0(-) )*44#)%0*$; B.0& 0& /#)'1&# )*++'$(&M 40C# -*1%#( #"#$%&M /1//4# 13

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Private Sub myCommandHandler(ByVal sender As Object, _

ByVal e As ExecutedRoutedEventArgs)

' Stops further Command bubbling

e.Handled = True

End Sub


private void myCommandHandler(object sender, ExecutedRoutedEventArgs e)


// Handle the command here

e.Handled = true;



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7,(*J$8"#$ #"#$%; B.# 7,(*J$8"#$ #"#$% 0& -'0&#( '% "'-0*1& 3*0$%& 0$ %.# )*1-&# *, '3340)'2

%0*$ #N#)1%0*$ %* (#%#-+0$# 6.#%.#- ' )*++'$( 0& 0$ ' &%'%# %.'% 6044 '44*6 #N#)1%0*$;

@#%.*(& %.'% .'$(4# %.# 7,(*J$8"#$ #"#$% 0$)41(# '$ 0$&%'$)# *,

7,(*J$8"#$ !"#$%*'$(#B.-) '& ' 3'-'+#%#-; B.0& )4'&& #N3*&#& ' 3-*3#-%= )'44#( 7,(*J$8"#$

%.'% 0& ' Q**4#'$ "'41#; F, 7,(*J$8"#$ 0& %-1#M %.# )*++'$( )'$ /# 0$"*C#(; F, 0% 0& ,'4&#M %.#

)*++'$( 0& (0&'/4#(; \*1 )'$ )-#'%# ' +#%.*( %.'% .'$(4#& %.# 7,(*J$8"#$ #"#$%M (#%#-2

+0$#& 6.#%.#- %.# '3340)'%0*$ 0& 0$ '$ '33-*3-0'%# &%'%# %* '44*6 )*++'$( #N#)1%0*$M '$(

&#%& $?7,(*J$8"#$ %* %.# '33-*3-0'%# "'41#;

B* .'$(4# %.# 7,(*J$8"#$ #"#$%I

!" ?-#'%# ' +#%.*( %* .'$(4# %.# 7,(*J$8"#$ #"#$%; B.0& +#%.*( &.*14( O1#-= %.# '32

340)'%0*$ %* (#%#-+0$# 6.#%.#- %.# '3340)'%0*$[& &%'%# 0& '33-*3-0'%# %* #$'/4# %.#

)*++'$(; E$ #N'+34# 0& &.*6$ .#-#I


Private canExecute As Boolean

Private Sub abinding_CanExecute(ByVal sender As Object, _

ByVal e As CanExecuteRoutedEventArgs)

e.CanExecute = canExecute

End Sub


bool canExecute;

void abinding_CanExecute(object sender, CanExecuteRoutedEventArgs e)


e.CanExecute = canExecute;


F$ %.0& #N'+34#M %.# +#%.*( -#%1-$& %.# "'41# -#3-#&#$%#( /= ' 3-0"'%# "'-0'/4# )'44#(

8,(*J$8"#$? 7-#&1+'/4=M %.# '3340)'%0*$ &#%& %.0& %* =,4)$ 6.#$#"#- 0% -#O10-#& %.# )*+2

+'$( %* /# (0&'/4#(;

#" T#% %.# 7,(*J$8"#$ .'$(4#- *$ 7!NN,(%50(%0(- %* 3*0$% %* %.0& +#%.*(M '& &.*6$



' Assumes that you have already created a CommandBinding called abinding

AddHandler abinding.CanExecute, AddressOf abinding_CanExecute


// Assumes that you have already created a CommandBinding called abinding

abinding.CanExecute += new CanExecuteRoutedEventHandler(abinding_CanExecute);

G#&&*$ KI ?*$>D1-0$D ?*++'$(& !"#$%&'(' ,*

E4%#-$'%0"#4=M )-#'%# ' $#6 /0$(0$D 0$ ^E@G '$( &3#)0,= %.# .'$(4#- %.#-#M '& &.*6$

.#-# 0$ /*4(I


<CommandBinding Command="ApplicationCommands.Find"


CanExecute="abinding_CanExecute" />


1"-/)$%&'1=.)!2'1!22/%0.E4%.*1D. ' 60(# "'-0#%= *, 3-##N0&%0$D )*++'$(& 0& '% =*1- (0&3*&'4M =*1 +0D.% 6'$% %* )-#2

'%# =*1- *6$ )1&%*+ )*++'$(&; B.# /#&% 3-')%0)# ,*- )1&%*+ )*++'$(& 0& %* ,*44*6 %.# #N2

'+34# &#% 0$ %.# ;A!B 8-'+#6*-C '$( )-#'%# &%'%0) )4'&&#& 90$ ?V: *- +*(14#& 90$ S0&1'4 Q'&0):

%.'% #N3*&# &%'%0) 0$&%'$)#& *, %.# )1&%*+ )*++'$(; B.0& 3-#"#$%& %.# )-#'%0*$& *, +14%034#

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0$ %.# &%'%0) )*$&%-1)%*- *, %.# )4'&&h,*- #N'+34#M 0, =*1 6'$% %* +'3 '$= 0$31% D#&%1-#&

%* %.# )*++'$(; B.# ,*44*60$D #N'+34# &.*6& .*6 %* )-#'%# ' &%'%0) )4'&& %.'% #N3*&#& ' )1&2

%*+ )*++'$( )'44#( ;,"(8FQ


Public Module MyCommands

Private launch_command As RoutedUICommand

Sub New()

Dim myInputGestures As New InputGestureCollection

myInputGestures.Add(New KeyGesture(Key.L, ModifierKeys.Control))

launch_command = New RoutedUICommand("Launch", "Launch", _

GetType(MyCommands), myInputGestures)

End Sub

Public ReadOnly Property Launch() As RoutedUICommand


Return launch_command

End Get

End Property

End Module


public class MyCommands


private static RoutedUICommand launch_command;

static MyCommands()


InputGestureCollection myInputGestures = new


myInputGestures.Add(new KeyGesture(Key.L, ModifierKeys.Control));

launch_command = new RoutedUICommand("Launch", "Launch",

typeof(MyCommands), myInputGestures);


public RoutedUICommand Launch




',/ !"#$%&'( 5*-C0$D 60%. !"#$%& '$( ?*++'$(&

return launch_command;




F$ %.0& #N'+34#M ' &%'%0) )4'&& *- +*(14# 0& )-#'%#( %* )*$%'0$ %.# )1&%*+ )*+2

+'$(M 6.0). 0& #N3*&#( %.-*1D. ' -#'(2*$4= 3-*3#-%=; F$ %.# &%'%0) )*$&%-1)%*-M ' $#6

O(H"#2$)#".$7!44$8#0!( )*44#)%0*$ 0& )-#'%#( '$( ' C#= D#&%1-# 0& '((#( %* %.# )*44#)%0*$;

B.0& )*44#)%0*$ 0& %.#$ 1&#( %* 0$0%0'40e# %.# 0$&%'$)# *, !"#$%IO7!NN,(% %.'% 0& -#%1-$#(

%.-*1D. %.# -#'(2*$4= 3-*3#-%=;



2"%20%6 781%)'5#+#$1%&'(%*9.'%/(."%/*:%")#%0*/#.:*,#%")*"%,'0"*20.%")#%,(."'/%,'//*0-%

"'%*0%6 78%0*/#.:*,#3%;)#%!'99'520<%:$',#-($#%-#.,$2=#.%)'5%"'%(.#%*%,(."'/%,'//*0-%

20%6 783

;'%(.#%*%,(."'/%,'//*0-%20%6 78>

!"% ?$#*"#%&'($%,(."'/%,'//*0-%*.%-#.,$2=#-%:$#+2'(.9&3

#"% --%*%0*/#.:*,#%/*::20<%"'%&'($% !"#$%%6 783%;)#%!'99'520<%#@*/:9#%-#/'0A

."$*"#.%)'5%"'%/*:%*%0*/#.:*,#%,*99#-% &'(&&)!*+,!$"-./012,$30$33+"#2/%B'"#%



<Window x:Class="Window1"




Title="Window1" Height="300" Width="300">

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$"% D.#%")#%0#59&%/*::#-%6 78%0*/#.:*,#%20%&'($%6 78%,'-#1%*.%.)'50%)#$#>

<Button Command="CustomCommands:MyCommands.Launch" Height="23"

HorizontalAlignment="Left" Margin="60,91,0,0" Name="Button1"

VerticalAlignment="Top" Width="75">Button</Button>

%&'()*(+ !"#$%&'(#( )*$+,( +,,#&-



+,+&(*-+ ! !"#$%&'(#( )*$+,( +,,#&-

!"% E$'/%")#%?F1%':#0%")#%:*$"2*9%.'9("2'0%!'$%")2.%#@#$,2.#3%

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B*/#%")#%0#5%2"#/% )*$+, +,,#&-*%*0-%,92,C%PQ3%R#"%")#%*,,#..%/'-2H#$%'!%")2.%


$"% 4!%&'(%*$#%5'$C20<%20%?L1%*--%")#%!'99'520<%12!"4%."*"#/#0"%"'%&'($%,9*..>

using System.Windows.Input;


."% --%*%$#*-A'09&%:$':#$"&%0*/#-%7#)&89%*0-%*%,'$$#.:'0-20<%/#/=#$%+*$2*=9#%")*"%



.#,/0"(+1(2%*)#0(3#*%4( +-"

Private launch_command As RoutedUICommand

Public ReadOnly Property Launch() As RoutedUICommand


Return launch_command

End Get

End Property

.#,/0"(+1( 5( +-"

private static RoutedUICommand launch_command;

public static RoutedUICommand Launch




return launch_command;



/"% --%*%,'0."$(,"'$%"'%&'($%/'-(9#%K20%N2.(*9%O*.2,M%'$%*%."*"2,%,'0."$(,"'$%"'%&'($%,9*..%




.#,/0"(+1(2%*)#0(3#*%4( +-"

Sub New()

Dim myInputGestures As New InputGestureCollection

myInputGestures.Add(New KeyGesture(Key.L, ModifierKeys.Control))

launch_command = New RoutedUICommand("Launch", "Launch", _

GetType(CustomCommands), myInputGestures)

End Sub

.#,/0"(+1( 5( +-"

static CustomCommands()


InputGestureCollection myInputGestures = new


myInputGestures.Add(new KeyGesture(Key.L, ModifierKeys.Control));

launch_command = new RoutedUICommand("Launch", "Launch",

typeof(CustomCommands), myInputGestures);


(5: ./0123(4 U'$C20<%52")%V+#0".%*0-%?'//*0-.

0"% E$'/%")#%O(29-%/#0(1%,)''.#%O(29-%R'9("2'0%"'%=(29-%&'($%.'9("2'03

+,+&(*-+ # 6*%&'(7+)!( )*$+,( +,,#&-

!"% 40%6 78%+2#51%*--%")#%!'99'520<%,'-#%"'%&'($%U20-'5%/*$C(:%"'%,$#*"#%*%$#!#$#0,#%"'%





#"% 40%6 78%+2#51%*--%")#%!'99'520<%*""$2=("#%"'%='")%&'($%<1,,$"%,'0"$'9%*0-%&'($%=+1"*>%



$"% 40%")#% !"#$%-%,'-#%+2#51%*--%")#%!'99'520<%/#")'->

.#,/0"(+1(2%*)#0(3#*%4( +-"

Private Sub Launch_Handler(ByVal sender As Object, _

ByVal e As ExecutedRoutedEventArgs)

MessageBox.Show("Launch invoked")

End Sub

.#,/0"(+1( 5( +-"

private void Launch_Handler(object sender, ExecutedRoutedEventArgs e)


MessageBox.Show("Launch invoked");


."% E$'/%")#%"''9='@1%-$*<%*%0>6*?<$@%,'0"$'9%'0"'%")#%!'$/3%R#"%")#%,'0"#0"%'!%")#%,'0A

"$'9%"'%2&#;<"(7#)&89( +,,#&-3

/"% 40%")#%,'-#%+2#5%!'$% !"#$%-1%*--%")#%!'99'520<%/#")'->

.#,/0"(+1(2%*)#0(3#*%4( +-"

Private Sub LaunchEnabled_Handler(ByVal sender As Object, _

ByVal e As CanExecuteRoutedEventArgs)

e.CanExecute = CheckBox1.IsChecked

End Sub

.#,/0"(+1( 5( +-"

private void LaunchEnabled_Handler(object sender,

CanExecuteRoutedEventArgs e)


e.CanExecute = (bool)checkBox1.IsChecked;


0"% ?$#*"#%'$%$#:9*,#%")#%,'0."$(,"'$%!'$% !"#$%-%")*"%,$#*"#.%*0-%$#<2."#$.%*%,'//*0-%



"'%")#%=+1"*>A"+D)6#BC+"#)6;%/#")'-3% 0%#@*/:9#%2.%.)'50%)#$#>

% 8#..'0%G>%?'0H<($20<%?'//*0-.% ./0123(4( 55

.#,/0"(+1(2%*)#0(3#*%4( +-"

Public Sub New()


Dim abinding As New CommandBinding()

abinding.Command = CustomCommands.Launch

AddHandler abinding.Executed, AddressOf Launch_Handler

AddHandler abinding.CanExecute, AddressOf LaunchEnabled_Handler


End Sub

.#,/0"(+1( 5( +-"

public Window1()



CommandBinding abinding = new CommandBinding();

abinding.Command = CustomCommands.Launch;

abinding.Executed += new ExecutedRoutedEventHandler(Launch_Handler);

abinding.CanExecute += new




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+3* .$'+ !*&+!, $*'"8#*)=

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')*I !"#$%&'( !%)K"#8 &"+3 H'*);L*B#*$ C%#+)%:'

I% ,$$ , 7%14%'"+* 7%#+)%: +% , '%:.+"%# ,+ $*'"8# +"1*F

!" -)%1 +3* ()%Z*7+ 1*#.? 73%%'* M$$ H'*) C%#+)%:= I3* M$$ V*& >+*1 $",:%8 2%@ %4*#'=

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6%) *$"+"#8 "# +3* $*'"8#*)=

A%. 7,# 7)*,+* , 7%14%'"+* 7%#+)%: "# 7%$* 29 "#3*)"+"#8 6)%1 +3* .$'+ !*&+!, 7:,''? ,'

'3%&# 3*)*F


Public Class myControl

Inherits UserControl

' Add implementation here

End Class


public class myControl : UserControl


// Add implementation here


I3* '.2%)$"#,+* 7%#+)%:' +3,+ 1,K* .4 +3* 7%14%'"+* 7%#+)%: ,)* 7,::*$ 7%#'+"+.*#+

7%#+)%:'= A%. 7,# ,$$ 7%#'+"+.*#+ 7%#+)%:' +% 9%.) 7%14%'"+* 7%#+)%: "# +3* ',1* &,9 9%.

&%.:$ ,$$ , 7%#+)%: +% , 6%)1F 29 $),88"#8 "+ %#+% +3* $*'"8# '.)6,7* 6)%1 +3* I%%:2%@= I3*#

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, 6%)1F 29 '*++"#8 4)%4*)+"*'? ,:+*)"#8 +3* ,44*,),#7*? ,#$ 7)*,+"#8 1*+3%$' +3,+ 3,#$:*

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2.":+ "#+% "+=


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+3* 6%)1 %6 1*+3%$'? 4)%4*)+"*'? ,#$ *5*#+'=

(&)!' 9"JJ%JK' LM$&L9JK'"MN' LO#LJE$%' LM$&L9J




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%) +% ,#9 %+3*) 7:,''= !"+3"# +3* 2%.#$' %6 +3* 7:,'' $*7:,),+"%# "# +3* C%$* &"#$%&? ,$$ +3*

1*+3%$ $*7:,),+"%# ,#$ +3* 1*+3%$ 2%$9= -%) , 1*+3%$ +3,+ $%*' #%+ )*+.)# , 5,:.*? 7)*,+*

, /-0 /R"'.,: O,'"70 %) , 1!%2(/CU0 1*+3%$? ,' '3%&# 3*)*F


Public Sub DisplayString(ByVal aString As String)


End Sub

(&)! 9"JJ%JK' LM$&L9JK'"MN' LO#LJE$%' LM$&L9J



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public void DisplayString(string aString)




-%) 1*+3%$' +3,+ )*+.)# , 5,:.*? 7)*,+* , 3-*)&%!* /R"'.,: O,'"70 %) '4*7"69 , )*+.)# +94*

/CU0? ,' '3%&# "# +3"' *@,14:*F


Public Function DisplayString(ByVal aString As String, ByVal bString As String) As


Return aString & bString

End Function


public string DisplayString(string aString, string bString)


return aString + bString;



M$$"#8 , 4)%4*)+9 "' '"1":,) +% ,$$"#8 , 1*+3%$= A%. 7)*,+* , 4)%4*)+9 $*B#"+"%# ,#$ +3*#

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H'.,::9? +3* .#$*):9"#8 5,:.* 6%) +3* 4)%4*)+9 "' '+%)*$ "# , 4)"5,+* 1*12*) 5,)",2:*= ># R"'.,:

O,'"7? 9%. .'* +3* 4+!#'+&5 K*9&%)$ +% 7)*,+* , 4)%4*)+9= ># CU? 9%. '"14:9 "14:*1*#+ +3*

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4)%4*)+9? "#7:.$"#8 , 1*12*) 5,)",2:* +% 7%#+,"# +3* 5,:.*F


Private mUnitsOnHand

Public Property UnitsOnHand() As Integer


Return mUnitsOnHand

End Get

Set(ByVal value As Integer)

mUnitsOnHand = value

End Set

End Property


private int mUnitsOnHand;

public int UnitsOnHand


get { return mUnitsOnHand; }

set { mUnitsOnHand = value; }


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Private mUnitsOnHand

Public ReadOnly Property UnitsOnHand() As Integer


Return mUnitsOnHand

End Get

End Property


private int mUnitsOnHand;

public int UnitsOnHand


get { return mUnitsOnHand; }


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Public Event Bang(ByVal decibels As Integer)

CU? 3%&*5*)? )*<.")*' ,# *@4:"7"+ $*:*8,+* +% 2* 4)*'*#+ +% '4*7"69 +3* '"8#,+.)* 2*6%)* +3*

91'*& K*9&%)$ 7,# 2* .'*$ +% 7)*,+* , #*& *5*#+= I3* 6%::%&"#8 *@,14:* $*1%#'+),+*' 3%&

+% 7)*,+* ,# *5*#+ "# CUF


public delegate void Sound(int decibels);

public event Sound Bang;

V%+* +3,+ 9%. '4*7"69 +3* $*:*8,+* "+'*:6? #%+ ,# "#'+,#7* %6 +3* $*:*8,+*=

A%. 7,# ),"'* ,# *5*#+ "# 7%$* 29 .'"#8 +3* 67%$'91'*& K*9&%)$ "# R"'.,: O,'"7 %) 29 7,::"#8

+3* *5*#+ :"K* 9%. &%.:$ , 1*+3%$ "# CU= M# *@,14:* "' '3%&# 3*)*F


RaiseEvent Bang(100)



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!3*# 7%#'+"+.*#+ 7%#+)%:' ,)* ,$$*$ +% , 7%14%'"+* 7%#+)%:? +3*9 ,)* 8"5*# ,# ,77*'' :*5*:

%6 3+%'*2 29 $*6,.:+ "# R"'.,: O,'"7 ,#$ #+%17&' 29 $*6,.:+ "# CU= ># 2%+3 7,'*'? +3* 7%#'+"+.*#+

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"14:*1*#+ +3"' "' '3%&# 3*)*F


Public Property ButtonBackColor() As System.Drawing.Color


Return Button1.BackColor

End Get

Set(ByVal value As System.Drawing.Color)

Button1.BackColor = value

End Set

End Property


public System.Drawing.Color ButtonBackColor


get { return Button1.BackColor; }

set { Button1.BackColor = value; }



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myUserControl.Visible = False


myUserControl.Visible = false;

V%+* +3,+ 9%. 7,# '*+ +3* <%$%0,' 4)%4*)+9 %#:9 ,+ ).# +"1*= I% *#'.)* +3,+ , 7%#+)%: "'

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'),- !"#$%&'( !%)K"#8 &"+3 H'*);L*B#*$ C%#+)%:'


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Me.BackColor = Color.Transparent


this.BackColor = Color.Transparent;

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Form1.TransparencyKey = Color.Red

myUserControl.BackColor = Color.Red


Form1.TransparencyKey = Color.Red;

myUserControl.BackColor = Color.Red;


M6+*) 9%. 3,5* 2.":+ , 7%#+)%:? "+ ,.+%1,+"7,::9 ,44*,)' "# +3* I%%:2%@ "6 9%. ,)* .'"#8 "+ "# +3*

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A%. 7,# ,++,73 "#'+,#7*' %6 +3* ?!!,0!A:%&"7#B&&+%0-&' 7:,'' +% 9%.) 7%#+)%: $*7:,),+"%# ,#$

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A%. 7,# '4*7"69 +3* I%%:2%@ 2"+1,4 "# +3)** &,9'= I3* 1%'+ '+),"83+6%)&,)$ &,9 "' +%

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<ToolboxBitmap("C:\myToolboxBitmap.bmp")> Class myControl

Inherits UserControl

' Implementation omitted

End Class



class myControl : UserControl


A%. 7,# ,:'% .'* ?!!,0!A:%&"7# 6)%1 ,# *@"'+"#8 +94*= -%) *@,14:*? 9%. 7%.:$ '4*7"69 +3*

',1* I%%:2%@ 2"+1,4 +3,+ +3* :-&&!* 7%#+)%: .'*' &"+3 +3* 6%::%&"#8 7%$*F


<ToolBoxBitmap(GetType(System.Windows.Forms.Button))> Class myControl

Inherits UserControl

' Implementation omitted

End Class



class myControl : UserControl


-"#,::9? 9%. 7,# '4*7"69 ,# ,''*12:9 29 '4*7"69"#8 , +94* $*B#*$ "# +3,+ ,''*12:9 ,#$

+3*# :%,$ ,# "7%# )*'%.)7* +3,+ "' '4*7"B*$ 29 , '+)"#8 #,1*? ,' '3%&# 3*)*F


<ToolBoxBitmap(GetType(myControl), "myControl.bmp")> Class myControl

Inherits UserControl

' Implementation omitted

End Class


[ToolBoxBitmap(GetType(myControl), "myControl.bmp")]

class myControl : UserControl



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'),) !"#$%&'( !%)K"#8 &"+3 H'*);L*B#*$ C%#+)%:'

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#I' W!G'-5<!,-'<"!<-")$-,'!C':!%,)$)G-%)':!%)"!3,')!'1-;-3!<-",'8E'("6<<$%&')*-7'


2"-6)$%&'45)-%1-1'2!%)"!3,9A&'*2'2()!*&+!,$ ,)* .'*);7)*,+*$ 7%#+)%:' +3,+ *@+*#$ , 4)**@"'+"#8 =VWI -),1*&%)K 7%#+)%:=

O9 *@+*#$"#8 *@"'+"#8 7%#+)%:'? 9%. 7,# )*+,"# ,:: +3* 6.#7+"%#,:"+9 %6 +3* 7%#+)%: &3":* ,$$"#8

4)%4*)+"*' ,#$ 1*+3%$' ,#$? "# '%1* 7,'*'? ,:+*)"#8 +3* )*#$*)*$ ,44*,),#7* %6 +3* 7%#+)%:=


A%. 7,# 7)*,+* ,# *@+*#$*$ 7%#+)%: 29 7)*,+"#8 , 7:,'' +3,+ "#3*)"+' +3* 7%#+)%: "# <.*'+"%#=

I3* 6%::%&"#8 *@,14:* $*1%#'+),+*' 3%& +% 7)*,+* , 7%#+)%: +3,+ "#3*)"+' +3* :-&&!* 7:,''F


Public Class ExtendedButton

Inherits System.Windows.Forms.Button

End Class


public class ExtendedButton : System.Windows.Forms.Button


I3* 9A&'*2'2:-&&!* 7:,'' 7)*,+*$ "# +3* 4)*5"%.' *@,14:* 3,' +3* ',1* ,44*,),#7*? 2*;

3,5"%)? ,#$ 4)%4*)+"*' ,' +3* :-&&!* 7:,''? 2.+ 9%. 7,# #%& *@+*#$ +3"' 6.#7+"%#,:"+9 29 ,$$;

"#8 7.'+%1 4)%4*)+"*' %) 1*+3%$'= -%) *@,14:*? +3* 6%::%&"#8 *@,14:* $*1%#'+),+*' ,$$"#8

, 4)%4*)+9 7,::*$ :-&&!*<7,-' +3,+ )*+.)#' ,# "#+*8*)F


Public Class ExtendedButton

Inherits System.Windows.Forms.Button

Private mValue As Integer

Public Property ButtonValue() As Integer


Return mValue

End Get

Set(ByVal Value As Integer)

mValue = Value

End Set

End Property

End Class

Q57RS' T0RS'"8:B03:

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public class ExtendedButton : System.Windows.Forms.Button


int mValue;

public int ButtonValue




return mValue;




mValue = value;





># ,$$"+"%# +% ,$$"#8 #*& 1*+3%$' ,#$ 4)%4*)+"*' +% 9%.) 7%#+)%:? 9%. 7,# ,:'% 4)%5"$* ,

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,%);$ ,#$ +3*# 7,::' +3* 2,'* "14:*1*#+,+"%# %6 8* ,%);=


Protected Overrides Sub OnClick(ByVal e As System.EventArgs)

Clicks += 1


End Sub


protected override void OnClick(System.EventArgs e)






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Protected Overrides Sub OnPaint(ByVal pevent As System.Windows.Forms.PaintEventArgs)

Dim x As New System.Drawing.Drawing2D.GraphicsPath

x.AddEllipse(0, 0, Me.Width, Me.Height)

Me.Region = New Region(x)


End Sub


protected override void OnPaint(System.Windows.Forms.PaintEventArgs pevent)


System.Drawing.Drawing2D.GraphicsPath x = new System.Drawing.Drawing2D.


x.AddEllipse(0, 0, this.Width, this.Height);

this.Region = new Region(x);



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Return Timer1.Enabled

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Set(ByVal value As Boolean)

Timer1.Enabled = value

End Set

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9!#!)*!)7?P/Q!7& 129%%) =22 EQ7 !2!?!(+% *!$&K! >$'? 9!#!)*!)7?P/Q!7&) M> -', /9(+

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H!#!(*!(1- #$'#!$+&!% 9$! &?#2!?!(+!* 9% ('$?92 )VS@ #$'#!$+&!% /&+0 %'?! !"+$9 EQ7

&(>$9%+$,1+,$!) @0! *!#!(*!(1- #$'#!$+- ?,%+ 3! $!6&%+!$!* /&+0 +0! $,( +&?! &( 9 %+9+&1 1'(8

%+$,1+'$: 9(* +0!( &+ 19( 3! %!+ ,%&(6 9 %+9(*9$* )VS@ #$'#!$+- /$9##!$)

@' &?#2!?!(+ 9(* $!6&%+!$ 9 *!#!(*!(1- #$'#!$+-;

!" M( 9 129%% +09+ &(0!$&+% >$'? 9!#!)*!)7?P/Q!7&: *!129$! 9 #,32&1: %+9+&1: $!9*8'(2- K9$&8

932! '> +0! +-#! 9!#!)*!)7?8-6#!-&?@ L- 1'(K!(+&'(: +0! (9?! '> +0&% K9$&932! %0',2*

3! -',$ *!%&$!* (9?! >'$ +0! #$'#!$+- /&+0 +0! %,>I" UQ$'#!$+-Z 9**!* +' &+) D''F 9+

+0! >'22'/&(6 !"9?#2!;


Public Shared ReadOnly FlavorProperty As DependencyProperty


public static readonly DependencyProperty FlavorProperty;

=>! $%&'()* + E'$F&(6 /&+0 G%!$8H!I(!* J'(+$'2%

#" J$!9+! 9 %+9+&1 1'(%+$,1+'$ >'$ +0! 129%% +09+ $!6&%+!$% +0! *!#!(*!(1- #$'#!$+-) @0!

9!#!)*!)7?8-6#!-&?@3!+(1&!- ?!+0'* $!A,&$!% -', +' #$'K&*! +0! (9?! '> +0! )VS@

#$'#!$+- /$9##!$: +0! +-#! '> +0! #$'#!$+-: +0! +-#! +09+ '/(% +09+ #$'#!$+-: 9(* 9(

&(%+9(1! '> ,-%"!=6-B8-6#!-&?A!&%*%&%: /0&10 19( 3! ,%!* +' 9** '#+&'(92 >!9+,$!%

+' -',$ *!#!(*!(1- #$'#!$+-) @0! >'22'/&(6 !"9?#2! %0'/% 9 %+9+&1 1'(%+$,1+'$ +09+

$!6&%+!$% +0! *!#!(*!(1- #$'#!$+- 9(* 9%%,?!% +09+ -',$ 129%% &% (9?!* 8(!:$%11;


Shared Sub New()

Dim md As New FrameworkPropertyMetadata()

PieClass.FlavorProperty = DependencyProperty.Register("Flavor", _

GetType(String), GetType(PieClass), md)

End Sub


static PieClass()


FrameworkPropertyMetadata md = new FrameworkPropertyMetadata();

PieClass.FlavorProperty = DependencyProperty.Register("Flavor",

typeof(string), typeof(PieClass), md);


-" 7&(922-: 1$!9+! 9 )VS@ #$'#!$+- /$9##!$ +' 922'/ +0! *!#!(*!(1- #$'#!$+- +' 3! 918

1!%%!* &( 1'*!: 9% %0'/( 0!$!;


Public Property Flavor() As String


Return CType(GetValue(PieClass.FlavorProperty), String)

End Get


SetValue(PieClass.FlavorProperty, value)

End Set

End Property


public string Flavor




return (string)GetValue(PieClass.FlavorProperty);




SetValue(PieClass.FlavorProperty, value);



M+ &% &?#'$+9(+ +' ('+! +09+ /0!( *!#!(*!(1- #$'#!$+&!% 9$! %!+ 3- +0! $,( +&?!: +0!-

9$! %!+ *&$!1+2- +0$',60 +0! I!&R%$0! 9(* 5!&R%$0! ?!+0'*%: ('+ +0$',60 +0! )VS@ #$'#8

!$+- /$9##!$) @0,%: -', %0',2* ('+ #,+ 9(- 9**&+&'(92 1'*! &( +0! /$9##!$ 3!19,%! &+

*'!% ('+ $,( ,(2!%% +0! #$'#!$+- &% %!+ *&$!1+2- &( 1'*!) <', 19( #$'K&*! 9 %+9+&1 1922391F

D!%%'( _; J$!9+&(6 J,%+'? J'(+$'2% &( EQ7 $%&'()* + =>=

?!+0'* +09+ !"!1,+!% /0!( +0! #$'#!$+- K92,! &% 109(6!* 3- %#!1&>-&(6 9 *!2!69+! &(

,-%"!=6-B8-6#!-&?A!&%*%&%: 9% %0'/( 0!$!;


Shared Sub New()

Dim md As New FrameworkPropertyMetadata(New _

PropertyChangedCallback(AddressOf FlavorPropertyChanged))

PieClass.FlavorProperty = DependencyProperty.Register("Flavor", _

GetType(String), GetType(PieClass), md)

End Sub

Private Shared Sub FlavorPropertyChanged(ByVal o As DependencyObject, _

ByVal e As DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs)

' Implementation omitted

End Sub


static PieClass()


FrameworkPropertyMetadata md = new FrameworkPropertyMetadata(new


PieClass.FlavorProperty = DependencyProperty.Register("Flavor",

typeof(string), typeof(PieClass), md);


private static void FlavorPropertyChanged(DependencyObject o,

DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)


// Implementation omitted


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+0! E&(*'/% #$'4!1+ +-#!) @0! *!%&6(!$ '#!(% +' 9 (!/ *!%&6(932! ,%!$ 1'(+$'2)

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@''23'"L '$ -', 19( 1$!9+! +0!? &( B=CD)

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=>9 $%&'()* + E'$F&(6 /&+0 G%!$8H!I(!* J'(+$'2%


Public Shared ReadOnly TimeProperty As DependencyProperty

Private myTimer As New System.Timers.Timer

Delegate Sub SetterDelegate()


public static readonly DependencyProperty TimeProperty;

System.Timers.Timer myTimer = new System.Timers.Timer();

delegate void SetterDelegate();

-" M( +0! %09$!* .%+9+&15 1'(%+$,1+'$: 9** +0! >'22'/&(6 1'*! +' $!6&%+!$ 9 (!/ *!#!(*!(1-

#$'#!$+-) V' 9$6,?!(+% 9$! (!1!%%9$- >'$ +0! ?!+9*9+9 >'$ +0&% #$'#!$+-;


Dim metadata As New FrameworkPropertyMetadata()

TimeProperty = DependencyProperty.Register("Time", GetType(String), _

GetType(CustomControl1), metadata)


FrameworkPropertyMetadata metadata = new FrameworkPropertyMetadata();

TimeProperty = DependencyProperty.Register("Time", typeof(string),

typeof(CustomControl1), metadata);

." J$!9+! 9( &(%+9(1! 1'(%+$,1+'$ +09+ &(&+&92&R!% ("!- 9(* %!+% +0! 9%&%:6)&!;& #$'#!$+-)

M( 9**&+&'(: 9** 9 09(*2!$ >'$ +0! ("!-@J$%#1!* !K!(+) .<', /&22 1$!9+! +0! ?!+0'* +09+

09(*2!% +0&% !K!(+ &( 9 %,3%!A,!(+ %+!#)5


Public Sub New()

AddHandler myTimer.Elapsed, AddressOf timer_elapsed

myTimer.Interval = 1000


Me.DataContext = Me

End Sub


public CustomControl1()


myTimer.Elapsed += timer_elapsed;

myTimer.Interval = 1000;


this.DataContext = this;


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+&?! &( +0! 2'(6 +&?! >'$?9+) @0&% ?!+0'* &% 1922!* 3- 9(1#%&72!- &( +0! ("!-@NJ$%#1!*

!K!(+ 09(*2!$) V'+! +09+ -', 9$! %!++&(6 +0! ("! #$'#!$+- *&$!1+2- +0$',60 +0!

5!&R%$0! ?!+0'* &( EQ7) L!19,%! +0&% #$'#!$+- &% ('+ ?!9(+ +' 3! %!+ 3- '+0!$

1'(+$'2%: -', *' ('+ (!!* +' #$'K&*! 9 )VS@ #$'#!$+- /$9##!$ >'$ +0&% *!#!(*!(1-


D!%%'( _; J$!9+&(6 J,%+'? J'(+$'2% &( EQ7 $%&'()* + =>"


Private Sub TimeSetter()

SetValue(TimeProperty, Now.ToLongTimeString)

End Sub


void TimeSetter()


SetValue(TimeProperty, DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString());


0" J$!9+! +0! &("!-E!$%#1!* ?!+0'* +' 09(*2! +0! ("!-@J$%#1!* !K!(+) L!19,%! ("!-

1'*! &% !"!1,+!* '( 9 *&>>!$!(+ +0$!9* >$'? +0! ,%!$ &(+!$>91!: +0&% ?!+0'* %0',2* ,%!

9(1#%&72!- +' &(K'F! +0! ("!5!&&!- ?!+0'* %9>!2-) =( !"9?#2! &% %0'/( 0!$!;


Private Sub timer_elapsed(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As _


Dispatcher.Invoke(Windows.Threading.DispatcherPriority.Normal, _

New SetterDelegate(AddressOf TimeSetter))

End Sub


void timer_elapsed(object sender, System.Timers.ElapsedEventArgs e)



new SetterDelegate(TimeSetter));


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Path=Time}" />

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2 Module 3: Building Controls

Lesson: Options for Creating Controls

� Extending an Existing Control

� Composite Controls

� Custom Controls



ComponentStandard IComponent Impl

ControlBasic HWND Wrapper

Scrollable Control

Container Control


Textbox ButtonComposite Controls


Extended Controls

*****************************ILLEGAL FOR NON-TRAINER USE******************************

Windows Forms provides several options for authoring controls. You can combine existing controls, extend existing controls, or author your own custom controls. This lesson provides background information on the various options that are available for creating Windows Forms controls.

After completing this lesson, you will be able to:

� Determine the various options for authoring controls.

� Describe extending an existing control.

� Describe composite controls.

� Describe custom controls.


Lesson objectives

Module 3: Building Controls 3

What is Extending an Existing Control?

� You can extend any existing control using inheritance

� When you extend a control, you can

� Use the members of the inherited classOR

� Override the members of the inherited classOR

� Create your own custom members

Public Class NumericTextBoxInherits System.Windows.Forms.TextBox

…End Class

Public Class NumericTextBoxInherits System.Windows.Forms.TextBox

…End Class

*****************************ILLEGAL FOR NON-TRAINER USE******************************

One of the options for creating a Windows Forms control is to extend an existing control. You can extend an existing control to customize it or add additional functionality to it. Extend an existing control if the control you want to create is quite similar in functionality to an existing control.

You can customize any Windows Forms control by deriving from it and overriding its properties, methods, and events. This entire procedure of creating a customized control from an existing control is referred to as extending a control. When you inherit from an existing a control, you have the option of using the members of the inherited class, overriding the members of the inherited class, or creating your own custom members.

When inheriting from an existing control, you use the base keyword to implement the constructor of the inherited object. This is required because constructors are not inherited. The following example shows how to implement the functionality provided by the default constructor in an extended class.

public NumericTextBox():base()

Some examples of extended controls include a text box that can only accept numeric values or a button that has some additional properties, such as a property that can record how many times the button has been clicked.

The following code example shows a numeric text box that is inherited from the Windows TextBox control. It also shows how the OnKeyPress event of the base TextBox class is overridden to provide custom functionality.

public class NumericTextBox : System.Windows.Forms.TextBox

protected override void

OnKeyPress(System.Windows.Forms.KeyPressEventArgs e)

Since this control inherits from TextBox, all the members associated with the TextBox control are exposed within the extended control. For example, you can



Example of extending a control

4 Module 3: Building Controls

use the functionality of the Clear() method of the of TextBox control from the extended control.

myNumericControl = New NumericTextBox();


Module 3: Building Controls 5

What Is a Composite Control?

ComponentStandard IComponent Impl

ControlBasic HWND Wrapper

Scrollable Control

Container Control


Textbox ButtonComposite Controls


Extended Controls

� Composite Controls

� Controls that are composed of other controls

� Designed to act as containers for other controls

� Derive from the UserControl class which inherits from ContainerControl

� ContainerControl Class

� Supports methods for adding, removing, and retrieving components

*****************************ILLEGAL FOR NON-TRAINER USE******************************

Another way of creating your own controls is to combine existing controls to create composite controls. Create composite controls when you need complex functionality that requires the use of more than one control.

You can create new controls by combining existing controls using class composition. A composite control renders a user interface that reuses the functionality of existing controls. A composite control can synthesize properties from the properties of its child controls and handle events raised by its child controls. It can also expose custom properties and events. Composite controls can act as containers for other controls because they extend the ContainerControl class.

All composite controls derive from System.Windows.Forms.UserControl. There is full design-time support for creating composite controls with the Visual Studio.NET Windows Forms Designer.

The ContainerControl class defines a logical boundary for controls that it contains. This class provides focus management, which means that it is aware of active controls and can change focus from one control to another. It also supports methods for adding, removing, and retrieving children controls. The Form class also inherits from the ContainerControl class.

For more information about the ContainerControl class, see “ContainerControl Class” in the Visual Studio .NET Help documentation.



ConatinerControl Class

6 Module 3: Building Controls

What is a Custom Control?

� Custom Controls

� Typically derive from the Control class

� Display UI by making calls to a Graphics object in the Paint event

� To create a custom control

� Inherit from the Control class, which draws a blank square on your form by default

� Override the OnPaint event of the Control class

� Use GDI+ to draw your own UI

public class VerticalLabel : System.Windows.Forms.Control

public class VerticalLabel : System.Windows.Forms.Control

*****************************ILLEGAL FOR NON-TRAINER USE******************************

If you do not want to combine or extend existing controls, you have the option of creating your own custom controls.

Custom controls display user-interface (UI) elements by making calls to a GDI+ Graphics object in the OnPaint event. Custom controls are generally derived from the base class System.Windows.Forms.Control.

public class VerticalLabel : System.Windows.Forms.Control

To create a custom control, you generally inherit from the Control class, which draws a blank square on your form, override the OnPaint event of the Control class and use GDI+ to draw your own UI. For more information about using GDI+ in greater detail, see Module 6, “Reporting and Printing in Windows Forms Applications,” in Course 2555A, Developing .NET Windows Applications (Visual C# ..NET).

You can add as well as override properties, methods, and events of the base class (Control). The base class provides the plumbing required for visual display in client-side Windows applications. The Control class provides a window handle, manages message routing, and provides mouse and keyboard events as well as many other user interface events. It provides advanced layout and has properties specific to visual display, such as ForeColor, BackColor, Height, Width, and many others.



Module 3: Building Controls 7

using System;

using System.Drawing;

using System.ComponentModel;

using System.Windows.Forms;

public class CustomControl : System.Windows.Forms.Control

protected override void

OnPaint(System.Windows.Forms.PaintEventArgs e)


e.Graphics.DrawString("Written with GDI+ on OnPaint event",

New Font(Arial”,12), New SolidBrush(Color.Red), 0, 0);


Example of a Custom control

8 Module 3: Building Controls

Code Walkthrough: Creating Controls

� In this exercise, you will see the code that is involved in creating different controls.

*****************************ILLEGAL FOR NON-TRAINER USE******************************

In this walkthrough, you will see examples of extended, composite, and custom controls. The instructor will walk you through the code required to extend a control, create a composite control, and build a custom control.

◮ Open the project file for this code walkthrough

1. Start Visual Studio .NET.

2. On the Start Page window, click Open Project.

3. In the Look in list, navigate to the install_folder\Democode\Mod03_01\Starter\Controls folder, and then open

the Controls.sln file.

◮ Walkthrough the NumericTextBox control

1. Open the code view of NumericTextBox.cs.

2. Point out the following line of code. Explain that in order to create an

extended control, you inherit directly from an existing control.

public class NumericTextBox : System.Windows.Forms.TextBox

3. Scroll to the following line of code. You can override the events of the base


protected override void

OnKeyPress(System.Windows.Forms.KeyPressEventArgs e)

4. Scroll to the following line of code to explain that you can also override the

properties of the base control.

public override string Text

◮ Walkthrough the OrderItemControl

1. Open the design view of OrderItemControl.cs.



Module 3: Building Controls 9

2. Composite controls are composed of a UserControl and one or more

controls. Explain the significance of the controls contained within the


3. Open the code view of OrderItemControl.cs.

4. A composite control inherits from the UserControl class. Point out the

following line of code.

public class OrderItemControl :


5. To access the properties of constituent controls, you must expose them

explicitly. Scroll down to the following lines of code to show how the properties of constituent controls are exposed.

public int OrderQuantity




return Convert.ToInt32(QuantityNumericTextBox.Text);




QuantityNumericTextBox.Text = value.ToString();



6. The OrderItemControl exposes a method that binds data to constituent controls. Explain the significance of the following procedure.

public void GetProductData(System.Data.DataTable


◮ Walkthrough the VerticalLabel control

1. Open the code view of VerticalLabel.cs.

2. Custom controls generally inherit from the Control class. Explain the significance of the following line of code.

public class VerticalLabel : System.Windows.Forms.Control

3. To implement a custom control you must override the OnPaint event and use GDI+ to draw the control. Explain the following procedure to show how

to override the OnPaint event of the Control class.

protected override void

OnPaint(System.Windows.Forms.PaintEventArgs e)

4. The Control class exposes many properties, methods, and events that can be

overridden. These properties, methods, and events are shared by all controls. Explain the significance of the following line of procedure.

public override string Text

◮ Display the controls at design-time within the Controls_Host project

1. In Solution Explorer, right-click the Controls project, and then click Build


2. In the Controls_Host project, open the design view of Form1.cs.

3. On the Tools menu, click Customize Toolbox.

10 Module 3: Building Controls

4. In the Customize Toolbox dialog box, click the .NET

FrameworksComponents tab, and then click Browse.

5. In the Open dialog box, select Controls.dll from

install_folder\2555A\Democode\Mod03_01\Starter\Controls\obj\Debug\, click Open, and then click OK.

6. Add a NumericTextBox to Form1 under the designated label. Attempt to set the Text property to a non-numeric value.

The control enforces the property logic at design time.

7. Add an OrderItemControl to Form1 under the designated label.

8. In the Properties window, display the OrderQuantity property.

The OrderItemControl property exposes the property of a constituent control.

9. Add a VerticalLabel to Form1 under the designated label.

10. Set the ForeColor property to ActiveCaption and the Font property to Italic.

The OnPaint event fires at design time as it will at run time.

◮ Display the controls at run time within the Controls_Host project

1. On Form1, select the SQLConnection1 connection object, and then set the

ConnectionString property to connect to an instance of Microsoft SQL

Server™ with the Northwind database installed.

2. In Solution Explorer, right-click the Controls_Host project, and then click

Set as Startup Project.

3. Press F5 to run the application

4. Attempt to enter non-numeric characters into the NumericTextBox control.

The control enforces property logic at run time.

5. Navigate through the products within the OrderItemControl.

The constituent controls are data bound.

Module 3: Building Controls 11

Lesson: Adding Functionality to Controls

� How to Expose and Override Properties for Controls

� How to Raise and Override Events for Controls

� How to Test a Composite Control

� Practice: Creating a Composite Control

*****************************ILLEGAL FOR NON-TRAINER USE******************************

When creating controls, you can add additional functionality to the controls by overriding properties, methods, and events and also by creating and raising new properties and events. This lesson describes how to add additional functionality to controls by creating new properties, and raising new events for composite controls. The lesson also describes how to test a composite control in an application.

After completing this lesson, you will be able to:

� Create properties for controls.

� Raise events for controls.

� Test a control.

� Create a control.


Lesson objectives

12 Module 3: Building Controls

How to Expose and Override Properties for Controls

� Exposing properties of a control within a container

� Overriding properties

public ContextMenu QuantityTextBox_ContextMenu{get

{return QuantityTextBox.ContextMenu;


QuantityTextBox.ContextMenu = value;}


public ContextMenu QuantityTextBox_ContextMenu{get

{return QuantityTextBox.ContextMenu;


QuantityTextBox.ContextMenu = value;}


public ReadOnly String MyProperty{




public ReadOnly String MyProperty{




*****************************ILLEGAL FOR NON-TRAINER USE******************************

A Windows Forms control inherits many properties form the base class System.Windows.Forms.Control. These include properties such as Font, ForeColor, BackColor, Bounds, ClientRectangle, DisplayRectangle, Enabled, Focused, Height, Width, Visible, as well as many others. You can override inherited properties in your control as well as define new properties.

A component should define properties instead of public fields because visual designers such as Visual Studio .NET display properties, but not fields, in the property browser.

Property definitions include two parts: a private variable to hold the value of a property for an instance of a control, and a property definition that exposes the private variable.

While a property definition generally includes a private data member, this is not required. The Get accessor can return a value without accessing a private data member. For example, a property whose get method returns the system time. Properties enable data hiding, in which the accessor methods hide the implementation of the property.

The properties for controls contained by composite controls are not directly exposed to developers. For example, to access the Text property of a text box within a composite control, you may have to iterate through the Controls collection of the composite control to access the property. A common practice with composite controls is to expose properties of child controls as properties of the composite control.


Property definitions

Procedure: Exposing properties of control within a container

Module 3: Building Controls 13

The following code example shows how to expose the ContextMenu property of a control contained in a composite control.

public ContextMenu QuantityTextBox_ContextMenu




return QuantityTextBox.ContextMenu;




QuantityTextBox.ContextMenu = value;



The Get and Set methods are generally not different from other methods. They can perform any program logic, throw exceptions, be overridden, and can be declared with any modifiers allowed by the programming language. You can make a property read-only or write-only by using the ReadOnly and WriteOnly key words, and only using a Get or Set accessor respectively. The following code is an example of a ReadOnly Property.

public ReadOnly String MyProperty






When you extend an existing control, you can override the properties of the base class to provide custom functionality. The following code example overrides the Text property of the TextBox control and allows only numeric characters to be set on the property.

Procedure: Overriding properties

14 Module 3: Building Controls

public class NumericTextBox : System.Windows.Forms.TextBox

public override string Text




return base.Text;







base.Text = value;





if (value == null)


base.Text = value;





When overriding members of an extended class, use the base keyword to implement the functionality of the base member. The example above uses base.Text to refer to the property in the derived class.

Module 3: Building Controls 15

How to Raise and Override Events for Controls

� To raise events for a composite control

� To override events

public delegate void MyEvent(StringstringPassed);

public event MyEvent InvokeMyEvent///to invoke the eventInvokeMyEvent("Pass this string to host")

public delegate void MyEvent(StringstringPassed);

public event MyEvent InvokeMyEvent///to invoke the eventInvokeMyEvent("Pass this string to host")

protected override void OnKeyPress(System.Windows.Forms.KeyPressEventArgs e)

protected override void OnKeyPress(System.Windows.Forms.KeyPressEventArgs e)

*****************************ILLEGAL FOR NON-TRAINER USE******************************

When authoring controls, you can raise your own custom events or override the events of the base class.

When creating controls, you use events to notify host applications when something occurs within a control. To create an event, create a delegate and define any parameters to be passed to the host when the event is invoked. Then declare an event using the event keyword and reference the delegate to invoke and name the event. To invoke the event within the control, call the event and pass the required parameters.

The following code example defines an event called MyEvent that passes a string data type when invoked.

public delegate void MyEvent(String stringPassed);

public event MyEvent InvokeMyEvent

///to invoke the event

InvokeMyEvent("Pass this string to host")

You can then make the host application aware of the control event by delegating a procedure to the event. You use the same Handles or AddHandler keywords to handle a custom event that you use with the intrinsic controls.

The Control class provides a base set of events that allow you to monitor activities such as property modifications and user actions. When you create controls, you can access events exposed by the Control class and other base classes by overriding them. Each base event provides event-specific information with the EventArgs parameter. This parameter (and parameters that derive from it such as KeyEventArgs and MouseEvtsArgs) provides event specific information, such as which key was pressed or the X,Y position of the mouse cursor.


Procedure: Raising events

Procedure: Overriding an event

16 Module 3: Building Controls

The following code shows how to override an event. The example overrides the OnKeyPress event of a TextBox control. The event contains a KeyPressEventArgs parameter that contains data about the keys that were pressed (e.KeyChar) and a Boolean value (e.Handled) that allows you to indicate if the event was handled (True) or if the event should be passed to Windows for processing (False). If the event is handled in the procedure, then it raises a custom event and passes an instance of the object along with the KeyPressEventArgs passed to the event.

protected override void

OnKeyPress(System.Windows.Forms.KeyPressEventArgs e)


int asciiInteger = Convert.ToInt32(e.KeyChar);

if (asciiInteger >= 47 && asciiInteger <= 57)


e.Handled = false;



if (asciiInteger == 8)


e.Handled = false;



e.Handled = true;

if (InvalidUserEntry != null)

InvalidUserEntry(this, e);


Module 3: Building Controls 17

How to Test a Composite Control

Create a new project within the same window

Add the user control to the Toolbox

Add the user control to the form from the Toolbox

UserControl System.Windows.Forms System.Windows.Forms(1.0.3300.0)


*****************************ILLEGAL FOR NON-TRAINER USE******************************

The Microsoft .Net Framework eliminates many of the original problems with versioning that existed with COM. For example, you can have more than one version of a component supporting different applications without having to be concerned with backwards compatibility.

When you create and compile a Windows application using the Visual Studio .NET integrated development environment (IDE), any external assemblies referenced within the application are built into the /Bin folder of the application. Because the application has its own copy of the component, any modification to the original component will not affect it. However, if you are testing a component within an application, you must remove the previous component and add the newer one every time you modify the component.

If you want to test a component without adding a new reference to the control every time you modify the control, you can add a forms application to the component solution. The Visual Studio .NET IDE is aware of the component project and adds an implicit reference to the component. This reference is automatically updated whenever you rebuild the component.

1. Create a new form in the same project.

2. Add the user control to the Toolbox.

3. Add the user control to the form from the Toolbox.

After you add the user control to the toolbox, it is visible on the toolbox. To add the user control to the project, drag the control to the form, just as you do with other controls.



18 Module 3: Building Controls

Practice: Creating a Composite Control

� In this practice, you will create a composite control.

� Create a Windows Control Library Project and add a UserControl

� Add controls to the UserControl

� Expose properties

� Raise events

� Test the design-time instance

� Test the run-time instance

*****************************ILLEGAL FOR NON-TRAINER USE******************************

In this practice, you will build a composite control that displays the current time. The composite control includes a Label to display the time and a Timer control. The Timer control has a Tick event that fires repeatedly with a period based on the Interval property. The default value of the Interval property is 100 milliseconds, meaning that the Tick event will fire every second.

You will create a composite control that exposes properties of the Label and Timer controls and raises the Tick event to host applications.

◮ Create a Windows Control Library project and add a UserControl

1. Open Visual Studio .NET.

2. On the File menu, point to New, and then click Project.

3. In the New Project dialog box, click Windows Control Library, name it DigitalClock, and then click OK.

4. On the Project menu, click Add UserControl, name it DigitalClock.cs, and then click Open.

◮ Add controls to the UserControl

1. Add the following controls to the UserControl.

Control Name Text Label LocalTimeLabel “”

Timer Timer1

2. Set BackColor of LocalTimeLabel to ControlDark.


Module 3: Building Controls 19

3. Center LocalTimeLabel within the UserControl. Your UserControl

should look like the following.

◮ Add code to expose the properties of LocalTimeLabel and Timer1 to

the host application

1. Create a Public property named Timer1_Enabled that exposes the Boolean

Enabled property of Timer1. Your code should look like the following.

public bool Timer1_Enabled




return Timer1.Enabled;




Timer1.Enabled = value;



2. Create a Public property named LocalTimeLabel_BackColor that exposes

the BackColor property of LocalTimeLabel. Your code should look like

the following.

public Color LocalTimeLabel_BackColor




return LocalTimeLabel.BackColor;




LocalTimeLabel.BackColor = value;



◮ Add code that raises the Timer1.Tick event to host applications

1. Declare a Public event named RaiseTimer1_Tick that passes uses the EventHandler delegate.

2. Create the Timer1_Tick event procedure and update the Text property of LocalTimeLabel to reflect the current time (use the Now.ToString


3. Within the Timer1_Tick event procedure, raise the RaiseTimer1_Tick

event and pass the sender and e event arguments.

Your code should look like the following.

20 Module 3: Building Controls

public event System.EventHandler RaiseTimer1_Tick;

private void Timer1_Tick(object sender, System.EventArgs e)


LocalTimeLabel.Text = System.DateTime.Now.ToString();

if (RaiseTimer1_Tick != null)

RaiseTimer1_Tick(sender, e);


◮ Test the design-time instance of your Composite Control in a host


1. On the Build menu, click Build Solution to compile the DigitalClock


2. On the File menu, click Add Project, and then click New Project.

3. Create a new Windows Application and name it TestClock.

4. Add the DigitalClock control from the Toolbox to Form1 in TestClock.

5. In the Properties window, set the Timer1_Enabled property to True.

The DigitalClock control is running while the host application is in design mode.

6. In the Properties window set the LocalTimeLabel_Color property to ControlLight.

This property would not be available to developers within the IDE if you did not explicitly expose it using a property procedure.

7. Add a Label to Form1 and name it UniversalTimeLabel.

8. Create the DigitalClock1_RaiseTimer1_Tick event procedure and update the Text property of UniversalTimeLabel to reflect the coordinated

universal time (use the Now.UtcNow function). Your code should look like the following.

private void DigitalClock1_RaiseTimer1_Tick(object sender,

System.EventArgs e)


UniversalTimeLabel.Text =



9. Add a Button to Form1 and name it StartStopButton.

10. Create the StartStopButton_Click event procedure and toggle the

Timer1_Enabled property of DigitalClock1 within the procedure. Your code should look like the following:

private void StartStopButton_Click(object sender,

System.EventArgs e)


DigitalClock1.Timer1_Enabled =



◮ Test the runtime instance of your control in a host application

Module 3: Building Controls 21

1. Place a breakpoint on the Get and Set statements of the Timer1_Enabled

event procedure within the DigitalClock composite control.

2. In Project Explorer, right-click TestClock project, and then click Set as

Startup Project.

3. Press F5 to compile and run the application.

4. Step through each line of the code in the debug mode by pressing F11.

5. Click StartStopButton and step through each line of code in debug mode by pressing F11.

By adding a test host project to the control project, you can easily debug the control. In addition, you will not be required to refresh the reference to the control every time you rebuild it.

◮ Test the DigitalClock in separate instances of Visual Studio .NET


1. Open a new instance of Visual Studio .NET

2. On the File menu, click Add Project, and then click New Project.

3. Create a new Windows application and name it TestClock2.

4. On the Tools menu, click Customize Toolbox.

5. Click the .NET Framework Components tab, and then click Browse.

6. In the Open dialog box, navigate to the DigitalClock.dll located in the \bin directory of the DigitalClock project, click Open, and then click OK.

7. Add a DigitalClock control to Form1.

8. Switch back to the Visual Studio .NET instance that includes the DigitalClock source code and set the BackColor property of

LocalTimeLabel to ControlLightLight

9. On the Build menu, click Rebuild Solution.

10. Switch back to the Visual Studio instance that includes the TestClock2 project and run it by pressing F5.

The control displays the original value (ControlDark) and not the most recent one (ControlLightLight). To update the TestClock2 project to use the most recent DigitalClock control, you need to refresh the reference to the control.

22 Module 3: Building Controls

Lesson: Adding Design-Time Support for Controls

� Property Attributes

� How to Add Attributes that Provide Information to the Visual Designer

� Design Time Support Options Built into the .NET Framework

� Practice: Adding Design-Time Support for Controls

*****************************ILLEGAL FOR NON-TRAINER USE******************************

Design-time attributes are essential in order to display a control and its members correctly at design time because they provide valuable information to a visual design tool. This lesson describes some of the design time options that are built into the .NET Framework. The lesson also describes how to add the attributes that provide information to the visual design tool.

After completing this lesson, you will be able to:

� Describe property attributes.

� Add attributes that provide information to the Visual Designer.

� Describe the built-in design-time options for components in Visual Studio



Lesson objectives

Module 3: Building Controls 23

Property Attributes

� Property Attributes

� Allow you to specify the behavior of properties at design time

� Property attributes allow you to specify

� Grouping options for custom properties in the Properties window of the Visual Studio .NET environment

� Default values

� Custom editors for custom properties

� Examples of Property Attributes

� Browsable

� Category

� Description

� DefaultProperty

*****************************ILLEGAL FOR NON-TRAINER USE******************************

Attributes associate design-time functionality with a component. Design-time attributes can be applied to properties, events, classes, and even assemblies.

Attributes are the glue that binds design-time functionality to a component. Property attributes allow you to specify the behavior of properties at design time. Attributes can also be applied at the control level and to events as well. In the .NET Framework, design-time functionality is implemented not within a component but outside the component, and it is associated with the component through metadata supplied by custom attributes.

Property attributes allow you to specify:

• Grouping options for custom properties in the Properties window of the

Visual Studio .NET environment.

• Default values.

• Custom editors for custom properties.

The following table lists some of the property attributes and their descriptions.

Property Attributes Description Browsable Specifies whether a property or an event

should be displayed in the property


Category Specifies the name of the category in

which to group a property or event. When

categories are used, component properties

and events can be displayed in logical

groupings in the property browser.

Description Defines a small block of text to be

displayed at the bottom of the property

browser when the user selects a property

or event.



List of property attributes

24 Module 3: Building Controls

DefaultProperty Specifies the default property for the

component. This property is selected in

the property browser when a user clicks

on the control.

DefaultValue Sets a default value for a property.

TypeConverter Specifies the type converter to use for

converting the type of the property to

another data type.

Editor Specifies the editor to use for editing

(changing) a property in a visual designer.

RefreshProperties Indicates how a designer refreshes when

the associated property value changes.

This class cannot be inherited.

In addition to property attributes, there are some control attributes, such as the ToolBoxBitMap attribute that allow you to specify control behavior. The ToolBoxBitMap allows you to specify a bitmap or icon image to represent a control in the Toolbox of the Visual Studio .Net IDE.

Module 3: Building Controls 25

How to Add Attributes that Provide Information to the Visual


To add attributes to your codeTo add attributes to your code

Define a new attribute or use an existing attribute by importing its namespace from the .NET framework class library

Initialize the attribute directly preceding the element that needs to be described

[Category(“Appearance”)]PublicColor BackColor

[Category(“Appearance”)]PublicColor BackColor

using System.ComponentModel;using System.ComponentModel;

*****************************ILLEGAL FOR NON-TRAINER USE******************************

Attributes associate design-time functionality with a component. Design-time attributes can be applied to properties, events, classes, and even assemblies.

To add attributes:

1. Define a new attribute or use an existing attribute by importing its

namespace from the .NET Framework class library.

using System.ComponentModel;

When you derive a component or control from a base component that has design-time attributes, your component inherits the design-time functionality of the base class. If the base functionality is adequate for your purposes, you do not have to reapply the attributes. However, you can always override attributes or apply additional attributes to the derived component. Only classes that directly or indirectly implement System.ComponentModel.IComponent have design-time support in a visual designer.

2. Initialize the attribute directly preceding the element that needs to be described.

In the following code fragment, the Category attribute enables the property browser to display the Color property in the Appearance category.

[Category(“Appearance”)]Public Color BackColor



26 Module 3: Building Controls

Design-Time Support Options Built into the .NET Framework

� Property Browser

� Associates property editors for different data types

� Type Converter

� Converts the value entered into the Properties window to the correct data type within a control

� Custom UI Editors

� Chooses the correct UI editor for the Properties window based on the type of property

� Custom Designers

� Allows you to modify the design-time appearance and behavior of controls and objects

� Extenders

� Provide the ability to add or filter properties for controls

*****************************ILLEGAL FOR NON-TRAINER USE******************************

Design-time functionality refers to the display and behavior of a component or control in a visual designer. The .NET platform includes several features that support the development of design-time behavior for controls.

� Property Browser

When a control exposes properties, the Visual Studio .NET IDE displays them at design time in the Properties window. Most properties are modified by typing string values into the property browser. The property browser then converts the string values to the correct type. So, for example, if you expose a property of type integer and attempt to enter a non-numeric value for it in the property browser, it will raise an error.

The property browser is also capable of associating more advanced property editors for different data types. For example, the property editor exposes a color palette for Color types and a DateTimePicker control for Date types.

� Type Converter

A type converter is used to convert the value entered into the Property window. A simple example is the conversion from a string to an integer and back. Type converters are primarily used for string-to-value conversions and for validation at design time and at run time. Most native data types (Int32, String, enumeration types, and others) have default type converters. You can create a custom type converter (by inheriting from the System.ComponentModel.TypeConverter class), if a custom property does not have an associated type converter.

After you create a type converter, you can apply the TypeConverter

attribute to a property to associate the property with the type converter. For example, you can use a TypeConverter to convert two strings entered in the property browser to a Point type.


Design-time support options

Module 3: Building Controls 27

� Custom UI editors

In some situations, a simple value-to-string conversion that allows a property to be displayed as text in the property browser might not be adequate. For instance, in the case of a color property, a visual representation is more desirable. A UI type editor allows such a representation and is intended for use with property browsers and other advanced design-time hosts.

To implement a custom UI type editor for Windows Forms, you define a class that is derived from System.Drawing.Design.UITypeEditor. You then apply the Editor attribute to a property to associate the property with the UI editor.

� Custom Designers

Designers are classes that allow you to modify the design-time appearance and behavior of components and controls. Although the usual goal of any WYSIWYG form designer is to minimize differences between design-time and run-time appearance, some special design-time cues are necessary. For example, a System.Windows.Forms.Panel object might not have a visible border at run time. However, without a border the panel is invisible to the developer designing a form that contains the panel. Therefore, the designer for the System.Windows.Forms.Panel object draws a dotted line border around the panel.

To create a custom designer, create a class that implements the IDesigner interface and apply the Designer attribute to the control.

� Extenders

Extender providers add properties to other controls. In the .NET Framework, extender providers require no special support. At design time, extender properties appear in the property browser as properties on the objects that they extend, rather than on the actual extender object.

An example of an extender is the ToolTip control. The ToolTip property is not available to controls on a form until you add the ToolTip control to the form.

To create an extender control, create a class that implements the System.ComponentModel.IExtenderProvider interface.

28 Module 3: Building Controls

Practice: Adding Design-Time Attributes Support for Controls

� In this practice, you will use attributes and custom designer to modify the behavior and appearance of controls.

� Add a ToolBox bitmap for a control

� Add attributes to the Text property

� Test the design time support for the control

� Explore custom designers and extenders

*****************************ILLEGAL FOR NON-TRAINER USE******************************

In this practice, you will learn how to add design-time support for controls. The exercises involve adding a special icon for a vertical label control on the Toolbox. In addition, you will add an attribute to the Text property of the vertical label.

◮ Open the practice project

1. Start Visual Studio .NET.

2. In the Start Page window, click Open Project.

3. In the Look in list, navigate to install_folder\

Practices\Mod03_02\Starter\VerticalLabel, and then open the VerticalLabel.sln solution file.

4. On the Build menu, click Build Solution.

◮ Add a ToolBox bitmap for a control

1. On the Project menu, click Add Existing Item, change the File Type filter to All Files, select the VerticalLabel.ico file located in

install_folder\2555A\Practices\Mod03_02\Starter, and then click Open.

2. In Solution Explorer, click VerticalLabel.ico. In the Properties window, set

the Build Action property to Embedded Resource.

There are various options for associating an image with a control’s Toolbox bitmap. In this exercise, you will embed the image within the compiled project. In this case, the ToolboxBitmap attribute requires two arguments, the Type where the image is located and a String that represents the name of the image.



Module 3: Building Controls 29

3. Open VerticalLabel.cs in the code view.

4. Add a ToolBoxBitmap attribute to the VerticalLabel class. Use the typeof function to return a VerticalLabel type for the first argument and

VerticalLabel.ico as a string for the second argument. You code should look like the following:

[ToolboxBitmap(typeof(VerticalLabel), "VerticalLabel.ico")]

public class VerticalLabel :


◮ Add attributes to the Text property

1. Import the System.ComponentModel namespace at the top of the VerticalLabel.cs code window.

2. Add a Category attribute to the Text property and set it to VerticalLabel.

3. Add a Description attribute to the Text property and set it to: Text is

displayed vertically in container. You code should look like this.

using System.ComponentModel;

[Category("VerticalLabel"), Description("Text is displayed

in container")]

public override string Text

4. On the Build menu, click Build Solution.

◮ Test the design-time support for the control

1. On the File menu, click Add Project, and then click New Project.

2. Click the Windows Application template, and then click OK.

3. On the Tools menu, click Customize Toolbox.

4. In the Customize Toolbox dialog box, click the .NET

FrameworksComponents tab, and then click Browse.

5. In the Open dialog box, click install_folder\2555A\Practices\Mod03_02\Starter\VerticalLabel\obj\Debug\

VerticalLabel.dll, click Open, and then click OK.

6. Ensure the control is correctly represented by the VerticalLabel.ico in the


7. Add a VerticalLabel control to Form1 from the Toolbox. View the Text

property in the Properties window to ensure that Category and Description

are displayed.

◮ Explore custom designers and extenders

1. Add a Panel control to Form1.

The Panel control displays an outline of its borders at design time. At run time the outline is not displayed. This is an example of a custom designer.

2. Add a ToolTip control to Form1 and view the ToolTip on ToolTip1 property that is exposed on both the Panel control and the VerticalLabel


The ToolTip control extends the ToolTip property to other controls. This is an example of an extender control.

Module 4: Using Data in Windows Forms Applications 1


� Adding ADO.NET Objects to a Windows Forms Application

� Accessing and Modifying Data by Using DataSets

� Binding Data to Controls

� Using the DataGrid Control

� Overview of XML Web Services

� Creating a Simple XML Web Services Client

*****************************ILLEGAL FOR NON-TRAINER USE******************************

Data binding provides a simple, convenient, powerful, and transparent way for developers to create a read/write link between the controls on a form and the data in their application.

Microsoft® .NET Framework Windows Forms support binding data to ADO.NET DataSets, arrays, collections, and other controls. A control can be bound to any collection that supports indexed access to the elements in that collection.

XML Web services enable the exchange of data and the remote invocation of application logic by using XML messaging to move data through firewalls and among many heterogeneous systems.

Developers can create applications that weave together XML Web services from a variety of sources in much the same way that developers traditionally use components when creating a distributed application.

After completing this module, you will be able to:

� Describe the objects in the ADO.NET object model.

� Add and configure ADO.NET objects in a Windows Forms application.

� Access and modify data from a database by using DataSets.

� Bind data to controls.

� Use the DataGrid control.

� Describe the XML Web services model and the roles of HTML, SOAP,

XML, and marshaling in the XML Web services model.

� Create and test a simple XML Web service client application.

� Persist data to and read data from files and isolated storage by using methods of the BinaryReader and BinaryWriter methods and the

TextReader and TextWriter methods.



2 Module 4: Using Data in Windows Forms Applications

Lesson: Adding and Configuring ADO.NET Objects on a Windows Forms Application

Data SourceDataAdapterDataTable








*****************************ILLEGAL FOR NON-TRAINER USE******************************

As application development has evolved, a lot of new applications are based on the Web application model. An increasing number of applications use XML to encode data to be passed over network connections. ADO.NET provides a programming model that incorporates features of both XML and ADO.NET in the .NET Framework.

ADO.NET is a set of classes that allow .NET-based applications to read and update information in databases and other data stores. You can access these classes through the .NET Framework System.Data namespace.

ADO.NET provides consistent access to a wide variety of data sources, including Microsoft SQL Server™ databases, OLE DB–compliant databases, non-relational sources such as Microsoft Exchange Server, and XML documents.

ADO.NET is designed for working with disconnected data in a multi-tier environment. ADO.NET uses XML as the format for transmitting disconnected data, which makes it easier to communicate with client applications that are not based on Windows Forms.

After completing this lesson, you will be able to:

� Describe the objects in the ADO.NET object model.

� Add and configure ADO.NET objects in a Windows Forms application.


Lesson objectives

Module 4: Using Data in Windows Forms Applications 3

Multimedia: ADO.NET Object Model

� In this animation, you will get an overview of the ADO.NET object model.

� Connection object

� Command object

� DataSets

� DataAdapters

� DataReaders

*****************************ILLEGAL FOR NON-TRAINER USE******************************

ADO.NET evolved from the ADO data access model. By using ADO.NET, you can develop applications that are robust and scalable, and that can use XML.

ADO.NET has some of the same objects as ADO (like the Connection and Command objects), and introduces new objects, such as Dataset, DataReader, and DataAdapter.


4 Module 4: Using Data in Windows Forms Applications

What Is a Connection Object?

� Connections

� Used to talk to databases

� Use ConnectionString property to determine connection strings

� Types of Connections

� SqlConnection

System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection cnNorthwind;

cnNorthwind.ConnectionString = "data source=London\\MOC;initial catalog=Northwind;integratedsecurity=SSPI; " +

"persist security info=False;";

System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection cnNorthwind;

cnNorthwind.ConnectionString = "data source=London\\MOC;initial catalog=Northwind;integratedsecurity=SSPI; " +

"persist security info=False;";

� OleDbConnection

*****************************ILLEGAL FOR NON-TRAINER USE******************************

To move data between a data store and your application, you must first have a connection to the data store. In ADO.NET you can create and manage a connection by using a connection object.

Applications use Connection objects to communicate with databases. The

ConnectionString property determines connection settings. These connection settings access a particular DataSource. A typical ConnectionString property might look like the following code:

Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Data Source=MySQLServer;Initial

Catalog=NORTHWIND;Integrated Security=SSPI

There are two kinds of connection objects in ADO.NET: SqlConnection and OleDbConnection.

The SqlConnection object manages a connection to Microsoft SQL Server version 7.0 or later. The SqlConnection object is optimized for use with SQL Server 7.0 or later by bypassing the OLE DB layer.

The following code is an example of connecting to a SQL Server 2000 database by using a SqlConnection object:

System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection cnNorthwind;

cnNorthwind.ConnectionString = "data

source=London\\MOC;initial catalog=Northwind;integrated

security=SSPI; " +

"persist security info=False;";




Example of SQLConnection

Module 4: Using Data in Windows Forms Applications 5

The OleDbConnection object manages a connection to any data store accessible through OLE DB. The OleDbConnection object interacts with OLE DB to expose a consistent API for a variety of data sources — everything from simple text files to spreadsheets and, of course, full-featured databases.

The following code is an example of connecting to a Microsoft Access 2002 database by using an OleDbConnection object:

Dim cnNorthwind as New _


cnNorthwind.ConnectionString = _

"Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; " & _

"Data Source=C:\Program Files\Microsoft


System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection cnNorthwind = new

System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection ();

cnNorthwind.ConnectionString =

"Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;" +

"Data Source=C:\\Program Files\\Microsoft


The Connection object is one component of a .NET Framework data provider. A data provider in the .NET Framework serves as a bridge between an application and a data source, and is used to retrieve data from a data source and to reconcile changes to that data back to the data source.


Example of OleDbConnection


6 Module 4: Using Data in Windows Forms Applications

What Is a Command Object?

� Travel over connections

� Resultsets are returned in the form of streams

� Types of Commands

� SqlCommand

SqlClient.SqlConnection conSQL = new SqlClient.SqlConnection();

conSQL.ConnectionString = "Integrated Security=True;DataSource=LocalHost;Initial Catalog=Pubs;";

conSQL.Open( );

SqlClient.SqlCommand commSQL = new SqlClient.SqlCommand();

commSQL.Connection = conSQL;

commSQL.CommandText = "Select Count(*) from Authors";

MessageBox.Show(commSQL.ExecuteScalar( ).ToString());

SqlClient.SqlConnection conSQL = new SqlClient.SqlConnection();

conSQL.ConnectionString = "Integrated Security=True;DataSource=LocalHost;Initial Catalog=Pubs;";

conSQL.Open( );

SqlClient.SqlCommand commSQL = new SqlClient.SqlCommand();

commSQL.Connection = conSQL;

commSQL.CommandText = "Select Count(*) from Authors";

MessageBox.Show(commSQL.ExecuteScalar( ).ToString());

� OleDbCommand

*****************************ILLEGAL FOR NON-TRAINER USE******************************

Command objects allow you to access data directly in the database in a connected environment. Command objects use SQL statements or stored procedures to retrieve data.

Commands travel across connections, and result sets are returned in the form of streams that can be read by DataReaders or pushed into DataSet objects. Command objects contain a Parameters collection that populates the input and output arguments of SQL statements or stored procedures. For example, if you have a SQL statement that returns all of the rows in the Orders table where the EmployeeID is equal to a value determined at run time, you add the value EmployeeID to the Paremeters collection of the Command object.

A Command object contains a reference to a SQL statement or stored procedure that you can execute directly. The two Command classes are described in the following table.

Command class Description System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand SQL Server .NET Data Provider


System.Data.OleDb.OleDbCommand OLE DB .NET Data Provider command

The properties of a Command object contain all of the information necessary to execute a statement against a database. The following table summarizes the properties of the Command object and their descriptions.

Property Description Name The programmatic name of the command

object. Use this name in your code, to

refer to the command object.

Connection The command object references a

connection object, which it uses to

communicate with the database.



Properties of a command object

Module 4: Using Data in Windows Forms Applications 7

CommandType A value specified by the CommandType

enumeration, indicating what type of

command you want to execute:

• Text. A SQL statement.

• StoredProcedure. A stored


• TableDirect. A way of fetching

the entire contents of a table.

(This option is available only for

OleDbCommand objects.)

CommandText The command to execute. The command

text you specify depends on the value of

the CommandType property:

• Text. Enter the SQL statement to


• StoredProcedure. Enter the

name of the stored procedure.

• TableDirect. Enter the name of

the table to fetch.

Parameters The command object may include zero or

more parameters.

8 Module 4: Using Data in Windows Forms Applications

After configuring the properties for a command object, you call one of the following methods to execute the command. The method you call depends on the statement or procedure being executed, and the results that you expect to be returned.

Method in a Command class Description ExecuteScalar Executes a command that returns a single


ExecuteReader Executes a command that returns a set of


ExecuteNonQuery Executes a command that updates the

database or changes the database

structure. This method returns the number

of rows affected.


(SqlCommand only)

Executes a command that returns an XML

result. Capability is supported by SQL

Server version 7.0 or later.

The following example shows how to use the Command object to query a database and retrieve data:

SqlClient.SqlConnection conSQL = new


conSQL.ConnectionString = "Integrated Security=True;Data

Source=LocalHost;Initial Catalog=Pubs;";

conSQL.Open( );

SqlClient.SqlCommand commSQL = new SqlClient.SqlCommand();

commSQL.Connection = conSQL;

commSQL.CommandText = "Select Count(*) from Authors";

MessageBox.Show(commSQL.ExecuteScalar( ).ToString());

Methods of a command object


Module 4: Using Data in Windows Forms Applications 9

What Is a DataReader Object?

� A fast, forward-only cursor that loops through a stream of rows

SqlConnection cnNorthwind = new SqlConnection();

System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand cmProducts = new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand("SELECT ProductName, " +

"UnitsInStock FROM Products", cnNorthwind);

SqlDataReader rdrProducts;


rdrProducts = cmProducts.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior.CloseConnection);

while (rdrProducts.Read())


listBox1.Items.Add(rdrProducts.GetString(0) + "\t" + rdrProducts.GetInt16(1));



SqlConnection cnNorthwind = new SqlConnection();

System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand cmProducts = new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand("SELECT ProductName, " +

"UnitsInStock FROM Products", cnNorthwind);

SqlDataReader rdrProducts;


rdrProducts = cmProducts.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior.CloseConnection);

while (rdrProducts.Read())


listBox1.Items.Add(rdrProducts.GetString(0) + "\t" + rdrProducts.GetInt16(1));



*****************************ILLEGAL FOR NON-TRAINER USE******************************

The DataReader is a fast, forward-only cursor that loops through a stream of rows. When you execute a Command object that returns a set of rows, you use a DataReader to loop through the set of rows.

You can use a Command object and the ExecuteReader method to return a DataReader. You can execute any SELECT statement or a stored procedure that contains a SELECT statement.

The DataReader provides strongly typed methods to get the value of a specific column in the current row. You can also obtain metadata about the rows, such as the column name and the column data type.

When you process a result set with a DataReader, the associated connection is kept busy until you close the DataReader. For this reason, you should close the DataReader as soon as you finish processing the result set.

The following are examples of situations where you might want to use a Command object to return a DataReader:

� You want to obtain a single record from a table, such as the details for a

particular customer. To do this, you specify the customer ID, and get back a

single record containing the details for that customer.

� You want to obtain a set of records that you insert into a control on a form.

This is often useful in applications which display read-only information such as search results or inventory lists.

The following code executes a SELECT statement to get product details from the Northwind database. The example iterates through the rows by using a SqlDataReader, and gets the ProductName and UnitsInStock for each product.


The ExecuteReader method


Code example

10 Module 4: Using Data in Windows Forms Applications

SqlConnection cnNorthwind = new SqlConnection();

System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand cmProducts = new

System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand("SELECT ProductName, " +

"UnitsInStock FROM Products", cnNorthwind);

SqlDataReader rdrProducts;


rdrProducts =


while (rdrProducts.Read())


listBox1.Items.Add(rdrProducts.GetString(0) + "\t" +




Module 4: Using Data in Windows Forms Applications 11

Demonstration: Using DataReaders

� In this demonstration, you will see how to use DataReader to populate a ListBox with results returned by a Command object.

� Create a new project

� Call the ExecuteReader method

*****************************ILLEGAL FOR NON-TRAINER USE******************************

In this demonstration, you will see how to use a DataReader to populate a ListBox with results returned by a Command object.

◮ Create a new project

1. Start Microsoft® Visual Studio® .NET.

2. On the File menu, point to New, and then click Project.

3. In the New Project dialog box, click Windows Application, name it UsingDataReaders, and then click OK.

4. On the Data tab of the Toolbox, drag a SQLDataAdapter control to Form1.

◮ Call the ExecuteReader method

1. Using the DataAdapter Configuration Wizard, create a stored procedure

named AllCustomers that returns all of the data in the Customers table,

sorted by company name.

2. Make the data read-only by disabling the Generate Insert, Update, and

Delete statements checkbox in the Advanced SQL Generation Options dialog box.

3. Add a list box and button to Form1.

4. Define a Click event handler for the button, and add the following code:

12 Module 4: Using Data in Windows Forms Applications

System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReader rdrCustomers;


rdrCustomers =



while (rdrCustomers.Read())





5. Build and run the application.

Module 4: Using Data in Windows Forms Applications 13

What Is a DataSet?

� Datasets can include multiple DataTables

� Relationships between tables are represented using DataRelations

� Constraints enforce primary and foreign keys

� Use the DataRow and DataColumn to access values in Tables





*****************************ILLEGAL FOR NON-TRAINER USE******************************

In ADO.NET, by using DataSets you can represent data in a local cache and provide a relational programming model for the data regardless of its source.

The ADO.NET DataSet is an in-memory cache of data that functions as a disconnected relational view of the data. The connection to the data source does not need to be active for an application to view and manipulate data in a DataSet. This disconnected architecture enables greater scalability by using database server resources only when reading from, or writing to, the data source.

DataSets store data similarly to the way data is stored in a relational database, with a hierarchical object model of tables, rows, and columns. Additionally, you can define constraints and relationships for the data in the DataSet.

DataTable objects represent the tables in a DataSet. A DataTable represents one table of in-memory relational data. The data is local to the .NET application in which it resides, but it can be populated from an existing data source. A DataTable is composed of DataColumns.

A DataColumn is the building block for creating the schema of a DataTable. Each DataColumn has a DataType property that determines the kind of data that each DataColumn contains. For example, you can restrict the data type to integers, strings, or decimals. Because data contained in the DataTable is typically merged back into the original data source, you must match the data types to those in the data source.

The DataSet class has a Tables property that gets a collection of DataTable

objects in the DataSet, and a Relations property that gets a collection of the DataRelation objects in the DataSet.

A DataTable object contains several collections that describe the data in the table and cache the data in memory. The following table describes the most important collections.



DataTables in DataSets

DataColumns in DataTables

Tables in a DataSet

14 Module 4: Using Data in Windows Forms Applications

Collection name Type of object

in collection

Description of object in collection

Columns DataColumn Contains metadata about a column in the table,

such as the column name, data type, and whether

rows can contain a NULL value in this column.

