Media Studies Second Question Powerpoint Evaluation

Post on 27-May-2015

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Transcript of Media Studies Second Question Powerpoint Evaluation

How does your media present

particular social groups?

The character of the school girl, was intended to be one of the most obvious and well known stereotypes.

We aimed to show the character as a dumb blonde, but with a slightly darker side, e.g. where the “occurrence” happens and she runs out of the school for an unknown reason.

I believe the character of the school girl is comparable with two popular TV characters:

Regina George from “Mean Girls”

And Effy StonemFrom “Skins”

The association between Regina George and the school girl is the fact that they are both school girls, competing with others constantly to become the “best” and most popular girl in the school.

We tried to represent the school girl as a dumb blonde who gets a lot of attention from the guys, like Regina. Both characters are similar in the fact that they are both blonde.

Regina’s role in the movie Mean Girls is as the most popular girl in school who is always perfect and has no flaws. She has a big ego and thinks she is being nice when she tries to make others more like her.

The school girls role in the film opening is to show and challenge the audience’s perception of the three specific different stereotypes in this film.

One difference between the school girl and Regina George is the school girls more “dark” fashion sense. This is where the similarities with Effy become apparent.

The school girl is shown to have a more dark fashion sense like Effy, which is unlike Regina George. This is a way of challenging Regina’s “pink” feminine Stereotype.

Effy has more of a punk edge, and this is what we were aiming the school girl character in our opening to look like. I believe we achieved this as I think the character seems tough and edgy looking, like Effy.

Effy as a character is a very quiet introverted character. This is the opposite of what we wanted our school girl character to be like, even though this was not portrayed in the opening of our film, where all 3 characters are near-on silent. This silence was for effect rather than to show the characters personality traits.

With the school girl we set out to challenge the stereotype of Regina George and the idea that popular girls are always shown to be perfect and are never corrupted by life. We wanted to show that people can be hide secrets away from others easily and unnoticeably.