Media evaluation coursework final draft charlotte hadfield

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Transcript of Media evaluation coursework final draft charlotte hadfield

My Primary Audience would be teenagers and young adults both male and female in their 20’s that like Acoustic and alternative/indie music. My secondary audience would be people that would not necessarily buy my magazine, but would read it when partners, friends or family members had purchased it. Although the age range for my target audience would be 13-25 this may not be the only age range that would read it. I would aim my magazine at a demographic who are very interested In unique alternative acoustic music . I would also aim my magazine at people who are interested in having a vintage, unique and interesting style.

Primary & Secondary Audiences.

Ideal Reader The ideal reader for my magazine would be either males or females who have a unique style and want to stand out from the crowd. They would be people who are very up to date with their music taste and constantly are aware of new gig listings, festivals, acoustic sets and covers. My ideal reader may also play a musical instrument particularly the guitar or the ukulele.

Although they would be unique they also would typically use social networking sites such as Twitter, Facebook and Instagram like most 13-25 year olds do. Not to mention my ideal reader would most probably have a blog where they post their interests particularly their love of music.

Audience Idols.Within my research, I have been looking at the artists and bands in the genres of Acoustic music and alternative/indie rock music which I have featured in my magazine. I decided to feature artists such as Ed Sheeran, Darwin Deez, Passenger and Ben Howard to reflect the Acoustic genre of my magazine. I also chose to feature bands such as A Day To Remember, Architects, Deaf Havana, Mayday Parade and Anavae to highlight the alternative/indie sub genre of my magazine. I chose this genre and sub genre for my magazine because I think a lot of alternative/indie artists perform acoustic sets/gigs and produce unplugged covers of their own songs as well as others music. Both these genres are unique and therefore combine perfectly together highlighting how individual the sound of stripped back simplistic acoustic music is. Each of the artists and bands that feature in my magazine have their own image and sound that makes them distinct and stand out to their fans.

Similar Products.An example of products similar to my own on the market at the moment would be Acoustic magazine. I would want my magazine to be sold throughout the UK but differently from Acoustic magazine I would have indie and alternative artists in my magazine as well who are producing acoustic versions of their music or others. I believe there is a gap in the market to combine the Acoustic and alternative /indie rock genre as a lot of these types of alternative artists often strip down their music or do acoustic covers however this music isn’t publicised.

In order to perfect my magazines cover and include as many conventions as possible I added a brand statement above my mast head ‘the most unique magazine the world’s ever seen.’ I also added ‘acoustic covers from these bands/artists’ to make the genre of the magazine clear to the reader so they’re aware of what types of musicians will feature in the magazines issues.

After doing further research of real media products I realised that they do not number the contents page with the number zero so I changed this to ensure every detail is perfected and accurate. From my research of real media products I also realised that the mast head of the magazine needs to be displayed on the majority of if not all the magazines content particularly its contents page.

Final Drafts.

Final Draft.

When observing my work I realised that in order to create a consistent house style and tie the page together making the stand first box transparent like the box that contains my articles text would look more effective then leaving it the colour black. I also decided to move the stand first from the centre to the top right hand corner in order to make room for introducing my artists ‘Emily & Ed Sheeran.’ Positioning the artists names in the centre makes it clear that this answers what my masthead says and the colour of the font was chosen because it represents Ed Sheeran’s bright hair colour therefore continuing my consistent house style. Also from my research of real media products I realised that the vast majority of magazines display the magazines name throughout its pages hence why I wrote ‘Unplugged’ underneath my stand first.

In order to interest my target audience and appeal to them, my cover star represents an idealised version of the reader. To do this I have chosen a cover star that is unique and has a vintage style that stands out and reflects the stripped back unique sound of the Acoustic genre she plays. In my magazine one of the main articles is about the cover star Emily and her collaboration with the well known star Ed Sheeran. On the following slides I will demonstrate how both Emily and Ed Sheeran who my target audience are interested in are known for both having a unique appearance as well as having their own trade mark, and how these qualities represent the acoustic genre and alternative/indie sub genre of ‘unplugged.’ I will also show how the star Ed Sheeran filters his performance when preforming duets with other artists that have a different genre to his.


Her body language with her arms hugging her body further suggests she has a reserved personality and that she is not used to the sudden publicity.

Emily is positioned on a sofa telling her audience that she isn’t a hard core artist. It further reflects how simple yet brilliant her music is and that she plays a relaxed genre.

Emily is in the same age range as my ideal reader which makes her perfect for being my cover star


The minimalistic background of the brick wall represents how stripped back the acoustic music Emily plays is. It further highlights that her talent as an artist is so unique that she doesn’t need lots of technology and backing to make her sound good.

Emily’s guitar is the key to all her music and is what my target audience know her for.

Her vintage, unique style of outfit reflects what my magazines ideal reader may also dress like. It also reflects the unique qualities acoustic music has as it stands out from other genres just like Emily’s style.

The fact Emily’s complexion is natural as she is barely wearing any makeup highlights how she is a good role model to her target audience (my ideal reader.)

Emily’s casual pose propping her body against the wall suggests she has a relaxed personality and doesn’t let her fame make her overly confident.

