Media models[1]

Post on 02-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Media models[1]

Potential Models

Ellen Ronan

Colleen Hedley

•This is Colleen, she is one of my best friends and I have chosen her as one of my possible models•I think she would be a good model because she is tall and has lots of lovely hair.•She has the type of look that I want because she is naturally very pretty which would grab the attention of potential customers. •I also think she looks like a girl from the band Haim which is quite an indie band so that would suit the genre of my magazine.•She also has the sort of dress sense that would work for my magazine’s genre.•Colleen is quite tanned and has really good skin, this would be a benefit for her on the cover.

Erin Brown

•Erin is also a friend of mine so I picked her to be one of my potential models.•She is not as tall as colleen so if I were to put them together, I might have her wear heels so that they match.•However, she is very pretty which again, attracts customers and has really good hair, I want my model’s hair to be full of volume and texture because it suits the genre and I think Erin fits that look.•She also has a similar dress sense to my genre so I know she would suit what I make her wear when I dress her to fit the indie rock genre or, if I use a band, to fit the other models.

Erin McDonagh

•Next, I chose my other friend called Erin because I believe she would be a good candidate for my magazine’s potential models. •I really like Erin’s hair, it differs from the other two and so if I were to create a band, they wouldn’t all look the same. •Her dress sense is perfect for my chosen genre and would compliment the dress sense of the other models if I made a band.•She is also very pretty, this would make the magazine more desirable.•Erin is also very tall which would make her perfect for a model and she is a similar height to colleen which would look good together.•I also like the way she does her make up.

Olivia Walsh

•My friend Olivia Walsh was my next choice for my front cover potential models. •She, again is tall which is stereotypical for models and she has the thick wavy hair that I am looking for in my models.•Although she doesn’t actually look like one of the girls from Haim, she has their style which suits the other modes and also my magazine genre of indie rock.•She is very pretty and photogenic and would look good on the cover.•Her skin is quite pale which would contrast with some of the others because I wouldn’t want them all to look the same. •She also has really good bone structure which is good for close up shots.

Kate McCormack

• Finally, I picked my friend Kate as a possible cover model.

• Her hair would be perfect for the type of magazine I am doing, it has lots of volume and texture and is a different colour to the others.

• She has really good cheek bones and is very pretty so she would draw a potential customer in when they look at the cover.

• Her style is also perfect for the genre, she wears quite different clothes that not everyone has and this makes her look very interesting.

• Again, I like the way she does her make up, it would look good on the cover.


• After analysing lots of covers, I think I should have a band on the cover of my Magazine.

• Also, the potential models I have chosen work well together with their height, look and style.

• They are all friends and I think that this is important because it will make it easier to show chemistry between them.

• They are all pretty which makes the cover look attractive and it wouldn’t be hard to make them into my genre.

• However I think I will only pick four of them because I think three would leave too much space but 5 would make the cover too crowded.