Rows DataRow Contains a row of data in the table. A DataRow

object also maintains the original data in the row,

before any changes were made by the application.

Constraints Constraint Represents a constraint on one or more

DataColumn objects. Constraint is an abstract

class. There are two concrete subclasses:

UniqueConstraint and ForeignKeyConstraint.

ChildRelations DataRelation Represents a relationship to a column in another

table in the DataSet. You use DataRelation

objects to create links between primary keys and

foreign keys in your tables.

A typed DataSet is a class that derives from a DataSet. It inherits all the

methods, events, and properties of a DataSet. In addition, a typed DataSet provides strongly typed methods, events, and properties. This means that you

can access tables and columns by name, instead of using collection-based methods. For example, to access the access the Titles table from a DataSet

named DatSet1, you use the following code:


However, with a typed DataSet, you can directly access the Titles table by using the following code: DataSet1.Titles;

In addition to the improved readability of the code, a typed DataSet also allows

the Visual Studio .NET Code Editor to use the Intellisense feature to automatically complete lines of code as you type them.

Additionally, the strongly typed DataSets provide access to correct value type

at compile time. With a strongly typed DataSet, type mismatch errors are caught when the code is compiled, rather than at run time.

You can generate a strongly typed DataSet by using the XSD.exe tool provided with the .NET Framework SDK, or you can generate one in the Visual Studio


Typed DataSets

Module 4: Using Data in Windows Forms Applications 15

What Is a DataAdapter?




SelectCommand UpdateCommand InsertCommand DeleteCommand

XxxCommandXxxCommand XxxCommandXxxCommand XxxCommandXxxCommand




*****************************ILLEGAL FOR NON-TRAINER USE******************************

The DataSet object represents a local copy of data from a data source and is one of the key innovations of the Microsoft .NET Framework. By itself, the DataSet object is useful for reference. However, to serve as a true data-management tool, a DataSet must be able to interact with a data source. To accomplish this, the .NET Framework provides the DataAdapter class.

A DataAdapter object serves as a bridge between a DataSet and a data source for retrieving and saving data. The DataAdapter class represents a set of database commands and a database connection that you use to fill a DataSet and update the data source. DataAdapter objects are part of the Microsoft ADO.NET data providers, which also include connection objects, data-reader objects, and command objects.

Each DataAdapter exchanges data between a single DataTable object in a DataSet and a single result set from a SQL statement or stored procedure.

Microsoft Visual Studio .NET makes two primary DataAdapters available for use with databases. In addition, other DataAdapters can be integrated with Visual Studio. The primary DataDdapters are:

� OleDbDataAdapter, which is suitable for use with any data source that is exposed by an OLE DB provider.

� SqlDataAdapter, which is specific to SQL Server version 7.0 or later database. The SqlDataAdapter is faster than the OleDbDataAdapter

because it works directly with SQL Server and does not go through an OLE DB layer.




Primary DataAdapters for databases

16 Module 4: Using Data in Windows Forms Applications

You use DataAdapters to act on records from a data source. You can specify which actions you want to perform by using one of four DataAdapter properties, which execute a SQL statement or call a stored procedure. The properties are actually objects that are instances of the SqlCommand or OleDbCommand class.

� SelectCommand. Refers to a Command object that retrieves rows from the

data source.

� InsertCommand. Refers to a Command object that writes inserted rows

from the DataSet into the data source.

� UpdateCommand. Refers to a Command object that writes modified rows from the DataSet into the data source.

� DeleteCommand. Refers to a Command object that deletes rows in the data source.

DataAdapter properties

Module 4: Using Data in Windows Forms Applications 17

How to Add ADO.NET Objects to a Form

Drag an OleDbDataAdapter or SqlDataAdapter object from the Toolbox onto a formDrag an OleDbDataAdapter or SqlDataAdapter object from the Toolbox onto a form

Specify connection and SQL command information Specify connection and SQL command information

Select the adapter or adapters that will be used to transfer data between the data source and the datasetSelect the adapter or adapters that will be used to transfer data between the data source and the dataset

On the Data menu, choose Generate DatasetOn the Data menu, choose Generate Dataset

Select New and then specify a name for the new datasetSelect New and then specify a name for the new dataset

*****************************ILLEGAL FOR NON-TRAINER USE******************************

The data design tools in Visual Studio provide a simple way to connect to a database and retrieve data from it.

You can use any of the following data design tools to connect to data source:

� DataAdapter Configuration Wizard

This wizard prompts you for information to create a connection that is in turn linked to a data adapter.

� Data Form Wizard

This wizard creates the connection object as part of the form it is configuring.

In this topic, you will learn how to connect to data source by using the DataAdapter Configuration Wizard.

Although, by using data design tools you need not create explicit

connections to a data source, there are times when you need to create just a connection. For more information how to create a connection, see “Creating ADO.NET Connection Objects” in the Visual Studio .NET documentation.



18 Module 4: Using Data in Windows Forms Applications

The Data Adapter Configuration Wizard helps you set the properties of a new or existing data adapter. A data adapter contains SQL commands that your application can use to read data into a dataset from a database and write it back again. The wizard can optionally create a data connection that allows the adapter to communicate with a database.

To use the DataAdapter Configuration Wizard:

1. Drag an OleDbDataAdapter or SqlDataAdapter object from the Toolbox onto a form or component.

2. Specify connection and SQL command information.

The wizard displays several dialog boxes:

a. If you ask to create a connection, the wizard displays the Connection tab of the Data Link Properties dialog box, which allows you to

specify a provider, server name, database name, user name, and password for the connection.

b. To help you create SQL statements, the wizard provides the Query Builder, a utility that allows you to create and test a Select statement by

using visual tools. To launch it, click the Query Builder button when asked for a SQL statement.

3. In the Component Designer, select the adapter or adapters that will transfer data between the data source and the dataset.

Typically, each data adapter accesses data in a single table. Therefore, to create a dataset containing multiple data tables, you should select all the adapters for the tables you want to work with.

4. On the Data menu, choose Generate Dataset.

The Generate DataSet dialog box appears.

5. Click New, and then specify a name for the new dataset. If you want to add

the dataset to your form or component, click Add an instance of this

DataSet to the designer.


Module 4: Using Data in Windows Forms Applications 19

Practice: Adding and Configuring ADO.NET Objects on a Form

� In this practice, you will add and configure ADO.NET objects on a form by using the Data Adapter Configuration Wizard

� Create a Windows application project

� Add and Configure a SQLConnectioncontrol to the form

� Add and configure a SQLDataAdaptercontrol to the form

� Generate the DataSet

*****************************ILLEGAL FOR NON-TRAINER USE******************************

In this practice, you will learn how to add and configure ADO.NET objects on a form by using the Data Adapter Configuration Wizard.

◮ Create a Windows application project

1. Open Visual Studio .NET.

2. On the File menu, point to New, and then click Project.

3. In the New Project dialog box, select Windows Application, name it

BuildingDataSets, and then click OK.

◮ Add a SQLConnection control to the form and configure it

1. Drag a SQLConnection control from the ToolBox to Form1.

The SQLConnection control is on the Data tab of the Toolbox.

2. In the Properties window, click the ConnectionString property, click the

down arrow, and then click New Connection.

3. In the Data Link Properties dialog box, type <computername>\MOC,

where <computername> is the name of your computer.

4. Select the Use Windows NT Integrated Security option.

5. Select the pubs database from the drop down list, click Test Connection to

ensure that you can access the pubs database, and then click OK.

6. Click OK to close the Data Link Properties dialog box.

7. Review the ConnectionString text that is generated.

◮ Add a SQLDataAdapter control to the form and configure it

1. Drag a SQLDataAdapter control from the ToolBox to Form1.

2. In the Data Adapter Configuration Wizard, click Next.

3. In the data connection drop down list, click

<computername>\moc\pubs.dbo, and then click Next.

20 Module 4: Using Data in Windows Forms Applications

4. In the Choose a Query Type dialog box, click Next.

You can use this wizard create SQL statements and stored procedures or modify existing stored procedures.

5. On the Toolbar, click the Query Builder button.

6. In the Add Table dialog box, select the Titles tables, click Add, and then click Close.

7. In the Query Builder dialog box, in the Titles table, select All Columns,

and then click OK.

8. Review the information in the View Wizard Results dialog box, and then

click Finish.

9. Review the SelectCommand, DeleteCommand, InsertCommand and

UpdateCommand properties of the SQLDataAdapter1 control in the Properties window.

Each of these properties is associated with a SQLCommand object that was generated by the wizard. Each operation (SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE) uses a specific SQLCommand to perform its task.

10. Expand the DeleteCommand property and review the CommandText


Each SQLCommand object has a unique CommandText property that is generated by the wizard and enables the object to perform its task.

◮ Generate the DataSet

1. On the Data menu, click Generate DataSet.

If the Generate DataSet option is disabled, then click anywhere outside the Properties window before generating the DataSet.

2. Click OK on the Generate Dataset dialog box.

A dataset control named DataSet11 is added to Form1. DataSet11 is an instance of the typed dataset DataSet1.

3. In Solution Explorer, double click DatSet1.xsd.

This is the visual representation of your dataset. In this view you can add new or existing tables to your dataset and create relationships between them.

4. Click XML in the lower left of the designer.

This is the XML representation of your dataset.

5. In Solution Explorer, click Show All Files.

6. In Solution Explorer, expand DataSet1.xsd, and then double click DataSet1.cs.

7. Review the code.


Module 4: Using Data in Windows Forms Applications 21

Lesson: Accessing and Modifying Data by Using DataSets

� How to Populate a Dataset

� How to Update Data in a Dataset

� How to Update Data to a DataSource

� Practice: Populating and Updating DataSets

� How to Create Relationships in a DataSet

� How to Create Database Schema on the Client

� How to Read XML Data into a DataSet

� How to Write DataSet Information into an XML File

� Practice: Reading and Writing DataSets to XML Files

*****************************ILLEGAL FOR NON-TRAINER USE******************************

ADO.NET provides you with the DataSet object for the caching of data on the client computer. This DataSet is automatically disconnected from the data source but maintains the ability to later update the source based on changes made at the client.

In this lesson, you will learn how to create DataSets and populate tables in them. You will also learn how to edit these tables and propagate those changes to the data source.

After completing this lesson, you will be able to:

� Populate a DataSet with data from a data source.

� Update the data in a DataSet.

� Update the data source by using a DataSet.

� Create relationships between tables in a DataSet.

� Create database schema on the client.

� Read XML data into a DataSet.

� Write data from a DataSet into an XML file.


Lesson objectives

22 Module 4: Using Data in Windows Forms Applications

How to Populate a Dataset

� Use the DataAdapter object to fill the dataset

SqlDataAdapter storesSQLDataAdapter;SqlCommand storesSelectSQLCommand;storesSelectSQLCommand.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM

stores";storesSelectSQLCommand.Connection = SqlConnection1;storesSQLDataAdapter.SelectCommand =


SqlDataAdapter storesSQLDataAdapter;SqlCommand storesSelectSQLCommand;storesSelectSQLCommand.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM

stores";storesSelectSQLCommand.Connection = SqlConnection1;storesSQLDataAdapter.SelectCommand =


*****************************ILLEGAL FOR NON-TRAINER USE******************************

A DataSet is an in-memory representation of data and does not actually contain any data until you fill it by using a DataAdapter object. After you create the DataAdapter object, you use the Fill method, passing a DataSet and, optionally, the DataTable name as parameters.

The DataAdapter uses the SelectCommand object to execute the query and returns the results to the DataSet or to the DataTable referenced as parameters. The following code programmatically creates and configures a SQLDataAdapter and a SQLCommand and then uses the Fill method to populate a table in a dataset:

SqlDataAdapter storesSQLDataAdapter;

SqlCommand storesSelectSQLCommand;

storesSelectSQLCommand.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM stores";

storesSelectSQLCommand.Connection = SqlConnection1;

storesSQLDataAdapter.SelectCommand = storesSelectSQLCommand;


It is often necessary to pass parameters to a SQL statement. For example, when accessing rows from a data source, you use the SELECT statement, which uses a unique identifier to identify the rows to be accessed. The unique identifier is commonly the value of a primary key field. The SELECT statement uses parameters that contain the unique identifier, and the columns and values to be updated, as shown in the following SQL statement:

SELECT stor_id, ord_num, qty, ord_date, payterms, title_id

FROM sales WHERE (stor_id = @stor_id)

In the previous example, the stor_id field must be populated with a value from the @stor_id parameter for the SQL statement to return results.

A Parameter object holds the input and output parameters of SQL statement and stored procedures. The Parameters collection of a Command object is

where you add the required arguments of SQL statements or stored procedures.



Passing parameters to SELECT statements

Module 4: Using Data in Windows Forms Applications 23

There are a variety of ways to add Parameter objects to the Parameters

collection. The following code uses the SelectCommand property to access a

Command object, and then assigns the value of stor_id to the Value property of the Parameter object in the Parameters collection that is identified by



= stor_id;

After all the arguments for a SQL Statement or stored procedure are defined in Parameter objects you can call the Fill method of the DataAdapter to get the results.


24 Module 4: Using Data in Windows Forms Applications

How to Update Data in a DataSet

� Adding Rows

� Editing Rows

� Deleting Data

Dim drNewRow As DataRow = datPubs.Tables("Titles").NewRowdrNewRow("title") = "New Book"drNewRow("type") = "business"datPubs.Tables("Titles").Rows.Add(drNewRow)

Dim drNewRow As DataRow = datPubs.Tables("Titles").NewRowdrNewRow("title") = "New Book"drNewRow("type") = "business"datPubs.Tables("Titles").Rows.Add(drNewRow)

DataRow drChangeRow = datPubs.Tables["Titles"].Rows[0];drChangeRow.BeginEdit( );drChangeRow["Title"] = drChangeRow["Title"].ToString() + "

1";drChangeRow.EndEdit( );

DataRow drChangeRow = datPubs.Tables["Titles"].Rows[0];drChangeRow.BeginEdit( );drChangeRow["Title"] = drChangeRow["Title"].ToString() + "

1";drChangeRow.EndEdit( );

DataRow drDelRow = datPubs.Tables["Titles"].Rows[0];datPubs.Tables["Titles"].Rows.Remove(drDelRow);

DataRow drDelRow = datPubs.Tables["Titles"].Rows[0];datPubs.Tables["Titles"].Rows.Remove(drDelRow);

*****************************ILLEGAL FOR NON-TRAINER USE******************************

After you have created a DataSet of DataTables, you might want to add, update, and delete data. Any changes you make to the data are stored in memory and later used to apply the changes to the data source.

To add new rows to a DataSet table:

1. Instantiate a DataRow object by using the NewRow method of the


2. Populate the columns with data.

3. Call the Add method of the DataRows collection, passing the DataRow object.

The following code shows how to add rows to a DataSet:

Dim drNewRow As DataRow = datPubs.Tables("Titles").NewRow

drNewRow("title") = "New Book"

drNewRow("type") = "business"



Procedure: Adding rows to a DataSet

Module 4: Using Data in Windows Forms Applications 25

To edit existing rows in a DataSet table:

1. Call the BeginEdit method of the row.

2. Change the data in the columns.

3. Call EndEdit or CancelEdit to accept or reject the changes.

The following code shows how to edit data in an existing column:

DataRow drChangeRow = datPubs.Tables["Titles"].Rows[0];

drChangeRow.BeginEdit( );

drChangeRow["Title"] = drChangeRow["Title"].ToString() + "


drChangeRow.EndEdit( );

Use either of the following methods to delete a row:

� Remove method

Call the Remove method of the DataRows collection. This permanently removes the row from the DataSet.

� Delete method

Call the Delete method of the DataRow object. This only marks the row for deletion in the DataSet, and calling RejectChanges will undo the deletion.

The following code shows how to delete an existing row from a DataSet:

DataRow drDelRow = datPubs.Tables["Titles"].Rows[0];


Procedure: Editing rows in a DataSet

Procedure: Deleting data in a DataSet

26 Module 4: Using Data in Windows Forms Applications

How to Data to a Data Source

SqlCommand comm = new SqlCommand("Insert titles &_(title_id, title, type) values (@title_id,@title,@type)");comm.Parameters.Add("@title_id", SqlDbType.VarChar, 6, &_"title_id");comm.Parameters.Add("@title", SqlDbType.VarChar, 80, "title");comm.Parameters.Add("@type", SqlDbType.Char, 12, "type");

adaptSQL.InsertCommand = comm;adaptSQL.Update(dsPubs, "titles");

SqlCommand comm = new SqlCommand("Insert titles &_(title_id, title, type) values (@title_id,@title,@type)");comm.Parameters.Add("@title_id", SqlDbType.VarChar, 6, &_"title_id");comm.Parameters.Add("@title", SqlDbType.VarChar, 80, "title");comm.Parameters.Add("@type", SqlDbType.Char, 12, "type");

adaptSQL.InsertCommand = comm;adaptSQL.Update(dsPubs, "titles");

adaptSQL = new SqlDataAdapter("Select pub_id, title_id, title, " +"type, price from titles", conSQL);

adaptSQL.Fill(dsPubs, "Titles");DataRow drNewRow = dsPubs.Tables["Titles"].NewRow();drNewRow["type"] = "business";dsPubs.Tables["Titles"].Rows.Add(drNewRow);SqlCommandBuilder sqlCommBuild = new SqlCommandBuilder(adaptSQL);adaptSQL.Update(dsPubs, "titles");

adaptSQL = new SqlDataAdapter("Select pub_id, title_id, title, " +"type, price from titles", conSQL);

adaptSQL.Fill(dsPubs, "Titles");DataRow drNewRow = dsPubs.Tables["Titles"].NewRow();drNewRow["type"] = "business";dsPubs.Tables["Titles"].Rows.Add(drNewRow);SqlCommandBuilder sqlCommBuild = new SqlCommandBuilder(adaptSQL);adaptSQL.Update(dsPubs, "titles");

� Automatically specifying updates

� Explicitly specifying the updates

*****************************ILLEGAL FOR NON-TRAINER USE******************************

After you have updated the tables in your DataSet, you will want to replicate those changes to the underlying data source. To do this, use the Update method of the DataAdapter object, which is the link between DataSet and data source.

The Update method, like the Fill method, takes two parameters: the DataSet and the name of the DataTable in which the changes have been made. The Update method determines the changes to the data and executes the appropriate SQL command (Insert, Update or Delete) against the source data.

You use the InsertCommand, UpdateCommand, and DeleteCommand

properties of the DataAdapter to identify the changes occurring in your DataSet. You specify each of these as an existing command object for an Insert, Update, or Delete SQL statement. For any variable columns in the statements, you use SqlParameter objects to identify the column, data type, size, and data to be inserted.


Procedure: Explicitly specifying the updates

Module 4: Using Data in Windows Forms Applications 27

The following code shows how to use the InsertCommand property to add a row to the Titles table in the Pubs database:

SqlCommand comm = new SqlCommand("Insert titles (title_id,

title, type) values (@title_id,@title,@type)");

comm.Parameters.Add("@title_id", SqlDbType.VarChar, 6,


comm.Parameters.Add("@title", SqlDbType.VarChar, 80, "title");

comm.Parameters.Add("@type", SqlDbType.Char, 12, "type");

adaptSQL.InsertCommand = comm;

adaptSQL.Update(dsPubs, "titles");

28 Module 4: Using Data in Windows Forms Applications

If your DataTable is generated from only one table in the data source, you can use the CommandBuilder object to automatically create the InsertCommand, UpdateCommand, and DeleteCommand properties. You can also use the DataAdapter Wizard to generate the InsertCommand, UpdateCommand, and DeleteCommand properties.

The following code shows how to use the CommandBuilder object to achieve the same results as the previous example:

adaptSQL = new SqlDataAdapter("Select pub_id, title_id, title,

" +

"type, price from titles", conSQL);

adaptSQL.Fill(dsPubs, "Titles");

DataRow drNewRow = dsPubs.Tables["Titles"].NewRow();

drNewRow["title_id"] = "hg8765";

drNewRow["title"] = "New Book";

drNewRow["type"] = "business";


SqlCommandBuilder sqlCommBuild = new


adaptSQL.Update(dsPubs, "titles");

Even though the automatically generated commands can simplify your coding, you will improve performance by using the InsertCommand, UpdateCommand, and DeleteCommand properties.

Procedure: Automatically generating the updates


Module 4: Using Data in Windows Forms Applications 29

Practice: Populating and Updating DataSets

� In this practice, you will populate a DataSetand update a database with the changes made to the DataSet.

� Configure the SQLConnection control on to connect to the database

� Populate the DataSet

� Update the Database

� Test the application

*****************************ILLEGAL FOR NON-TRAINER USE******************************

In this practice, you will populate a dataset and update a database with the changes made to the dataset. You will fill the dataset with the Stores and Sales tables of the Pubs database. For the Stores table, you will write all of the code required to populate the dataset. For the Sales table, you will use the code generated by the Data Adapter Configuration Wizard and a typed dataset. You will also update the database with any changes to the Sales table.

◮ Open the project file

1. Start Visual Studio .NET.

2. In the Start Page window, click Open Project.

3. In the Look in list, navigate to

install_folder\Practices\Mod04\Mod04_02\Starter, and then open the PopulatingAndUpdatingDataSets.sln solution file.

◮ Configure the SQLConnection1 control on Form1 to connect to the

Pubs database

1. Open Form1 in Design View.

2. Select SQLConnection1, in the Properties window, click the

ConnectionString property, click the down arrow, and then click New


Use the existing connection information for the Pubs database if it already exists and skip to the next procedure.

3. In the Data Link Properties dialog box, type <computername>\MOC

where <computername> is the name of your computer.

4. Select the Use Windows NT Integrated Security option.


30 Module 4: Using Data in Windows Forms Applications

5. In the database connection drop down list, click the pubs database, click

Test Connection to ensure that you can access the pubs database, and then

click OK.

6. Click OK to close the Data Link Properties dialog box.

◮ Populate StoreSalesDataSet1 with data from the Stores table

1. Locate TODO: 1 in the code window of Form1.

2. Under TODO: 1, declare and instantiate a SqlDataAdapter named


3. Declare and instantiate a SqlCommand named


4. Declare a DataTable named storesTable and initialize it with the String

Stores. Your code should look like the following:

System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataAdapter storesSQLDataAdapter =

new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataAdapter();

System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand storesSelectSQLCommand =

new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand();

DataTable storesTable = new DataTable("Stores");

5. Locate TODO: 2 in the code window of Form1.

6. Under TODO: 2, set the CommandType property of

storesSelectSQLCommand to CommandType.Text.

7. Set the CommandText property of storesSelectSQLCommand to,

“SELECT stor_id, stor_name FROM stores”.

8. Set the Connection property of storesSelectSQLCommand to


9. Set the SelectCommand property of storesSQLDataAdapter to

storesSelectSQLCommand. Your code should look like the following:

storesSelectSQLCommand.CommandType = CommandType.Text;

storesSelectSQLCommand.CommandText = "SELECT stor_id,

stor_name FROM stores";

storesSelectSQLCommand.Connection = sqlConnection1;

storesSQLDataAdapter.SelectCommand =


10. Locate TODO: 3 in the code window of Form1.

11. Under TODO: 3, use the Fill method of storesSQLDataAdapter to

populate storesTable.

12. Use the Add method to add storesTable to the Tables collection of the

existing StoreSalesDataSet DataSet. Your code should look like the following:



◮ Use existing code generated by the Data Adapter Configuration Wizard

and a typed dataset to populate StoreSalesDataSet1 with data from the

Sales table

Module 4: Using Data in Windows Forms Applications 31

The CommandText property of SalesSQLSelectCommand is set to the following:

“SELECT stor_id, ord_num, qty, ord_date, payterms, title_id

FROM sales WHERE (stor_id = @stor_id)”

You must assign the @stor_ID parameter a value in order to get the required results. You use the Parameters collection of the SQLCommand object to assign this value.

1. Locate TODO: 4 in the code window of Form1.

2. Under TODO: 4, use the SelectCommand property of

SalesSqlDataAdapter to access SalesSQLSelectCommand and set the Value property of the @storeid parameter in the Parameters collection to

storeID. Your code should look like the following:


lue = storeID;

3. Locate TODO: 5 in the code window of Form1.

4. Under TODO: 5 use the Clear method of Sales DataTable in

StoreSalesDataSet1 to clear the Sales table of any existing data. Your code

should look like the following:


5. Locate TODO: 6 in the code window of Form1.

6. Under TODO: 6, use the Fill method of SalesSQLDataAdapter to

populate the sales property of StoreSalesDataSet1. Your code should look like the following:


◮ Update the Pubs database with the changes in StoreSalesDataSet1

1. Locate TODO: 7 in the code window of Form1.

2. Under TODO: 7, use the Update method of SalesSqlDataAdapter and pass

StoreSalesDataSet1 as an argument. Your code should look like the



◮ Test the application

1. Press F5 to compile and run the application.

2. In the Stores list, click News and Brews.

You may want to set breakpoints in your code to follow the execution path.

3. Click the bottom row of the DataGrid to create a new row and enter the following fields.

Field Value stor_id 7067

ord_num P2122


32 Module 4: Using Data in Windows Forms Applications

qty 12

ord_date 6/13/2002

payterms Net 60

title_id PC9999

8. Click Update.

9. Switch to the Visual Studio.NET IDE and use the Server Explorer to verify that the database was updated.

10. Switch back to the Store Orders application, set the qty field of the new row to 24, and then click Update.

11. Switch to the Visual Studio.NET IDE and use the Server Explorer to verify

that the database was updated.

You can refresh the view by right-clicking the results and then click Run.

12. Switch back to the Store Orders application, delete the new row, and then

click Update.

13. Switch to the Visual Studio.NET IDE and use the Server Explorer to verify that the database was updated.

Module 4: Using Data in Windows Forms Applications 33

How to Create Relationships in DataSets

DataRelation relPubsTitle = new DataRelation("PubsTitles", dsPubs.Tables["Publishers"].Columns["pub_id"], dsPubs.Tables["Titles"].Columns["pub_id"]);


DataRelation relPubsTitle = new DataRelation("PubsTitles", dsPubs.Tables["Publishers"].Columns["pub_id"], dsPubs.Tables["Titles"].Columns["pub_id"]);


DataRow PubRow;DataRow[] TitleRows;

PubRow = dsPubs.Tables["Publishers"].Rows[0];TitleRows = PubRow.GetChildRows("PubsTitles");

foreach (DataRow TitleRow in TitleRows)listBox1.Items.Add(TitleRow["title"].ToString());

DataRow PubRow;DataRow[] TitleRows;

PubRow = dsPubs.Tables["Publishers"].Rows[0];TitleRows = PubRow.GetChildRows("PubsTitles");

foreach (DataRow TitleRow in TitleRows)listBox1.Items.Add(TitleRow["title"].ToString());

� Creating Relationships

� Accessing Related Data

*****************************ILLEGAL FOR NON-TRAINER USE******************************

Databases rely on the ability to associate tables to each other to define their relationships. For example, the Titles table in the Pubs database is a child of the Publishers table. This relationship on the database enforces referential integrirty. ADO.NET provides this ability in DataSets through the DataRelation class.

Each DataRelation object contains an array of DataColumn objects that define the parent column or columns, or primary key, and the child column or columns, or foreign key, in the relationship. Referential integrity is maintained by the relationship, and you can specify how to deal with related changes.


34 Module 4: Using Data in Windows Forms Applications

The following code shows how to create a relationship between two DataTable objects in a DataSet. The same DataAdapter populates the DataTable objects, and then a DataRelation is created between the two.

SqlConnection conSQL;

conSQL = new SqlConnection();

conSQL.ConnectionString = "Integrated Security=True;Data

Source=LocalHost;Initial Catalog=Pubs;";

conSQL.Open( );

SqlDataAdapter adaptSQL;

DataSet dsPubs = new DataSet();

adaptSQL = new SqlDataAdapter("Select pub_id, pub_name, city,

state from publishers", conSQL);

adaptSQL.Fill(dsPubs, "Publishers");

adaptSQL = new SqlDataAdapter("Select pub_id, title, type,

price from titles", conSQL);

adaptSQL.Fill(dsPubs, "Titles");

DataRelation relPubsTitle = new DataRelation("PubsTitles",




The main use of a DataRelation is to allow access to related records in a different table. You can do this by using the GetChildRows method of a DataRow object that returns an array of DataRow objects. The following code shows how to use this method to access the child rows that match the first publisher by using the relationship created in the previous example:

DataRow PubRow;

DataRow[] TitleRows;

PubRow = dsPubs.Tables["Publishers"].Rows[0];

TitleRows = PubRow.GetChildRows("PubsTitles");

foreach (DataRow TitleRow in TitleRows)


For more information about DataRelations see Introduction to DataRelation Objects in the Visual Studio .NET documentation.

Procedure: Creating relationships

Procedure: Accessing related data

Module 4: Using Data in Windows Forms Applications 35

How to Create Database Schema on the Client

� XML Schemas (.xsd) enforce data integrity on the client

� Use the XML Designer to create and modify XML Schemas

1. Determine the schema design

2. On the Project menu, click Add New Item

3. Add the schema

4. Create the schema

*****************************ILLEGAL FOR NON-TRAINER USE******************************

ADO.NET typed datasets are classes that are generated from XML Schemas (.xsd file). The definition of the DataSet class changes if any changes are made to the schema. When working with XML Schemas and typed dataset representations in Visual Studio at design time there is essentially no difference. They are both .xsd files in the XML Designer, the difference is that typed datasets have an associated class file and a predefined document (or root) node that represents the encompassing dataset.

XML Schemas are documents that define and validate the content and structure of XML data, just as a database schema defines and validates the tables, columns, and data types that make up a database. The XML Schema performs the following functions:

� It describes the shape of the XML document — for example, whether the

XML document is constructed hierarchically or in a keyed relationship.

� It validates data imported from an XML stream or document into a dataset.

� It establishes the relational structure of the dataset's tables and columns, the key columns, constraints, and relationships between tables. The relational

structure information is used when generating a DataSet class.


36 Module 4: Using Data in Windows Forms Applications

To create an XML schema:

1. Determine the design needed for your schema.

2. On the Project menu, click Add New Item.

3. Do one of the following:

a. To add a schema, open the appropriate folder, and then double-click XML Schema.

An XML Schema file (.xsd file) is added to your project.

b. To add a dataset, open the appropriate folder, and then double-click


An XML Schema file and typed DataSet class file (.vb or .cs file) are added to your project.

4. To create the schema, add elements and attributes.


Module 4: Using Data in Windows Forms Applications 45

Lesson: Binding Data to Controls

� How to Perform Simple Binding Using the DataBindings Collection

� How to Perform Complex Databinding Using the DataBound Windows Controls

� Practice: Binding Controls to Data

� What Is CurrencyManager?

� How to Maintain Currency with the BindingContext Object

� Demonstration: Navigating a DataSet Using the BindingContextProperty

� How to Format and Parse DataBound Values

� Demonstration: Formatting Data Bound Controls

*****************************ILLEGAL FOR NON-TRAINER USE******************************

In Windows Forms, you can bind to not just traditional data sources, but also to almost any structure that contains data. You can bind to an array of values that you calculate at run time, read from a file, or derive from the values of other controls. In addition, you can bind any property of any control to the data source. In traditional data binding, you typically bind the display property (for example, the Text property of a TextBox control) to the data source. With the .NET Framework, you also have the option of setting other properties via binding as well.

Windows Forms can take advantage of two types of data binding: simple binding and complex binding. This lesson covers how to bind data to controls by using simple binding and complex binding.

After completing this lesson, you will be able to:

� Describe the ControlBindings collection.

� Perform simple binding by using the DataBindings property.

� Perform complex binding by using data bound Windows controls.

� Describe the CurrencyManager object.

� Maintain the currency of an object by using the BindingContext object.

� Format data-bound values.


Lesson objectives

46 Module 4: Using Data in Windows Forms Applications

How to Perform Simple Binding by Using the DataBindings


txtCustomerAddress.DataBindings.Add("Text", dsNorthwindData1.Customers, "Address");

txtCustomerCity.DataBindings.Add("Text", dsNorthwindData1.Customers, "City");

txtCustomerAddress.DataBindings.Add("Text", dsNorthwindData1.Customers, "Address");

txtCustomerCity.DataBindings.Add("Text", dsNorthwindData1.Customers, "City");

Property of the control to which data is bound

Property of the control to which data is bound

Column in the tableColumn in the tableTable from the data sourceTable from the data source

To use the DataBindings Collection to bind a control

to a data source, set the DataBinding property of the

control to the data source

*****************************ILLEGAL FOR NON-TRAINER USE******************************

In Windows Forms, you can bind to not just traditional data sources, but also to almost any structure that contains data. For example, you can bind to arrays,

collections, properties of other controls, and ADO.NET objects such as data views and table columns.

Simple data binding is accomplished by adding Binding objects to a ControlBindingsCollection. The Binding class is used to create and maintain a simple binding between the property of a control and the property of an object. Any object that inherits from the Control class maintains a list of the Binding objects in the ControlBindingsCollection. The DataBindings property exposes the ControlBindingsCollection, and like any collection, supports methods to Add, Remove, and Clear the objects (Bindings) in it.

To simple-bind a control:

1. In the form, select the control and display the Properties window.

2. Expand the (DataBindings) property.

The properties most often bound are displayed in the (DataBindings) property list. For example, in most controls, the Text property is most frequently bound.

3. If the property you want to bind is not one of the commonly bound

properties, click the Ellipsis button (…) in the (Advanced) box to display

the Advanced Data Binding dialog box with a complete list of properties for that control.

4. Click the list arrow for the property you want to bind.

A list of available data sources is displayed.

5. Expand the data source you want to bind to until you find the single data

element you want.


Procedure: Simple binding at design time

Module 4: Using Data in Windows Forms Applications 47

For example, if you are binding to a column value in a dataset's table, expand the name of the dataset, and then expand the table name to display column names.

6. Click the name of an element to bind to it.

48 Module 4: Using Data in Windows Forms Applications

You can also create a Binding object programmatically at run time. To do so, use the Add method of the DataBindings collection. The method expects the following arguments:

� Name of the property of the control that will consume the data

� Data source

� Name of the field in the data source to bind to.

The following code binds the Text property of the txtCustomer TextBox to the Address column of the Customers tables in the dsNorthwind1 typed dataset:


dsNorthwindData1.Customers, "Address");

A period-delimited navigation path is required when the data source is set to an object that contains multiple DataTable objects (such as a DataSet or DataViewManager). For example, the previous code could also be written as shown.

txtCustomerAddress.DataBindings.Add("Text", dsNorthwindData1,


Procedure: Simple binding at runtime

Module 4: Using Data in Windows Forms Applications 49

How to Perform Complex Databinding by Using the DataBound

Windows Controls

� Complex Data Binding

� Bind a control property to a data table

� Used with combo boxes, list boxes, data grids

� Can bind controls to DataSets, Arrays, ArrayLists, etc

� Complex Databinding at design time

� Set the DataSource and DataMember properties

� Complex Databinding at Run Time

DataGrid1.DataSource = dsMyDataSet;

DataGrid1.DataMember = "Products";

DataGrid1.DataSource = dsMyDataSet;

DataGrid1.DataMember = "Products";

*****************************ILLEGAL FOR NON-TRAINER USE******************************

Instead of binding each data field to a separate control, you bind the complete data source to one control. This is called complex data binding. A very useful component for complex data binding is the DataGrid control.

Because a DataSet can contain more than one DataTable, there are two relevant properties: DataSource and DisplayMember. DataSource refers to the DataSet and DisplayMember refers to the contained DataTable. Alternatively, you can use the SetDataBinding method to set both values at once.

To bind a combo box, list box or a data grid to a data source at design time:

1. Add the control to the form.

2. Select the control.

3. Set the DataSource property to the data source, such as a dataset.

4. Set the DisplayMember property to the name of a column in the data source.

To bind a data-bound control to a data source at run time, add the following lines of code that set the DataSource and DisplayMember properties:

DataGrid1.DataSource = dsMyDataSet;

DataGrid1.DataMember = "Products";

If the DataSource property is not ambiguous, you can use it without defining the DataMember. The following code accomplishes the same results as the previous line of code:

DataGrid1.DataSource = dsMyDataSet.Tables[“Products”];


Procedure: Complex data binding at design time

Procedure: Complex data binding at run time

50 Module 4: Using Data in Windows Forms Applications

Practice: Binding Controls to Data

� In this practice, you will perform simple and complex binding to bind controls to data

� Configure the SQLConnection control to connect to the database

� Bind controls to columns in the DataSet at design time

� Bind controls to columns in the DataSet at run time

*****************************ILLEGAL FOR NON-TRAINER USE******************************

In this practice, you will bind various controls to data in a DataSet at design time and also programmatically at run time. You will begin by using simple binding to bind data to Label controls and then you will use complex data binding to bind data to a ComboBox and a DataGrid.

◮ Open the DataBinding project

1. Start Visual Studio .NET.

2. In the Start Page window, click Open Project.

3. In the Look in list, navigate to

install_folder\Practices\Mod04\Mod04_04\Starter, and then open the DataBinding.sln solution file.

◮ Configure the SQLConnection1 control on Form1 to connect to the

Pubs database

1. Open Form1 in design view.

2. Select SQLConnection1, and in the Properties window, click the

ConnectionString property, click the down arrow, and then click New


Use the existing connection information for the Pubs database if it already exists and skip to the next procedure.

3. In the Data Link Properties dialog box, type computername\MOC where

computername is the name of your computer.

4. Select the Use Windows NT Integrated Security option.

5. In the database connection drop down list, click the pubs database, click

Test Connection to ensure that you can access the pubs database, and then

click OK.


Module 4: Using Data in Windows Forms Applications 51

◮ Bind StateLabel control to the State column by using the Properties


1. Open Form1 in design view.

2. In the Properties window, select StateLabel on Form1, and then expand DataBindings.

3. Select the Text property, click the Text Property arrow, expand StoresSalesDataSet1, expand Sales, and then click State.

◮ Bind CityLabel to the city column programmatically at run time

1. Locate TODO: 1 in the code window of Form1.

2. Under TODO: 1, call the Add method of the DataBindings collection of CityLabel, and pass Text as the name of the property,

StoreSalesDataSet1.sales as the name of the data source, and city as the

name of the column.

◮ Bind DataGrid1 to the sales table by using the Properties window

1. Open Form1 in design view.

2. Select DataGrid1 on Form1 and use the Properties window to set the

DataSource property to StoreSalesDataSet1.

3. Use the Properties window to set the DataMember to sales.

◮ Bind StoresComboBox to the stores table programmatically at run time

1. Locate TODO: 2 in the code window of Form1.

2. Under TODO: 2, set the DataSource property of StoresComboBox to the Stores table in StoreSalesDataSet1.

3. Set the DisplayMember property of StoresComboBox to the stor_name


4. Set the ValueMember property of StoresComboBox to the stor_id


The ComboBox control allows you to bind the ValueMember property

to an alternate value that is not displayed in the ComboBox. This is often used when you want to display a user friendly value to the user and bind to another field that is used programmatically, such as a primary key.

◮ Test the application

1. Press F5 to compile and run the application.

2. Select different stores in the Stores list to ensure the controls display the data bound values.


52 Module 4: Using Data in Windows Forms Applications

What Is CurrencyManager?


Data Source 1

Data Source 2

Currency Manager1Currency Manager1



Currency Manager2Currency Manager2

*****************************ILLEGAL FOR NON-TRAINER USE******************************

Any data source you bind a to Windows Forms control to will have an associated CurrencyManager object.

The CurrencyManager is used to keep data-bound controls synchronized with a data source. The CurrencyManger is important because data sources, such as Tables in DataSets, do not keep track of the currently selected row. You need an intermediary object that is aware of the currently selected position in a data source and can notify databound controls when the position changes. That intermediary object is a CurrencyManager. The CurrencyManager object does this by managing a collection of the bound data supplied by a data source.

For each data source associated with a Windows Form, the form maintains at least one CurrencyManager. There is a CurrencyManager object on the form for each discrete data source that you are binding to. If the controls on the form all bind to a single source (for example, if several TextBox controls are bound to the same data table), then they will share the same CurrencyManager. However, there are times when controls on the form will be bound to different sources. In that case, there are multiple CurrencyManager objects on the form, each one keeping track of which record or data element is being used by the controls.

The following table lists some of the properties of the CurrencyManager object that helps it track data.

Property Description Bindings Gets the collection of bindings being


Count Determines the last item in the list of rows

Current Contains the value of the current item in

the data source

List Gets the data source (which implements

IList) for this CurrencyManager.

Position Specifies the position of the item in the



CurrencyManager properties

Module 4: Using Data in Windows Forms Applications 53

underlying list

54 Module 4: Using Data in Windows Forms Applications

How to Maintain Currency with the BindingContext Object

� The BindingContext object keeps track of all CurrencyManager objects on a form

� Increment the Position property of the BindingContext to navigate the dataset and update databound controls

Currency ManagerCurrency Manager

Currency ManagerCurrency Manager

Currency ManagerCurrency Manager

Data TableData Table



Binding ContextBinding Context


*****************************ILLEGAL FOR NON-TRAINER USE******************************

Every Windows Form has a BindingContext object. The BindingContext object keeps track of all of the CurrencyManager objects on a form. Thus, any Windows Form with data-bound controls has at least one BindingContext object keeping track of one (or more) CurrencyManager object(s) keeping track of one data source (for each CurrencyManager).

For example, if you add a TextBox control to a form and bind it to a column of a table in a dataset, the control communicates with the BindingContext object for that form. The BindingContext object, in turn, communicates with the specific CurrencyManager object for that data association. If you query the CurrencyManager's Position property, it reports the current record for that TextBox control's binding.

You use the BindingContext of a form to access the various CurrencyManagers. To do so, you must specify the data source that the CurrencyManger is managing. For example, to access the CurrenyManager that manages the Authors table of DataSet1 you would use the following code:

CurrencyManager cm;

cm = (CurrencyManager)this.BindingContext[DataSet1,


If you use a container control, such as a GroupBox, Panel, or TabControl to contain data-bound controls, you can create a BindingContext for just that container control and its controls. This allows each part of your form to be managed by its own CurrencyManager object.

To determine the currency of a control, use the Position property of the CurrencyManager as shown.

cm.Position += 1;


Procedure: Determining the currency of a control

Module 4: Using Data in Windows Forms Applications 55

Demonstration: Navigating a DataSet by Using the BindingContext


In this demonstration, you will see how to

navigate a DataSet by using the BindingContext


*****************************ILLEGAL FOR NON-TRAINER USE******************************

In this demonstration, you will learn how to navigate a DataSet by using the BindingContext property.

◮ Create a Windows application project

1. Open Visual Studio .NET.

2. On the File menu, point to New, and then click Project.

3. In the New Project dialog box, click Windows Application, name it

BindingContextNavigation, and then click OK.

◮ Use the Data Form Wizard to create a data bound form

1. On the File menu, click Add New Item.

2. In the Add New Item dialog box, in the Templates section, click Data

Form Wizard, and then click Open.

3. In the Data Form Wizard, click Next.

4. Specify the name of the new dataset as OrdersDataSet and click Next.

5. Select a connection to the Northwind database in the database connection

drop down list. If a connection does not exist, create a new connection. Click Next.

6. Add the Orders and Order Details tables by selecting them in the Available Items tree, click the Add (>) button, and then click Next.

7. In the Name box, type OrderOrderDetailsRelation.

8. Set the following settings.

List Setting Parent table Orders

Child table Order Details

56 Module 4: Using Data in Windows Forms Applications

Keys (for both tables) OrderID

9. Click the Add (>) button, and then click Next.

10. Ensure that the Orders table is set as the Master or single table and Order Details is set as the Detail table, and then click Next.

11. Select Single record in individual controls, and then click Finish.

◮ Display and discuss the code generated for the navigation buttons

1. Locate the Click event of the btnNavNext button in the code window of DataForm1 and discuss the following line of code:

this.BindingContext[objOrdersDataSet,"Orders"].Position =

(this.BindingContext[objOrdersDataSet,"Orders"].Position +


2. Locate the objOrdersDataSet_PositionChanged() procedure and discuss the following line of code:

this.lblNavLocation.Text =


+ 1)).ToString() + " of ")




3. Locate the Click event of the btnLast button in the code window of DataForm1 and discuss the following line of code:

this.BindingContext[objOrdersDataSet,"Orders"].Position =

(this.objOrdersDataSet.Tables["Orders"].Rows.Count - 1);

4. In Solution Explorer, right click the BindingContextNavigation project,

and then click Properties.

5. Set DataForm1 as the Startup object, and then click OK.

6. Press F5 to compile and run the application, and then demonstrate the use of the navigation buttons.

7. Close the application.

Sometimes you may choose to prototype a data application by using the Data Form Wizard and use the code generated for you.

Module 4: Using Data in Windows Forms Applications 57

How to Format and Parse DataBound Values



Binding ObjectData Source

10 $10


*****************************ILLEGAL FOR NON-TRAINER USE******************************

Often the data retrieved from a data source may not match the data type accepted by a control in your application. The Binding object provides two methods, Format and Parse to ensure that the data received and sent back to the data source is of the right data type.

The Format event occurs both when data is pushed from the data source into the control, and when the data is pulled from the control into the data source. When the data is pushed from the data source into the control, the Binding object uses the Format event to put the formatted data into the control. When the data is pushed from the control into the data source, the Binding first parses the data by using the Parse event, then formats the data and sends it to the data source.

The Format and Parse events allow you to create custom formats for

displaying data. For example, if the data in a table is of type Decimal, you can display the data in the local currency format by setting the Value property of

the ConvertEventArgs object to the formatted value in the Format event. You

must consequently unformat the displayed value in the Parse event.

The Format event occurs whenever the current value of the BindingManagerBase changes, which includes:

� The first time the property is bound.

� Any time the Position changes.

� Whenever the data-bound list is sorted or filtered, which is accomplished

when a DataView supplies the list.

The Parse event occurs:

� After the Validated event of the Control object occurs.

� When the EndCurrentEdit method of the BindingManagerBase is called.

� When the current object of the BindingManagerBase changes (in other

words, when the Position changes).


Format and Parse events

58 Module 4: Using Data in Windows Forms Applications

The following code creates event delegates for the Parse and Format events of a Binding object, and then uses event procedures to format the data between a String and a Decimal:

private void BindControl()


Binding priceBinding = new


priceBinding.Format += new


priceBinding.Parse += new




private void FormatDecimalToString(object sender,

ConvertEventArgs convertArgs)


convertArgs.Value =



private void ParseStringToDecimal(object sender,

ConvertEventArgs convertArgs)


convertArgs.Value =




Procedure: Using the Format and Parse events

Module 4: Using Data in Windows Forms Applications 59

Practice: Formatting Data Bound Controls

� In this practice, you will use the Format and Parse events to format data.

� Configure the SQLConnection control to connect to the database

� Create an event procedure for the Parse event

� Create an event delegate for the Parse event

*****************************ILLEGAL FOR NON-TRAINER USE******************************

In this practice, you will add event handlers to the Format and Parse events of a Binding object and then use the ConvertEventArgs class to apply appropriate formatting to the data bound value.

◮ Open the project

1. Start Visual Studio .NET.

2. In the Start Page window, click Open Project.

3. In the Look in list, navigate to

install_folder\Practices\Mod04\Mod04_05\Starter, and then open the

FormatParse.sln solution file.

◮ Configure the SQLConnection1 control on Form1 to connect to the

Pubs database

1. Open Form1 in design view.

2. Select SQLConnection1, in the Properties window, click the ConnectionString property, click the down arrow, and then select New


Use the existing connection information for the Pubs database if it already exists and skip to the next procedure.

3. In the Data Link Properties dialog box, type computername\MOC where

computername is the name of your computer.

4. Select the Use Windows NT Integrated Security option.

5. In the database connection drop down list, click the pubs database, click Test Connection to ensure you can access the pubs database, and then click



60 Module 4: Using Data in Windows Forms Applications

◮ Create an event procedure invoked by the Parse event that converts the

Value of ConvertEventArgs from a String to a Decimal

1. Locate TODO: 1 in the code window of Form1.

2. Under TODO: 1, create a procedure called ParseStringToDecimal that

accepts two arguments: sender as an Object and convertArgs as a


3. Assign the Value of convertArgs to a String named stringValue.

4. Call the Parse method of the Decimal object and pass the two arguments:

stringValue as the string to be formatted and NumberStyles.Currency as the NumberStyles constant.

5. Assign the results of the Parse method to Value property of convertArgs. Your code should look like:

private void ParseStringToDecimal(object sender,

ConvertEventArgs convertArgs)


convertArgs.Value =




The Parse method converts the String representation of a number in a specified style to its Decimal equivalent by using the specified formatting style.

◮ Create an event delegate for the Parse event that references the

FormatDecimalToString procedure

1. Locate TODO: 2 in the code window of Form1.

2. Under TODO: 2, use AddHandler to create an event delegate for the Parse event of the priceBinding object that references the

ParseStringToDecimal procedure. Your code should look like the following:

priceBinding.Parse += new


3. The priceBinding object is a Binding object that is added to the DataBindings collection of PriceTextBox. Review the following code:

Binding priceBinding = new



◮ Demonstrate the application

1. Press F5 to compile and run the application.

2. Select different titles in the Book Titles list and review how the Price textbox is updated and formatted.

3. Use the Price textbox to change the price of a book, and then click the Debug.Write Value button.

4. Display and review the results in the Output window of the Visual Stuio.NET IDE.

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XML Data Store


Disconnected Classes Connected Classes






.NET Data Provider









ADO.NET Classes

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'Create the DataTable named "Cars"

Dim cars As New DataTable("Cars")


//Create the DataTable named "Cars"

DataTable cars = new DataTable ("Cars");

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'Add the DataColumn object using all properties

Dim vin As New DataColumn("Vin")

vin.DataType = GetType(String)

vin.MaxLength = 23

vin.Unique = True

vin.AllowDBNull = False

vin.Caption = "VIN"


'Add the DataColumn using defaults

Dim make As New DataColumn("Make") 'default is String

make.MaxLength = 35 'default is -1

make.AllowDBNull = False 'default is True


Dim year As New DataColumn("Year",GetType(Integer))

year.AllowDBNull = False


'Derived column using expression

Dim yearMake As New DataColumn("Year and Make")

yearMake.MaxLength = 70

yearMake.Expression = "Year + ' ' + Make"



//Add the DataColumn using all properties

DataColumn vin = new DataColumn("Vin");

vin.DataType = typeof(string);

vin.MaxLength = 23;

vin.Unique = true;

vin.AllowDBNull = false;

vin.Caption = "VIN";


//Add the DataColumn using defaults

DataColumn make = new DataColumn("Make");

make.MaxLength = 35;

make.AllowDBNull = false;


DataColumn year = new DataColumn("Year", typeof(int));

year.AllowDBNull = false;


//Derived column using expression

DataColumn yearMake = new DataColumn("Year and Make");

yearMake.DataType = typeof(string);

yearMake.MaxLength = 70;

yearMake.Expression = "Year + ' ' + Make";


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'Set the Primary Key

cars.PrimaryKey = new DataColumn(){vin}


//Set the Primary Key

cars.PrimaryKey = new DataColumn[] {vin};

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'Add new DataRow by creating the DataRow first

Dim newCar As DataRow = cars.NewRow()

newCar ("Vin") = "123456789ABCD "

newCar ("Make") = "Ford"

newCar ("Year") = 2002


'Add new DataRow by simply passing the values

cars.Rows.Add("987654321XYZ", "Buick", 2001)

'Load DataRow, replacing existing contents, if existing

cars.LoadDataRow(new object() _

{ "987654321XYZ", "Jeep", 2002 },LoadOption.OverwriteChanges)


//Add New DataRow by creating the DataRow first

DataRow newCar = cars.NewRow();

newCar ["Vin"] = "123456789ABCD";

newCar ["Make"] = "Ford";

newCar ["Year"] = 2002;


//Add New DataRow by simply adding the values

cars.Rows.Add("987654321XYZ", "Buick", 2001);

//Load DataRow, replacing existing contents, if existing

cars.LoadDataRow(new object[]

{ "987654321XYZ", "Jeep", 2002 },LoadOption.OverwriteChanges);

68'& $+0% "00& (%A !"!41/ +<F%$#& #+ #8% 7!6) 0"#" #"<.%3 68% C,&# %>")*.% %>*.'$'#.:

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#8"# (+#8'(9 8"& <%%( *%,)"(%(#.: &#+,%0 #+ " 0"#"<"&%3 M%(0'(9 ;*0"#%& #+ " 0"#"<"&% A'..

<% $+7%,%0 '( E8"*#%, L/ X1!23456 E+((%$#%0 E."&&%&3Y


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,%#,'%7% #8% $;,,%(# &#"#% +- " 0"#" ,+A -,+) '#& 41/'"!"& *,+*%,#:/ A8'$8 ,%#;,(& " 7".;% -,+)

#8% !"!41/'"!"& %(;)%,"#'+(3 68% !"!41/'"!"& 7".;%& ",% 0%&$,'<%0 '( 6"<.% IS`3

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AGG&G 68% 0"#" ,+A 8"& <%%( $,%"#%0 "(0 "00%0 #+ #8% 0"#" #"<.%3

'(Q !"#$%&'( 1!23456 !'&$+((%$#%0 E."&&%&

?37>!39&G 68% 0"#" ,+A 8"& (+# $8"(9%0 &'($% #8% ."&# $".. #+ #8%

A77&8"0>!39&) )%#8+03 K8%( #8% A77&8"0>!39&) )%#8+0 '&

$"..%0/ #8% 0"#" ,+A $8"(9%& #+ #8'& &#"#%3

;1G.J&G 68% 0"#" ,+A 8"& <%%( )+0'C%0 &'($% #8% ."&# #')% #8%

A77&8"0>!39&) )%#8+0 A"& $"..%03 100'(9 " ,+A "(0 )+0'-:'(9

#8% ,+A A'.. B%%* #8% ,+A '( #8% AGG&G &#"#%3 68% ,+A $8"(9%& #+

#8% ;1G.J&G &#"#% +(.: '- '# A"& *,%7'+;&.: '( #8% ?37>!39&G &#"#%3

&%&"&G 1( "##"$8%0 0"#" ,+A '& 0%.%#%0 <: ;&'(9 #8% &%&"& )%#8+0 +- #8%

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!"!#!$%&+ &%&"&41/ )%#8+03

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,%(# &#"#% +- #8% 0"#" ,+A3 @'9;,% ISL &8+A& #8% 41/'"!"& #,"(&'#'+(& "# 0'--%,%(# #')%& '( #8%

!"!41/ +<F%$#T& .'-%3

Dim dr as DataRow = dt.NewRow( )



dt.RejectChanges( )


dt.AcceptChanges( )


dt.AcceptChanges( )


dt.RejectChanges ( )

RowState = Detached

RowState = Unchanged

RowState = Unchanged

RowState = Unchanged

dr.Delete ( )


RowState = Added

RowState = Added

RowState = Detached

RowState = Added

RowState = Modified

RowState = Modified

RowState = Deleted

RowState = Unchanged

Back toempty row

Back to“BBBB”

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2+ "?+)!I+, '" %+//4 ='2/+ AHM ,+").!2+" (#+ '%$% !";&18*!3 +&-1+.'(!$& 1+12+." E$- )'&


.,/0%&'(1&'%$% !";&18*!3 J&-1+.'(!$& N+12+."

!"!#$%&'#()$*&2,0#% 3%4*$!-.!56

4511&3$ =#+ )-..+&( 9'/-+ $0 (#+ ,'(' .$%; +9+& '0(+. )#'&*+" #'9+

2++& 1',+4 =#!" 9+."!$& +F!"(" !& '// "!(-'(!$&" +F)+?( %#+&

'%$% !"#$%$& !" '&/&$&)4 70 '%$% !"#$%$& !" '&/&$&); '& +FH

)+?(!$& !" (#.$%&4

'&<%5/$ 70 '%$% !"#$%$& !" ,))&) $. (!)*+&); (#+ ,+0'-/( 9+."!$& !"

4511&3$4 70 '%$% !"#$%$& !" '&/&$&); '& +F)+?(!$& !" (#.$%&4

70 (#+ 9&2*3:)*$ 1+(#$, #'" 2++& +F+)-(+,; (#+ 9+."!$& !"


01*2*3%/ =#+ 9'/-+ (#'( %'" $.!*!&'//E /$',+, !&($ (#+ ,'(' .$% $.

(#+ 9'/-+ '( (#+ (!1+ (#+ /'"( ,==&7$4>%32&8 1+(#$, %'"

+F+)-(+,4 =#!" 9+."!$& !" &$( ?$?-/'(+, -&(!/ '%$% !"#$%$&

2+)$1+" (!)*+&); ?3=>%32&); $. '&/&$&)4 70 '%$% !"#$%$&

!" '&/&$&); (#!" !&0$.1'(!$& !" .+(.!+9'2/+4 70 '%$% !"#$%$& !"

,))&); ' ;&18*!3@!$A!53) +F)+?(!$& !" (#.$%&4

61!7!8&) =#+ 9'/-+ '( (#+ (!1+ $0 +,!(!&* (#+ ,'(' .$%4 70 '%$% !"#$%$&

!" '&/&$&); '& +F)+?(!$& !" (#.$%&4 70 (#+ 9&2*3:)*$ 1+(#$,

#'" &$( 2++& +F?/!)!(/E +F+)-(+,; $. !0 9&2*3:)*$ %'" !1?/!)H

!(/E +F+)-(+, 2E +,!(!&* ' ,+(')#+, ,'(' .$% O'& $.?#'&+,

'%$% !" $23+)( (#'( #'" &$( 2++& ',,+, ($ ' '%$%-%./&

$23+)(P; ' ;&18*!3@!$A!53) +F)+?(!$& !" (#.$%&4

&') *+,-.%$&' 58K4LJ= 8!")$&&+)(+, 6/'""+"

'%$% !" )$&('!&" (#+ B%8;&18*!3 1+(#$, (#'( )'& >-+.E 0$. (#+ +F!"(+&)+ $0 ' ?'.(!)-/'.

,'(' .$% 9+."!$&4 Q"!&* (#+ B%8;&18*!3 1+(#$,; E$- )'& )#+)D 0$. (#+ +F!"(+&)+ $0 ' ,'(' .$%

9+."!$& 2+0$.+ '((+1?(!&* ($ .+(.!+9+ !(4 =#+ 0$//$%!&* )$,+ "'1?/+ ,+1$&"(.'(+" #$% ($ .+H

(.!+9+ ' "(.!&*; -"!&* !"#$%$& '&, '%$% !";&18*!34 =#!" "'1?/+ -"+" (#+ B%8;&18*!3 1+(#$,

($ I*-.+ $-( (#+ ,'(' .$% 9+."!$& !&0$.1'(!$& %!(#$-( (#.$%!&* '& +F)+?(!$&4


Private Function GetDataRowInfo( _

ByVal row As DataRow, ByVal columnName As String) _

As String

Dim retVal As String = String.Format( _

"RowState: {0}" + vbCrLf

Dim versionString As String

For Each versionString In [Enum].GetNames(GetType(DataRowVersion))

Dim version As DataRowVersion = _

CType([Enum].Parse(GetType(DataRowVersion), versionString), _


If (row.HasVersion(version)) Then

retVal += String.Format( _

"Version: {0} Value: {1}" + vbCrLf, _

version, row(columnName, version))


retVal += String.Format( _

"Version: {0} does not exist." + VbCrLf, _


End If


Return retVal

End Function


private string GetDataRowInfo(DataRow row, string columnName)


string retVal=string.Format(

"RowState: {0} \r\n",


foreach (string versionString in Enum.GetNames(typeof (DataRowVersion)))


DataRowVersion version = (



if (row.HasVersion(version))


retVal += string.Format(

"Version: {0} Value: {1} \r\n",

version, row[columnName, version]);



@+""$& AB C$.D!&* %!(# (#+ '%$%-%./& '&, '%$%#&$ 6/'""+" *+,-.%$&'& '7


retVal += string.Format(

"Version: {0} does not exist.\r\n",




return retVal;


:*-*(($"#%(;*%3(!(*%01%2-$"#%(;*%,--'."/0!+1')%!"8%#'2'-"/0!+1')% *(;,8-

G$- )'& -"+ (#+ ,==&7$4>%32&8 1+(#$, ($ .+"+( (#+ '%$% !" "('(+ ($ ?3=>%32&)4 =#!"

1+(#$, +F!"(" $& (#+ '%$% !"; '%$%-%./&; '&, '%$%#&$ $23+)("4 O=#!" )#'?(+. )$9+." (#+

'%$%#&$ $23+)( /'(+.; !& (#+ "+)(!$& (!(/+,; :Q"!&* ' '%$%#&$ K23+)( ($ 6$$.,!&'(+ C$.D 2+H

(%++& 8'(' ='2/+"4<P 7& ' (E?!)'/ ,'(' +&9!.$&1+&( O'0(+. ,'(' #'" 2++& /$',+,P; (#+ '%$% !"

"('(+ $0 (#+ /$',+, .$%" !" "+( ($ ,))&)4 6'//!&* ,==&7$4>%32&8 $& (#+ ,'(' ('2/+ .+"+(" (#+

.$% "('(+ $0 '// (#+ '%$% !" $23+)(" ($ ?3=>%32&)4 L+F(; !0 E$- 1$,!0E (#+ '%$% !" $23+)(";

(#+!. .$% "('(+ )#'&*+" ($ (!)*+&)4 C#+& !( !" (!1+ ($ "'9+ (#+ ,'('; E$- )'& +'"!/E >-+.E

(#+ '%$%-%./& $23+)( 0$. !(" )#'&*+" 2E -"!&* (#+ '%$%-%./& $23+)(R" C&$4>%32&8 1+(#$,4

=#!" 1+(#$, .+(-.&" ' '%$%-%./& $23+)( ?$?-/'(+, %!(# $&/E (#+ '%$% !" $23+)(" (#'( #'9+

)#'&*+, "!&)+ (#+ /'"( (!1+ ,==&7$4>%32&8 %'" +F+)-(+,4 K&/E (#+"+ )#'&*+" &++, ($ 2+ "+&(

($ (#+ ,'(' "($.+4

50(+. (#+ )#'&*+" #'9+ 2++& "-))+""0-//E "+&( ($ (#+ ,'(' "($.+; E$- 1-"( )#'&*+ (#+ "('(+

$0 (#+ '%$% !" $23+)(" ($ ?3=>%32&); %#!)# +""+&(!'//E !&,!)'(+" (#'( (#+ '%$% !" $23+)("

'.+ "E&)#.$&!S+, %!(# (#+ ,'(' "($.+4 G$- -"+ (#+ ,==&7$4>%32&8 1+(#$, 0$. (#!" ?-.?$"+4

L$(+ (#'( +F+)-(!&* (#+ ,==&7$4>%32&8 1+(#$, '/"$ )'-"+" (#+ '%$% !" $23+)(R" 4511&3$

,'(' .$% 9+."!$& ($ 2+ )$?!+, ($ (#+ '%$% !" $23+)(R" 01*2*3%/ 9+."!$&4

!"#& 3568.& 5$"%.&.5&*,00&,**%-.*+,6"%4





=#+ &D&=$4>%32&8 1+(#$, .$//" '%$%-%./& )$&(+&( 2')D ($ %#'( !( %'" "!&)+ !(" ).+'(!$&

$. 2+0$.+ (#+ /'"( (!1+ ,==&7$4>%32&8 #'" 2++& )'//+,4 L$(+ (#'( 2$(# ,==&7$4>%32&8 '&,

&D&=$4>%32&8 (E?!)'//E .+"+( !"#$%$& ($ ?3=>%32&); 2-( &D&=$4>%32&8 '/"$ )$?!+" (#+

'%$% !" $23+)(R" 01*2*3%/ ,'(' .$% 9+."!$& ($ (#+ '%$% !" $23+)(R" 4511&3$ ,'(' .$% 9+."!$&4


'%$% !" )$&('!&" (#+ #&$,))&) '&, #&$(!)*+&) 1+(#$,"; %#!)# +&'2/+ ' ,'(' .$% "('(+ ($

2+ "+( 0$.)!2/E ($ ,))&) $. (!)*+&); .+"?+)(!9+/E4 =#+"+ $?+.'(!$&" '.+ -"+0-/ %#+& E$- %'&(

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&'1 *+,-.%$&' 58K4LJ= 8!")$&&+)(+, 6/'""+"

,'(' .$% %'" $.!*!&'//E /$',+,4 T$. +F'1?/+; !0 E$- /$',+, ' .$% 0.$1 $&+ ,'(' "($.+; '&,

E$- %'&( ($ "+&, (#'( .$% ($ ' ,!00+.+&( ,'(' "($.+; E$- +F+)-(+ (#+ #&$,))&) 1+(#$, ($

1'D+ (#+ .$% /$$D /!D+ ' &+% .$%4 7& 6#'?(+. U; E$- /+'.& (#'( (#+ '%$%,)%7$&1 $23+)( "+&,"

)#'&*+" ($ (#+ ,'(' "($.+4 C#+& E$- )$&&+)( ($ (#+ ,+"(!&'(!$& ,'(' "($.+; (#+ ,'(' ','?(+.

$23+)( "++" (#'( E$-. .$% #'" '& ,))&) .$% "('(+; "$ (#+ ,'(' ','?(+. $23+)( +F+)-(+" '&

!&"+.( "('(+1+&( ($ ',, (#+ .$% ($ (#+ ,+"(!&'(!$& ,'(' "($.+4

=#+"+ 1+(#$," )'& 2+ +F+)-(+, $&/E $& '%$% !" $23+)(" %#$"+ .$% "('(+ !" ?3=>%32&)4

5& '((+1?( ($ +F+)-(+ (#+"+ 1+(#$," $& ' '%$% !" $23+)( %!(# ' ,!00+.+&( .$% "('(+ (#.$%"

(#+ +F)+?(!$& )'//+, E3F%/*)07&1%$*!3:G=&7$*!34

70 (#+ #&$,))&) 1+(#$, !" +F+)-(+,; (#+ '%$% !" $23+)( ,!")'.," !(" 01*2*3%/ ,'(' .$% 9+.H

"!$& 2+)'-"+ '%$% !" $23+)(" (#'( #'9+ ' .$% "('(+ $0 ,))&) &+9+. )$&('!& '& 01*2*3%/ ,'('

.$% 9+."!$&4

70 (#+ #&$(!)*+&) 1+(#$, !" +F+)-(+,; (#+ '%$% !" $23+)(R" !"#$%$& ?.$?+.(E !" "!1?/E

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,+/+(+, 0.$1 (#+ ,'(' "($.+4 C#+& (#+ '%$% !" $23+)( !" ,+/+(+,; (#+ 4511&3$ '&, 61!7!8&)

,'(' .$% 9+."!$&" '.+ ,!")'.,+,; 2-( (#+ 01*2*3%/ ,'(' .$% 9+."!$& .+1'!&"4

V$1+(!1+" E$- &++, ($ .+)$9+. ' ,+/+(+, ,'(' .$%4 =#+ '%$% !" $23+)( ,$+"&R( #'9+ '&

?3)&/&$& 1+(#$,4 W$%+9+.; !& "$1+ "!(-'(!$&"; E$- )'& -"+ (#+ &D&=$4>%32&8 1+(#$, ($ .$//

2')D ($ ' ?.+9!$-" "('(+ %#+& (#+ ,+/+(+, .$% %'" "(!// (#+.+4 X+ '%'.+ (#'( +F+)-(!&* (#+

&D&=$4>%32&8 1+(#$, )$?!+" (#+ 01*2*3%/ ,'(' .$% 9+."!$& ($ (#+ 4511&3$ ,'(' .$% 9+."!$&4

=#!" +00+)(!9+/E .+"($.+" (#+ '%$% !" $23+)( ($ !(" "('(+ '( (#+ (!1+ (#+ /'"( ,==&7$4>%32&8

1+(#$, %'" +F+)-(+,; 2-( '&E "-2"+>-+&( )#'&*+" (#'( %+.+ 1',+ ($ (#+ ,'(' ?.!$. ($ ,+H

/+(!&* #'9+ 2++& ,!")'.,+,4


7( !" ?$""!2/+ ($ /$$? (#.$-*# (#+ .$%" '&, )$/-1&" $0 (#+ ,'(' ('2/+ 2E -"!&* ' <!1&%=>

"('(+1+&(4 =#+ 0$//$%!&* )$,+ "#$%" #$% (#+ .$%" '&, )$/-1&" $0 ' ,'(' ('2/+ )'& 2+



Public Sub EnumerateTable(ByVal cars As DataTable)

'enumerate the data table

Dim buffer As New System.Text.StringBuilder()

For Each dc As DataColumn In cars.Columns

buffer.AppendFormat("{0,15} ", dc.ColumnName)



For Each dr As DataRow In dt.Rows

If (dr.RowState = DataRowState.Deleted) Then

buffer.Append("Deleted Row")

@+""$& AB C$.D!&* %!(# (#+ '%$%-%./& '&, '%$%#&$ 6/'""+" *+,-.%$&'& '9


For Each dc As DataColumn In cars.Columns

buffer.AppendFormat("{0,15} ", dr(dc))


End If



TextBox1.Text = buffer.ToString()

End Sub


public void EnumerateTable(DataTable cars)


var buffer = new System.Text.StringBuilder();

foreach (DataColumn dc in cars.Columns)


buffer.AppendFormat("{0,15} ", dc.ColumnName);



foreach (DataRow dr in cars.Rows)


if (dr.RowState == DataRowState.Deleted)


buffer.Append("Deleted Row");




foreach (DataColumn dc in cars.Columns)


buffer.AppendFormat("{0,15} ", dr[dc]);





textBox1.Text = buffer.ToString();


=#+ )$,+ 2+*!&" 2E "!1?/E )$//+)(!&* (#+ )$/-1& &'1+" ($ -"+ '" ' #+',+. '&, ?/')+" (#!"

!&0$.1'(!$& !& (#+ #$1*3295*/)&1 $23+)(; )'//+, .5<<&14 L+F(; (#+ ('2/+ .$%" '&, )$/-1&" '.+

+&-1+.'(+,; '&, '// 9'/-+" '.+ ?/')+, !&($ (#+ 2-00+.4 6$,+ "-)# '" (#!" )'& 2+ -"+, ($ %'/D

(#.$-*# (#+ .$%" !& ' ,'(' ('2/+ '&, ?+.0$.1 '& ')(!$& $& '// (#+ ,'('4 T!*-.+ AHY "#$%" (#+

$-(?-( $0 (#!" )$,+4 O=#+ -&G$9!G 0$&( !" "+( ($ 6$-.!+. L+% ($ *+( (#+ )$/-1&" ($ /!&+ -?4P

!"#$%&'(7& V#$%& #+.+ !" (#+ $-(?-( %#+& +&-1+.'(!&* (#+ '%$%-%./& $23+)(R" )$/-1&" #+',+." '&, .$%"4

&': *+,-.%$&' 58K4LJ= 8!")$&&+)(+, 6/'""+"


V$1+(!1+" E$- %'&( ($ ).+'(+ ' 0-// )$?E $0 ' ,'(' ('2/+4 G$- )'& ,$ (#!" 2E -"!&* (#+

'%$%-%./& $23+)(R" 4!7H 1+(#$,; %#!)# )$?!+" (#+ '%$%-%./& $23+)(R" ")#+1' '&, ,'('4 =#+

0$//$%!&* )$,+ "'1?/+ "#$%" #$% ($ !&9$D+ (#+ 4!7H 1+(#$,4


'copy the table and its data

Dim copy As DataTable = cars.Copy()


//copy the table and its data

DataTable copy = cars.Copy( );

K& "$1+ $))'"!$&"; E$- 1!*#( &++, ' )$?E $0 (#+ '%$%-%./& ")#+1' %!(#$-( ,'('4 =$

)$?E 3-"( (#+ ")#+1' %!(#$-( ,'('; E$- )'& !&9$D+ (#+ '%$%-%./& $23+)(R" 4/!3& 1+(#$,4 =#!"

1+(#$, !" )$11$&/E -"+, %#+& '& +1?(E )$?E $0 (#+ ,'(' ('2/+ !" .+>-!.+,Z '( ' /'(+. (!1+;

'%$% !" $23+)(" )'& 2+ ',,+,4 =#+ 0$//$%!&* )$,+ "#$%" (#+ 4/!3& 1+(#$,4


'only copy the table, not the data

Dim clone As DataTable = cars.Clone()


//only copy the table, not the data

DataTable clone = cars.Clone( );

H4),<($"#% !"!#$%%I0J*7(-%$"(,%!%/!(!%G!0'*

50(+. )/$&!&* ' ,'(' ('2/+; E$- 1!*#( &++, ($ )$?E )+.('!& '%$% !" $23+)(" 0.$1 $&+ ,'('

('2/+ ($ '&$(#+.4 '%$%-%./& )$&('!&" '& EI7!1$ !" 1+(#$,; %#!)# E$- )'& -"+ ($ )$?E ' ,'('

.$% 0.$1 ' ,'(' ('2/+ (#'( #'" (#+ "'1+ ")#+1'4 =#+ EI7!1$ !" 1+(#$, !" -"+0-/ %#+& (#+

4511&3$ '&, 01*2*3%/ ,'(' .$% 9+."!$& 1-"( 2+ 1'!&('!&+,4 T$. +F'1?/+; '0(+. +,!(!&* ' ,'('

('2/+; E$- 1!*#( %'&( ($ )$?E (#+ )#'&*+, '%$% !" $23+)(" ($ ' ,!00+.+&( ,'(' ('2/+ 2-(

1'!&('!& (#+ 01*2*3%/ '&, 4511&3$ ,'(' .$% 9+."!$&4 =#+ EI7!1$ !" 1+(#$, $& (#+ '%$%-%./&

$23+)( %!// !1?$.( (#+ '%$% !" $23+)(" '" /$&* '" ' ,'(' .$% %!(# (#+ "'1+ ?.!1'.E D+E ,$+"

&$( +F!"(4 O70 ' ,-?/!)'(+ ,'(' .$% +F!"("; ' 4!38$1%*3$:G=&7$*!3 !" (#.$%&4P =#+ 0$//$%!&* )$,+

"'1?/+ "#$%" (#+ ?.$)+"" 0$. )/$&!&* (#+ ,'(' ('2/+ '&, (#+& )$?E!&* ' "!&*/+ ,'(' .$% ($

(#+ )/$&+, )$?E4


Dim clone as DataTable = cars.Clone( )

'import the row and include all row versions



DataTable clone = cars.Clone();

//import the row and include all row versions


@+""$& AB C$.D!&* %!(# (#+ '%$%-%./& '&, '%$%#&$ 6/'""+" *+,-.%$&'& ';

2-$"#% !"!&*'%%!-%!%A$"8,?%$"(,%!%/!(!%G!0'*=#+ '%$%;*&" $23+)( ?.$9!,+" ' %!&,$% !&($ ' ,'(' ('2/+ (#'( )'& 2+ "$.(+, '&, I/(+.+,4

5 ,'(' ('2/+ )'& #'9+ 1'&E '%$%;*&" $23+)(" '""!*&+, ($ !(; "$ (#+ ,'(' )'& 2+ 9!+%+, !&

1'&E %'E" %!(#$-( .+>-!.!&* !( ($ 2+ .+.+', 0.$1 (#+ ,'('2'"+4 =#+ #!1$; !"A*/$&1; '&,

!"#$%$&A*/$&1 ?.$?+.(!+" $& (#+ '%$%;*&" $23+)( )'& 2+ )$12!&+, '" &++,+,4 G$- )'& -"+

(#+ '%$%;*&" $23+)(R" ,//!"'&/&$&; ,//!":)*$; '&, ,//!"@&" ?.$?+.(!+" ($ )$&"(.'!& -"+.


7&(+.&'//E; (#+ '%$%;*&" $23+)( !" +""+&(!'//E '& !&,+F4 G$- )'& ?.$9!,+ ' "$.( ,+I&!(!$& ($

"$.( (#+ !&,+F !& ' )+.('!& $.,+.; '&, E$- )'& ?.$9!,+ ' I/(+. ($ "!1?/E I/(+. (#+ !&,+F +&(.!+"4


=#+ #!1$ ?.$?+.(E .+>-!.+" ' "$.( +F?.+""!$&4 =#+ ,+0'-/( $.,+. 0$. (#+ "$.( !" '")+&,!&*; 2-(

E$- )'& "?+)!0E 5V6 $. 8JV6 %!(# ' )$11'H"+?'.'(+, /!"( $0 )$/-1&" ($ 2+ "$.(+,4 =#+ 0$/H

/$%!&* )$,+ "'1?/+ "#$%" #$% ' ,'(' 9!+% !" ).+'(+, $& (#+ =%18 ,'(' ('2/+ %!(# ' )$1H

?$-&, "$.( $& (#+ N'D+ )$/-1& !& '")+&,!&* $.,+. '&, $& (#+ G+'. )$/-1& !& ,+")+&,!&*



Dim view as new DataView(cars)

view.Sort = "Make ASC, Year DESC"


DataView view = new DataView(cars);

view.Sort = "Make ASC, Year DESC";


5 9!+% +F?$"+" ' !"A*/$&1 ?.$?+.(E '&, ' !"#$%$&A*/$&1 ?.$?+.(E4 =#+ !"A*/$&1 ?.$?+.(E !"

"+( ($ ' V[@ CWJ\J )/'-"+ %!(#$-( (#+ %$., :CWJ\J<4 =#+ 0$//$%!&* )$,+ "#$%" ' I/(+. $&

(#+ N'D+ )$/-1& 0$. )'." 2+*!&&!&* %!(# (#+ /+((+. X '&, $& (#+ G+'. )$/-1& 0$. )'." &+%+.

(#'& U]]Y4


Dim view as new DataView(cars)

view.RowFilter = "Make like 'B%' and Year > 2003"


DataView view = new DataView(cars);

view.RowFilter = "Make like 'B%' and Year > 2003";

=#+ !"#$%$&A*/$&1 ?.$?+.(E ?.$9!,+" ' I/(+. (#'( '??/!+" $& (#+ !"#$%$& ?.$?+.(E $.

$& +')# ,'(' .$%4 =#!" I/(+. ?.$9!,+" '& +'"E 1+(#$, $0 .+(.!+9!&* "?+)!I) 9+."!$&" $0 .$%"

%!(#!& (#+ ,'(' ('2/+4 =#+ !"#$%$&A*/$&1 ?.$?+.(E .+>-!.+" (#+ -"+ $0 '%$%;*&" !"#$%$&

+&-1+.'(!$& 9'/-+"; %#!)# '.+ "#$%& !& ='2/+ AH^4 =#+ '%$%;*&" !"#$%$& +&-1+.'(!$& !" '

&'< *+,-.%$&' 58K4LJ= 8!")$&&+)(+, 6/'""+"

2!(H_'* +&-1+.'(!$&; %#!)# 1+'&" E$- )'& -"+ (#+ 2!(%!"+ K\ $?+.'($. O(#'( !"; `P ($ 2-!/,

)$1?$-&, I/(+."4 T$. +F'1?/+; (#+ ,+0'-/( !"#$%$& I/(+. 9'/-+ !" "+( ($ ,!"?/'E 1-/(!?/+

"('(+" 2E -"!&* ` ($ )$12!&+ (#+ ?3=>%32&); ,))&); '&, (!)*+&)4511&3$ +&-1+.'(!$& 9'/-+"4

L$(+ (#'( (#!" )$12!&'(!$& !" "$ -"+0-/ (#'( ' ,+,!)'(+, 9'/-+ #'" 2++& ,+I&+, !& (#+ +&-H

1+.'(!$&B 4511&3$ !"84

.,/0%&'(9&'%$%;*&" !"#$%$& J&-1+.'(!$& N+12+."

!"!&)'%#$%("!"'&2,0#% 3%4*$!-.!56

,))&) \+(.!+9+" (#+ 4511&3$ ,'(' .$% 9+."!$& $0 '%$% !" $23+)("

(#'( #'9+ ' .$% "('(+ $0 ,))&)4

4511&3$ !"8 \+(.!+9+" '// '%$% !" $23+)(" (#'( #'9+ ' 4511&3$ ,'(' .$%

9+."!$&4 J>-!9'/+&( ($ ,))&)JKJ?3=>%32&)JKJ(!)*+&)4511&3$4

'&/&$&) \+(.!+9+" (#+ 01*2*3%/ ,'(' .$% 9+."!$& $0 '%$% !" $23+)("

(#'( #'9+ ' .$% "('(+ $0 '&/&$&)4

(!)*+&)4511&3$ \+(.!+9+" (#+ 4511&3$ ,'(' .$% 9+."!$& $0 '%$% !" $23+)("

(#'( #'9+ ' .$% "('(+ $0 (!)*+&)4

(!)*+&)01*2*3%/ \+(.!+9+" (#+ 01*2*3%/ ,'(' .$% 9+."!$& $0 '%$% !" $23+)("

(#'( #'9+ ' .$% "('(+ $0 (!)*+&)4

@!3& 6/+'." (#+ !"#$%$&A*/$&1 ?.$?+.(E; %#!)# 1+'&" (#'( (#+.+

!" &$ I/(+. '&, E$- "++ '// .$%"4

01*2*3%/ !"8 \+(.!+9+" (#+ '%$% !" $23+)(" (#'( #'9+ '& 01*2*3%/ ,'('

.$% 9+."!$&4

?3=>%32&) \+(.!+9+" '%$% !" $23+)(" (#'( #'9+ ' .$% "('(+ $0


=#+ 0$//$%!&* )$,+ "'1?/+ "#$%" ' !"#$%$&JI/(+. -"+, ($ .+(.!+9+ $&/E (#+ '%$% !"