Ed Sheeran.

His bracelets highlight his individual style.

Direct eye contact with audience.

His casual pose and clothes reflect how his acoustic music is stripped back and laid back like his personality.

The minimalistic café which he is at reflects who he is as an artist as he still wants to live an ordinary life despite his fame.

His bright eye catching ginger hair is what he is well known for from his fans.

The paw print on his guitar and on his arm as a tattoo is his trademark

Ed Sheeran’s (travel) guitar is what he is known for preforming with and is the main feature In all his music.

Ed Sheeran - Alternative/urban representation.Over the last year Ed Sheeran has gradually got more tattoo’s which are all detailed and extremely unique highlighting his individuality as an artist.

His messy hair style reflects his laid back personality as an artist.

Ed Sheeran often collaborates with different artists ofdifferent genres which shows how adaptable and uniqueHe is as an artist. In the image to the right he is withartist Devlin. Both artists direct eye contact is purposely dominating to reflect the rebellious side of the rapMusic Ed is preforming with rap artist Devlin. Also a change in the clothes Ed typically wears from a jumper, t-shirt and jeans to a denim jacket highlights the change in style of the genre rap compared to hisusual acoustic music. The denim jacket also is an example of the type of style the target audience of the rap genre would typically have.

In order to perfect my magazines cover and include as many conventions as possible I added a brand statement above my mast head ‘the most unique magazine the world’s ever seen.’ I also added ‘acoustic covers from these bands/artists’ to make the genre of the magazine clear to the reader so they’re aware of what types of musicians will feature in the magazines issues.

After doing further research of real media products I realised that they do not number the contents page with the number zero so I changed this to ensure every detail is perfected and accurate. From my research of real media products I also realised that the mast head of the magazine needs to be displayed on the majority of if not all the magazines content particularly its contents page.

Final Drafts.

Final Draft.

When observing my work I realised that in order to create a consistent house style and tie the page together making the stand first box transparent like the box that contains my articles text would look more effective then leaving it the colour black. I also decided to move the stand first from the centre to the top right hand corner in order to make room for introducing my artists ‘Emily & Ed Sheeran.’ Positioning the artists names in the centre makes it clear that this answers what my masthead says and the colour of the font was chosen because it represents Ed Sheeran’s bright hair colour therefore continuing my consistent house style. Also from my research of real media products I realised that the vast majority of magazines display the magazines name throughout its pages hence why I wrote ‘Unplugged’ underneath my stand first.

Q3: What kind of media institution might distribute your product?

My magazine ‘Unplugged’ would be a sister publication of Kerrang magazine. Kerrang was first published on 6 June 1981 and in the early 2000s it became the best-selling British music magazine. Kerrang’s publisher is ‘Bauer Media’ and the magazines growing success leads me to conclude that I want ‘Bauer Media’ to publish my magazine. I believe ‘Unplugged’ would be successful as a sister publication with Kerrang as both magazines work with similar bands/artists but my magazine focuses on the acoustic, stripped back music of these musicians. Although working with similar musicians may create rivalry at times I believe there is a gap in the market for my magazine as it focuses on the unique, simplistic qualities of unplugged rock music whereas Kerrang does not do this. Both ‘Unplugged’ and ‘Kerrang’ have a similar target audience of teenagers and young adults both male and female and as Bauer Media are used to working with this audience this would be an advantage for my magazine.

The price of a printed issue Kerrang magazine is £2.20, a subscription of Kerrang Magazine for 25 Issues for 6 Months oosts of £34.00 and for 51

issues for 12 months costs £68.00. Looking at Kerrang magazine, ‘Unplugged’s’ sister publication I can conclude that Unplugged will also release 51 issues a year. As my

magazine will be a slightly larger magazine than Kerrang and will contain considerably more competitions I will price my magazine at £2.99 per

issue. However if consumers subscribe to Unplugged either at their local newsagents or at Unplugged’s website ( they can purchase all 51 issues for the year for £102.49 saving them £50.

My magazines unique selling point is its brand statement ‘the most unique magazine the world’s ever seen’ this statement helps to sell the magazine as It tells the reader that they’re getting a magazine that is different to the average music magazine. Another unique selling point my magazine has is that is offers the consumer the chance to win brand new Dr martens.


Like Kerrang my magazine also has a website ( which is advertised to readers in the magazine at the end of each article. Similarly to Kerrang’s website I would advertise Unplugged’s radio station on its website which is called ‘Unplug FM.’ I would use my magazines website to advertise the latest issues of ‘Unplugged’ and what they include so that this entices more people to buy the magazine. I am aware that with technology increasing rapidly not as many people purchase magazines therefore on my website I will also advertise a E-issue of the magazine where online users can purchase the magazine as an internet copy to access on their Pc’s, laptops, tablets and/or smart phones which will increase sales and profit.

With more and more people becoming owners of smart phones apps are a great way of gaining a wider audience and making more sales and profit. All social networking sites now are easily accessible as they have their own apps. Kerrang have obviously seen the potential of connecting with their audience through these social network apps as on their website they advertise ‘getting in touch’ with the magazine. Not only would Unplugged’s website advertise its social network pages on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram but on the latest issues contents page there is an article called ‘Instagram Challenge.’ The reader can take part In this challenge by uploading photos of themselves in any of the bands merchandise that featured in Unplugged’s latest issue competing for a free subscription to the magazine and/or gig tickets.

