Medical terminology;combining forms

Post on 24-May-2015

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Transcript of Medical terminology;combining forms

Combining Forms



Root + Vowel Usually


Combining Form

English meaning

abdomin/o abdomen

aden/o gland

(a)eti /o cause

angi/o vessel

arteri/o artery

append /o appendix

arthr/o joint

Combining Form

English meaning

audi/o hearing

aur/o ear

axill /o armpit

balan /o glans penis

bi/o life

blephar /o eyelid

brachi /o arm

Combining Form English meaning

bronchi /o branch /o bronchus (pi. bronchi), bronchial tubes

carcin /o cancerous

cardi /o heart

cephal /o head

cerebr /o brain: cerebrum

cervic /o neck

cholecyst /o gallbladder

Combining Form English meaning

col/o colon (large intestines)

coccy /o , coccyg /o coccyx (tailbone)

colp /o vagina

corne /o cornea

cost /o rib

crani /o skull

crin/o secrete

Combining Form

English meaning

cutane /o skin

cyst /o urinary bladder

cyt /o cell

derm /o , dermat /o skin

dent /i tooth

duoden /o duodenum

encephal /o brain

Combining Form

English meaning

enter /o intestines

epiglott /o epiglottis

epitheli /o skin

erythr /o red

esophag /o esophagus

esthesi /o feeling

gastr /o stomach

Combining Form

English meaning

gen/o producing; produced by

gingiv /o gum

gloss /o , glott /o tongue

glyc /o sugar

gnos/o knowledge

gynec /o woman; female

hemat /o , hem /o blood

Combining Form

English meaning

hepat /o liver

hemi /o hernia

hist /o tissue

hyster /o uterus; womb

Ile /o ileum

ili/o ilium

_. ir/o , irid/o iris

Combining Form

English meaning

isch/o to hold back, obstruct

Ile /o ileum

labi /o lip

lapar /o abdomen

laryng/o larynx (voice box)

leuk /o white

lingu /o tongue

Combining Form

English meaning

lith/o stone

lumb/o loin, waist region

lymph /o lymph

lys/o separation, breakdown

mamm/o, mast/o breast

men/o menstruation

metr/o uterus/ to measure

Combining Form

English meaning

myel/o bone marrow

my/o, myos/o muscle

myring/o eardrum

nas/o nose

nat/i birth

norm/o regular

nephr/o kidney

Combining Form

English meaning

obstetr /o midwife

ocul /o eye

odont /o tooth

onc/o tumor

opthalm /o eye

opt/o eye

orchi /o , orchid /o testicle

Combining Form

English meaning

or/o mouth

orth/o straight

oste /o bone

ot/o ear

ovari /o , oophor /o ovary

pancreat /o pancreas

path /o disease

Combining Form

English meaning

ped/o child

pelv /o hip bone

peritone /o peritoneum

pharmac /o drug

pharyng /o pharynx, throat

phleb /o vein

pleur /o pleura

Combining Form

English meaning

pneum /o , pneumon/o lung , air

proct /o anus and rectum

prostat /o prostate gland

psych /o mind

pulm /o, pulmon /o lung

pyel /o renal pelvis

radi/o X-ray

Combining Form

English meaning

rect/o rectum

ren/o kidney

retin/o retina of the eye

rheumat/o flow, fluid

rhin/o nose

sacr/o sacrum



Combining Form

English meaning

sarc/o flesh

scapul/o shoulder blade (bone)

scrot/o scrotum, scrotal sac

sept/o infection

sperm/o, spermat/o sperm cells

spine/o backbone

splen /o spleen

Combining Form

English meaning

spondyl/o vertebra

stern/o sternum/breast bone

steth/o Chest

thorac /o, thora/o chest

thromb/o blood clot

thyr/o, thyroid/o thyroid gland

tonsill/o tonsils

Combining Form

English meaning



tympan/o eardrum

ureter/o ureter

urethr/o urethra

ur/o, urin/o urine, urinary tract

uter/o uterus;womb

vagin/o vagina

Combining Form

English meaning

vas/oblood vessel, vas


vascul/oblood vessels

ven/o vein



vesic/o urinary bladder