$23+)(" (#'( #'9+ ' .$% "('(+ $0 '&/&$&)4


Dim view as new DataView(cars)

view.RowFilter = "Make like 'B%' and Year > 2003"

view.RowStateFilter = DataViewRowState.Deleted


DataView view = new DataView(cars);

view.RowFilter = "Make like 'B%' and Year > 2003";

view.RowStateFilter = DataViewRowState.Deleted;


=#+ ?.$)+,-.+ 0$. %'/D!&* (#.$-*# (#+ ,'(' 9!+% !" "!1!/'. ($ (#'( 0$. +&-1+.'(!&* (#+ ,'('

('2/+ +F)+?( (#'( (#+ $23+)(" '.+ ,!00+.+&(4 =#+ 0$//$%!&* )$,+ )'& 2+ -"+, ($ +&-1+.'(+ (#+

.$%" '&, )$/-1&" $0 ' ,'(' 9!+%4

@+""$& AB C$.D!&* %!(# (#+ '%$%-%./& '&, '%$%#&$ 6/'""+" *+,-.%$&'& '=


Public Sub EnumerateView(ByVal view As DataView)

Dim buffer As New System.Text.StringBuilder()

For Each dc As DataColumn In view.Table.Columns

buffer.AppendFormat("{0,15} ", dc.ColumnName)



For Each dr As DataRowView In view

For Each dc As DataColumn In view.Table.Columns

buffer.AppendFormat("{0,15} ", dr.Row(dc))




TextBox1.Text = buffer.ToString()

End Sub


private void EnumerateView(DataView view)


var buffer = new System.Text.StringBuilder();

foreach (DataColumn dc in view.Table.Columns)


buffer.AppendFormat("{0,15} ", dc.ColumnName);



foreach (DataRowView dr in view)


foreach (DataColumn dc in view.Table.Columns)


buffer.AppendFormat("{0,15} ", dr.Row[dc]);




textBox1.Text = buffer.ToString();


=#!" )$,+ /$$?" $9+. (#+ .$%" !& (#+ 9!+%4 =#+ ,'(' (E?+ 0$. (#+ .$% !" '%$% !";*&" '"

$??$"+, ($ '%$% !"; %#!)# '%$%-%./& #'"4 5/"$; .+(.!+9!&* )$/-1& !&0$.1'(!$& .+>-!.+" E$-

($ '))+"" (#+ -%./& ?.$?+.(E (#'( (#+ 9!+% #'"4 =#+ .+"-/(" '.+ .+&,+.+, !&($ ' (+F( 2$F4

FM),<($"#%!% !"!&*'%%I0J*7(%(,%!%L*?%/!(!%G!0'*

5 '%$%;*&" $23+)( )'& 2+ -"+, ($ +F?$.( ,'(' 0.$1 $&+ '%$%-%./& $23+)( ($ '&$(#+.4 =#!" )'&

2+ +"?+)!'//E -"+0-/ %#+& ' -"+.H,+I&+, "+( $0 I/(+." !" '??/!+, '&, (#+ -"+. %'&(" ($ )$&9+.(

(#+ 9!+% (#'( !" "++& !&($ ' &+% ,'(' ('2/+4 JF?$.(!&* ($ ' &+% ,'(' ('2/+ !" ,$&+ %!(# (#+

'%$%;*&" $23+)(R" -!-%./& 1+(#$,; '" "#$%& #+.+4


'here is the method signature that will be used

'Public Function ToTable(tableName as String, distinct as Boolean, _

' ParamArray columnNames() as String) as System.Data.DataTable

Dim export as DataTable = view.ToTable( _

"MyCarTable", true, "Vin", "Make", "Year")

&)> *+,-.%$&' 58K4LJ= 8!")$&&+)(+, 6/'""+"


//here is the method signature that will be used

//DataTable DataView.ToTable(string tableName,

// bool distinct, params string[] columnNames)

DataTable export = view.ToTable(

"MyCarTable", true, "Vin", "Make", "Year");

=#!" )$,+ "'1?/+ +F?$.(" (#+ ,'(' "++& (#.$-*# (#+ ,'(' 9!+% )'//+, :9!+%< ($ ' &+%

'%$%-%./& $23+)( &'1+, &G7!1$4 L$(+ (#'( (#+ &'1+ $0 (#!" ('2/+ !" :NE6'.='2/+<4 a'""!&* $15&

0$. (#+ )*8$*3=$ ?'.'1+(+. !&,!)'(+" (#'( $&/E ,!"(!&)( 9'/-+" '.+ D+?( O%#!)# I/(+. $-( ,-?/!)'(+

9'/-+"P4 70 <%/8& !" -"+,; '// 9'/-+" "#$-/, 2+ "#$%&4 =#+ &'1+" $0 (#+ )$/-1&" ($ !&)/-,+ !& (#+

&+% ('2/+ '.+ (#+& ?'""+, ($ (#+ 1+(#$,4

2-$"#%!% !"!5'"%I0J*7(%(,%+,,<8$"!(*%A,<>%6*(?**"%/!(!%G!0'*-'%$%#&$ !" ' 1+1$.EH2'"+,; ('2-/'.; .+/'(!$&'/ .+?.+"+&('(!$& $0 ,'(' '&, !" (#+ ?.!1'.E ,!"H

)$&&+)(+, ,'(' $23+)(4 6$&)+?(-'//E; (#!&D $0 '%$%#&$ '" '& !&H1+1$.E .+/'(!$&'/ ,'('2'"+;

2-( !(R" "!1?/E )')#+, ,'(' '&, ,$+"&R( ?.$9!,+ '&E $0 (#+ (.'&"')(!$&'/ ?.$?+.(!+" O'($1!)!(E;

)$&"!"(+&)E; !"$/'(!$&; ,-.'2!/!(EP (#'( '.+ +""+&(!'/ ($ ($,'ER" .+/'(!$&'/ ,'('2'"+"4 '%$%#&$

)$&('!&" ' )$//+)(!$& $0 '%$%-%./& '&, '%$% &/%$*!3 $23+)("; '" "#$%& !& T!*-.+ AHM4 =#+

'%$%-%./& $23+)(" )'& )$&('!& -&!>-+ '&, 0$.+!*& D+E )$&"(.'!&(" ($ +&0$.)+ ,'(' !&(+*.!(E4

'%$%#&$ '/"$ ?.$9!,+" 1+(#$," 0$. )/$&!&* (#+ '%$%#&$ ")#+1'; )$?E!&* (#+ ,'(' "+(; 1+.*H

!&* %!(# $(#+. '%$%#&$ $23+)("; '&, /!"(!&* )#'&*+"4

DataRelations Collection

DataTables Collection



!"#$%&'(1& =#+ '%$%#&$ $23+)( )$&('!&" ' )$//+)(!$& $0 '%$%-%./& '&, '%$% &/%$*!3 $23+)("4

G$- )'& ).+'(+ (#+ '%$%#&$ ")#+1' ?.$*.'11'(!)'//E $. 2E ?.$9!,!&* '& bN@ ")#+1'

,+I&!(!$&4 =#+ 0$//$%!&* )$,+ ,+1$&"(.'(+" (#+ ).+'(!$& $0 ' "!1?/+ ,'(' "+( )$&('!&!&* '

@+""$& AB C$.D!&* %!(# (#+ '%$%-%./& '&, '%$%#&$ 6/'""+" *+,-.%$&'& )'

,'(' ('2/+ 0$. 9+&,$." '&, ' ,'(' ('2/+ 0$. ?'.("4 =#+ (%$ '%$%-%./& $23+)(" '.+ 3$!&+, -"!&*

' '%$% &/%$*!3 $23+)( &'1+, F&3)!18L7%1$84 O'%$% &/%$*!3 !" ,!")-""+, !& 1$.+ ,+('!/ !& (#+

&+F( "+)(!$&4P


'create vendor dataset

Dim vendorData as new DataSet("VendorData")

Dim vendor as DataTable = vendorData.Tables.Add("Vendors")

vendors.Columns.Add("Id", GetType(Guid))

vendors.Columns.Add("Name", GetType(string))

vendors.Columns.Add("Address1", GetType(string))

vendors.Columns.Add("Address2", GetType(string))

vendors.Columns.Add("City", GetType(string))

vendors.Columns.Add("State", GetType(string))

vendors.Columns.Add("ZipCode", GetType(string))

vendors.Columns.Add("Country", GetType(string))

vendors.PrimaryKey = new DataColumn() { vendors.Columns("Id") }

Dim parts as DataTable = vendorData.Tables.Add("Parts")

parts.Columns.Add("Id", GetType(Guid))

parts.Columns.Add("VendorId", GetType(Guid))

parts.Columns.Add("PartCode", GetType(string))

parts.Columns.Add("PartDescription", GetType(string))

parts.Columns.Add("Cost", GetType(decimal))

parts.Columns.Add("RetailPrice", GetType(decimal))

parts.PrimaryKey = new DataColumn() { parts.Columns("Id") }

vendorData.Relations.Add( _

"vendors_parts", _

vendors.Columns("Id"), _



//create vendor dataset

DataSet vendorData = new DataSet("VendorData");

DataTable vendors = vendorData.Tables.Add("Vendors");

vendors.Columns.Add("Id", typeof(Guid));

vendors.Columns.Add("Name", typeof(string));

vendors.Columns.Add("Address1", typeof(string));

vendors.Columns.Add("Address2", typeof(string));

vendors.Columns.Add("City", typeof(string));

vendors.Columns.Add("State", typeof(string));

vendors.Columns.Add("ZipCode", typeof(string));

vendors.Columns.Add("Country", typeof(string));

vendors.PrimaryKey = new DataColumn[] { vendors.Columns["Id"] };

DataTable part = vendorData.Tables.Add("Parts");

parts.Columns.Add("Id", typeof(Guid));

parts.Columns.Add("VendorId", typeof(Guid));

parts.Columns.Add("PartCode", typeof(string));

parts.Columns.Add("PartDescription", typeof(string));

parts.Columns.Add("Cost", typeof(decimal));

&)) *+,-.%$&' 58K4LJ= 8!")$&&+)(+, 6/'""+"

parts.Columns.Add("RetailPrice", typeof(decimal));

parts.PrimaryKey = new DataColumn[] { parts.Columns["Id"] };





6*$"#% ,<*%3)*7$N7%?$(;%G1)*8% !"!5'"%I0J*7(-

=#+ ?.+9!$-" )$,+ ).+'(+, ' ")#+1' 0$. ' ,'(' "+(4 5))+""!&* (#+ ,'(' ('2/+ )$..+"?$&,!&* ($

(#+ 9+&,$." %$-/, .+>-!.+ )$,+ /!D+ (#!"B


Dim vendorTable as DataTable = vendorData.Tables("Vendors")


DataTable vendorTable = vendorData.Tables["Vendors"];

C#'( #'??+&" !0 (#+ ('2/+ &'1+ !" "?+//+, !&)$..+)(/Ec 5& +F)+?(!$& !" (#.$%&; 2-( &$( -&H

(!/ .-& (!1+4 5 2+((+. '??.$')# !" ($ ).+'(+ ' &+%; "?+)!'/!S+, '%$%#&$ )/'"" (#'( !&#+.!(" 0.$1

'%$%#&$; ',,!&* ' ?.$?+.(E 0$. +')# $0 (#+ ('2/+"4 T$. +F'1?/+; ' "?+)!'/!S+, '%$%#&$ )/'""

1!*#( )$&('!& ' ?.$?+.(E )'//+, ;&3)!18 (#'( )'& 2+ '))+""+, '" 0$//$%"B


Dim vendorTable as DataTable = vendorData.Vendors


DataTable vendorTable = vendorData.Vendors;

Q"!&* (#!" "E&('F; ' )$1?!/+H(!1+ +..$. !" *+&+.'(+, !0 ;&3)!1 !" &$( "?+//+, )$..+)(/E4 5/"$;

(#+ )#'&)+" $0 !&)$..+)( "?+//!&* '.+ "!*&!I)'&(/E .+,-)+, 2+)'-"+ d!"-'/ V(-,!$ 7&(+//!V+&"+

,!"?/'E" (#+ ;&3)!18 ?.$?+.(E 0$. >-!)D "+/+)(!$& %#+& (#+ /!&+ $0 )$,+ !" 2+!&* (E?+,4 =#+

"('&,'., '%$%#&$ )/'"" !" '& 53$H7&)J)%$%J8&$; %#+.+'" (#+ "?+)!'/!S+, ,'(' "+( !" ' $H7&)J


G$- )'& ).+'(+ ' (E?+, '%$%#&$ )/'"" 1'&-'//E; 2-( !(R" -"-'//E 2+((+. ($ ?.$9!,+ '& bN@

")#+1' ,+I&!(!$& ObV8P I/+ ($ *+&+.'(+ (#+ (E?+, '%$%#&$ )/'""4 d!"-'/ V(-,!$ )$&('!&" ' ($$/

)'//+, (#+ 8'('V+( J,!($. (#'( E$- )'& -"+ ($ ).+'(+ '&, 1$,!0E '& bV8 I/+ *.'?#!)'//E; %#!)#;

!& (-.&; )'& *+&+.'(+ (#+ (E?+, '%$%#&$ )/'""4 G$- )'& !&9$D+ (#+ 8'('V+( J,!($. 2E ',,!&* '

'%$%#&$ I/+ ($ ' d!"-'/ V(-,!$ ?.$3+)(B \!*#(H)/!)D (#+ ?.$3+)(; )#$$"+ 5,,; )#$$"+ L+% 7(+1;

'&, "+/+)( (#+ 8'('V+( (+1?/'(+ !& (#+ 8'(' "+)(!$&4 50(+. E$- ',, (#+ 8'('V+( (+1?/'(+ ($

(#+ ?.$3+)(; (#+ (+1?/'(+ %!// 2+ $?+& 0$. E$- ($ +,!( 2E -"!&* (#+ 8'('V+( J,!($.4 T!*-.+ AH^

"#$%" (#+ I/+" ).+'(+, %#+& (#+ 8'('V+( (+1?/'(+ !" ',,+, ($ ' ?.$3+)(4 L$(!)+ (#'( E$-

1!*#( &++, ($ "+/+)( (#+ V#$% 5// T!/+" 2-(($&; /$)'(+, '( (#+ ($? $0 (#+ V$/-(!$& JF?/$.+.

%!&,$%; ($ "++ '// (#+"+ I/+"4 K&+ $0 (#+ I/+" #'" ' 4)" +F(+&"!$&; %#!)# !" (#+ +F(+&"!$& 0$.

' 6e "$-.)+ )$,+ I/+4 5 d!"-'/ X'"!) '??/!)'(!$& %$-/, #'9+ ' I/+ %!(# ' 492 +F(+&"!$&4 =#+

@+""$& AB C$.D!&* %!(# (#+ '%$%-%./& '&, '%$%#&$ 6/'""+" *+,-.%$&'& )7

"$-.)+ )$,+ I/+ )$&('!&" (#+ ,+I&!(!$& $0 ' )/'"" (#'( !&#+.!(" 0.$1 '%$%#&$ O(#'( !"; (#+ (E?+,

,'(' "+(P '&, !" *+&+.'(+, '-($1'(!)'//E 2E (#+ 8'('V+( J,!($.4

!"#$%&'(9& =#+ 8'('V+( (+1?/'(+ )$&('!&" '& bN@ ")#+1' ,+0!&!(!$& '&, *+&+.'(+" "$-.)+ )$,+ ($ ).+H'(+ ' (E?+, ,'(' "+(4

+,""*7($"#%(;*%G!0'*-%?$(;% !"!#'9!"*$+%I0J*7(-

=#+ '%$% &/%$*!3 $23+)(" 3$!& '%$%-%./& $23+)(" !& (#+ "'1+ ,'(' "+(4 f$!&!&* '%$%-%./&

$23+)(" ).+'(+" ' ?'(# 0.$1 ' )$/-1& $0 $&+ '%$%-%./& $23+)( ($ ' )$/-1& $0 '&$(#+.4 =#!"

'%$% &/%$*!3 $23+)( )'& 2+ (.'9+."+, ?.$*.'11'(!)'//E 0.$1 ?'.+&( ,'(' ('2/+ ($ )#!/, ,'('

('2/+ $. 0.$1 )#!/, ,'(' ('2/+ ($ ?'.+&( ,'(' ('2/+; %#!)# +&'2/+" &'9!*'(!$& 2+(%++& (#+

'%$%-%./& $23+)("4 =#+ 0$//$%!&* )$,+ +F'1?/+ ?$?-/'(+" (#+ F&3)!1 '&, 7%1$ '%$%-%./&

$23+)(" '&, (#+& ,+1$&"(.'(+" '%$% &/%$*!3 $23+)( &'9!*'(!$&; I."( 0.$1 ?'.+&( ($ )#!/, '&,

(#+& 0.$1 )#!/, ($ ?'.+&(; -"!&* (#+ F&3)!18L7%1$8 ,'(' .+/'(!$&4


'add vendors and parts

Dim vendorRow as DataRow = nothing

vendorRow = vendors.NewRow()

Dim vendorId as Guid = Guid.NewGuid()

vendorRow("Id") = vendorId

vendorRow("Name") = "Tailspin Toys"


Dim partRow as DataRow = nothing

partRow = parts.NewRow()

partRow("Id") = Guid.NewGuid()

partRow("VendorId") = vendorId

partRow("PartCode") = "WGT1"

partRow("PartDescription") = "Widget 1 Description"

partRow("Cost") = 10.00

partRow("RetailPrice") = 12.32


partRow = parts.NewRow()

&)1 *+,-.%$&' 58K4LJ= 8!")$&&+)(+, 6/'""+"

partRow("Id") = Guid.NewGuid()

partRow("VendorId") = vendorId

partRow("PartCode") = "WGT2"

partRow("PartDescription") = "Widget 2 Description"

partRow("Cost") = 9.00

partRow("RetailPrice") = 11.32


'Navigate parent to children

textBox1.AppendText(vbCrLf + "Parent to Children" + vbCrLf)

Dim childParts As DataRow() = vendorRow.GetChildRows("vendors_parts")

For Each dr As DataRow In childParts

textBox1.AppendText( _

String.Format("Part: {0} from {1}" + vbCrLf, _

dr("PartCode"), vendorRow("Name")))


textBox1.AppendText("--------------------------------" + vbCrLf)

'Navigate child to parent

textBox1.AppendText(vbCrLf + "Parent to Children" + vbCrLf)

Dim parentRow As DataRow = parts.Rows(1).GetParentRow("vendors_parts")

textBox1.AppendText( _

String.Format("Vendor: {0} for {1}" + vbCrLf, _

parentRow("Name"), parts.Rows(1)("PartCode")))

textBox1.AppendText("--------------------------------" + vbCrLf)


//add vendors and parts

DataRow vendorRow = null;

vendorRow = vendors.NewRow();

Guid vendorId = Guid.NewGuid();

vendorRow["Id"] = vendorId;

vendorRow["Name"] = "Tailspin Toys";


DataRow partRow = null;

partRow = parts.NewRow();

partRow["Id"] = Guid.NewGuid();

partRow["VendorId"] = vendorId;

partRow["PartCode"] = "WGT1";

partRow["PartDescription"] = "Widget 1 Description";

partRow["Cost"] = 10.00;

partRow["RetailPrice"] = 12.32;


partRow = parts.NewRow();

partRow["Id"] = Guid.NewGuid();

partRow["VendorId"] = vendorId;

partRow["PartCode"] = "WGT2";

partRow["PartDescription"] = "Widget 2 Description";

partRow["Cost"] = 9.00;

partRow["RetailPrice"] = 11.32;


//Navigate parent to children

@+""$& AB C$.D!&* %!(# (#+ '%$%-%./& '&, '%$%#&$ 6/'""+" *+,-.%$&'& )9

textBox1.AppendText("\r\nParent to Children\r\n");

DataRow[] childParts = vendorRow.GetChildRows("vendors_parts");

foreach (DataRow dr in childParts)



string.Format("Part: {0} from {1}\r\n",




//Navigate child to parent

textBox1.AppendText("\r\nChild to Parent\r\n");

DataRow parentRow = parts.Rows[1].GetParentRow("vendors_parts");


string.Format("Vendor: {0} for {1}\r\n",

parentRow["Name"], parts.Rows[1]["PartCode"]));



G$- )'& ).+'(+ ' '%$% &/%$*!3 $23+)( %!(# $. %!(#$-( -&!>-+ '&, 0$.+!*& D+E )$&"(.'!&(" 0$.

(#+ "$/+ ?-.?$"+ $0 &'9!*'(!&* 2+(%++& ?'.+&( '&, )#!/, '%$%-%./& $23+)("4 =#+ '%$% &/%$*!3

)/'"" ?.$9!,+" ' )$&"(.-)($. (#'( +&'2/+" (#+ ).+'(!$& $0 ' -&!>-+ )$&"(.'!&( $& (#+ ?'.+&(

'%$%-%./& $23+)( '&, ' 0$.+!*& D+E )$&"(.'!&( $& (#+ )#!/, '%$%-%./& $23+)(4 =#+"+ )$&"(.'!&("

+&0$.)+ ,'(' !&(+*.!(E 2E +&"-.!&* (#'( ' ?'.+&( '%$% !" $23+)( +F!"(" 0$. '&E )#!/, '%$% !"

$23+)(4 =#+ 0$//$%!&* )$,+ ,+1$&"(.'(+" (#+ ).+'(!$& $0 (#+ '%$% &/%$*!3 $23+)( &'1+,

F&3)!1L7%1$; ?'""!&* $15& ($ ).+'(+ )$&"(.'!&(" !0 (#+E ,$&R( '/.+',E +F!"(4

!"#& 5$%!"6&?%@4&,63&6#00&2,0#%4

H.%!%.,<*$#"%>*1%7,"-(<!$"(%$-%-*(%(,%!% !"!/$9:;+%,0J*7(%(;!(%!'',?-%"&''-D%(;$-%7;$'8%8!(!%

<,?%7!"%*M$-(%?$(;,&(%;!=$"#%!%)!<*"(% !"!#$%%,0J*7(@%H"%-,4*%-$(&!($,"-D%(;$-%4$#;(%0*%

8*-$<*8%,<%<*Q&$<*8D%0&(%$"%,(;*<%-$(&!($,"-D%$(%4$#;(%",(@%6*%-&<*%(,%=*<$.1%(;*%,99$% <=:99%

)<,)*<(1%,.%(;*% !"!/$9:;+%,0J*7(-%0*$"#%&-*8%!-%.,<*$#"%>*1-@%


vendorData.Relations.Add( _

"vendors_parts", _

vendors.Columns("Id"), _

parts.Columns("VendorId"), True)





parts.Columns["VendorId"], true);

!"# 5$%!"6&?%@4&,63&6#00&2,0#%4

H.%!%.,<*$#"%>*1%7,"-(<!$"(%$-%-*(%(,%!% !"!/$9:;+%,0J*7(%(;!(%!'',?-%"&''-D%(;$-%7;$'8%8!(!%

<,?%7!"%*M$-(%?$(;,&(%;!=$"#%!%)!<*"(% !"!#$%%,0J*7(@%H"%-,4*%-$(&!($,"-D%(;$-%4$#;(%0*%%

8*-$<*8%,<%<*Q&$<*8D%0&(%$"%,(;*<%-$(&!($,"-D%$(%4$#;(%",(@%6*%-&<*%(,%=*<$.1%(;*%,99$% <=:99

)<,)*<(1%,.%(;*% !"!/$9:;+%,0J*7(-%0*$"#%&-*8%!-%.,<*$#"%>*1-@%

&): *+,-.%$&' 58K4LJ= 8!")$&&+)(+, 6/'""+"


5 0$.+!*& D+E )$&"(.'!&( +&"-.+" (#'( ' )#!/, '%$% !" $23+)( )'&&$( 2+ ',,+, -&/+"" ' 9'/!,

?'.+&( '%$% !" $23+)( +F!"("4 7& "$1+ "!(-'(!$&"; !( !" ,+"!.'2/+ ($ 0$.)+ (#+ ,+/+(!$& $0 (#+

)#!/, '%$% !" $23+)(" %#+& (#+ ?'.+&( '%$% !" $23+)( !" ,+/+(+,4 G$- )'& ,$ (#!" 2E "+((!&*

'&/&$& 5/& ($ 4%8=%)& $& (#+ A!1&*23M&H4!38$1%*3$ )$&"(.'!&( $0 (#+ )#!/, ('2/+ )$..+"?$&,H

!&* ($ (#+ .+/'(!$&4 4%8=%)& !" (#+ ,+0'-/( "+((!&*4 ='2/+ AHg ,+").!2+" (#+ $(#+. 1+12+." $0

(#+ 5/& +&-1+.'(!$&4

5" %!(# ,+/+(!&*; $& "$1+ $))'"!$&"; E$-R// %'&( ($ )'")',+ )#'&*+" ($ ' -&!>-+ D+E !& (#+

?'.+&( '%$% !" $23+)( ($ (#+ )#!/, '%$% !" $23+)(R" 0$.+!*& D+E4 G$- )'& "+( 4>%32& 5/& ($

' 1+12+. $0 (#+ 5/& +&-1+.'(!$& ($ *+( (#+ '??.$?.!'(+ 2+#'9!$.4

.,/0%&'(:& 5/& J&-1+.'(!$& N+12+."

$#0%&2,0#% 3%4*$!-.!56

4%8=%)& 8+0'-/(4 8+/+(+" $. -?,'(+" (#+ )#!/, '%$% !" $23+)(" %#+& (#+

'%$% !" $23+)( !" ,+/+(+, $. !(" -&!>-+ D+E !" )#'&*+,4 =#!" !"

(#+ ,+0'-/( 2+#'9!$.4

@!3& =#.$%" '& E3F%/*)4!38$1%*3$:G=&7$*!3 !0 (#+ ?'.+&( '%$% !"

$23+)( !" ,+/+(+, $. !(" -&!>-+ D+E !" )#'&*+,4

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'%$%4!/5I3 $23+)(O"P !0 (#+ ?'.+&( '%$% !" $23+)( !" ,+/+(+, $.

!(" -&!>-+ D+E !" )#'&*+,4

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'%$% !" $23+)( !" ,+/+(+, $. !(" -&!>-+ D+E !" )#'&*+,4

=#+ ,+0'-/( "+((!&* 0$. ' A!1&*23M&H4!38$1%*3$ $23+)(R" '&/&$& 5/& ?.$?+.(E !" 5/&N4%8=%)&4

=#+ 0$//$%!&* )$,+ "'1?/+ "#$%" #$% ($ 0$.)+ '& E3F%/*)4!38$1%*3$:G=&7$*!3 ($ 2+ (#.$%&

%#+& ' ?'.+&( (#'( #'" )#!/,.+& !" ,+/+(+, $. %#+& ' )#!/, !" 2+!&* ',,+, (#'( #'" &$ ?'.+&(4


'set delete rule

Dim fk as ForeignKeyConstraint = part.Constraints("vendors_parts")

fk.DeleteRule = Rule.None


//set delete rule

ForeignKeyConstraint fk =


fk.DeleteRule = Rule.None;

@+""$& AB C$.D!&* %!(# (#+ '%$%-%./& '&, '%$%#&$ 6/'""+" *+,-.%$&'& );

2-$"#% *<#*%(,%+,40$"*% !"!5'"%/!(!

K& 1'&E $))'"!$&"; ,'(' '9'!/'2/+ !& $&+ ,'(' "+( 1-"( 2+ )$12!&+, %!(# '&$(#+. ,'(' "+(4

T$. +F'1?/+; ' "'/+" '??/!)'(!$& 1!*#( &++, ($ )$12!&+ "+.!'/!S+, '%$%#&$ $23+)(" .+)+!9+,

2E +1'!/ 0.$1 ' &-12+. $0 "'/+" ?+$?/+4 J9+& !&(+.&'//E %!(#!& '& '??/!)'(!$&; E$- 1!*#(

%'&( ($ ).+'(+ ' )$?E $0 '%$%-%./& $23+)(" (#+ -"+. )'& +,!(; '&,; 2'"+, $& (#+ -"+. )/!)D!&*

Q?,'(+; (#+ 1$,!I+, ,'(' )'& 2+ 1+.*+, 2')D ($ (#+ $.!*!&'/ ,'(' "+(4

=#+ '%$%#&$ )/'"" )$&('!&" ' 1+(#$, )'//+, (&12& (#'( )'& 2+ -"+, ($ )$12!&+ ,'('

0.$1 1-/(!?/+ '%$%#&$ $23+)("4 =#+ (&12& 1+(#$, #'" "+9+.'/ $9+./$'," ($ 1+.*+ ,'(' 0.$1

'%$%#&$; '%$%-%./&O $. '%$% !" $23+)("4 =#+ 0$//$%!&* )$,+ +F'1?/+ ,+1$&"(.'(+" -"!&* (#+

(&12& 1+(#$, ($ )$12!&+ )#'&*+" 0.$1 $&+ ,'(' "+( !&($ '&$(#+. ,'(' "+(4


'Create an initial DataSet

Dim masterData As New DataSet("Sales")

Dim people As DataTable = masterData.Tables.Add("People")

people.Columns.Add("Id", GetType(Guid))

people.Columns.Add("Name", GetType(String))

people.PrimaryKey = New DataColumn() { people.Columns("Id")}

people.Rows.Add(Guid.NewGuid(), "Joe")

'Create a temp DataSet and make changes

Dim tempData As DataSet = masterData.Copy()

'get Joe's info

Dim tempPeople As DataTable = tempData.Tables("People")

Dim joe As DataRow = tempPeople.Select("Name='Joe'")(0)

Dim joeId As Guid = CType(joe("Id"), Guid)

'Modify joe's name

joe("Name") = "Joe in Sales"

'Create an Order table and add orders for Joe

Dim orders As DataTable = tempData.Tables.Add("Orders")

orders.Columns.Add("Id", GetType(Guid))

orders.Columns.Add("PersonId", GetType(Guid))

orders.Columns.Add("Amount", GetType(Decimal))

orders.PrimaryKey = New DataColumn() { orders.Columns("Id")}

orders.Rows.Add(Guid.NewGuid(), joeId, 100)

'Now merge back to master

masterData.Merge(tempData, False, MissingSchemaAction.AddWithKey)


//Create an initial DataSet

DataSet masterData = new DataSet("Sales");

DataTable people = masterData.Tables.Add("People");

people.Columns.Add("Id", typeof(Guid));

people.Columns.Add("Name", typeof(string));

people.PrimaryKey = new DataColumn[] { person.Columns["Id"] };

people.Rows.Add(Guid.NewGuid(), "Joe");

//Create a temp DataSet and make changes

&)< *+,-.%$&' 58K4LJ= 8!")$&&+)(+, 6/'""+"

DataSet tempData = masterData.Copy();

//get Joe's info

DataTable tempPeople = tempData.Tables["People"];

DataRow joe = tempPeople.Select("Name='Joe'")[0];

Guid joeId = (Guid)joe["Id"];

//Modify joe's name

joe["Name"] = "Joe in Sales";

//Create an Order table and add orders for Joe

DataTable orders = tempData.Tables.Add("Orders");

orders.Columns.Add("Id", typeof(Guid));

orders.Columns.Add("PersonId", typeof(Guid));

orders.Columns.Add("Amount", typeof(decimal));

orders.PrimaryKey = new DataColumn[] { orders.Columns["Id"] };

orders.Rows.Add(Guid.NewGuid(), joeId, 100);

//Now merge back to master

masterData.Merge(tempData, false, MissingSchemaAction.AddWithKey);

=#!" )$,+ ).+'(+" ' ,'(' "+( (#'( )$&('!&" ' "!&*/+ '%$%-%./& $23+)(; )'//+, 6&!7/&4 5 ?+."$&

&'1+, f$+ %'" ',,+, ($ (#+ 7&!7/& '%$%-%./& $23+)(4 =#+ ,'(' .$% "('(+ 0$. f$+R" ,'(' .$%

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$&I7'%$%4 =#+ )$,+ 1$,!I+" (#+ $&I7'%$% '%$%#&$ $23+)( 2E )#'&*!&* f$+R" &'1+ ($ :f$+ !&

V'/+"<; '&, (#+& !( ).+'(+" ' &+% '%$%-%./& $23+)( )'//+, 01)&18 '&, ',," '& $.,+.4

=#+ (&12& 1+(#$, $& I%8$&1'%$%; %#!)# ('D+" (#.++ ?'.'1+(+."; !" (#+& )'//+,4

=#+ I."( ?'.'1+(+. !" (#+ $&I7'%$% $23+)(4 =#+ "+)$&, ?'.'1+(+. !" ' X$$/+'& )'//+,

71&8&1F&4>%32&8; %#!)# "?+)!I+" %#+(#+. -?,'(+" 0.$1 (#+ $&I7'%$% ,'(' "+( "#$-/,

$9+.%.!(+ )#'&*+" 1',+ !& (#+ I%8$&1'%$% $23+)(4 T$. +F'1?/+; f$+R" ,'(' .$% "('(+ !&

(#+ I%8$&1'%$% ,'(' "+( !" &$( ?3=>%32&); "$ !0 (#+ 71&8&1F&4>%32&8 "+((!&* !" $15&; f$+R"

&'1+ )#'&*+ O($ :f$+ !& V'/+"<P %!// &$( 2+ 1+.*+, !&($ I%8$&1'%$%4 =#+ /'"( ?'.'1+(+. !" '

(*88*32#=>&I%,=$*!3 +&-1+.'(!$& 1+12+.4 =#+ ,))P*$>M&H 9'/-+ !" "+/+)(+,; %#!)# 1+'&"

(#+ V'/+" ,'(' ('2/+ '&, !(" ,'(' '.+ ',,+, ($ I%8$&1'%$%4 ='2/+ AHh ,+").!2+" (#+ +&-1+.'H

(!$& 1+12+."4

.,/0%&'(;&(*88*32#=>&I%,=$*!3 J&-1+.'(!$& N+12+."

+)(()*,(-.'+!!-")$*&2,0#% 3%4*$!-.!56

,)) 5,," (#+ &+)+""'.E '%$%-%./& '&, '%$%4!/5I3 $23+)("

($ )$1?/+(+ (#+ ")#+1'4

,))P*$>M&H 5,," (#+ &+)+""'.E '%$%-%./&; '%$%4!/5I3; '&,

61*I%1HM&H $23+)(" ($ )$1?/+(+ (#+ ")#+1'4

:11!1 5& +F)+?(!$& !" (#.$%& !0 ' ,'(' )$/-1& ,$+" &$( +F!"(

!& (#+ ,'(' "+( 2+!&* -?,'(+,4

E23!1& 7*&$.+" ,'(' (#'( .+"!,+" !& ,'(' )$/-1&" (#'( '.+ &$( !&

(#+ ,'(' "+( 2+!&* -?,'(+,4

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C#+& E$- -"+ (#+ (&12& 1+(#$,; 1'D+ "-.+ (#+ '%$%-%./& $23+)(" #'9+ ' ?.!1'.E D+E4

T'!/-.+ ($ "+( (#+ 61*I%1HM&H ?.$?+.(E $0 (#+ '%$%-%./& $23+)( .+"-/(" !& '%$% !" $23+)(" 2+H

!&* '??+&,+, .'(#+. (#'& +F!"(!&* '%$% !" $23+)(" 2+!&* 1$,!I+,4

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7& (#!" ?.')(!)+; E$- ).+'(+ ' "1'// '??/!)'(!$& (#'( %$.D" %!(# (#+ ,!")$&&+)(+, ,'(' )/'""+"

(#'( #'9+ 2++& ,+I&+, !& (#!" /+""$&4 =#+ ")+&'.!$ !" 2'"+, $& ' ?+."$& %#$ $%&" "+9+.'/

9+#!)/+" '&, %'&(" ($ (.')D '// .+?'!." 0$. +')# 9+#!)/+4

C#+& (#+ '??/!)'(!$& "('.(" 0$. (#+ I."( (!1+; ' ,'(' "+( %!// 2+ ).+'(+, '&, ?$?-/'(+, %!(#

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,'(' "+( %!(# ' d+#!)/+" ,'(' ('2/+ '&, ' \+?'!." ,'(' ('2/+4 =#+"+ ,'(' ('2/+" %!// 2+ .+/'(+,

(#.$-*# (#+ d!& )$/-1& !& 2$(# ,'(' ('2/+"4

*+ 7& d!"-'/ V(-,!$ 4LJ= U]A]; )/!)D T!/+ ` L+% ` a.$3+)(4

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5??/!)'(!$& (+1?/'(+4

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(#!" ?.$3+)(4

.+ T$. (#+ "$/-(!$& &'1+; +&(+. 2OJEPMO$OQKEC0KR4BMSIEBF4 X+ "-.+ (#'( 6.+'(+ 8!.+)($.E

0$. V$/-(!$& !" "+/+)(+, '&, (#+& )/!)D Kj4

50(+. d!"-'/ V(-,!$ 4LJ= I&!"#+" ).+'(!&* (#+ ?.$3+)(; T$.1A %!// 2+ ,!"?/'E+, -"!&* (#+

C!&,$%" T$.1" 8+"!*&+.4

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U,,)$"#%(;<,&#;%/!(!%?$(;%(;*% !"!>!?9'#'!4'(%+'!--

=#+ '%$%-%./& &%)&1 )/'"" +&'2/+" E$- ($ !(+.'(+ (#.$-*# '%$% !" $23+)(" !& $&+ $. 1$.+

'%$%-%./& $23+)("4 '%$%-%./& &%)&1 ?.$9!,+" ' "('2/+; 0$.%'.,H$&/E; .+',H$&/E 1+'&" $0

/$$?!&* $9+. '%$% !" $23+)("4 T$. +F'1?/+; !0 E$- '.+ -"!&* '%$%-%./& &%)&1 ($ !(+.'(+ $9+.

(#+ .$%" !& ' '%$%-%./& $23+)(; E$- %!// 2+ '2/+ ($ ',, $. .+1$9+ .$%" %#!/+ !& E$-. /$$?!&*

)$,+4 G$- )'& '/"$ -"+ '%$%-%./& &%)&1 ($ ?$?-/'(+ 1'&E C+2 )$&(.$/" %!(#$-( #'9!&* ($

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=#+ '%$%-%./& &%)&1 )/'"" )$&('!&" ' 1+(#$, )'//+, &%) (#'( !" +F+)-(+, ($ /$',

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'.+ ',,+,4

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(#+ '%$%-%./& &%)&1 )/'""4 70 (#+ ,'(' "+( )$&('!&" 1$.+ (#'& $&+ ('2/+; (#+ '%$%-%./& &%)&1

$23+)( .+'," .$%" 0.$1 (#+ I."( '%$%-%./& $23+)(; '&, E$- )'& -"+ (#+ @&G$ &85/$ 1+(#$, ($

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=#+ 0$//$%!&* )$,+ +F'1?/+ ,+1$&"(.'(+" (#+ -"+ $0 '%$%-%./& &%)&1 ($ /$$? $9+. ' ,'('

('2/+ '&, ,!"?/'E (#+ 6&18!3 $23+)(R" @%I& ?.$?+.(E; '&, (#+& (#+ @&G$ &85/$ 1+(#$, !"

+F+)-(+, ($ 1$9+ ($ (#+ 6%1$ ,'(' ('2/+ '&, ,!"?/'E (#+ 6%1$@%I& ?.$?+.(E ($ ' (+F( 2$F4


'Create an initial DataSet

Dim masterData As New DataSet("Sales")

Dim person As DataTable = masterData.Tables.Add("Person")

person.Columns.Add("Id", GetType(Guid))

person.Columns.Add("Name", GetType(String))

person.PrimaryKey = New DataColumn() {person.Columns("Id")}

Dim part As DataTable = masterData.Tables.Add("Part")

part.Columns.Add("Id", GetType(Guid))

part.Columns.Add("PartName", GetType(String))

part.PrimaryKey = New DataColumn() {part.Columns("Id")}

For i As Integer = 0 To 100

person.Rows.Add(Guid.NewGuid(), "Joe " + i.ToString())

part.Rows.Add(Guid.NewGuid(), "Part " + i.ToString())

&1< *+,-.%$&' 58K4LJ= 8!")$&&+)(+, 6/'""+"


'read the data in the DataTable

Dim rd As DataTableReader = masterData.CreateDataReader()

While (rd.Read())

TextBox1.AppendText(rd("Name").ToString() + vbcrlf)

End While


While (rd.Read())

TextBox1.AppendText(rd("PartName").ToString() + vbcrlf)

End While


//Create an initial DataSet

DataSet masterData = new DataSet("Sales");

DataTable person = masterData.Tables.Add("Person");

person.Columns.Add("Id", typeof(Guid));

person.Columns.Add("Name", typeof(string));

person.PrimaryKey = new DataColumn[] { person.Columns["Id"] };

DataTable part = masterData.Tables.Add("Part");

part.Columns.Add("Id", typeof(Guid));

part.Columns.Add("PartName", typeof(string));

part.PrimaryKey = new DataColumn[] { part.Columns["Id"] };

for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)


person.Rows.Add(Guid.NewGuid(), "Joe " + i);

part.Rows.Add(Guid.NewGuid(), "Part " + i);


//read the data in the DataTable

DataTableReader rd = masterData.CreateDataReader();

while (rd.Read())


textBox1.AppendText(rd["Name"].ToString() + "\r\n");



while (rd.Read())


textBox1.AppendText(rd["PartName"].ToString() + "\r\n");


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+(-)#-)#+!"#6*-6"*+("'#()!"*(+"4#,*-.# $ !"!'&!(&)#()#7!&6+"*#8/

,!-+$.-/& #%0.!$.1%+&23#%4 !"# !"!#!$%&#$%&''#")&9%"'#:-1#+-#!&;"#&#$-%1.)#<!-'"#+:6"#('#'6"$(&%(="4>#<!($!#&%%-<'#,-*#





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"D('+()E#-9L"$+/# !('#&''(E).")+#('#*"F1(*"4#+-#+*(EE"*#+!"#164&+"#-,#+!"#()+"*)&%#()4"D"'#1'"4#

9:#'-*+()E>#3%+"*()E>#&)4#6*(.&*:#G":#-6"*&+(-)'/# !"#,-%%-<()E#$-4"#"D&.6%"#'!-<'#!-<#:-1#



<Serializable()> _

Public Class Car

Public Property Make() As String

Public Property Model() As String

Public Property Year() As Integer

End Class

Private Sub specializedTypesToolStripMenuItem_Click( _

ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) _

Handles specializedTypesToolStripMenuItem.Click

Dim cars = CreateTableWithUDT()

'Add New DataRow by creating the DataRow first

Dim newAuto = cars.NewRow()

newAuto("Vin") = "123456789ABCD"

Dim c = New Car With {.Make = "Chevy", .Model = "Impala", .Year = 2003}

newAuto("CarObject") = c


Dim theCar = CType(cars.Rows(0)("CarObject"), Car)

textBox1.AppendText(String.Format("Car: {0} {1} {2}\r\n", _

theCars.Year, theCars.Make, theCars.Model))

End Sub

Public Function CreateTableWithUDT() As DataTable

'Create the DataTable named "Car"

Dim cars = New DataTable("Car")

'Add the DataColumn using all properties

Dim vin = New DataColumn("Vin")

vin.DataType = GetType(String)

vin.MaxLength = 23

vin.Unique = True

vin.AllowDBNull = False

vin.Caption = "VIN"


'UDT column

Dim carColumn = New DataColumn("CarObject", GetType(Car))


'Set the Primary Key

cars.PrimaryKey = New DataColumn() {vin}

Return Car

End Function



public class Car

'+, !"#$%&'( BJM/NO #J('$-))"$+"4#7%&''"'


public int Year { get; set; }

public string Make { get; set; }

public string Model { get; set; }


private void specializedTypesToolStripMenuItem_Click(

object sender, EventArgs e)


DataTable cars = CreateTableWithUDT();

//Add New DataRow by creating the DataRow first

DataRow newAuto = cars.NewRow();

newAuto["Vin"] = "123456789ABCD";

Car c = new Car { Make = "Chevy", Model = "Impala", Year = 2003 };

newAuto["CarObject"] = c;


Car theCar = (Car)cars.Rows[0]["CarObject"];

textBox1.AppendText(string.Format("Car: {0} {1} {2}\r\n",

theCars.Year, theCars.Make, theCars.Model));


public DataTable CreateTableWithUDT()


//Create the DataTable named "Car"

DataTable cars = new DataTable("Car");

//Add the DataColumn using all properties

DataColumn vin = new DataColumn("Vin");

vin.DataType = typeof(string);

vin.MaxLength = 23;

vin.Unique = true;

vin.AllowDBNull = false;

vin.Caption = "VIN";


//UDT column

DataColumn carColumn = new DataColumn("CarObject", typeof(Car));


//Set the Primary Key

cars.PrimaryKey = new DataColumn[] { vin };

return car;




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Private ReadOnly xsdFile = Path.Combine(Environment.GetFolderPath( _

Environment.SpecialFolder.ApplicationData), "VehiclesRepairs.xsd")

Private ReadOnly xmlFile = Path.Combine(Environment.GetFolderPath( _

Environment.SpecialFolder.ApplicationData), "VehiclesRepairs.xml")

Private ds As DataSet

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private readonly string xsdFile = Path.Combine(Environment.GetFolderPath(


private readonly string xmlFile = Path.Combine(Environment.GetFolderPath(


private DataSet ds;



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Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, _

ByVal e As System.EventArgs) _

Handles MyBase.Load


End Sub


private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)




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Private Sub PopulateDataSet()

If File.Exists(xsdFile) Then

ds = New DataSet()




End If

If File.Exists(xmlFile) Then

ds.ReadXml(xmlFile, XmlReadMode.IgnoreSchema)

End If

End Sub

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private void PopulateDataSet()




ds = new DataSet();









ds.ReadXml(xmlFile, XmlReadMode.IgnoreSchema);



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Private Sub CreateSchema()

ds = New DataSet("VehiclesRepairs")

Dim vehicles = ds.Tables.Add("Vehicles")

vehicles.Columns.Add("VIN", GetType(String))

vehicles.Columns.Add("Make", GetType(String))

vehicles.Columns.Add("Model", GetType(String))

vehicles.Columns.Add("Year", GetType(Integer))

vehicles.PrimaryKey = New DataColumn() {vehicles.Columns("VIN")}

Dim repairs = ds.Tables.Add("Repairs")

Dim pk = repairs.Columns.Add("ID", GetType(Integer))

pk.AutoIncrement = True

pk.AutoIncrementSeed = -1

pk.AutoIncrementStep = -1

repairs.Columns.Add("VIN", GetType(String))

repairs.Columns.Add("Description", GetType(String))

repairs.Columns.Add("Cost", GetType(Decimal))

repairs.PrimaryKey = New DataColumn() {repairs.Columns("ID")}

ds.Relations.Add( _

"vehicles_repairs", _

vehicles.Columns("VIN"), _



End Sub


private void CreateSchema()


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ds = new DataSet("VehiclesRepairs");

var vehicles = ds.Tables.Add("Vehicles");

vehicles.Columns.Add("VIN", typeof(string));

vehicles.Columns.Add("Make", typeof(string));

vehicles.Columns.Add("Model", typeof(string));

vehicles.Columns.Add("Year", typeof(int));

vehicles.PrimaryKey = new DataColumn[] { vehicles.Columns["VIN"] };

var repairs = ds.Tables.Add("Repairs");

var pk = repairs.Columns.Add("ID", typeof(int));

pk.AutoIncrement = true;

pk.AutoIncrementSeed = -1;

pk.AutoIncrementStep = -1;

repairs.Columns.Add("VIN", typeof(string));

repairs.Columns.Add("Description", typeof(string));

repairs.Columns.Add("Cost", typeof(decimal));

repairs.PrimaryKey = new DataColumn[] { repairs.Columns["ID"] };







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Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, _

ByVal e As System.EventArgs) _

Handles MyBase.Load


dgVehicles.DataSource = ds

dgVehicles.DataMember = "Vehicles"

dgRepairs.DataSource = ds

dgRepairs.DataMember = "Vehicles.vehicles_repairs"

End Sub


private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)



dgVehicles.DataSource = ds;

dgVehicles.DataMember = "Vehicles";

dgRepairs.DataSource = ds;

dgRepairs.DataMember = "Vehicles.vehicles_repairs";


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Private Sub Form1_FormClosing(ByVal sender As System.Object, _

ByVal e As FormClosingEventArgs) _

Handles MyBase.FormClosing

ds.WriteXml(xmlFile, XmlWriteMode.DiffGram)

End Sub


private void Form1_FormClosing(

object sender, FormClosingEventArgs e)


ds.WriteXml(xmlFile, XmlWriteMode.DiffGram);


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"Data Source=.\SQLEXPRESS;Integrated Security=True" />



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/+# 011#5#."$".")+"#,%#C?-,"=@9%)8*/.5,(%)@BGG@

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G"--%)#K:#9%))"+,()*#,%#,!"#B5,5#C,%." !"#$%&'(' <:

2)345/(!C(D'6%)5(.)6'0( !B/

Private cnString As String

2)345/(!C( E( !B/

private string cnString;

1+# 0,#,!"#,%3#%$#,!"#*%'.MEQ%!6#"2"),#!5)1&".#=",!%1Q#511#+%1"#,%#.",.("2"#,!"#+%)6


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2)345/(!C(D'6%)5(.)6'0( !B/

Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, _

ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load

cnString = ConfigurationManager _

.ConnectionStrings("db") _




dgVehicles.DataSource = ds

dgVehicles.DataMember = "Vehicles"

dgRepairs.DataSource = ds

dgRepairs.DataMember = "Vehicles.vehicles_repairs"

End Sub

2)345/(!C( E( !B/

private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)


cnString = ConfigurationManager





dgVehicles.DataSource = ds;

dgVehicles.DataMember = "Vehicles";

dgRepairs.DataSource = ds;

dgRepairs.DataMember = "Vehicles.vehicles_repairs";


()% ' "33'5?#2&$4'W V'* +,-X'>2&'6"?%4#" %4

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+(8"%49 !"!9+:1)1#%*"()"B(+(8"%49)'*;,5$!"#'*()1(1:/(1!4(!C(G!%&(0!B/J

2+# 011#,!"#G=)(7G%33)("+5+"1#=",!%1Q#'!(+!#'(&&#5,,"=3,#,%#%3")#$a,G%33)("+%3Q#.",.("2"#




()% "33'5?#2&$4'W V'* +,-X'>2&'6"?%4#" %4

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2)345/(!C(D'6%)5(.)6'0( !B/

Private Function CheckConnectivity() As Boolean


Using cn = New SqlConnection(cnString)


Dim version = cn.ServerVersion

MessageBox.Show("Connectivity established! " & version)

End Using

Catch ex As Exception


Return False

End Try

Return True

End Function

2)345/(!C( E( !B/

private bool CheckConnectivity()




using (var cn = new SqlConnection(cnString))



var version = cn.ServerVersion;

MessageBox.Show("Connectivity established! " + version);



catch (Exception ex)



return false;


return true;


3+# V$#?%/#'"."#,%#./)#,!(-#3.%*.5=#5-#(,#(-#5)1#")1#,!"#3.%*.5=#'(,!%/,#511()*#5)?#15,5Q#

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+5/-"#?%/#5."#()#"1(,#=%1"#()#,!"#*.(1Q#5)1#?%/#!52")],#511"1#5)?#15,5@# %#!5)1&"#,!"#



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2)345/(!C(D'6%)5(.)6'0( !B/

Private Sub gridError(ByVal sender As System.Object, _

ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewDataErrorEventArgs) _

Handles dgVehicles.DataError


End Sub

G"--%)#K:#9%))"+,()*#,%#,!"#B5,5#C,%." !"#$%&'(' <.

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private void gridError(object sender, DataGridViewDataErrorEventArgs e)




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1".(2"1#$.%=# >G%33)("+%3#(-#."b/(."1#,%#/-"#=%-,#%$#,!"#3.(=5.?#3.%2(1".#+&5--"-@

■# 9%))"+,(%)#-,.()*-#+5)#7"#-,%."1#()#,!"#033@+%)8*#8&"#%.Q#$%.#a"7#533&(+5,(%)-Q#,!"#


■# a!")#'%.O()*#'(,!#a"7#533&(+5,(%)-Q#?%/#+5)#")+.?3,#,!"#+%))"+,(%)#-,.()*-#-,%."1#()#


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■ HL"+/,"#5#+%==5)1#,%#5#15,5#-,%."@

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■ k5)1&"#"L+"3,(%)-#'(,!#5#,.?c+5,+!#7&%+O@


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15,5#-,%."@# >G%..!36#+5)#7"#5#B5,5#M5)(3/&5,(%)#G5)*/5*"#ABMGD#+%==5)1#,%#.",.("2"Q#

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5,#,!"#15,575-"@# !"# >G%..!36#%7R"+,#."b/(."-#5#25&(1#%3")#+%))"+,(%)#,%#(--/"#,!"#+%=6

=5)1#,%#,!"#15,5#-,%."@#0# >G%33)("+%3#%7R"+,#+5)#7"#35--"1#(),%#,!"# >G%..!36#%7R"+,]-#

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=",!%1#%)#,!"# >G%33)("+%3#%7R"+,#-%#,!5,#3.%2(1".6-3"+(8+#+%1"#(-#&(=(,"1#,%#,!"#+."5,(%)#

%$#,!"# >G%33)("+%3#%7R"+,Q#5)1#,!"# >G%33)("+%3#%7R"+,#5/,%=5,(+5&&?#+."5,"-#,!"#533.%3.(6



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2)345/(!C(D'6%)5(.)6'0( !B/

Dim nw = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("nw")

Dim connection = New SqlConnection()

connection.ConnectionString = nw.ConnectionString

Dim cmd = connection.CreateCommand()

cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure

cmd.CommandText = "CustOrderHist"

'don't forget to close the connection!

2)345/(!C( E( !B/

var nw = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["nw"];

var connection = new SqlConnection(nw.ConnectionString);

var cmd = connection.CreateCommand();


■ V1"),($?#,!"#'5?-#,%#"L"+/,"#5#+%==5)1#,%#5#15,5#-,%."@

■ HL"+/,"#5#+%==5)1#,%#5#15,5#-,%."@

■ C")1#/315,"-#75+O#,%#,!"#15,5#-,%."@

■ `-"#,!"# >/'%5+6)'*!("%'161".(2"1#+&5--"-#,%#+."5,"#3.%2(1".65*)%-,(+#+%1"@

■ k5)1&"#"L+"3,(%)-#'(,!#5#,.?c+5,+!#7&%+O@


'<) !"#$%&'( 0BE@4H #9%))"+,"1#9&5--"-

cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;

cmd.CommandText = "CustOrderHist";

//don't forget to close the connection!

!(-#+%1"#+."5,"-#5# >G%33)("+%3 !"#$%& &'(& )* (+ )+*&(+%$ !, !"#$%%&'()$%- .'$

*+#$%%&'()$% !"#$%& )* &'$+ /*$0 &! %1$(&$ ( !"#$,,-%. !"#$%&2 3')%' )* (**)4+$0 &! ',.-

.'$ *+#$%%&'()$% !"#$%& 5/*& "$ !6$+$0 "$,!1$ (+7 %!55(+0 %(+ "$ */"5)&&$0- 8, )&

$9$%/&$* ( *&!1$0 61!%$0/1$2 &'$ #$,,-%./&0( 61!6$1&7 %!+&()+* &'$ +(5$ !, &'$ *&!1$0

61!%$0/1$2 3'$1$(* #$,,-%./12& )+0)%(&$* &'(& &')* )* ( %(:: &! ( *&!1$0 61!%$0/1$-

!"#$#%&'&$ !"#$%&'

;&!1$0 61!%$0/1$* &76)%(::7 1$</)1$ 6(1(5$&$1 =(:/$* &! "$ 6(**$0 &! &'$5 &! $9$%/&$- >!1

$9(56:$2 ( *&!1$0 61!%$0/1$ %(::$0 ?/*&@10$1A)*&35)4'& 1$</)1$ ( %/*&!5$1 )0$+&)B%(&)!+ &!

1$&1)$=$ )+,!15(&)!+ ("!/& &'$ (661!61)(&$ %/*&!5$1- C!/ %(+ %1$(&$ 14(&,5*-(-53#$,,$%

5*+6-7-,&(&7 !"#$%&* "7 /*)+4 &'$ 6-7-,&(&7458.. 5$&'!0 !+ &'$ #$,,-%. !"#$%&2 (*

*'!3+ '$1$-

()*+,$ -. /0'1), 2)'0% 3-4$

Dim nw = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("nw")

Dim connection = New SqlConnection()

connection.ConnectionString = nw.ConnectionString

Dim cmd = connection.CreateCommand()

cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure

cmd.CommandText = "CustOrderHist"

Dim parm = cmd.CreateParameter()

parm.ParameterName = "@Id"

parm.Value = "ANATR"


Dim id = cmd.Parameters("@Id").Value

()*+,$ -. 35 3-4$

var nw = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["nw"];

var connection = new SqlConnection();

connection.ConnectionString = nw.ConnectionString;

var cmd = connection.CreateCommand();

cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;

cmd.CommandText = "CustOrderHist";

DbParameter parm = cmd.CreateParameter();

parm.ParameterName = "@Id";

parm.Value = "ANATR";


.')* %!0$ %1$(&$* ( *+#$%%&'()$% !"#$%& (+0 ( *+#$,,-%. !"#$%&- 8& (:*! %!+B4/1$*

&'$ *+#$,,-%. !"#$%& &! $9$%/&$ ( *&!1$0 61!%$0/1$ %(::$0 /*6D$&?/*&!5$1E7802 3')%'

1$</)1$* ( *)+4:$ 6(1(5$&$1 %(::$0 9:. &'(& )* (**)4+$0 &'$ =(:/$ ;8<8/=5>

F$**!+ GH I$(0)+4 (+0 J1)&)+4 K(&( !"#$%&'(' )*

!"#' #"&"+%$%&,'"&%'-.//%&%0$'1",%-'20'$!%'#&23.-%&

67$ (89 +:-;04$: :$<10:$' &7$ +):)*$&$: =)*$' &- *)&%7 &7$ +):)*$&$: =)*$' 4$>=$4 0=

&7$ '&-:$4 +:-%$41:$? 67$ %:$)&0-= -. &7$ +):)*$&$:' 0' &7$:$.-:$ =-& -:4$: 4$+$=4$=&?

67$ ()& ! +:-;04$:@ 7-A$;$:@ :$<10:$' &7$ +):)*$&$:' &- "$ 4$>=$4 0= &7$ ')*$ -:4$: )'

&7$B ):$ 0= &7$ '&-:$4 +:-%$41:$? 670' *$)=' &7$ =)*$ )''0C=$4 &- &7$ +):)*$&$: =$$4 =-&

*)&%7 &7$ =)*$ 4$>=$4 0= &7$ '&-:$4 +:-%$41:$?

C!/ %(+ /*$ &'$ +(5$ (**)4+$0 &! &'$ *+6-7-,&(&7 !"#$%& &! (%%$** &'$ 6(1(5$&$1

&'1!/4' %!0$- >!1 $9(56:$2 &! 1$&1)$=$ &'$ =(:/$ %/11$+&:7 )+ &'$ 9:. ;LF 6(1(5$&$12 /*$ &'$

,!::!3)+4 %!0$H

()*+,$ -. /0'1), 2)'0% 3-4$

Dim id = cmd.Parameters("@Id").Value

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var id = (string)cmd.Parameters["@Id"].Value;

*+&,-'&./01-&$2 D$&7-4

C!/ $9$%/&$ ( *+#$,,-%. !"#$%& 0),,$1$+&:7 0$6$+0)+4 !+ &'$ 0(&( "$)+4 1$&1)$=$0

!1 5!0)B$0 !1 &'$ 0(&("(*$ !"#$%& 7!/ (1$ %1$(&)+42 (:&$1)+42 !1 01!66)+4- C!/ /*$ &'$

?0&'@(&<$%A@&71 5$&'!0 3'$+ 7!/ 0!+M& $96$%& ( %!55(+0 &! 1$&/1+ (+7 1!3*N(+ )+*$1&2

/60(&$2 !1 0$:$&$ </$172 ,!1 $9(56:$- .')* 5$&'!0 1$&/1+* (+ )+&$4$1 &'(& 1$61$*$+&* &'$

+/5"$1 !, 1!3* (,,$%&$0 "7 &'$ !6$1(&)!+- .'$ ,!::!3)+4 $9(56:$ $9$%/&$* ( ;LF %!55(+0

&! (00 OPQ &! &'$ /+)& 61)%$ !, &'$ 61!0/%& 3'!*$ R1!0/%&8K )* OP2 (+0 )& 1$&/1+* &'$ +/5"$1

!, 1!3* &'(& 3$1$ /60(&$0-

()*+,$ -. /0'1), 2)'0% 3-4$

Private Sub menuExecuteNonQuery_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, _

ByVal e As System.EventArgs) _

Handles ExecuteNonQueryToolStripMenuItem.Click

Dim nw = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("nw")

Dim count As Integer = 0

Using connection = New SqlConnection()

connection.ConnectionString = nw.ConnectionString

Dim cmd = connection.CreateCommand()

cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text

cmd.CommandText = _

"UPDATE Products SET UnitPrice = UnitPrice * 1.1 WHERE ProductID = 10"


count = cmd.ExecuteNonQuery()

End Using


End Sub

()*+,$ -. 35 3-4$

private void menuExecuteNonQuery_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)


!"# #"&"+%$%&,'"&%'-.//%&%0$'1",%-'20'$!%'#&23.-%&

67$ (89 +:-;04$: :$<10:$' &7$ +):)*$&$: =)*$' &- *)&%7 &7$ +):)*$&$: =)*$' 4$>=$4 0=

&7$ '&-:$4 +:-%$41:$? 67$ %:$)&0-= -. &7$ +):)*$&$:' 0' &7$:$.-:$ =-& -:4$: 4$+$=4$=&?

67$ ()& ! +:-;04$:@ 7-A$;$:@ :$<10:$' &7$ +):)*$&$:' &- "$ 4$>=$4 0= &7$ ')*$ -:4$: )'

&7$B ):$ 0= &7$ '&-:$4 +:-%$41:$? 670' *$)=' &7$ =)*$ )''0C=$4 &- &7$ +):)*$&$: =$$4 =-&

*)&%7 &7$ =)*$ 4$>=$4 0= &7$ '&-:$4 +:-%$41:$?

')) !"#$%&'( SK@-TU. ?!++$%&$0 ?:(**$*

var nw = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["nw"];

int count = 0;

using (var connection = new SqlConnection())


connection.ConnectionString = nw.ConnectionString;

var cmd = connection.CreateCommand();

cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text;

cmd.CommandText =

"UPDATE Products SET UnitPrice = UnitPrice * 1.1 WHERE ProductID =


count = cmd.ExecuteNonQuery();




*+&,-'&3&#4&$ D$&7-4

.'$ ?0&'@(&=&-.&7 5$&'!0 1$&/1+* ( *+*-(-=&-.&7 )+*&(+%$- V*+*-(-=&-.&7 )* %!=$1$0

)+ 5!1$ 0$&(): )+ &'$ +$9& *$%&)!+-W .'$ *+*-(-=&-.&7 !"#$%& )* ( ,!13(10X!+:72 1$(0X

!+:72 *$1=$1X*)0$ %/1*!1- *+*-(-=&-.&7 !"#$%&* %(+ "$ %1$(&$0 !+:7 "7 $9$%/&)+4 !+$ !,

&'$ ?0&'@(&=&-.&7 5$&'!0* !+ &'$ *+#$,,-%. !"#$%&- .'$ ,!::!3)+4 $9(56:$ /*$* &'$

?0&'@(&=&-.&7 5$&'!0 &! %1$(&$ ( *+*-(-=&-.&7 !"#$%& 3)&' &'$ *$:$%&)!+ 1$*/:&* (+0 &'$+

%!+&)+/!/*:7 :!!6* &'1!/4' &'$ 1$*/:&* /+&): &'$ $+0 !, 0(&( '(* "$$+ 1$(%'$0 V3'$+ &'$ =&-.

5$&'!0 1$&/1+* B-"4&W-

()*+,$ -. /0'1), 2)'0% 3-4$

Dim nw = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("nw")

Dim connection = New SqlConnection()

connection.ConnectionString = nw.ConnectionString

Dim cmd = connection.CreateCommand()

cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text

cmd.CommandText = "SELECT ProductID, UnitPrice FROM Products"


Dim rdr = cmd.ExecuteReader()

While (rdr.Read())

MessageBox.Show(rdr("ProductID") & ": " & rdr("UnitPrice"))

End While


()*+,$ -. 35 3-4$

var nw = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["nw"];

var connection = new SqlConnection();

connection.ConnectionString = nw.ConnectionString;

var cmd = connection.CreateCommand();

cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text;

cmd.CommandText = "SELECT ProductID, UnitPrice FROM Products";


DbDataReader rdr = cmd.ExecuteReader();

while (rdr.Read())


MessageBox.Show(rdr["ProductID"] + ": " + rdr["UnitPrice"]);



F$**!+ GH I$(0)+4 (+0 J1)&)+4 K(&( !"#$%&'(' )4

*+&,-'&5,#)#$ D$&7-4

L/$1)$* (1$ !,&$+ $96$%&$0 &! 1$&/1+ ( *)+4:$ 1!3 3)&' ( *)+4:$ %!:/5+- 8+ &'$*$ *)&/(&)!+*2

&'$ 1$*/:&* %(+ "$ &1$(&$0 (* ( *)+4:$ 1$&/1+ =(:/$- >!1 $9(56:$2 &'$ ,!::!3)+4 ;LF 1$&/1+* (

1$*/:& &'(& %!+*)*&* !, ( *)+4:$ 1!3 3)&' ( *)+4:$ %!:/5+-

()*+,$ (89 (&)&$*$=&


8, 7!/ /*$ &'$ ?0&'@(& '-"-7 5$&'!02 &'$ -TU. >1(5$3!1Y 1/+ &)5$ 3):: +!& )+%/1 &'$ !=$1X

'$(0 &! 61!0/%$ !"#$%&* &'(& 1$(0 &'$ 1$*/:& *&1$(52 3')%' 5$(+* :$** 1$*!/1%$ /*(4$ (+0

"$&&$1 6$1,!15(+%$- .'$ ,!::!3)+4 %!0$ *'!3* '!3 &! /*$ &'$ ?0&'@(& '-"-7 5$&'!0 &! $(*):7

1$&1)$=$ &'$ +/5"$1 !, 1!3* )+ &'$ ;(:$* &(":$ 0)1$%&:7 )+&! ( =(1)(":$ %(::$0 '$@%(-

()*+,$ -. /0'1), 2)'0% 3-4$

Dim nw = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("nw")

Dim connection = New SqlConnection()

connection.ConnectionString = nw.ConnectionString

Dim cmd = connection.CreateCommand()

cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text

cmd.CommandText = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Products"


Dim count = cmd.ExecuteScalar()



()*+,$ -. 35 3-4$

var nw = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["nw"];

var connection = new SqlConnection();

connection.ConnectionString = nw.ConnectionString;

var cmd = connection.CreateCommand();

cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text;

cmd.CommandText = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Products";


int count = (int)cmd.ExecuteScalar();



T!&)%$ '!3 5/%' *)56:$1 &')* )* &! )56:$5$+& &'(+ &'$ 61$=)!/* $9(56:$2 3')%' /*$0

?0&'@(&=&-.&7- 8, 7!/ %(+ /*$ &')* (661!(%'2 7!/ *'!/:0-

! #'#3&#4&$ !"#$%&S *+*-(-=&-.&7 !"#$%& 61!=)0$* ( ')4'X6$1,!15(+%$ 5$&'!0 !, 1$&1)$=)+4 0(&( ,1!5

&'$ 0(&( *&!1$- 8& 0$:)=$1* ( ,!13(10X!+:72 1$(0X!+:72 *$1=$1X*)0$ %/1*!1- .')* 5(Y$* &'$

*+*-(-=&-.&7 !"#$%& (+ )0$(: %'!)%$ ,!1 6!6/:(&)+4 C)4(D$0 !"#$%&* (+0 *7$2*$E%C)4( !"X

#$%&*- J'$+ 7!/ 1/+ 1$6!1&*2 7!/ %(+ /*$ &'$ *+*-(-=&-.&7 !"#$%& &! 1$&1)$=$ &'$ 0(&( ,1!5

&'$ 0(&( *&!1$2 "/& )& 5)4'& +!& "$ ( 4!!0 %'!)%$ 3'$+ 7!/ (1$ %!0)+4 (+ !6$1(&)!+ &'(&

5!0)B$* 0(&( (+0 +$$0* &! *$+0 &'$ %'(+4$* "(%Y &! &'$ 0(&("(*$- >!1 0(&( 5!0)B%(&)!+*2

&'$ *+*-(-8.-2(&7 !"#$%&2 3')%' )* %!=$1$0 )+ &'$ +$9& *$%&)!+2 5)4'& "$ ( "$&&$1 %'!)%$-

'45 !"#$%&'( SK@-TU. ?!++$%&$0 ?:(**$*

.'$ *+*-(-=&-.&7 !"#$%& %!+&()+* ( =&-. 5$&'!0 &'(& 1$&1)$=$* 0(&( )+&! )&* "/,,$1- @+:7

!+$ 1!3 !, 0(&( )* $=$1 (=():(":$ (& ( &)5$2 3')%' 5$(+* &'(& (:: &'$ 0(&( ,1!5 &'$ 0(&("(*$

0!$* +!& +$$0 &! "$ %!56:$&$:7 1$(0 )+&! &'$ (66:)%(&)!+ "$,!1$ )& )* 61!%$**$0- >!1 $9(56:$2

&'$ *(56:$ %!0$ )+ &'$ 61$=)!/* *$%&)!+ %1$(&$0 ( *+*-(-=&-.&7 (+0 :!!6$0 &'1!/4' &'$

0(&(2 /*)+4 ( EF)"& :!!6 &'(& %!/:0 '(=$ $9)&$0 ,1!5 &'$ :!!62 6$+0)+4 *!5$ %!+0)&)!+ "$X

)+4 5$&- .')* $9(56:$2 '!3$=$12 6!6/:(&$* ( +$3 *-(-/-+"& !"#$%& 0)1$%&:7 3)&' &'$ :)*& !,

R1!0/%&* ,1!5 &'$ T!1&'3)+0 0(&("(*$- .'$ &(":$ )* &'$+ "!/+0 &! ( #$,+$D$0 !"#$%& %(::$0


()*+,$ -. /0'1), 2)'0% 3-4$

Dim nw = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("nw")

Dim connection = New SqlConnection()

connection.ConnectionString = nw.ConnectionString

Dim cmd = connection.CreateCommand()

cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text

cmd.CommandText = "SELECT ProductID, ProductName FROM Products"


Dim rdr = cmd.ExecuteReader()

Dim products As New DataTable()

products.Load(rdr, LoadOption.Upsert)


cmbProducts.DataSource = products

cmbProducts.DisplayMember = "ProductName"

cmbProducts.ValueMember = "ProductID"

()*+,$ -. 35 3-4$

var nw = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["nw"];

var connection = new SqlConnection();

connection.ConnectionString = nw.ConnectionString;

var cmd = connection.CreateCommand();

cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text;

cmd.CommandText = "SELECT ProductID, ProductName FROM Products";


var rdr = cmd.ExecuteReader();

var products = new DataTable();

products.Load(rdr, LoadOption.Upsert);


cmbProducts.DataSource = products;

cmbProducts.DisplayMember = "ProductName";

cmbProducts.ValueMember = "ProductID";

.'$ *-(-/-+"& !"#$%&M* C$-. 5$&'!0 '(* ( C$-.G2()$% 6(1(5$&$1 &'(& 4)=$* 7!/ &'$ !6X

&)!+ !, 0$%)0)+4 3')%' *-(-=$EH&74)$% !"#$%& *'!/:0 4$& &'$ )+%!5)+4 0(&(- >!1 $9(56:$2

), 7!/ :!(0 ( *-(-/-+"& !"#$%&2 5!0),7 &'$ 0(&(2 (+0 &'$+ *(=$ &'$ %'(+4$* "(%Y &! &'$

0(&("(*$2 7!/ 5)4'& $+%!/+&$1 %!+%/11$+%7 $11!1* ), *!5$!+$ $:*$ '(* 5!0)B$0 &'$ 0(&(

"$&3$$+ &'$ &)5$ 7!/ 4!& &'$ 0(&( (+0 &'$ &)5$ 7!/ (&&$56&$0 &! *(=$ &'$ 0(&(- @+$ !6&)!+

)* &! :!(0 &'$ *-(-/-+"& !"#$%& (4()+2 /*)+4 &'$ 0$,(/:& 67&4&7I&#@77&%(H-"@&4 $+/5$1(&)!+

=(:/$2 3')%' :!(0* &'$ !1)4)+(: *-(-=$EH&74)$% !"#$%& 3)&' &'$ 0(&( ,1!5 &'$ 0(&("(*$ 3'):$

:$(=)+4 &'$ %/11$+& *-(-=$EH&74)$% !"#$%& /+&!/%'$0- T$9&2 7!/ %(+ *)56:7 $9$%/&$ &'$

J2.-(& 5$&'!0 (4()+2 (+0 &'$ 0(&("(*$ 3):: "$ /60(&$0 */%%$**,/::7-

F$**!+ GH I$(0)+4 (+0 J1)&)+4 K(&( !"#$%&'(' 46

>!1 &')* &! 3!1Y 61!6$1:72 &'$ *-(-/-+"& !"#$%& 5/*& '(=$ ( 0$B+$0 61)5(17 Y$7- >():/1$

&! 0$B+$ ( 61)5(17 Y$7 1$*/:&* )+ 0/6:)%(&$ *-(-=$E !"#$%&* "$)+4 (00$0 &! &'$ *-(-/-+"&

!"#$%&- .'$ C$-.G2()$% $+/5$1(&)!+ 5$5"$1* (1$ 0$*%1)"$0 )+ .(":$ GXZ-

$"17%'(89' C$-.G2()$% U+/5$1(&)!+ [$5"$1*

!"#!$%&!''+%+1%& -%, &.#$.20

GI&7E7)(&#F-%K&4 @=$131)&$* &'$ !1)4)+(: (+0 %/11$+& *-(-=$EH&74)$% !"X

#$%&* (+0 %'(+4$* &'$ 1!3 *&(&$ &! J%'F-%K&.- T$3 1!3*

3):: '(=$ ( 1!3 *&(&$ !, J%'F-%K&. (* 3$::-

67&4&7I&#F-%K&43L.&B-@"(M @=$131)&$* &'$ !1)4)+(: *-(-=$EH&74)$% !"#$%& "/& 0!$*

+!& 5!0),7 &'$ %/11$+& *-(-=$EH&74)$% !"#$%&- T$3

1!3* 3):: '(=$ ( 1!3 *&(&$ !, J%'F-%K&. (* 3$::-

J24&7( @=$131)&$* &'$ %/11$+& *-(-=$EH&74)$% !"#$%& "/& 0!$*

+!& 5!0),7 &'$ !1)4)+(: *-(-=$EH&74)$% !"#$%&- T$3

1!3* 3):: '(=$ ( 1!3 *&(&$ !, 8..&.- I!3* &'(& '(0 ( 1!3

*&(&$ !, J%'F-%K&. 3):: '(=$ ( 1!3 *&(&$ !, J%'F-%K&.

), &'$ %/11$+& *-(-=$EH&74)$% !"#$%& )* &'$ *(5$ (* &'$

!1)4)+(: !+$2 "/& ), &'$7 (1$ 0),,$1$+&2 &'$ 1!3 *&(&$ 3)::

"$ N$.)O&.-

E'0=C D1,&0+,$ F%&0;$ G$'1,& ($&' HDFG(I &- JK$%1&$ D1,&0+,$ 3-**)=4' -= ) 3-==$%&0-=\*)+4 &'$ *+*-(-=&-.&7 !"#$%& )* !+$ !, &'$ ,(*&$*& 5$&'!0* &! 1$&1)$=$ 0(&( ,1!5 &'$ 0(&(X

"(*$2 "/& !+$ !, &'$ 61!":$5* 3)&' *+*-(-=&-.&7 )* &'(& )& Y$$6* (+ !6$+ *$1=$1X*)0$ %/1*!1

3'):$ 7!/ (1$ :!!6)+4 &'1!/4' &'$ 1$*/:&* !, 7!/1 </$17- 8, 7!/ &17 &! $9$%/&$ (+!&'$1 %!5X

5(+0 3'):$ &'$ B1*& %!55(+0 )* *&):: $9$%/&)+42 7!/ 3):: 1$%$)=$ (+ :%I-").G2&7-()$%?0'&2()$%2

*&(&)+42 ].'$1$ )* (:1$(07 (+ !6$+ K(&(I$(0$1 (**!%)(&$0 3)&' &')* ?!++$%&)!+ 3')%' 5/*& "$

%:!*$0 B1*&- C!/ %(+ (=!)0 &')* $9%$6&)!+ "7 *$&&)+4 &'$ N@"()2"&8'()I&=&4@"( &(4 %!++$%&)!+

*&1)+4 !6&)!+ &! (7@& 3'$+ %!++$%&)+4 &! [/:&)6:$ S%&)=$ I$*/:& ;$&* V[SI;W_$+(":$0 '!*&*

*/%' (* ;LF ;$1=$1 GPPZ (+0 :(&$1- >!1 $9(56:$2 &'$ ,!::!3)+4 %!++$%&)!+ *&1)+4 *'!3* '!3

&')* *$&&)+4 )* (00$0 )+&! ( +$3 %!++$%&)!+ *&1)+4 %(::$0 %EN-74-

LD9 F++,0%)&0-= 3-=.0C1:)&0-= M0,$


<clear />

<add name="nw"



"Data Source=.\SQLEXPRESS;


Integrated Security=True;

User Instance=True"/>

<add name="nwMars"

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[SI; 0!$* +!& 61!=)0$ (+7 6$1,!15(+%$ 4()+*2 "/& )& 0!$* *)56:),7 7!/1 %!0)+4 $,,!1&*-

.')+Y !, ( *%$+(1)! )+ 3')%' 7!/ $9$%/&$ ( </$17 &! 4$& ( :)*& !, *&!1$*2 (+02 3'):$ 7!/ :!!6

&'1!/4' ( :)*& !, *&!1$* &'(& (1$ 1$&/1+$02 7!/ 3(+& &! $9$%/&$ ( *$%!+0 </$17 &! 4$& &'$ &!&(:

</(+&)&7 !, "!!Y* *!:0-

!"#' 1%' "&%/:7'"12:$':,.0;'+"&,

DFG( 0' =-& +$:.-:*)=&N 0& 0' ) .$)&1:$ &7)& %)= '0*+,0.B &7$ %-4$ A70,$ *0=0*0O0=C &7$

<1)=&0&B -. %-==$%&0-=' &- &7$ '$:;$:?

[SI; )* +!& *!5$&')+4 &'(& 7!/ %(+M& :)=$ 3)&'!/&` )& *)56:7 5(Y$* 7!/1 61!41(55)+4

$(*)$1- S* ( 5(&&$1 !, ,(%&2 *$&&)+4 N@"()2"&8'()I&=&4@"( &(4P(7@& )+ &'$ %!++$%&)!+ *&1)+4 '(* (

+$4(&)=$ 6$1,!15(+%$ )56(%&2 *! 7!/ *'!/:0 +!& &/1+ !+ [SI; (1")&1(1):7-

@+ ( 0(&("(*$ *$1=$1 3)&'!/& [SI;2 7!/ %!/:0 B1*& %!::$%& &'$ :)*& !, *&!1$* )+&! ( %!::$%X

&)!+ (+0 %:!*$ &'$ %!++$%&)!+- S,&$1 &'(&2 7!/ %(+ :!!6 &'1!/4' &'$ %!::$%&)!+ &! 4$& $(%'

*&!1$ 8K (+0 $9$%/&$ ( </$17 &! 4$& &'$ &!&(: </(+&)&7 !, "!!Y* *!:0 ,!1 &'(& *&!1$- .')* 5$(+*

&'(& 7!/ :!!6 &'1!/4' &'$ *&!1$* &3)%$2 !+%$ &! 6!6/:(&$ &'$ %!::$%&)!+ (+0 (4()+ &! 4$& $(%'

*&!1$ (+0 $9$%/&$ ( </$17 &! 4$& &'$ *&!1$M* </(+&)&7 !, "!!Y *(:$*- S+!&'$1 *!:/&)!+ V(+0

61!"(":7 &'$ "$*& *!:/&)!+W )* *)56:7 &! %1$(&$ &3! %!++$%&)!+*H !+$ ,!1 &'$ *&!1$ :)*& (+0 !+$

,!1 &'$ </(+&)&7 !, "!!Y*X*!:0 </$17-

S+!&'$1 "$+$B& [SI; 61!=)0$* )* &'(& 7!/ 5)4'& '(=$ 6/1%'(*$0 0(&("(*$ %:)$+& :)%$+*$*

"(*$0 !+ &'$ </(+&)&7 !, %!++$%&)!+* &! &'$ 0(&("(*$- J)&'!/& [SI;2 7!/ 3!/:0 '(=$ &!

!6$+ ( *$6(1(&$ %!++$%&)!+ &! &'$ 0(&("(*$ ,!1 $(%' %!55(+0 &'(& +$$0* &! 1/+ (& &'$ *(5$

&)5$2 3')%' 5$(+* &'(& 7!/ 5)4'& +$$0 &! 6/1%'(*$ 5!1$ %:)$+& :)%$+*$*-

.'$ ,!::!3)+4 %!0$ *(56:$ *'!3* '!3 [SI; %(+ 6$1,!15 &'$ +$*&$0 </$1)$*2 /*)+4 &'$

?/*&!5$1* &(":$ &! 1$&1)$=$ &'$ %!/+& !, @10$1* 6:(%$0 ,!1 $(%' %/*&!5$1-

()*+,$ -. /0'1), 2)'0% 3-4$

Private Sub menuMars_Click( _

ByVal sender As System.Object, _

ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MARSToolStripMenuItem.Click

Dim nw = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("nwMars")

Using connection = New SqlConnection()

connection.ConnectionString = nw.ConnectionString

Dim cmd = connection.CreateCommand()

cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text

cmd.CommandText = "SELECT CustomerID, CompanyName FROM Customers"


Dim rdr = cmd.ExecuteReader()

!"# 1%' "&%/:7'"12:$':,.0;'+"&,

DFG( 0' =-& +$:.-:*)=&N 0& 0' ) .$)&1:$ &7)& %)= '0*+,0.B &7$ %-4$ A70,$ *0=0*0O0=C &7$

<1)=&0&B -. %-==$%&0-=' &- &7$ '$:;$:?

