Medical and spiritual benefits of marijuana

Post on 15-Apr-2017

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Transcript of Medical and spiritual benefits of marijuana

Medical and Spiritual Health Benefits of Marijuana

Medical and Spiritual Health Benefits of Marijuana

All mentioned Marijuana benefits are views of marijuana researchers and societies. People are using marijuana in a proper way for centuries to attain benefits. None of the views support addiction or irresponsible use of marijuana. Content sources are mentioned in the last section. Please make sure to concern Marijuana Doctors and physicians before any direct use of Marijuana.

Medical and Spiritual Health Benefits of Marijuana

Use marijuana initiates many processes in the body, mind and even soul, depending upon the intent with which it is used.

Medical and Spiritual Health Benefits of Marijuana

Medical Health Benefits of Marijuana

Medical and Spiritual Health Benefits of Marijuana

Marijuana helps in weight regulation because it helps to regulate insulin production in body.

Medical and Spiritual Health Benefits of Marijuana

Body weight and diabetes is related, as Marijuana is helps in regulating insulin hence it also prevent and regulate Diabetes.

Medical and Spiritual Health Benefits of Marijuana

It is been researched and evidences proves that cannabis fights certain cancers.

Medical and Spiritual Health Benefits of Marijuana

Dealing with depression is one of the major breakthroughs with Marijuana. Certain compounds derived from marijuana helps curing depression.

Medical and Spiritual Health Benefits of Marijuana

Cannabis is a blessing for Autism – a rare human disorder. It helps in control of sudden change in mood.

Medical and Spiritual Health Benefits of Marijuana

Cannabis is a substitute of alcohol and drugs can help patients searching for rehabilitation to control their addictive behavior under doctor’s supervision.

Medical and Spiritual Health Benefits of Marijuana

Medical cannabis is helpful in regulating seizures. It is been researched and accepted as a treatment for seizure patients.

Medical and Spiritual Health Benefits of Marijuana

Cannabis helps broken bones heal faster.

Medical and Spiritual Health Benefits of Marijuana

Cannabis is a better substitute for medications like Ritalin or Adderall in ADHD or ADD cases.

Medical and Spiritual Health Benefits of Marijuana

Cannabis is also known as a cure to manage anxiety disorders.

Medical and Spiritual Health Benefits of Marijuana

Marijuana is known to give relief in Sclerosis, most notably the tremors, spasms, and pain.

Medical and Spiritual Health Benefits of Marijuana

It also helps in treating eating disorders like Bulimia and Anorexia.

Medical and Spiritual Health Benefits of Marijuana

Cannabis compounds like THC and other cannabinoids are used in arthritis cream and Balms.

Medical and Spiritual Health Benefits of Marijuana

Cannabis is also a metabolism regulator, helps in dealing with metabolic disorders and actually improves it to make it better and healthier.

Medical and Spiritual Health Benefits of Marijuana

Cannabis can’t really cure AIDS/HIV directly but it helps to give associated pain relief and aches.

Medical and Spiritual Health Benefits of Marijuana

Cannabis can be a treatment for people suffering from Obsessive Compulsive Disorders.

Medical and Spiritual Health Benefits of Marijuana

Spiritual Benefits of Marijuana

Medical and Spiritual Health Benefits of Marijuana

Marijuana is also known as "entheogen" or "agent in God" as a psychoactive substance with spiritual properties.

Medical and Spiritual Health Benefits of Marijuana

It is believed that when marijuana is smoked with the right intent, (a progressive, spiritual focus) that it can raise the user up to higher levels of consciousness.

Medical and Spiritual Health Benefits of Marijuana

Here are some of the Marijuana Spiritual benefits:

Medical and Spiritual Health Benefits of Marijuana

A gaining of “chi” or energy in the physical body and aura.

Medical and Spiritual Health Benefits of Marijuana

The raising of vibration according to the potency and vibration of the buds smoked.

Medical and Spiritual Health Benefits of Marijuana

A crystallization of awareness upon itself, or put another way, greater clarity.

Medical and Spiritual Health Benefits of Marijuana

An opening of the chakras and an enhancement of personal psychic power. Not only is “ESP” increased, but so are the intuitive powers of foresight, creativity and inventiveness.

Medical and Spiritual Health Benefits of Marijuana

An aid to getting into better alignment with one’s own soul, Nature and God.

Medical and Spiritual Health Benefits of Marijuana

Provides a common high vibration when smoked by more than one person at a time, allowing enhanced, group psychic rapport, (group mind in the high).

Medical and Spiritual Health Benefits of Marijuana

As a matter of fact, this herbs’ full potential cannot be fully accessed unless a serious and focused practice of meditation is employed, while both in and out of the high.

Medical and Spiritual Health Benefits of Marijuana

This information is collected and distributed by marijuana free classifieds website –

Medical and Spiritual Health Benefits of Marijuana

Source for Medical Health Benefits of Marijuana - Information source For more information on spiritual use of marijuana follow this ebook link – A website dedicated to medical marijuana classifieds related to edibles, seeds, clones, doctors, dispensaries, clinics and more.

Medical benefits of marijuana, medical cannabis benefits, spiritual benefits of marijuana