F$**!+ GH I$(0)+4 (+0 J1)&)+4 K(&( !"#$%&'(' 4<

While rdr.Read()

Dim OrdersCmd = connection.CreateCommand()

OrdersCmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text

OrdersCmd.CommandText = _

"SELECT COUNT(OrderID) FROM Orders WHERE (CustomerID = @CustId)"

Dim parm = OrdersCmd.CreateParameter()

parm.ParameterName = "@CustId"

parm.Value = rdr("CustomerID")


Dim qtyOrders = OrdersCmd.ExecuteScalar()

MessageBox.Show( _

rdr("CompanyName").ToString() + ": " + qtyOrders.ToString())

End While

End Using

End Sub

()*+,$ -. 35 3-4$

private void menuMars_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)


var nw = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["nwMars"];

using(var connection = new SqlConnection())


connection.ConnectionString = nw.ConnectionString;

var cmd = connection.CreateCommand();

cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text;

cmd.CommandText = "SELECT CustomerID, CompanyName FROM Customers";


var rdr = cmd.ExecuteReader();

while (rdr.Read())


var ordersCmd = connection.CreateCommand();

ordersCmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text;

ordersCmd.CommandText =

"SELECT COUNT(OrderID) FROM Orders WHERE (CustomerID = @CustId)";

var parm = ordersCmd.CreateParameter();

parm.ParameterName = "@CustId";

parm.Value = rdr["CustomerID"];


var qtyOrders = ordersCmd.ExecuteScalar();

MessageBox.Show(rdr["CompanyName"].ToString() + ": "

+ qtyOrders.ToString());




P$:.-:*0=C 21,Q 3-+B !+$:)&0-=' A0&7 ) 56)7-)89/:2 !"#$%& @,&$+2 7!/ +$$0 &! %!67 :(14$ (5!/+&* !, 0(&( ,1!5 !+$ :!%(&)!+ &! (+!&'$1- [!*& !, &'$ 0(X

&("(*$ *$1=$1* 61!=)0$ ( 5$(+* &! %!67 ,1!5 !+$ 0(&("(*$ &! (+!&'$12 $)&'$1 "7 ( J)+0!3*

D\8 )+&$1,(%$ */%' (* &'$ ;LF ;$1=$1 U+&$161)*$ [(+(4$1 !1 "7 ( %!55(+0X:)+$ &!!: */%' (*

&'$ ;LF ;$1=$1 E/:Y ?!67 R1!41(5 VE?R-$9$W- 8+ (00)&)!+ &! /*)+4 &'$ &!!:* 61!=)0$0 "7 &'$

'4= !"#$%&'( SK@-TU. ?!++$%&$0 ?:(**$*

0(&("(*$ =$+0!12 7!/ (:*! %(+ 31)&$ 7!/1 !3+ "/:Y %!67 61!41(52 /*)+4 &'$ !"D@"Q#$21


.'$ !"D@"Q#$21 %:(** 61!=)0$* ( ')4'X6$1,!15(+%$ 5$&'!0 ,!1 %!67)+4 0(&( &! ( &(":$

)+ ( ;LF ;$1=$1 0(&("(*$- .'$ *!/1%$ !, &'$ %!67 )* %!+*&1()+$0 "7 &'$ !=$1:!(0* !, &'$

R7)(&/$ &7I&7 5$&'!02 3')%' %(+ (%%$6& (+ (11(7 !, *-(-=$E !"#$%&*2 (+ !"#$%& &'(& )56:$X

5$+&* &'$ :*-(-=&-.&7 )+&$1,(%$2 ( *-(-/-+"& !"#$%&2 !1 *-(-/-+"& (+0 *-(-=$E (-(&2 (*

*'!3+ )+ >)4/1$ GXG- .')* =(1)$&7 !, 6(1(5$&$1* 5$(+* 7!/ %(+ 1$&1)$=$ 0(&( ,1!5 5!*&


WriteToServer( )

SqlBulkCopy Class

DataRow ArrayDataTable

IDataReaderDataTable, DataRowState



SQL Server

/.;:&%'(8(' .'$ !"D@"Q#$21 !"#$%& %(+ %!67 ,1!5 ( =(1)$&7 !, *!/1%$* &! ,):: /6 ( ;LF ;$1=$1 &(":$-

.'$ ,!::!3)+4 %!0$ *'!3* '!3 7!/ %(+ /*$ ( !"D@"Q#$21 !"#$%& &! %!67 0(&( ,1!5 &'$

?/*&!5$1* &(":$ )+ &'$ T!1&'3)+0 0(&("(*$ &! &'$ ?/*&!5$1F)*& &(":$ )+ ( ;LF ;$1=$1 0(&(X

"(*$ %(::$0 D@"Q#$21-

()*+,$ -. /0'1), 2)'0% 3-4$

Dim nw = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("nw")

Dim nwConnection = New SqlConnection()

nwConnection.ConnectionString = nw.ConnectionString

Dim bulkCopy = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("BulkCopy")

Dim bulkConnection = New SqlConnection()

bulkConnection.ConnectionString = bulkCopy.ConnectionString

Dim cmd = nwConnection.CreateCommand()

cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text

cmd.CommandText = "SELECT CustomerID, CompanyName FROM Customers"



Dim rdr = cmd.ExecuteReader()

Dim bc As New SqlBulkCopy(bulkConnection)

bc.DestinationTableName = "StoreList"




MessageBox.Show("Done with bulk copy")

()*+,$ -. 35 3-4$

var nw = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["nw"];

var nwConnection = new SqlConnection();

nwConnection.ConnectionString = nw.ConnectionString;

F$**!+ GH I$(0)+4 (+0 J1)&)+4 K(&( !"#$%&'(' 49

var bulkCopy = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["BulkCopy"];

var bulkConnection = new SqlConnection();

bulkConnection.ConnectionString = bulkCopy.ConnectionString;

var cmd = nwConnection.CreateCommand();

cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text;

cmd.CommandText = "SELECT CustomerID, CompanyName FROM Customers";



var rdr = cmd.ExecuteReader();

var bc = new SqlBulkCopy(bulkConnection);

bc.DestinationTableName = "CustomerList";




MessageBox.Show("Done with bulk copy");

?!+*)0$1 /*)+4 &'$ :*-(-=&-.&7 !=$1:!(0 3'$+$=$1 6!**)":$ &! 4$& &'$ "$*& 6$1,!15(+%$

/*)+4 &'$ :$(*& 1$*!/1%$*- C!/ %(+ 0$%)0$ '!3 5/%' 0(&( *'!/:0 "$ %!6)$0 "(*$0 !+ &'$

</$17 7!/ /*$- >!1 $9(56:$2 &'$ 61$%$0)+4 %!0$ *(56:$ 1$&1)$=$0 !+:7 &'$ *&!1$ +(5$* (+0

%!/:0 '(=$ '(0 ( JAUIU %:(/*$ &! :)5)& &'$ 0(&( ,/1&'$1-

! #'#;4#:'&$ !"#$%&C!/ /*$ &'$ *+*-(-8.-2(&7 !"#$%& &! 1$&1)$=$ (+0 /60(&$ 0(&( "$&3$$+ ( 0(&( &(":$ (+0 (

0(&( *&!1$- *+*-(-8.-2(&7 )* 0$1)=$0 ,1!5 &'$ *-(-8.-2(&7 %:(** (+0 )* &'$ "(*$ %:(** !, &'$

61!=)0$1X*6$%)B% *+*-(-8.-2(&7 %:(**$*2 (* *'!3+ )+ >)4/1$ GXa-

/.;:&%'(8<' .')* ,)4/1$ *'!3* &'$ *+*-(-8.-2(&7 ')$1(1%'7 3)&' &'$ *-(-8.-2(&7 "(*$ %:(** (+0 &'$ 61!=)0$1X*6$%),)% 0$1)=$0 %:(**$*-

*+*-(-8.-2(&7 '(* ( &"&'(#$,,-%. 61!6$1&7 7!/ /*$ 3'$+ 1$&1)$=)+4 &'$ 0(&(-

&"&'(#$,,-%. 5/*& %!+&()+ ( =(:)0 *+#$,,-%. !"#$%&2 3')%' 5/*& '(=$ ( =(:)0 %!++$%X

&)!+- 8+&$1+(::72 &"&'(#$,,-%. '(* (+ ?0&'@(&=&-.&7 5$&'!02 3')%' )* $9$%/&$0 &! 4$& (

*+*-(-=&-.&7 !"#$%& &! 6!6/:(&$ ( *-(-/-+"& !"#$%&-

*+*-(-8.-2(&7 (:*! '(* :%4&7(#$,,-%.2 J2.-(&#$,,-%.2 (+0 *&"&(&#$,,-%. 61!6$1X

&)$*2 3')%' 5)4'& %!+&()+ *+#$,,-%. !"#$%&*- C!/ /*$ &'$*$ %!55(+0* ), 7!/ 3(+& &! *(=$

*-(-/-+"& %'(+4$* "(%Y &! &'$ 0(&( *&!1$- C!/ +$$0 +!& %1$(&$ &'$*$ %!55(+0 !"#$%&* ), 7!/

'4> !"#$%&'( SK@-TU. ?!++$%&$0 ?:(**$*

+$$0 !+:7 &! 1$(0 0(&( ,1!5 &'$ 0(&( *&!1$2 "/& ), 7!/ %1$(&$ !+$ !, &'$*$ :(&&$1 &'1$$ %!5X

5(+0*2 7!/ 5/*& %1$(&$ (:: ,!/1 !, &'$5 V*$:$%&2 )+*$1&2 /60(&$2 (+0 0$:$&$W-

J'$+ *+*-(-8.-2(&7 )* /*$0 &! 1$&1)$=$ !1 /60(&$ 0(&(2 )& $9(5)+$* &'$ *&(&/* !, &'$ %!+X

+$%&)!+- 8, &'$ %!++$%&)!+ )* !6$+2 &'$ *+*-(-8.-2(&7 /*$* &'$ !6$+ %!++$%&)!+ (+0 :$(=$*

&'$ %!++$%&)!+ !6$+- 8, &'$ %!++$%&)!+ )* %:!*$02 *+*-(-8.-2(&7 !6$+* &'$ %!++$%&)!+2 /*$*

)&2 (+0 &'$+ %:!*$* )& (/&!5(&)%(::7- 8, 7!/ +$=$1 !6$+ &'$ %!++$%&)!+2 7!/ 0!+M& '(=$ &! %:!*$

&'$ %!++$%&)!+- A!3$=$12 ), 7!/ '(=$ 5(+7 0(&( (0(6&$1* &'(& 3):: "$ /*$0 )+ !+$ !6$1(&)!+2

7!/ %(+ 4$& "$&&$1 6$1,!15(+%$ "7 5(+/(::7 !6$+)+4 &'$ %!++$%&)!+ "$,!1$ 7!/ %(:: (:: &'$

0(&( (0(6&$1*` #/*& "$ */1$ &! %:!*$ &'$ %!++$%&)!+ 3'$+ 7!/M1$ 0!+$-

E'0=C &7$ <=)) D$&7-4

.'$ S)"" 5$&'!0 5!=$* 0(&( ,1!5 &'$ 0(&( *&!1$ &! &'$ *-(-/-+"& !"#$%& 7!/ 6(** )+&! &')*

5$&'!0- .'$ S)"" 5$&'!0 '(* *$=$1(: !=$1:!(0*2 *!5$ !, 3')%' (%%$6& !+:7 ( 0(&( *$& (* (

6(1(5$&$1- J'$+ ( 0(&( *$& )* 6(**$0 &! &'$ S)"" 5$&'!02 ( +$3 *-(-/-+"& !"#$%& )* %1$(&$0 )+

&'$ 0(&( *$& ), ( *!/1%$ *-(-/-+"& !"#$%& )* +!& *6$%)B$0-

.'$ ,!::!3)+4 %!0$ *(56:$ *'!3* '!3 ( 0(&( &(":$ %(+ "$ :!(0$0 /*)+4 &'$ S)"" 5$&'!0-

()*+,$ -. /0'1), 2)'0% 3-4$

Dim nw = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("nw")

Dim connection = New SqlConnection()

connection.ConnectionString = nw.ConnectionString

Dim cmd = CType(connection.CreateCommand(), SqlCommand)

cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text

cmd.CommandText = "SELECT CustomerID, CompanyName FROM Customers"

Dim nwSet As New DataSet("nw")

Dim da As New SqlDataAdapter(cmd)

da.Fill(nwSet, "Customers")

MessageBox.Show("DataSet Filled")

()*+,$ -. 35 3-4$

var nw = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["nw"];

var connection = new SqlConnection();

connection.ConnectionString = nw.ConnectionString;

var cmd = (SqlCommand)connection.CreateCommand();

cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text;

cmd.CommandText = "SELECT CustomerID, CompanyName FROM Customers";

var da = new SqlDataAdapter(cmd);

var nwSet = new DataSet("nw");

da.Fill(nwSet, "Customers");

MessageBox.Show("DataSet Filled");

[(+7 0$=$:!6$1* (&&$56& &! /*$ ( *)+4:$ *+*-(-8.-2(&7 %:(** ,!1 (:: &'$)1 </$1)$* !1

&17 &! /*$ ( *)+4:$ *+*-(-8.-2(&7 %:(** &! $9$%/&$ ( ;LF *&(&$5$+& &'(& 1$&/1+* ( 1$*/:&

*$& ,1!5 5/:&)6:$ &(":$* &'(& (1$ #!)+$0 &!4$&'$1 3)&')+ &'$ ;LF </$17- 8, 7!/ +$$0 &! *&!1$

&'$ 0(&( %'(+4$*2 %!+*)0$1 /*)+4 ( *$6(1(&$ *+*-(-8.-2(&7 %:(** ,!1 $(%' 0(&( &(":$ "$)+4

:!(0$02 (* *'!3+ )+ >)4/1$ GXb- 8, (:: 7!/ +$$0 )* ( 1$(0X!+:7 0(&( &(":$2 7!/ %(+ *)56:7 /*$ (

*+#$,,-%. !"#$%& (+0 *+*-(-=&-.&7 !"#$%& &! :!(0 &'$ 0(&( &(":$-

F$**!+ GH I$(0)+4 (+0 J1)&)+4 K(&( !"#$%&'(' 4*














Data Store

/.;:&%'(8=' .'$ *+*-(-8.-2(&7 %:(**2 3')%' '(* ,!/1 *+#$,,-%. !"#$%&*2 *'!/:0 "$ /*$0 &! 6!6/:(&$ $(%' 0(&( &(":$ ), &'$ 0(&( &(":$ 3):: %!+&()+ 1$(0X31)&$ 0(&(-

();0=C 37)=C$' &- &7$ R)&)")'$ E'0=C &7$ >:4#'& D$&7-4

.'$ J2.-(& 5$&'!0 *(=$* &'$ 0(&( &(":$ 5!0)B%(&)!+* &! &'$ 0(&("(*$ "7 1$&1)$=)+4 &'$

%'(+4$* ,1!5 &'$ 0(&( &(":$ (+0 &'$+ /*)+4 &'$ 1$*6$%&)=$ :%4&7(#$,,-%.2 J2.-(&#$,,-%.2

!1 *&"&(&#$,,-%. 61!6$1&7 &! *$+0 &'$ (661!61)(&$ %'(+4$* &! &'$ 0(&("(*$ !+ ( 1!3X"7X

1!3 "(*)*- .'$ J2.-(& 5$&'!0 1$&1)$=$* &'$ *-(-=$E !"#$%&* &'(& '(=$ %'(+4$0 "7 :!!Y)+4

(& &'$ =$E (-(& 61!6$1&7 !, $(%' 1!3- 8, =$E (-(& )* (+7&')+4 "/& J%'F-%K&.2 &'$ J2.-(&

5$&'!0 *$+0* &'$ %'(+4$ &! &'$ 0(&("(*$-

>!1 &'$ J2.-(& 5$&'!0 &! 3!1Y2 (:: ,!/1 %!55(+0* 5/*& "$ (**)4+$0 &! &'$

*+*-(-8.-2(&7 !"#$%&- T!15(::72 &')* 5$(+* %1$(&)+4 )+0)=)0/(: *+#$,,-%. !"#$%&*

,!1 $(%' %!55(+0- C!/ %(+ $(*):7 %1$(&$ &'$ %!55(+0* "7 /*)+4 &'$ K"K(&(S0(6&$1

?!+B4/1(&)!+ J)c(102 3')%' *&(1&* 3'$+ ( *+*-(-8.-2(&7 !"#$%& )* 01!66$0 !+&! &'$

J)+0!3* ,!15- .'$ 3)c(10 %(+ 4$+$1(&$ *&!1$0 61!%$0/1$* ,!1 (:: ,!/1 %!55(+0*-

S+!&'$1 3(7 &! 6!6/:(&$ &'$ *+*-(-8.-2(&7 !"#$%&M* %!55(+0* )* &! /*$ &'$

*+#$,,-%.D@)".&7 !"#$%&- .')* !"#$%& %1$(&$* &'$ :%4&7(#$,,-%.2 J2.-(&#$,,-%.2

(+0 *&"&(&#$,,-%. 61!6$1&)$* (* :!+4 (* ( =(:)0 &"&'(#$,,-%. 61!6$1&7 $9)*&*-

*+*-(-8.-2(&7 )* 41$(& ,!1 (0 '!% %'(+4$* (+0 0$5!*2 "/& )&M* 4$+$1(::7 "$&&$1 &! /*$ *&!1$0

61!%$0/1$* ,!1 (:: 0(&("(*$ (%%$** "$%(/*$2 )+ ;LF ;$1=$12 )&M* $(*)$1 &! *$& 6$15)**)!+* !+

*&!1$0 61!%$0/1$* &'(+ )& )* &! *$& 6$15)**)!+* !+ &(":$*- .'$ ,!::!3)+4 %!0$ 0$5!+*&1(&$* (

*)56:$ /60(&$ &! &'$ 0(&("(*$2 /*)+4 !"*-(-8.-2(&72 3')%' )* &'$ ;LF ;$1=$1_*6$%)B% =$1*)!+

!, *+*-(-8.-2(&7- S,&$1 &'$ %'(+4$* (1$ *(=$02 &'$ 1$*/:&* (1$ 0)*6:(7$0 !+ &'$ *-(-T7).H)&E

!"#$%&2 %(::$0 *-(-T7).H)&EU-

'4) !"#$%&'( SK@-TU. ?!++$%&$0 ?:(**$*

()*+,$ -. /0'1), 2)'0% 3-4$

Dim nw = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("nw")

Dim connection = New SqlConnection()

connection.ConnectionString = nw.ConnectionString

Dim cmd = connection.CreateCommand()

cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text

cmd.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM Customers"

Dim nwSet As New DataSet("nw")

Dim da As New SqlDataAdapter(cmd)

Dim bldr As New SqlCommandBuilder(da)

da.Fill(nwSet, "Customers")

'Modify existing row

Dim customersTable = nwSet.Tables("Customers")

Dim updRow = customersTable.Select("CustomerID='WOLZA'")(0)

updRow("CompanyName") = "New Wolza Company"

'Add new row

customersTable.Rows.Add( _

"AAAAA", "Five A Company")

'Delete a row, note that you cannot delete a

'customer who has orders

Dim delRow = customersTable.Select("CustomerID='PARIS'")(0)


'send changes to database

da.Update(nwSet, "Customers")

DataGridView2.DataSource = nwSet

DataGridView2.DataMember = "Customers"

MessageBox.Show("Update Complete")

()*+,$ -. 35 3-4$

var nw = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["nw"];

var connection = new SqlConnection();

connection.ConnectionString = nw.ConnectionString;

var cmd = connection.CreateCommand();

cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text;

cmd.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM Customers";

var da = new SqlDataAdapter(cmd);

var nwSet = new DataSet("nw");

var bldr = new SqlCommandBuilder(da);

da.Fill(nwSet, "Customers");

//Modify existing row

var customersTable = nwSet.Tables["Customers"];

var updRow = customersTable.Select("CustomerID='WOLZA'")[0];

updRow["CompanyName"] = "New Wolza Company";

//Add new row


"AAAAA", "Five A Company");

//Delete a row, note that you cannot delete a

F$**!+ GH I$(0)+4 (+0 J1)&)+4 K(&( !"#$%&'(' 44

//customer who has orders

var delRow = customersTable.Select("CustomerID='PARIS'")[0];


//send changes to database

da.Update(nwSet, "Customers");

dataGridView2.DataSource = nwSet;

dataGridView2.DataMember = "Customers";

MessageBox.Show("Update Complete");

!"#' -20?$'%@% :$%'$A. %B

S. B-1 $K$%1&$ &70' %-4$ &A0%$@ )= $K%$+&0-= A0,, "$ &7:-A= 0=40%)&0=C &7)& B-1 ):$ &:B0=C &-

0='$:& 41+,0%)&$ :-A'? S. B-1 '&-+ :1==0=C &7$ )++,0%)&0-= )=4 &7$= :1= 0& )C)0=@ B-1 A0,, "$

)",$ &- $K$%1&$ )C)0= "$%)1'$ &7$ T-:&7A0=4 4)&)")'$ 7)' &7$ 9/:2?@/?(-':-'? =$&,'/$2

+:-+$:&B '$& &- 9/:2?;)A#2B@ A70%7 *$)=' &7)& B-1 C$& ) =$A %,$)= %-+B -. &7$ 4)&)")'$

$;$:B &0*$ B-1 "10,4 &7$ +:-#$%&?

();0=C 37)=C$' &- &7$ R)&)")'$ 0= 2)&%7$'

8, 7!/ '(=$ &'$ ;LF R1!B:$1 &!!: &'(& )* (=():(":$ 3'$+ 7!/ )+*&(:: &'$ ,/:: =$1*)!+ !, ;LF

;$1=$1 !+ 7!/1 %!56/&$12 7!/ %(+ /*$ &')* &!!: &! =)$3 &'$ /60(&$ %!55(+0* *$+& &! ;LF

;$1=$1- C!/ 3):: +!&)%$ &'(& )+0)=)0/(: )+*$1&2 /60(&$2 (+0 0$:$&$ %!55(+0* (1$ *$+& &!

;LF ;$1=$1 !+ ( 1!3X"7X1!3 "(*)*- @+$ 3(7 &! )+%1$(*$ /60(&$ 6$1,!15(+%$ )* &! *$+0 &'$

%'(+4$* &! &'$ 0(&("(*$ *$1=$1 )+ "(&%'$* "7 (**)4+)+4 ( =(:/$ &! &'$ *+*-(-8.-2(&7 !"#$%&M*

J2.-(&D-('F )V& 61!6$1&7- .')* 61!6$1&7 0$,(/:&* &! W2 3')%' %(/*$* $(%' %'(+4$ &! "$ *$+&

&! &'$ *$1=$1 !+ ( 1!3X"7X1!3 "(*)*- ;$&&)+4 &'$ =(:/$ &! X )+*&1/%&* &'$ *+*-(-8.-2(&7

!"#$%& &! %1$(&$ &'$ :(14$*& 6!**)":$ "(&%' *)c$ ,!1 %'(+4$*2 !1 7!/ %(+ *$& &'$ =(:/$ &! &'$

+/5"$1 !, %'(+4$* 7!/ 3(+& &! *$+0 &! &'$ *$1=$1 )+ $(%' "(&%'- ;$&&)+4 J2.-(&D-('F )V& &!

( +/5"$1 41$(&$1 &'(+ &'$ +/5"$1 !, %'(+4$* &'(& +$$0 &! "$ *$+& )* $</)=(:$+& &! *$&&)+4 )&

&! X-

!"#' /&%%'#%&/2&+"0 %':#;&"-%B

($&&0=C >:4#'&7#',C5=D& &- E 0' ) <10%Q A)B &- "--'& &7$ 1+4)&$ +$:.-:*)=%$ -. &7$

! #'#;4#:'&$ -"#$%&?

@+$ 3(7 &! %!+B15 &'(& &'$ %'(+4$* (1$ "$)+4 *$+& &! &'$ 0(&("(*$ *$1=$1 )+ "(&%'$*

)* &! 1$4)*&$1 ( '(+0:$1 &! &'$ =$EJ2.-(&. $=$+& !, &'$ *+*-(-8.-2(&7X0$1)=$0 %:(** )+X

*&(+%$*- .'$ $=$+& '(+0:$1 5$&'!0 1$%$)=$* &'$ +/5"$1 !, 1!3* (,,$%&$0 )+ &'$ :(*& "(&%'-

J'$+ J2.-(&D-('F )V& )* *$& &! W2 &'$ =&'$7.48BB&'(&. 61!6$1&7 )* (:3(7* W- 8+ &'$ ,!::!3X

)+4 %!0$ *(56:$2 &'$ ?/*&!5$1* &(":$ %!+&()+* dO 1!3*- %E*-(- &( )* B::$02 (+0 &'$+ &'$

?/*&!5$1T(5$ B$:0 )* 5!0)B$0 !+ (:: dO 1!3*- E$,!1$ &'$ J2.-(& 5$&'!0 )* $9$%/&$02

J2.-(&D-('F )V& )* %'(+4$0 &! YX- J'$+ &'$ J2.-(& 5$&'!0 )* $9$%/&$02 &'$ %'(+4$* (1$

*$+& &! &'$ 0(&("(*$ (* ( "(&%' !, bP %'(+4$*2 (+!&'$1 "(&%' !, bP %'(+4$*2 (+02 B+(::72 (

!"# -20?$'%@% :$%'$A. %B

S. B-1 $K$%1&$ &70' %-4$ &A0%$@ )= $K%$+&0-= A0,, "$ &7:-A= 0=40%)&0=C &7)& B-1 ):$ &:B0=C &-

0='$:& 41+,0%)&$ :-A'? S. B-1 '&-+ :1==0=C &7$ )++,0%)&0-= )=4 &7$= :1= 0& )C)0=@ B-1 A0,, "$

)",$ &- $K$%1&$ )C)0= "$%)1'$ &7$ T-:&7A0=4 4)&)")'$ 7)' &7$ 9/:2?@/?(-':-'? =$&,'/$2

+:-+$:&B '$& &- 9/:2?;)A#2B@ A70%7 *$)=' &7)& B-1 C$& ) =$A %,$)= %-+B -. &7$ 4)&)")'$

$;$:B &0*$ B-1 "10,4 &7$ +:-#$%&?

!"# /&%%'#%&/2&+"0 %':#;&"-%B

($&&0=C >:4#'&7#',C5=D& &- E 0' ) <10%Q A)B &- "--'& &7$ 1+4)&$ +$:.-:*)=%$ -. &7$

! #'#;4#:'&$ -"#$%&?$

'655 !"#$%&'( SK@-TU. ?!++$%&$0 ?:(**$*

"(&%' !, OO %'(+4$*- .')* %!0$ %!+&()+* ( =$EJ2.-(&. $=$+& '(+0:$1 &! %!::$%& "(&%' )+,!1X

5(&)!+2 3')%' )* 0)*6:(7$0 (,&$1 &'$ J2.-(& 5$&'!0 )* $9$%/&$0- 8+ &')* %!0$2 !"*-(-8.-2(&7

)* /*$0 "$%(/*$ &')* $=$+& 0!$* +!& $9)*& !+ &'$ *+*-(-8.-2(&7 "(*$ %:(**-

()*+,$ -. /0'1), 2)'0% 3-4$

Private WithEvents da As New SqlDataAdapter()

Private sb as New System.Text.StringBuilder()

private sub rowUpdated(byval sender as Object, _

byval e as SqlRowUpdatedEventArgs) handles da.RowUpdated

sb.Append("Rows: " & e.RecordsAffected.ToString() & vbCrLf)

End Sub

Private Sub menuUpdateBatch_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, _

ByVal e As System.EventArgs) _

Handles UpdateBatchToolStripMenuItem.Click

Dim nw = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("nw")

Dim connection = New SqlConnection()

connection.ConnectionString = nw.ConnectionString

Dim cmd = connection.CreateCommand()

cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text

cmd.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM Customers"

Dim nwSet As New DataSet("nw")

da.SelectCommand = cmd

Dim bldr As New SqlCommandBuilder(da)

da.Fill(nwSet, "Customers")

'Modify data here

For Each dr As DataRow In nwSet.Tables("Customers").Rows

dr("CompanyName") = dr("CompanyName").ToString().ToUpper()



da.UpdateBatchSize = 40

da.Update(nwSet, "Customers")


End Sub

()*+,$ -. 35 3-4$

private SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter();

private System.Text.StringBuilder sb = new System.Text.StringBuilder();

private void rowUpdated(object sender, SqlRowUpdatedEventArgs e )


sb.Append("Rows: " + e.RecordsAffected.ToString() + "\r\n");


private void menuUpdateBatch_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)


//event subscription is normally placed in constructor but is here

//to encapsulate the sample

da.RowUpdated += rowUpdated;

var nw = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["nw"];

var connection = new SqlConnection();

connection.ConnectionString = nw.ConnectionString;

F$**!+ GH I$(0)+4 (+0 J1)&)+4 K(&( !"#$%&'(' 656

var cmd = connection.CreateCommand();

cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text;

cmd.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM Customers";

da.SelectCommand = cmd;

var nwSet = new DataSet("nw");

var bldr = new SqlCommandBuilder(da);

da.Fill(nwSet, "Customers");

//Modify data here

foreach (DataRow dr in nwSet.Tables["Customers"].Rows)


dr["CompanyName"] = dr["CompanyName"].ToString().ToUpper();



da.UpdateBatchSize = 40;

da.Update(nwSet, "Customers");

//if event subscription is in the contructor, no need to

//remove it here....

da.RowUpdated -= rowUpdated;



!"$/F=4&$<#,'/$2 3,)''$'.'$1$ (1$ 5(+7 1$(*!+* ,!1 31)&)+4 (+ (66:)%(&)!+ &'(& 0!$* +!& 1$</)1$ 0(&("(*$ 61!=)0$1_

*6$%)B% %!0$- S %!56(+7 5)4'& 3(+& &'$ e$9)"):)&7 &! /641(0$ ,1!5 !+$ 0(&("(*$ 61!0/%& &!

(+!&'$12 */%' (* ,!1 5!=)+4 ,1!5 [)%1!*!,& S%%$** &! ;LF ;$1=$1- @1 ( %!56(+7 5)4'& '(=$

( 1$&(): (66:)%(&)!+ &'(& 5/*& (::!3 %!++$%&)=)&7 &! (+7 0(&( *!/1%$- J)&' $(1:)$1 =$1*)!+* !,

SK@-TU.2 7!/ %(+ 31)&$ ( 61!=)0$1X)+0$6$+0$+& (66:)%(&)!+ "7 /*)+4 4$+$1)% )+&$1,(%$*- .'$

&76)%(: %!0)+4 5)4'& :!!Y *!5$&')+4 :)Y$ &'$ ,!::!3)+4H

()*+,$ -. /0'1), 2)'0% 3-4$

Public Enum DbProvider




End Enum

Public Function GetConnection() As IDbConnection

'Get the provider from the config file

Dim provider As DbProvider = [Enum].Parse( _

GetType(DbProvider), _


Dim connection As IDbConnection = Nothing

Select Case (provider)

Case DbProvider.SqlClient

connection = New System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection()

Case DbProvider.OleDb

connection = New System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection()

Case DbProvider.Odbc

'65( !"#$%&'( SK@-TU. ?!++$%&$0 ?:(**$*

connection = New System.Data.Odbc.OdbcConnection()

Case DbProvider.Oracle

connection = New System.Data.OracleClient.OracleConnection()

End Select

Return connection

End Function

()*+,$ -. 35 3-4$

public IDbConnection GetConnection()


// Get the provider from the config file

DbProvider provider = (DbProvider)Enum.Parse(



IDbConnection connection = null;

switch (provider)


case DbProvider.SqlClient:

connection = new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection();


case DbProvider.OleDb:

connection = new System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection();


case DbProvider.Odbc:

connection = new System.Data.Odbc.OdbcConnection();


case DbProvider.Oracle:

connection = new System.Data.OracleClient.OracleConnection();



return connection;


public enum DbProvider

{ SqlClient, OleDb, Odbc, Oracle };

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<add key="provider" value="SqlClient" />



@+$ 61!":$5 3)&' &')* (661!(%' )* &'(& 7!/ %(+M& %1$(&$ )+&$1,(%$ )+*&(+%$* 0)1$%&:72 *!

61!=)0$1X*6$%)B% %!0$ $9)*&* &! 0$&$15)+$ 3')%' &76$ !, %!++$%&)!+ &! %1$(&$- S+!&'$1

61!":$5 )* &'(& )+&$1,(%$* (1$ )55/&(":$ "7 0$B+)&)!+2 *! +$3 ,$(&/1$* %(+M& "$ $(*):7 (00$0

3)&'!/& (00)+4 ( +$3 )+&$1,(%$-

SK@-TU. 61!=)0$* "(*$ %:(**$* ,1!5 3')%' &'$ 61!=)0$1X*6$%)B% %:(**$* )+'$1)&2 (* *'!3+

$(1:)$1 )+ .(":$ GXO- .'$ -TU. >1(5$3!1Y */66!1&* !+:7 *)+4:$ )+'$1)&(+%$2 *! &')* (661!(%'

'(* :)5)&(&)!+* ), 7!/ 3(+& &! %1$(&$ 7!/1 !3+ "(*$ %:(**2 "/& ,!1 %:(**$* &'(& 3):: $96(+02

61!=)0)+4 "(*$ %:(** )+'$1)&(+%$ )* "$&&$1 &'(+ 61!=)0)+4 )+&$1,(%$ )56:$5$+&(&)!+- 8+&$1,(%$*

(1$ *&):: 61!=)0$0 ,!1 "(%Y3(10 %!56(&)"):)&7-

F$**!+ GH I$(0)+4 (+0 J1)&)+4 K(&( !"#$%&'(' 65<

.'$ 61$=)!/* %!0$ :)*&)+4 (001$**$* !+:7 &'$ %1$(&)!+ !, &'$ %!++$%&)!+ !"#$%&- C!/ 3!/:0

0/6:)%(&$ &'$ %!0$ ), 7!/ 3(+&$0 &! %1$(&$ 5(+7 !, &'$ !&'$1 61!=)0$1 !"#$%&*2 */%' (* &'$

0(&( (0(6&$1 (+0 %!55(+0 !"#$%&*- .! Y$$6 ,1!5 0/6:)%(&)+4 &')* %!+0)&)!+(: %!0$ ,!1 $(%'

!, &'$ 61!=)0$1 !"#$%&*2 7!/ %(+ %1$(&$ ( ,(%&!17 !"#$%& &'(& )* 1$*6!+*)":$ ,!1 %1$(&)+4 &'$

(661!61)(&$ 61!=)0$1 !"#$%&*- .')* )* 3'$+ &'$ *+67$I).&7S-'($71 )* /*$0- U(%' 61!=)0$1 5/*&

*/66:7 ( */"%:(** !, *+67$I).&7S-'($71 &'(& %(+ %1$(&$ )+*&(+%$* !, )&* 61!=)0$1 %:(**$*- >!1

$9(56:$2 7!/ %(+ /*$ !"#")&%(S-'($71 &! %1$(&$ )+*&(+%$* !, (+7 !, &'$ ;LF ;$1=$1 %:(**$*-

>)4/1$ GXZ *'!3* &'$ *+67$I).&7S-'($71 (+0 &'$ !"#")&%(S-'($71 %:(**$*2 (:!+4 3)&' &'$)1

61!6$1&)$* (+0 5$&'!0*-

/.;:&%'(89' .')* ,)4/1$ *'!3* &'$ *+67$I).&7S-'($71 (+0 !"#")&%(S-'($71 %:(**$*-

.'$ 61!=)0$1 ,(%&!17 %:(**$* (1$ )56:$5$+&$0 (* *)+4:$&!+*2 )+ 3')%' $(%' %:(** 61!X

=)0$* (+ :%4(-%'& 61!6$1&7 &'(& $+(":$* 7!/ &! (%%$** &'$ 5$&'!0* (+0 61!6$1&)$* *'!3+ )+

>)4/1$ GXZ- >!1 $9(56:$2 7!/ %(+ /*$ &'$ ,!::!3)+4 %!0$ &! %1$(&$ ( +$3 %!++$%&)!+ "7 /*)+4

&'$ !"#")&%(S-'($71 %:(**-

()*+,$ -. /0'1), 2)'0% 3-4$

'Get the singleton instance

Dim factory As DbProviderFactory = SqlClientFactory.Instance

Public Function GetProviderConnection() As DbConnection

Dim connection = factory.CreateConnection()

connection.ConnectionString = "Data Source=.\SQLEXPRESS;" _

& "AttachDbFilename=|DataDirectory|PUBS.MDF;" _

& "Integrated Security=True;User Instance=True"

Return connection

End Function

()*+,$ -. 35 3-4$

//Get the singleton instance

DbProviderFactory factory = SqlClientFactory.Instance;

public DbConnection GetProviderConnection()


'65= !"#$%&'( SK@-TU. ?!++$%&$0 ?:(**$*

var connection = factory.CreateConnection();

connection.ConnectionString = @"Data Source=.\SQLEXPRESS;"

+ "AttachDbFilename=|DataDirectory|Northwind.MDF;"

+ "Integrated Security=True;User Instance=True";

return connection;


C!/ %(+ /*$ &'$ ,(%&!17 =(1)(":$ &! %1$(&$ (+7 !, &'$ !&'$1 ;LF ;$1=$1_*6$%)B% !"#$%&*-

T!&$ &'(& !"*-(-=&-.&7 )* %1$(&$0 )+0)1$%&:7 "7 %1$(&)+4 ( ;LF %!55(+0 (+0 &'$+ /*)+4 &'$

?0&'@(&=&-.&7 5$&'!02 (* *'!3+ )+ &'$ ,!::!3)+4 %!0$ *(56:$H

()*+,$ -. /0'1), 2)'0% 3-4$

Private Function GetData(ByVal commandText As String, _

ByVal commandType As CommandType) As DataTable

'get SqlDbCommand

Dim command = factory.CreateCommand()

command.Connection = GetProviderConnection()

If (command.Connection Is Nothing) Then

Return Nothing

End If

command.CommandText = commandText

command.CommandType = commandType


Dim dataTable = New DataTable()

'Get SqlDataReader and populate data table



Return dataTable

End Function

()*+,$ -. 35 3-4$

private DataTable GetData(string commandText, CommandType commandType)


//get SqlDbCommand

var command = factory.CreateCommand();

command.Connection = GetProviderConnection();

if (command.Connection == null) return null;

command.CommandText = commandText;

command.CommandType = commandType;


var dataTable = new DataTable();

//Get SqlDataReader and populate data table



return dataTable;


.')* %!0$ *(56:$ /*$* &'$ ,(%&!17 =(1)(":$ &! %1$(&$ ( *+#$,,-%. %:(**2 3')%' )* &'$+

/*$0 &! %1$(&$ &'$ *+*-(-=&-.&7 !"#$%&-

F$**!+ GH I$(0)+4 (+0 J1)&)+4 K(&( !"#$%&'(' 659

E'0=C !*+,&:'=/0 &- 3)&%7 P:-;04$: JK%$+&0-='S:: 61!=)0$1X*6$%)B% $9%$6&)!+* )+'$1)& ,1!5 ( %!55!+ "(*$ %:(** %(::$0 *+?0'&2()$%-

J'$+ 3!1Y)+4 3)&' ( 61!=)0$1X+$/&1(: %!0)+4 5!0$:2 7!/1 (71f'-('F ":!%Y %(+ *)56:7 %(&%'

*+?0'&2()$% 4$+$1)%(::7 )+*&$(0 !, &17)+4 &! %(&%' $(%' 61!=)0$1X*6$%)B% $9%$6&)!+-

U-:Q0=C A0&7 (89 ($:;$: E'$:VR$>=$4 6B+$' HER6'I;LF ;$1=$1 GPPZ (+0 :(&$1 61!=)0$* '!*&)+4 */66!1& ,!1 &'$ -TU. >1(5$3!1Y %!55!+ :(+X

4/(4$ 1/+&)5$ V;LF?FIW2 *! 7!/ %(+ /*$ g)*/(: E(*)% GPOP !1 ?h &! 31)&$ %!0$ &'(& 3):: 1/+

)+ ;LF ;$1=$1- @+$ !, &'$ ,$(&/1$* &'$ ;LF?FI 61!=)0$* )* &'$ ("):)&7 &! %1$(&$ /*$1X0$B+$0

&76$* V\K.*W &'(& $+(":$ !"#$%&* (+0 %/*&!5 0(&( *&1/%&/1$* &! "$ *&!1$0 )+ ( ;LF ;$1=$1

0(&("(*$- .')* %(+ "$ )+ &'$ ,!15 !, ( -TU. >1(5$3!1Y %:(** !1 *&1/%&/1$ 3)&' 5$&'!0* (+0

61!6$1&)$*- \K.* %(+ "$ *6$%)B$0 (* &'$ %!:/5+ &76$ )+ ( &(":$ 0$B+)&)!+2 &'$7 %(+ "$ ( =(1)X

(":$M* &76$ )+ ( .X;LF "(&%'2 !1 &'$7 %(+ "$ &'$ &76$ ,!1 (+ (14/5$+& !, ( .X;LF ,/+%&)!+ !1

*&!1$0 61!%$0/1$-

S:&'!/4' 7!/ %(+ 31)&$ 7!/1 !3+ \K.*2 [)%1!*!,& '(* "$$+ (00)+4 \K.* &! ;LF ;$1=$1-

>!1 $9(56:$2 )+ ;LF ;$1=$1 GPPi2 &'$ +$3 T&$K7-2F1 (+0 T&$,&(71 &76$* (1$ \K.*-

.! 4$& &'$ 5!*& "$+$B& ,1!5 ( \K. (& &'$ %:)$+&2 7!/ 3):: &76)%(::7 3(+& &! /*$ ( \K. !+

&'$ %:)$+& )+ ( &76$0 5(++$1- .')* 1$</)1$* 7!/ &! *$& ( 1$,$1$+%$ &! &'$ *(5$ (**$5":7 &'(&

%!+&()+* &'$ \K. 1$4)*&$1$0 )+ ;LF ;$1=$1- .')* 5$(+* &'$ (**$5":7 5/*& "$ (=():(":$ &! &'$

%:)$+& (66:)%(&)!+2 5!*& %!55!+:7 $)&'$1 "7 %!67)+4 &'$ (**$5":7 )+&! &'$ *(5$ ,!:0$1 (* &'$

%:)$+& $9$%/&(":$ !1 "7 )+*&(::)+4 &'$ (**$5":7 )+&! &'$ D:!"(: S**$5":7 ?(%'$ VDS?W- 8, 7!/

0!+M& +$$0 &76$0 (%%$** &! &'$ \K.2 !+:7 &'$ 1(3 "7&$* !, &'$ \K. 1$&/1+$0 ,1!5 ;LF ;$1=$12

7!/ 0!+M& +$$0 &! *$& ( 1$,$1$+%$ &! &'$ (**$5":7- .')* %!/:0 "$ /*$0 3'$+ 7!/ Y+!3 &'$

6'7*)%(: *&1/%&/1$ !, &'$ 0(&(2 (+0 7!/M1$ 4!)+4 &! 6(1*$ &'$ 0(&( (+0 (**)4+ )& &! ( 0),,$1$+&


.'$ ,!::!3)+4 $9(56:$ %!0$ 0$5!+*&1(&$* &'$ %1$(&)!+ !, ( &(":$ %(::$0 F!%(&)!+* )+ ;LF

;$1=$1- E$,!1$ %1$(&)+4 &'$ &(":$2 ( %!55(+0 )* $9$%/&$0 &! *$$ 3'$&'$1 &'$ &(":$ (:1$(07 $9X

)*&*- 8, &'$ &(":$ $9)*&*2 )&M* 01!66$0- S,&$1 &'(&2 &'$ F!%(&)!+* &(":$ )* %1$(&$0-

()*+,$ -. /0'1), 2)'0% 3-4$

Dim nw = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("nw")

Dim nwConnection = New SqlConnection(nw.ConnectionString)

Dim cmd = nwConnection.CreateCommand()

cmd.CommandText =

"IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.Tables WHERE Name='Locations') " _

& " DROP TABLE Locations"



cmd.CommandText =

"CREATE TABLE Locations(" _

& " ZipCode char(5) PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, Location Geography)"



MessageBox.Show("Location table created")

'65> !"#$%&'( SK@-TU. ?!++$%&$0 ?:(**$*

()*+,$ -. 35 3-4$

var nw = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["nw"];

var nwConnection = new SqlConnection(nw.ConnectionString);

var cmd = nwConnection.CreateCommand();

cmd.CommandText =

"IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.Tables WHERE Name='Locations') "

+ " DROP TABLE Locations";



cmd.CommandText =

"CREATE TABLE Locations("

+ " ZipCode char(5) PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, Location Geography)";



MessageBox.Show("Location table created");

!"#' A2&C.0;'A.$!'"' 7%"0' 2#D'2/'$!%'-"$"1",%

S. B-1: 3-+B 6- !1&+1& R0:$%&-:B '$&&0=C' -= B-1: 4)&)")'$ >,$ ):$ &- 3-+B F,A)B'@ $;$:B

&0*$ B-1 '&):& &7$ )++,0%)&0-= B-1 A0,, C$& ) =$A@ %,$)= 4)&)")'$? W-1 A0,, =$$4 &- :$V%:$)&$

&7$ &)",$ )=4 &7$= :$V+-+1,)&$ 0&? 67$= B-1 %)= :1= -&7$: &$'&'?

T!3 &'(& &'$ &(":$ )* %1$(&$02 7!/ 5)4'& 3(+& &! 6!6/:(&$ &'$ &(":$ 3)&' *!5$ 0(&(- .'$

61!":$5 )* &'(& &'$ F!%(&)!+ %!:/5+ )* ( \K.- .! )+*$1& ( T&$K7-2F1 !"#$%&2 7!/ 5/*& (00 (

1$,$1$+%$ &! &'$ [)%1!*!,&-;<:;$1=$1-.76$*-0:: (**$5":7- 8, 7!/ '(=$ ;LF ;$1=$1 GPPi )+*&(::$0

!+ 7!/1 %!56/&$12 &')* (**$5":7 )* )+ &'$ DS?2 "/& 7!/ %(+M& (00 1$,$1$+%$* 0)1$%&:7 &! DS?

(**$5":)$*- C!/ 5/*& :!%(&$ &'$ (**$5":72 3')%' *'!/:0 "$ (& &'$ ,!::!3)+4 :!%(&)!+H

C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SQL Server\100\SDK\Assemblies

.')* )* &'$ :!%(&)!+ ), 7!/ '(=$ ( jbX")& !6$1(&)+4 *7*&$52 "/& 7!/ *'!/:0 "$ (":$ &! B+0 )&

)+ &'$ R1!41(5 >):$* ,!:0$1 !+ ( aGX")& !6$1(&)+4 *7*&$5-

.'$ ,!::!3)+4 %!0$ (00* &'1$$ k8R !1 6!*&(: %!0$* 3)&' &'$ %!11$*6!+0)+4 T&$K7-2F1

!"#$%&*- T!&)%$ &'$ 5(4)% +/5"$1 baGj )+ &'$ $9(56:$- .')* )* &'$ D$!%!0$ ,!1 JD;ib 1!/+0

$(1&' 5!0$: &'(& 5!*& 6$!6:$ /*$-

()*+,$ -. /0'1), 2)'0% 3-4$

'add reference to Microsoft.SqlServer.Types.dll

'add imports to the top of this file:

'Imports Microsoft.SqlServer.Types

Dim nw = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("nw")

Dim nwConnection = New SqlConnection(nw.ConnectionString)

Dim cmd = nwConnection.CreateCommand()

cmd.CommandText = "INSERT Locations VALUES(@zip, @loc)"

Dim zip = New SqlParameter("@zip", "14710") 'Ashville NY

Dim loc = New SqlParameter("@loc", SqlDbType.Udt)

loc.UdtTypeName = "geography"

loc.Value = SqlGeography.STGeomFromText( _

New SqlChars("POINT(42.1018 79.4144)"), 4326)

!"# A2&C.0;'A.$!'"' 7%"0' 2#D'2/'$!%'-"$"1",%

S. B-1: 3-+B 6- !1&+1& R0:$%&-:B '$&&0=C' -= B-1: 4)&)")'$ >,$ ):$ &- 3-+B F,A)B'@ $;$:B

&0*$ B-1 '&):& &7$ )++,0%)&0-= B-1 A0,, C$& ) =$A@ %,$)= 4)&)")'$? W-1 A0,, =$$4 &- :$V%:$)&$

&7$ &)",$ )=4 &7$= :$V+-+1,)&$ 0&? 67$= B-1 %)= :1= -&7$: &$'&'?

F$**!+ GH I$(0)+4 (+0 J1)&)+4 K(&( !"#$%&'(' 65*





zip.Value = "44011"

loc.Value = SqlGeography.STGeomFromText( _

New SqlChars("POINT(41.4484 82.0190)"), 4326)


zip.Value = "60609"

loc.Value = SqlGeography.STGeomFromText( _

New SqlChars("POINT(41.8121 87.6542)"), 4326)



MessageBox.Show("Entries added")

()*+,$ -. 35 3-4$

//add reference to Microsoft.SqlServer.Types.dll

//'add imports to the top of this file:

//using Microsoft.SqlServer.Types;

//using System.Data.SqlTypes;

var nw = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["nw"];

var nwConnection = new SqlConnection(nw.ConnectionString);

var cmd = nwConnection.CreateCommand();

cmd.CommandText = "INSERT Locations VALUES(@zip, @loc)";

var zip = new SqlParameter("@zip", "14710"); // Ashville NY

var loc = new SqlParameter("@loc", SqlDbType.Udt);

loc.UdtTypeName = "geography";

loc.Value = SqlGeography.STGeomFromText(

new SqlChars("POINT(42.1018 79.4144)"), 4326);





zip.Value = "44011";

loc.Value = SqlGeography.STGeomFromText(

new SqlChars("POINT(41.4484 82.0190)"), 4326);


zip.Value = "60609";

loc.Value = SqlGeography.STGeomFromText(

new SqlChars("POINT(41.8121 87.6542)"), 4326);



MessageBox.Show("Entries added");

'65) !"#$%&'( SK@-TU. ?!++$%&$0 ?:(**$*

S,&$1 &'$ 1!3* (1$ )+*$1&$0 )+&! &'$ &(":$2 7!/ %(+ </$17 ,!1 &'$*$ 1!3* (+0 /*$ &'$5 &!

6$1,!15 &(*Y* */%' (* %(:%/:(&)+4 &'$ 0)*&(+%$ "$&3$$+ &3! :!%(&)!+*- A$1$ )* (+ $9(56:$H

()*+,$ -. /0'1), 2)'0% 3-4$

Dim nw = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("nw")

Dim nwConnection = New SqlConnection()

nwConnection.ConnectionString = nw.ConnectionString

Dim cmd = nwConnection.CreateCommand()

cmd.CommandText = "SELECT Location FROM Locations WHERE ZipCode='14710'"


Dim ashvilleNY = cmd.ExecuteScalar()

cmd.CommandText = "SELECT Location FROM Locations WHERE ZipCode='44011'"

Dim avonOH = cmd.ExecuteScalar()

cmd.CommandText = "SELECT Location FROM Locations WHERE ZipCode='60609'"

Dim chicagoIL = cmd.ExecuteScalar()


MessageBox.Show(String.Format("Ashville to Chicago: {0}",

ashvilleNY.STDistance(chicagoIL) / 1609.344)) '1609.344 meters/mile

MessageBox.Show(String.Format("Ashville to Avon: {0}",

ashvilleNY.STDistance(avonOH) / 1609.344)) '1609.344 meters/mile

()*+,$ -. 35 3-4$

var nw = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["nw"];

var nwConnection = new SqlConnection(nw.ConnectionString);

var cmd = nwConnection.CreateCommand();

cmd.CommandText = "SELECT Location FROM Locations WHERE ZipCode='14710'";


var ashvilleNY = (SqlGeography)cmd.ExecuteScalar();

cmd.CommandText = "SELECT Location FROM Locations WHERE ZipCode='44011'";

var avonOH = (SqlGeography)cmd.ExecuteScalar();

cmd.CommandText = "SELECT Location FROM Locations WHERE ZipCode='60609'";

var chicagoIL = (SqlGeography)cmd.ExecuteScalar();


MessageBox.Show(string.Format("Ashville to Chicago: {0}",

ashvilleNY.STDistance(chicagoIL) / 1609.344)); //1609.344 meters/mile

MessageBox.Show(string.Format("Ashville to Avon: {0}",

ashvilleNY.STDistance(avonOH) / 1609.344)); //1609.344 meters/mile

8+ &')* $9(56:$2 &'$ !"T&$K7-2F1 !"#$%& 3(* 1$&1)$=$0 ,1!5 &'$ 0(&("(*$2 (+0 &'$+ &'$

%:)$+& (66:)%(&)!+ 3(* (":$ &! $9$%/&$ 5$&'!0* !+ &'$ \K.-


8+ &')* 61(%&)%$2 7!/ %(+ %!+&)+/$ &'$ 61(%&)%$ 7!/ "$4(+ )+ &'$ 61$=)!/* :$**!+ !1 /*$ &'$

"$4)++)+4 ?'(6&$1 G2 F$**!+ G2 *!:/&)!+ )+%:/0$0 !+ &'$ %!56(+)!+ ?K- 8, 7!/M1$ /*)+4 &'$

#F&'Q#$%%&'()I)(1 5$&'!0 ,1!5 &'$ 61$=)!/* :$**!+2 ), ( %!++$%&)!+ %(+ "$ 5(0$2 7!/ (00

%!0$ &! %1$(&$ &'$ &(":$* ), &'$7 0!+M& $9)*&- T$9&2 7!/ (00 %!0$ &! *7+%'1!+)c$ 3)&' &'$ 0(&(X

"(*$ *$1=$1 !+ (66:)%(&)!+ *&(1&/6 (+0 $+0- ;7+%'1!+)c)+4 5$(+* &'(& 7!/ *$+0 (+7 %:)$+&X

*)0$ %'(+4$* "(%Y &! &'$ 0(&("(*$ (+0 4$& (+7 *$1=$1X*)0$ %'(+4$*-

F$**!+ GH I$(0)+4 (+0 J1)&)+4 K(&( !"#$%&'(' 654

.')* 61(%&)%$ )* )+&$+0$0 &! ,!%/* !+ &'$ %:(**$* &'(& '(=$ "$$+ 0$B+$0 )+ &')* :$**!+2 *!

&'$ D\8 3):: "$ 5)+)5(:-

8, 7!/ $+%!/+&$1 ( 61!":$5 %!56:$&)+4 (+ $9$1%)*$2 &'$ %!56:$&$0 61!#$%&* %(+ "$ )+X

*&(::$0 ,1!5 &'$ ?!0$ ,!:0$1 !+ &'$ %!56(+)!+ ?K-

'('"$&)' * 3-4$ &- P:-;04$ F1&-*)&0% (B=%7:-=0O)&0-=

8+ &')* $9$1%)*$2 7!/ !6$+ &'$ 61!#$%& ,1!5 F$**!+ O (+0 %!0$ &! 61!=)0$ (/&!5(&)% *7+%'1!X

+)c(&)!+ &! &'$ 0(&("(*$-

*+ 8+ g)*/(: ;&/0)! -TU. GPOP2 %:)%Y >):$ l @6$+ l R1!#$%&-

,+ F!%(&$ &'$ 61!#$%& 7!/ %1$(&$0 )+ ?'(6&$1 G2 F$**!+ O2 !1 :!%(&$ &'$ ?'(6&$1 G2 F$**!+ G

"$4)++)+4 *!:/&)!+ !+ &'$ %!56(+)!+ ?K (+0 %:)%Y @6$+-

-+ S00 ( 0(&("(*$ B:$ &! 7!/1 61!#$%&-

VF(&$12 7!/ %(+ !6& &! (&&(%' &')* 0(&("(*$ &! ( 1$5!&$ 0(&("(*$ *$1=$12 ), +$$0$02 (+0

&'$+ &'$ %!++$%&)!+ *&1)+4 %(+ "$ /60(&$0 &! 6!)+& &! &'$ 1$5!&$ 0(&("(*$ *$1=$1-W

.+ 8+ ;!:/&)!+ U96:!1$12 1)4'&X%:)%Y &'$ 61!#$%& +!0$2 %:)%Y S00 l T$3 8&$5 l K(&( l

;$1=)%$X"(*$0 K(&("(*$2 (+0 +(5$ &'$ B:$ +FHILEIFIMENOGPN ?:)%Y S00-

.')* 3):: (00 &'$ B:$2 "/& )& 3):: (:*! *&(1& ( 3)c(10 &! %1$(&$ ( &76$0 0(&( *$&-

/+ ?:)%Y ?(+%$: !+ &'$ 3)c(10 6(4$-

0+ ;$:$%& &'$ +$3:7 %1$(&$0 [()+&$+(+%$-[K> B:$ )+ ;!:/&)!+ U96:!1$1 (+0 &'$+2 )+ &'$

R1!6$1&)$* 3)+0!32 *$& &'$ #$213/$3G@(2@(3*)7 61!6$1&7 &! #$213:B3<&E&7-

1+ [!0),7 &'$ %!++$%&)!+ *&1)+4 )+ &'$ %!+B4 B:$ &! %!++$%& &! 7!/1 +$3 0(&("(*$- 8+ &'$

m !"#$%&'()!" !"#"$"%&'!$()*+,!&-"!.(%%".&*(%!/&0*%1!&(!#((2!#*2"!&-"!+(##(3*%14



<add name="db" connectionString=

"Data Source=.\SQLEXPRESS;AttachDbFilename=|DataDirectory|Maintenance.MDF;

Integrated Security=True;User Instance=True" />


!"! 5))!&-"!+(##(3*%1!.#6//7#"8"#!860*69#"/!&(!&-"!&(:!(+!,(;0!<*%)(3/!+(0$!&-6&!3*##!0"+"07




Private daVehicles As SqlDataAdapter

Private daRepairs As SqlDataAdapter


private SqlDataAdapter daVehicles;

private SqlDataAdapter daRepairs;

!!" #$%&'() * 5=>4?@A!B(%%".&")!B#6//"/

#"! 5&!&-"!&(:!(+!&-"!*!&+,-.!'/!"8"%&!-6%)#"0!$"&-()'!.-6%1"!&-"!012 30!""2 ()4)(5!




Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, _

ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load

cnString = ConfigurationManager _

.ConnectionStrings("db") _




dgVehicles.DataSource = ds

dgVehicles.DataMember = "Vehicles"

dgRepairs.DataSource = ds

dgRepairs.DataMember = "Vehicles.vehicles_repairs"

End Sub


private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)


cnString = ConfigurationManager





dgVehicles.DataSource = ds;

dgVehicles.DataMember = "Vehicles";

dgRepairs.DataSource = ds;

dgRepairs.DataMember = "Vehicles.vehicles_repairs";









Public Sub InitializeDataAdapters()

'do vehicles with the SQL Command Builder

daVehicles = New SqlDataAdapter("SELECT * FROM Vehicles", cnString)

Dim bldVehicles As New SqlCommandBuilder(daVehicles)

'do repairs by creating all commands

Dim cn As New SqlConnection(cnString)

Dim cmdSelectRepairs = cn.CreateCommand()

Dim cmdUpdateRepairs = cn.CreateCommand()

Dim cmdDeleteRepairs = cn.CreateCommand()

Dim cmdInsertRepairs = cn.CreateCommand()

cmdSelectRepairs.CommandText = _

! J"//(%!KD!G"6)*%1!6%)!<0*&*%1!=6&6! #$%&'() * !!!

"SELECT * FROM Repairs"

cmdInsertRepairs.CommandText = _

"INSERT Repairs(VIN,Description, Cost) " _

& " OUTPUT inserted.* " _

& " VALUES( @VIN, @Description, @Cost); "

cmdInsertRepairs.Parameters.Add("@VIN", SqlDbType.VarChar, 20, "VIN")

cmdInsertRepairs.Parameters.Add("@Description", SqlDbType.VarChar, _

60, "Description")

cmdInsertRepairs.Parameters.Add("@Cost", SqlDbType.Money, 0, "Cost")

cmdUpdateRepairs.CommandText = _

"UPDATE Repairs SET " _

& " VIN=@VIN, Description=@Description, Cost=@Cost " _

& " WHERE ID=@OriginalID " _

& " AND VIN=@OriginalVIN " _

& " AND Description=@OriginalDescription " _

& " AND Cost=@OriginalCost"

cmdUpdateRepairs.Parameters.Add("@OriginalID", SqlDbType.Int, 0, "ID") _

.SourceVersion = DataRowVersion.Original

cmdUpdateRepairs.Parameters.Add("@VIN", SqlDbType.VarChar, 20, "VIN")

cmdUpdateRepairs.Parameters.Add("@OriginalVIN", SqlDbType.VarChar, _

20, "VIN").SourceVersion = DataRowVersion.Original

cmdUpdateRepairs.Parameters.Add("@Description", SqlDbType.VarChar, _

60, "Description")

cmdUpdateRepairs.Parameters.Add("@OriginalDescription", _

SqlDbType.VarChar, 20, "Description") _

.SourceVersion = DataRowVersion.Original

cmdUpdateRepairs.Parameters.Add("@Cost", SqlDbType.Money, 0, "Cost")

cmdUpdateRepairs.Parameters.Add("@OriginalCost", SqlDbType.Money, _

0, "Cost").SourceVersion = DataRowVersion.Original

cmdDeleteRepairs.CommandText = _

"DELETE Repairs " _

& " WHERE ID=@OriginalID " _

& " AND VIN=@OriginalVIN " _

& " AND Description=@OriginalDescription " _

& " AND Cost=@OriginalCost"

cmdDeleteRepairs.Parameters.Add("@OriginalID", SqlDbType.Int, 0, "ID") _

.SourceVersion = DataRowVersion.Original

cmdDeleteRepairs.Parameters.Add("@OriginalVIN", SqlDbType.VarChar, _

20, "VIN").SourceVersion = DataRowVersion.Original

!!* #$%&'() * 5=>4?@A!B(%%".&")!B#6//"/

cmdDeleteRepairs.Parameters.Add("@OriginalDescription", _

SqlDbType.VarChar, 20, "Description") _

.SourceVersion = DataRowVersion.Original

cmdDeleteRepairs.Parameters.Add("@OriginalCost", SqlDbType.Money, _

0, "Cost").SourceVersion = DataRowVersion.Original

daRepairs = New SqlDataAdapter(cmdSelectRepairs)

daRepairs.InsertCommand = cmdInsertRepairs

daRepairs.UpdateCommand = cmdUpdateRepairs

daRepairs.DeleteCommand = cmdDeleteRepairs

End Sub


public void InitializeDataAdapters()


cnString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["db"].ConnectionString;

//do vehicles with the SQL Command Builder;

daVehicles = new SqlDataAdapter("SELECT * FROM Vehicles", cnString);

var bldVehicles = new SqlCommandBuilder(daVehicles);

//do repairs by creating all commands

var cn = new SqlConnection(cnString);

var cmdSelectRepairs = cn.CreateCommand();

var cmdUpdateRepairs = cn.CreateCommand();

var cmdDeleteRepairs = cn.CreateCommand();

var cmdInsertRepairs = cn.CreateCommand();

cmdSelectRepairs.CommandText =

"SELECT * FROM Repairs";

cmdInsertRepairs.CommandText =

"INSERT Repairs(VIN,Description, Cost) "

+ " OUTPUT inserted.* "

+ " VALUES( @VIN, @Description, @Cost); ";

cmdInsertRepairs.Parameters.Add("@VIN", SqlDbType.VarChar, 20, "VIN");

cmdInsertRepairs.Parameters.Add("@Description", SqlDbType.VarChar,

60, "Description");

cmdInsertRepairs.Parameters.Add("@Cost", SqlDbType.Money, 0, "Cost");

cmdUpdateRepairs.CommandText =

"UPDATE Repairs SET "

+ " VIN=@VIN, Description=@Description, Cost=@Cost "

+ " WHERE ID=@OriginalID "

+ " AND VIN=@OriginalVIN "

+ " AND Description=@OriginalDescription "

+ " AND Cost=@OriginalCost";

cmdUpdateRepairs.Parameters.Add("@OriginalID", SqlDbType.Int, 0, "ID")

.SourceVersion = DataRowVersion.Original;

! J"//(%!KD!G"6)*%1!6%)!<0*&*%1!=6&6! #$%&'() * !!+

cmdUpdateRepairs.Parameters.Add("@VIN", SqlDbType.VarChar, 20, "VIN");

cmdUpdateRepairs.Parameters.Add("@OriginalVIN", SqlDbType.VarChar,

20, "VIN").SourceVersion = DataRowVersion.Original;

cmdUpdateRepairs.Parameters.Add("@Description", SqlDbType.VarChar,

60, "Description");


SqlDbType.VarChar, 20, "Description")

.SourceVersion = DataRowVersion.Original;

cmdUpdateRepairs.Parameters.Add("@Cost", SqlDbType.Money, 0, "Cost");

cmdUpdateRepairs.Parameters.Add("@OriginalCost", SqlDbType.Money,

0, "Cost").SourceVersion = DataRowVersion.Original;

cmdDeleteRepairs.CommandText =

"DELETE Repairs "

+ " WHERE ID=@OriginalID "

+ " AND VIN=@OriginalVIN "

+ " AND Description=@OriginalDescription "

+ " AND Cost=@OriginalCost";

cmdDeleteRepairs.Parameters.Add("@OriginalID", SqlDbType.Int, 0, "ID")

.SourceVersion = DataRowVersion.Original;

cmdDeleteRepairs.Parameters.Add("@OriginalVIN", SqlDbType.VarChar,

20, "VIN").SourceVersion = DataRowVersion.Original;


SqlDbType.VarChar, 20, "Description")

.SourceVersion = DataRowVersion.Original;

cmdDeleteRepairs.Parameters.Add("@OriginalCost", SqlDbType.Money,

0, "Cost").SourceVersion = DataRowVersion.Original;

daRepairs = new SqlDataAdapter(cmdSelectRepairs);

daRepairs.InsertCommand = cmdInsertRepairs;

daRepairs.UpdateCommand = cmdUpdateRepairs;

daRepairs.DeleteCommand = cmdDeleteRepairs;











!!, #$%&'() * 5=>4?@A!B(%%".&")!B#6//"/

$%"! 5))!.()"!*%&(!&-"!A!;%7'(29'('=2(!$"&-()!&-6&!3*##!.6##!&(!&-"!=5" 1&!")82!$"&-()!




Private Sub PopulateDataSet()

If File.Exists(xsdFile) Then

ds = New DataSet()




End If

If File.Exists(xmlFile) Then

ds.ReadXml(xmlFile, XmlReadMode.IgnoreSchema)

End If


End Sub


private void PopulateDataSet()


if( File.Exists(xsdFile))


ds = new DataSet();







if( File.Exists(xmlFile))


ds.ReadXml(xmlFile, XmlReadMode.IgnoreSchema);




$$"! 5))!&-"!=5" 1&!")82!$"&-()'!3-*.-!3*##!9"!.6##")!3-"%!&-"!6::#*.6&*(%!/&60&/!6%)!




"C*/&'!&-"!&69#"/!60"!.0"6&")4!A-"!.()"!&-"%!.6##/!&-"!=5" 9'('!$"&-()!.0"6&")!*%!&-"!



Private Sub Synchronize()

If CheckConnectivity() Then



End If

End Sub

! J"//(%!KD!G"6)*%1!6%)!<0*&*%1!=6&6! #$%&'() * !!-


private void Synchronize()


if( CheckConnectivity())






$&"! V()*+,!&-"!012 30!""2 ()4)(5!$"&-()'!3-*.-!3*##!/*$:#,!6&&"$:&!&(!0"&0*"8"!&-"!8"07




Private Function CheckConnectivity() As Boolean


Using cn = New SqlConnection(cnString)


Dim version = cn.ServerVersion

End Using

Catch ex As Exception

Return False

End Try

Return True

End Function


private bool CheckConnectivity()




using(var cn = new SqlConnection(cnString))



var version = cn.ServerVersion;





return false;


return true;


$'"! 5))!&-"!.()"!+(0!&-"!0&2'(2C'D72<6BE!(FG)<()"$!$"&-()4!A-*/!$"&-()!.-".2/!3-"&-"0!



Private Sub CreateTablesIfNotExisting()


Using cn = New SqlConnection(cnString)

Using cmd = cn.CreateCommand()


!!. #$%&'() * 5=>4?@A!B(%%".&")!B#6//"/

cmd.CommandText = _


& " SELECT * FROM sys.Tables WHERE NAME='Vehicles') " _

& " CREATE TABLE Vehicles( " _

& " VIN varchar(20) PRIMARY KEY, " _

& " Make varchar(20), " _

& " Model varchar(20), Year int)"


cmd.CommandText = _


& " SELECT * FROM sys.Tables WHERE NAME='Repairs') " _

& " CREATE TABLE Repairs( " _


& " VIN varchar(20), " _

& " Description varchar(60), " _

& " Cost money)"


End Using

End Using

Catch ex As Exception


End Try

End Sub


private void CreateTablesIfNotExisting()




using( var cn = new SqlConnection(cnString))

using( var cmd = cn.CreateCommand())



cmd.CommandText =


+ " SELECT * FROM sys.Tables WHERE NAME='Vehicles') "

+ " CREATE TABLE Vehicles( "

+ " VIN varchar(20) PRIMARY KEY, "

+ " Make varchar(20), "

+ " Model varchar(20), Year int)";


cmd.CommandText =


+ " SELECT * FROM sys.Tables WHERE NAME='Repairs') "

+ " CREATE TABLE Repairs( "


+ " VIN varchar(20), "

+ " Description varchar(60), "

+ " Cost money)";




catch(Exception ex)



! J"//(%!KD!G"6)*%1!6%)!<0*&*%1!=6&6! #$%&'() * !!/



$("! 5))!&-"!=5" 9'('!$"&-()!&-6&!:"0+(0$/!&-"!6.&;6#!)6&6!/,%.-0(%*E6&*(%4!A-*/!$"&-()!




Private Sub SyncData()

'send changes


daVehicles.Update(ds, "Vehicles")

daRepairs.Update(ds, "Repairs")


Catch ex As Exception


End Try

'retrieve updates

Dim tempVehicles As New DataTable()



'merge changes

Dim tempRepairs As New DataTable()



End Sub


private void SyncData()


//send changes



daVehicles.Update(ds, "Vehicles");

daRepairs.Update(ds, "Repairs");



catch(Exception ex)




//retrieve updates

var tempVehicles = new DataTable();



//merge changes

var tempRepairs = new DataTable();




!!0 #$%&'() * 5=>4?@A!B(%%".&")!B#6//"/

$)"! 5))!.()"!&(!&-"!*!&+,-07!<)"$!"8"%&!&(!/,%.-0(%*E"!&-"!)6&6!3-"%!&-"!6::#*.6&*(%!*/!



Private Sub Form1_FormClosing(ByVal sender As System.Object, _

ByVal e As FormClosingEventArgs) _

Handles MyBase.FormClosing


ds.WriteXml(xmlFile, XmlWriteMode.DiffGram)

End Sub


private void Form1_FormClosing(object sender, FormClosingEventArgs e)



ds.WriteXml(xmlFile, XmlWriteMode.DiffGram);


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<Binding ElementName="Slider1" Path="Value" />








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Dim aBinding As New Binding()

aBinding.ElementName = "Slider1"

aBinding.Path = New System.Windows.PropertyPath("Value")

' In the previous two examples, the Name property of the Label was not set.

' In this example, a name is required so it is assumed to be Label1.

Label1.SetBinding(ContentProperty, aBinding)


Binding aBinding = new Binding();

aBinding.ElementName = "Slider1";

aBinding.Path = new System.Windows.PropertyPath("Value");

// In the previous two examples, the Name property of the Label was not set.

// In this example, a name is required so it is assumed to be Label1.

Label1.SetBinding(ContentProperty, aBinding);

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BindingOperations.ClearBinding(Me.Label1, ContentProperty)

')DE !"#$%&'( 3#,7-$*%C-0<%./0/%1-$2-$*


BindingOperations.ClearBinding(this.Label1, ContentProperty);


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<Button Background="{Binding Source={x:Static SystemColors.WindowColor}}"

Height="23" Width="75">Button</Button>

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<Window x:Class="WpfApplication1.Window1"




Title="Window1" Height="300" Width="300">


<local:aClass x:Key="theObject" />



<Button Content="{Binding Source={StaticResource theObject},

Path=myProperty}" />






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<Window x:Class="WpfApplication1.Window1"




Title="Window1" Height="300" Width="300">


<local:myDataObject x:Key="aDataObject" />


<Grid DataContext="{StaticResource aDataObject}">

<Label Content="{Binding Path=myTitle}" />







<Grid Name="Grid1">

<Label Content="{Binding Path=myTitle}" />




Dim aDataObject As New myDataObject()

Grid1.DataContext = aDataObject


myDataObject aDataObject = new myDataObject();

Grid1.DataContext = aDataObject;



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<Button Content="{Binding Path=Tag, RelativeSource={RelativeSource

Mode=FindAncestor, AncestorType=Grid, AncestorLevel=1}}"

Height="23" Width="75">





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<Button Height="23" Name="Button1" VerticalAlignment="Bottom">


<Binding Path="Tag">


<RelativeSource Mode="FindAncestor" AncestorType="Grid"

AncestorLevel="1" />






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, #+, H';*14+%

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■ A6;:!6!$0%L:*41'E&"A'.+'.@

■ X"!%/%>#$E!,0!,%0#%D#,6/0%2/0/@

■ X"!%/%>#$E!,0!,%0#%,!0+,$%/$%#9=!>0@

■ 5#,6/0%2/0/%>#$2-0-#$/::8%+"-$*%/%>#$E!,0!,@

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■ A6;:!6!$0%L%14+!:*41'E&"A'.+'.@



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Public Class myConverter

Implements IValueConverter

Public Function Convert(ByVal value As Object, ByVal targetType As _

System.Type, ByVal parameter As Object, ByVal culture As _

System.Globalization.CultureInfo) As Object Implements _


Throw New NotImplementedException()

End Function

Public Function ConvertBack(ByVal value As Object, ByVal targetType As _

System.Type, ByVal parameter As Object, ByVal culture As _

System.Globalization.CultureInfo) As Object Implements _


Throw New NotImplementedException()

End Function

End Class


■ A6;:!6!$0%L:*41'E&"A'.+'.@L:*41'E&"A'.+'.L:*41'E&"A'.+'.

■ X"!%/%>#$E!,0!,%0#%D#,6/0%2/0/@

■ X"!%/%>#$E!,0!,%0#%,!0+,$%/$%#9=!>0@

■ 5#,6/0%2/0/%>#$2-0-#$/::8%+"-$*%/%>#$E!,0!,@

■ #>/:-[!%2/0/%+"-$*%/%>#$E!,0!,@

■ A6;:!6!$0%L%14+!:*41'E&"A'.+'.@L%14+!:*41'E&"A'.+'.L%14+!:*41'E&"A'.+'.


% !""#$%\'%(#$E!,0-$*%./0/% !"#$%&'(' )DC


public class myConverter : IValueConverter


public object Convert(object value, Type targetType, object parameter,

System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture)


throw new NotImplementedException();


public object ConvertBack(object value, Type targetType, object

parameter, System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture)


throw new NotImplementedException();




%#+0;+0%#9=!>0?%/$2%0<!%E&"A'.+ *29%6!0<#2%,!E!,"!"%0<!%>#$E!,"-#$%;!,D#,6!2%98%0<!%


$!E!,%>/::%0<!%E&"A'.+ *29%6!0<#2?%"#%-0%-"%>#66#$%;,/>0->!%$#0%0#%;,#E-2!%/$%!R;:->-0%-6;:!H

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E&"A'.+ *29%6!0<#2"@%X$:!""%8#+%/,!%>!,0/-$%0</0%E&"A'.+ *29%C-::%$!E!,%9!%>/::!2?%;,#E-2!%







<ValueConversion(GetType(Integer), GetType(String))> _


[ValueConversion(typeof(int), typeof(string))]




<ValueConversion(GetType(Integer), GetType(String))> _

Public Class myConverter

Implements IValueConverter

Public Function Convert(ByVal value As Object, ByVal targetType As _

System.Type, ByVal parameter As Object, ByVal culture As _

System.Globalization.CultureInfo) As Object Implements _


Dim a As Integer = CInt(value)

Select Case a

Case 1

'))E !"#$%&'( 3#,7-$*%C-0<%./0/%1-$2-$*

Return "Group Manager"

Case 2

Return "Manager"

Case 3

Return "Programmer"

Case Else

Return "Title not defined"

End Select

End Function

Public Function ConvertBack(ByVal value As Object, ByVal targetType As _

System.Type, ByVal parameter As Object, ByVal culture As _

System.Globalization.CultureInfo) As Object Implements _


Dim aString As String = value.ToString()

Select Case aString

Case "Group Manager"

Return 1

Case "Manager"

Return 2

Case "Programmer"

Return 3

Case Else

Return 4

End Select

End Function

End Class


[ValueConversion(typeof(int), typeof(string))]

public class myConverter : IValueConverter


public object Convert(object value, Type targetType, object parameter,

System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture)


int a = int.Parse(value.ToString());

switch (a)


case 1:

return "Group Manager";

case 2:

return "Manager";

case 3:

return "Programmer";


return "Title not defined";



public object ConvertBack(object value, Type targetType, object

parameter, System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture)


string a = value.ToString();

switch (a)


% !""#$%\'%(#$E!,0-$*%./0/% !"#$%&'(' ))*

case "Group Manager":

return 1;

case "Manager":

return 2;

case "Programmer":

return 3;


return 4;




F#%+"!%/%>#$E!,0!,%-$%8#+,%TJG %>#2!?%8#+%),"0%6+"0%>,!/0!%/%,!D!,!$>!%0#%0<!%$/6!";/>!%

0</0%>#$0/-$"%-0%-$%0<!%TJG ?%/"%"<#C$%-$%9#:2%<!,!'

<Window x:Class="WpfApplication5.Window1"




Title="Window1" Height="300" Width="300">





<local:myConverter x:Key="EmployeeConverter"></local:myConverter>




<Label Content="{Binding Path=EmployeeCode, Converter={StaticResource

EmployeeConverter}}" />


2-";:/8%;+,;#"!"@%A0%-"%+$$!>!""/,8%0#%;,#E-2!%/%,!/:%-6;:!6!$0/0-#$%D#,%E&"A'.+ *29%-$%











'))D !"#$%&'( 3#,7-$*%C-0<%./0/%1-$2-$*




aString = aDouble.ToString("C")


aString = aDouble.ToString("C");





Public Function Convert(ByVal value As Object, ByVal targetType As _

System.Type, ByVal parameter As Object, ByVal culture As _

System.Globalization.CultureInfo) As Object Implements _


Dim a As Decimal = CDec(value.ToString)

Return a.ToString("C")

End Function


public object Convert(object value, Type targetType, object parameter,

System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture)


decimal a = decimal.Parse(value.ToString());

return a.ToString("C");


F<!%$!R0%!R/6;:!%"<#C"%0<!%E&"A'.+ *29%6!0<#2%D,#6%0<-"%"/6!%>#$E!,0!,'


Public Function ConvertBack(ByVal value As Object, ByVal targetType As _

System.Type, ByVal parameter As Object, ByVal culture As _

System.Globalization.CultureInfo) As Object Implements _


Dim result As Decimal

Dim a As String = value.ToString()

If Decimal.TryParse(a, System.Globalization.NumberStyles.Any, Nothing, _

result) Then

Return result


' Implement code to determine or return a default value here

Return 0

End If

End Function


public object ConvertBack(object value, Type targetType, object parameter,

System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture)


% !""#$%\'%(#$E!,0-$*%./0/% !"#$%&'(' )))

decimal result;

string a = value.ToString();

if (decimal.TryParse(a, System.Globalization.NumberStyles.Any, null,

out result))

return result;


// Implement code to determine or return a default value here

return 0;







$":,%'(<I' 5#,6/0%I0,-$*"%D#,%0<!%H*+'=!5'%I0,+>0+,!


?$&@AS Q=&R"$'A"R% %T"R#,% G?"S%'%T"R#,%

2 7?&.+,H*+' def&af&gNg ToString("d")

. C&"$,H*+' G#$2/8?%h+:8%&a?%&gNg ToString("D")

D C&"$,H*+',*"#,7?&.+,=!5' G#$2/8?%h+:8%&a?%&gNg%



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O Q'"'.*4 def&af&gNg%&&'de'&e%4G ToString("G")

G %&"+?,*"#,H*/ h+:8%&a ToString("M")

" L7<,7&.+*-4',7+*"#*.# &gNgHdeH&a%&&'de'&e ToString("s")










'))H !"#$%&'( 3#,7-$*%C-0<%./0/%1-$2-$*




<ValueConversion(GetType(Integer), GetType(String))> _

Public Class SSConverter

Implements IValueConverter

Public Function Convert(ByVal value As Object, ByVal targetType As _

System.Type, ByVal parameter As Object, ByVal culture As _

System.Globalization.CultureInfo) As Object Implements _


Dim a As String = value.ToString()

If Not a.Length = 9 Then

Throw New ArgumentException("Number is in the wrong format")

End If

a = a.Insert(5, "-")

a = a.Insert(3, "-")

Return a

End Function

Public Function ConvertBack(ByVal value As Object, ByVal targetType As _

System.Type, ByVal parameter As Object, ByVal culture As _

System.Globalization.CultureInfo) As Object Implements _


Dim a As String = value.ToString()

a = a.Remove(6, 1)

a = a.Remove(3, 1)

Return CInt(a)

End Function

End Class


[ValueConversion(typeof(int), typeof(string))]

public class SSConverter : IValueConverter


public object Convert(object value, Type targetType, object parameter,

System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture)


string a = value.ToString();

if (!(a.Length==9))

throw new ArgumentException("Number is in the wrong format");

a = a.Insert(5, "-");

a = a.Insert(3, "-");

return a;


public object ConvertBack(object value, Type targetType, object

parameter, System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture)


string a = value.ToString();

a = a.Remove(6, 1);

a = a.Remove(3, 1);

% !""#$%\'%(#$E!,0-$*%./0/% !"#$%&'(' ))I

return int.Parse(a);







/%;/0<%/$2%,!0+,$"%/% !+5*)L5*$'%#9=!>0%0</0%,!;,!"!$0"%0<!%-6/*!%"0#,!2%/0%0</0%;/0<'


<ValueConversion(GetType(String), GetType(BitmapImage))> _

Public Class ImageConverter

Implements IValueConverter

Public Function Convert(ByVal value As Object, ByVal targetType As _

System.Type, ByVal parameter As Object, ByVal culture As _

System.Globalization.CultureInfo) As Object Implements _



Dim myPath As String = CType(value, String)

Dim myUri As New Uri(myPath)

Dim anImage As New BitmapImage(myUri)

Return anImage

Catch ex As Exception

Return New BitmapImage(New Uri("C:\ImageNotAvailable.jpg"))

End Try

End Function

Public Function ConvertBack(ByVal value As Object, ByVal targetType _

As System.Type, ByVal parameter As Object, ByVal culture As _

System.Globalization.CultureInfo) As Object Implements _


Throw New NotImplementedException()

End Function

End Class

Sample of C# Code

[ValueConversion(typeof(string), typeof(BitmapImage))]

public class ImageConverter : IValueConverter


public object Convert(object value, Type targetType, object parameter,

System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture)




string myPath = (string)value;

Uri myUri = new Uri(myPath);

BitmapImage anImage = new BitmapImage(myUri);

'))( !"#$%&'( 3#,7-$*%C-0<%./0/%1-$2-$*

return anImage;




return new BitmapImage(new Uri("C:\\ImageNotAvailable.jpg"));



public object ConvertBack(object value, Type targetType, object

parameter, System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture)


throw new NotImplementedException();




X^A%*!$!,/0!"%0<!% !+5*)L5*$'%0</0%-"%,!0+,$!2@%A$%0<!%!E!$0%#D%/$%!,,#,?%/%2!D/+:0%-6/*!%-"%


0<!%E&"A'.+ *29%6!0<#2%-"%$#0%-6;:!6!$0!2@%L!E!,0<!:!""?%-0%-"%/%9!"0%;,/>0->!%0#%-6;:!6!$0%

E&"A'.+ *29%C<!$!E!,%;#""-9:!@




F<!%;/,/6!0!,"%D#,%0<!%E&"A'.+%/$2%E&"A'.+ *29%6!0<#2"%>#$0/-$%/%,!D!,!$>!%0#%0<!%








<ValueConversion(GetType(String), GetType(String))> _

Public Class DateBrushConverter

Implements IValueConverter

' Note: the Translator class is assumed to be a class that contains a

' dictionary used to translate the provided strings.

Dim myTranslator As New Translator

Public Function Convert(ByVal value As Object, ByVal targetType As _

System.Type, ByVal parameter As Object, ByVal culture As _

System.Globalization.CultureInfo) As Object Implements _


Dim astring As String = CType(value, String)

Select Case culture.ToString

Case "fr-FR"

Return myTranslator.EnglishToFrench(astring)

Case "de-DE"

% !""#$%\'%(#$E!,0-$*%./0/% !"#$%&'(' ))+

Return myTranslator.FrenchToEnglish(astring)

Case Else

Return astring

End Select

End Function

Public Function ConvertBack(ByVal value As Object, ByVal targetType _

As System.Type, ByVal parameter As Object, ByVal culture As _

System.Globalization.CultureInfo) As Object Implements _


Dim astring As String = CType(value, String)

Select Case culture.ToString

Case "fr-FR"

Return myTranslator.FrenchToEnglish(astring)

Case "de-DE"

Return myTranslator.GermanToEnglish(astring)

Case Else

Return astring

End Select

End Function

End Class


[ValueConversion(typeof(string), typeof(string))]

public class LanguageConverter : IValueConverter


// Note: the Translator class is assumed to be a class that contains a

// dictionary used to translate the provided strings.

Translator myTranslator = new Translator();

public object Convert(object value, Type targetType, object parameter,

System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture)


string aString = (string)value;



case "de-DE":

return myTranslator.EnglishToGerman(aString);

case "fr-FR":

return myTranslator.EnglishToFrench(aString);


return aString;



public object ConvertBack(object value, Type targetType, object

parameter, System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture)


string aString = (string)value;



case "de-DE":

return myTranslator.GermanToEnglish(aString);

case "fr-FR":

return myTranslator.FrenchToEnglish(aString);


'))B !"#$%&'( 3#,7-$*%C-0<%./0/%1-$2-$*

return aString;





■% W#(B$'0#%"&#%;#+#$1)%@$*B#((%!*$%.('+;%1%B*+O#$"#$%"*%1@@)-%B*+5'"'*+1)%!*$K


J46KL' M-KL'"0.N-5

■% >'$(",%-*.%4.("%'4@)#4#+"%1%B*+O#$"#$%"&1"%@#$!*$4(%"&#%1@@$*@$'1"#%B*+O#$K




#$"-L% !"#$%"&#%B*+O#$"#$%&1(%0##+%'4@)#4#+"#5,%-*.%(&*.)5%0'+5%"&#%1@@$*K


1%$#!#$#+B#%"*%"&#%B*+O#$"#$%'+%"&#% !"#!"$%*0E#B"L%V+%"&'(%#J14@)#,%-*.%/*.)5%

0'+5%"&#% &2<$1)0"#%@$*@#$"-%*!%"&#%B*+"$*)%'+%"&#%51"1%"#4@)1"#,%/&'B&%'(%











0<!%E&"A'.+ *29%6!0<#2%,!0+,$"%/$%<-J'2+%/,,/8%/$2%0/7!"%/%=/)'%/,,/8%/"%#$!%#D%0<!%;/,/6H



Public Class myMultiConverter

Implements IMultiValueConverter

Public Function Convert(ByVal values As Object(), ByVal targetType As _

System.Type, ByVal parameter As Object, ByVal culture As _

System.Globalization.CultureInfo) As Object Implements _


Throw New NotImplementedException()

End Function


■ W#(B$'0#%"&#%;#+#$1)%@$*B#((%!*$%.('+;%1%B*+O#$"#$%"*%1@@)-%B*+5'"'*+1)%!*$K


J46KL' M-KL'"0.N-5

■ >'$(",%-*.%4.("%'4@)#4#+"%1%B*+O#$"#$%"&1"%@#$!*$4(%"&#%1@@$*@$'1"#%B*+O#$K



%&'*5!7*%O1).#%'+"*%1%()-)1%O1).#%01(#5%*+%"&#%O1).#%*!%"&#%()-)1 %&'*5!7*%@$*@K

#$"-L% !"#$%"&#%B*+O#$"#$%&1(%0##+%'4@)#4#+"#5,%-*.%(&*.)5%0'+5%"&#%1@@$*K


1%$#!#$#+B#%"*%"&#%B*+O#$"#$%'+%"&#% !"#!"$%*0E#B"L%V+%"&'(%#J14@)#,%-*.%/*.)5%

0'+5%"&#% &2<$1)0"#%@$*@#$"-%*!%"&#%B*+"$*)%'+%"&#%51"1%"#4@)1"#,%/&'B&%'(% &2<$1)0"#



% !""#$%\'%(#$E!,0-$*%./0/% !"#$%&'(' ))C

Public Function ConvertBack(ByVal value As Object, ByVal targetTypes() _

As System.Type, ByVal parameter As Object, ByVal culture As _

System.Globalization.CultureInfo) As Object() Implements _


Throw New NotImplementedException()

End Function

End Class


public class myMultiConverter : IMultiValueConverter


public object Convert(object[] values, Type targetType, object

parameter, System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture)


throw new NotImplementedException();


public object[] ConvertBack(object value, Type[] targetTypes, object

parameter, System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture)


throw new NotImplementedException();



!"#$%&&%'()*#"+,-.&"#/"-%)012,1"0#!%'#1%#(-.&"-")1# !"#$%&'#"()*+,(-$(-.# !(0#"+,-3

.&"#1,4"0#,)# +$(/(-#%56"71#,)/#,#0(1%2'##%56"71#1!,1#2".2"0")1#8)(10#%2/"2"/#,)/#8)(1#.2(7"9#



Public Class TotalCostConverter

Implements IMultiValueConverter

Public Function Convert(ByVal values() As Object, ByVal targetType As _

System.Type, ByVal parameter As Object, ByVal culture As _

System.Globalization.CultureInfo) As Object Implements _


Dim UnitsOrdered As Integer = CType(values(0), Integer)

Dim UnitCost As Decimal = CType(values(1), Decimal)

Dim TotalCost As Decimal = UnitsOrdered * UnitCost

Return TotalCost.ToString("C")

End Function

Public Function ConvertBack(ByVal value As Object, ByVal targetTypes() _

As System.Type, ByVal parameter As Object, ByVal culture As _

System.Globalization.CultureInfo) As Object() Implements _


Throw New NotImplementedException()

End Function

End Class


public class TotalCostConverter : IMultiValueConverter


public object Convert(object[] values, Type targetType, object

!"# $%&'()* + =%24()*#'(1!#>,1,#?()/()*

parameter, System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture)


int UnitsOrdered = (int)values[0];

decimal UnitCost = (decimal)values[1];

decimal TotalCost = UnitsOrdered * UnitCost;

return TotalCost.ToString("C");


public object[] ConvertBack(object value, Type[] targetTypes, object

parameter, System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture)


throw new NotImplementedException();





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<MultiBinding Converter="{StaticResource myTotalCostConverter}">

<Binding Path=UnitsOrdered />

<Binding Path=UnitCost />




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'('"$&)' * 2.-34&!&)'35%67%6&7'&8##$9& 76-34&:'6"!77-34

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<ValueConversion(GetType(Decimal), GetType(String))> _

Public Class CurrencyConverter

Implements IValueConverter

Public Function Convert(ByVal value As Object, ByVal targetType As _

System.Type, ByVal parameter As Object, ByVal culture As _

System.Globalization.CultureInfo) As Object Implements _


Dim aDec As Decimal

aDec = CDec(value)

Return aDec.ToString("C")

End Function

Public Function ConvertBack(ByVal value As Object, ByVal targetType As _

System.Type, ByVal parameter As Object, ByVal culture As _

System.Globalization.CultureInfo) As Object Implements _


Throw (New NotImplementedException)

End Function

End Class


[ValueConversion(typeof(Decimal), typeof(String))]

public class CurrencyConverter : IValueConverter


public object Convert(object value, Type targetType, object parameter,

System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture)


decimal aDec;

aDec = (decimal)value;

return aDec.ToString("C");


public object ConvertBack(object value, Type targetType, object

parameter, System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture)


throw new NotImplementedException();



-+# C)#1!"#C'2(8B'1(8#0"71(%)#%$#LMNJ#:("'9#,//#1!"#$%&&%'()*#&()"#1%#(-.%21#1!"#&%3



xmlns:local="clr-namespace:<local namespace name>”

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.+# Q801#5"$%2"#1!"#A-%4#/"7&,2,1(%)#()#LMNJ#:("'9#,//#1!"#$%&&%'()*#9%+4*:8.;(8*"-1(8#



<local:CurrencyConverter x:Key="myCurrencyConverter" />


/+# F2%-#1!"#?8(&/#-")89#7!%%0"#?8(&/#R%&81(%)@

0+# C)#1!"#LMNJ#:("'9#()#0'$'7(2B#'$(#$%2##%8$3*=EF#7!,)*"#1!"#&,01#5'6(##/"7&,2,1(%)#1%#


<Label Background="Red" Content="{Binding Path=ExtendedPrice,

Converter={StaticResource myCurrencyConverter}}" Width="60" />

1+# E2"00#FG#1%#58(&/#,)/#28)#;%82#,..&(7,1(%)@#H%1"#1!,1#1!"#A"&/#2".2"0")1()*#1%1,&#.2(7"#


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<ValueConversion(GetType(DateTime), GetType(Brush))> _

Public Class YearConverter

Implements IValueConverter

Public Function Convert(ByVal value As Object, ByVal targetType As _

System.Type, ByVal parameter As Object, ByVal culture As _

System.Globalization.CultureInfo) As Object Implements _


Dim aDate As DateTime

aDate = CDate(value)

Select Case aDate.Year.ToString

Case "1994"

Return New SolidColorBrush(Colors.Purple)

Case "1995"

Return New SolidColorBrush(Colors.Green)

Case "1996"

Return New SolidColorBrush(Colors.Red)

Case Else

Return New SolidColorBrush(Colors.Yellow)

End Select

End Function

Public Function ConvertBack(ByVal value As Object, ByVal targetType As _

System.Type, ByVal parameter As Object, ByVal culture As _

System.Globalization.CultureInfo) As Object Implements _


Throw New NotImplementedException

End Function

End Class


[ValueConversion(typeof(DateTime), typeof(Brush))]

# J"00%)#K<#I%):"21()*#>,1,# $%&'()* + !"!

public class YearConverter : IValueConverter


public object Convert(object value, Type targetType, object parameter,

System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture)


DateTime aDate;

aDate = (DateTime)value;

switch (aDate.Year.ToString())


case "1994":

return new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Purple);

case "1995":

return new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Green);

case "1996":

return new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Red);


return new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Yellow);



public object ConvertBack(object value, Type targetType, object

parameter, System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture)


throw new NotImplementedException();



,+# C)#LMNJ#:("'9#,//#1!"#$%&&%'()*#&()"#1%#1!"#9%+4*:8.;(8*"-1(8#0"71(%)<

<local:YearConverter x:Key="myYearConverter" />

-+# C)#1!"#LMNJ#/"7&,2,1(%)#$%2##%8$3*=G9#/"&"1"#1!"#$%&&%'()*<





<Label Content="{Binding OrderDate}" Background="{Binding

Path=OrderDate, Converter={StaticResource myYearConverter}}" />



.+# E2"00#FG#1%#58(&/#,)/#28)#;%82#,..&(7,1(%)@#H%1"#1!,1#1!"#%2/"2#/,1"0#)%'#,2"#7%&%2#


;%..'3& /""!69■# &'#"()*+,(-$(-#(0#1!"#()1"2$,7"#;%8#-801#(-.&"-")1#()#;%82#7%):"21"20@#B%8#7,)#80"#



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■# &'#"()*+,(-$(-#7%)1,()0#1'%#-"-5"20#;%8#-801#(-.&"-")1<#)*+,(-$#,)/#

)*+,(-$3'1H@# !"#)*+,(-$#-"1!%/#,77".10#,#:,&8"#,)/#7%):"210#(1#1%#1!"#2"182)#:,&8"@#



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■# %#5()/#1%#,#-8&1(3:,&8"#7%):"21"29#;%8#-801#80"#1!"#!"#$%3%+4%+/#7&,009#'!(7!#7%)1,()0#




UI%):"21()*#>,1,@V# !"#T8"01(%)0#,2"#,&0%#,:,(&,5&"#%)#1!"#7%-.,)(%)#I>#($#;%8#.2"$"2#1%#


!"# &@2A)*2



*+# B%8#!,:"#(-.&"-")1"/#,#7%):"21"2#7,&&"/#0'$(3-"8I)*+,(-$(-#1!,1#2"182)0#,#/($$"2")1#







<Label Content="{Binding Path=Date}" Background="{Binding Path=Date,

Converter={StaticResource myConverter}} />


<Label Content="{Binding Path=Date}" Background="{Binding Path=Date}" />


<Label Content="{Binding Path=Date}" Background="{Binding Path=Date}" >


<local:DateBrushConverter x:Key="myConverter" />




<Label Content="{Binding Path=Date}" Background="{Binding Path=Date,

Converter=myConverter} />

!"# &@2A)*2



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,+# B%8#!,:"#(-.&"-")1"/#,#-8&1(3:,&8"#7%):"21"2#),-"/#JI'B()*+,(-$(-#1!,1#1,4"0#,#







<Label Content={Binding Source=ShapeName Path=ShapeSize,

Converter={StaticResource myConverter}}">


<Label Content={Binding Path=ShapeName/ShapeSize,

Converter={StaticResource myConverter}}">




<MultiBinding Converter="{StaticResource myConverter}">

<Binding Path=ShapeName />

<Binding Path=ShapeSize />







<MultiBinding Converter="{StaticResource myConverter}">

<Binding Path=ShapeSize />

<Binding Path=ShapeName />




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<Binding Path="CandyBars">


<local:CandyBarValidationRule />

<local:SweetTreatsValidationRule />






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■ I2",1"#7801%-#:,&(/,1(%)#28&"0@

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■# !"#"&"-")1#'(1!#1!"#:,&(/,1(%)#"22%2#(0#%81&()"/#()#2"/@

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<Binding Path="CandyBars">


<ExceptionValidationRule />






-"1!%/@# !"#&'#%4'$(#-"1!%/#2"7"(:"0#,)#%56"71#.,2,-"1"29#'!(7!#2".2"0")10#1!"#:,&8"#5"3

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:(/"#,#/"072(.1(:"#"22%2#7%)/(1(%)@#C$#,#&'#%4'$%*+;(8"#$#%56"71#'(1!#,)# 8&'#%4#:,&8"#%$#7-"(#(0#


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!"K $%&'()* + =%24()*#'(1!#>,1,#?()/()*




Public Class NoNullStringsValidator

Inherits ValidationRule

Public Overrides Function Validate(ByVal value As Object, ByVal _

cultureInfo As System.Globalization.CultureInfo) As _


Dim astring As String = value.ToString

If astring = "" Then

Return New ValidationResult(False, "String cannot be empty")


Return New ValidationResult(True, Nothing)

End If

End Function

End Class


public class NoNullStringsValidator : ValidationRule


public override ValidationResult Validate(object value,

System.Globalization.CultureInfo cultureinfo)


string aString = value.ToString();

if (aString == "")

return new ValidationResult(false, "String cannot be empty");

return new ValidationResult(true, null);













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(&M;) +N+ C-.%21,)1#E2%."21("0#%$#&'#%4'$%*+N--*-N,(+$Q-/8

'*O')*(P E)2$*Q'(QO@

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(&M;) +NJ C-.%21,)1#E2%."21("0#%$#1!"#N--*-#D56"71

'*O')*(P E)2$*Q'(QO@

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N--*-)*+$(+1 I%)1,()0#1!"#012()*#0"1#5;#1!"#&'#%4'$%*+;"#(#%56"71#1!,1#


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;"#( +N--*2 I%)1,()0#,#2"$"2")7"#1%#1!"#&'#%4'$%*+;"#(#"+7".1(%)#1!,1#




<Binding NotifyOnValidationError="True" Mode="TwoWay"

Source="{StaticResource StringCollection}" Path="name">







2%2@# !"#&'#%4'$%*+.N--*-#":")1#(0#,#5855&()*#":")1@#C1#(0#2,(0"/#A201#()#1!"#"&"-")1#'!"2"#1!"#

:,&(/,1(%)#"22%2#%77820#,)/#1!")#()#",7!#!(*!"23&":"&#"&"-")1#()#1!"#:(08,&#12""@# !809#;%8#7,)#



<TextBox Validation.Error="TextBox1_Error" Height="21" Width="100"

Name="TextBox1" >

!B# $%&'()* + =%24()*#'(1!#>,1,#?()/()*



<Grid Validation.Error="Grid_Error">


,)#%&/#:,&(/,1(%)#"22%2#(0#7&",2"/@# !809#(1#(0#(-.%21,)1#1%#7!"74#1!"#(.Q1$%*+#.2%."21;#1%#/"3

1"2-()"#'!"1!"2#1!"#"22%2#(0#5"()*#7&",2"/#%2#(0#,#)"'#"22%2@# !"#$%&&%'()*#"+,-.&"#/"-%)3




Private Sub Grid_Error(ByVal _

sender As System.Object, ByVal e As _


If e.Action = ValidationErrorEventAction.Added Then



Trace.WriteLine("Validation error cleared")

End If

End Sub


private void Grid_Error(object sender, ValidationErrorEventArgs e)


if (e.Action == ValidationErrorEventAction.Added)



System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine("Validation error cleared");














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7801%-#/,1,#%56"7109#;%8#7,)#(-.&"-")1#1!"# C*$%L<M-*B(-$<)I'+/(4#()1"2$,7"9#'!(7!#.2%3




!"# C*$%L<M-*B(-$<)I'+/(4#()1"2$,7"#!,0#%)"#-"-5"2<#1!"#M-*B(-$<)I'+/(4#":")1@# !(0#


(0#7!,)*()*@#=!")#;%8#(-.&"-")1# C*$%L<M-*B(-$<)I'+/(49#2,(0"#1!"#M-*B(-$<)I'+/(4#":")1#


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(/")1(A"20@# !"#$%&&%'()*#"+,-.&"#0!%'0#,#0(-.&"#7&,00#'(1!#%)"#.2%."21;#1!,1#(-.&"-")10#

# C*$%L<M-*B(-$<)I'+/(4<#


Public Class LastName

Implements System.ComponentModel.INotifyPropertyChanged

Public Event PropertyChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As _

System.ComponentModel.PropertyChangedEventArgs) Implements _


Dim mLastName As String

Public Property Name()


Return mLastName

End Get

Set (ByVal value)

mLastName = value

RaiseEvent PropertyChanged(Me, _

New System.ComponentModel.PropertyChangedEventArgs("LastName"))

End Set

End Property

End Class


public class LastName : System.ComponentModel.INotifyPropertyChanged


public event System.ComponentModel.PropertyChangedEventHandler


string mLastName;

public string Name




return mLastName;




mLastName = value;


!B? $%&'()* + =%24()*#'(1!#>,1,#?()/()*

new System.ComponentModel.PropertyChangedEventArgs("LastName"));







2"-%:"/@#Q801#$%2#1!(0#.82.%0"9#@H\ #F2,-"'%24#]@G#.2%:(/"0#1!"#@68(-,'6#()*##(1$%*+#7&,00@







Dim LastNames As New _

System.Collections.ObjectModel.ObservableCollection(Of LastName)


System.Collections.ObjectModel.ObservableCollection<LastName> LastNames =

new System.Collections.ObjectModel.ObservableCollection<LastName>();



#@68(-,'6#()*##(1$%*+#(-.&"-")10# C*$%L<)*##(1$%*+)I'+/(4FD1!"#7%&&"71(%)35,0"/#:"20(%)#%$#


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Public Class LastNames

Inherits System.Collections.ObjectModel.ObservableCollection(Of _


Public Sub New()

' Initialization code omitted

End Sub

End Class


public class LastNames :



public LastNames()


// Initialization code omitted

# J"00%)#]<#^,&(/,1()*#>,1,#,)/#I%)A*82()*#I!,)*"#H%1(A7,1(%)# $%&'()* + !B!



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*+# C)#^(08,&#R18/(%9#72",1"#,#)"'#=EF#,..&(7,1(%)@

,+# C)#7%/"#:("'9#,//#1!"#$%&&%'()*#7&,009#'!(7!#(-.&"-")10# C*$%L<M-*B(-$<)I'+/(4<#


Public Class Name

Implements System.ComponentModel.INotifyPropertyChanged

Public Event PropertyChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As _

System.ComponentModel.PropertyChangedEventArgs) Implements _


Public Sub New(ByVal fName As String, ByVal lName As String)

mFirstName = fName

mLastName = lName

End Sub

Private mFirstName As String

Private mLastName As String

Public Property FirstName()


Return mFirstName

End Get

Set (ByVal value)

mFirstName = value

RaiseEvent PropertyChanged(Me, _

New System.ComponentModel.PropertyChangedEventArgs("FirstName"))

End Set

End Property

Public Property LastName()


Return mLastName

End Get

Set (ByVal value)

mLastName = value

RaiseEvent PropertyChanged(Me, _

New System.ComponentModel.PropertyChangedEventArgs("LastName"))

End Set

End Property

End Class

!B" $%&'()* + =%24()*#'(1!#>,1,#?()/()*


public class Name : System.ComponentModel.INotifyPropertyChanged


public event System.ComponentModel.PropertyChangedEventHandler


public Name(string fName, string lName)



mLastName = lName;


string mFirstName;

string mLastName;

public string FirstName




return mFirstName;




mFirstName = value;


new System.ComponentModel.PropertyChangedEventArgs("FirstName"));



public string LastName




return mLastName;




mLastName = value;


new System.ComponentModel.PropertyChangedEventArgs("LastName"));




-+# ?")",1!#1!(0#7&,009#,//#1!"#$%&&%'()*#7&,00#1%#72",1"#,#7%&&"71(%)#%$#C'2(#%56"710#1!,1#



Public Class Names

Inherits System.Collections.ObjectModel.ObservableCollection(Of Name)

Public Sub New()

Dim aName As New Name("FirstName " & (Me.Count+1).ToString(), _

"LastName " & (Me.Count+1).ToString())


End Sub

End Class

# J"00%)#]<#^,&(/,1()*#>,1,#,)/#I%)A*82()*#I!,)*"#H%1(A7,1(%)# $%&'()* + !BB


public class Names :



public Names()


Name aName = new Name("FirstName " + (this.Count+1).ToString(),

"LastName " + (this.Count+1).ToString());




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<local:Names x:Key="myNames"></local:Names>


0+# `".&,7"#1!"#A-%4#/"7&,2,1(%)#'(1!#1!"#$%&&%'()*<


<TextBox Height="21" Margin="12,62,0,0" Name="TextBox1"

VerticalAlignment="Top" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Width="120" >


<Binding Source="{StaticResource myNames}" Path="FirstName"







<TextBox Height="21" HorizontalAlignment="Right" Margin="0,62,12,0"

Name="TextBox2" VerticalAlignment="Top" Width="120" >


<Binding Source="{StaticResource myNames}" Path="LastName"







<Button HorizontalAlignment="Left" Margin="35,122,0,116"

Name="Button1" Width="75">Back</Button>

<Button HorizontalAlignment="Right" Margin="0,122,34,117"

Name="Button2" Width="75">Forward</Button>

!B+ $%&'()* + =%24()*#'(1!#>,1,#?()/()*

<Button Height="22" Margin="101,0,101,56" Name="Button3"



1+# C)#7%/"#:("'9#,//#1!"#$%&&%'()*#7%/"#1%#72",1"#1'%#7&,003&":"&#:,2(,5&"0#,)/#1%#,//#X%2#



Dim aView As System.ComponentModel.ICollectionView

Dim myNames As Names

Public Sub New()

' This call is required by the Windows Form Designer.


' Add any initialization after the InitializeComponent() call.

myNames = CType(Me.Resources("myNames"), Names)

aView = CollectionViewSource.GetDefaultView(myNames)

End Sub


Names myNames;

System.ComponentModel.ICollectionView aView;

public MainWindow1()




aView = CollectionViewSource.GetDefaultView(myNames);


4+# C)#1!"#/"0(*)"29#/%85&"37&(74#3"$$*+R#1%#%.")#1!"#/"$,8&1#)#%1H#":")1#!,)/&"2@#M//#1!"#



If Not aView.CurrentPosition = 0 Then


End If


if (!(aView.CurrentPosition == 0))


5+# C)#1!"#/"0(*)"29#/%85&"37&(74#3"$$*+G#1%#%.")#1!"#/"$,8&1#)#%1H#":")1#!,)/&"2@#M//#1!"#



If Not aView.CurrentPosition = myNames.Count - 1 Then


End If


if (!(aView.CurrentPosition == myNames.Count - 1))


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*6+# C)#1!"#/"0(*)"29#/%85&"37&(74#3"$$*+E#1%#%.")#1!"#/"$,8&1#)#%1H#":")1#!,)/&"2@#M//#1!"#



Dim aName As New Name("", "")




Name aName = new Name("", "");



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'('"$&)' , M"#$%"%37-34& -"#$%&,!$-+!7-'3

*+# C)#7%/"#:("'9#,//#1!"#$%&&%'()*#7&,00#1%#."2$%2-#:,&(/,1(%)<


Public Class StringValidator

Inherits ValidationRule

Public Overrides Function Validate(ByVal value As Object, ByVal _

cultureInfo As System.Globalization.CultureInfo) As _


Dim astring As String = value.ToString

If astring = "" Then

Return New ValidationResult(False, "String cannot be empty")


Return New ValidationResult(True, Nothing)

End If

End Function

End Class


public class StringValidator : ValidationRule


public override ValidationResult Validate(object value,

System.Globalization.CultureInfo cultureinfo)


string aString = value.ToString();

if (aString == "")

return new ValidationResult(false, "String cannot be empty");

return new ValidationResult(true, null);



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If e.Action = ValidationErrorEventAction.Added Then


End If


if (e.Action == ValidationErrorEventAction.Added)


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<ListBox Width="200" ItemsSource="{Binding Source={StaticResource myList}}"

DisplayMemberPath="FirstName" />

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54)3 (@' ?*4%)1#+C'1# /4)/'4(6G


' Code to initialize and fill myCustomers has been omitted

grid1.DataContext = myCustomers;





=14>)#%*!%I J:%<*5#

<!-- XAML -->

<Grid Name="grid1">

<ListBox ItemsSource="{Binding}" DisplayMemberPath="CustomerName"

Margin="92,109,66,53" Name="ListBox1" />


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(@' *+"#+"91

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)*?'$( () (@' B.+4%C'1# /4)/'4(6 )5 (@' +('3& $)"(!+"'# +" (@' #!(! &)D4$' )*?'$(G


' Code to initialize and fill myCustomers omitted

grid1.DataContext = myCustomers;


Code to initialize and fill myCustomers omitted

grid1.DataContext = myCustomers;

=14>)#%*!%I J:%<*5#

<!-- XAML -->

<Grid Name="grid1">

<Label Content="{Binding Path=FirstName}" Height="23"




Y@'" +"#+8+#D!% /4)/'4(+'&E &D$@ !& (@' ?)<%#<% /4)/'4(6 )5 3'!#2E !4' *)D"# () ! $)%%'$K

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)"' 4'$)4# !( ! (+3' !"# @!8' +"#+8+#D!% $)"(4)%& #+&/%!6 '!$@ #!(! $)%D3"1 2'$!D&' )"%6 )"'

4'$)4# +& #+&/%!6'# !( ! (+3'E +( *'$)3'& "'$'&&!46 () @!8' ! 3'$@!"+&3 (@!( '"!*%'& (@' D&'4

() "!8+9!(' (@4)D9@ (@' 4'$)4#&1

YPB @!& ! *D+%(K+" "!8+9!(+)" 3'$@!"+&3 5)4 #!(! !"# $)%%'$(+)"&1 Y@'" ! $)%%'$(+)"

+& *)D"# () ! YPB *+"#+"9E !" ;?)22#$%.)<F.#G +"('45!$' +& $4'!('# *'@+"# (@' &$'"'&1 >@'

;?)22#$%.)<F.#G +"('45!$' $)"(!+"& 3'3*'4& (@!( 3!"!9' #!(! $D44'"$6 !& F'%% !& 8+'F&E

94)D/+"9E !"# &)4(+"9E !%% )5 F@+$@ !4' #+&$D&&'# +" .'&&)" V )5 (@+& $@!/('41 >!*%' MKV #'K

&$4+*'& 3'3*'4& +"8)%8'# +" "!8+9!(+)"1

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7$7"$* -$./*0) 0+1

?*++#<%;%#1 >@+& /4)/'4(6 4'(D4"& (@' $D44'"( +('31

?*++#<%,)4.%.)< >@+& /4)/'4(6 4'(D4"& (@' "D3'4+$ /)&+(+)" )5 (@' $D44'"(


;4?*++#<%HI%#+3'4% >@+& /4)/'4(6 +"#+$!('& F@'(@'4 (@' $D44'"( +('3 +& !5('4 (@'

%!&( +('3 +" (@' $)%%'$(+)"1

%2&6 /4!) $*%& Q)"T9D4+"9 ;!(! 2+"#+"9

;4?*++#<%5#I)+#B.+4% >@+& /4)/'4(6 +"#+$!('& F@'(@'4 (@' $D44'"( +('3 +& *'5)4'

(@' T4&( +('3 +" (@' $)%%'$(+)"1

9)-#?*++#<%A) >@+& 3'(@)# &'(& (@' $D44'"( +('3 () (@' +"#+$!('# +('31

9)-#?*++#<%A)B.+4% >@+& 3'(@)# &'(& (@' $D44'"( +('3 () (@' T4&( +('3 +" (@'


9)-#?*++#<%A)3'4% >@+& 3'(@)# &'(& (@' $D44'"( +('3 () (@' %!&( +('3 +" (@'


9)-#?*++#<%A)C#6% >@+& 3'(@)# &'(& (@' $D44'"( +('3 () (@' "'R( +('3 +" (@'


9)-#?*++#<%A),)4.%.)< >@+& 3'(@)# &'(& (@' $D44'"( +('3 () (@' +('3 !( (@' #'&+9K

"!('# /)&+(+)"1

9)-#?*++#<%A),+#-.)*4 >@+& 3'(@)# &'(& (@' $D44'"( +('3 () (@' /4'8+)D& +('31

U)D $!" 9'( ! 4'5'4'"$' () ;?)22#$%.)<F.#G *6 $!%%+"9 (@'

?)22#$%.)<F.#G()*+$#DJK#%&#I'*2%F.#G 3'(@)#E !& &@)F" @'4'G


' This example assumes a collection named myCollection

Dim myView As System.ComponentModel.ICollectionView

myView = CollectionViewSource.GetDefaultView (myCollection)


// This example assumes a collection named myCollection

System.ComponentModel.ICollectionView myView;

myView = CollectionViewSource.GetDefaultView (myCollection);

Y@'" $!%%+"9 (@+& 3'(@)#E 6)D 3D&( &/'$+56 (@' $)%%'$(+)" )4 %+&( 5)4 F@+$@ () 4'(4+'8' (@'

8+'F HF@+$@ +& 18?)22#$%.)< +" (@' /4'8+)D& 'R!3/%'I1 ?)22#$%.)<F.#G()*+$#DK#%L&#I'*2%F.#G

4'(D4"& !" ;?)22#$%.)<F.#G )*?'$( (@!( +& !$(D!%%6 )"' )5 (@4'' $%!&&'&E #'/'"#+"9 )" (@' $%!&&

)5 (@' &)D4$' $)%%'$(+)"1

L5 (@' &)D4$' $)%%'$(+)" +3/%'3'"(& ;5.</.<@3.4%E (@' 8+'F 4'(D4"'# +& !

5.</.<@3.4%LJ?)22#$%.)<F.#G )*?'$(1 L5 (@' &)D4$' $)%%'$(+)" +3/%'3'"(& ;3.4% *D( ")(

;5.</.<@3.4%E (@' 8+'F 4'(D4"'# +& ! 3.4%?)22#$%.)<F.#G )*?'$(1 L5 (@' &)D4$' $)%%'$(+)" +3/%'K

3'"(& ;M<*1#+'!2# *D( ")( ;3.4% )4 ;5.</.<@3.4%E (@' 8+'F 4'(D4"'# +& ! ?)22#$%.)<F.#G )*?'$(1

B)4 "!8+9!(+)"!% /D4/)&'&E F)4S+"9 F+(@ (@' ;?)22#$%.)<F.#G &@)D%# *' &D5T$+'"(1 L5 6)D

"''# () !$$'&& 3'3*'4& )5 (@' )(@'4 $%!&&'&E 6)D 3D&( $!&( (@' ;?)22#$%.)<F.#G )*?'$( () (@'

$)44'$( $%!&&1

Y@'" !" +('3 $)"(4)% )4 $)"('"( $)"(4)% +& *)D"# () ! #!(! &)D4$'E (@' #'5!D%( $)%%'$(+)"

8+'F @!"#%'& $D44'"$6 !"# "!8+9!(+)" *6 #'5!D%(1 >@' $D44'"( +('3 +" (@' 8+'F +& 4'(D4"'# *6

(@' ?*++#<%;%#1 /4)/'4(61 >@+& +& (@' +('3 $D44'"(%6 #+&/%!6'# +" !%% $)"('"( $)"(4)%& *)D"#

.'&&)" NG 2+"#+"9 () ;!(! Z)D4$'& /4!) $*%&% 2&2

() (@+& 8+'F1 7!8+9!(+)" *!$SF!4# !"# 5)4F!4# (@4)D9@ (@' %+&( +& !$$)3/%+&@'# D&+"9 (@'

9)-#?*++#<%A)C#6% !"# 9)-#?*++#<%A),+#-.)*4 3'(@)#&E !& &@)F" @'4'G


Dim myView As System.ComponentModel.ICollectionView

myView = CollectionViewSource.GetDefaultView (myCollection)

' Sets the CurrentItem to the next item in the list


' Sets the CurrentItem to the previous item in the list



System.ComponentModel.ICollectionView myView;

myView = CollectionViewSource.GetDefaultView (myCollection);

// Sets the CurrentItem to the next item in the list


// Sets the CurrentItem to the previous item in the list


2'$!D&' +('3 $)"(4)%& (6/+$!%%6 !4' *)D"# () !%% (@' +('3& +" ! %+&(E "!8+9!(+)" (@4)D9@ (@'

%+&( +& ")( D&D!%%6 '&&'"(+!%1 [)F'8'4E 6)D $!" D&' !" +('3 $)"(4)% () '"!*%' (@' D&'4 () "!8+K

9!(' 4'$)4#& *6 &'((+"9 ;4(8<$:+)<.=#/>.%:?*++#<%;%#1 () A+*#E !& &@)F" +" *)%# @'4'G

<ListBox ItemsSource="{Binding}" DisplayMemberPath="City"

Margin="92,109,66,53" Name="ListBox1"

IsSynchronizedWithCurrentItem="True" />

Y@'" (@' ;4(8<$:+)<.=#/>.%:?*++#<%;%#1 /4)/'4(6 +& &'( () A+*#E (@' (#2#$%#/;%#1 /4)/K

'4(6 )5 (@' +('3 $)"(4)% !%F!6& +& &6"$@4)"+0'# F+(@ (@' ?*++#<%;%#1 /4)/'4(6 )5 (@' 8+'F1

>@D&E +5 (@' D&'4 &'%'$(& !" +('3 +" !" +('3 $)"(4)%E (@' ?*++#<%;%#1 /4)/'4(6 )5 (@' 8+'F +& &'(

() (@!( +('31 >@+& $@!"9' (@'" +& 4'\'$('# +" !%% )(@'4 $)"(4)%& *)D"# () (@' &!3' #!(! &)D4$'1

>@+& $)"$'/( +& +%%D&(4!('# +" (@' %!* 5)4 (@+& %'&&)"1

8'+5'+9%"*% ENDL3O%N0P#@"(2+"#+"9 () :;<17=> )*?'$(& +& *!&+$!%%6 (@' &!3' !& *+"#+"9 () !"6 )(@'4 $)%%'$(+)" )4 %+&(1

2'$!D&' :;<17=> )*?'$(& D&D!%%6 !4' +"+(+!%+0'# +" $)#'E (@' 9'"'4!% /!(('4" +& () +"+(+!%+0' (@'

:;<17=> )*?'$(& +" $)#' !"# &'( (@' #!(! $)"('R( 5)4 (@' D&'4 +"('45!$'1 2+"#+"9& +" ,:-.

&@)D%# /)+"( () (@' !//4)/4+!(' :;<17=> )*?'$(1

=#""'+9% !"!#$%"&'"%"*%1+% ENDL3O% !"!(!)*&%N0P#@"

Y@'" &'((+"9 &'%'?)<%#6% () !" :;<17=> &'%'A'!2# )*?'$( (@!( $)"(!+"& (@' #!(! ()

F@+$@ 6)D F!"( () *+"#E &'( (@' ;%#14()*+$# /4)/'4(6 )5 !"6 +('3 $)"(4)%& 6)D !4' *+"#K

+"9 () (@!( (!*%' () !" '3/(6 5.</.<@ )*?'$( !"# &/'$+56 (@' $)%D3" () *' #+&/%!6'# +" (@'

&.472'89#1!#+,'%: /4)/'4(61 B)4 $)"('"( $)"(4)%& )4 )(@'4 &+"9%' /4)/'4(+'&E 6)D &@)D%#

&'( (@' !//4)/4+!(' /4)/'4(6 () ! 5.</.<@ )*?'$( (@!( &/'$+T'& (@' !//4)/4+!(' $)%D3" +" (@'

,'%: /4)/'4(61 >@' 5)%%)F+"9 'R!3/%' #'3)"&(4!('& (@' $)#' () +"+(+!%+0' !" :;<17=> #!(!

%2&8 /4!) $*%& Q)"T9D4+"9 ;!(! 2+"#+"9

&'( !"# &'( (@' &'%'?)<%#6%E !"# (@' ,:-. () *+"# ! 3.4%5)6 $)"(4)% !"# ! 3'!#2 $)"(4)% ()

(@!( #!(!&'(G


Public Class Window1

Dim aset As NwindDataSet = New NwindDataSet()

Dim custAdap As _

NwindDataSetTableAdapters.CustomersTableAdapter = _

New NwindDataSetTableAdapters.CustomersTableAdapter()

Dim ordAdap As NwindDataSetTableAdapters.OrdersTableAdapter _

= New NwindDataSetTableAdapters.OrdersTableAdapter()

Public Sub New()




Grid1.DataContext = aset.Customers

End Sub


public partial class Window1 : Window


NwindDataSet aset = new NwindDataSet();

NwindDataSetTableAdapters.CustomersTableAdapter custAdap =

new NwindDataSetTableAdapters.CustomersTableAdapter();

NwindDataSetTableAdapters.OrdersTableAdapter ordAdap =

new NwindDataSetTableAdapters.OrdersTableAdapter();

public Window1()





Grid1.DataContext = aset.Customers;



=14>)#%*!%I J:%<*5#

<!-- XAML -->

<Grid Name="Grid1">

<ListBox ItemsSource="{Binding}" DisplayMemberPath="ContactName"

Name="listBox1" Width="100" Height="100" VerticalAlignment="Top" />

<Label Content="{Binding Path=ContactTitle}" Height="23" Width="100"

Name="label1" VerticalAlignment="Top"></Label>


=#""'+9% !"!#$%"&'"%"*%1+% ENDL3O% !"!+&"%N0P#@"

U)D $!" !%&) &'( &'%'?)<%#6% () !" :;<17=> &'%'(#% )*?'$( +"&('!# )5 () ! &'%'A'!2# )*?'$(1

2'$!D&' ! &'%'(#% )*?'$( +& ! $)%%'$(+)" )5 &'%'A'!2# )*?'$(&E 6)D 3D&( /4)8+#' (@' "!3' )5

(@' &'%'A'!2# )*?'$( !& /!4( )5 (@' ,'%: /4)/'4(61 =R!3/%'& !4' &@)F" @'4'G


' The rest of the code is identical to the previous example

.'&&)" NG 2+"#+"9 () ;!(! Z)D4$'& /4!) $*%&% 2&9

' and has been omitted.

Grid1.DataContext = aset


// The rest of the code is identical to the previous example

// and has been omitted.

Grid1.DataContext = aset;


<Grid Name="Grid1">

<ListBox ItemsSource="{Binding Path=Customers}"

DisplayMemberPath="ContactName" Name="listBox1" Width="100"

Height="100" VerticalAlignment="Top" />

<Label Content="{Binding Path=Customers/ContactTitle}" Height="23"

Width="100" Name="label1" VerticalAlignment="Top"></Label>


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6)D $!" "!8+9!(' (@' !8!+%!*%' #!(! T'%#& +" (@!( #!(! &)D4$' +" (@' ;!(! Z)D4$'& F+"#)FE

&@)F" @'4' +" B+9D4' MKN1

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(4)% +& !D()3!(+$!%%6 9'"'4!('# !%)"9 F+(@ !"6 4'CD+4'# ,:-. $)#' () $4'!(' 4'CD+4'# #!(!

4'&)D4$'&E &D$@ !& ?)22#$%.)<F.#G()*+$# )*?'$(&1 U)D $!" $@!"9' (@' (6/' )5 *)D"# $)"(4)%

(@!( +& $4'!('# *6 $%+$S+"9 (@' T'%# +" (@' ;!(! Z)D4$'& F+"#)F !"# &'%'$(+"9 (@' $)"(4)% 54)3

%2&= /4!) $*%& Q)"T9D4+"9 ;!(! 2+"#+"9

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'"!*%'& (@' D&'4 () &'%'$( )"' +('3 54)3 !" D//'4K%'8'% %+&( !"# 8+'F (@' #'(!+%& !*)D( (@'

&'%'$('# )*?'$(1 B)4 %+&(& )5 $)3/%'R )*?'$(&E (@+& +& !& &+3/%' !& &'((+"9 (@' ,'%: /4)/'4(6 )5

'!$@ #'(!+% *+"#+"9 () (@' $)44'$( /4)/'4(6 () #+&/%!6 !"# 3!S+"9 &D4' (@!( (@' D//'4K%'8'%

+('3 $)"(4)%& +" (@' D&'4 +"('45!$' @!8' (@' ;4(8<$:+)<.=#/>.%:?*++#<%;%#1 /4)/'4(6 &'(

() A+*# &) (@!( (@' &'%'$('# +('3 +& &'( () (@' $D44'"( +('3 !"# (@' #'(!+% %+&(& !4' D/#!('#

!D()3!(+$!%%61 >@' 5)%%)F+"9 'R!3/%' #'3)"&(4!('& ! &+3/%' 3!&('4K#'(!+% 8+'F1 =!$@ &.-.4.)<

)*?'$( $)"(!+"& ! %+&( )5 K+)*7 )*?'$(&E '!$@ K+)*7 )*?'$( $)"(!+"& ! %+&( )5 M172)8## )*?'$(&E

!"# !%% )*?'$(& +" (@+& 'R!3/%' @!8' ! C'1# /4)/'4(6G

<Grid DataContext="{Binding Source={StaticResource Divisions}}">



<ListBox ItemsSource="{Binding}" DisplayMemberPath="Name"

IsSynchronizedWithCurrentItem="True" />



<Label Content="{Binding Path=Name}" />

<ListBox ItemsSource="{Binding Path=Groups}" DisplayMemberPath="Name"

IsSynchronizedWithCurrentItem="True" />



<Label Content="{Binding Path=Groups/Name}" />

<ListBox DisplayMemberPath="Name"

ItemsSource="{Binding Path=Groups/Employees}" />



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Public Class Window1

Dim aset As NwindDataSet = New NwindDataSet()

Dim custAdap As _

NwindDataSetTableAdapters.CustomersTableAdapter = _

New NwindDataSetTableAdapters.CustomersTableAdapter()

Dim ordAdap As NwindDataSetTableAdapters.OrdersTableAdapter = _

New NwindDataSetTableAdapters.OrdersTableAdapter()

Public Sub New()




Grid1.DataContext = aset.Customers

End Sub


public partial class Window1 : Window


NwindDataSet aset = new NwindDataSet();

NwindDataSetTableAdapters.CustomersTableAdapter custAdap =

new NwindDataSetTableAdapters.CustomersTableAdapter();

NwindDataSetTableAdapters.OrdersTableAdapter ordAdap =

new NwindDataSetTableAdapters.OrdersTableAdapter();

public Window1()





Grid1.DataContext = aset.Customers;



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<!-- XAML -->

<Grid Name="Grid1">

<ListBox ItemsSource="{Binding}" DisplayMemberPath="ContactName"

Name="listBox1" Width="100" Height="100" VerticalAlignment="Top" />

<ListBox ItemsSource="{Binding Path=CustomersOrders}"

DisplayMemberPath="OrderID" Height="100" Width="100"

Name="listBox2" VerticalAlignment="Bottom" />


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<ValueConversion(GetType(DateTime), GetType(Brush))> _

Public Class DateBrushConverter

Implements IValueConverter

Public Function Convert(ByVal value As Object, ByVal targetType As _

System.Type, ByVal parameter As Object, ByVal culture As _

System.Globalization.CultureInfo) As Object Implements _


Dim aDate As DateTime

aDate = CType(value, DateTime)

If aDate.Month = Now.Month Then

Return New SolidColorBrush(Colors.Red)


Return New SolidColorBrush(Colors.Black)

End If

B$--#/ C0 D+/5!2*+%5/6 +/7 E5-!*+&5/6 E+%+ !"#$%&'(' )*+

End Function

Public Function ConvertBack(ByVal value As Object, ByVal targetType _

As System.Type, ByVal parameter As Object, ByVal culture As _

System.Globalization.CultureInfo) As Object Implements _


Throw New NotImplementedException()

End Function

End Class


[ValueConversion(typeof(DateTime), typeof(Brush))]

public class DateBrushConverter : IValueConverter


public object Convert(object value, Type targetType, object parameter,

System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture)


DateTime aDate = (DateTime)value;

if (aDate.Month == DateTime.Now.Month)

return new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Red);


return new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Black);


public object ConvertBack(object value, Type targetType, object

parameter, System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture)


throw new NotImplementedException();



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<Label Content="{Binding Path=OrderDate}" Foreground="{Binding

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#9$""577$/, -(#2*7 5/3#"!#"+%$ %($ *#653 "$J25"$7 %# 7$%$")5/$ %($ 3#""$3% %$)!*+%$ 4+-$7

#/ %($ 7+%+: 1($ 8#7#1*4#567)*# )$%(#7 +33$!%- %.# !+"+)$%$"-0 +/ 9:;#1*'!+"+)$%$"'%(+%'

"$!"$-$/%- %($ #4@$3% 4#2/7 4& %($ 7+%+ %$)!*+%$, +/7 + (#6#&'#&1<9:;#1* !+"+)$%$" %(+%

"$!"$-$/%- %($ 3#/%+5/$" '#" %($ 4#2/7 #4@$3%: 1($ '#**#.5/6 $<+)!*$ -(#.- + -5)!*$ 5)!*$?

)$/%+%5#/ #' ()*)4#567)*#8#7#1*!" %(+% $<+)5/$- + >$*7 5/ + 7+%+ "#. +/7 "$%2"/- + 7+%+

%$)!*+%$ 4+-$7 #/ %($ 9+*2$ #' %(+% >$*7:


Public Class DateDataTemplateSelector

Inherits DataTemplateSelector

Public Overrides Function SelectTemplate(ByVal item As Object, ByVal container As

DependencyObject) _

As DataTemplate

Dim element As FrameworkElement

element = TryCast(container, FrameworkElement)

' Tests to ensure that both the item and the container are not null, and that

' the item is of the expected data type.

If element IsNot Nothing AndAlso item IsNot Nothing AndAlso TypeOf item Is

System.Data.DataRowView Then

' Casts the item as the expected type, in this case a System.Data.


Dim dateitem As System.Data.DataRowView = CType(item, System.Data.


' Compares the value of the expected field with the current month

If CType(dateitem("RequiredDate"), Date).Month = DateTime.Now.Month Then

' Returns the PriorityTemplate in the case of a match

Return TryCast(element.FindResource("PriorityTemplate"), DataTemplate)

B$--#/ C0 D+/5!2*+%5/6 +/7 E5-!*+&5/6 E+%+ !"#$%&'(' )+-


' Returns the BasicTemplate for other cases

Return TryCast(element.FindResource("BasicTemplate"), DataTemplate)

End If

End If

Return Nothing

End Function

End Class


public class DateDataTemplateSelector : DataTemplateSelector


public override DataTemplate SelectTemplate(object item, DependencyObject container)


FrameworkElement element;

System.Data.DataRowView dateitem;

element = container as FrameworkElement;

// Tests to ensure that both the item and the container are not null, and that the

// item is of the expected data type.

if (element != null && item != null && item is System.Data.DataRowView)


// Casts the item as the expected type, in this case a System.Data.DataRowView

dateitem = (System.Data.DataRowView)item;

// Compares the value of the expected field with the current month

if (((DateTime)dateitem["RequiredDate"]).Month == DateTime.Now.Month)

// Returns the PriorityTemplate in the case of a match

return element.FindResource("PriorityTemplate") as DataTemplate;


// Returns the BasicTemplate for other cases

return element.FindResource("BasicTemplate") as DataTemplate;


return null;



F'%$" &#2 (+9$ 3"$+%$7 &#2" 5/($"5%$7 ()*)4#567)*#8#7#1*!" 3*+--, &#2 3+/ 3"$+%$ +/ 5/?

-%+/3$ #' 5% 5/ &#2" L$-#2"3$- -$3%5#/, +- -(#./ ($"$0

<Window x:Class="MainWindow"




Title="MainWindow" Height="350" Width="525" >


<my:DateDataTemplateSelector x:Key="myTemplateSelector" />


<!-- Implementation omitted -->


F'%$" &#2 (+9$ 7$>/$7 + ()*)4#567)*#8#7#1*!" "$-#2"3$, &#2 3+/ +--56/ %($ "$-#2"3$ %#

%($ =*#54#567)*#8#7#1*!" !"#!$"%& #' +/ 5%$) 3#/%"#*, +- -(#./ ($"$0

<ListBox ItemTemplateSelector="{StaticResource myTemplateSelector}" />

')+. !"#$%&'( G#/>62"5/6 E+%+ H5/75/6

S($/ +/ 5%$) 5- +77$7 %# %($ *5-% 4#< 5/ %(5- $<+)!*$, %($ 8#7#1*4#567)*# )$%(#7 #'

()*)4#567)*#8#7#1*!" 5- $<$32%$7 #/ %(+% 5%$), +/7 %($ +!!"#!"5+%$ %$)!*+%$ 5- "$%2"/$7 +/7

+!!*5$7 %# %($ 75-!*+& #' %(+% 5%$):


S($/ 75-!*+&5/6 (5$"+"3(53+* 7+%+, -23( +- 5/ + 4"##>,#- #" + ?#&% 3#/%"#*, &#2 3+/

2-$ @,#")"13,1)7()*)4#567)*# %# !"#957$ '#")+%%5/6 +/7 *+&#2% '#" 4#%( 5%$)- 5/ + *5-%

+/7 "$*+%$7 -24?5%$)-: 1($ @,#")"13,1)7()*)4#567)*# 3*+-- 5/3#"!#"+%$- +** %($ !"#!$"?

%5$- #' %($ ()*)4#567)*# 3*+-- +/7 -$"9$- +- %($ -%+/7+"7 7+%+ %$)!*+%$ '#" *5-% 5%$)-:

@,#")"13,1)7()*)4#567)*# +*-# 5/3#"!#"+%$- + /2)4$" #' !"#!$"%5$- %(+% +!!*& %# -24?5%$)-,

.(53( 1+4*$ T?U -2))+"5V$-:

$"/0%'(12' W%$)?L$*+%$7 O"#!$"%5$- #' @,#")"13,1)7()*)4#567)*#

#&3#%&$4 5%6 &7#$738

=*#52,&',&$A"!%6 X$%- #" -$%- %($ 2,&',&$A"!%6 !"#!$"%& %(+% 5- 3#!5$7 %#

$+3( 3(5*7 5%$)

=*#5B!&*),&#"8*<7# X$%- #" -$%- %($ 8*<7# !"#!$"%& %(+% 5- +!!*5$7 %# %($ 5%$)

3#/%+5/$" '#" $+3( 3(5*7 5%$)

=*#5B!&*),&#"8*<7#8#7#1*!" X$%- #" -$%- 32-%#) -%&*$?-$*$3%5#/ *#653 '#" + -%&*$ %(+%

3+/ 4$ +!!*5$7 %# $+3( 5%$) 3#/%+5/$"

=*#508!%"1# X$%- #" -$%- %($ 45/75/6 '#" %(5- 7+%+ %$)!*+%$, .(53(

5/753+%$- .($"$ %# >/7 %($ 3#**$3%5#/ %(+% "$!"$-$/%- %($

/$<% *$9$* 5/ %($ 7+%+ (5$"+"3(&

=*#58*",&$ !"5)* X$%- #" -$%- + 3#)!#-5%$ -%"5/6 %(+% -!$35>$- (#. %#

'#")+% %($ 5%$)- 5/ %($ /$<% *$9$* 5/ %($ 7+%+ (5$"+"3(& 5'

%($& +"$ 75-!*+&$7 +- -%"5/6-

=*#54#567)*# X$%- #" -$%- %($ 7+%+ %$)!*+%$ %# +!!*& %#

%($ =*#54#567)*# !"#!$"%& #/ + 6$/$"+%$7

@#)'#"#'=*#50B!&*"!7 3#/%"#* Q-23( +- ?#&%=*#5 #"

4"##>,#-=*#5R %# 5/753+%$ (#. %# 75-!*+& 5%$)- '"#) %($

/$<% *$9$* 5/ %($ 7+%+ (5$"+"3(&

=*#54#567)*#8#7#1*!" X$%- #" -$%- ()*)4#567)*#8#7#1*!" %# +!!*& %# %($

=*#54#567)*#8#7#1*!" !"#!$"%& #/ + 6$/$"+%$7

@#)'#"#'=*#50B!&*"!7 3#/%"#* Q-23( +- ?#&%=*#5 #"

4"##>,#-=*#5R %# 5/753+%$ (#. %# -$*$3% + %$)!*+%$ %#

75-!*+& 5%$)- '"#) %($ /$<% *$9$* 5/ %($ 7+%+ (5$"+"3(&

1($ =*#508!%"1# !"#!$"%& 5- + 45/75/6 %(+% !#5/%- %# %($ -24?5%$)- %# 4$ 75-!*+&$7 5/ %($

(5$"+"3(53+* 75-!*+&: 1($ =*#54#567)*# !"#!$"%& "$!"$-$/%- %($ 7+%+ %$)!*+%$ '#" %($ -24?

5%$)-: Y#")+**&, %(5- 5- + "$62*+" 7+%+ %$)!*+%$, 42% /#%$ %(+% -24?5%$)- 3+/ (+9$ -24?5%$)- #'

%($5" #./, 5/ .(53( 3+-$ &#2 3+/ -$% %(5- !"#!$"%& %# +/#%($" @,#")"13,1)7()*)4#567)*# 3*+--:

B$--#/ C0 D+/5!2*+%5/6 +/7 E5-!*+&5/6 E+%+ !"#$%&'(' )+)

W' &#2 .+/% %# $<+)5/$ %($ -24?5%$)- !"#6"+))+%53+**& +/7 !"#957$ 75''$"$/% 7+%+ %$)?

!*+%$- 4+-$7 #/ %($ 7+%+ 9+*2$-, &#2 3+/ -$% %($ =*#54#567)*#8#7#1*!" !"#!$"%& %# +/ 5/-%+/3$

#' + 3*+-- 7$"595/6 '"#) ()*)4#567)*#8#7#1*!", +- 7$-3"54$7 5/ %($ !"$95#2- -$3%5#/:

1($ '#**#.5/6 IFDB 3#7$ 7$)#/-%"+%$- +/ $<+)!*$ #' @,#")"13,1)7()*)*#567)*#: W/ %(5-

$<+)!*$, + .5/7#. 7$>/$- %.# G#**$3%5#/Z5$.L$-#2"3$ #4@$3%-, .(53( "$!"$-$/% +/ FE8:

Y[1 ()*)4):7# #4@$3% +/7 + ()*)/#7)*,!& #4@$3% %(+% 7$>/$- %($ "$*+%5#/-(5! 4$%.$$/ 5% +/7

+ "$*+%$7 %+4*$: 1($ 2-$" 5/%$"'+3$ #' %($ .5/7#. 3#/%+5/- + 4"##>,#- 3#/%"#* %(+% .5** 75-!*+&

+ *5-% #' 5%$)-, $+3( #' .(53( .5** (+9$ -24?5%$)-: @,#")"13,1)7()*)4#567)*#, 5/ %(5- $<+)!*$,

5- +!!*5$7 %# %($ 5%$)- %(+% +"$ 75-!*+&$7 5/ C,0*>,#-, +/7 %($ =*#54#567)*# !"#!$"%& #'

@,#")"13,1)7()*)>,#- "$'$"- %# %($ E+%+1$)!*+%$ 3*+-- +!!*5$7 %# -24?5%$)- 5/ C,0*>,#-:

<Window x:Class="MainWindow"




Title="MainWindow" Height="350" Width="525" >


<!-- Creates a resource that refers to a DataSet defined in code -->

<my:NwindDataSet x:Key="NwindDataSet" />

<!-- Creates a resource that refers to the Customers table of the DataSet -->

<CollectionViewSource x:Key="CustomersViewSource" Source="{Binding


Source={StaticResource NwindDataSet}}" />

<!-- Creates a resource that refers to a DataRelation defined by the Customers

table -->

<CollectionViewSource x:Key="CustomersOrdersViewSource" Source="{Binding


Source={StaticResource CustomersViewSource}}" />

<!-- The DataTemplate that is applied to sub-items in the list view -->

<DataTemplate x:Key="BasicTemplate">

<TextBlock Text="{Binding Path=RequiredDate}"/>


<!-- The HierarchicalDataTemplate that is applied to Listview items -->

<HierarchicalDataTemplate x:Key="HierarchTemplate" ItemsSource="{Binding


ItemTemplate="BasicTemplate" >

<TextBlock Foreground="Red" Text="{Binding Path=CompanyName}" />



<Grid DataContext="{StaticResource CustomersViewSource}">

<TreeView Height="248" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Margin="46,39,0,0"


VerticalAlignment="Top" Width="394" ItemsSource="{Binding}"

ItemTemplate="{StaticResource HierarchTemplate}" />



')+9 !"#$%&'( G#/>62"5/6 E+%+ H5/75/6

B$."06&'8)")S($/ !"$-$/%5/6 7+%+ 5/ %($ 2-$" 5/%$"'+3$, &#2 .+/% %# -#"% 5% 5/ 9+"5#2- .+&-: H#2/7 7+%+

3+/ 4$ -#"%$7 %("#26( %($ 7$'+2*% =B!77#1*,!&>,#- $*$)$/% '#" %($ 7+%+ *5-%: =#2 -+. !"$95#2-?

*& (#. %# #4%+5/ + "$'$"$/3$ %# %($ 7$'+2*% 3#**$3%5#/ 95$. %("#26( %($ B!77#1*,!&>,#-8!%"1#

#4@$3%, +- -(#./ +6+5/ ($"$0


Dim myView As System.ComponentModel.ICollectionView

myView = CollectionViewSource.GetDefaultView(myCollection)


System.ComponentModel.ICollectionView myView;

myView = CollectionViewSource.GetDefaultView(myCollection);

=B!77#1*,!&>,#- $<!#-$- + !"#!$"%& 3+**$7 8!"*(#01",6*,!&0, .(53( 3#/%+5/- + 3#**$3%5#/ #'

8!"*(#01",6*,!& #4@$3%-: 8!"*(#01",6*,!& #4@$3%- 7$-3"54$ %($ 3#*2)/ /+)$ %# -#"% 4& +/7 +

75"$3%5#/ %(+% -!$35>$- $5%($" +/ +-3$/75/6 #" + 7$-3$/75/6 -#"% #"7$": 1($ '#**#.5/6 $<+)!*$

7$)#/-%"+%$- -#"%5/6 4& + 3#*2)/ /+)$7 B+-%Y+)$ 5/ +-3$/75/6 #"7$"0


myView.SortDescriptions.Add(New _

System.ComponentModel.SortDescription("LastName", _






8!"*(#01",6*,!& #4@$3%- +"$ +!!*5$7 %# + 3#**$3%5#/ 5/ %($ #"7$" 5/ .(53( %($& +"$ +77$7

%# %($ 3#**$3%5#/ 95$.: 1(2-, 5' &#2 .+/%$7 %# -#"% >"-% 4& %($ B+-%Y+)$ 3#*2)/ +/7 %($/ 4&

%($ ;5"-%Y+)$ 3#*2)/, &#2 >"-% .#2*7 +77 + 8!"*(#01",6*,!& #4@$3% %(+% -!$35>$7 -#"%5/6

4& C)0*D)5# +/7 %($/ +77 + 8!"*(#01",6*,!& #4@$3% %(+% -!$35>$7 -#"%5/6 4& ,"0*D)5#, +-

-(#./ ($"$0


myView.SortDescriptions.Add(New _

System.ComponentModel.SortDescription("LastName", _


myView.SortDescriptions.Add(New _

System.ComponentModel.SortDescription("FirstName", _









B$--#/ C0 D+/5!2*+%5/6 +/7 E5-!*+&5/6 E+%+ !"#$%&'(' )+2


W' &#2 +"$ 45/75/6 %# + 3*+-- .(#-$ 7$'+2*% 95$. 5- C,0*B!77#1*,!&>,#- Q%(+% 5-, 5% 5)!*$)$/%-

=C,0* 42% /#% =2,&',&$C,0*R, -23( +- 9:0#"E):7#B!77#1*,!&, &#2 3+/ 5)!*$)$/% 32-%#) -#"%

#"7$"- 4& -$%%5/6 %($ C,0*B!77#1*,!&>,#-.B%0*!58!"* !"#!$"%&: 1($ B%0*!58!"* !"#!$"%& %+K$-

+/ #4@$3% %(+% 5)!*$)$/%- %($ =B!56)"#" 5/%$"'+3$: 1($ =B!56)"#" 5/%$"'+3$ "$J25"$- + -5/6*$

)$%(#7 3+**$7 B!56)"# %(+% %+K$- %.# +"62)$/%- +/7 "$%2"/- +/ 5/%$6$" %(+% "$!"$-$/%- %($

"$-2*% #' %($ 3#)!+"5-#/ #' %(#-$ %.# #4@$3%-: 1($ '#**#.5/6 $<+)!*$ 7$)#/-%"+%$- +/ 5)!*$?

)$/%+%5#/ #' %($ =B!56)"#" 5/%$"'+3$ %(+% %+K$- %.# F567!<## #4@$3%- +/7 -#"%- 4& %($ *$/6%(

#' %($ C)0*D)5# !"#!$"%&0


Public Class myComparer

Implements IComparer

Public Function Compare(ByVal x As Object, ByVal y As Object) As _

Integer Implements System.Collections.IComparer.Compare

Dim empX As Employee = CType(x, Employee)

Dim empY As Employee = CType(y, Employee)

Return empX.LastName.Length.CompareTo(empY.LastName.Length)

End Function

End Class


public class myComparer : System.Collections.IComparer


public int Compare(object x, object y)


Employee empX = (Employee)x;

Employee empY = (Employee)y;

return empX.LastName.Length.CompareTo(empY.LastName.Length);



1($/ &#2 3+/ 3"$+%$ +/ 5/-%+/3$ #' %(5- 3*+-- %# -$% %# %($ B%0*!58!"* !"#!$"%& #' &#2"

=B!77#1*,!&>,#- $*$)$/%, +- -(#./ ($"$0


Dim myView As ListCollectionView

myView = CType(CollectionViewSource.GetDefaultView(myCollection), _


myView.CustomSort = New myComparer()


System.ComponentModel.ICollectionView myView;

myView =


myView.CustomSort = new myComparer();

')+: !"#$%&'( G#/>62"5/6 E+%+ H5/75/6

G.$%,06&=B!77#1*,!&>,#- +*-# -2!!#"%- 6"#2!5/6 7+%+: X"#2!5/6 7+%+ 5- -5)5*+" %# -#"%5/6 42% %+K$-

+79+/%+6$ #' %($ 425*%?5/ '2/3%5#/+*5%& #' 5%$) 3#/%"#*- %# !"#957$ '#")+%%5/6 '#" 75''$"$/%

6"#2!-, %(2- $/+4*5/6 %($ 2-$" %# 75-%5/625-( 6"#2!- 95-2+**& +% "2/ %5)$: =#2 3+/ 3"$+%$ +

6"#2! 4& +775/6 + G"!6#"*<A"!%6(#01",6*,!& #4@$3% %# %($ =B!77#1*,!&>,#-.A"!%6(#01",6*,!&0

3#**$3%5#/: 1($ '#**#.5/6 $<+)!*$ 7$)#/-%"+%$- 3"$+%5/6 6"#2!- 4+-$7 #/ %($ 9+*2$ #' %($

F567!<##4,*7# !"#!$"%&0


Dim myView As System.ComponentModel.ICollectionView

myView = CollectionViewSource.GetDefaultView(myCollection)

myView.GroupDescriptions.Add( _

New PropertyGroupDescription("EmployeeTitle"))


System.ComponentModel.ICollectionView myView;

myView = CollectionViewSource.GetDefaultView(myCollection);


new PropertyGroupDescription("EmployeeTitle"));

F% >"-% 6*+/3$, +!!*&5/6 %(5- 6"#2!5/6 -$$)- %# (+9$ %($ -+)$ $''$3% +- -#"%5/6 4&

F567!<##4,*7#: 1($ 75''$"$/3$ 4$3#)$- $957$/% .($/ %(5- 7+%+ 5- 75-!*+&$7 5/ +/ 5%$) 3#/%"#*

.5%( %($ A"!%68*<7# !"#!$"%& -$%: 1($ A"!%68*<7# !"#!$"%& !"#957$- '#")+%%5/6 5/'#")+?

%5#/ '#" 6"#2!$7 5%$)- +/7 $/+4*$- &#2 %# -$% (#. %($& +"$ 75-!*+&$7: 1+4*$ T?\ $<!*+5/- %($

!"#!$"%5$- #' %($ A"!%68*<7# #4@$3%:

$"/0%'(1:' O"#!$"%5$- #' A"!%68*<7#

#&3#%&$4 5%6 &7#$738

B!&*),&#"8*<7# X$%- #" -$%- %($ -%&*$ +!!*5$7 %# %($ X"#2!W%$) #4@$3% 6$/?

$"+%$7 '#" $+3( 5%$)

B!&*),&#"8*<7#8#7#1*!" L$!"$-$/%- +/ 5/-%+/3$ #' P%&*$P$*$3%#" %(+% 7$%$")5/$- %($

+!!"#!"5+%$ -%&*$ %# 2-$ '#" %($ 3#/%+5/$"

@#)'#"4#567)*# X$%- #" -$%- %($ %$)!*+%$ 2-$7 %# 75-!*+& %($ 6"#2! ($+7$"

@#)'#"4#567)*#8#7#1*!" L$!"$-$/%- +/ 5/-%+/3$ #' P%&*$P$*$3%#" %(+% 7$%$")5/$- %($

+!!"#!"5+%$ -%&*$ %# 2-$ '#" %($ ($+7$"

G)&#7 X$%- #" -$%- + %$)!*+%$ %(+% 3"$+%$- %($ !+/$* 2-$7 %# *+&

#2% %($ 5%$)-

1($ '#**#.5/6 $<+)!*$ 7$)#/-%"+%$- -$%%5/6 %($ A"!%6@#)'#" +/7 G)&#7 !"#!$"%5$-: W/ %(5-

$<+)!*$, %($ G)&#7 !"#!$"%& 5- "$!*+3$7 4& + +")6G)&#7 $*$)$/% %(+% 3+2-$- %($ 6"#2!- %#

."+! (#"5V#/%+**&, +/7 %($ @#)'#"4#567)*# 5- -$% %# 75-!*+& %($ ($+7$" 5/ !2"!*$ %$<% #/ + "$7


<ListBox ItemsSource="{Binding}" IsSynchronizedWithCurrentItem="True"

DisplayMemberPath="ContactName" Margin="18,19,25,0" Name="listBox1"

B$--#/ C0 D+/5!2*+%5/6 +/7 E5-!*+&5/6 E+%+ !"#$%&'(' )+(

Height="100" VerticalAlignment="Top">





<Label Content="{Binding Path=Name}" Foreground="Purple"

Background="Red" Padding="4" />











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5/ %($ C,0*2!HI3#/%"#*, 42%, +3%2+**&, %($ D)5# !"#!$"%& #' %($ G"!6#"*<A"!%6(#01",6*,!& $*$?

)$/%: 1(2-, .($/ &#2 .+/% %($ ($+7$" %# "$]$3% %($ /+)$ #' %($ 3+%$6#"&, &#2 +*.+&- 45/7

%# %($ D)5# !"#!$"%& "+%($" %(+/ %# %($ /+)$ #' %($ !"#!$"%& &#2 +"$ 2-5/6 %# 6"#2! &#2"



W/ +775%5#/ %# 3"$+%5/6 6"#2!5/6- 4+-$7 #/ %($ 9+*2$- #' #4@$3% !"#!$"%5$-, &#2 3+/ 3"$?

+%$ 32-%#) 6"#2!- %# +""+/6$ &#2" 5%$)- 5/ +/ 5%$) 3#/%"#*: 1# 3"$+%$ + 32-%#) 6"#2!, &#2

)2-% 3"$+%$ + 3*+-- %(+% 5)!*$)$/%- %($ =>)7%#B!&E#"*#" 5/%$"'+3$, .(53( $<!#-$- %.# )$%(?

#7-0 B!&E#"* +/7 B!&E#"*2)1J: ;#" %($ !2"!#-$- #' 3"$+%5/6 32-%#) 6"#2!5/6, &#2 /$$7 %#

!"#957$ #/*& + ^"$+*_ 5)!*$)$/%+%5#/ '#" %($ B!&E#"* )$%(#7` %($ B!&E#"*2)1J )$%(#7 .5**

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"$!"$-$/%$7 4& %($ !"#!$"%& /+)$7 5/ G"!6#"*<A"!%6(#01",6*,!&: W/ %($ B!&E#"* )$%(#7, $<?

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.($%($" %(+% "$65#/ 5- %($ W-*$ #' S56(%: W' 5% 5-, 5% "$%2"/- W-*$ 8' S56(% +- %($ 6"#2! ($+7$"`

#%($".5-$, 5% "$%2"/- [9$"&!*+3$ [*-$:


Public Class RegionConverter

Implements IValueConverter

Public Function Convert(ByVal value As Object, ByVal targetType As _

System.Type, ByVal parameter As Object, ByVal culture As _

System.Globalization.CultureInfo) As Object Implements _


If Not value.ToString = "" Then

Dim region As String = value.ToString

')+* !"#$%&'( G#/>62"5/6 E+%+ H5/75/6

If region = "Isle of Wight" Then

Return "Isle of Wight"

End If

End If

Return "Everyplace else"

End Function

Public Function ConvertBack(ByVal value As Object, ByVal targetType _

As System.Type, ByVal parameter As Object, ByVal culture As _

System.Globalization.CultureInfo) As Object Implements _


Throw New NotImplementedException()

End Function

End Class


public class RegionGrouper : IValueConverter


public object Convert(object value, Type targetType, object parameter,

System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture)


if (!(value.ToString() == ""))


string Region = (string)value;

if (Region == "Isle of Wight")

return "Isle of Wight";


return "Everyplace else";


public object ConvertBack(object value, Type targetType, object

parameter, System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture)


throw new NotImplementedException();



1($/ &#2 3+/ +77 &#2" 32-%#) G"!6#"*<A"!%6(#01",6*,!& !+"+)$%$" 4& -!$35'&5/6 %($

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Dim myView As System.ComponentModel.ICollectionView

myView = CollectionViewSource.GetDefaultView(myCollection)

myView.GroupDescriptions.Add(New PropertyGroupDescription("Region", _

New RegionGrouper()))


System.ComponentModel.ICollectionView myView;

myView = CollectionViewSource.GetDefaultView(myCollection);

myView.GroupDescriptions.Add(new PropertyGroupDescription("Region",

new RegionGrouper()));

B$--#/ C0 D+/5!2*+%5/6 +/7 E5-!*+&5/6 E+%+ !"#$%&'(' )++

=0!"*.06&'8)")=B!77#1*,!&>,#- (+- 425*%?5/ '2/3%5#/+*5%& %(+% $/+4*$- &#2 %# 7$-56/+%$ + )$%(#7 %# >*%$" %($

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-%"+%$- %($ )$%(#7 %(+% 5)!*$)$/%- %(+% >*%$": 1($-$ $<+)!*$- 5/9#*9$ + 3#**$3%5#/ #' 5%$)-

/+)$7 5<=*#500


Dim myView As System.ComponentModel.ICollectionView

myView = CollectionViewSource.GetDefaultView(myItems)

myView.Filter = New Predicate(Of Object)(AddressOf myFilter)


System.ComponentModel.ICollectionView myView;

myView = CollectionViewSource.GetDefaultView(myItems);

myView.Filter = new Predicate<object>(myFilter);

1($ /$<% $<+)!*$ -(#.- 5< ,7*#", + -5)!*$ )$%(#7 %(+% $<3*27$- +** #4@$3%- .(#-$ 4!8*",&$

)$%(#7 "$%2"/- + -%"5/6 *$/6%( #' $56(% 3(+"+3%$"- #" '$.$"0


Public Function myFilter(ByVal param As Object) As Boolean

Return (param.ToString.Length > 8)

End Function


public bool myFilter(object param)


return (param.ToString().Length > 8);


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7$*$6+%$ -23( +- G"#',1)*#K=*#5L. =#2 )2-% !$"'#") +/& /$3$--+"& 3+-%5/6 5/ %($ )$%(#7

%(+% 5)!*$)$/%- %($ >*%$":

=0!"*.06&' 8H7IJA'H/K*5"-

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-3($)$: N#.$9$", &#2 3+/ %+K$ +79+/%+6$ #' %($ >*%$"5/6 3+!+45*5%5$- #' ()*)>,#- 4& -$%%5/6

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'9,, !"#$%&'( G#/>62"5/6 E+%+ H5/75/6

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Sandwich = 'Muffaletta'

1# -$% %($ >*%$", &#2 .#2*7 3"$+%$ %($ '#**#.5/6 3#7$0


Dim myView As BindingListCollectionView

myView = CType(CollectionViewSource.GetDefaultView(myItems), _


myView.CustomFilter = "Sandwich = 'Muffaletta'"


BindingListCollectionView myView;

myView =


myView.CustomFilter = "Sandwich = 'Muffaletta'";

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<StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal">

<Label Background="Purple" Foreground="White" BorderBrush="Red"

BorderThickness="4" Width="300">


<StackPanel HorizontalAlignment="Stretch">

<TextBlock>Company Name: </TextBlock>

<TextBlock Text="{Binding CompanyName}" />




<Label Content="{Binding Path=ContactName}" BorderBrush="Black"

HorizontalAlignment="Stretch" Background="Yellow"

BorderThickness="3" Foreground="Blue" Width="200" />



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<StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal">

<Label Background="Yellow" Content="{Binding Path=Quantity}"

Width="25" />

<Label Background="AliceBlue" Content="{Binding Path=ProductName}"

MinWidth="120" />

<Label Background="Red" Content="{Binding Path=ExtendedPrice}"

Width="50" />



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Dim colors() =












Dim results as IEnumerable(Of String)=From c In colors _

Where c.StartsWith("B") _

Order By c _

Select c


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■ N/4#$)+%/4 +"# :)# ,8 ?:#$( #B+#/)0,/ *#+",4)6


')*B !"#$%&'( =/+$,4:10/3 C=DE


string[] colors =












IEnumerable<string> results = from c in colors

where c.StartsWith("B")

orderby c

select c;

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From c As String In colors _


from string c in colors

=/ +"0) #B%*.&#> +"# ),:$1# 1,&&#1+0,/ 0) +(.#4> *#%/0/3 0+ 0) %/ %$$%( ,8 /1&6"7> ), +"#$# 0)

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4#104# +, $#+:$/ Y)#&#1+Z +"# #/+0$# ,-A#1+ '0+" '"01" (,: )+%$+#4 Y0/ +"0) 1%)#> 0Z ,$ ),*#+"0/3

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% ?:#$( ,-A#1+ +"%+ 1%/ $#+$0#2# 4%+%6 C=DE 4,#)/V+ %11#)) +"# ),:$1# 4%+% :/+0& (,: +$( +, :)#

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O$#*"74*4/01A*&!%4#6"0!%*>70"*%4?4##4%*4/4'&"($!*(6*24'0&64*=$&*'0!*4/84'"*+ ,-*@&46E


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"%) % I#&&%"1 .$,.#$+(> '"01" $#8#$#/1#) +"# 1:$$#/+ 0+#* 0/ +"# 1,&&#1+0,/> %/4 +', *#+",4)>

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!"# 4%+% ),:$1# 0) /,+ +,:1"#4 :/+0& (,: 0+#$%+# ,/ +"# ?:#$( ,-A#1+> -:+ 08 (,: 0+#$%+# ,/

+"# ?:#$( ,-A#1+ *:&+0.&# +0*#)> (,: %11#)) +"# 4%+% ),:$1# #%1" +0*#6 P,$ #B%*.&#> 0/ +"#

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$#):&+) %3%0/ %/4 40).&%( #%1" 1,&,$6


For Each Color As String In results

txtLog.AppendText(Color + Environment.NewLine)


')*D !"#$%&'( =/+$,4:10/3 C=DE

colors(4) = "Slate"

txtLog.AppendText("---------" + Environment.NewLine)

For Each Color As String In results

txtLog.AppendText(Color + Environment.NewLine)



foreach (var color in results)


txtLog.AppendText(color + Environment.NewLine);


colors[4] = "Slate";

txtLog.AppendText("---------" + Environment.NewLine);

foreach (var color in results)


txtLog.AppendText(color + Environment.NewLine);


!"# )#1,/4 +0*# +"# &%/#)1/ 2%$0%-&# '%) :)#4> 0+ 40).&%(#4 ,/&( I&:# %/4 I$,'/> /,+ +"#

,$030/%& +"$## *%+1"0/3 1,&,$) YI&%1@> I&:#> %/4 I$,'/Z> -#1%:)# +"# ?:#$( '%) $#5#B#1:+#4

8,$ +"# )#1,/4 &,,. ,/ +"# :.4%+#4 1,&&#1+0,/ 0/ '"01" I&%1@ '%) $#.&%1#4 -( % 1,&,$ +"%+

4,#) /,+ *%+1" +"# ?:#$( 1$0+#$0%6 ["#/#2#$ (,: :)# +"# &%/#)1/ 2%$0%-&# +, &,,. ,2#$ +"#

$#):&+)> +"# ?:#$( $#5#B#1:+#) ,/ +"# )%*# 4%+% ),:$1# +"%+ *03"+ "%2# -##/ 1"%/3#4 %/4>

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<,: *03"+ -# +"0/@0/3 ,8 ",' +"%+ #88#1+) +"# .#$8,$*%/1# ,8 (,:$ %..&01%+0,/6 F#$+%0/&(>

.#$8,$*%/1# 0) ),*#+"0/3 +"%+ *:)+ -# 1,/)04#$#4 '"#/ 4#2#&,.0/3 %/ %..&01%+0,/6 _,'5

#2#$> (,: *03"+ -# )##0/3 +"# -#/#U+ ,8 $#+$0#20/3 :.5+,54%+# 4%+%> '"01" 0) +"# .:$.,)# ,8

4#8#$$#4 #B#1:+0,/6 P,$ :)#$) '", 4,/V+ '%/+ +, $#5$:/ +"# ?:#$( #2#$( +0*#> :)# +"# $#):&+5

0/3 ?:#$( ,-A#1+ +, .$,4:1# % 3#/#$01 &0)+ 0**#40%+#&( +"%+ (,: 1%/ :)# $#.#%+#4&( %8+#$'%$46

!"# 8,&&,'0/3 1,4# )%*.&# )",') ",' +, 1$#%+# % 8$,Q#/ &0)+6


Dim results As List(Of String) = (From c In colors _

Where c.StartsWith("B") _

Order By c _

Select c).ToList()

For Each Color As String In results

txtLog.AppendText(Color + Environment.NewLine)


colors(4) = "Slate"

txtLog.AppendText("---------" + Environment.NewLine)

For Each Color As String In results

txtLog.AppendText(Color + Environment.NewLine)


C#)),/ LM N/4#$)+%/40/3 C=DE !"#$%&'(' )*E


List<string> results = (from string c in colors

where c.StartsWith("B")

orderby c

select c).ToList();

foreach (var color in results)


txtLog.AppendText(color + Environment.NewLine);


colors[4] = "Slate";

txtLog.AppendText("---------" + Environment.NewLine);

foreach (var color in results)


txtLog.AppendText(color + Environment.NewLine);


=/ +"0) 1,4# #B%*.&#> +"# $#):&+ ,8 +"# C=DE ?:#$( 0) 8$,Q#/ -( '$%..0/3 +"# #B.$#))0,/

0/ .%$#/+"#)#) %/4 %440/3 +"# +.:6/1AE 1%&& +, +"# #/46 !"# &%/#)1/ 2%$0%-&# /,' "%) % +(.#

,8 :6/13>-3@1&6"76 !"# +.:6/1 *#+",4 1%:)#) +"# ?:#$( +, #B#1:+# %/4 .:+ +"# $#):&+) 0/+, +"#

2%$0%-&# 1%&&#4 &%/#)1/9 +"#/ +"# &%/#)1/ 1,&&#1+0,/ 1%/ -# :)#4 %3%0/ '0+",:+ $#5#B#1:+0/3 +"#

C=DE #B.$#))0,/6

+ ,-*P#$5(%4#6=/ +"# .$#20,:) #B%*.&#)> (,: 1%/ )## +"%+ C=DE ',$@) '0+" 6DO! P$%*#',$@ ,-A#1+) -#5

1%:)# +"# 6DO! P$%*#',$@ 1,*#) '0+" % : KM31.3>(;%01/ .$,204#$6 P03:$# `5L )",') +"# C=DE

.$,204#$) +"%+ %$# -:0&+ 0/+, +"# 6DO! P$%*#',$@6 O%1" C=DE .$,204#$ 0*.&#*#/+) 8#%+:$#)

8,1:)#4 ,/ +"# 4%+% ),:$1#6

LINQ Providers

LINQ toObjects

LINQ toDataSets


LINQ toEntities



F?G;&%'(H)' !"0) 803:$# )",') +"# C=DE .$,204#$) -:0&+ 0/+, +"# 6DO! P$%*#',$@6

!"# C=DE .$,204#$ ',$@) %) % *044&# +0#$ -#+'##/ +"# 4%+% )+,$# %/4 +"# &%/3:%3# #/205

$,/*#/+6 =/ %440+0,/ +, +"# C=DE .$,204#$) 0/1&:4#4 0/ +"# 6DO! P$%*#',$@> +"#$# %$# *%/(

+"0$45.%$+( C=DE .$,204#$)6 !, 1$#%+# % C=DE .$,204#$> (,: *:)+ 0*.&#*#/+ +"# M#%&9'()%

0/+#$8%1#6 !"0) "%) % N&.F6=%& .$,.#$+( '",)# +(.# 0) M#%&9N&.F6=%&> '"01" 0) 1%&&#4 +, 0/0+0%&5

0Q# %/4 #B#1:+# C=DE #B.$#))0,/)6

')+- !"#$%&'( =/+$,4:10/3 C=DE

O40"&#46*Q70"*R0S4*T8*+ ,-D,' +"%+ (,:V2# )##/ % C=DE #B.$#))0,/> 0+V) +0*# +, )## '"%+ '%) %44#4 +, +"# 6DO!

P$%*#',$@ +, 1$#%+# C=DE6 O%1" ,8 +"#)# 8#%+:$#) 1%/ -# :)#4 -( 0+)#&8> -:+ %&& ,8 +"#* %$#

$#?:0$#4 +, 1$#%+# C=DE6

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)+%+#*#/+ +"%+ 0/)+%/+0%+#) +"# ,-A#1+> -:+ (,:V$# /,+ 8,$1#4 +, '$0+# 1:)+,* 1,/)+$:1+,$)6

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+$(0/3 +, .$,204# % )0*.&# '%( +, 0/)+%/+0%+# %/4 0/0+0%&0Q# +"# ,-A#1+6 !, :/4#$)+%/4 +"0)> 1,/5

)04#$ +"# 8,&&,'0/3 1,4# #B%*.&# ,8 % I'& 1&%)) +"%+ "%) U2# %:+,*%+01 .$,.#$+0#) -:+ 4,#)/V+

"%2# %/( 1:)+,* 1,/)+$:1+,$)6


Public Class Car

Public Property VIN() As String

Public Property Make() As String

Public Property Model() As String

Public Property Year() As Integer

Public Property Color() As String

End Class


public class Car


public string VIN { get; set; }

public string Make { get; set; }

public string Model { get; set; }

public int Year { get; set; }

public string Color { get; set; }


!, 0/)+%/+0%+# % I'& ,-A#1+ %/4 .,.:&%+# +"# .$,.#$+0#) '0+" 4%+%> (,: *03"+ 4, ),*#+"0/3

&0@# +"# 8,&&,'0/3M


Dim c As New Car()

c.VIN = "ABC123"

c.Make = "Ford"

c.Model = "F-250"

c.Year = 2000


Car c = new Car();

c.VIN = "ABC123";

c.Make = "Ford";

c.Model = "F-250";

c.Year = 2000;

C#)),/ LM N/4#$)+%/40/3 C=DE !"#$%&'(' )+)

=+ +,,@ U2# )+%+#*#/+) +, 1$#%+# %/4 0/0+0%&0Q# +"# ,-A#1+> %/4 I.).& '%)/V+ 0/0+0%&0Q#46 =8 %

1,/)+$:1+,$ '%) .$,204#4> (,: 1,:&4 0/)+%/+0%+# +"# ,-A#1+ %/4 0*.&010+&( 0/0+0%&0Q# +"# .$,.#$5

+0#) '0+" ,/# )+%+#*#/+> -:+ '"%+ ',:&4 (,: 4, 08 ),*#,/# '%/+#4 +, .%)) ,/&( +"$## .%$%*5

#+#$)T _,' %-,:+ .%))0/3 U2# .%$%*#+#$)T a, (,: 1$#%+# 1,/)+$:1+,$) 8,$ #2#$( 1,*-0/%+0,/

,8 .%$%*#+#$) (,: *03"+ '%/+ +, .%))T !"# %/)'#$ 0) +, :)# ,-A#1+ 0/0+0%&0Q#$)6

I( :)0/3 ,-A#1+ 0/0+0%&0Q#$)> (,: 1%/ 0/)+%/+0%+# +"# ,-A#1+ %/4 0/0+0%&0Q# %/( 1,*-0/%+0,/ ,8

.$,.#$+0#) '0+" ,/# )+%+#*#/+> %) )",'/ 0/ +"# 8,&&,'0/3 #B%*.&#M


Dim c As New Car() With {.VIN = "ABC123", .Make = "Ford", _

.Model = "F-250", .Year = 2000}


Car c = new Car() { VIN = "ABC123", Make = "Ford",

Model = "F-250", Year = 2000 };

F,/1#.+:%&&(> +"# I'& ,-A#1+ 0) -#0/3 0/)+%/+0%+#4> %/4 +"# 4#8%:&+ 1,/)+$:1+,$ 3#/#$%+#4

-( +"# 1,*.0&#$ 0) #B#1:+#46 O%1" ,8 +"# .$,.#$+0#) '0&& -# 0/0+0%&0Q#4 '0+" 0+) 4#8%:&+ 2%&:#6 =8

(,: %$# :)0/3 % .%$%*#+#$&#)) 1,/)+$:1+,$> %) )",'/> +"# .%$#/+"#)#) %$# ,.+0,/%&> -:+ 08 (,:

%$# #B#1:+0/3 % 1,/)+$:1+,$ +"%+ $#?:0$#) .%$%*#+#$)> +"# .%$#/+"#)#) %$# *%/4%+,$(6

F,&&#1+0,/ 0/0+0%&0Q#$) %$# %/,+"#$ 8,$* ,8 ,-A#1+ 0/0+0%&0Q#$> -:+ 8,$ 1,&&#1+0,/)6 F,&&#1+0,/

0/0+0%&0Q#$) "%2# #B0)+#4 8,$ %$$%() )0/1# +"# U$)+ $#&#%)# ,8 +"# 6DO! P$%*#',$@> -:+ (,: 1%/

/,' 0/0+0%&0Q# 1,&&#1+0,/) ):1" %) 8&&'9:6/1 %/4 3#/#$01 :6/1 :)0/3 +"# )%*# )(/+%B6 !"# 8,&5

&,'0/3 #B%*.&# .,.:&%+#) % 1,&&#1+0,/ ,8 1%$)> :)0/3 -,+" ,-A#1+ 0/0+0%&0Q#$) %/4 1,&&#1+0,/



Private Function GetCars() As List(Of Car)

Return New List(Of Car) From


New Car() With {.VIN = "ABC123", .Make = "Ford",

.Model = "F-250", .Year = 2000},

New Car() With {.VIN = "DEF123", .Make = "BMW",

.Model = "Z-3", .Year = 2005},

New Car() With {.VIN = "ABC456", .Make = "Audi",

.Model = "TT", .Year = 2008},

New Car() With {.VIN = "HIJ123", .Make = "VW",

.Model = "Bug", .Year = 1956},

New Car() With {.VIN = "DEF456", .Make = "Ford",

.Model = "F-150", .Year = 1998}


End Function


private List<Car> GetCars()


return new List<Car>


new Car {VIN = "ABC123",Make = "Ford",

')+, !"#$%&'( =/+$,4:10/3 C=DE

Model = "F-250", Year = 2000},

new Car {VIN = "DEF123",Make = "BMW",

Model = "Z-3", Year = 2005},

new Car {VIN = "ABC456",Make = "Audi",

Model = "TT", Year = 2008},

new Car {VIN = "HIJ123",Make = "VW",

Model = "Bug", Year = 1956},

new Car {VIN = "DEF456",Make = "Ford",

Model = "F-150", Year = 1998}



!"# 1,4# #B%*.&# 1$#%+#) % 3#/#$01 :6/1 ,-A#1+ %/4 .,.:&%+#) +"# &0)+ '0+" U2# 1%$)> %&& 0/

,/# )+%+#*#/+6 D, 2%$0%-&#) %$# /##4#4 +, )#+ +"# .$,.#$+0#) ,8 #%1" 1%$ -#1%:)# 0+V) -#0/3


_,' %$# ,-A#1+ 0/0+0%&0Q#$) :)#4 0/ C=DET !"#( #/%-&# (,: +, 1$#%+# ),*# +(.#) ,8 .$,5

A#1+0,/) 0/ C=DE6 ] 5&.;%016." 0) % )"%.0/3 ,$ +$%/)8,$*%+0,/ ,8 +"# 4%+% 0/ % C=DE ?:#$( +,

.$,4:1# '"%+ (,: /##4 0/ +"# ,:+.:+ '0+" +"# /%)%01 )+%+#*#/+ 0/)+#%4 ,8 0/1&:40/3 A:)+ +"#

'",&# ),:$1# ,-A#1+Y)Z6 P,$ #B%*.&#> 08 (,: '%/+ +, '$0+# % C=DE ?:#$( +"%+ '0&& )#%$1" % 1,&,$

&0)+ 8,$ %&& +"# 1,&,$ /%*#) +"%+ %$# U2# 1"%$%1+#$) &,/3> ),$+#4 -( +"# *%+1"0/3 1,&,$> 0/)+#%4

,8 $#+:$/0/3 %/ !"#$%&'()% ,-A#1+ ,8 /1&6"7> (,: *03"+ :)# ,-A#1+ 0/0+0%&0Q#$) +, $#+:$/ %/

!"#$%&'()% ,-A#1+ ,8 I'& 0/ '"01" +"# 1%$V) 1,&,$ 0) )#+ +, +"# *%+1"0/3 1,&,$> %) )",'/ "#$#M


Dim colors() =












Dim fords As IEnumerable(Of Car) = From c In colors

Where c.Length = 5

Order By c

Select New Car() With

{.Make = "Ford",

.Color = c}

For Each car As Car In fords

txtLog.AppendText(String.Format("Car: Make:{0} Color:{1}" _

& Environment.NewLine, car.Make, car.Color))



string[] colors =


C#)),/ LM N/4#$)+%/40/3 C=DE !"#$%&'(' )+(











IEnumerable<Car> fords = from c in colors

where c.Length == 5

orderby c

select new Car()


Make = "Ford",

Color = c


foreach (Car car in fords)


txtLog.AppendText(String.Format("Car: Make:{0} Color:{1}"

+ Environment.NewLine, car.Make, car.Color));


!"# '",&# 04#% -#"0/4 +"0) #B%*.&# 0) +"%+ (,: '%/+ +, 1,/)+$:1+ % 1,&&#1+0,/ ,8 1%$)>

-:+ #%1" 1%$ '0&& "%2# % 1,&,$ 8$,* +"# 1,&&#1+0,/ ,8 1,&,$) +"%+ *%+1"#) +"# U2#5&#++#$5&,/3

1$0+#$0,/6 !"# /%)%01 1&%:)# 1$#%+#) +"# I'& ,-A#1+ %/4 0/0+0%&0Q#) 0+) .$,.#$+0#)6 !"# /%)%01

1&%:)# 1%//,+ 1,/+%0/ *:&+0.&# )+%+#*#/+)6 [0+",:+ ,-A#1+ 0/0+0%&0Q#$)> (,: ',:&4/V+ -# %-&# +,

0/)+%/+0%+# %/4 0/0+0%&0Q# +"# I'& ,-A#1+ '0+",:+ U$)+ '$0+0/3 % 1,/)+$:1+,$ 8,$ +"# I'& 1&%)) +"%+

+%@#) J'O% %/4 I.).& .%$%*#+#$)6


a,#)/V+ 0+ )##* &0@# % 1",$# +, 4#1&%$# % 2%$0%-&# %) % ).#10U1 +(.# %/4 +"#/ 0/)+%/+0%+# +"%+

+(.# 0/ ,/# )+%+#*#/+T <,: "%2# +, ).#108( +"# +(.# +'01#> %) )",'/ 0/ +"# 8,&&,'0/3 #B%*.&#M


Dim c as Car = New Car( )


Car c = new Car( )

H0):%& I%)01 :)#$) *03"+ )",:+> W_#(> H0):%& I%)01 4,#)/V+ $#?:0$# *# +, ).#108( +"# +(.#

+'01#bX I:+ '"%+ %-,:+ +"# #B%*.&# 0/ '"01" (,: *%@# % 1%&& +, % *#+",4 +"%+ $#+:$/) %

3#/#$01 :6/13>- I'&> -:+ (,: )+0&& "%2# +, ).#108( +"# +(.# 8,$ +"# 2%$0%-&# +"%+ $#1#02#) +"# 1,&5

&#1+0,/> %) )",'/ "#$#T


Dim cars As List(Of Car) = GetCars()

')+* !"#$%&'( =/+$,4:10/3 C=DE


List<Car> cars = GetCars();

=/ +"0) #B%*.&#> ',:&4 0+ -# -#++#$ 08 (,: 1,:&4 %)@ +"# 1,*.0&#$ '"%+ +"# +(.# 0) 8,$ +"0)

2%$0%-&# 1%&&#4 0'&/T <,: 1%/> %) )",'/ 0/ +"0) 1,4# #B%*.&#M


Dim cars = GetCars()


var cars = GetCars();

=/)+#%4 ,8 .$,2040/3 +"# +(.# 8,$ (,:$ 2%$0%-&#> (,:V$# %)@0/3 +"# 1,*.0&#$ '"%+ +"# +(.# 0)>

-%)#4 ,/ '"%+#2#$ 0) ,/ +"# $03"+ )04# ,8 +"# #?:%&) )03/6 !"%+ *#%/) +"#$# *:)+ -# %/ #?:%&)

)03/ 0/ +"# 4#1&%$%+0,/ )+%+#*#/+> %/4 +"# $03"+ )04# *:)+ #2%&:%+# +, % +(.#4 #B.$#))0,/6 <,:

1%//,+ "%2# % /:&& 1,/)+%/+ ,/ +"# $03"+ )04# ,8 +"# #?:%&) )03/ -#1%:)# +"# 1,*.0&#$ ',:&4

/,+ @/,' '"%+ +"# +(.# )",:&4 -#6

=8 (,:V$# ',/4#$0/3 '"#+"#$ +"0) 0) +"# )%*# %) +"# ,&4#$ 2%$0%/+ +(.# +"%+ #B0)+#4 0/ #%$&0#$

H0):%& I%)01> +"# %/)'#$ 0) /,6 ]) ),,/ %) +"# 1,*.0&#$ U3:$#) ,:+ '"%+ +"# +(.# )",:&4 -#>

(,: 1%/V+ 1"%/3# 0+6 !"#$#8,$#> (,: 3#+ =/+#&&0S#/)# %) +",:3" (,: #B.&010+&( 4#1&%$#4 +"# 2%$05

%-&#V) +(.#6

_#$# %$# +"# $:&#) 8,$ 0*.&010+&( +(.#4 &,1%& 2%$0%-&#)M

■ !"#( 1%/ -# 0*.&#*#/+#4 ,/ &,1%& 2%$0%-&#) ,/&(6

■ !"# 4#1&%$%+0,/ )+%+#*#/+ *:)+ "%2# %/ #?:%&) )03/ '0+" % /,/5/:&& %))03/*#/+6

■ !"#( 1%//,+ -# 0*.&#*#/+#4 ,/ *#+",4 .%$%*#+#$)6

=*.&010+&( +(.#4 &,1%& 2%$0%-&#) 1%/ -# .%))#4 +, *#+",4)> -:+ +"# *#+",4V) .%$%*#+#$

+(.# *:)+ *%+1" +"# %1+:%& +(.# +"%+ '%) 0/8#$$#4 -( +"# 1,*.0&#$6

a, (,: $#%&&( /##4 +"0) 8#%+:$#T I%)#4 ,/ +"0) #B.&%/%+0,/> (,: 1%/ )## +"%+ +"0) 8#%+:$#

0) )0*.&( %/ ,.+0,/%& '%( +, )%2# % -0+ ,8 +(.0/36 <,: *03"+ %&), -# ',/4#$0/3 '"( 0*.&010+&(

+(.#4 &,1%& 2%$0%-&#) %$# $#?:0$#4 8,$ C=DEM !"0) 8#%+:$# 0) $#?:0$#4 +, ):..,$+ %/,/(*,:)

+(.#)> '"01" %$# :)#4 0/ C=DE6


78+#/> (,: '%/+ +, 3$,:. +,3#+"#$ ),*# 4%+% 0/ % ),*#'"%+ +#*.,$%$( 8%)"0,/6 !"%+ 0)> (,:

'%/+ +, "%2# % 3$,:.0/3 ,8 4%+%> -:+ (,: 4,/V+ '%/+ +, 1$#%+# % /#' +(.# A:)+ 8,$ ),*#+"0/3

+"%+ *03"+ -# :)#4 0/ ,/# *#+",46 !, :/4#$)+%/4 +"# .$,-&#* +"%+ %/,/(*,:) +(.#) ),&2#)>

0*%30/# +"%+ (,: %$# '$0+0/3 +"# 3$%."01%& :)#$ 0/+#$8%1# YcN=Z 8,$ (,:$ %..&01%+0,/> %/4 % 1,&5

&#1+0,/ ,8 1%$) 0) .%))#4 +, (,: 0/ '"01" #%1" 1%$ "%) *%/( .$,.#$+0#)6 =8 (,: -0/4 +"# 1,&&#15

+0,/ 40$#1+&( +, % 4%+% 3$04> (,:V&& )## %&& +"# .$,.#$+0#)> -:+ (,: /##4#4 +, 40).&%( ,/&( +', ,8

+"# .$,.#$+0#)> ), +"%+ %:+,*%+01 -0/40/3 0) 40).&%(0/3 *,$# 4%+% +"%/ (,: '%/+6 !"0) 0) '"#/

%/,/(*,:) +(.#) 1%/ -# :)#46

C#)),/ LM N/4#$)+%/40/3 C=DE !"#$%&'(' )++

=/ +"# 8,&&,'0/3 1,4# )%*.&#> (,: '%/+ +, 1$#%+# %/ %/,/(*,:) +(.# +"%+ 1,/+%0/) ,/&(

J'O% %/4 J.=%) .$,.#$+0#) -#1%:)# +"#)# %$# +"# ,/&( .$,.#$+0#) (,: /##46


Dim x = New With {.Make = "VW", .Model = "Bug"}

txtLog.AppendText(x.Make & ", " & x.Model)


var x = new {Make = "VW", Model = "Bug"};

txtLog.AppendText(x.Make + ", " + x.Model);

=8 (,: +(.# 0/ +"0) 1,4#> (,: )## +"%+ 0/ +"# )#1,/4 )+%+#*#/+> '"#/ B 0) +(.#4 %/4 (,:

.$#)) +"# .#$0,4 @#(> +"# =/+#&&0S#/)# '0/4,' 0) 40).&%(#4 %/4 (,: )## J'O% %/4 J.=%) %)

%2%0&%-&# )#&#1+0,/)6 !"# 2%$0%-&# 1%&&#4 G 0) 0*.&010+&( +(.#4 -#1%:)# (,: )0*.&( 4,/V+ @/,'

'"%+ +"# /%*# ,8 +"# %/,/(*,:) +(.# 0)6 !"# 1,*.0&#$> ",'#2#$> 4,#) @/,' +"# /%*# ,8 +"#

%/,/(*,:) +(.#6 !"0) 0) +"# -#/#U+ ,8 3#++0/3 =/+#&&0S#/)# 8,$ )1#/%$0,) 0/ '"01" 0*.&010+&(

+(.#4 &,1%& 2%$0%-&#) %$# $#?:0$#46

]/,/(*,:) +(.#) %$# :)#4 0/ C=DE +, .$,204# .$,A#1+0,/)6 <,: *03"+ *%@# % 1%&& +,

% *#+",4 +"%+ $#+:$/) % &0)+ ,8 1%$)> -:+ 8$,* +"%+ &0)+> (,: '%/+ +, $:/ % C=DE ?:#$( +"%+

$#+$0#2#) +"# H=D %) ,/# .$,.#$+( %/4 *%@# %/4 (#%$ 1,*-0/#4 0/+, % 4088#$#/+ .$,.#$+( 8,$

40).&%(0/3 0/ % 3$046 ]/,/(*,:) +(.#) "#&.> %) )",'/ 0/ +"0) #B%*.&#M


Dim carData = From c In GetCars()

Where c.Year >= 2000

Order By c.Year

Select New With



.MakeAndModel = c.Make + " " + c.Model


dgResults.DataSource = carData.ToList()


var carData = from c in GetCars()

where c.Year >= 2000

orderby c.Year

select new



MakeAndModel = c.Make + " " + c.Model


dgResults.DataSource = carData.ToList();

["#/ +"0) #B%*.&# 0) #B#1:+#4> +"# C=DE ?:#$( '0&& &,1%+# %&& +"# 1%$) +"%+ "%2# % P%'&

.$,.#$+( #?:%& +, ,$ 3$#%+#$ +"%/ JKKK6 !"0) '0&& $#):&+ 0/ U/40/3 +"$## 1%$) +"%+ %$# ),$+#4 -(

(#%$6 !"%+ $#):&+ 0) +"#/ .$,A#1+#4 +, %/ %/,/(*,:) +(.# +"%+ 3$%-) +"# H=D %/4 1,*-0/#) +"#

')+B !"#$%&'( =/+$,4:10/3 C=DE

*%@# %/4 *,4#& 0/+, % /#' .$,.#$+( 1%&&#4 J'O%8"=J.=%)6 P0/%&&(> +"# $#):&+ 0) 40).&%(#4 0/

+"# 3$04> %) )",'/ 0/ P03:$# `5J6

F?G;&%'(H,' ]/,/(*,:) +(.#) %$# 40).&%(#4 0/ +"# 3$046


C%*-4% #B.$#))0,/) 1%/ -# :)#4 %/('"#$# 4#&#3%+#) %$# $#?:0$#46 !"#( %$# 2#$( *:1" &0@#

%/,/(*,:) *#+",4) -:+ "%2# % *:1" %--$#20%+#4 )(/+%B +"%+ *%@#) +"#* #%)( +, :)# 0/&0/#6

F,/)04#$ +"# 3#/#$01 :6/1 1&%)) +"%+ "%) % 26"= *#+",46 !"0) *#+",4 %11#.+) % 3#/#$01

N&%=60'1% 4#&#3%+# %) % .%$%*#+#$6 =8 (,: &,,@ :. +"# 3#/#$01 N&%=60'1% 4#&#3%+# +(.#> (,:

U/4 +"%+ +"0) 4#&#3%+# 0) % $#8#$#/1# +, % *#+",4 +"%+ %11#.+) % )0/3&# .%$%*#+#$ ,8 +(.# +

%/4 $#+:$/) % I,,&#%/ 2%&:#6 !"# 26"= *#+",4 "%) 1,4# +"%+ &,,.) +",:3" +"# &0)+ %/4> 8,$

#%1" 0+#*> +"# 1,4# #B#1:+#) +"# *#+",4 $#8#$#/1#4 +"$,:3" +"# N&%=60'1% .%$%*#+#$> .%))5

0/3 +"# 0+#* +, +"# *#+",4 %/4 $#1#020/3 % $#).,/)# +"%+ 0/401%+#) 8,:/4 ,$ /,+ 8,:/46 _#$#

0) %/ #B%*.&# ,8 :)0/3 +"# 26"= *#+",4 '0+" % N&%=60'1% 4#&#3%+#M


Dim yearToFind As Integer

Private Sub PredecateDelegateToolStripMenuItem_Click( _

ByVal sender As System.Object, _

ByVal e As System.EventArgs) _

Handles PredecateDelegateToolStripMenuItem.Click

yearToFind = 2000

Dim cars = GetCars()

Dim found = cars.Find(AddressOf ByYear)

txtLog.AppendText(String.Format( _

"Car VIN:{0} Make:{1} Year:{2}" & Environment.NewLine, _

C#)),/ LM N/4#$)+%/40/3 C=DE !"#$%&'(' )+C

found.VIN, found.Make, found.Year))

End Sub

Private Function ByYear(ByVal c As Car) As Boolean

Return c.Year = yearToFind

End Function


int yearToFind = 2000;

private void predecateDelegateToolStripMenuItem_Click(

object sender, EventArgs e)


var cars = GetCars();

yearToFind = 2000;

var found = cars.Find(ByYear);


"Car VIN:{0} Make:{1} Year{2}" + Environment.NewLine,

found.VIN, found.Make, found.Year));


private bool ByYear(Car c)


return c.Year == yearToFind;


=/ +"0) #B%*.&#> +"# 9%'&+.26"= 2%$0%-&# 0) 4#U/#4 %+ +"# 1&%)) &#2#& +, *%@# 0+ %11#))0-&# +,

-,+" *#+",4)6 !"%+V) +(.01%&&( /,+ 4#)0$%-&# -#1%:)# 9%'&+.26"= 0) *,$# &0@# % .%$%*#+#$ +"%+

/##4) +, -# .%))#4 +, +"# Q9P%'& *#+",46 !"# .$,-&#* 0) +"%+ +"# N&%=60'1% 4#&#3%+# %11#.+)

,/&( ,/# .%$%*#+#$> %/4 +"%+ .%$%*#+#$ "%) +, -# +"# )%*# +(.# %) +"# &0)+V) +(.#6 ]/,+"#$

.$,-&#* '0+" +"0) 1,4# 0) +"%+ % )#.%$%+# *#+",4 '%) 1$#%+#4 A:)+ +, 4, +"# )#%$1"6 =+ ',:&4

-# -#++#$ 08 % *#+",4 '%)/V+ $#?:0$#46

!"# .$#20,:) #B%*.&# 1%/ -# $#'$0++#/ +, :)# % &%*-4% #B.$#))0,/> %) )",'/ 0/ +"# 8,&&,'5

0/3 1,4# )%*.&#M


Private Sub LambdaExpressionsToolStripMenuItem_Click( _

ByVal sender As System.Object, _

ByVal e As System.EventArgs) _

Handles LambdaExpressionsToolStripMenuItem.Click

Dim cars = GetCars()

Dim theYear = 2000

Dim found = cars.Find(Function(c) c.Year = theYear)

txtLog.AppendText(String.Format( _

"Car VIN:{0} Make:{1} Year:{2}" & Environment.NewLine, _

found.VIN, found.Make, found.Year))

End Sub


private void lambdaExpressionsToolStripMenuItem_Click(

object sender, EventArgs e)


')+D !"#$%&'( =/+$,4:10/3 C=DE

var cars = GetCars();

var theYear = 2000;

var found = cars.Find(c => c.Year== theYear);


"Car VIN:{0} Make:{1} Year{2}" + Environment.NewLine,

found.VIN, found.Make, found.Year));


<,: 1%/ +"0/@ ,8 +"# &%*-4% #B.$#))0,/ %) 0/&0/# *#+",46 !"# &#8+ .%$+ 4#1&%$#) +"#

.%$%*#+#$)> 1,**% 4#&0*0+#46 ]8+#$ +"# R, )03/> (,: "%2# +"# #B.$#))0,/6 =/ +"0) #B%*.&#>

+"# &%*-4% #B.$#))0,/ 0) ):..&0#4 0/&0/# '0+" +"# 26"= *#+",46 !"0) #&0*0/%+#) +"# /##4 8,$ %

)#.%$%+# *#+",46 ]&),> +"# 2%$0%-&# 1%&&#4 14%P%'& 0) 4#U/#4 %) % &,1%& 2%$0%-&# 0/ +"# #/1&,)5

0/3 *#+",4> ), 0+V) %11#))0-&# +, +"# &%*-4% #B.$#))0,/6

P,$*%&&(> % &%*-4% #B.$#))0,/ 0) %/ #B.$#))0,/ +"%+ "%) ,/# 0/.:+ %/4 1,/+%0/) ,/&( %

)0/3&# )+%+#*#/+ +"%+ 0) #2%&:%+#4 +, .$,204# % )0/3&# $#+:$/ 2%&:#9 ",'#2#$> 0/ +"# 6DO!

P$%*#',$@> *:&+0.&# .%$%*#+#$) 1%/ -# .%))#4 +, % &%*-4% #B.$#))0,/> %/4 *:&+0.&# )+%+#5

*#/+) 1%/ -# .&%1#4 0/+, % &%*-4% #B.$#))0,/6 !"# 8,&&,'0/3 #B%*.&# )",') +"# *:&+05

)+%+#*#/+ &%*-4% #B.$#))0,/ )(/+%B6


Dim found = cars.Find(Function(c As Car)

Dim x As Integer

x = theYear

Return c.Year = x

End Function)


var found = cars.Find(c =>


int x;

x = theYear;

return c.Year == x;


=/ FG> 08 +"# &%*-4% #B.$#))0,/ +%@#) *:&+0.&# .%$%*#+#$)> +"# .%$%*#+#$) *:)+ -# ):$5

$,:/4#4 -( .%$#/+"#)#)> %/4 08 +"# &%*-4% #B.$#))0,/ +%@#) /, .%$%*#+#$)> (,: *:)+ .$,204#

%/ #*.+( )#+ ,8 .%$#/+"#)#) '"#$# +"# .%$%*#+#$ ',:&4 3,6

_,' %$# &%*-4% #B.$#))0,/) :)#4 '0+" C=DET ["#/ (,: +(.# (,:$ C=DE ?:#$(> -#"0/4

+"# )1#/#)> .%$+) ,8 0+ '0&& -# 1,/2#$+#4 0/+, % +$## ,8 &%*-4% #B.$#))0,/)6 ]&),> (,: *:)+ :)#

&%*-4% #B.$#))0,/) '0+" ?:#$( #B+#/)0,/ *#+",4)> '"01" %$# 1,2#$#4 $03"+ %8+#$ #B+#/)0,/

*#+",4)> '"01" 8,&&,')6


OB+#/)0,/ *#+",4) #/%-&# (,: +, %44 *#+",4) +, % +(.#> #2#/ 08 (,: 4,/V+ "%2# +"# ),:$1#

1,4# 8,$ +"# +(.#6

C#)),/ LM N/4#$)+%/40/3 C=DE !"#$%&'(' )+E

!, :/4#$)+%/4 '"( (,: *03"+ '%/+ +"0)> +"0/@ ,8 +"0) )0*.&# )1#/%$0,M <,: '%/+ +, %44 %/

/K#$%&60 *#+",4 +, +"# /1&6"7 1&%))> -:+ (,: 4,/V+ "%2# +"# ),:$1# 1,4# 8,$ +"# /1&6"7 1&%))6

["%+ ',:&4 (,: 4,T

7/# ),&:+0,/ 0) +, 1$#%+# % /#' 1&%)) +"%+ 0/"#$0+) 8$,* /1&6"7> *%(-# 1%&&#4 J9@1&6"7> %/4

+"#/ %44 (,:$ /K#$%&60 *#+",4 +, +"0) 1&%))6 !"0) ),&:+0,/ "%) +', .$,-&#*)6 P0$)+> +"# /1&6"7

1&%)) 0) /%')%=> '"01" *#%/) +"%+ (,: 1%/V+ 0/"#$0+ 8$,* /1&6"76 O2#/ 08 (,: 1,:&4 0/"#$0+ 8$,*

/1&6"7 +, 1$#%+# (,:$ 1:)+,* 1&%))> (,: ',:&4 /##4 +, *%@# ):$# +"%+ #2#$(,/# :)#) 0+ %/4 /,+

+"# /1&6"7 1&%)) +"%+V) -:0&+ 0/6 <,: ',:&4 %&), /##4 +, '$0+# 1,4# +, 1,/2#$+ )+$0/3) (,: *03"+

$#1#02# '"#/ (,: *%@# 1%&&) ,:+)04# (,:$ %..&01%+0,/ 0/+, (,:$ J9@1&6"7 1&%))6

]/,+"#$ .,))0-&#> %/4 *,$# 20%-&#> ),&:+0,/ 0) +, 1$#%+# % "#&.#$ 1&%))> *%(-# 1%&&#4

@1&6"7S%)5%&> +"%+ 1,/+%0/) %&& +"# *#+",4) (,: ',:&4 &0@# +, %44 +, +"# /1&6"7 1&%)) -:+ 1%/V+6

!"#)# *#+",4) ',:&4 +(.01%&&( -# )+%+01 *#+",4) %/4 +%@# /1&6"7 %) +"# U$)+ .%$%*#+#$6 _#$#

0) %/ #B%*.&# ,8 % @1&6"7S%)5%& 1&%)) +"%+ "%) +"# /K#$%&60 *#+",4M


Public Module StringHelper

Public Function IsNumeric(ByVal str As String) As Boolean

Dim val As Double

Return Double.TryParse(str, val)

End Function

End Module


public static class StringHelper


public static bool IsNumeric(string str)


double val;

return double.TryParse(str, out val);



!"# 8,&&,'0/3 1,4# :)#) +"# "#&.#$ 1&%)) +, +#)+ % 1,:.&# ,8 )+$0/3) +, )## '"#+"#$ +"#( %$#

/:*#$016 !"# ,:+.:+ '0&& 40).&%( -')/% 8,$ +"# U$)+ 1%&& %/4 1&#% 8,$ +"# )#1,/4 1%&&6


Dim s As String = "abc123"

txtLog.AppendText(StringHelper.IsNumeric(s) & Environment.NewLine)

s = "123"

txtLog.AppendText(StringHelper.IsNumeric(s) & Environment.NewLine)


string s = "abc123";

txtLog.AppendText(StringHelper.IsNumeric(s) + Environment.NewLine);

s = "123";

txtLog.AppendText(StringHelper.IsNumeric(s) + Environment.NewLine);

')B- !"#$%&'( =/+$,4:10/3 C=DE

["%+V) 3,,4 %-,:+ +"0) ),&:+0,/ 0) +"%+ +"# :)#$ 4,#)/V+ /##4 +, 0/)+%/+0%+# % 1:)+,* )+$0/3

1&%)) +, :)# +"# /K#$%&60 *#+",46 ["%+V) -%4 %-,:+ +"0) ),&:+0,/ 0) +"%+ +"# :)#$ /##4) +,

@/,' +"%+ +"# "#&.#$ 1&%)) #B0)+)> %/4 +"# )(/+%B 0) 1&:/@( %+ -#)+6

d$0,$ +, 6DO! P$%*#',$@ `6e> +"# "#&.#$ 1&%)) ),&:+0,/ '%) '"%+ *,)+ .#,.&# 0*.&#*#/+#4>

), (,: '0&& +(.01%&&( U/4 &,+) ,8 "#&.#$ 1&%))#) 0/ %/ %..&01%+0,/> %/4> (#)> (,: /##4 +, &,,@ 8,$

+"#* %/4 #B.&,$# +"# "#&.#$ 1&%))#) ), (,: @/,' '"%+V) 0/ +"#*6

=/ 6DO! P$%*#',$@ `6e> ;01$,),8+ 0/+$,4:1#4 #B+#/)0,/ *#+",4)6 I( :)0/3 #B+#/)0,/

*#+",4)> (,: 1%/ #B+#/4 % +(.# #2#/ '"#/ (,: 4,/V+ "%2# +"# ),:$1# 1,4# 8,$ +"# +(.#6 =/

),*# $#).#1+)> +"0) 0) 4#1#.+02#> -:+ 0+ ',$@) ',/4#$8:&&(> %) (,:V&& )##6

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Imports System.Runtime.CompilerServices

Public Module StringHelper

<Extension()> _

Public Function IsNumeric(ByVal str As String) As Boolean

Dim val As Double

Return Double.TryParse(str, val)

End Function

End Module


public static class StringHelper


public static bool IsNumeric(this string str)


double val;

return double.TryParse(str, out val);



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Dim s As String = "abc123"

txtLog.AppendText(s.IsNumeric() & Environment.NewLine)

s = "123"

txtLog.AppendText(s.IsNumeric() & Environment.NewLine)

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string s = "abc123";

txtLog.AppendText(s.IsNumeric() + Environment.NewLine);

s = "123";

txtLog.AppendText(s.IsNumeric() + Environment.NewLine);

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Imports System.Runtime.CompilerServices

Public Module TextBoxHelper

<Extension()> _

Public Sub WriteLine(ByVal txt As TextBox, ByVal line As Object)

txt.AppendText(line & Environment.NewLine)

End Sub

End Module


using System.Windows.Forms;

public static class TextBoxHelper

')B, !"#$%&'( =/+$,4:10/3 C=DE


public static void WriteLine(this TextBox txt, object line)


txt.AppendText(line + Environment.NewLine);



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1,4#> %) )",'/ 0/ +"# 8,&&,'0/3 #B%*.&#6


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s = "123"



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s = "123";


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string[] colors =












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txtLog.WriteLine(GetCars().Any(Function(c) c.Year <= 1960))


txtLog.WriteLine(GetCars().Any(c => c.Year <= 1960));


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Public Class MyStringList

Inherits List(Of String)

Public Function Where(ByVal filter As Predicate(Of String)) As IEnumerable(Of


Return Me.Select(Of String)(Function(s) IIf(filter(s), s.ToUpper(), s))

End Function

End Class


public class MyStringList : List<string>


public IEnumerable<string> Where(Predicate<string> filter)


return this.Select(s=>filter(s) ? s.ToUpper() : s);

')BB !"#$%&'( =/+$,4:10/3 C=DE



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*#/+%+0,/ 0/ +"# +(.# 0+)#&8 %/4 +":) 4,#) /,+ /##4 +, &,,@ 8,$ %/( #B+#/)0,/ *#+",46 !"#

8,&&,'0/3 1,4# )",') %/ #B%*.&#M


Dim strings As New MyStringList From {"orange", "apple", "grape", "pear"}

For Each item In strings.Where(Function(s) s.Length = 5)




var strings = new MyStringList{"orange","apple","grape","pear"};

foreach (var item in strings.Where(s => s.Length == 5))




!"0) .$,4:1#) 8,:$ 0+#*) 0/ +"# ,:+.:+> -:+ +"# %..&# %/4 3$%.# '0&& -# :..#$1%)#6 !, 1%&&

+"# T4%&% #B+#/)0,/ *#+",4> :)# 8/!"#$%&'()% %) 8,&&,')M


For Each item In strings.AsEnumerable().Where(Function(s) s.Length = 5)




foreach (var item in strings.AsEnumerable().Where(s => s.Length == 5))




!"0) .$,4:1#) ,/&( +', 0+#*)> +"# %..&# %/4 +"# 3$%.#> %/4 +"#( '0&& /,+ -# :..#$1%)#6


S## Wd%$%&&#& C=DE YdC=DEZX &%+#$ 0/ +"0) 1"%.+#$6


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!"0) *03"+ -# /##4#4 -#1%:)# +"# M#%&9'()% 0/+#$8%1# 0) +(.01%&&( 0*.&#*#/+#4 -( ?:#$(

.$,204#$) +, .$,204# 1:)+,* ?:#$( 1%.%-0&0+0#) ):1" %) .%))0/3 % ?:#$( -%1@ +, % 4%+%-%)# 8,$


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Private Sub asQueryableToolStripMenuItem_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, _

ByVal e As System.EventArgs) _

Handles asQueryableToolStripMenuItem.Click

Dim strings As New MyStringList From {"orange", "apple", "grape", "pear"}

Dim querable = strings.AsQueryable()

txtLog.WriteLine("Element Type:{0}", querable.ElementType)

txtLog.WriteLine("Expression:{0}", querable.Expression)

txtLog.WriteLine("Provider:{0}", querable.Provider)

End Sub


private void asQueryableToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)


IEnumerable<string> strings = new MyStringList

{ "orange", "apple", "grape", "pear" };

var querable = strings.AsQueryable();

txtLog.WriteLine("Element Type:{0}", querable.ElementType);

txtLog.WriteLine("Expression:{0}", querable.Expression);

txtLog.WriteLine("Provider:{0}", querable.Provider);


<,: 1%/ +"0/@ ,8 +"# 8/M#%&9'()% *#+",4 %) +"# ,..,)0+# ,8 +"# 8/!"#$%&'()% *#+",46


!"# 8F%&'7% #B+#/)0,/ *#+",4 0) %/ %33$#3%+# #B+#/)0,/ *#+",4 +"%+ 1%/ 1%&1:&%+# %/ %2#$5

%3# ,8 % /:*#$01 .$,.#$+( +"%+ #B0)+) ,/ +"# #&#*#/+) 0/ (,:$ 1,&&#1+0,/6 =/ +"# 8,&&,'0/3

#B%*.&#> +"# 8F%&'7% *#+",4 1%&1:&%+#) +"# %2#$%3# (#%$ ,8 +"# 1%$)6


Dim averageYear = GetCars().Average(Function(c) c.Year)



var averageYear = GetCars().Average(c => c.Year);



N)# +"# I'/1 #B+#/)0,/ *#+",4 '"#/ (,: '%/+ +, 1,/2#$+ #%1" ,8 +"# #&#*#/+) 0/ (,:$

),:$1# +, % 4088#$#/+ +(.#6 !"# #&#*#/+) 0/ +"# ),:$1# *:)+ -# 1,#$1#4 +, +"# +%$3#+ +(.#> ,$

%/ "F')6=I'/1!G0%516." 0) +"$,'/6

D,+# +"%+ +"# I'/1 *#+",4 0) /,+ % U&+#$6 =8 (,: '%/+ +, $#+$0#2# %&& +"# #&#*#/+) ,8 % ).#5

10U1 +(.#> :)# +"# >-+95% #B+#/)0,/ *#+",46 !"# 8,&&,'0/3 #B%*.&# 1,/2#$+) !"#$%&'()% ,8

I'& +, !"#$%&'()% ,8 >(;%016


Private Sub castToolStripMenuItem_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, _

ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles castToolStripMenuItem.Click

Dim cars As IEnumerable(Of Car) = GetCars()

')BD !"#$%&'( =/+$,4:10/3 C=DE

Dim objects As IEnumerable(Of Object) = cars.Cast(Of Object)()

End Sub


private void castToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)


IEnumerable<Car> cars = GetCars();

IEnumerable<Object> objects = cars.Cast<object>();



N)# +"# I."0'1 #B+#/)0,/ *#+",4 +, 1,*-0/# +', )#?:#/1#)6 !"0) *#+",4 0) )0*0&%$ +, +"#

V"6." ,.#$%+,$> -:+ V"6." $#*,2#) 4:.&01%+#)> '"#$#%) I."0'1 4,#) /,+ $#*,2# 4:.&01%+#)6

!"# 8,&&,'0/3 #B%*.&# 1,*-0/#) +', 1,&&#1+0,/) +, .$,4:1# % $#):&+ +"%+ 1,/+%0/) %&& #&#5

*#/+) 8$,* -,+" 1,&&#1+0,/)6


Private Sub concatToolStripMenuItem_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, _

ByVal e As System.EventArgs) _

Handles concatToolStripMenuItem.Click

Dim lastYearScores As Integer() = New Integer() {88, 56, 23, 99, 65}

Dim thisYearScores As Integer() = New Integer() {93, 78, 23, 99, 90}

Dim item As Integer

For Each item In lastYearScores.Concat(thisYearScores)



End Sub


private void concatToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)


int[] lastYearScores = { 88, 56, 23, 99, 65 };

int[] thisYearScores = { 93, 78, 23, 99, 90 };

foreach (var item in lastYearScores.Concat(thisYearScores))
















C#)),/ LM N/4#$)+%/40/3 C=DE !"#$%&'(' )BE


!"# I."1'6"/ #B+#/)0,/ *#+",4 4#+#$*0/#) '"#+"#$ %/ #&#*#/+ #B0)+) 0/ +"# ),:$1#6 =8 +"#

#&#*#/+ "%) +"# )%*# 2%&:#) 8,$ %&& +"# .$,.#$+0#) %) ,/# 0+#* 0/ +"# ),:$1#> I."1'6"/ $#+:$/)

-')/% 8,$ % $#8#$#/1# +(.# -:+ 1&#% 8,$ % 2%&:# +(.#6 !"# 1,*.%$0),/ 0) 4,/# -( $#8#$#/1# 8,$

1&%))#) %/4 -( 2%&:# 8,$ )+$:1+:$#)6 !"# 8,&&,'0/3 #B%*.&# 1,4# 3#+) % 1,&&#1+0,/ ,8 1%$)> 1$#5

%+#) ,/# 2%$0%-&# +"%+ $#8#$#/1#) ,/# ,8 +"# 1%$) 0/ +"# 1,&&#1+0,/> %/4 +"#/ 1$#%+#) %/,+"#$

2%$0%-&# +"%+ $#8#$#/1#) % /#' 1%$6


Private Sub containsToolStripMenuItem_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, _

ByVal e As System.EventArgs) _

Handles containsToolStripMenuItem.Click

Dim cars = Me.GetCars

Dim c1 = cars.Item(2)

Dim c2 As New Car



End Sub


private void containsToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)


var cars = GetCars();

Car c1 = cars[2];

Car c2 = new Car();








!"# I.#"1 #B+#/)0,/ *#+",4 $#+:$/) +"# 1,:/+ ,8 +"# #&#*#/+) 0/ +"# ),:$1#6 !"# 8,&&,'0/3

1,4# #B%*.&# $#+:$/) +"# 1,:/+ ,8 1%$) 0/ +"# ),:$1# 1,&&#1+0,/M


Private Sub countToolStripMenuItem_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, _

ByVal e As System.EventArgs) _

Handles countToolStripMenuItem.Click

Dim cars = Me.GetCars


End Sub


private void countToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)


var cars = GetCars();



')C- !"#$%&'( =/+$,4:10/3 C=DE




N)# +"# W%-'#)1 -!$519 #B+#/)0,/ *#+",4 '"#/ (,: ):).#1+ +"%+ +"# ),:$1# 1,&&#1+0,/ *03"+

/,+ "%2# %/( #&#*#/+)> -:+ (,: '%/+ %+ &#%)+ ,/# #&#*#/+ 1,$$#).,/40/3 +, +"# 4#8%:&+ 2%&:#

,8 +"# +(.# Y-')/% 8,$ I,,&#%/> B 8,$ /:*#$01> %/4 "#)) 8,$ % $#8#$#/1# +(.#Z6 !"0) *#+",4 $#5

+:$/) %&& #&#*#/+) 0/ +"# ),:$1# 08 +"#$# 0) %+ &#%)+ ,/# #&#*#/+ 0/ +"# ),:$1#6


Private Sub defaultIfEmptyToolStripMenuItem_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, _

ByVal e As System.EventArgs) _

Handles defaultIfEmptyToolStripMenuItem.Click

Dim cars As New List(Of Car)

Dim oneNullCar = cars.DefaultIfEmpty()

For Each car In oneNullCar

txtLog.WriteLine(IIf((car Is Nothing), "Null Car", "Not Null Car"))


End Sub


private void defaultIfEmptyToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)


List<Car> cars = new List<Car>();

IEnumerable<Car> oneNullCar = cars.DefaultIfEmpty();

foreach (var car in oneNullCar)


txtLog.WriteLine(car == null ? "Null Car" : "Not Null Car");




Null Car


!"# W6/16"01 #B+#/)0,/ *#+",4 $#*,2#) 4:.&01%+# 2%&:#) 0/ +"# ),:$1#6 !"# 8,&&,'0/3 1,4#

)%*.&# )",') ",' % 1,&&#1+0,/ +"%+ "%) 4:.&01%+# 2%&:#) 0) U&+#$#4 -( :)0/3 +"# W6/16"01

*#+",46 ;%+1"0/3 +, 4#+#1+ 4:.&01%+0,/ 8,&&,') +"# )%*# $:&#) %) 8,$ I."1'6"/6


Private Sub distinctToolStripMenuItem_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, _

ByVal e As System.EventArgs) _

Handles distinctToolStripMenuItem.Click

Dim scores = New Integer() {88, 56, 23, 99, 65, 93, 78, 23, 99, 90}

For Each score In scores.Distinct()



End Sub

C#)),/ LM N/4#$)+%/40/3 C=DE !"#$%&'(' )C)


private void distinctToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)


int[] scores = { 88, 56, 23, 99, 65, 93, 78, 23, 99, 90 };

foreach (var score in scores.Distinct())















N)# +"# !)%$%"181 #B+#/)0,/ *#+",4 '"#/ (,: @/,' (,: '%/+ +, $#+$0#2# +"# "+" #&#5

*#/+ 0/ +"# ),:$1#6 =8 +"#$# 0) % 2%&04 #&#*#/+ %+ +"%+ K5-%)#4 &,1%+0,/> 0+V) $#+:$/#4 ,$ %/

8&7#$%"1>#1>-L'"7%!G0%516." 0) +"$,'/6


Private Sub elementAtToolStripMenuItem_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, _

ByVal e As System.EventArgs) _

Handles elementAtToolStripMenuItem.Click

Dim scores = New Integer() {88, 56, 23, 99, 65, 93, 78, 23, 99, 90}


End Sub


private void elementAtToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)


int[] scores = { 88, 56, 23, 99, 65, 93, 78, 23, 99, 90 };






!"# !)%$%"181>&W%-'#)1 #B+#/)0,/ *#+",4 0) +"# )%*# %) +"# !)%$%"181 #B+#/)0,/ *#+",4

#B1#.+ +"%+ %/ #B1#.+0,/ 0) /,+ +"$,'/ 08 +"# #&#*#/+ 4,#)/V+ #B0)+6 =/)+#%4> +"# 4#8%:&+ 2%&:#

8,$ +"# +(.# ,8 +"# 1,&&#1+0,/ 0) $#+:$/#46 !"# )%*.&# 1,4# %++#*.+) +, %11#)) %/ #&#*#/+ +"%+

4,#)/V+ #B0)+6

')C, !"#$%&'( =/+$,4:10/3 C=DE


Private Sub elementAtOrDefaultToolStripMenuItem_Click( _

ByVal sender As System.Object, _

ByVal e As System.EventArgs) _

Handles elementAtOrDefaultToolStripMenuItem.Click

Dim scores = New Integer() {88, 56, 23, 99, 65, 93, 78, 23, 99, 90}


End Sub


private void elementAtOrDefaultToolStripMenuItem_Click(

object sender, EventArgs e)


int[] scores = { 88, 56, 23, 99, 65, 93, 78, 23, 99, 90 };






["#/ (,: "%2# % )#?:#/1# ,8 #&#*#/+) %/4 (,: '%/+ +, U/4 ,:+ '"01" #&#*#/+) 4,/V+ #B0)+

Y%) :):%&> -( $#8#$#/1# 8,$ 1&%))#) %/4 -( 2%&:# 8,$ )+$:1+:$#)Z 0/ % )#1,/4 )#?:#/1#> :)# +"#

!G0%51 #B+#/)0,/ *#+",46 !"# 8,&&,'0/3 1,4# )%*.&# $#+:$/) +"# 4088#$#/1#) -#+'##/ +',

1,&&#1+0,/) ,8 0/+#3#$)6


Private Sub exceptToolStripMenuItem_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, _

ByVal e As System.EventArgs) _

Handles exceptToolStripMenuItem.Click

Dim lastYearScores As Integer() = New Integer() {88, 56, 23, 99, 65}

Dim thisYearScores As Integer() = New Integer() {93, 78, 23, 99, 90}

Dim item As Integer

For Each item In lastYearScores.Except(thisYearScores)



End Sub


private void exceptToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)


int[] lastYearScores = { 88, 56, 23, 99, 65 };

int[] thisYearScores = { 93, 78, 23, 99, 90 };

foreach (var item in lastYearScores.Except(thisYearScores))





C#)),/ LM N/4#$)+%/40/3 C=DE !"#$%&'(' )C(






["#/ (,: "%2# % )#?:#/1# ,8 #&#*#/+) %/4 (,: A:)+ /##4 +"# U$)+ #&#*#/+> :)# +"# 26&/1

#B+#/)0,/ *#+",46 !"0) *#+",4 4,#)/V+ 1%$# ",' *%/( #&#*#/+) %$# 0/ +"# )#?:#/1# %) &,/3

%) +"#$# 0) %+ &#%)+ ,/# #&#*#/+6 =8 /, #&#*#/+) #B0)+> %/ "F')6=>5%&'16."!G0%516." 0) +"$,'/6


Private Sub firstToolStripMenuItem_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, _

ByVal e As System.EventArgs) _

Handles firstToolStripMenuItem.Click

Dim scores = New Integer() {88, 56, 23, 99, 65, 93, 78, 23, 99, 90}


End Sub


private void firstToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)


int[] scores = { 88, 56, 23, 99, 65, 93, 78, 23, 99, 90 };






!"# 26&/1>&W%-'#)1 #B+#/)0,/ *#+",4 0) +"# )%*# %) +"# 26&/1 #B+#/)0,/ *#+",4 #B1#.+ +"%+ 08

/, #&#*#/+) #B0)+ 0/ +"# ),:$1# )#?:#/1#> +"# 4#8%:&+ 2%&:# ,8 +"# )#?:#/1# +(.# 0) $#+:$/#46

!"0) #B%*.&# '0&& %++#*.+ +, 3#+ +"# U$)+ #&#*#/+ '"#/ +"#$# %$# /, #&#*#/+)6


Private Sub firstOrDefaultToolStripMenuItem_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, _

ByVal e As System.EventArgs) _

Handles firstOrDefaultToolStripMenuItem.Click

Dim scores = New Integer() {}


End Sub


private void firstOrDefaultToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)


int[] scores = { };





')C* !"#$%&'( =/+$,4:10/3 C=DE


!"# H&.#5Q9 #B+#/)0,/ *#+",4 $#+:$/) % )#?:#/1# ,8 H&.#56"7*+X%9C3+!)%$%"1, ,-A#1+)6

!"0) 0/+#$8%1# 0*.&#*#/+) !"#$%&'()%*+!)%$%"1, %/4 #B.,)#) % )0/3&# X%9 .$,.#$+( +"%+

$#.$#)#/+) +"# 3$,:.0/3 @#( 2%&:#6 !"# 8,&&,'0/3 1,4# )%*.&# 3$,:.) 1%$) -( +"# J'O%



Private Sub groupByToolStripMenuItem_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, _

ByVal e As System.EventArgs) _

Handles groupByToolStripMenuItem.Click

Dim cars = GetCars()

Dim query = cars.GroupBy(Function(c) c.Make)

For Each group As IGrouping(Of String, Car) In query

txtLog.WriteLine("Key:{0}", group.Key)

For Each c In group

txtLog.WriteLine("Car VIN:{0} Make:{1}", c.VIN, c.Make)



End Sub


private void groupByToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)


var cars = GetCars();

var query = cars.GroupBy(c => c.Make);

foreach (IGrouping<string,Car> group in query)


txtLog.WriteLine("Key:{0}", group.Key);

foreach (Car c in group)


txtLog.WriteLine("Car VIN:{0} Make:{1}", c.VIN, c.Make);






Car VIN:ABC123 Make:Ford

Car VIN:DEF456 Make:Ford


Car VIN:DEF123 Make:BMW


Car VIN:ABC456 Make:Audi


Car VIN:HIJ123 Make:VW

I#1%:)# +"#$# %$# +', P,$4)> +"#( %$# 3$,:.#4 +,3#+"#$6

!"# +.:..O#5 #B+#/)0,/ *#+",4 .$,204#) +"# )%*# $#):&+ #B1#.+ +"%+ H&.#5Q9 $#+:$/) %

4#8#$$#4 ?:#$(> '"#$#%) +.:..O#5 #B#1:+#) +"# ?:#$( 0**#40%+#&(> %/4 0+#$%+0/3 ,/ +"# $#5

):&+ %8+#$'%$4 '0&& /,+ 1"%/3# 08 +"# ),:$1# 1"%/3#)6 !"0) 0) #?:02%&#/+ +, +"# +.:6/1 #B+#/)0,/

*#+",4 0/+$,4:1#4 #%$&0#$ 0/ +"0) 1"%.+#$> -:+ 8,$ H&.#56"7 0/)+#%4 ,8 8,$ !"#$%&'()%6

C#)),/ LM N/4#$)+%/40/3 C=DE !"#$%&'(' )C+


!"# H&.#5Y.6" #B+#/)0,/ *#+",4 0) )0*0&%$ +, +"# SEC &#8+ ,:+#$ A,0/ '"#$# 0+ %&'%() .$,4:1#)

,/# ,:+.:+ 8,$ #%1" 0/.:+ 8$,* +"# W,:+#$X )#?:#/1#6 ]/( *%+1"0/3 #&#*#/+) 8$,* +"# 0//#$

)#?:#/1# %$# 3$,:.#4 0/+, % 1,&&#1+0,/ +"%+ 0) %)),10%+#4 '0+" +"# ,:+#$ #&#*#/+6 =/ +"# 8,&5

&,'0/3 #B%*.&# 1,4#> % 1,&&#1+0,/ ,8 J'O%/ 0) .$,204#4 %/4 A,0/#4 +, +"# 0'&/ 1,&&#1+0,/6


Private Sub groupToolStripMenuItem_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, _

ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles groupToolStripMenuItem.Click

Dim makes = New String() {"Audi", "BMW", "Ford", "Mazda", "VW"}

Dim cars = GetCars()

Dim query = makes.GroupJoin(cars, _

Function(make) make, _

Function(car) car.Make, _

Function(make, innerCars) New With {.Make = make, .Cars = innerCars})

For Each item In query

txtLog.WriteLine("Make: {0}", item.Make)

For Each car In item.Cars

txtLog.WriteLine("Car VIN:{0}, Model:{1}", car.VIN, car.Model)



End Sub


private void groupToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)


var makes = new string[] { "Audi", "BMW", "Ford", "Mazda", "VW" };

var cars = GetCars();

var query = makes.GroupJoin(cars,

make => make, car => car.Make,

(make, innerCars) => new { Make = make, Cars = innerCars });

foreach (var item in query)


txtLog.WriteLine("Make: {0}", item.Make);

foreach (var car in item.Cars)


txtLog.WriteLine("Car VIN:{0}, Model:{1}", car.VIN, car.Model);





Make: Audi

Car VIN:ABC456, Model:TT

Make: BMW

Car VIN:DEF123, Model:Z-3

Make: Ford

Car VIN:ABC123, Model:F-250

Car VIN:DEF456, Model:F-150

')CB !"#$%&'( =/+$,4:10/3 C=DE

Make: Mazda

Make: VW

Car VIN:HIJ123, Model:Bug


["#/ (,: "%2# % )#?:#/1# ,8 #&#*#/+) 0/ '"01" (,: '%/+ +, U/4 ,:+ '"01" #B0)+ 0/ % )#1,/4

)#?:#/1#> :)# +"# "1%&/%01 #B+#/)0,/ *#+",46 !"# 8,&&,'0/3 1,4# #B%*.&# $#+:$/) +"# 1,*5

*,/ #&#*#/+) +"%+ #B0)+ 0/ +', 1,&&#1+0,/) ,8 0/+#3#$)6


Private Sub intersectToolStripMenuItem_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, _

ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles intersectToolStripMenuItem.Click

Dim lastYearScores As Integer() = New Integer() {88, 56, 23, 99, 65}

Dim thisYearScores As Integer() = New Integer() {93, 78, 23, 99, 90}

Dim item As Integer

For Each item In lastYearScores.Intersect(thisYearScores)



End Sub


private void intersectToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)


int[] lastYearScores = { 88, 56, 23, 99, 65 };

int[] thisYearScores = { 93, 78, 23, 99, 90 };

foreach (var item in lastYearScores.Intersect(thisYearScores))









!"# Y.6" #B+#/)0,/ *#+",4 0) )0*0&%$ +, +"# SEC 0//#$ A,0/> -( '"01" 0+ .$,4:1#) ,:+.:+ ,/&(

8,$ #%1" 0/.:+ 8$,* +"# ,:+#$ )#?:#/1# '"#/ +"#$# 0) % *%+1" +, +"# 0//#$ )#?:#/1#6 P,$

#%1" *%+1"0/3 #&#*#/+ 0/ +"# 0//#$ )#?:#/1#> % $#):&+0/3 #&#*#/+ 0) 1$#%+#46 =/ +"# 8,&&,'0/3

)%*.&# 1,4#> % 1,&&#1+0,/ ,8 J'O%/ 0) .$,204#4 %/4 A,0/#4 +, +"# 0'&/ 1,&&#1+0,/6


Private Sub joinToolStripMenuItem_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, _

ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles joinToolStripMenuItem.Click

Dim makes = New String() {"Audi", "BMW", "Ford", "Mazda", "VW"}

Dim cars = GetCars()

Dim query = makes.Join(cars, _

Function(make) make, _

Function(car) car.Make, _

C#)),/ LM N/4#$)+%/40/3 C=DE !"#$%&'(' )CC

Function(make, innerCar) New With {.Make = make, .Car = innerCar})

For Each item In query

txtLog.WriteLine("Make: {0}, Car:{1} {2} {3}",

item.Make, item.Car.VIN, item.Car.Make, item.Car.Model)


End Sub


private void joinToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)


var makes = new string[] { "Audi", "BMW", "Ford", "Mazda", "VW" };

var cars = GetCars();

var query = makes.Join(cars,

make => make, car => car.Make,

(make, innerCar) => new { Make = make, Car = innerCar });

foreach (var item in query)


txtLog.WriteLine("Make: {0}, Car:{1} {2} {3}",

item.Make, item.Car.VIN, item.Car.Make, item.Car.Model);




Make: Audi, Car:ABC456 Audi TT

Make: BMW, Car:DEF123 BMW Z-3

Make: Ford, Car:ABC123 Ford F-250

Make: Ford, Car:DEF456 Ford F-150

Make: VW, Car:HIJ123 VW Bug




["#/ (,: '%/+ +, $#+$0#2# +"# &%)+ #&#*#/+ 0/ % )#?:#/1#> :)# +"# :'/1 #B+#/)0,/ *#+",46

!"0) *#+",4 +"$,') %/ "F')6=>5%&'16."!G0%516." 08 +"#$# %$# /, #&#*#/+) 0/ +"# )#?:#/1#6

!"# 8,&&,'0/3 )%*.&# 1,4# $#+$0#2#) +"# &%)+ #&#*#/+6


Private Sub lastToolStripMenuItem_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, _

ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles lastToolStripMenuItem.Click

Dim scores = New Integer() {88, 56, 23, 99, 65, 93, 78, 23, 99, 90}


End Sub


private void lastToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)


int[] scores = { 88, 56, 23, 99, 65, 93, 78, 23, 99, 90 };

')CD !"#$%&'( =/+$,4:10/3 C=DE






!"# :'/1>&W%-'#)1 #B+#/)0,/ *#+",4 0) +"# )%*# %) +"# :'/1 #B+#/)0,/ *#+",4 #B1#.+ +"%+ 08

/, #&#*#/+) #B0)+ 0/ +"# ),:$1# )#?:#/1#> +"# 4#8%:&+ 2%&:# ,8 +"# )#?:#/1# +(.# 0) $#+:$/#46

!"0) #B%*.&# '0&& %++#*.+ +, 3#+ +"# &%)+ #&#*#/+ '"#/ +"#$# %$# /, #&#*#/+)6


Private Sub lastOrDefaultToolStripMenuItem_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, _

ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles lastOrDefaultToolStripMenuItem.Click

Dim scores = New Integer() {}


End Sub


private void lastOrDefaultToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)


int[] scores = { };






!"# :."7I.#"1 #B+#/)0,/ *#+",4 0) +"# )%*# %) +"# I.#"1 #B+#/)0,/ *#+",4 #B1#.+ +"%+

I.#"1 $#+:$/) % `J5-0+ 0/+#3#$> %/4 :."7I.#"1 $#+:$/) % jh5-0+ 0/+#3#$6


Private Sub longCountToolStripMenuItem_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, _

ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles longCountToolStripMenuItem.Click

Dim cars = Me.GetCars


End Sub


private void longCountToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)


var cars = GetCars();





C#)),/ LM N/4#$)+%/40/3 C=DE !"#$%&'(' )CE


["#/ (,:V$# ',$@0/3 '0+" % /,/5#*.+( )#?:#/1# ,8 2%&:#) %/4 (,: '%/+ +, 4#+#$*0/# '"01"

#&#*#/+ 0) 3$#%+#)+> :)# +"# J'G #B+#/)0,/ *#+",46 !"# J'G #B+#/)0,/ "%) )#2#$%& ,2#$&,%4)>

-:+ +"# 8,&&,'0/3 1,4# )%*.&# )",') +', ,8 +"# *,$# 1,**,/ ,2#$&,%4) +"%+ 4#*,/)+$%+#

+"# J'G #B+#/)0,/ *#+",4V) 1%.%-0&0+0#)6


Private Sub maxToolStripMenuItem_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, _

ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles maxToolStripMenuItem.Click

Dim scores = New Integer() {88, 56, 23, 99, 65, 93, 78, 23, 99, 90}


Dim cars = GetCars()

txtLog.WriteLine(cars.Max(Function(c) c.Year))

End Sub


private void maxToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)


int[] scores = { 88, 56, 23, 99, 65, 93, 78, 23, 99, 90 };


var cars = GetCars();

txtLog.WriteLine(cars.Max(c => c.Year));




=/ +"0) #B%*.&#> +"# .%$%*#+#$&#)) ,2#$&,%4 0) 1%&&#4 ,/ % 1,&&#1+0,/ ,8 0/+#3#$) %/4 $#+:$/)

+"# *%B0*:* 2%&:# ,8 ii6 !"# /#B+ ,2#$&,%4 #B%*.&# #/%-&#) (,: +, .$,204# % )#&#1+,$ +"%+

).#10U#) % .$,.#$+( +"%+ U/4) +"# *%B0*:* 2%&:#6


["#/ (,:V$# ',$@0/3 '0+" % /,/5#*.+( )#?:#/1# ,8 2%&:#) %/4 (,: '%/+ +, 4#+#$*0/#

'"01" #&#*#/+ 0) +"# )*%&&#)+> :)# +"# J6" #B+#/)0,/ *#+",4> %) )",'/ 0/ +"# 8,&&,'0/3 1,4#



Private Sub maxToolStripMenuItem_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, _

ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles maxToolStripMenuItem.Click

Dim scores = New Integer() {88, 56, 23, 99, 65, 93, 78, 23, 99, 90}


End Sub


private void maxToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)


int[] scores = { 88, 56, 23, 99, 65, 93, 78, 23, 99, 90 };



')D- !"#$%&'( =/+$,4:10/3 C=DE




!"# >-+95% #B+#/)0,/ *#+",4 0) % U&+#$0/3 *#+",4 +"%+ $#+:$/) ,/&( ,-A#1+) +"%+ 1%/ -# +(.#

1%)+ +, % ).#10U1 +(.#6 !"# 8,&&,'0/3 )%*.&# 1,4# $#+$0#2#) A:)+ +"# 0/+#3#$) 8$,* +"# ,-A#1+



Private Sub ofTypeToolStripMenuItem_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, _

ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ofTypeToolStripMenuItem.Click

Dim items = New Object() {55, "Hello", 22, "Goodbye"}

For Each intItem In items.OfType(Of Integer)()



End Sub


private void ofTypeToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)


object[] items = new object[] { 55, "Hello", 22, "Goodbye" };

foreach (var intItem in items.OfType<int>())









["#/ (,: '%/+ +, ),$+ +"# #&#*#/+) 0/ % )#?:#/1#> (,: 1%/ :)# +"# >&=%&Q9 ,$

>&=%&Q9W%/0%"=6"7 #B+#/)0,/ *#+",4)> 8,&&,'#4 -( +"# +4%"Q9 %/4 +4%"Q9W%/0%"=6"7

#B+#/)0,/ *#+",4)6 !"#)# #B+#/)0,/ *#+",4) %$# "."/1&%'$6"7> '"01" *#%/) +"%+ %&& #&#5

*#/+) 0/ +"# )#?:#/1# *:)+ -# #2%&:%+#4 -#8,$# %/( ,:+.:+ 1%/ -# .$,4:1#46 ;,)+ #B+#/5

)0,/ *#+",4) %$# /1&%'$6"7> '"01" *#%/) +"%+ #%1" #&#*#/+ 1%/ -# #2%&:%+#4 %/4 .,+#/+0%&&(

,:+.:+ '0+",:+ "%20/3 +, #2%&:%+# %&& #&#*#/+)6

]&& +"#)# #B+#/)0,/ *#+",4) $#+:$/ %/ >&=%&%=!"#$%&'()%*+, ,-A#1+> '"01" 0/"#$0+)

8$,* !"#$%&'()%*+, %/4 #/%-&#) +"# +4%"Q9 %/4 +4%"Q9W%/0%"=6"7 ,.#$%+,$)6 +4%"Q9

%/4 +4%"Q9W%/0%"=6"7 %$# #B+#/)0,/ *#+",4) ,/ >&=%&%=!"#$%&'()%*+, 0/)+#%4 ,8 ,/

!"#$%&'()%*+,> '"01" +"# ,+"#$ #B+#/)0,/ *#+",4) #B+#/46 !"0) 1%/ ),*#+0*#) 1$#%+# :/5

#B.#1+#4 #$$,$) '"#/ :)0/3 +"# F'& @#(',$4 %/4 +(.# 0/8#$#/1#6 !"# 8,&&,'0/3 1,4# #B%*.&#

1$#%+#) % &0)+ ,8 1%$) %/4 +"#/ ),$+) +"#* -( *%@#> *,4#& 4#)1#/40/3> %/4 (#%$6


Private Sub orderByToolStripMenuItem_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, _

C#)),/ LM N/4#$)+%/40/3 C=DE !"#$%&'(' )D)

ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles orderByToolStripMenuItem.Click

Dim cars = GetCars().OrderBy(Function(c) c.Make) _

.ThenByDescending(Function(c) c.Model) _

.ThenBy(Function(c) c.Year)

For Each item In cars

txtLog.WriteLine("Car VIN:{0} Make:{1} Model:{2} Year:{3}", _

item.VIN, item.Make, item.Model, item.Year)


End Sub


private void orderByToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)


var cars = GetCars().OrderBy(c=>c.Make)



foreach (var item in cars)


txtLog.WriteLine("Car VIN:{0} Make:{1} Model:{2} Year:{3}",

item.VIN, item.Make, item.Model, item.Year);




Car VIN:ABC456 Make:Audi Model:TT Year:2008

Car VIN:DEF123 Make:BMW Model:Z-3 Year:2005

Car VIN:ABC123 Make:Ford Model:F-250 Year:2000

Car VIN:DEF456 Make:Ford Model:F-150 Year:1998

Car VIN:HIJ123 Make:VW Model:Bug Year:1956


!"# L%F%&/% #B+#/)0,/ *#+",4 0) %/ ,$4#$0/3 *#1"%/0)* +"%+ $#2#$)#) +"# ,$4#$ ,8 +"#

)#?:#/1# #&#*#/+)6 !"0) 1,4# )%*.&# 1$#%+#) % 1,&&#1+0,/ ,8 0/+#3#$) -:+ 40).&%() +"#* 0/

$#2#$)# ,$4#$6


Private Sub reverseToolStripMenuItem_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, _

ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles reverseToolStripMenuItem.Click

Dim scores = {88, 56, 23, 99, 65, 93, 78, 23, 99, 90}

For Each item In scores.Reverse()



End Sub


private void reverseToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)


int[] scores = { 88, 56, 23, 99, 65, 93, 78, 23, 99, 90 };

foreach (var item in scores.Reverse())



')D, !"#$%&'( =/+$,4:10/3 C=DE















!"# @%)%01 #B+#/)0,/ *#+",4 $#+:$/) ,/# ,:+.:+ #&#*#/+ 8,$ #%1" 0/.:+ #&#*#/+6 ]&+",:3"

@%)%01 $#+:$/) ,/# ,:+.:+ 8,$ #%1" 0/.:+> +"# @%)%01 ,.#$%+,$ %&), #/%-&#) (,: +, .#$8,$* %

.$,A#1+0,/ +, % /#' +(.# ,8 #&#*#/+6 !"0) 1,/2#$)0,/ ,$ *%..0/3 *#1"%/0)* .&%() %/ 0*.,$5

+%/+ $,&# 0/ *,)+ C=DE ?:#$0#)6

=/ +"# 8,&&,'0/3 #B%*.&#> % 1,&&#1+0,/ ,8 +#5)% +(.#) 0) ?:#$0#4 +, $#+$0#2# %&& +"# #&#*#/+)

'",)# *%@# Y+#5)%?61%$DZ 0) 2.&=> -:+ +"# @%)%01 #B+#/)0,/ *#+",4 +$%/)8,$*) +"#)# +#5)%

+(.#) 0/+, I'& ,-A#1+)6


Private Sub selectToolStripMenuItem_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, _

ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles selectToolStripMenuItem.Click

Dim vehicles As New List(Of Tuple(Of String, String, Integer)) From { _

Tuple.Create(Of String, String, Integer)("123", "VW", 1999), _

Tuple.Create(Of String, String, Integer)("234", "Ford", 2009), _

Tuple.Create(Of String, String, Integer)("567", "Audi", 2005), _

Tuple.Create(Of String, String, Integer)("678", "Ford", 2003), _

Tuple.Create(Of String, String, Integer)("789", "Mazda", 2003), _

Tuple.Create(Of String, String, Integer)("999", "Ford", 1965) _


Dim fordCars = vehicles.Where(Function(v) v.Item2 = "Ford") _

.Select(Function(v) New Car With { _

.VIN = v.Item1, _

.Make = v.Item2, _

.Year = v.Item3 _


For Each item In fordCars

txtLog.WriteLine("Car VIN:{0} Make:{1} Year:{2}", _

item.VIN, item.Make, item.Year)


End Sub


private void selectToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)


var vehicles = new List<Tuple<string,string,int>>

C#)),/ LM N/4#$)+%/40/3 C=DE !"#$%&'(' )D(


Tuple.Create("123", "VW", 1999),


Tuple.Create("567","Audi", 2005),

Tuple.Create("678","Ford", 2003),

Tuple.Create("789","Mazda", 2003),



var fordCars = vehicles


.Select(v=>new Car






foreach (var item in fordCars )


txtLog.WriteLine("Car VIN:{0} Make:{1} Year:{2}",

item.VIN, item.Make, item.Year);




Car VIN:234 Make:Ford Year:2009

Car VIN:678 Make:Ford Year:2003

Car VIN:999 Make:Ford Year:1965


["#/ (,: :)# +"# @%)%01 #B+#/)0,/ *#+",4> #%1" #&#*#/+ 8$,* +"# 0/.:+ )#?:#/1# 1%/ .$,5

4:1# ,/&( ,/# #&#*#/+ 0/ +"# ,:+.:+ )#?:#/1#6 !"# @%)%01J'"9 #B+#/)0,/ *#+",4 .$,A#1+)

% )0/3&# ,:+.:+ #&#*#/+ 0/+, *%/( ,:+.:+ #&#*#/+)> ), (,: 1%/ :)# +"# @%)%01J'"9 *#+",4

+, .#$8,$* % SEC 0//#$ A,0/> -:+ (,: 1%/ %&), :)# 0+ '"#/ (,: %$# ',$@0/3 '0+" % 1,&&#1+0,/

,8 1,&&#1+0,/)> %/4 (,: %$# ?:#$(0/3 +"# ,:+#$ 1,&&#1+0,/ -:+ /##4 +, .$,4:1# %/ ,:+.:+ #&#5

*#/+ 8,$ #%1" #&#*#/+ 0/ +"# 0//#$ 1,&&#1+0,/6

=/ +"# 8,&&,'0/3 1,4# )%*.&# 0) % &0)+ ,8 $#.%0$) 0/ '"01" #%1" #&#*#/+ 0/ +"# &%5'6&/ 1,&5

&#1+0,/ 0) % +#5)% +"%+ 1,/+%0/) +"# H=D ,8 +"# 2#"01&# %) 61%$Z %/4 % &0)+ ,8 $#.%0$) %) 61%$D6

@%)%01J'"9 #B.%/4) #%1" +#5)% 0/+, % )#?:#/1# ,8 $#.%0$)6 @%)%01 .$,A#1+) #%1" $#.%0$ %/4 +"#

%)),10%+#4 H=D 0/+, %/ %/,/(*,:) +(.# 0/)+%/1#6


Private Sub selectManyToolStripMenuItem_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, _

ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles selectManyToolStripMenuItem.Click

Dim repairs = New List(Of Tuple(Of String, List(Of String))) From



New List(Of String) From {"Rotate Tires", "Change oil"}),


New List(Of String) From {"Fix Flat", "Wash Vehicle"}),


')D* !"#$%&'( =/+$,4:10/3 C=DE

New List(Of String) From {"Alignment", "Vacuum", "Wax"}),


New List(Of String) From {"Spark plugs", "Air filter"}),


New List(Of String) From {"Wiper blades", "PVC valve"})


Dim query = repairs.SelectMany(Function(t) _

t.Item2.Select(Function(r) New With {.VIN = t.Item1, .Repair = r}))

For Each item In query

txtLog.WriteLine("VIN:{0} Repair:{1}", item.VIN, item.Repair)


End Sub


private void selectManyToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)


var repairs = new List<Tuple<string, List<string>>>



new List<string>{"Rotate Tires","Change oil"}),


new List<string>{"Fix Flat","Wash Vehicle"}),


new List<string>{"Alignment","Vacuum", "Wax"}),


new List<string>{"Spark plugs","Air filter"}),


new List<string>{"Wiper blades","PVC valve"}),


var query = repairs.SelectMany(t =>

t.Item2.Select(r => new { VIN = t.Item1, Repair = r }));

foreach (var item in query)


txtLog.WriteLine("VIN:{0} Repair:{1}", item.VIN, item.Repair);




VIN:ABC123 Repair:Rotate Tires

VIN:ABC123 Repair:Change oil

VIN:DEF123 Repair:Fix Flat

VIN:DEF123 Repair:Wash Vehicle

VIN:ABC456 Repair:Alignment

VIN:ABC456 Repair:Vacuum

VIN:ABC456 Repair:Wax

VIN:HIJ123 Repair:Spark plugs

VIN:HIJ123 Repair:Air filter

VIN:DEF456 Repair:Wiper blades

VIN:DEF456 Repair:PVC valve

C#)),/ LM N/4#$)+%/40/3 C=DE !"#$%&'(' )D+


7/# )1#/%$0, (,: *03"+ $:/ 0/+, 0) '"#/ (,: "%2# +', )#?:#/1#) %/4 '%/+ +, )## '"#+"#$

+"#( 1,/+%0/ +"# )%*# #&#*#/+) 0/ +"# )%*# ,$4#$6 !"# @%U#%"0%!U#') #B+#/)0,/ *#+",4

1%/ .#$8,$* +"0) +%)@6 =+ '%&@) +"$,:3" +', )#?:#/1#) %/4 1,*.%$#) +"# #&#*#/+) 0/)04# 8,$

#?:%&0+(6 <,: 1%/ %&), ,2#$$04# +"# #?:%&0+( +#)+ -( .$,2040/3 %/ !U#')619I.$5'&%& ,-A#1+ %)

% .%$%*#+#$6 !"# 8,&&,'0/3 #B%*.&# 1,4# 1,*.%$#) +', )#?:#/1#) )#2#$%& +0*#) %/4 40).&%()

+"# $#):&+6


Private Sub sequenceEqualToolStripMenuItem_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, _

ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles sequenceEqualToolStripMenuItem.Click

Dim lastYearScores = New List(Of Integer) From {93, 78, 23, 99, 91}

Dim thisYearScores = New List(Of Integer) From {93, 78, 23, 99, 90}


lastYearScores(4) = 90








End Sub


private void sequenceEqualToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)


var lastYearScores = new List<int>{ 93, 78, 23, 99, 91 };

var thisYearScores = new List<int>{ 93, 78, 23, 99, 90 };


lastYearScores[4] = 90;
















!"# @6"7)% #B+#/)0,/ *#+",4 )",:&4 -# :)#4 '"#/ (,: "%2# % 1,&&#1+0,/ ,8 ,/# #&#*#/+ %/4

'%/+ +, 1,/2#$+ +"# 3#/#$01 !"#$%&'()% 0/+#$8%1# +, +"# )0/3&# #&#*#/+6 =8 +"# )#?:#/1# 1,/5

+%0/) *,$# +"%/ ,/# #&#*#/+ ,$ /, #&#*#/+)> %/ #B1#.+0,/ 0) +"$,'/6 !"# 8,&&,'0/3 #B%*.&#

')DB !"#$%&'( =/+$,4:10/3 C=DE

1,4# ?:#$0#) +, $#+$0#2# +"# 1%$ '0+" H=D _=kLJ` %/4 +"#/ :)#) +"# @6"7)% #B+#/)0,/ *#+",4

+, 1,/2#$+ !"#$%&'()% +, +"# )0/3&# I'&6


Private Sub singleToolStripMenuItem_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, _

ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles singleToolStripMenuItem.Click

Dim cars = GetCars()

Dim myCar As Car = cars.Where(Function(c) c.VIN = "HIJ123").Single()

txtLog.WriteLine("Car VIN:{0}, Make:{1}, Model:{2}", _

myCar.VIN, myCar.Make, myCar.Model)

End Sub


private void singleToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)


var cars = GetCars();

Car myCar = cars.Where(c => c.VIN == "HIJ123").Single();

txtLog.WriteLine("Car VIN:{0}, Make:{1}, Model:{2}",

myCar.VIN, myCar.Make, myCar.Model);



Car VIN:HIJ123, Make:VW, Model:Bug


!"# @6"7)%>&W%-'#)1 #B+#/)0,/ *#+",4 ',$@) &0@# +"# @6"7)% #B+#/)0,/ *#+",4 #B1#.+

+"%+ 0+ 4,#)/V+ +"$,' %/ #B1#.+0,/ 08 /, #&#*#/+) %$# 0/ +"# )#?:#/1#6 =+ )+0&& +"$,') %/3

3 "F')6=>5%&'16."!G0%516." 08 *,$# +"%/ ,/# #&#*#/+ #B0)+) 0/ +"# )#?:#/1#6 !"# 8,&&,'0/3

)%*.&# 1,4# %++#*.+) +, &,1%+# % 1%$ '0+" %/ 0/2%&04 H=D> ), /, #&#*#/+) #B0)+ 0/ +"# )#5

?:#/1#9 +"#$#8,$#> +"# $9I'& 2%$0%-&# '0&& -# K.146"7 YFG "#))Z6


Private Sub singleOrDefaultToolStripMenuItem_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, _

ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles singleOrDefaultToolStripMenuItem.Click

Dim cars = GetCars()

Dim myCar = cars.Where(Function(c) c.VIN = "XXXXXX").SingleOrDefault()

txtLog.WriteLine(myCar Is Nothing)

End Sub


private void singleOrDefaultToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)


var cars = GetCars();

Car myCar = cars.Where(c => c.VIN == "XXXXXX").SingleOrDefault();

txtLog.WriteLine(myCar == null);




C#)),/ LM N/4#$)+%/40/3 C=DE !"#$%&'(' )DC


!"# !"# !"#!$%&'$ (!#)'* &+$',!%- ', ./(0% '1!,- !2!(!$#% &$ #)! %'/,3! %!4/!$3!5 6)&%

(!#)'*- 7)!$ 3'(8&$!* 7&#) #)! $%!& !"#!$%&'$ (!#)'*- #90&3:229 0,'*/3!% 0:+!* ,!%/2#;

%!#% #' #)! <=>5 6)! ?'22'7&$+ %:(02! 3'*! *!('$%#,:#!% #)! /%! '? #)! !"# !"#!$%&'$

(!#)'* 7)!$ %',#&$+ %3',!% :$* #)!$ %@&00&$+ '1!, #)! 2'7!%# %3',! #' *&%02:9 #)! ,!%# '? #)!



Private Sub skipToolStripMenuItem_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, _

ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles skipToolStripMenuItem.Click

Dim scores = {88, 56, 23, 99, 65, 93, 78, 23, 99, 90}

For Each score In scores.OrderBy(Function(i) i).Skip(1)



End Sub


private void skipToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)


int[] scores = { 88, 56, 23, 99, 65, 93, 78, 23, 99, 90 };

foreach (var score in scores.OrderBy(i=>i).Skip(1))













>$ #)&% !":(02!- #)! %3',! '? AB &% (&%%&$+ 8!3:/%! #)! !"# (!#)'* ./(0!* '1!, #):# !2!;



6)! !"#'(")& !"#!$%&'$ (!#)'* &% %&(&2:, #' #)! !"# (!#)'* !"3!0# !"#'(")& :33!0#% :

0,!*&3:#! #):# #:@!% :$ !2!(!$# '? #)! 3'22!3#&'$ :$* ,!#/,$% : C''2!:$ 1:2/! #' *!#!,(&$!

7)!$ #' %#'0 %@&00&$+ '1!,5 6)! ?'22'7&$+ !":(02! 3'*! %@&0% '1!, #)! %3',!% :% 2'$+ :% #)!

%3',! &% 2!%% #):$ DE5


Private Sub skipWhileToolStripMenuItem_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, _

ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles skipWhileToolStripMenuItem.Click

Dim scores = {88, 56, 23, 99, 65, 93, 78, 23, 99, 90}

For Each score In scores.OrderBy(Function(i) i).SkipWhile(Function(s) s < 80)


!"" #$%&'() * >$#,'*/3&$+ F>GH


End Sub


private void skipWhileToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)


int[] scores = { 88, 56, 23, 99, 65, 93, 78, 23, 99, 90 };

foreach (var score in scores.OrderBy(i => i).SkipWhile(s => s < 80))











G'#! #):# &? #)! %3',!% 7!,! $'# %',#!*- #)! !"# (!#)'* 7'/2* $'# %@&0 '1!, :$9 !2!(!$#%

8!3:/%! #)! I,%# !2!(!$# JDDK &% +,!:#!, #):$ DE5


6)! *+ !"#!$%&'$ (!#)'* &% :$ :++,!+:#! ?/$3#&'$ #):# 3:$ 2''0 '1!, #)! %'/,3! %!4/!$3!

:$* 3:23/2:#! : #'#:2 %/( 8:%!* '$ #)! 2:(8*: !"0,!%%&'$ 0:%%!* &$#' #)&% (!#)'* #' %!2!3#

#)! 0,'0!,#9 #' 8! %/((!*5 >? #)! %!4/!$3! &% ,-.*+&/%0)& '? : $/(!,&3 #90!- *+ 3:$ 8!

!"!3/#!* 7&#)'/# : 2:(8*: !"0,!%%&'$5 6)! ?'22'7&$+ !":(02! 3'*! *&%02:9% #)! %/( '? :22

#)! %3',!%5


Private Sub sumToolStripMenuItem_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, _

ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles sumToolStripMenuItem.Click

Dim scores = {88, 56, 23, 99, 65, 93, 78, 23, 99, 90}


End Sub


private void sumToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)


int[] scores = { 88, 56, 23, 99, 65, 93, 78, 23, 99, 90 };





F!%%'$ LM =$*!,%#:$*&$+ F>GH #$%&'() * !"+


6)! $%!& !"#!$%&'$ (!#)'* ,!#,&!1!% : 0',#&'$ '? #)! %!4/!$3!5 N'/ 3:$ %0!3&?9 )'7 (:$9

!2!(!$#% 9'/ 7:$# 7&#) #)&% (!#)'*5 ># &% 3'(('$29 /%!* 7&#) #)! !"# (!#)'* #' 0,'1&*!

0:+&$+ :8&2&#9 ?', *:#: 8!&$+ *&%02:9!* &$ #)! <=>5 >? 9'/ #,9 #' #:@! (',! !2!(!$#% #):$ :,!

:1:&2:82!- #)! $%!& (!#)'* +,:3!?/229 ,!#/,$% 7):#!1!, &# 3:$ 7&#)'/# #),'7&$+ :$ !"3!0#&'$5

6)! ?'22'7&$+ 3'*! %:(02! %#:,#% 7&#) : 3'22!3#&'$ '? &$#!+!,% 3:22!* 123/&1- %',#% #)! 3'22!3;

#&'$- %@&0% #),!! !2!(!$#%- :$* #)!$ #:@!% #7' !2!(!$#%5


Private Sub takeToolStripMenuItem_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, _

ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles takeToolStripMenuItem.Click

Dim scores = {88, 56, 23, 99, 65, 93, 78, 23, 99, 90}

For Each item In scores.OrderBy(Function(i) i).Skip(3).Take(2)



End Sub


private void takeToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)


int[] scores = { 88, 56, 23, 99, 65, 93, 78, 23, 99, 90 };

foreach (var item in scores.OrderBy(i => i).Skip(3).Take(2))









O/%# :% #)! !"#'(")& !"#!$%&'$ (!#)'* !$:82!% 9'/ #' %@&0 7)&2! #)! 0,'1&*!* 0,!*&3:#!

,!#/,$% 4/*&- #)! $%!&'(")& !"#!$%&'$ (!#)'* !$:82!% 9'/ #' ,!#,&!1! !2!(!$#% ?,'( 9'/,

%!4/!$3! :% 2'$+ :% #)! 0,'1&*!* 0,!*&3:#! ,!#/,$% 4/*&5


Private Sub takeWhileToolStripMenuItem_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, _

ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles takeWhileToolStripMenuItem.Click

Dim scores = {88, 56, 23, 99, 65, 93, 78, 23, 99, 90}

For Each item In scores.OrderBy(Function(i) i).TakeWhile(Function(s) s < 80)



End Sub


private void takeWhileToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)


int[] scores = { 88, 56, 23, 99, 65, 93, 78, 23, 99, 90 };

!+, #$%&'() * >$#,'*/3&$+ F>GH

foreach (var item in scores.OrderBy(i => i).TakeWhile(s => s < 80))












6)! $35//%6 !"#!$%&'$ (!#)'* !"!3/#!% #)! *!?!,,!* 4/!,9 :$* 3'$1!,#% #)! ,!%/2# #' : 3'$;

3,!#! :,,:9 '? #)! ',&+&$:2 %!4/!$3! &#!(P% #90!5 6)! ?'22'7&$+ 3'*! 3,!:#!% : 4/!,9 #' ,!#,&!1!

#)! !1!$ %3',!% :$* 3'$1!,#% #)! *!?!,,!* 4/!,9 #' :$ :,,:9 '? &$#!+!,% 3:22!* &7&. 23/&15 6)!

#)&,* %3',! &% 3):$+!* #' #7' J!1!$K :$*- 7)!$ #)! !1!$ %3',!% :,! *&%02:9!*- #)! #7' &% $'# &$

#)! :,,:95


Private Sub toArrayToolStripMenuItem_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, _

ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles toArrayToolStripMenuItem.Click

Dim scores = {88, 56, 23, 99, 65, 93, 78, 23, 99, 90}

Dim evenScores = scores.Where(Function(s) s Mod 2 = 0).ToArray()

scores(2) = 2

For Each item In evenScores



End Sub


private void toArrayToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)


int[] scores = { 88, 56, 23, 99, 65, 93, 78, 23, 99, 90 };

var evenScores = scores.Where(s => s % 2 == 0).ToArray();

scores[2] = 2;

foreach (var item in evenScores)










F!%%'$ LM =$*!,%#:$*&$+ F>GH #$%&'() * !+!


6)! $38"24"3.%/6 !"#!$%&'$ (!#)'* !"!3/#!% #)! *!?!,,!* 4/!,9 :$* 3'$1!,#% #)! ,!%/2# #' :

*&3#&'$:,9 7&#) : @!9 #90! &$?!,,!* ?,'( #)! ,!#/,$ #90! '? #)! 2:(8*: 0:%%!* :% : 0:,:(!#!,5

6)! &#!( :%%'3&:#!* 7&#) : *&3#&'$:,9 !$#,9 &% #)! 1:2/! ?,'( #)! !$/(!,:#&'$ #):# 3'(0/#!%

#)! @!95

6)! ?'22'7&$+ 3'*! 3,!:#!% : 4/!,9 #' ,!#,&!1! #)! 3:,% :$* 3'$1!,#% #)!( #' : *&3#&'$:,9

'? 3:,% 7&#) #)! 14/".9 Q>G /%!* :% #)! 2''@/0 @!9 :$* :%%&+$% #)! *&3#&'$:,9 #' : 2%/1:6;".

1:,&:82!5 6)! 3:, 7&#) : Q>G '? R>OLAB &% ,!#,&!1!* :$* *&%02:9!*5


Private Sub toDictionaryToolStripMenuItem_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, _

ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles toDictionaryToolStripMenuItem.Click

Dim cars = GetCars()

Dim carsByVin = cars.ToDictionary(Function(c) c.VIN)

Dim myCar = carsByVin("HIJ123")

txtLog.WriteLine("Car VIN:{0}, Make:{1}, Model:{2} Year:{3}", _

myCar.VIN, myCar.Make, myCar.Model, myCar.Year)

End Sub


private void toDictionaryToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)


var cars = GetCars();

var carsByVin = cars.ToDictionary(c=>c.VIN);

Car myCar = carsByVin["HIJ123"];

txtLog.WriteLine("Car VIN:{0}, Make:{1}, Model:{2} Year:{3}",

myCar.VIN, myCar.Make, myCar.Model, myCar.Year);



Car VIN:HIJ123, Make:VW, Model:Bug Year:1956

*,&" *

6)! $3<"14 !"#!$%&'$ (!#)'* !"!3/#!% #)! *!?!,,!* 4/!,9 :$* %#',!% !:3) &#!( &$ : <"14=$>

7)!,! $ &% #)! %:(! #90! :% #)! ',&+&$:2 %!4/!$3!5 6)! ?'22'7&$+ 3'*! 3,!:#!% : 4/!,9 #' ,!;

#,&!1! #)! !1!$ %3',!% :$* 3'$1!,#% #)! *!?!,,!* 4/!,9 #' : 2&%# '? &$#!+!,% 3:22!* &7&. 23/&15

6)! #)&,* %3',! &% 3):$+!* #' #7' J!1!$K :$*- 7)!$ #)! !1!$ %3',!% :,! *&%02:9!*- #)! #7' &%

$'# &$ #)! 2&%#5


Private Sub toListToolStripMenuItem_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, _

ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles toListToolStripMenuItem.Click

Dim scores = {88, 56, 23, 99, 65, 93, 78, 23, 99, 90}

Dim evenScores = scores.Where(Function(s) s Mod 2 = 0).ToList()

scores(2) = 2

For Each item In evenScores



End Sub

!+- #$%&'() * >$#,'*/3&$+ F>GH


private void toListToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)


int[] scores = { 88, 56, 23, 99, 65, 93, 78, 23, 99, 90 };

var evenScores = scores.Where(s => s % 2 == 0).ToList();

scores[2] = 2;

foreach (var item in evenScores)











6)! $3<33!*# !"#!$%&'$ (!#)'* ,!#/,$% ,<33!*#=$?&6@A$-)&+&.4>S#):# &%- : %!4/!$3! '?

,B/3*#".9=$?&6@A$-)&+&.4> '8.!3#%5 6)&% &$#!,?:3! %0!3&I!% #):# #)! +,'/0&$+ '8.!3# !"0'%!%

: ?&6 0,'0!,#9 #):# ,!0,!%!$#% #)! +,'/0&$+ 1:2/!5 6)&% (!#)'* 3,!:#!% : $!7 3'22!3#&'$

'8.!3#- #)/% 0,'1&*&$+ : ?,'T!$ 1&!75 U):$+&$+ #)! ',&+&$:2 %'/,3! 3'22!3#&'$ 7&22 $'# :??!3#

#)&% 3'22!3#&'$5 6)! ?'22'7&$+ 3'*! %:(02! +,'/0% 3:,% 89 #)! C%!& 0,'0!,#95 V?#!, $3<33!*#

&% 3:22!*- #)! ',&+&$:2 3'22!3#&'$ &% 32!:,!*- 8/# &# ):% $' &(0:3# '$ #)! 3'22!3#&'$ 0,'*/3!* 89

#)! $3<33!*# (!#)'*5


Private Sub toLookupToolStripMenuItem_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, _

ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles toLookupToolStripMenuItem.Click

Dim cars = GetCars()

Dim query = cars.ToLookup(Function(c) c.Make)


For Each group As IGrouping(Of String, Car) In query

txtLog.WriteLine("Key:{0}", group.Key)

For Each c In group

txtLog.WriteLine("Car VIN:{0} Make:{1}", c.VIN, c.Make)



End Sub


private void toLookupToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)


var cars = GetCars();

var query = cars.ToLookup(c => c.Make);


foreach (IGrouping<string, Car> group in query)


txtLog.WriteLine("Key:{0}", group.Key);

foreach (Car c in group)

F!%%'$ LM =$*!,%#:$*&$+ F>GH #$%&'() * !+*


txtLog.WriteLine("Car VIN:{0} Make:{1}", c.VIN, c.Make);






Car VIN:ABC123 Make:Ford

Car VIN:DEF456 Make:Ford


Car VIN:DEF123 Make:BMW


Car VIN:ABC456 Make:Audi


Car VIN:HIJ123 Make:VW

C!3:/%! #)!,! :,! #7' W',*%- #)!9 :,! +,'/0!* #'+!#)!,5 6)! B/3*#:6 !"#!$%&'$ (!#)'*

0,'1&*!% #)! %:(! ,!%/2# !"3!0# #):# B/3*#:6 &% : *!?!,,!* 4/!,9- :$* $3<33!*# !"!3/#!%

#)! 4/!,9 &((!*&:#!29 #' ,!#/,$ : ?,'T!$ %!4/!$3! #):# 7'$P# 3):$+! !1!$ &? #)! ',&+&$:2

%!4/!$3! &% /0*:#!*5


X'(!#&(!%- 9'/ 7:$# #' 3'(8&$! #7' 3'22!3#&'$% :$* 7',@ 7&#) #)! ,!%/2#5 C! 3:,!?/2Y #)&%

(&+)# $'# 8! #)! 3',,!3# %'2/#&'$5 N'/ (&+)# 7:$# #' /%! #)! D3.2%4 !"#!$%&'$ (!#)'*- 7)&3)

?/2I22% #)! ,!4/&,!(!$#% '? #)&% %3!$:,&'5 6)! E."3. !"#!$%&'$ (!#)'* 3'(8&$!% #)! !2!(!$#%

?,'( #7' %!4/!$3!% 8/# '/#0/#% #)! *&%#&$3# !2!(!$#%5 6):# &%- &# I2#!,% '/# */02&3:#!%5 6)&% &%

!4/&1:2!$# #' !"!3/#&$+ D3.2%4 :$* #)!$ 8"14".245 6)! ?'22'7&$+ 3'*! !":(02! 3'(8&$!% #7'

&$#!+!, :,,:9% 89 /%&$+ #)! E."3. (!#)'* :$* #)!$ %',#% #)! ,!%/2#5


Private Sub unionToolStripMenuItem_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, _

ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles unionToolStripMenuItem.Click

Dim lastYearScores = {88, 56, 23, 99, 65, 56}

Dim thisYearScores = {93, 78, 23, 99, 90, 99}

Dim allScores = lastYearScores.Union(thisYearScores)

For Each item In allScores.OrderBy(Function(s) s)



End Sub


private void unionToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)


int[] lastYearScores = { 88, 56, 23, 99, 65, 56 };

int[] thisYearScores = { 93, 78, 23, 99, 90, 99 };

var allScores = lastYearScores.Union(thisYearScores);

foreach (var item in allScores.OrderBy(s=>s))





!+. #$%&'() * >$#,'*/3&$+ F>GH











6)! '(&/& !"#!$%&'$ (!#)'* !$:82!% 9'/ #' I2#!, : %'/,3! %!4/!$3!5 6)&% (!#)'* :3;

3!0#% : 0,!*&3:#! 2:(8*: !"0,!%%&'$5 Z)!$ 7',@&$+ 7&#) ,!2:#&'$:2 *:#:8:%!%- #)&% !"#!$%&'$

(!#)'* #90&3:229 #,:$%2:#!% #' : XHF ZR[\[ 32:/%!5 6)! ?'22'7&$+ %:(02! 3'*! *!('$%#,:#!%

#)! /%! '? #)! '(&/& (!#)'* 7&#) : %!4/!$3! '? 3:,% #):# :,! I2#!,!* '$ C%!& 8!&$+ !4/:2

#' F3/G5


Private Sub whereToolStripMenuItem_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, _

ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles whereToolStripMenuItem.Click

Dim cars = GetCars()

For Each myCar In cars.Where(Function(c) c.Make = "Ford")

txtLog.WriteLine("Car VIN:{0}, Make:{1}, Model:{2} Year:{3}", _

myCar.VIN, myCar.Make, myCar.Model, myCar.Year)


End Sub


private void whereToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)


var cars = GetCars();

foreach (var myCar in cars.Where(c => c.Make == "Ford"))


txtLog.WriteLine("Car VIN:{0}, Make:{1}, Model:{2} Year:{3}",

myCar.VIN, myCar.Make, myCar.Model, myCar.Year);




Car VIN:ABC123, Make:Ford, Model:F-250 Year:2000

Car VIN:DEF456, Make:Ford, Model:F-150 Year:1998


6)! H"# !"#!$%&'$ (!#)'* (!,+!% #7' %!4/!$3!%5 6)&% &% $!&#)!, E."3. $', D3.2%4 8!3:/%!

#)! ,!%/2#&$+ !2!(!$# 3'/$# &% !4/:2 #' #)! (&$&(/( 3'/$# '? #)! #7' %!4/!$3!%5 [2!(!$# L

'? %!4/!$3! L &% (:#!* #' !2!(!$# L '? %!4/!$3! A- :$* 9'/ 0,'1&*! : 2:(8*: !"0,!%%&'$ #'

*!I$! 7)&3) @&$* '? '/#0/# #' 3,!:#! 8:%!* '$ #)&% (:#&$+5 [2!(!$# A '? %!4/!$3! L &% #)!$

(:#!* #' !2!(!$# A '? %!4/!$3! A :$* %' '$ /$#&2 '$! '? #)! %!4/!$3!% ,/$% '/# '? !2!(!$#%5

F!%%'$ LM =$*!,%#:$*&$+ F>GH #$%&'() * !+/

6)! ?'22'7&$+ %:(02! 3'*! %#:,#% 7&#) : $/(8!, %!4/!$3!- /%&$+ : %#:,#&$+ 1:2/! '? I :$*

:$ !$*&$+ 1:2/! '? IJJJ5 6)! %!3'$* %!4/!$3! &% : 3'22!3#&'$ '? D%/ '8.!3#%5 6)! H"# !"#!$;

%&'$ (!#)'* 0,'*/3!% :$ '/#0/# 3'22!3#&'$ '? :$'$9('/% '8.!3#% #):# 3'$#:&$ #)! &$*!"

$/(8!, :$* #)! 3:,5


Private Sub zipToolStripMenuItem_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, _

ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles zipToolStripMenuItem.Click

Dim numbers = Enumerable.Range(1, 1000)

Dim cars = GetCars()

Dim zip = numbers.Zip(cars, _

Function(i, c) New With {.Number = i, .CarMake = c.Make})

For Each item In zip

txtLog.WriteLine("Number:{0} CarMake:{1}", item.Number, item.CarMake)


End Sub


private void zipToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)


var numbers = Enumerable.Range(1, 1000);

var cars = GetCars();

var zip = numbers.Zip(cars, (i, c) => new {

Number = i, CarMake = c.Make });

foreach (var item in zip)


txtLog.WriteLine("Number:{0} CarMake:{1}", item.Number, item.CarMake);




Number:1 CarMake:Ford

Number:2 CarMake:BMW

Number:3 CarMake:Audi

Number:4 CarMake:VW

Number:5 CarMake:Ford

6)! !$*&$+ ,:$+! '? IJJJ '$ #)! I,%# %!4/!$3! 7:% %'(!7):# :,8&#,:,9 8/# &% $'#&3!:829

)&+)!, #):$ #)! 4/:$#&#9 '? D%/ '8.!3#% &$ #)! %!3'$* %!4/!$3!5 Z)!$ #)! %!3'$* %!4/!$3!

,:$ '/# '? !2!(!$#%- #)! H"# (!#)'* %#'00!* 0,'*/3&$+ '/#0/#5 >? #)! !$*&$+ ,:$+! '? #)!

I,%# %!4/!$3! 7:% %!# #' B- '$29 #),!! !2!(!$#% 7'/2* 8! '/#0/# 8!3:/%! #)! I,%# %!4/!$3!

7'/2* ,/$ '/# '? !2!(!$#%5

!"#$%&$' 0123456 7489 :;<=>(5?@A456 BC?8D2CE

>$ #)&% 0,:3#&3!- 9'/ 3,!:#! : %&(02! Q!)&32! Z!8 :002&3:#&'$ 7&#) : 1!)&32!% 3'22!3#&'$ #):#

&% : +!$!,&3 2&%# '? ;&("2)&5 6)&% 2&%# 7&22 8! 0'0/2:#!* 7&#) %'(! 1!)&32!% #' /%! '8.!3# &$&#&:2;

&T!,%- 3'22!3#&'$ &$&#&:2&T!,%- &(02&3&#29 #90!* 2'3:2 1:,&:82!%- 4/!,9 !"#!$%&'$ (!#)'*%- 2:(8*:

!"0,!%%&'$%- :$* :$'$9('/% #90!%5

!+F #$%&'() * >$#,'*/3&$+ F>GH

6)&% 0,:3#&3! &% &$#!$*!* #' ?'3/% '$ #)! ?!:#/,!% #):# ):1! 8!!$ *!I$!* &$ #)&% 2!%%'$- %'

#)! <=> 7&22 8! (&$&(:25

>? 9'/ !$3'/$#!, : 0,'82!( 3'(02!#&$+ :$ !"!,3&%!- #)! 3'(02!#!* 0,'.!3#% 3:$ 8! &$;

%#:22!* ?,'( #)! U'*! ?'2*!, '$ #)! 3'(0:$&'$ U]5

'('"$&)' /4%!5%&!&7%8&9##$*.!5*':&;*53&!&<=>

>$ #)&% !"!,3&%!- 9'/ 3,!:#! : Z!8 V002&3:#&'$ 0,'.!3# :$* :** 3'$#,'2% #' #)! (:&$ Z!8 ?',(

#' 3,!:#! #)! +,:0)&3:2 /%!, &$#!,?:3!5

*+ >$ Q&%/:2 X#/*&' 5G[6 AELE- 3)''%! W&2! ^ G!7 ^ _,'.!3#5

,+ X!2!3# 9'/, *!%&,!* 0,'+,:((&$+ 2:$+/:+! :$* #)!$ %!2!3# #)! VX_5G[6 Z!8

V002&3:#&'$ #!(02:#!5 W', #)! 0,'.!3# $:(!- !$#!, GC94HAC&21ICH85 C! %/,! #' %!2!3# :

*!%&,!* 2'3:#&'$ ?', #)&% 0,'.!3#5

-+ W', #)! %'2/#&'$ $:(!- !$#!, GC94HACJ1AD84155 C! %/,! U,!:#! ]&,!3#',9 W', X'2/#&'$ &%

%!2!3#!* :$* #)!$ 32&3@ `a5

V?#!, Q&%/:2 X#/*&' 5G[6 3,!:#!% #)! 0,'.!3#- #)! )'(! 0:+!- ]!?:/2#5:%0"- 7&22 8!


!"# K;JJ;<L '$( &)MK&' BM) '$( :M#%';M<

>(&?',&0':@5&+%%&!&#4'"#5&('4&53%&$'.!5*':A&*5@+&8%.!,+%&?',4&)*+,!$& 5,0*'&BCD2&+%55*:E+A&


04*G%B&2'&+%$%.5&!&$'.!5*':A&+*"#$?&.3''+%&I*$%&J& !G%&9$$&!(5%4&53%&#4'F%.5&3!+&8%%:&.4%K

!5%0B&2'&.3!:E%&53*+&+%55*:EA&.3''+%&2''$+&J&L#5*':+&J&M4'F%.5+&9:0& '$,5*':+&J& !G%&C%;&



6)!,! :,! #7' 3'$#!$# #:+%- '$! 3:22!* K&%G&/D3.4&.4 :$* '$! 3:22!* :3G6D3.4&.45

6)! :3G6D3.4&.4 #:+ 3/,,!$#29 ):% *!?:/2# (:,@/0 #' *&%02:9 : 7!23'(! (!%%:+! :$*

)!20 2&$@5

.+ >? 9'/ ):1!$P# %!!$ #)&% Z!8 V002&3:#&'$ #!(02:#! 8!?',!- 3)''%! ]!8/+ ^ X#:,#

]!8/++&$+ #' 8/&2* :$* ,/$ #)&% Z!8 :002&3:#&'$ %' #):# 9'/ 3:$ %!! #)! *!?:/2# #!(;

02:#!5 V?#!, ,/$$&$+ #)! :002&3:#&'$- +' 8:3@ #' #)! ]!?:/2#5:%0" (:,@/05

/+ ]!2!#! #)! (:,@/0 #):#P% &$ #)! :3G6D3.4&.4 #:+5

0+ _'0/2:#! #)! :3G6D3.4&.4 #:+ 7&#) #)! ?'22'7&$+ (:,@/0- 7)&3) 7&22 *&%02:9 I2#!, :$*

%',# 3,&#!,&: :$* 0,'1&*! :$ !"!3/#! 8/##'$ :$* : +,&* #' *&%02:9 1!)&32!%5

9 MN&O!4P,#

<asp:Content ID="BodyContent" runat="server" ContentPlaceHolderID="MainContent">

<asp:Label ID="lblVin" runat="server" Width="100px" Text="VIN: "></asp:Label>

<asp:TextBox ID="txtVin" runat="server"></asp:TextBox>

<br />

<asp:Label ID="lblMake" runat="server" Width="100px" Text="Make: "></

!"# K;JJ;<L '$( &)MK&' BM) '$( :M#%';M<

>(&?',&0':@5&+%%&!&#4'"#5&('4&53%&$'.!5*':A&*5@+&8%.!,+%&?',4&)*+,!$& 5,0*'&BCD2&+%55*:E+A&


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<asp:TextBox ID="txtMake" runat="server"></asp:TextBox>

<br />

<asp:Label ID="lblModel" runat="server" Width="100px" Text="Model: "></


<asp:TextBox ID="txtModel" runat="server"></asp:TextBox>

<br />

<asp:Label ID="lblYear" runat="server" Width="100px" Text="Year: "></


<asp:DropDownList ID="ddlYear" runat="server">

<asp:ListItem Text="All Years" Value="0" />

<asp:ListItem Text="> 1995" Value="1995" />

<asp:ListItem Text="> 2000" Value="2000" />

<asp:ListItem Text="> 2005" Value="2005" />


<br />

<asp:Label ID="lblCost" runat="server" Width="100px" Text="Cost: "></


<asp:DropDownList ID="ddlCost" runat="server">

<asp:ListItem Text="Any Cost" Value="0" />

<asp:ListItem Text="> 5000" Value="5000" />

<asp:ListItem Text="> 20000" Value="20000" />


<br />

<asp:Label ID="lblSort" runat="server" Width="100px" Text="Sort Order: "></


<asp:DropDownList ID="ddlSort" runat="server">

<asp:ListItem Text="" />

<asp:ListItem Text="VIN" />

<asp:ListItem Text="Make" />

<asp:ListItem Text="Model" />

<asp:ListItem Text="Year" />

<asp:ListItem Text="Cost" />


<br />

<br />

<asp:Button ID="btnExecute" runat="server" Text="Execute" />

<br />

<asp:GridView ID="gvVehicles" runat="server">



>? 9'/ 32&3@ #)! ]!%&+$ #:8 J8'##'( 2!?#K- 9'/ %)'/2* %!! #)! ,!$*!,!* %3,!!$ :% %)'7$

&$ W&+/,! B;b5

!+" #$%&'() * >$#,'*/3&$+ F>GH

B;LO)( *>/ 6)&% &% #)! ,!$*!,!* %3,!!$ %)'7&$+ ?&2#!, :$* %',# %!##&$+%5

1+ \&+)#;32&3@ #)! ]!%&+$ ', c:,@/0 7&$*'7 :$* 32&3@ Q&!7 U'*!5 6)&% #:@!% 9'/ #' #)!

3'*!;8!)&$* 0:+!5 6)!,! &% :2,!:*9 : L%9&M<3%G !1!$# ):$*2!, (!#)'*5

2+ C!?',! :**&$+ 3'*! #' #)! L%9&M<3%G (!#)'*- 9'/ (/%# :** %'(! 32:%%!% #' #)! 0,'.;

!3#5 >$ X'2/#&'$ ["02',!,- ,&+)#;32&3@ #)! Q!)&32!_,'.!3# &3'$- 32&3@ V**- :$* #)!$ 32&3@

U2:%%5 G:(! #)! 32:%% GC94HAC :$* 32&3@ V**5 V** #)! ?'22'7&$+ 3'*! #' #)&% 32:%%5


Public Class Vehicle

Public Property VIN As String

Public Property Make As String

Public Property Model As String

Public Property Year As Integer

Public Property Cost As Decimal

End Class


public class Vehicle


public string VIN { get; set; }

public string Make { get; set; }

public string Model { get; set; }

public int Year { get; set; }

public decimal Cost { get; set; }


F!%%'$ LM =$*!,%#:$*&$+ F>GH #$%&'() * !++

3+ V** :$'#)!, 32:%%- $:(!* #?2- #):# &$)!,&#% ?,'( ;&("2)&- :% %)'7$ &$ #)! ?'22'7&$+

3'*! %:(02!M


Public Class Car

Inherits Vehicle

End Class


public class Car : Vehicle



*4+ V** :$'#)!, 32:%%- $:(!* '2DH3- #):# &$)!,&#% ?,'( ;&("2)&@ :% %)'7$ &$ #)! ?'22'7&$+

3'*! %:(02!M


Public Class Truck

Inherits Vehicle

End Class


public class Truck : Vehicle



**+ V** :$'#)!, 32:%%- $:(!* P1?8- #):# &$)!,&#% ?,'( ;&("2)&- :% %)'7$ &$ #)! ?'22'7&$+

3'*! %:(02!M


Public Class Boat

Inherits Vehicle

End Class


public class Boat : Vehicle



*,+ V8'1! L%9&M<3%G J:# #)! 32:%% 2!1!2K- :** 3'*! #' *!32:,! : 1:,&:82! 3:22!* QC94HACE

:$* &$%#:$#&:#! &# :% : $!7 :4E8 MR GC94HACE5 N'/, 3'*! %)'/2* 2''@ 2&@! #)! ?'22'7&$+



Private Shared Vehicles As New List(Of Vehicle)


private List<Vehicle> vehicles = new List<Vehicle>();

-,, #$%&'() * >$#,'*/3&$+ F>GH

*-+ >$ #)! L%9&M<3%G (!#)'*- :** 3'*! #' 3,!:#! : +!$!,&3 2&%# '? ;&("2)&5 _'0/2:#! #)!

2&%# 7&#) #!$ 1!)&32!%- 7)&3) 7&22 +&1! 9'/ %'(!#)&$+ 7&#) 7)&3) #' !"0!,&(!$# &$ #)&%

0,:3#&3!5 6)! L%9&M<3%G (!#)'* %)'/2* 2''@ 2&@! #)! ?'22'7&$+ !":(02!M


Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, _

ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load

If (Vehicles.Count = 0) Then

Vehicles.Add(New Truck With {.VIN = "AAA123", .Make = "Ford", _

.Model = "F-250", .Cost = 2000, .Year = 1998})

Vehicles.Add(New Truck With {.VIN = "ZZZ123", .Make = "Ford", _

.Model = "F-150", .Cost = 10000, .Year = 2005})

Vehicles.Add(New Car With {.VIN = "FFF123", .Make = "VW", _

.Model = "Bug", .Cost = 2500, .Year = 1997})

Vehicles.Add(New Boat With {.VIN = "LLL123", .Make = "SeaRay", _

.Model = "Signature", .Cost = 12000, .Year = 1995})

Vehicles.Add(New Car With {.VIN = "CCC123", .Make = "BMW", _

.Model = "Z-3", .Cost = 21000, .Year = 2005})

Vehicles.Add(New Car With {.VIN = "EEE123", .Make = "Ford", _

.Model = "Focus", .Cost = 15000, .Year = 2008})

Vehicles.Add(New Boat With {.VIN = "QQQ123", .Make = "ChrisCraft", _

.Model = "BowRider", .Cost = 102000, .Year = 1945})

Vehicles.Add(New Truck With {.VIN = "PPP123", .Make = "Ford", _

.Model = "F-250", .Cost = 1000, .Year = 1980})

Vehicles.Add(New Car With {.VIN = "TTT123", .Make = "Dodge", _

.Model = "Viper", .Cost = 95000, .Year = 2007})

Vehicles.Add(New Car With {.VIN = "DDD123", .Make = "Mazda", _

.Model = "Miata", .Cost = 20000, .Year = 2005})

End If

End Sub


protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)


if (vehicles.Count == 0)


vehicles.Add(new Truck {VIN = "AAA123", Make = "Ford",

Model = "F-250", Cost = 2000, Year = 1998});

vehicles.Add(new Truck {VIN = "ZZZ123", Make = "Ford",

Model = "F-150", Cost = 10000, Year = 2005});

vehicles.Add(new Car {VIN = "FFF123", Make = "VW",

Model = "Bug", Cost = 2500, Year = 1997});

vehicles.Add(new Boat {VIN = "LLL123", Make = "SeaRay",

Model = "Signature", Cost = 12000, Year = 1995});

vehicles.Add(new Car {VIN = "CCC123", Make = "BMW",

Model = "Z-3", Cost = 21000, Year = 2005});

vehicles.Add(new Car {VIN = "EEE123", Make = "Ford",

Model = "Focus", Cost = 15000, Year = 2008});

vehicles.Add(new Boat {VIN = "QQQ123", Make = "ChrisCraft",

Model = "BowRider", Cost = 102000, Year = 1945});

vehicles.Add(new Truck {VIN = "PPP123", Make = "Ford",

Model = "F-250", Cost = 1000, Year = 1980});

vehicles.Add(new Car {VIN = "TTT123", Make = "Dodge",

Model = "Viper", Cost = 95000, Year = 2007});

F!%%'$ LM =$*!,%#:$*&$+ F>GH #$%&'() * -,!

vehicles.Add(new Car {VIN = "DDD123", Make = "Mazda",

Model = "Miata", Cost = 20000, Year = 2005});



*.+ =$*!, #)! 3'*! 9'/ ./%# :**!* &$#' #)! L%9&M<3%G (!#)'*- &$%!,# 3'*! #' I2#!, #)! 2&%#

'? 1!)&32!% 8:%!* '$ #)! *:#: &$0/#5 =%! +&4(3GA2(%".".9 #' 3,!:#! '$! %#:#!(!$# #):#

0/#% #'+!#)!, :22 #)! I2#!,&$+- :% %)'7$ &$ #)! ?'22'7&$+ 3'*! %:(02!M


Dim result = Vehicles _

.Where(Function(v) v.VIN.StartsWith(txtVin.Text)) _

.Where(Function(v) v.Make.StartsWith(txtMake.Text)) _

.Where(Function(v) v.Model.StartsWith(txtModel.Text)) _

.Where(Function(v) v.Cost > Decimal.Parse(ddlCost.SelectedValue)) _

.Where(Function(v) v.Year > Integer.Parse(ddlYear.SelectedValue))


var result = vehicles

.Where(v => v.VIN.StartsWith(txtVin.Text))

.Where(v => v.Make.StartsWith(txtMake.Text))

.Where(v => v.Model.StartsWith(txtModel.Text))

.Where(v => v.Cost > Decimal.Parse(ddlCost.SelectedValue))

.Where(v => v.Year > int.Parse(ddlYear.SelectedValue));

*/+ =$*!, #)! 3'*! 9'/ ./%# :**!* &$#' #)! L%9&M<3%G (!#)'*- :** 3'*! #' 0!,?',( :

%',# '? #)! ,!%/2#%5 6)&% 3'*! 3:22% : &4N/G&/ (!#)'* #):# 7&22 8! 3,!:#!* &$ #)! $!"#

%#!05 N'/ 3'*! %)'/2* 2''@ 2&@! #)! ?'22'7&$+M


result = SetOrder(ddlSort.SelectedValue, result)


result = SetOrder(ddlSort.SelectedValue, result);

*0+ V** #)! &4N/G&/ (!#)'*- 7)&3) ):% 3'*! #' :** :$ N/G&/:6 4/!,9 !"#!$%&'$ (!#);

'* 8:%!* '$ #)! %!2!3#&'$ 0:%%!* &$#' #)&% (!#)'*5 N'/, 3'*! %)'/2* 2''@ 2&@! #)!



Private Function SetOrder(ByVal order As String, _

ByVal query As IEnumerable(Of Vehicle)) As IEnumerable(Of Vehicle)

Select Case order

Case "VIN"

Return query.OrderBy(Function(v) v.VIN)

Case "Make"

Return query.OrderBy(Function(v) v.Make)

Case "Model"

Return query.OrderBy(Function(v) v.Model)

Case "Year"

Return query.OrderBy(Function(v) v.Year)

Case "Cost"

Return query.OrderBy(Function(v) v.Cost)

-,- #$%&'() * >$#,'*/3&$+ F>GH

Case Else

Return query

End Select

End Function


private IEnumerable<Vehicle> SetOrder(string order,

IEnumerable<Vehicle> query)


switch (order)


case "VIN":

return query.OrderBy(v => v.VIN);

case "Make":

return query.OrderBy(v => v.Make);

case "Model":

return query.OrderBy(v => v.Model);

case "Year":

return query.OrderBy(v => v.Year);

case "Cost":

return query.OrderBy(v => v.Cost);


return query;



*1+ W&$:229- :** 3'*! &$#' #)! 8'##'( '? #)! L%9&M<3%G (!#)'* #' %!2!3# :$ :$'$9('/%

#90! #):# &$32/*!% :$ &$*!" :$* :22 #)! 0,'0!,#&!% &$ #)! ;&("2)& 32:%% :$* 8&$* #)!

,!%/2# #' 97;&("2)&15 N'/ 3'*! %)'/2* 2''@ 2&@! #)! ?'22'7&$+ !":(02!M


gvVehicles.DataSource = result.Select(Function(v, i) New With

{.Index = i, v.VIN, v.Make, v.Model, v.Year, v.Cost})



gvVehicles.DataSource = result.Select((v, i)=> new

{Index = i, v.VIN, v.Make, v.Model, v.Year, v.Cost});


*2+ U)''%! C/&2* ^ C/&2* X'2/#&'$ #' 8/&2* #)! :002&3:#&'$5 >? 9'/ ):1! !,,',%- 9'/ 3:$

*'/82!;32&3@ #)! !,,', #' +' #' #)! !,,', 2&$! :$* 3',,!3#5

*3+ U)''%! ]!8/+ ^ X#:,# ]!8/++&$+ #' ,/$ #)! :002&3:#&'$5 Z)!$ #)! :002&3:#&'$ %#:,#%-

9'/ %)'/2* %!! : Z!8 0:+! 7&#) 9'/, <=> 3'$#,'2% #):# !$:82!% 9'/ #' %0!3&?9 I2#!,

:$* %',# 3,&#!,&:5 >? 9'/ #90! #)! 2!##!, B &$#' #)! c:@! #!"# 8'" :$* 32&3@ ["!3/#!- #)!

+,&* 7&22 8! 0'0/2:#!* '$29 7&#) &#!(% #):# 8!+&$ 7&#) W5 >? 9'/ %!# #)! %',# ',*!, :$*

32&3@ #)! ["!3/#! 8/##'$ :+:&$- 9'/ 7&22 %!! #)! %',#!* ,!%/2#%5

F!%%'$ LM =$*!,%#:$*&$+ F>GH #$%&'() * -,*

Q%++':& ,""!4?6)&% 2!%%'$ 0,'1&*!* *!#:&2!* &$?',(:#&'$ :8'/# #)! ?!:#/,!% #):# 3'(0,&%! F>GH5

■ `8.!3# &$&#&:2&T!,% !$:82! 9'/ #' &$&#&:2&T! 0/82&3 0,'0!,#&!% :$* I!2*% 7&#)'/# 3,!:#&$+

:$ !"02&3&# 3'$%#,/3#',5

■ >(02&3&#29 #90!* 2'3:2 1:,&:82!% !$:82! 9'/ #' *!32:,! : 1:,&:82! 7&#)'/# %0!3&?9&$+ &#%

#90!- :$* #)! 3'(0&2!, 7&22 &$?!, #)! #90! ?', 9'/5

■ >$ (:$9 3:%!%- /%&$+ &(02&3&#29 #90!* 2'3:2 1:,&:82!% &% :$ '0#&'$- 8/#- 7)!$ 7',@&$+

7&#) :$'$9('/% #90!%- &#P% : ,!4/&,!(!$#5

■ V$'$9('/% #90!% !$:82! 9'/ #' 3,!:#! : #90! &$2&$!5 6)&% !$:82!% 9'/ #' +,'/0 *:#:

7&#)'/# 3,!:#&$+ : 32:%%5

■ F:(8*: !"0,!%%&'$% 0,'1&*! : (/3) (',! :88,!1&:#!* %9$#:" #):$ : (!#)'* ',

:$'$9('/% (!#)'* :$* 3:$ 8! /%!* 7)!,!1!, : *!2!+:#! &% !"0!3#!*5

■ ["#!$%&'$ (!#)'*% !$:82! 9'/ #' :** (!#)'*% #' : #90! !1!$ 7)!$ 9'/ *'$P# ):1!

#)! %'/,3! 3'*! ?', #)! #90!5

■ ["#!$%&'$ (!#)'*% !$:82! 9'/ #' 3,!:#! 3'$3,!#! (!#)'*% '$ &$#!,?:3!%Y #):# &%- :22

#90!% #):# &(02!(!$# #)! &$#!,?:3! 7&22 +!# #)!%! (!#)'*%5

■ H/!,9 !"#!$%&'$ (!#)'*% :,! !"#!$%&'$ (!#)'*% 0,&(:,&29 &(02!(!$#!* '$ #)! +!;

$!,&3 ,-.*+&/%0)& &$#!,?:3!5

■ 6)! -.*+&/%0)& 32:%% 3'$#:&$% #)! 4/!,9 !"#!$%&'$ (!#)'*% :$* %#:#&3 (!#)'*% 3:22!*

-+#46- O%.9&- :$* O&#&%45

Q%++':&R%G*%;N'/ 3:$ /%! #)! ?'22'7&$+ 4/!%#&'$% #' #!%# 9'/, @$'72!*+! '? #)! &$?',(:#&'$ &$ F!%%'$ L-

d=$*!,%#:$*&$+ F>GH5e 6)! 4/!%#&'$% :,! :2%' :1:&2:82! '$ #)! 3'(0:$&'$ U] &? 9'/ 0,!?!, #'

,!1&!7 #)!( &$ !2!3#,'$&3 ?',(5

!"# %<J0()J



*+ 6' 7)&3) '? #)! ?'22'7&$+ #90!% 3:$ 9'/ :** :$ !"#!$%&'$ (!#)'*f J[:3) 3',,!3# :$;

%7!, 0,!%!$#% : 3'(02!#! %'2/#&'$5 U)''%! I1!5K

#+ D)%11

5+ 4/*24*/& JUg 14/*24K

$+ C3G*)& JUg 14%4"2A2)%11K

6+ -.*+

'+ ,.4&/P%2&

7+ 8&)&9%4&

!"# %<J0()J



-,. #$%&'() * >$#,'*/3&$+ F>GH

,+ N'/ 7:$# #' 0:+! #),'/+) :$ !2!(!$# %!4/!$3!- *&%02:9&$+ #!$ !2!(!$#% :# : #&(!-

/$#&2 9'/ ,!:3) #)! !$* '? #)! %!4/!$3!5 Z)&3) 4/!,9 !"#!$%&'$ (!#)'* 3:$ 9'/ /%!

#' :33'(02&%) #)&%f J[:3) 3',,!3# :$%7!, 0,!%!$#% 0:,# '? : 3'(02!#! %'2/#&'$5 U)''%!


#+ !"#

5+ -Q2&#4

$+ &)&24C%.6

6+ $%!&

-+ N'/ ):1! !"!3/#!* #)! '(&/& 4/!,9 !"#!$%&'$ (!#)'* '$ 9'/, 3'22!3#&'$- :$* &#

,!#/,$!* ,-.*+&/%0)& '? D%/- 8/# 9'/ 7:$# #' :%%&+$ #)&% #' : 1:,&:82! 7)'%! #90! &%

<"14ANPAD%/5 R'7 3:$ 9'/ 3'$1!,# #)! ,-.*+&/%0)& '? D%/ #' <"14ANPAD%/f

#+ =%! D$6#& JUg 2%14K5

5+ ># 3:$P# 8! *'$!5

$+ =%! #)! $3<"14JK 4/!,9 !"#!$%&'$ (!#)'*5

6+ O/%# (:@! #)! :%%&+$(!$#5

F!%%'$ AM =%&$+ F>GH H/!,&!% #$%&'() * -,/

:CEE15 -S OE456 :;<= =DC24CE

6)! 0,!1&'/% %!3#&'$% 3'1!,!* '8.!3# &$&#&:2&T!,%- &(02&3&#29 #90!* 2'3:2 1:,&:82!%- :$'$9('/%

#90!%- 2:(8*: !"0,!%%&'$%- :$* !"#!$%&'$ (!#)'*%5 6)!%! ?!:#/,!% 7!,! 3,!:#!* #' %/00',#

#)! &(02!(!$#:#&'$ '? F>GH5 G'7 #):# 9'/P1! %!!$ :22 #)!%!- 2''@ :# )'7 F>GH &% )%.9*%9&A



■ >*!$#&?9 #)! F>GH @!97',*%5

■ U,!:#! : F>GH 4/!,9 #):# 0,'1&*!% I2#!,&$+5

■ U,!:#! : F>GH 4/!,9 #):# 0,'1&*!% %',#!* ,!%/2#%5

■ U,!:#! : F>GH 4/!,9 #' 0!,?',( :$ &$$!, .'&$ '$ #7' !2!(!$# %!4/!$3!%5

■ U,!:#! : F>GH 4/!,9 #' 0!,?',( :$ '/#!, .'&$ '$ #7' !2!(!$# %!4/!$3!%5

■ >(02!(!$# +,'/0&$+ :$* :++,!+:#&'$ &$ : F>GH 4/!,95

■ U,!:#! : F>GH 4/!,9 #):# *!I$!% :**&#&'$ 2''0 1:,&:82!% /%&$+ #)! )&4 @!97',*5

■ U,!:#! : F>GH 4/!,9 #):# &(02!(!$#% 0:+&$+5


?:5!TK-!+%0&!:0&O%53'0K-!+%0&Y,%4*%+W', 8:%&3 4/!,&!%- /%&$+ F>GH &$ Q&%/:2 C:%&3 ', Ug &% 1!,9 !:%9 :$* &$#/&#&1! 8!3:/%! 8'#) 2:$;

+/:+!% 0,'1&*! @!97',*% #):# (:0 *&,!3#29 #' ?!:#/,!% #):# ):1! 8!!$ :**!* #),'/+) !"#!$;

%&'$ (!#)'*%5 6)! 8!$!I# &% #):# 9'/ 3:$ 7,&#! #90!* 4/!,&!% &$ : 1!,9 XHF;2&@! 7:9- +!##&$+

>$#!22&X!$%! %/00',# :22 :2'$+ #)! 7:95

>$ #)! ?'22'7&$+ %3!$:,&'- 9'/, %3)!*/2! 3'$#:&$% : 2&%# '? *:9% 7)!$ 9'/ :,! 8/%9- :$* 9'/

7:$# #' I$* '/# 7)!#)!, 9'/ :,! 8/%9 '$ : %0!3&I3 *:95 6)! ?'22'7&$+ 3'*! *!('$%#,:#!% #)!

&(02!(!$#:#&'$ '? : F>GH 4/!,9 #' *&%3'1!, #)&%5


Private Function GetDates() As List(Of DateTime)

Return New List(Of DateTime) From


New DateTime(11, 1, 1),

New DateTime(11, 2, 5),

New DateTime(11, 3, 3),

New DateTime(11, 1, 3),

New DateTime(11, 1, 2),

New DateTime(11, 5, 4),

New DateTime(11, 2, 2),

New DateTime(11, 7, 5),

New DateTime(11, 6, 30),

New DateTime(11, 10, 14),

New DateTime(11, 11, 22),


■ >*!$#&?9 #)! F>GH @!97',*%5

■ U,!:#! : F>GH 4/!,9 #):# 0,'1&*!% I2#!,&$+5

■ U,!:#! : F>GH 4/!,9 #):# 0,'1&*!% %',#!* ,!%/2#%5

■ U,!:#! : F>GH 4/!,9 #' 0!,?',( :$ &$$!, .'&$ '$ #7' !2!(!$# %!4/!$3!%5

■ U,!:#! : F>GH 4/!,9 #' 0!,?',( :$ '/#!, .'&$ '$ #7' !2!(!$# %!4/!$3!%5

■ >(02!(!$# +,'/0&$+ :$* :++,!+:#&'$ &$ : F>GH 4/!,95

■ U,!:#! : F>GH 4/!,9 #):# *!I$!% :**&#&'$ 2''0 1:,&:82!% /%&$+ #)! )&4 @!97',*5)&4

■ U,!:#! : F>GH 4/!,9 #):# &(02!(!$#% 0:+&$+5


-,F #$%&'() * >$#,'*/3&$+ F>GH

New DateTime(11, 12, 1),

New DateTime(11, 5, 22),

New DateTime(11, 6, 7),

New DateTime(11, 1, 4)


End Function

Private Sub BasicQueriesToolStripMenuItem_Click( _

ByVal sender As System.Object, _

ByVal e As System.EventArgs) _

Handles BasicQueriesToolStripMenuItem.Click

Dim schedule = GetDates()

Dim areYouAvailable = new DateTime(11, 7, 10)

Dim busy = From d In schedule

Where d = areYouAvailable

Select d

For Each busyDate In busy

txtLog.WriteLine("Sorry, but I am busy on {0:MM/dd/yy}", busyDate)


End Sub


private List<DateTime> GetDates()


return new List<DateTime>


new DateTime(11, 1, 1),

new DateTime(11, 2, 5),

new DateTime(11, 3, 3),

new DateTime(11, 1, 3),

new DateTime(11, 1, 2),

new DateTime(11, 5, 4),

new DateTime(11, 2, 2),

new DateTime(11, 7, 5),

new DateTime(11, 6, 30),

new DateTime(11, 10, 14),

new DateTime(11, 11, 22),

new DateTime(11, 12, 1),

new DateTime(11, 5, 22),

new DateTime(11, 6, 7),

new DateTime(11, 1, 4)



private void basicLINQToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)


var schedule = GetDates();

var areYouAvailable = new DateTime(11,7, 5);

var busy = from d in schedule

where d == areYouAvailable

select d;

foreach(var busyDate in busy)

F!%%'$ AM =%&$+ F>GH H/!,&!% #$%&'() * -,N


txtLog.WriteLine("Sorry, but I am busy on {0:MM/dd/yy}", busyDate);



>$ #)! %:(02! 3'*!- : F>GH 4/!,9 I2#!,!* #)! *:#:- 7)&3) ,!#/,$!* :$

,-.*+&/%0)&=8%4&$"+&> '8.!3# :% #)! ,!%/2#5 >% #)!,! : %&(02!, 7:9 #' 0!,?',( #)&% 4/!,9f

N'/ 3'/2* :,+/! #):# /%&$+ #)! '(&/& !"#!$%&'$ (!#)'* 7'/2* %:1! %'(! 3'*&$+ :$* 7'/2*

8! %&(02!,- :% %)'7$ &$ #)&% (!#)'*;8:%!* 3'*! %:(02!M


Private Sub MethodbasedQueryToolStripMenuItem_Click( _

ByVal sender As System.Object, _

ByVal e As System.EventArgs) _

Handles MethodbasedQueryToolStripMenuItem.Click

Dim schedule = GetDates()

Dim areYouAvailable = New DateTime(11,7,5)

For Each busyDate In schedule.Where(Function(d) d = areYouAvailable)

txtLog.WriteLine("Sorry, but I am busy on {0:MM/dd/yy}", busyDate)


End Sub


private void methodbasedQueryToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)


var schedule = GetDates();

var areYouAvailable = new DateTime(11,7,5);

foreach (var busyDate in schedule.Where(d=>d==areYouAvailable))


txtLog.WriteLine("Sorry, but I am busy on {0:MM/dd/yy}", busyDate);



6)&% !":(02! !2&(&$:#!% #)! F>GH 4/!,9 :$* :**% #)! '(&/& !"#!$%&'$ (!#)'* &$ #)!

2''05 6)&% 3'*! 82'3@ &% %(:22!, :$* (',! 3'$3&%!- 8/# 7)&3) &% (',! ,!:*:82!f ]!3&*! ?',

9'/,%!2?5 W', : %(:22 4/!,9 %/3) :% #)&%- #)! !"#!$%&'$ (!#)'* (&+)# 8! I$!- 8/# ?', 2:,+!,

4/!,&!%- 9'/ 0,'8:829 7&22 I$* &# 8!##!, #' /%! #)! F>GH 4/!,95 _!,?',(:$3! &% #)! %:(! 8!;

3:/%! 8'#) 4/!,&!% *' #)! %:(! #)&$+5

`$29 : %(:22 %/8%!# '? #)! 4/!,9 !"#!$%&'$ (!#)'*% (:0 #' 2:$+/:+! @!97',*%- %' #90&;

3:229 9'/ 7&22 I$* 9'/,%!2? (&"&$+ F>GH 4/!,&!% 7&#) !"#!$%&'$ (!#)'*%- :% %)'7$ &$ #)!

?'22'7&$+ ,!7,&#! '? #)! 0,!1&'/% !":(02!%M


Private Sub MixingLINQAndMethodsToolStripMenuItem_Click( _

ByVal sender As System.Object, _

ByVal e As System.EventArgs) _

Handles MixingLINQAndMethodsToolStripMenuItem.Click

Dim schedule = GetDates()

-," #$%&'() * >$#,'*/3&$+ F>GH

Dim areYouAvailable = New DateTime(11, 7, 5)

Dim count = (From d In schedule

Where d = areYouAvailable

Select d).Count()

If count > 0 Then

txtLog.WriteLine("Sorry, but I am busy on {0:MM/dd/yy}", areYouAvailable)


txtLog.WriteLine("Yay! I am available on {0:MM/dd/yy}", areYouAvailable)

End If

End Sub


private void mixingLINQAndMethodsToolStripMenuItem_Click(

object sender, EventArgs e)


var schedule = GetDates();

var areYouAvailable = new DateTime(11, 7, 5);

var count = (from d in schedule

where d == areYouAvailable

select d).Count();

if (count > 0)

txtLog.WriteLine("Sorry, but I am busy on {0:MM/dd/yy}",



txtLog.WriteLine("Yay! I am available on {0:MM/dd/yy}",



>$ #)! 0,!1&'/% !":(02!- #)! D3*.4 !"#!$%&'$ (!#)'* !2&(&$:#!% #)! P3/&%2( 2''05 >$ #)&%

!":(02!- :$ "Ph4(&.h&)1& %#:#!(!$# &% :**!* #' %)'7 :1:&2:8&2&#95 V2%'- 0:,!$#)!%!% :,! :**!*

#' 02:3! #)! 3:22 #' #)! D3*.4 (!#)'* :?#!, #)! 1&)&24 32:/%!5

Q>CY&Z%?;'40+6)! F>GH;0,'1&*!* @!97',*% 3:$ (:@! 9'/, F>GH 4/!,&!% 2''@ 32!:$ :$* %&(02!5 6:82! B;L

0,'1&*!% #)! 2&%# '? :1:&2:82! @!97',*%- 7&#) : %)',# *!%3,&0#&'$ '? !:3)5 c:$9 '? #)!%! @!9;

7',*% :,! 3'1!,!* &$ (',! *!#:&2 &$ #)&% %!3#&'$5

'%P:( *>! Q&%/:2 C:%&3 :$* Ug F>GH a!97',*%

T(U0M)V V(J#);&';M<

P/3+ X0!3&I!% : *:#: %'/,3! :$* : ,:$+! 1:,&:82!

R(&/& W&2#!,% %'/,3! !2!(!$#% 8:%!* '$ '$! ', (',! C''2!:$


1&)&24 X0!3&I!% #)! #90! :$* %):0! #)! !2!(!$#% &$ #)! ,!#/,$!* %!;

4/!$3! ):1! 7)!$ #)! 4/!,9 &% !"!3/#!*

F!%%'$ AM =%&$+ F>GH H/!,&!% #$%&'() * -,+

9/3*# <,'/0% 4/!,9 ,!%/2#% :33',*&$+ #' : %0!3&I!* @!9 1:2/!

".43 _,'1&*!% :$ &*!$#&I!, #):# 3:$ %!,1! :% : ,!?!,!$3! #' #)! ,!%/2#%

'? : S3".- 9/3*#- ', 1&)&24 32:/%!


TQ&%/:2 C:%&3MAN/G&/A:6K

X',#% 4/!,9 ,!%/2#% &$ :%3!$*&$+ ', *!%3!$*&$+ ',*!,

S3". O'&$% #7' *:#: %'/,3!% 8:%!* '$ :$ !4/:2&#9 3'(0:,&%'$ 8!;

#7!!$ #7' %0!3&I!* (:#3)&$+ 3,&#!,&:

)&4 >$#,'*/3!% : ,:$+! 1:,&:82! #' %#',! %/8!"0,!%%&'$ ,!%/2#% &$ :

4/!,9 !"0,!%%&'$

". U'$#!"#/:2 @!97',* &$ : P/3+ ', S3". 32:/%! #' %0!3&?9 #)! *:#:


3. U'$#!"#/:2 @!97',* &$ : S3". 32:/%! #' %0!3&?9 #)! .'&$ 3,&#!,&:

&U*%)1 U'$#!"#/:2 @!97',* &$ : S3". 32:/%! #' .'&$ #7' %'/,3!%

06 U'$#!"#/:2 @!97',* &$ : 9/3*# 32:/%! #' %0!3&?9 #)! +,'/0&$+


%12&.G".9 U'$#!"#/:2 @!97',* &$ :$ 3/G&/06 32:/%!

G&12&.G".9 U'$#!"#/:2 @!97',* &$ :$ 3/G&/06 32:/%!

>$ :**&#&'$ #' #)! @!97',*% 2&%#!* &$ 6:82! B;L- #)! Q&%/:2 C:%&3 #!:( 0,'1&*!* @!97',*%

#):# Ug *&* $'# &(02!(!$#5 6)!%! @!97',*% :,! %)'7$ &$ 6:82! B;A 7&#) : %)',# *!%3,&0#&'$ '?


'%P:( *>- Q&%/:2 C:%&3 a!97',*% 6):# V,! G'# >(02!(!$#!* &$ Ug

T(U0M)V V(J#);&';M<

8"14".24 W&2#!,% */02&3:#! !2!(!$#%

!"#V !"#A'(")& O/(0% '1!, !2!(!$#% 8!?',! ,!#/,$&$+ ,!%/2#%

$%!&V$%!&A'(")& _,'1&*!% : (!:$% #' 2&(&# )'7 (:$9 !2!(!$#% 7&22 8! ,!#,&!1!*

599/&9%4& >$32/*!% :++,!+:#! ?/$3#&'$% &$ 9'/, 4/!,&!%

,.43 U'$#!"#/:2 @!97',* &$ #)! 599/&9%4& 32:/%! #):# %0!3&I!% 7):# #'

*' 7&#) #)! ,!%/2# '? #)! :++,!+:#!

5)) U'$#!"#/:2 @!97',* &$ #)! 599/&9%4& 32:/%! #):# *!#!,(&$!%

7)!#)!, :22 !2!(!$#% (!!# #)! %0!3&I!* 3,&#!,&'$

5.6 U'$#!"#/:2 @!97',* &$ #)! 599/&9%4& 32:/%! #):# *!#!,(&$!%

7)!#)!, :$9 '? #)! !2!(!$#% (!!# #)! %0!3&I!* 3,&#!,&'$

57&/%9& U'$#!"#/:2 @!97',* &$ #)! 599/&9%4& 32:/%! #):# 3:23/2:#!% #)!

:1!,:+! 1:2/!

-!, #$%&'() * >$#,'*/3&$+ F>GH

D3*.4 U'$#!"#/:2 @!97',* &$ #)! 599/&9%4& 32:/%! #):# 0,'1&*!% #)!

3'/$# '? !2!(!$#% #):# (!!# #)! %0!3&I!* 3,&#!,&'$

B/3*# U'$#!"#/:2 @!97',* &$ #)! 599/&9%4& 32:/%! #):# 0,'1&*!% :33!%%

#' #)! ,!%/2#% '? : 9/3*#A06 ', 9/3*#AS3". 32:/%!

<3.9D3*.4 U'$#!"#/:2 @!97',* &$ #)! 599/&9%4& 32:/%! #):# 0,'1&*!% #)!

3'/$# J%1A)3.9K '? !2!(!$#% #):# (!!# #)! %0!3&I!* 3,&#!,&'$

C%Q U'$#!"#/:2 @!97',* &$ #)! 599/&9%4& 32:/%! #):# 0,'1&*!% #)!

(:"&(/( 1:2/!

C". U'$#!"#/:2 @!97',* &$ #)! 599/&9%4& 32:/%! #):# 0,'1&*!% #)!

(&$&(/( 1:2/!

*+ U'$#!"#/:2 @!97',* &$ #)! 599/&9%4& 32:/%! #):# 0,'1&*!% #)! %/(

'? #)! !2!(!$#%

V22 #)! 4/!,9 !"#!$%&'$ (!#)'*% :,! :1:&2:82! &$ 8'#) 2:$+/:+!% !1!$ &? #)!,! &%$P# : 2:$;

+/:+! @!97',* (:00&$+ #' #)! 4/!,9 !"#!$%&'$ (!#)'*5

M4'F%.5*':+_,'.!3#&'$% !$:82! 9'/ #' #,:$%?',( #)! '/#0/# '? 9'/, F>GH 4/!,9 89 /%&$+ $:(!* ',

:$'$9('/$% #90!%5 6)! ?'22'7&$+ 3'*! !":(02! *!('$%#,:#!% 0,'.!3#&'$% &$ : F>GH 4/!,9 89

/%&$+ :$'$9('/% #90!%5


Private Sub LINQProjectionsToolStripMenuItem_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, _

ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles LINQProjectionsToolStripMenuItem.Click

Dim cars = GetCars()

Dim vinsAndMakes = From c In cars

Select New With



.CarModel = c.Make


For Each item In vinsAndMakes

txtLog.WriteLine("VIN:{0} Make:{1}", item.VIN, item.CarModel)


End Sub


private void lINQProjectionsToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)


var cars = GetCars();

var vinsAndMakes = from c in cars

select new { c.VIN, CarModel = c.Model };

foreach (var item in vinsAndMakes)


txtLog.WriteLine("VIN:{0} Make:{1}", item.VIN, item.CarModel);

F!%%'$ AM =%&$+ F>GH H/!,&!% #$%&'() * -!!



=+*:E&53%&&34&Z%?;'40&5'&[%$#&;*53&M4'F%.5*':+N'/ 3:$ /%! #)! )&4 @!97',* #' 3,!:#! : #!(0',:,9 1:,&:82! 7&#)&$ #)! F>GH 4/!,95 6)&$@ '?

#)! )&4 @!97',* :% : 1:,&:$# '? #)! 1&)&24 @!97',* /%!* 7&#)&$ #)! 4/!,95 6)! ?'22'7&$+ 3'*!

%:(02! %)'7% )'7 #)! )&4 @!97',* 3:$ )!20 7&#) I2#!,&$+ :$* %):0&$+ #)! *:#:5


Private Sub LINQLetToolStripMenuItem_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, _

ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles LINQLetToolStripMenuItem.Click

Dim cars = GetCars()

Dim vinsAndMakes = From c In cars

Let makeModel = c.Make & " " & c.Model

Where makeModel.Contains("B")

Select New With



.MakeModel = makeModel


For Each item In vinsAndMakes

txtLog.WriteLine("VIN:{0} Make and Model:{1}", item.VIN, item.MakeModel)


End Sub


private void lINQLetToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)


var cars = GetCars();

var vinsAndMakes = from c in cars

let makeModel = c.Make + " " + c.Model

where makeModel.Contains('B')

select new { c.VIN, MakeModel=makeModel };

foreach (var item in vinsAndMakes)


txtLog.WriteLine("VIN:{0} Make and Model:{1}", item.VIN, item.MakeModel);




VIN:DEF123 Make and Model:BMW Z-3

VIN:HIJ123 Make and Model:VW Bug

#%.*(?*:E&!&I*$5%4C'#) Ug :$* Q&%/:2 C:%&3 ):1! #)! R(&/& @!97',* #):# (:0% *&,!3#29 #' #)! '(&/& 4/!,9

!"#!$%&'$ (!#)'*5 N'/ 3:$ %0!3&?9 : 0,!*&3:#! J:$ !"0,!%%&'$ #):# !1:2/:#!% #' : C''2!:$

1:2/!K #' *!#!,(&$! #)! !2!(!$#% #' 8! ,!#/,$!*5 6)! ?'22'7&$+ 3'*! %:(02! *!('$%#,:#!%

#)! R(&/& 32:/%! 7&#) : 6&%/O%.9& 1:,&:82! 8!&$+ /%!* :% : 0:,:(!#!, &$#' #)! 4/!,95

-!- #$%&'() * >$#,'*/3&$+ F>GH


Private Sub LINQWhereToolStripMenuItem_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, _

ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles LINQWhereToolStripMenuItem.Click

Dim yearRange = 2000

Dim cars = GetCars()

Dim oldCars = From c In cars

Where c.Year < yearRange

Select c

For Each myCar In oldCars

txtLog.WriteLine("Car VIN:{0}, Make:{1}, Model:{2} Year:{3}",

myCar.VIN, myCar.Make, myCar.Model, myCar.Year)


End Sub


private void lINQWhereToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)


int yearRange = 2000;

var cars = GetCars();

var oldCars = from c in cars

where c.Year < yearRange

select c;

foreach (var myCar in oldCars)


txtLog.WriteLine("Car VIN:{0}, Make:{1}, Model:{2} Year:{3}",

myCar.VIN, myCar.Make, myCar.Model, myCar.Year);




Car VIN:HIJ123, Make:VW, Model:Bug Year:1956

Car VIN:DEF456, Make:Ford, Model:F-150 Year:1998

#%.*(?*:E&!& '45&L40%4>#P% 1!,9 !:%9 #' %',# /%&$+ : F>GH 4/!,95 6)! 3/G&/06 @!97',* !$:82!% 9'/ #' %',# &$ :%;

3!$*&$+ ', *!%3!$*&$+ ',*!,5 >$ :**&#&'$- 9'/ 3:$ %',# '$ (/2#&02! 0,'0!,#&!% #' 0!,?',( :

3'(0'/$* %',#5 6)! ?'22'7&$+ 3'*! %:(02! %)'7% #)! %',#&$+ '? 3:,% 89 C%!& :%3!$*&$+ :$*

#)!$ 89 C3G&) *!%3!$*&$+5


Private Sub LINQSortToolStripMenuItem_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, _

ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles LINQSortToolStripMenuItem.Click

Dim cars = GetCars()

Dim sorted = From c In cars

Order By c.Make Ascending, c.Model Descending

Select c

For Each myCar In sorted

txtLog.WriteLine("Car VIN:{0}, Make:{1}, Model:{2} Year:{3}",

myCar.VIN, myCar.Make, myCar.Model, myCar.Year)

F!%%'$ AM =%&$+ F>GH H/!,&!% #$%&'() * -!*


End Sub


private void lINQSortToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)


var cars = GetCars();

var sorted = from c in cars

orderby c.Make ascending, c.Model descending

select c;

foreach (var myCar in sorted)


txtLog.WriteLine("Car VIN:{0}, Make:{1}, Model:{2} Year:{3}",

myCar.VIN, myCar.Make, myCar.Model, myCar.Year);




Car VIN:ABC456, Make:Audi, Model:TT Year:2008

Car VIN:DEF123, Make:BMW, Model:Z-3 Year:2005

Car VIN:ABC123, Make:Ford, Model:F-250 Year:2000

Car VIN:DEF456, Make:Ford, Model:F-150 Year:1998

Car VIN:HIJ123, Make:VW, Model:Bug Year:1956

M!E*:E6)! :8&2&#9 #' 2''@ :# *:#: '$! 0:+! :# : #&(! &% :27:9% : ,!4/&,!(!$# 7)!$ : 2:,+! :('/$# '?

*:#: &% 8!&$+ ,!#,&!1!*5 F>GH %&(02&I!% #)&% #:%@ 7&#) #)! !"# :$* $%!& !"#!$%&'$ (!#)'*%5 >$

:**&#&'$- Q&%/:2 C:%&3 '??!,% #)!%! 4/!,9 !"#!$%&'$ (!#)'*% :% @!97',*%5

6)! ?'22'7&$+ 3'*! !":(02! ,!#,&!1!% Ab ,'7% '? *:#: :$* #)!$ 0,'1&*!% 0:+&$+ 3:0:8&2&;

#&!% #' !$:82! 0:+&$+ #!$ ,'7% :# : #&(!5




Private Sub LINQPagingToolStripMenuItem_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, _

ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles LINQPagingToolStripMenuItem.Click

Dim pageSize = 10

'create 5 copies of the cars - total 25 rows

Dim cars = Enumerable.Range(1, 5) _

.SelectMany(Function(i) GetCars() _

.Select(Function(c) New With _

{.BatchNumber = i, c.VIN, c.Make, c.Model, c.Year}))

'calculate page count

Dim pageCount = (cars.Count() / pageSize)

If (pageCount * pageSize < cars.Count()) Then pageCount += 1

-!. #$%&'() * >$#,'*/3&$+ F>GH

For i = 0 To pageCount

txtLog.WriteLine("-----Printing Page {0}------", i)

'Dim currentPage = cars.Skip(i * pageSize).Take(pageSize)

Dim currentPage = From c In cars

Skip (i * pageSize)

Take pageSize

Select c

For Each myCar In currentPage

txtLog.WriteLine("#{0} Car VIN:{1}, Make:{2}, Model:{3} Year:{4}", _

myCar.BatchNumber, myCar.VIN, myCar.Make, myCar.Model, myCar.Year)



End Sub


private void lINQPagingToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)


int pageSize = 10;

//create 5 copies of the cars - total 25 rows

var cars = Enumerable.Range(1,5)


.Select(c=>(new {BatchNumber=i, c.VIN, c.Make, c.Model, c.Year})));

//calculate page count

int pageCount = (cars.Count() / pageSize);

if (pageCount * pageSize < cars.Count()) pageCount++;

for(int i=0; i < pageCount; i++)


txtLog.WriteLine("-----Printing Page {0}------", i);

var currentPage = cars.Skip(i * pageSize).Take(pageSize);

foreach (var myCar in currentPage)


txtLog.WriteLine("#{0} Car VIN:{1}, Make:{2}, Model:{3} Year:{4}",

myCar.BatchNumber, myCar.VIN, myCar.Make, myCar.Model, myCar.Year);





-----Printing Page 0------

#1 Car VIN:ABC123, Make:Ford, Model:F-250 Year:2000

#1 Car VIN:DEF123, Make:BMW, Model:Z-3 Year:2005

#1 Car VIN:ABC456, Make:Audi, Model:TT Year:2008

#1 Car VIN:HIJ123, Make:VW, Model:Bug Year:1956

#1 Car VIN:DEF456, Make:Ford, Model:F-150 Year:1998

#2 Car VIN:ABC123, Make:Ford, Model:F-250 Year:2000

#2 Car VIN:DEF123, Make:BMW, Model:Z-3 Year:2005

#2 Car VIN:ABC456, Make:Audi, Model:TT Year:2008

#2 Car VIN:HIJ123, Make:VW, Model:Bug Year:1956

#2 Car VIN:DEF456, Make:Ford, Model:F-150 Year:1998

-----Printing Page 1------

F!%%'$ AM =%&$+ F>GH H/!,&!% #$%&'() * -!/

#3 Car VIN:ABC123, Make:Ford, Model:F-250 Year:2000

#3 Car VIN:DEF123, Make:BMW, Model:Z-3 Year:2005

#3 Car VIN:ABC456, Make:Audi, Model:TT Year:2008

#3 Car VIN:HIJ123, Make:VW, Model:Bug Year:1956

#3 Car VIN:DEF456, Make:Ford, Model:F-150 Year:1998

#4 Car VIN:ABC123, Make:Ford, Model:F-250 Year:2000

#4 Car VIN:DEF123, Make:BMW, Model:Z-3 Year:2005

#4 Car VIN:ABC456, Make:Audi, Model:TT Year:2008

#4 Car VIN:HIJ123, Make:VW, Model:Bug Year:1956

#4 Car VIN:DEF456, Make:Ford, Model:F-150 Year:1998

-----Printing Page 2------

#5 Car VIN:ABC123, Make:Ford, Model:F-250 Year:2000

#5 Car VIN:DEF123, Make:BMW, Model:Z-3 Year:2005

#5 Car VIN:ABC456, Make:Audi, Model:TT Year:2008

#5 Car VIN:HIJ123, Make:VW, Model:Bug Year:1956

#5 Car VIN:DEF456, Make:Ford, Model:F-150 Year:1998

6)&% 3'*! %:(02! %#:,#% 89 *!I$&$+ #)! 0:+! %&T! :% LE5 W&1! 3'0&!% '? #)! 3:,% :,! #)!$

3,!:#!*- 7)&3) 9&!2*% Ab 3:,%5 6)! I1! 3'0&!% :,! 3,!:#!* 89 /%&$+ #)! -.*+&/%0)& 32:%% #'

+!$!,:#! : ,:$+! '? 1:2/!%- L #' b5 [:3) '? #)!%! 1:2/!% &% /%!* 7&#) #)! &)&24C%.6 4/!,9

!"#!$%&'$ (!#)'* #' 3,!:#! : 3'09 '? #)! 3:,%5 U:23/2:#&$+ #)! 0:+! 3'/$# &% :33'(02&%)!*

89 *&1&*&$+ #)! 3'/$# '? #)! 3:,% 89 #)! 0:+! %&T!- 8/# &? #)!,! &% : ,!(:&$*!,- #)! 0:+! 3'/$#

&% &$3,!(!$#!*5 W&$:229- : P3/ 2''0 3,!:#!% : 4/!,9 ?', !:3) '? #)! 0:+!% :$* #)!$ 0,&$#% #)!

3/,,!$# 0:+!5

>$ #)! Q&%/:2 C:%&3 !":(02!- #)! 4/!,9 ?', #)! 0:+! 7:% 7,&##!$ I,%# #' (:#3) #)! Ug 1!,;

%&'$- 8/# #):# 3'*! &% 3'((!$#!* '/# :$* #)! 4/!,9 &% ,!7,&##!$ /%&$+ #)! Q&%/:2 C:%&3 !"#

:$* $%!& @!97',*%5

\'*:+Z)!$ 7',@&$+ 7&#) *:#:8:%!%- 9'/ 3'(('$29 7:$# #' 3'(8&$! *:#: ?,'( (/2#&02! #:82!%

#' 0,'*/3! : (!,+!* ,!%/2# %!#5 F>GH !$:82!% 9'/ #' .'&$ #7' +!$!,&3 ,-.*+&/%0)& !2!(!$#

%'/,3!%- !1!$ &? #)!%! %'/,3!% :,! $'# ?,'( : *:#:8:%!5 6)!,! :,! #),!! #90!% '? .'&$%M &$$!,

.'&$%- '/#!, .'&$%- :$* 3,'%% .'&$%5 >$$!, .'&$% :$* '/#!, .'&$% #90&3:229 (:#3) '$ : ?',!&+$ @!9

&$ : 3)&2* %'/,3! (:#3)&$+ #' : /$&4/! @!9 &$ : 0:,!$# %'/,3!5 6)&% %!3#&'$ !":(&$!% #)!%! .'&$



>$$!, .'&$% 0,'*/3! '/#0/# '$29 &? #)!,! &% : (:#3) 8!#7!!$ 8'#) .'&$ %'/,3!%5 >$ #)! ?'22'7;

&$+ 3'*! %:(02!- : 3'22!3#&'$ '? 3:,% &% .'&$!* #' : 3'22!3#&'$ '? ,!0:&,%- 8:%!* '$ #)! Q>G '?

#)! 3:,5 6)! ,!%/2#&$+ '/#0/# 3'(8&$!% %'(! '? #)! 3:, &$?',(:#&'$ 7&#) %'(! '? #)! ,!0:&,



Public Class Repair

Public Property VIN() As String

Public Property Desc() As String

Public Property Cost As Decimal

-!F #$%&'() * >$#,'*/3&$+ F>GH

End Class

Private Function GetRepairs() As List(Of Repair)

Return New List(Of Repair) From


New Repair With {.VIN = "ABC123", .Desc = "Change Oil", .Cost = 29.99},

New Repair With {.VIN = "DEF123", .Desc = "Rotate Tires", .Cost = 19.99},

New Repair With {.VIN = "HIJ123", .Desc = "Replace Brakes", .Cost = 200},

New Repair With {.VIN = "DEF456", .Desc = "Alignment", .Cost = 30},

New Repair With {.VIN = "ABC123", .Desc = "Fix Flat Tire", .Cost = 15},

New Repair With {.VIN = "DEF123", .Desc = "Fix Windshield", .Cost = 420},

New Repair With {.VIN = "ABC123", .Desc = "Replace Wipers", .Cost = 20},

New Repair With {.VIN = "HIJ123", .Desc = "Replace Tires", .Cost = 1000},

New Repair With {.VIN = "DEF456", .Desc = "Change Oil", .Cost = 30}


End Function

Private Sub LINQInnerJoinToolStripMenuItem_Click( _

ByVal sender As System.Object, _

ByVal e As System.EventArgs) _

Handles LINQInnerJoinToolStripMenuItem.Click

Dim cars = GetCars()

Dim repairs = GetRepairs()

Dim carsWithRepairs = From c In cars

Join r In repairs

On c.VIN Equals r.VIN

Order By c.VIN, r.Cost

Select New With







For Each item In carsWithRepairs

txtLog.WriteLine("Car VIN:{0}, Make:{1}, Description:{2} Cost:{3:C}",

item.VIN, item.Make, item.Desc, item.Cost)


End Sub


public class Repair


public string VIN { get; set; }

public string Desc { get; set; }

public decimal Cost { get; set; }


private List<Repair> GetRepairs()


return new List<Repair>


new Repair {VIN = "ABC123", Desc = "Change Oil", Cost = 29.99m},

F!%%'$ AM =%&$+ F>GH H/!,&!% #$%&'() * -!N

new Repair {VIN = "DEF123", Desc = "Rotate Tires", Cost =19.99m},

new Repair {VIN = "HIJ123", Desc = "Replace Brakes", Cost = 200},

new Repair {VIN = "DEF456", Desc = "Alignment", Cost = 30},

new Repair {VIN = "ABC123", Desc = "Fix Flat Tire", Cost = 15},

new Repair {VIN = "DEF123", Desc = "Fix Windshield", Cost =420},

new Repair {VIN = "ABC123", Desc = "Replace Wipers", Cost = 20},

new Repair {VIN = "HIJ123", Desc = "Replace Tires", Cost = 1000},

new Repair {VIN = "DEF456", Desc = "Change Oil", Cost = 30}



private void lINQInnerJoinToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)


var cars = GetCars();

var repairs = GetRepairs();

var carsWithRepairs = from c in cars

join r in repairs

on c.VIN equals r.VIN

orderby c.VIN, r.Cost

select new







foreach (var item in carsWithRepairs)


txtLog.WriteLine("Car VIN:{0}, Make:{1}, Description:{2} Cost:{3:C}",

item.VIN, item.Make, item.Desc, item.Cost);




Car VIN:ABC123, Make:Ford, Description:Fix Flat Tire Cost:$15.00

Car VIN:ABC123, Make:Ford, Description:Replace Wipers Cost:$20.00

Car VIN:ABC123, Make:Ford, Description:Change Oil Cost:$29.99

Car VIN:DEF123, Make:BMW, Description:Rotate Tires Cost:$19.99

Car VIN:DEF123, Make:BMW, Description:Fix Windshield Cost:$420.00

Car VIN:DEF456, Make:Ford, Description:Alignment Cost:$30.00

Car VIN:DEF456, Make:Ford, Description:Change Oil Cost:$30.00

Car VIN:HIJ123, Make:VW, Description:Replace Brakes Cost:$200.00

Car VIN:HIJ123, Make:VW, Description:Replace Tires Cost:$1,000.00

!"#$%&'()*%$#!+,#$-!%$./%'-"+0$+1$-!%$ !"#$%$.*'##$'02$-!%$./%'-"+0$+1$'$&!' !"#$%($(%-!3

+2$-!'-$/%-4/0#$'$5%0%/".$*"#-$+1$ !"#$%$+67%.-#8$9%&-$"#$-!%$./%'-"+0$+1$'$)#%($:'/"'6*%$)+)43

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:'/"'6*%$"#$./%'-%2<$'02$-!%$=>9?$@4%/A$"#$'##"50%2$-+$"-8$ !%$=>9?$@4%/A$2%B0%#$'0$+4-%/$


.*'4#%8$ !%$0.$1$.*'4#%$(4#-$6%$"((%2"'-%*A$1+**+,%2$6A$-!%$.1$.*'4#%$-!'-$2%B0%#$-!%$*"0C"05$



!"# $%&'()* + >0-/+24."05$=>9?

516$C%A,+/2$+/$-!%$77$FG$+)%/'-+/8$ !%$=>9?$@4%/A$"#$#+/-"05$6A$-!%$D>9$+1$-!%$.'/$'02$-!%$










-!%$"00%/$#+4/.%8$ +$)%/1+/($'0$+4-%/$7+"0$6A$4#"05$'$=>9?$@4%/A<$4#%$-!%$$1'.$.*'4#%$,"-!$-!%$

0.$1$.*'4#%$MD"#4'*$E'#".$&%.3"98.$1N8$ !%$$1'.$.*'4#%$./%'-%#$'0$"2%0-"B%/$-!'-$.'0$#%/:%$'#$'$


%0.%#$-!%$7+"0$'02$"#$'##"50%2$-+$-!%$:'/"'6*%$'!/"8$ !%$"00%/$:'/"'6*%$%!"$"#$+4-$+1$#.+)%<$64-$

'$0%,$-%./$.*'4#%$"#$)/+:"2%2$-+$5%-$-!%$:'/"'6*%$%<$,!".!$/%1%/%0.%#$'$/%)'"/<$1/+($'!/"8$ !%$



Private Sub LINQOuterJoinToolStripMenuItem_Click( _

ByVal sender As System.Object, _

ByVal e As System.EventArgs) _

Handles LINQOuterJoinToolStripMenuItem.Click

Dim cars = GetCars()

Dim repairs = GetRepairs()

Dim carsWithRepairs = From c In cars

Group Join rep In repairs

On c.VIN Equals rep.VIN Into temp = Group

From r In temp.DefaultIfEmpty()

Order By c.VIN, If(r Is Nothing, 0, r.Cost)

Select New With




.Desc = If(r Is Nothing, _

"***No Repairs***", r.Desc),

.Cost = If(r Is Nothing, _

0, r.Cost)


For Each item In carsWithRepairs

txtLog.WriteLine("Car VIN:{0}, Make:{1}, Description:{2} Cost:{3:C}",

item.VIN, item.Make, item.Desc, item.Cost)


End Sub


private void lINQOuterJoinToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)


$ =%##+0$OP$Q#"05$=>9?$?4%/"%#$ $%&'()* + !",

var cars = GetCars();

var repairs = GetRepairs();

var carsWithRepairs = from c in cars

join r in repairs

on c.VIN equals r.VIN into g

from r in g.DefaultIfEmpty()

orderby c.VIN, r==null?0:r.Cost

select new




Desc = r==null?"***No Repairs***":r.Desc,

Cost = r==null?0:r.Cost


foreach (var item in carsWithRepairs)


txtLog.WriteLine("Car VIN:{0}, Make:{1}, Description:{2} Cost:{3:C}",

item.VIN, item.Make, item.Desc, item.Cost);




Car VIN:ABC123, Make:Ford, Description:Fix Flat Tire Cost:$15.00

Car VIN:ABC123, Make:Ford, Description:Replace Wipers Cost:$20.00

Car VIN:ABC123, Make:Ford, Description:Change Oil Cost:$29.99

Car VIN:ABC456, Make:Audi, Description:***No Repairs*** Cost:$0.00

Car VIN:DEF123, Make:BMW, Description:Rotate Tires Cost:$19.99

Car VIN:DEF123, Make:BMW, Description:Fix Windshield Cost:$420.00

Car VIN:DEF456, Make:Ford, Description:Alignment Cost:$30.00

Car VIN:DEF456, Make:Ford, Description:Change Oil Cost:$30.00

Car VIN:HIJ123, Make:VW, Description:Replace Brakes Cost:$200.00

Car VIN:HIJ123, Make:VW, Description:Replace Tires Cost:$1,000.00








-"(%#$,"-!+4-$)/+:"2"05$'0A$*"0C$6%-,%%0$%*%(%0-$#+4/.%#8$ !"#$"#$+1-%0$2+0%$6A$("#-'C%8



-!'-$%&"#-8$ !%$2%#"/%2$+4-.+(%$"#$-+$.+(6"0%$-!%$.+*+/#$,"-!$-!%$.'/#$-+$#!+,$%:%/A$.+(6"3



Private Sub LINQCrossJoinToolStripMenuItem_Click( _

ByVal sender As System.Object, _

!!- $%&'()* + >0-/+24."05$=>9?

ByVal e As System.EventArgs) _

Handles LINQCrossJoinToolStripMenuItem.Click

Dim cars = GetCars()

Dim colors() = {"Red", "Yellow", "Blue", "Green"}

Dim carsWithRepairs = From car In cars

From color In colors

Order By car.VIN, color

Select New With





.Color = color


For Each item In carsWithRepairs

txtLog.WriteLine("Car VIN:{0}, Make:{1}, Model:{2} Color:{3}",

item.VIN, item.Make, item.Model, item.Color)


End Sub


private void lINQCrossJoinToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)


var cars = GetCars();

var colors = new string[]{"Red","Yellow","Blue","Green" };

var carsWithRepairs = from car in cars

from color in colors

orderby car.VIN, color

select new







foreach (var item in carsWithRepairs)


txtLog.WriteLine("Car VIN:{0}, Make:{1}, Model:{2} Color:{3}",

item.VIN, item.Make, item.Model, item.Color);




Car VIN:ABC123, Make:Ford, Model:F-250 Color:Blue

Car VIN:ABC123, Make:Ford, Model:F-250 Color:Green

Car VIN:ABC123, Make:Ford, Model:F-250 Color:Red

Car VIN:ABC123, Make:Ford, Model:F-250 Color:Yellow

Car VIN:ABC456, Make:Audi, Model:TT Color:Blue

Car VIN:ABC456, Make:Audi, Model:TT Color:Green

Car VIN:ABC456, Make:Audi, Model:TT Color:Red

Car VIN:ABC456, Make:Audi, Model:TT Color:Yellow

Car VIN:DEF123, Make:BMW, Model:Z-3 Color:Blue

Car VIN:DEF123, Make:BMW, Model:Z-3 Color:Green

$ =%##+0$OP$Q#"05$=>9?$?4%/"%#$ $%&'()* + !!"

Car VIN:DEF123, Make:BMW, Model:Z-3 Color:Red

Car VIN:DEF123, Make:BMW, Model:Z-3 Color:Yellow

Car VIN:DEF456, Make:Ford, Model:F-150 Color:Blue

Car VIN:DEF456, Make:Ford, Model:F-150 Color:Green

Car VIN:DEF456, Make:Ford, Model:F-150 Color:Red

Car VIN:DEF456, Make:Ford, Model:F-150 Color:Yellow

Car VIN:HIJ123, Make:VW, Model:Bug Color:Blue

Car VIN:HIJ123, Make:VW, Model:Bug Color:Green

Car VIN:HIJ123, Make:VW, Model:Bug Color:Red

Car VIN:HIJ123, Make:VW, Model:Bug Color:Yellow







.*'4#%8$ !%$1+**+,"05$.+2%$%&'()*%$2%(+0#-/'-%#$-!%$4#%$+1$-!%$:%.3"9A>$.*'4#%$,"-!$-!%$?3/$



Private Sub LINQGroupByToolStripMenuItem_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, _

ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles LINQGroupByToolStripMenuItem.Click

Dim repairs = From r In GetRepairs()

Group By VIN = r.VIN

Into grouped = Group, TotalCost = Sum(r.Cost)

For Each item In repairs

txtLog.WriteLine("Car VIN:{0}, TotalCost:{1:C}",

item.VIN, item.TotalCost)


End Sub


private void lINQGroupByToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)


var repairs = from r in GetRepairs()

group r by r.VIN into grouped

select new


VIN = grouped.Key,

TotalCost = grouped.Sum(c => c.Cost)


foreach (var item in repairs)


txtLog.WriteLine("Car VIN:{0}, Total Cost:{1:C}",

item.VIN, item.TotalCost);



!!! $%&'()* + >0-/+24."05$=>9?


Car VIN:ABC123, Total Cost:$64.99

Car VIN:DEF123, Total Cost:$439.99

Car VIN:HIJ123, Total Cost:$1,200.00

Car VIN:DEF456, Total Cost:$60.00


!'2$0+$/%)'"/#<$#+$"-S#$0+-$*"#-%28$ +$*"#-$'**$-!%$.'/#<$A+4$(4#-$*%1-$7+"0$-!%$.'/#$-+$-!%$/%)'"/#$


-+$-!%$+4-)4-$'02$"0.*42%$.'/#$-!'-$!':%$0+$/%)'"/#8$ !"#$/%@4"/%#$A+4$-+$)%/1+/($'$7+"0$'02$

5/+4)$+0$(4*-")*%$)/+)%/-"%#8$ !%$1+**+,"05$%&'()*%$#!+,#$!+,$A+4$.'0$'.!"%:%$-!%$/%#4*-8


Private Sub LINQGroupBy2ToolStripMenuItem_Click( _

ByVal sender As System.Object, _

ByVal e As System.EventArgs) _

Handles LINQGroupBy2ToolStripMenuItem.Click

Dim cars = GetCars()

Dim repairs = GetRepairs()

Dim carsWithRepairs = From c In cars

Group c By Key = New With {c.VIN, c.Make}

Into grouped = Group

Group Join r In repairs On Key.VIN Equals r.VIN

Into joined = Group

Select New With


.VIN = Key.VIN,

.Make = Key.Make,

.TotalCost = joined.Sum(Function(x) x.Cost)


For Each item In carsWithRepairs

txtLog.WriteLine("Car VIN:{0}, Make:{1}, Total Cost:{2:C}", _

item.VIN, item.Make, item.TotalCost)


End Sub


private void lINQGroupBy2ToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)


var cars = GetCars();

var repairs = GetRepairs();

var carsWithRepairs = from c in cars

join rep in repairs

on c.VIN equals rep.VIN into temp

from r in temp.DefaultIfEmpty()

group r by new { c.VIN, c.Make } into grouped

select new


VIN = grouped.Key.VIN,

Make = grouped.Key.Make,

TotalCost =

$ =%##+0$OP$Q#"05$=>9?$?4%/"%#$ $%&'()* + !!+

grouped.Sum(c => c == null ? 0 : c.Cost)


foreach (var item in carsWithRepairs)


txtLog.WriteLine("Car VIN:{0}, Make:{1}, Total Cost:{2:C}",

item.VIN, item.Make, item.TotalCost);




Car VIN:ABC123, Make:Ford, Total Cost:$64.99

Car VIN:DEF123, Make:BMW, Total Cost:$439.99

Car VIN:ABC456, Make:Audi, Total Cost:$0.00

Car VIN:HIJ123, Make:VW, Total Cost:$1,200.00

Car VIN:DEF456, Make:Ford, Total Cost:$60.00



+)%/'-"+0#8$ !%$2%5/%%$+1$.+0.4//%0.A$1+/$U=>9?$@4%/"%#$"#$6'#%2$+0$-!%$.')'6"*"-"%#$+1$-!%$





FUQ$.+/%8$ !%$(+/%$.+()4-'-"+0'**A$%&)%0#":%$-!%$,+/C$"#<$-!%$5/%'-%/$-!%$+))+/-40"-A$1+/$



@4%/A$+0$'$.+()4-%/$,"-!$%"5!-$.+/%#$("5!-$-'C%$+0*A$J$#%.+02#8$ !"#$A"%*2#$'$#)%%24)$+1$YJ$




F+0-/+*$[-&-=+5S$'..%##%2$1/+($'$-!/%'2$+-!%/$-!'0$-!%$-!/%'2$"-$,'#$./%'-%2$+08\$ +$,+/C$,"-!$




<Extension()> _

Public Sub WriteLine(ByVal txt As TextBox, _

ByVal format As String, _

ByVal ParamArray parms As Object())

Dim line As String = String.Format((format & Environment.NewLine), parms)

If txt.InvokeRequired Then

txt.BeginInvoke(New Action(Of String)(AddressOf txt.AppendText), _

New Object() {line})



!!. $%&'()* + >0-/+24."05$=>9?

End If

End Sub


public static void WriteLine(this TextBox txt,

string format, params object[] parms)


string line = string.Format(format + Environment.NewLine, parms);

if (txt.InvokeRequired)


txt.BeginInvoke((Action<string>)txt.AppendText, line);








-!%$-!/%'2$-!'-$,'#$4#%2$-+$./%'-%$-!%$Q>$.+0-/+*8$ !%$F!:$1<1B.H!$(%-!+2$)+#-#$'0$"0-%/0'*$






(%-!+2$"#$.'**%2$2"/%.-*A$+0$-!%$E!D'F.D$+67%.-8$ !%$F!:$1<1B.H!$(%-!+2$-'C%#$;!4!:#'!$'#$






!%$5(J#%#44!4$%&-%0#"+0$(%-!+2$2":"2%#$,+/C$+0-+$%'.!$)/+.%##+/$+/$)/+.%##+/$.+/%8$ !%$



"0-%5%/#<$1/+($W$-+$WX8$ !%$5(J#%#44!4$(%-!+2$.'**$"#$'22%2$-+$-!%$#+4/.%8$ !"#$.'4#%#$-!%$

"-%/'-"+0#$-+$6%$#)/%'2$'./+##$-!%$':'"*'6*%$)/+.%##+/$'02$)/+.%##+/$.+/%#8$ !%0$'$=>9?$





Private Sub AsParallelToolStripMenuItem_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, _

ByVal e As System.EventArgs) _

Handles AsParallelToolStripMenuItem.Click

Dim sw As New Stopwatch


$ =%##+0$OP$Q#"05$=>9?$?4%/"%#$ $%&'()* + !!/

Dim source = Enumerable.Range(1, 10).AsParallel()

Dim evenNums = From num In source

Where Compute(num) Mod 2 = 0

Select num

For Each ev In evenNums

txtLog.WriteLine("{0} on Thread {1}", _

New Object() {ev, Thread.CurrentThread.GetHashCode})



txtLog.WriteLine("Done {0}", New Object() {sw.Elapsed})

End Sub

Public Function Compute(ByVal num As Integer) As Integer

txtLog.WriteLine("Computing {0} on Thread {1}", _

New Object() {num, Thread.CurrentThread.GetHashCode})


Return num

End Function


private void asParallelToolStripMenuItem_Click(

object sender, EventArgs e)


Stopwatch sw = new Stopwatch();


var source = Enumerable.Range(1, 10).AsParallel();

var evenNums = from num in source

where Compute(num) % 2 == 0

select num;

foreach (var ev in evenNums)


txtLog.WriteLine("{0} on Thread {1}", ev,




txtLog.WriteLine("Done {0}", sw.Elapsed);


public int Compute(int num)


txtLog.WriteLine("Computing {0} on Thread {1}", num,



return num;



6 on Thread 10

2 on Thread 10

4 on Thread 10

8 on Thread 10

10 on Thread 10

Done 00:00:05.0393262

Computing 1 on Thread 12

!!0 $%&'()* + >0-/+24."05$=>9?

Computing 2 on Thread 11

Computing 3 on Thread 12

Computing 4 on Thread 11

Computing 5 on Thread 11

Computing 6 on Thread 12

Computing 7 on Thread 12

Computing 8 on Thread 11

Computing 9 on Thread 12

Computing 10 on Thread 11



Q>$-!/%'2$"#$':'"*'6*%8$ !%$-.%!#),$*++)$"#$/400"05$+0$-!%$Q>$-!/%'2<$#+$-!%$-!/%'2$"#$64#A$

40-"*$-!%$*++)$.+()*%-%#8$ !%$/%#4*-#$'/%$0+-$+/2%/%28$T+4/$/%#4*-$,"**$:'/A$'#$,%**<$'02<$"0$



+0$-!"#$.+()4-%/8$ !%$*./"3'!$(%-!+2$,'#$%&%.4-%2$+0$'$2"11%/%0-$-!/%'2<$64-$-!%$-!/%'2$








Private Sub AsParallel2ToolStripMenuItem_Click( _

ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) _

Handles AsParallel2ToolStripMenuItem.Click

Dim sw As New Stopwatch


Dim source = Enumerable.Range(1, 10).AsParallel()

Dim evenNums = From num In source

Where Compute2(num) Mod 2 = 0

Select num

For Each ev In evenNums

Debug.WriteLine(String.Format("{0} on Thread {1}", _

New Object() {ev, Thread.CurrentThread.GetHashCode}))



Debug.WriteLine(String.Format("Done {0}", New Object() {sw.Elapsed}))

End Sub


private void asParallel2ToolStripMenuItem_Click(

object sender, EventArgs e)


Stopwatch sw = new Stopwatch();


var source = Enumerable.Range(1, 10).AsParallel();

var evenNums = from num in source

$ =%##+0$OP$Q#"05$=>9?$?4%/"%#$ $%&'()* + !!1

where Compute2(num) % 2 == 0

select num;

foreach (var ev in evenNums)


Debug.WriteLine(string.Format("{0} on Thread {1}", ev,




Debug.WriteLine(string.Format("Done {0}", sw.Elapsed));


public int Compute2(int num)


Debug.WriteLine(string.Format("Computing {0} on Thread {1}", num,



return num;



Computing 2 on Thread 10

Computing 1 on Thread 6

Computing 3 on Thread 10

Computing 4 on Thread 6

Computing 5 on Thread 10

Computing 6 on Thread 6

Computing 7 on Thread 10

Computing 8 on Thread 6

Computing 9 on Thread 10

Computing 10 on Thread 6

2 on Thread 9

4 on Thread 9

6 on Thread 9

8 on Thread 9

10 on Thread 9

Done 00:00:05.0632071

!%$/%#4*-<$,!".!$"#$"0$-!%$D"#4'*$]-42"+$89^ $L4-)4-$,"02+,<$#!+,#$-!'-$-!%/%$"#$0+$,'"-3


,-$ %%#DE(".%-,.#F"(!,8





;0'*A_%$-!"#$-%.!0"@4%$-+$:%/"1A$-!'-$A+4$5%-$-!%$)%/1+/('0.%$5'"0$A+4$%&)%.-8$ !%$1+**+,"05$



Private Sub ForAllToolStripMenuItem_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, _

ByVal e As System.EventArgs) _

!!# $%&'()* + >0-/+24."05$=>9?

Handles ForAllToolStripMenuItem.Click

Dim sw As New Stopwatch


Dim source = Enumerable.Range(1, 10).AsParallel()

Dim evenNums = From num In source

Where Compute2(num) Mod 2 = 0

Select num

evenNums.ForAll(Sub(ev) Debug.WriteLine(string.Format(

"{0} on Thread {1}", ev, _



Debug.WriteLine((string.Format("Done {0}", New Object() {sw.Elapsed}))

End Sub


private void forAllToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)


Stopwatch sw = new Stopwatch();


var source = Enumerable.Range(1, 10).AsParallel();

var evenNums = from num in source

where Compute(num) % 2 == 0

select num;

evenNums.ForAll(ev => Debug.WriteLine(string.Format(

"{0} on Thread {1}", ev,



Debug.WriteLine(string.Format("Done {0}", sw.Elapsed));


,-$ %%#$"%&'(G#%!,H-.;#"I".#.&1J"$%G#(,(0'#(-1"G#0.8#6,12&(-.;#1"(!,8)

Computing 1 on Thread 9

Computing 2 on Thread 10

Computing 3 on Thread 9

2 on Thread 10

Computing 4 on Thread 10

Computing 5 on Thread 9

4 on Thread 10

Computing 6 on Thread 10

Computing 7 on Thread 9

6 on Thread 10

Computing 8 on Thread 10

Computing 9 on Thread 9

8 on Thread 10

Computing 10 on Thread 10

10 on Thread 10



'--%()-$-+$)4-$-!%$/%#4*-#$"0$'$)'/-".4*'/$+/2%/8$ !"#$-%.!0"@4%$.'0$5":%$A+4$6%--%/$)%/1+/3


$ =%##+0$OP$Q#"05$=>9?$?4%/"%#$ $%&'()* + !!,



;*-!+45!$-!"#$,"**$.+(%$'-$'$.+#-<$"-S#$2+'6*%$6A$4#"05$-!%$5(C%6!%!6$%&-%0#"+0$(%-!+28$ !%$




Private Sub AsOrderedToolStripMenuItem_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, _

ByVal e As System.EventArgs) _

Handles AsOrderedToolStripMenuItem.Click

Dim sw As New Stopwatch


Dim source = Enumerable.Range(1, 10).AsParallel().AsOrdered()

Dim evenNums = From num In source

Where Compute2(num) Mod 2 = 0

Select num

evenNums.ForAll(Sub(ev) Debug.WriteLine(string.Format(

"{0} on Thread {1}", ev, _



Debug.WriteLine(string.Format("Done {0}", New Object() {sw.Elapsed}))

End Sub


private void asOrderedToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)


Stopwatch sw = new Stopwatch();


var source = Enumerable.Range(1, 10).AsParallel().AsOrdered();

var evenNums = from num in source

where Compute2(num) % 2 == 0

select num;

evenNums.ForAll(ev => Debug.WriteLine(string.Format(

"{0} on Thread {1}", ev,



Debug.WriteLine(string.Format("Done {0}", sw.Elapsed));



Computing 2 on Thread 11

Computing 1 on Thread 10

2 on Thread 11

Computing 4 on Thread 11

Computing 3 on Thread 10

4 on Thread 11

Computing 6 on Thread 11

Computing 5 on Thread 10

6 on Thread 11

Computing 8 on Thread 11

Computing 7 on Thread 10

8 on Thread 11

!+- $%&'()* + >0-/+24."05$=>9?

Computing 9 on Thread 11

Computing 10 on Thread 10

10 on Thread 10

Done 00:00:05.2374586



!"#$%&$' 2345678 96:; <6=>377?>:?@ <A:A $BA==?=


@4%/A$%&-%0#"+0$(%-!+2#8$ !%$/%#4*-$+1$-!"#$)/'.-".%$140.-"+0#$-!%$#'(%$,'A<$64-$A+4$,"**$#%%$




'('"$&)' * 7,.I"$(-.;#3$,1#A&"$K#DE(".%-,.#F"(!,8%#(,#>?@A#A&"$-"%


*+$ >0$D"#4'*$]-42"+$89^ $OXWX<$.!++#%$V"*%$a$L)%0$a$U/+7%.-8$L)%0$-!%$)/+7%.-$1/+($=%##+0$


,+$ >0$]+*4-"+0$^&)*+/%/<$/"5!-3.*".C$-!%$`%1'4*-8'#)&$B*%$'02$#%*%.-$D"%,$F+2%$-+$+)%0$-!%$


-+$ >0$-!%$J#:!NM.#6$(%-!+2<$*+.'-%$-!%$#-'-%(%0-$-!'-$.+0-'"0#$'**$-!%$+,!%!$(%-!+2$



Dim result = Vehicles _

.Where(Function(v) v.VIN.StartsWith(txtVin.Text)) _

.Where(Function(v) v.Make.StartsWith(txtMake.Text)) _

.Where(Function(v) v.Model.StartsWith(txtModel.Text)) _

.Where(Function(v) v.Cost > Decimal.Parse(ddlCost.SelectedValue)) _

.Where(Function(v) v.Year > Integer.Parse(ddlYear.SelectedValue))


var result = vehicles

.Where(v => v.VIN.StartsWith(txtVin.Text))

.Where(v => v.Make.StartsWith(txtMake.Text))

.Where(v => v.Model.StartsWith(txtModel.Text))

.Where(v => v.Cost > Decimal.Parse(ddlCost.SelectedValue))

.Where(v => v.Year > int.Parse(ddlYear.SelectedValue));

.+$ F+0:%/-$-!%$)/%:"+4#$.+2%$-+$4#%$'$=>9?$@4%/A8$T+4/$.+2%$#!+4*2$*++C$*"C%$-!%$



Dim result = From v In Vehicles

Where v.VIN.StartsWith(txtVin.Text) _

And v.Make.StartsWith(txtMake.Text) _

$ =%##+0$OP$Q#"05$=>9?$?4%/"%#$ $%&'()* + !+"

And v.Model.StartsWith(txtModel.Text) _

And v.Cost > Decimal.Parse(ddlCost.SelectedValue) _

And v.Year > Integer.Parse(ddlYear.SelectedValue) _

Select v


var result = from v in vehicles

where v.VIN.StartsWith(txtVin.Text)

&& v.Make.StartsWith(txtMake.Text)

&& v.Model.StartsWith(txtModel.Text)

&& v.Cost > Decimal.Parse(ddlCost.SelectedValue)

&& v.Year > int.Parse(ddlYear.SelectedValue)

select v;



/+$ =+.'-%$-!%$?!'C%6!%$(%-!+28$b%)*'.%$-!%$.+2%$"0$-!"#$(%-!+2$-+$4#%$=>9?$%&)/%##"+0#8$



Private Function SetOrder(ByVal order As String, _

ByVal query As IEnumerable(Of Vehicle)) As IEnumerable(Of Vehicle)

Select Case order

Case "VIN"

Return From v In query Order By v.VIN Select v

Case "Make"

Return From v In query Order By v.Make Select v

Case "Model"

Return From v In query Order By v.Model Select v

Case "Year"

Return From v In query Order By v.Year Select v

Case "Cost"

Return From v In query Order By v.Cost Select v

Case Else

Return query

End Select

End Function


private IEnumerable<Vehicle> SetOrder(string order,

IEnumerable<Vehicle> query)


switch (order)


case "VIN":

return from v in query orderby v.VIN select v;

case "Make":

return from v in query orderby v.Make select v;

case "Model":

return from v in query orderby v.Model select v;

case "Year":

return from v in query orderby v.Year select v;

case "Cost":

!+! $%&'()* + >0-/+24."05$=>9?

return from v in query orderby v.Cost select v;


return query;



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gvVehicles.DataSource = result.Select(Function(v, i) New With

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<Global.System.Data.Linq.Mapping.TableAttribute(Name:="dbo.Customers"), _

Global.System.Runtime.Serialization.DataContractAttribute()> _

Partial Public Class Customer

Implements System.ComponentModel.INotifyPropertyChanging,


' more code here

End Class


[global::System.Data.Linq.Mapping.TableAttribute(Name = "dbo.Customers")]


public partial class Customer : INotifyPropertyChanging, INotifyPropertyChanged


//mode code here


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Private _CustomerID As String

<Global.System.Data.Linq.Mapping.ColumnAttribute(Storage:="_CustomerID", _

DbType:="NChar(5) NOT NULL", CanBeNull:=False, IsPrimaryKey:=True), _

Global.System.Runtime.Serialization.DataMemberAttribute(Order:=1)> _

Public Property CustomerID() As String


Return Me._CustomerID

End Get

Set(ByVal value As String)

If (String.Equals(Me._CustomerID, value) = False) Then



Me._CustomerID = value



End If

End Set

End Property


private string _CustomerID;


DbType="NChar(5) NOT NULL", CanBeNull=false, IsPrimaryKey=true)]


public string CustomerID




return this._CustomerID;




if ((this._CustomerID != value))




this._CustomerID = value;






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Private _Orders As EntitySet(Of [Order])

<Global.System.Data.Linq.Mapping.AssociationAttribute(Name:="Customer_Order", _

Storage:="_Orders", ThisKey:="CustomerID", OtherKey:="CustomerID"), _

Global.System.Runtime.Serialization.DataMemberAttribute(Order:=12, _

EmitDefaultValue:=False)> _

Public Property Orders() As EntitySet(Of [Order])


If (Me.serializing _

AndAlso (Me._Orders.HasLoadedOrAssignedValues = False)) Then

Return Nothing

End If

Return Me._Orders

End Get

Set(ByVal value As EntitySet(Of [Order]))


End Set

End Property


private EntitySet<Order> _Orders;

[global::System.Data.Linq.Mapping.AssociationAttribute(Name="Customer_Order", Storage="_

Orders", ThisKey="CustomerID", OtherKey="CustomerID")]



public EntitySet<Order> Orders




if ((this.serializing && (this._Orders.HasLoadedOrAssignedValues == false)))


return null;


% &!,,*-%TU%V0+$%',%&'()%$*% )&W% #*$2/!%"3" 43=

return this._Orders;







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"43> #*$2/!%"3 &'()%$*% )&

L1%+""%$0!%#"+,,!,%#3!+$!.%6D%$0!%&'()%$*% )&%.!,2>-!3@%$02,%2,%$0!%*-"D%#"+,,%$0+$%.*!,-J$%2-E


.2+$!%#"+,,%$0+$%2-0!32$,%13*/% !"!#$%"&?"@%6D%402#0%D*<%+..%/*3!%1<-#$2*-+"2$D5%P*<%#+-%$0!-%



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&**;2->%+$%$0!%0$,"=>(%4 !"!#$%"&?"%#"+,,%$0+$%4+,%=3*.<#!.%6D%$0!%&'()%$*% )&%.!E



<Global.System.Data.Linq.Mapping.DatabaseAttribute(Name:="Northwind")> _

Partial Public Class NorthwindDataContext

Inherits System.Data.Linq.DataContext

Private Shared mappingSource As System.Data.Linq.Mapping.MappingSource = _

New AttributeMappingSource()

'more members here

End Class



public partial class NorthwindDataContext : System.Data.Linq.DataContext


private static System.Data.Linq.Mapping.MappingSource mappingSource = _

new AttributeMappingSource();

//more members here


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Public ReadOnly Property Customers() As System.Data.Linq.Table(Of Customer)


Return Me.GetTable(Of Customer)()

End Get

End Property


public System.Data.Linq.Table<Customer> Customers




return this.GetTable<Customer>();





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<add name="LinqToSqlSampleCode.Properties.Settings.NorthwindConnectionString"

connectionString="Data Source=.;Initial Catalog=Northwind;Integrated


providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" />


&'()%$*% )&%<,!,%$0!%$3+.2$2*-+"%COL5(H7%;J5#$%%&'"($%%#"+,,%$*%*=!-%+%#*--!#$2*-%$*%

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.+$+%,*<3#!%42""%6!%,!$%$*%5N )&HAY^H @%402#0%/!+-,%D*<%4+-$%$*%#*--!#$%$*%$0!% I"H9=3!,,%

2-,$+-#!%*1% )&% !3G!3%*-%D*<3%"*#+"%/+#02-!5

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=+3+/!$!3"!,,%#*-,$3<#$*3%1*3%$0!%0$,"=>(%4 !"!#$%"&?"%#"+,,U


Public Sub New()

MyBase.New(Global.LinqToSqlSampleCode.MySettings.Default.NorthwindConnectionString, _



End Sub


public NorthwindDataContext() :








:% !"!#$%"&?"?%#*-,$3<#$*3%6<$%2,%=+,,2->%0$,"=>(%4#$%%&'"($%;",(%F@%402#0%2,%2-%$0!%#*-8><E

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P*<%/2>0$%6!%4*-.!32->%40+$%;2-.%*1%I<!3D%2,%,!-$%$*% )&% !3G!35%',%$0!%I<!3D%!18#2!-$W%

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Private Sub mnuSimpleLinq_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, _

ByVal e As System.Windows.RoutedEventArgs)

Dim ctx = New NorthwindDataContext()

Dim employees = From emp In ctx.Employees

Where emp.LastName.StartsWith("D")

Select emp

% &!,,*-%TU%V0+$%',%&'()%$*% )&W% #*$2/!%"3" 4;5

dg.ItemsSource = employees

End Sub


private void mnuSimpleLinq_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)


var ctx = new NorthwindDataContext();

var employees = from emp in ctx.Employees

where emp.LastName.StartsWith("D")

select emp;

dg.ItemsSource = employees;



%0$,"=>(%4 !"!#$%"&?"%*6]!#$5%70!3!%2,%-*%3!1!3!-#!%$*%+%#*--!#$2*-%2-%$02,%#*.!5%

%0$,"=>(%4 !"!#$%"&?"%0+,%+-%9+35$/&&)%=3*=!3$D%$0+$%#+-%6!%<,!.%2-%D*<3%&'()%I<!3D5%70!%






V0!-%$0!%&'()%$*% )&%I<!3D%2,%#3!+$!.%6D%2-2$2+"2X2->%$0!%&+35$/&&)%G+32+6"!@%#*--!#$2*-%


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63!+;%=*2-$@%0*G!3%*G!3%$0!%&+35$/&&)%G+32+6"!@%+-.%D*<J""%,!!%+%$**"%$2=%42$0%$0!% )&%I<!3D%

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C-*$0!3%4+D%$*%8-.%$0!%+-,4!3,%2,%$*%<,!%$0!%G$F%=3*=!3$D%*-%0$,"=>(%4 !"!#$%"&?"5%



+",*%+,,2>-%+%;",(%FO,("&,%$*%$0!%G$F%=3*=!3$D@%402#0%42""%,!-.%$0!% )&%I<!32!,%$*%+%/!/*3D%





Private Sub mnuSimpleLinq_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, _

ByVal e As System.Windows.RoutedEventArgs)

Dim ctx = New NorthwindDataContext()

Dim sw = New StringWriter()

ctx.Log = sw

Dim employees = From emp In ctx.Employees

Where emp.LastName.StartsWith("D")

Select emp

dg.ItemsSource = employees


End Sub


private void mnuSimpleLinq_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)


var ctx = new NorthwindDataContext();

var sw = new StringWriter();

ctx.Log = sw;

var employees = from emp in ctx.Employees

where emp.LastName.StartsWith("D")

select emp;

dg.ItemsSource = employees;





!"# (-+A"/8"9A("1! '."B-9'$(-C!%





% &!,,*-%TU%V0+$%',%&'()%$*% )&W% #*$2/!%"3" 4;7

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3!$<3-,%$4*%3*4,%$*%D*<3%+=="2#+$2*-@%$0<,%=3*G2.2->%!18#2!-$% )&%1*3%D*<3%&'()%$*% )&%I<!3D5

&-.'%!"36="S!3!%2,%$0!% )&%I<!3D%$0+$%2,%,!-$%$*% )&% !3G!35

F2-+""D@%+-*$0!3%4+D%$*%,!!%$0!%I<!32!,%,!-$%$*% )&% !3G!3%2,%$*%<,!%$0!% )&% !3G!3%Y3*8"!3%

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&-.'%!"36>" 70!% )&% !3G!3%Y3*12"!3%#+-%#+=$<3!%+""%$0!%$3+112#%6!$4!!-%$0!%+=="2#+$2*-%+-.% )&% !3G!35

70!% )&% !3G!3%Y3*8"!3%#+-%#+=$<3!%+-.%.2,="+D%/<#0%/*3!%2-1*3/+$2*-%$0+-%2,%,0*4-%2-%

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&+XD%"*+.2->%2,%#*-8><3!.%2-%$0!%&'()%$*% )&%.!,2>-!3%6D%,!"!#$2->%+-%!-$2$D%+-.%$0!-@%2-%

$0!%Y3*=!3$2!,%42-.*4@%,!$$2->%$0!% &5!/BG$!4&4%=3*=!3$D%$*%",*&5%F2><3!%QEh%,0*4,%$0!BB &5!/B


&-.'%!"36?" 70!% &5!/BG$!4&4%=3*=!3$D%#+-%6!%,!$%$*%",*&%$*%=!31*3/%"+XD%"*+.2->5











% &!,,*-%TU%V0+$%',%&'()%$*% )&W% #*$2/!%"3" 4;;

F2><3!%QEh@%$0!%Y0*$*%!-$3D%*-%$0!%9+35$/&&%!-$2$D%2,%,!$%$*% &5!/BG$!4&45%70!%1*""*42->%#*.!%

!9+/="!%,0*4,%$0!%!11!#$%*1%,!$$2->% &5!/BG$!4&4%$*%",*&U


Private Sub mnuLazyLoading_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, _

ByVal e As System.Windows.RoutedEventArgs)

Dim ctx = New NorthwindDataContext()

Dim sw = New StringWriter()

ctx.Log = sw

Dim employee = (From emp In ctx.Employees

Where emp.LastName.StartsWith("D")

Select emp).First()


sw = New StringWriter()

ctx.Log = sw

Dim photo = New MemoryStream(Employee.Photo.ToArray())


End Sub


private void mnuLazyLoading_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)


var ctx = new NorthwindDataContext();

var sw = new StringWriter();

ctx.Log = sw;

var employee = (from emp in ctx.Employees

where emp.LastName.StartsWith("Davolio")

select emp).First();


sw = new StringWriter();

ctx.Log = sw;

var photo = new MemoryStream(employee.Photo.ToArray());



702,%#*.!%,+/="!%3!$32!G!,%+%,2->"!%!/="*D!!%+-.%.2,="+D,%$0!% )&%,$+$!/!-$%$0+$%4+,%




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*+% V0!-%4*3;2->%42$0%&'()%$*% )&@%40+$%2,%$0!%/+2-%*6]!#$%$0+$%/*G!,%.+$+%$*%+-.%13*/%


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5+% ;J5 !"!A4!3"&,

$+% !"!#$%"&?"

6+% 9%"("/

!"# $+9)!%9



% &!,,*-%TU%V0+$%',%&'()%$*% )&W% #*$2/!%"3" 4;?

,+% P*<%4+-$%$*%<,!%&'()%$*% )&%$*%3<-%I<!32!,%*-%+%$+6"!%$0+$%#*-$+2-,%+%#*"</-%$0+$%


+""D%D*<%42""%-!!.%$*%,!!%2$5%'-%$0!%&'()%$*% )&%.!,2>-!3@%402#0%=3*=!3$D%#+-%D*<%,!$%*-%



#+% ;P(3

5+% &5!/BG$!4&4

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"4<@ #*$2/!%"3 &'()%$*% )&


'-%$0!%=3!G2*<,%"!,,*-@%D*<%4!3!%2-$3*.<#!.%$*%$0!%&'()%$*% )&%.!,2>-!3@%$0!% !"!#$%"&?"%

#"+,,@%+-.%+-%!9+/="!%!-$2$D%#"+,,5%'-%+..2$2*-@%+%#*<="!%*1%&'()%$*% )&%I<!32!,%4!3!%=3!,!-$E

!.%$*%.!/*-,$3+$!%$0!%*=!3+$2*-%*1%$0!% !"!#$%"&?"%#"+,,%+-.%"+XD%"*+.2->5%P*<%+",*%,+4%0*4%

$0!%&'()%$*% )&%=3*G2.!3%I<!32!,%*-"D%1*3%$0!%3!I<23!.%.+$+%40!-%>=&,&%#"+<,!,%+3!%=3*G2.!.5

702,%"!,,*-%!9+/2-!,%,*/!%*1%$0!%/*3!%#*//*-%$D=!,%*1%&'()%$*% )&%I<!32!,%D*<%/2>0$%



■ Y!31*3/%&'()%$*% )&%I<!32!,%42$0%8"$!32->%+-.%,*3$2->5

■ V32$!%&'()%$*% )&%,$+$!/!-$,%$0+$%2/="!/!-$%=3*]!#$2*-,5

■ Y!31*3/%2--!3%]*2-,%42$0%&'()%$*% )&5

■ Y!31*3/%*<$!3%]*2-,%42$0%&'()%$*% )&5

■ K3!+$!%+-.%!9!#<$!%>3*<=2->%+-.%+>>3!>+$2*-%42$0%&'()%$*% )&5


N%*+3#R)"4'#0+-!#:+/-"4#%$2#G(4-m+,2#%I<!32!,%<,2->%$0!%&'()%$*% )&%#"+,,!,%+3!%G!3D%#"!+-%+-.%3!+.+6"!5%'-%+..2$2*-@%3!/!/E

6!3%$0+$%&'()%$*% )&%#"+,,!,%3!$32!G!%*-"D%$0!%.+$+%D*<%3!I<!,$5%70!%1*""*42->%#*.!%,+/="!%




private void mnuBasicQuery_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)


var ctx = new NorthwindDataContext();

var sw = new StringWriter();

ctx.Log = sw;

var customers = from c in ctx.Customers

where c.CompanyName.Contains("Restaurant")

orderby c.PostalCode

select c;

dg.ItemsSource = customers;




private void mnuBasicQuery_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)


var ctx = new NorthwindDataContext();

var sw = new StringWriter();

ctx.Log = sw;


■ Y!31*3/%&'()%$*% )&%I<!32!,%42$0%8"$!32->%+-.%,*3$2->5

■ V32$!%&'()%$*% )&%,$+$!/!-$,%$0+$%2/="!/!-$%=3*]!#$2*-,5

■ Y!31*3/%2--!3%]*2-,%42$0%&'()%$*% )&5

■ Y!31*3/%*<$!3%]*2-,%42$0%&'()%$*% )&5

■ K3!+$!%+-.%!9!#<$!%>3*<=2->%+-.%+>>3!>+$2*-%42$0%&'()%$*% )&5


% &!,,*-%RU%H9!#<$2->%)<!32!,%_,2->%&'()%$*% )&% #*$2/!%"3" 4<5

var customers = from c in ctx.Customers

where c.CompanyName.Contains("Restaurant")

orderby c.PostalCode

select c;

dg.ItemsSource = customers;




SELECT [t0].[CustomerID], [t0].[CompanyName], [t0].[ContactName], [t0].[ContactTitle],

[t0].[Address], [t0].[City], [t0].[Region], [t0].[PostalCode], [t0].[Country], [t0].

[Phone], [t0].[Fax]

FROM [dbo].[Customers] AS [t0]

WHERE [t0].[CompanyName] LIKE @p0

ORDER BY [t0].[PostalCode]

-- @p0: Input NVarChar (Size = 4000; Prec = 0; Scale = 0) [%Restaurant%]

70!%&'()%$*% )&%I<!3D%,!-.,%+%I<!3D%$*% )&% !3G!3%$0+$%2-#"<.!,%+%>=&,&%#"+<,!%+-.%+-%


#*)"$+&,)%=3*=!3$D%*-%$0!%0$,"=>(%4 !"!#$%"&?"%*6]!#$5%70!%;!D%0!3!%2,%$0+$%$0!%&'()%$*%

)&%=3*G2.!3%2,%#+=+6"!%*1%#*-,$3<#$2->%+-%!18#2!-$%I<!3D%$*%,!-.%$*% )&% !3G!35




13*/% )&% !3G!35%70!%1*""*42->%#*.!%!9+/="!%.!/*-,$3+$!,%$0!%<,!%*1%=3*]!#$2*-,%$*%"2/2$%$0!%



Private Sub mnuProjection_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, _

ByVal e As System.Windows.RoutedEventArgs)

Dim ctx = New NorthwindDataContext()

Dim sw = New StringWriter()

ctx.Log = sw

Dim customers = From c In ctx.Customers

Where c.CompanyName.Contains("Restaurant")

Order By c.PostalCode

Select New With {c.CustomerID, c.CompanyName, c.PostalCode}

dg.ItemsSource = customers


End Sub


private void mnuProjection_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)


var ctx = new NorthwindDataContext();

var sw = new StringWriter();

ctx.Log = sw;

var customers = from c in ctx.Customers

"4<4 #*$2/!%"3 &'()%$*% )&

where c.CompanyName.Contains("Restaurant")

orderby c.PostalCode

select new






dg.ItemsSource = customers;




SELECT [t0].[CustomerID], [t0].[CompanyName], [t0].[PostalCode]

FROM [dbo].[Customers] AS [t0]

WHERE [t0].[CompanyName] LIKE @p0

ORDER BY [t0].[PostalCode]

-- @p0: Input NVarChar (Size = 4000; Prec = 0; Scale = 0) [%Restaurant%]




;!D%$*%1*3!2>-%;!D5%'--!3%]*2-,%#+-%6!%2/="!/!-$!.%!+,2"D%42$0%&'()%$*% )&%6D%<,2->%$0!%,$+-E





Private Sub mnuInnerJoin1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, _

ByVal e As System.Windows.RoutedEventArgs)

Dim ctx = New NorthwindDataContext()

Dim sw = New StringWriter()

ctx.Log = sw

Dim customers = ctx.Customers.Join(ctx.Orders,

Function(c) c.CustomerID,

Function(o) o.CustomerID,

Function(c, o) New With






}) _

.OrderBy(Function(r) r.CustomerID) _

.ThenBy(Function(r) r.OrderID)

dg.ItemsSource = customers


End Sub

% &!,,*-%RU%H9!#<$2->%)<!32!,%_,2->%&'()%$*% )&% #*$2/!%"3" 4<7


private void mnuInnerJoin1_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)


var ctx = new NorthwindDataContext();

var sw = new StringWriter();

ctx.Log = sw;

var customers = ctx.Customers.Join(


c => c.CustomerID,

o => o.CustomerID,

(c, o) => new









dg.ItemsSource = customers;




SELECT [t0].[CustomerID], [t0].[CompanyName], [t1].[OrderID], [t1].[OrderDate]

FROM [dbo].[Customers] AS [t0]

INNER JOIN [dbo].[Orders] AS [t1] ON [t0].[CustomerID] = [t1].[CustomerID]

ORDER BY [t0].[CustomerID], [t1].[OrderID]

_,2->%I<!3D%!9$!-,2*-%/!$0*.,%$*%=!31*3/%$0!%]*2-%=3*.<#!.%+%-2#!@%#"!+-% )&%I<!3D5%




Private Sub mnuInnerJoin2_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, _

ByVal e As System.Windows.RoutedEventArgs)

Dim ctx = New NorthwindDataContext()

Dim sw = New StringWriter()

ctx.Log = sw

Dim customers = From c In ctx.Customers

Join o In ctx.Orders

On c.CustomerID Equals o.CustomerID

Order By c.CustomerID, o.OrderID

Select New With







dg.ItemsSource = customers


End Sub

"4<3 #*$2/!%"3 &'()%$*% )&


private void mnuInnerJoin_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)


var ctx = new NorthwindDataContext();

var sw = new StringWriter();

ctx.Log = sw;

var customers = from c in ctx.Customers

join o in ctx.Orders

on c.CustomerID equals o.CustomerID

orderby c.CustomerID, o.OrderID

select new







dg.ItemsSource = customers;




SELECT [t0].[CustomerID], [t0].[CompanyName], [t1].[OrderID], [t1].[OrderDate]

FROM [dbo].[Customers] AS [t0]

INNER JOIN [dbo].[Orders] AS [t1] ON [t0].[CustomerID] = [t1].[CustomerID]

ORDER BY [t0].[CustomerID], [t1].[OrderID]

702,%2,%+%#"!+-E"**;2->%&'()%I<!3D@%+-.%2$%=3*.<#!.%+%-2#!@%!18#2!-$% )&%I<!3D5%'1%D*<%



*<$=<$%6!#+<,!%$0!D%.*-J$%/+$#0%<=%$*%+-D%*3.!3,5%70!%/2,,2->%#<,$*/!3%'O,%+3!%F' C%+-.%

YC^' 5%7*%,!!%+""%#<,$*/!3,@%D*<%-!!.%$*%432$!%+-%*<$!3%]*2-5






Private Sub mnuOuterJoin1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, _

ByVal e As System.Windows.RoutedEventArgs)

Dim ctx = New NorthwindDataContext()

Dim sw = New StringWriter()

ctx.Log = sw

Dim customers = ctx.Customers.GroupJoin(ctx.Orders, _

Function(c) c.CustomerID, _

Function(o) o.CustomerID, _

Function(c, o) New With



% &!,,*-%RU%H9!#<$2->%)<!32!,%_,2->%&'()%$*% )&% #*$2/!%"3" 4<;


.Orders = o

}) _

.SelectMany(Function(t) t.Orders.DefaultIfEmpty().Select( _

Function(ord) New With




.OrderID = CType(ord.OrderID, Nullable(Of Integer)),

.OrderDate = CType(ord.OrderDate, Nullable(Of DateTime))

})) _

.OrderBy(Function(r) r.CustomerID) _

.ThenBy(Function(r) r.OrderID)

dg.ItemsSource = customers


End Sub


private void mnuOuterJoin1_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)


var ctx = new NorthwindDataContext();

var sw = new StringWriter();

ctx.Log = sw;

var customers = ctx.Customers.GroupJoin(


c => c.CustomerID,

o => o.CustomerID,

(c, o) => new




Orders = o








OrderDate=(DateTime?) ord.OrderDate}))

.OrderBy(r => r.CustomerID).ThenBy((r => r.OrderID));

dg.ItemsSource = customers;




SELECT [t2].[CompanyName], [t2].[CustomerID],

[t2].[value] AS [OrderID2], [t2].[value2] AS [OrderDate]


SELECT [t1].[OrderID] AS [value], [t1].[OrderDate] AS [value2],

[t0].[CompanyName], [t0].[CustomerID]

FROM [dbo].[Customers] AS [t0]

LEFT OUTER JOIN [dbo].[Orders] AS [t1] ON [t0].[CustomerID] = [t1].[CustomerID]

"4<< #*$2/!%"3 &'()%$*% )&

) AS [t2]

ORDER BY [t2].[CustomerID], [t2].[value]


.+$+%>32.%+-.%,!!%$0!%,+/!%3!,<"$,%+,%$0!%2--!3%]*2-%6<$%42$0%+-%!9$3+%3*4%1*3%F' C%+-.%YC^' 5%

'-%$0!% )&%I<!3D@%+"$0*<>0%+%"!1$%*<$!3%]*2-%4+,%=!31*3/!.@%2$%4+,%-!,$!.%2-%+%,<6I<!3D@%+-.%





Private Sub mnuOuterJoin2_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, _

ByVal e As System.Windows.RoutedEventArgs)

Dim ctx = New NorthwindDataContext()

Dim sw = New StringWriter()

ctx.Log = sw

Dim customers = From c In ctx.Customers

Group Join o In ctx.Orders

On c.CustomerID Equals o.CustomerID Into InJoin = Group

From outJoin In InJoin.DefaultIfEmpty()

Order By c.CustomerID, outJoin.OrderID

Select New With




.OrderID = CType(outJoin.OrderID, Nullable(Of Integer)),

.OrderDate = CType(outJoin.OrderDate, Nullable(Of DateTime))


dg.ItemsSource = customers


End Sub


private void mnuOuterJoin2_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)


var ctx = new NorthwindDataContext();

var sw = new StringWriter();

ctx.Log = sw;

var customers = from c in ctx.Customers

join o in ctx.Orders

on c.CustomerID equals o.CustomerID into inJoin

from outJoin in inJoin.DefaultIfEmpty()

orderby c.CustomerID, outJoin.OrderID

select new




OrderID = (int?)outJoin.OrderID,

OrderDate = (DateTime?)outJoin.OrderDate


dg.ItemsSource = customers;



% &!,,*-%RU%H9!#<$2->%)<!32!,%_,2->%&'()%$*% )&% #*$2/!%"3" 4<=


SELECT [t0].[CustomerID], [t0].[CompanyName],

[t1].[OrderID] AS [OrderID2], [t1].[OrderDate] AS [OrderDate]

FROM [dbo].[Customers] AS [t0]

LEFT OUTER JOIN [dbo].[Orders] AS [t1] ON [t0].[CustomerID] = [t1].[CustomerID]

ORDER BY [t0].[CustomerID], [t1].[OrderID]


6D%!9$!-,2*-%/!$0*.,5%'-%+..2$2*-@%$0!% )&%I<!3D%2,%+%-2#!@%#"!+-%"!1$%*<$!3%]*2-5

`4();+$,#%$2#L,,4",%-+($&'()%$*% )&%+",*%!-+6"!,%D*<%$*%=!31*3/%>3*<=2->%*=!3+$2*-,%$*%3!$32!G!%+>>3!>+$!%3!,<"$,5%





Private Sub mnuAggregates_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, _

ByVal e As System.Windows.RoutedEventArgs)

Dim ctx = New NorthwindDataContext()

Dim sw = New StringWriter()

ctx.Log = sw

Dim orders = From o In ctx.Order_Details

Group o By OrderID = o.OrderID Into grouped = Group

Select New With


.OrderID = OrderID,

.Total = grouped.Sum(Function(line) _

line.Quantity * line.UnitPrice * _

(1 - CType(line.Discount, Decimal)))


dg.ItemsSource = orders


End Sub


private void mnuAggregates_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)


var ctx = new NorthwindDataContext();

var sw = new StringWriter();

ctx.Log = sw;

var orders = from o in ctx.Order_Details

group o by o.OrderID

into grouped

select new


OrderID = grouped.Key,

Total = grouped.Sum(

line=>line.Quantity * line.UnitPrice *

(1 - (decimal)line.Discount))


"4<> #*$2/!%"3 &'()%$*% )&

dg.ItemsSource = orders;




SELECT SUM([t1].[value]) AS [Total], [t1].[OrderID]


SELECT (CONVERT(Decimal(29,4),[t0].[Quantity])) * [t0].[UnitPrice] *

(@p0 - (CONVERT(Decimal(33,4),[t0].[Discount]))) AS [value], [t0].[OrderID]

FROM [dbo].[Order Details] AS [t0]

) AS [t1]

GROUP BY [t1].[OrderID]

-- @p0: Input Decimal (Size = -1; Prec = 33; Scale = 4) [1]

702,%#*.!%,+/="!%>3*<=!.%$0!%L3.!3`O!$+2",%3*4,%6D%6,4&,1 %+-.%$0!-%#+"#<"+$!.%$0!%$*$+"%






.2,="+D5%S+G2->%,+2.%$0+$@%40+$J,%$0!%,!-,!%*1%4+2$2->%1*3%+""%$0+$%.+$+%$*%6!%,02==!.%13*/% )&%












Private Const pageSize As Integer = 25

Private pageCount As Integer

Private customerCount As Integer

Private customers As IQueryable(Of Tuple(Of String, String))

Private sw As New StringWriter()

Private Sub mnuPaging_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, _

ByVal e As System.Windows.RoutedEventArgs)

Dim ctx = New NorthwindDataContext()

ctx.Log = sw

customers = From c In ctx.Customers

Order By c.CompanyName

% &!,,*-%RU%H9!#<$2->%)<!32!,%_,2->%&'()%$*% )&% #*$2/!%"3" 4<?

Select New Tuple(Of String, String)(c.CustomerID, c.CompanyName)

customerCount = customers.Count()

pageCount = customerCount / pageSize

If (pageCount * pageSize < customerCount) Then pageCount += 1

scrData.Minimum = 0

scrData.Maximum = pageCount

scrData.Visibility = Visibility.Visible

scrData.SmallChange = 1

scrData_Scroll(Nothing, Nothing)

End Sub

Private Sub scrData_Scroll(ByVal sender As System.Object, _

ByVal e As System.Windows.Controls.Primitives.ScrollEventArgs)

Dim customersDisplay = From c In customers

Select New With {.ID = c.Item1, .Name = c.Item2}

dg.ItemsSource = customersDisplay.Skip(CInt(scrData.Value) * pageSize).Take(pageSize)

End Sub


private const int pageSize = 25;

private int pageCount;

private int customerCount;

private IQueryable<Tuple<string,string>> customers;

StringWriter sw = new StringWriter();

private void mnuPaging_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)


var ctx = new NorthwindDataContext();

ctx.Log = sw;

customers = from c in ctx.Customers

orderby c.CompanyName


new Tuple<string,string>(c.CustomerID,c.CompanyName);

customerCount = customers.Count();

pageCount = customerCount / pageSize;

if (pageCount * pageSize < customerCount) pageCount++;

scrData.Minimum = 0;

scrData.Maximum = pageCount;

scrData.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;

scrData.SmallChange = 1;

scrData_Scroll(null, null);


private void scrData_Scroll(object sender,

System.Windows.Controls.Primitives.ScrollEventArgs e)


var customersDisplay = from c in customers

select new {ID = c.Item1, Name = c.Item2};

dg.ItemsSource = customersDisplay.Skip((int)scrData.Value * pageSize).Take(pageSize);


"4=@ #*$2/!%"3 &'()%$*% )&


SELECT COUNT(*) AS [value]

FROM [dbo].[Customers] AS [t0]

-- Context: SqlProvider(Sql2008) Model: AttributedMetaModel Build: 4.0.30319.1

SELECT [t1].[CustomerID] AS [item1], [t1].[CompanyName] AS [item2]



ORDER BY [t0].[CompanyName]) AS [ROW_NUMBER],

[t0].[CustomerID], [t0].[CompanyName]

FROM [dbo].[Customers] AS [t0]

) AS [t1]

WHERE [t1].[ROW_NUMBER] BETWEEN @p0 + 1 AND @p0 + @p1


-- @p0: Input Int (Size = -1; Prec = 0; Scale = 0) [0]

-- @p1: Input Int (Size = -1; Prec = 0; Scale = 0) [25]

-- Context: SqlProvider(Sql2008) Model: AttributedMetaModel Build: 4.0.30319.1

L1%$0!% )&%I<!32!,%$0+$%4!3!%3<-@%$0!%83,$%I<!3D%4+,%$*%>!$%$0!%#*<-$%*1%#<,$*/!3,@%402#0%

4+,%!9!#<$!.%40!-%$0!%'*)"$+&,)S#$*%"TU%#+""%4+,%/+.!5%70!%-!9$% )&%I<!3D%4+,%$*%3!$32!G!%



$0!%<6O702-H9<%1<-#$2*-%+G+2"+6"!%2-% )&% !3G!3%Riib%+-.%"+$!3@%402#0%2,%40D%<,2->%&'()%

$*% )&%*-% )&% !3G!3%Riii%0+,%"2/2$+$2*-,5%C,%D*<%=+>!%<=%+-.%.*4-@%$0!%,!#*-.%I<!3D%





*1%#<,$*/!3,%+-.%,!$,%$0!%&'()%$*% )&%I<!3Dc%2$%+",*%#*-8><3!,%$0!%,#3*""%6+3%+-.%,!$,%2$%$*%

6!%G2,26"!5%70!%-!9$%/!$0*.@%)', !"!7;',$55@%2,%!9!#<$!.%!+#0%$2/!%D*<%#"2#;%$0!%,#3*""%6+35%702,%



!"#$%&$' )EGKGHI"(-+A"ATMEGMN"KD"1GNZS\P"1\K\





'('"$&)' * L22#-!"#`PI



*+% '-%k2,<+"% $<.2*%5(H7%RiTi@%#0**,!%F2"!%l%L=!-%l%Y3*]!#$5%L=!-%$0!%=3*]!#$%13*/%&!,,*-%


% &!,,*-%RU%H9!#<$2->%)<!32!,%_,2->%&'()%$*% )&% #*$2/!%"3" 4=5

,+% '-% *"<$2*-%H9="*3!3@%.*<6"!E#"2#;%$0!%B+2-V2-.*459+/"%8"!%$*%*=!-%$0!%8"!%2-%$0!%VYF%


-+% L-%$0!%V2-.*4%$+6@%+..%+%G$!4&4%!G!-$%0+-."!35%V0!-%=3*/=$!.%1*3%+%-!4%




<Window x:Class="MainWindow"




Title="MainWindow" Height="350" Width="525">





<Window x:Class="OrderEntryProject.MainWindow"




Title="MainWindow" Height="350" Width="525">




.+% 70!%ACB&%#*.!%#*-$+2-,%+%N,(4%.!8-2$2*-5%'-,2.!%$0!%>32.@%+..%$03!!%3*4%.!8-2$2*-,5%







<RowDefinition Height="Auto" />

<RowDefinition Height="Auto" />

<RowDefinition Height="*" />



/+% '-%$0!%ACB&@%6!1*3!%$0!%!-.%*1%$0!%N,(4@%+..%+%-&%*5%'-,2.!%$0!%/!-<@%+..%-&%*Y

1"&+%!"!/!-$,%1*3% +G!%#+""!.%VHT9\]M@%(!4%L3.!3%#+""!.%VHT8EOME@%+-.%H92$%#+""!.%






<RowDefinition Height="Auto" />

<RowDefinition Height="Auto" />

<RowDefinition Height="*" />

"4=4 #*$2/!%"3 &'()%$*% )&



<MenuItem Header="Save" Name="mnuSave" Click="mnuSave_Click" />

<MenuItem Header="New Order" Name="mnuOrder" Click="mnuOrder_Click" />

<MenuItem Header="Exit" Name="mnuExit" Click="mnuExit_Click" />



0+% '-%ACB&@%<-.!3%-&%*@%+..%+%#*/6*%6*9%#+""!.%RVU#TNKDVMEN5%K*-8><3!%$0!%#*/6*%


G()"H$?%$*%6!%2-%j32.5^*4g[R[5% !$%$0!%-!,F(%%=3*=!3$D%*1%6*$0%2$!/,%$*%b5%O*<6"!E#"2#;%






<RowDefinition Height="Auto" />

<RowDefinition Height="Auto" />

<RowDefinition Height="*" />



<MenuItem Header="Save" Name="mnuSave" Click="mnuSave_Click" />

<MenuItem Header="New Order" Name="mnuOrder" Click="mnuOrder_Click"/>

<MenuItem Header="Exit" Name="mnuExit" Click="mnuExit_Click" />


<ComboBox Grid.Row="1" Name="cmbCustomers" Margin="5"


<ListBox Grid.Row="2" Name="lstOrders" Margin="5"/>


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<Border CornerRadius="5" BorderThickness="2"

BorderBrush="Blue" Margin="3">

<StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal">

<TextBlock Text="Order #"

TextAlignment="Right" Width="40"/>

<TextBlock Name="txtOrderID"

Text="{Binding Path=OrderID}" Margin="5,0,10,0"


<TextBlock Text="Order Date:"

TextAlignment="Right" Width="80"/>

<TextBlock Name="txtOrderDate"

Text="{Binding Path=OrderDate, StringFormat={}{0:MM/dd/yyyy}}"

Margin="5,0,10,0" Width="75"/>

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<TextBlock Name="txtRequiredDate"

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Private Sub Window_Loaded(ByVal sender As System.Object, _

ByVal e As System.Windows.RoutedEventArgs)

Application.Current.Properties("ctx") = ctx

cmbCustomers.ItemsSource = From c In ctx.Customers

Select New Tuple(Of String, String)( _

c.CustomerID, _


cmbCustomers.DisplayMemberPath = "Item2"

End Sub

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private void Window_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)


App.Current.Properties["ctx"] = ctx;

cmbCustomers.ItemsSource = from c in ctx.Customers

select new Tuple<string,string>





cmbCustomers.DisplayMemberPath = "Item2";


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Private Sub cmbCustomers_SelectionChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, _

ByVal e As System.Windows.Controls.SelectionChangedEventArgs)

Dim customer = CType(cmbCustomers.SelectedValue, Tuple(Of String, String))

If (customer Is Nothing) Then Return

lstOrders.ItemsSource =

From o In ctx.Orders

Where o.CustomerID = customer.Item1

Select New With _

{ _

o.OrderID, _

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o.OrderDate, _

o.RequiredDate _


End Sub

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private void cmbCustomers_SelectionChanged(object sender,

SelectionChangedEventArgs e)


var customer = (Tuple<string,string>)cmbCustomers.SelectedValue;

if (customer == null) return;

lstOrders.ItemsSource =

from o in ctx.Orders

where o.CustomerID == customer.Item1

select new







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Private Sub mnuExit_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, _

ByVal e As System.Windows.RoutedEventArgs)


End Sub

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-%. 0":#$%#'

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#,:," +%<"## ?$+ #;"*-Y? $,6"0B-#" B6"% ?$+ :,,:*6=

7&C0=#60,)0% >% $8["*, %$, 0",0-"@"H 8? +#-%. ,6" *+00"%, .!)!/&#)0*) $8["*,I

B6-*6 B-<< #"%H :% "#60,) #,:,"L"%, ,$ ,6" H:,:8:#"=

7&C0I8%!)0% >% $8["*, N%$B% ,$ 6:@" 8""% L$H-\"H #-%*" -, B:# 0",0-"@"HI

B6-*6 #"%H# :% 58%!)0 #,:,"L"%, ,$ ,6" H:,:8:#"=

7&C0.090)0% >% $8["*, L:0N"H Y$0 H"<",-$%I B6-*6 B-<< #"%H : %090)0 #,:,"L"%,

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8" +#"H -% ,6" "):L;<"# ,6:, Y$<<$B=

4#512"(/6(7%.-#2(8#.%9( /:"

Dim customer As Customer

Dim ctx As New NorthwindDataContext()

Private Sub mnuCreateEntity_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, _

ByVal e As System.Windows.RoutedEventArgs)

Dim sw = New StringWriter()

ctx.Log = sw

customer = (From c In ctx.Customers

')FJ !"#$%&'( !23/ ,$ 4/!

Where c.CustomerID = "ALFKI"

Select c).First()


End Sub

4#512"(/6( ;( /:"

private Customer customer;

private NorthwindDataContext ctx = new NorthwindDataContext();

private void mnuCreateEntity_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)


var sw = new StringWriter();

ctx.Log = sw;

customer = (from c in ctx.Customers

where c.CustomerID == "ALFKI"

select c).First();




SELECT TOP (1) [t0].[CustomerID], [t0].[CompanyName],

[t0].[ContactName], [t0].[ContactTitle],

[t0].[Address], [t0].[City], [t0].[Region],

[t0].[PostalCode], [t0].[Country], [t0].[Phone], [t0].[Fax]

FROM [dbo].[Customers] AS [t0]

WHERE [t0].[CustomerID] = @p0

-- @p0: Input NVarChar (Size = 4000; Prec = 0; Scale = 0) [ALFKI]

2% ,6-# "):L;<"I ,6"0" -# : #L:<< H-YY"0"%*" -% 8"6:@-$0 8",B""% C-#+:< D:#-* &EFE :%H 5G=

2% C-#+:< D:#-* &EFEI "@"0? ,-L" ?$+ *<-*N ,6" L"%+ $;,-$% ,$ 0+% ,6-# *$H"I ,6" T+"0? -# #"%,

,$ 4/! 4"0@"0= 2% 5GI $% ,6" \0#, *<-*N $Y ,6" L"%+ $;,-$%I ,6" 4/! T+"0? -# 0+%I 8+, #+8#"Q

T+"%, *<-*N# #-L;<? 0",+0% ,6" ")-#,-%. $8["*, ,6:,A# -% ,6" *:*6"= 2% "-,6"0 *:#"I ?$+ B$%A, #""

:%? *6:%."# ,6:, :0" L:H" ,$ ,6" 0$B -% ,6" H:,:8:#"= U"-0H_ D$,6 <:%.+:."# +#" ,6" #:L"

+%H"0<?-%. =3(R O0:L"B$0N *<:##"#I #$ ?$+ B$+<H ,6-%N ,6" 8"6:@-$0 #6$+<H 8" ,6" #:L"=

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3$0,6B-%H=7"#-.%"0=@8 :%H ,6" 3$0,6B-%H=7"#-.%"0=*# *$H"I ?$+A<< #"" ,6:, ,6"? ;0$H+*"

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R/:%63%&'(KB%.$%&'(K&$%$%".U6"% !23/ ,$ 4/! *0":,"# : %"B $8["*,I ,6" $8["*, -# -% I#(-!#:0% #,:,"= 2Y ?$+ L$H-Y? ,6"

$8["*,I ,6" .!)!/&#)0*) $8["*, B-<< *6:%." ,6" #,:," $Y ,6" $8["*, ,$ ,6" 7&C0I8%!)0% #,:,"=

R6-# -# B6:, ,6" .!)!/&#)0*) $8["*, +#"# ,$ H","0L-%" B6-*6 $8["*,# L+#, 8" ;"0#-#,"H B6"%

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e$B H$"# ,6" .!)!/&#)0*) $8["*, N%$B B6"% ?$+ *6:%." ?$+0 $8["*,_ 56:%." %$,-\*:Q

,-$%# :0" :**$L;<-#6"H ,60$+.6 ,6" <,&80,);/-!#:"#: "@"%, ,6:,A# -% ;0$;"0,? #",,"0#= U6"%

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.!)!/&#)0*) 0"*"-@"# : *6:%." %$,-\*:,-$%I -, *0":,"# : *$;? $Y ,6" $8["*, :%H *6:%."# -,#

#,:," ,$ 7&C0I8%!)0%=

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.!)!/&#)0*) B-<< *$L;:0" ,6" *+00"%, :%H $0-.-%:< @:<+"#I \"<H 8? \"<HI ,$ H"*-H" B6",6"0 ,6"

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4#512"(/6(7%.-#2(8#.%9( /:"

Private Sub mnuModifyEntity_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, _

ByVal e As System.Windows.RoutedEventArgs)

customer.ContactName = "Marty " + DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString()


End Sub

4#512"(/6( ;( /:"

private void mnuModifyEntity_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)


customer.ContactName = "Marty " + DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString();




UPDATE [dbo].[Customers]

SET [ContactName] = @p10

WHERE ([CustomerID] = @p0) AND

([CompanyName] = @p1) AND

([ContactName] = @p2) AND

([ContactTitle] = @p3) AND

([Address] = @p4) AND

([City] = @p5) AND

([Region] IS NULL) AND

([PostalCode] = @p6) AND

([Country] = @p7) AND

([Phone] = @p8) AND

([Fax] = @p9)

-- @p0: Input NChar (Size = 5; Prec = 0; Scale = 0) [ALFKI]

-- @p1: Input NVarChar (Size = 4000; Prec = 0; Scale = 0) [Alfreds Futterkiste]

-- @p2: Input NVarChar (Size = 4000; Prec = 0; Scale = 0) [Maria Anders]

-- @p3: Input NVarChar (Size = 4000; Prec = 0; Scale = 0) [Sales Representative]

-- @p4: Input NVarChar (Size = 4000; Prec = 0; Scale = 0) [Obere Str. 57]

-- @p5: Input NVarChar (Size = 4000; Prec = 0; Scale = 0) [Berlin]

-- @p6: Input NVarChar (Size = 4000; Prec = 0; Scale = 0) [12209]

-- @p7: Input NVarChar (Size = 4000; Prec = 0; Scale = 0) [Germany]

-- @p8: Input NVarChar (Size = 4000; Prec = 0; Scale = 0) [030-0074321]

')F) !"#$%&'( !23/ ,$ 4/!

-- @p9: Input NVarChar (Size = 4000; Prec = 0; Scale = 0) [030-0076545]

-- @p10: Input NVarChar (Size = 4000; Prec = 0; Scale = 0) [Marty 11:44:30 AM]

-- Context: SqlProvider(Sql2008) Model: AttributedMetaModel Build: 4.0.30319.1

2% ,6-# *$H" #:L;<"I ,6" '-0,0 *<:+#" -% ,6" 4/! T+"0? -# %$, #-L;<? <$$N-%. Y$0 : L:,*6Q

-%. ;0-L:0? N"?] -,A# *$L;:0-%. :<< \"<H# ,$ \%H : L:,*6I :%H -,A# +#-%. ,6" $0-.-%:< @:<+"# ,$

;"0Y$0L ,6" #":0*6= 2Y #$L"$%" L$H-\"H ,6:, 0$B -% ,6" H:,:8:#"I ?$+0 :;;<-*:,-$% B-<< %$,

\%H : L:,*6= R6-# B-<< ."%"0:," : *$%*+00"%*? "00$0=

2Y ?$+ L:N" : *6:%." ,$ : 0"<:,-$%#6-;I ,6" $8["*, ,6:, 6:# ,6" Y$0"-.% N"?I B6-*6 -# ,?;-Q

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8"*:+#" %$ .!)!/&#)0*) *<:## -# :B:0" $Y ?$+0 $8["*,= M$+ *:% +#" ,6" =#60,)M#?543") L",6Q

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B-<< H-#*$@"0 ,6" %"B $8["*, #$ ,6:, -, *:% 8" #:@"H ,$ ,6" H:,:8:#"= M$+ *:% :<#$ *:<< ,6"

=#60,)N99M#?543") L",6$H B6"% ?$+ 6:@" L:%? $8["*,# ,$ -%#"0,=

R6" Y$<<$B-%. #:L;<" *$H" H"L$%#,0:,"# ,6" *0":,-$% $Y :% "L;<$?"" $8["*, ,6:, -# ,6"%

:HH"H ,$ ,6" .!)!/&#)0*) $8["*, :%H #+8L-,,"H ,$ ,6" H:,:8:#"=

4#512"(/6(7%.-#2(8#.%9( /:"

Private Sub mnuAddNewEntity_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, _

ByVal e As System.Windows.RoutedEventArgs)

Dim ctx = New NorthwindDataContext()

Dim sw = New StringWriter()

ctx.Log = sw

Dim employee = New Employee With


.FirstName = "John",

.LastName = "Smith"





End Sub

4#512"(/6( ;( /:"

private void mnuAddNewEntity_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)


var ctx = new NorthwindDataContext();

var sw = new StringWriter();

ctx.Log = sw;

var employee = new Employee


FirstName = "John",

!"##$% `' 4+8L-,,-%. 56:%."# ,$ ,6" 7:,:8:#" !"#$%&'(' )F+

LastName = "Smith"







INSERT INTO [dbo].[Employees]([LastName], [FirstName], [Title],

[TitleOfCourtesy], [BirthDate], [HireDate], [Address], [City], [Region],

[PostalCode], [Country], [HomePhone], [Extension], [Photo],

[Notes], [ReportsTo], [PhotoPath])

VALUES (@p0, @p1, @p2, @p3, @p4, @p5, @p6, @p7, @p8,

@p9, @p10, @p11, @p12, @p13, @p14, @p15, @p16)


-- @p0: Input NVarChar (Size = 4000; Prec = 0; Scale = 0) [Smith]

-- @p1: Input NVarChar (Size = 4000; Prec = 0; Scale = 0) [John]

-- @p2: Input NVarChar (Size = 4000; Prec = 0; Scale = 0) [Null]

-- @p3: Input NVarChar (Size = 4000; Prec = 0; Scale = 0) [Null]

-- @p4: Input DateTime (Size = -1; Prec = 0; Scale = 0) [Null]

-- @p5: Input DateTime (Size = -1; Prec = 0; Scale = 0) [Null]

-- @p6: Input NVarChar (Size = 4000; Prec = 0; Scale = 0) [Null]

-- @p7: Input NVarChar (Size = 4000; Prec = 0; Scale = 0) [Null]

-- @p8: Input NVarChar (Size = 4000; Prec = 0; Scale = 0) [Null]

-- @p9: Input NVarChar (Size = 4000; Prec = 0; Scale = 0) [Null]

-- @p10: Input NVarChar (Size = 4000; Prec = 0; Scale = 0) [Null]

-- @p11: Input NVarChar (Size = 4000; Prec = 0; Scale = 0) [Null]

-- @p12: Input NVarChar (Size = 4000; Prec = 0; Scale = 0) [Null]

-- @p13: Input Image (Size = 8000; Prec = 0; Scale = 0) [Null]

-- @p14: Input NText (Size = -1; Prec = 0; Scale = 0) [Null]

-- @p15: Input Int (Size = -1; Prec = 0; Scale = 0) [Null]

-- @p16: Input NVarChar (Size = 4000; Prec = 0; Scale = 0) [Null]

-- Context: SqlProvider(Sql2008) Model: AttributedMetaModel Build: 4.0.30319.1

2% ,6-# *$H" #:L;<"I :% "L;<$?"" $8["*, B:# *0":,"H :%H ;$;+<:,"H B-,6 H:,:= R6" "LQ

;<$?"" $8["*, -# ,6"% :HH"H ,$ ,6" (L;<$?""# ,:8<" $% ,6" .!)!/&#)0*) $8["*, 8? +#-%. ,6"

=#60,)M#?543") L",6$H= O-%:<<?I ,6" ?543")/-!#:06 L",6$H $% ,6" .!)!/&#)0*) $8["*, -#

*:<<"H ,$ #"%H ,6" %"B "L;<$?"" ,$ ,6" (L;<$?""# H:,:8:#" ,:8<"= R6" 4/! T+"0? ;"0Y$0L#

,6" -%#"0, :%H ,6"% ")"*+,"# : ?@2@/7 #,:,"L"%, ,$ 0",0-"@" ,6" ?/M<@1=.@+7=7OI B6-*6 -# ,6"

@:<+" $Y ,6" ;0-L:0? N"? ,6:, B:# *0":,"H= R6" (L;<$?""27 *$<+L% -# :% -H"%,-,? *$<+L% ,6:,

:+,$L:,-*:<<? ;0$@-H"# : %"B #"T+"%,-:< %+L8"0 Y$0 ":*6 0$B :HH"H= >Y,"0 ,6" *$H" 0+%#I ?$+

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0"2"$%&'(K&$%$%".U6"% ?$+ B:%, ,$ H"<"," 0$B# Y0$L : H:,:8:#" ,:8<"I ?$+ *:% *:<< ,6" .090)0M#?543") $0

.090)0N99M#?543") L",6$H# $% ,6" :;;0$;0-:," ,:8<" ;0$;"0,? $Y ,6" .!)!/&#)0*) $8["*,=

7"<",-%. ,?;-*:<<? 0"T+-0"# ?$+ ,$ <$*:," ,6" -,"L $0 -,"L# ,$ 8" H"<","H :%H ,6"% ;:## ,6"L

,$ ,6" :;;0$;0-:," :Y$0"L"%,-$%"H L",6$H= R6" Y$<<$B-%. -# : *$H" #:L;<" ,6:, #6$B# 6$B

,$ H"<"," :% "L;<$?"" B6$#" (L;<$?""27 -# FE=

')F( !"#$%&'( !23/ ,$ 4/!

4#512"(/6(7%.-#2(8#.%9( /:"

Private Sub mnuDeleteEntity_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, _

ByVal e As System.Windows.RoutedEventArgs)

Dim ctx = New NorthwindDataContext()

Dim sw = New StringWriter()

ctx.Log = sw

Dim employee = (From emp In ctx.Employees

Where emp.EmployeeID = 10

Select emp).First()




End Sub

4#512"(/6( ;( /:"

private void mnuDeleteEntity_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)


var ctx = new NorthwindDataContext();

var sw = new StringWriter();

ctx.Log = sw;

var employee = (from emp in ctx.Employees

where emp.EmployeeID == 10

select emp).First();






SELECT TOP (1) [t0].[EmployeeID], [t0].[LastName], [t0].[FirstName],

[t0].[Title], [t0].[TitleOfCourtesy], [t0].[BirthDate], [t0].[HireDate],

[t0].[Address], [t0].[City], [t0].[Region], [t0].[PostalCode], [t0].[Country],

[t0].[HomePhone], [t0].[Extension], [t0].[Notes],

[t0].[ReportsTo], [t0].[PhotoPath]

FROM [dbo].[Employees] AS [t0]

WHERE [t0].[EmployeeID] = @p0

-- @p0: Input Int (Size = -1; Prec = 0; Scale = 0) [10]

-- Context: SqlProvider(Sql2008) Model: AttributedMetaModel Build: 4.0.30319.1

DELETE FROM [dbo].[Employees] WHERE ([EmployeeID] = @p0) AND

([LastName] = @p1) AND

([FirstName] = @p2) AND ([Title] IS NULL) AND

([TitleOfCourtesy] IS NULL) AND ([BirthDate] IS NULL) AND

([HireDate] IS NULL) AND ([Address] IS NULL) AND

([City] IS NULL) AND ([Region] IS NULL) AND

([PostalCode] IS NULL) AND ([Country] IS NULL) AND

([HomePhone] IS NULL) AND ([Extension] IS NULL) AND

([ReportsTo] IS NULL) AND ([PhotoPath] IS NULL)

-- @p0: Input Int (Size = -1; Prec = 0; Scale = 0) [10]

-- @p1: Input NVarChar (Size = 4000; Prec = 0; Scale = 0) [Smith]

-- @p2: Input NVarChar (Size = 4000; Prec = 0; Scale = 0) [John]

-- Context: SqlProvider(Sql2008) Model: AttributedMetaModel Build: 4.0.30319.1

!"##$% `' 4+8L-,,-%. 56:%."# ,$ ,6" 7:,:8:#" !"#$%&'(' )F2

R6-# *$H" #:L;<" #,:0,# 8? T+"0?-%. Y$0 ,6" "L;<$?"" B6$#" (L;<$?""27 -# FE= 2Y ?$+ 6:H

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L",6$H $% ,6" (L;<$?""# 7!490 ;0$;"0,? ,6:,A# $% ,6" .!)!/&#)0*) $8["*,= O-%:<<?I ,6" *:<< -#

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2% ,6" 4/! T+"0?I ,6" 0$B 6:H ,$ 8" 0",0-"@"H ,$ 8" H"<","H= 2Y ?$+ B:%, ,$ H"<"," :%

"L;<$?""A# %:L" B-,6$+, 0",0-"@-%. -, \0#,I -L;<"L"%, : #,$0"H ;0$*"H+0" ,6:, ,:N"# ,6" 27 $Y

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?$+0 $B% *$H" ,$ \0#, H"<"," ,6" *6-<H $8["*,# ,6:, B$+<H $,6"0B-#" ;0"@"%, ,6" ;:0"%, $8["*,

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N.%&'(4$/!":(S!/9":-!".2% !"##$% FI ?$+ B"0" -%,0$H+*"H ,$ ,6" !23/ ,$ 4/! H"#-.%"0I :%H ,6-# <"##$% L"%,-$%"H ,6:,

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Private Sub mnuStoredProc_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, _

ByVal e As System.Windows.RoutedEventArgs)

Dim ctx = New NorthwindDataContext()

Dim sw = New StringWriter()

ctx.Log = sw

dg.ItemsSource = ctx.CustOrderHist("ALFKI")


End Sub

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private void mnuStoredProc_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)


var ctx = new NorthwindDataContext();

var sw = new StringWriter();

ctx.Log = sw;

dg.ItemsSource = ctx.CustOrderHist("ALFKI");




EXEC @RETURN_VALUE = [dbo].[CustOrderHist] @CustomerID = @p0

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-- @p0: Input NChar (Size = 5; Prec = 0; Scale = 0) [ALFKI]

-- @RETURN_VALUE: Output Int (Size = -1; Prec = 0; Scale = 0) [Null]

-- Context: SqlProvider(Sql2008) Model: AttributedMetaModel Build: 4.0.30319.1

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