App & Blog.

Not only can the consumers of my magazine get involved with the magazine through social networking apps but also through Unplugged’s own app. Unplugged’s app features news of the latest issues and what’s coming up in the next. As well as news of the bands and artists that feature in Unplugged. The app will also provide its users with various music related games and quizzes to play. In order to make as much profit as possible the app costs £0.69 to install however, subscribers to Unplugged magazine get the app for free by typing in their subscription code when installing the app. Not only does Unplugged have an app which is advertised to its audience on its website ( but a blog is also currently being made which features pictures of the bands and artists that feature weekly in unplugged and behind the scenes pictures and gossip. Users will be able to access this blog on the site Pinterest as well as through Unplugged’s website.

The brand statement for Kerrang magazine is “the worlds biggest selling weekly rock magazine”.This statement helps sell the brand as it uses statistics to entice the reader as if it’s the ‘world’s biggest’ it must be good; which results in an increase in sales and profit. My brand statement is ‘The most unique magazine the world’s ever seen.’ This entices the reader in a different way to Kerrang as it tells the audience that they will not find another magazine like this which therefore encourages them to buy it, increasing sales and profit. Unplugged sell some of their own merchandise but its focused on selling band and artists merchandise that feature in the magazine as this will overall be more popular and increase profit. Selling different bands and artists merchandise means Unplugged magazine has lots of business connections which is good for promotion and advertisement.

Brand and Merchandise.

In order to perfect my magazines cover and include as many conventions as possible I added a brand statement above my mast head ‘the most unique magazine the world’s ever seen.’ I also added ‘acoustic covers from these bands/artists’ to make the genre of the magazine clear to the reader so they’re aware of what types of musicians will feature in the magazines issues.

After doing further research of real media products I realised that they do not number the contents page with the number zero so I changed this to ensure every detail is perfected and accurate. From my research of real media products I also realised that the mast head of the magazine needs to be displayed on the majority of if not all the magazines content particularly its contents page.

Final Drafts.

Final Draft.

When observing my work I realised that in order to create a consistent house style and tie the page together making the stand first box transparent like the box that contains my articles text would look more effective then leaving it the colour black. I also decided to move the stand first from the centre to the top right hand corner in order to make room for introducing my artists ‘Emily & Ed Sheeran.’ Positioning the artists names in the centre makes it clear that this answers what my masthead says and the colour of the font was chosen because it represents Ed Sheeran’s bright hair colour therefore continuing my consistent house style. Also from my research of real media products I realised that the vast majority of magazines display the magazines name throughout its pages hence why I wrote ‘Unplugged’ underneath my stand first.

In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions

of real media products?

I believe my magazine front cover has developed the forms and conventions of real media products as like acoustic magazine I have used a house style of black, white, orange and red consistently throughout my magazine. In order to develop forms and conventions of real media products as acoustic magazine have I have reflected the colour orange typically associated with the star Ed Sheeran on my cover to create a

consistent house style. The connotations of orange symbolise happy, upbeat, relaxed music which suits ‘unplugged’ with its acoustic genre and alternative sub genre.

When designing my magazine’s front cover I recognised the usual forms of real media products which include a bar code, issue date and the magazines price so I made sure I presented these on my front cover. From researching real media products such as acoustic magazine which reflects the main genre of my magazine ‘unplugged’ I noticed that the majority of effective magazine covers use a pull quote from one of the magazines main articles to entice the reader so I reflected this in my product.

I further developed the forms and conventions of real media products by positioning a strap line at the bottom of my cover which tells the reader what other artists/bands will be featured in the magazine. As I had more space to fill on my front cover than acoustic magazine I made sure I filled the space of my strapline so that there is plenty to look at on the cover. The gaze of my main cover image is the acoustic guitar which reflects the magazines genre and the unique outfit the artist in my cover image is wearing also highlights the unique style of the magazines genre and sound.

Front Cover.Kerrang magazine has the same alternative sub genre as ‘Unplugged’ and analysing Kerrang helped me to develop the forms and conventions of my magazine by highlighting to me how many real media products position their mast heads behind the main cover image in order to use the space effectively. Kerrang magazine also use a mast head for all their magazines that reflects both their house style and the alternative genre of the magazine, so I wanted to develop this form in Unplugged’s mast head. I chose a font for the mast head which compared to the font of the guitar company ‘fender.’ Using a similar font to fender’s font symbolises how most of my magazines genre is based around the acoustic guitar, not to mention the italic style of the mast head reminds me of an ‘unplugged’ guitar lead unwinding.

Similarly to Kerrang I used a few secondary images to entice the reader by making the cover look eye catching. In order to develop forms and conventions I have used free poster offer which shows secondary images of what the posters will look like. In order to use all of my cover space effectively and develop forms of real media products I positioned a strap line at the bottom of my cover which reflects what other artists and bands feature in the magazine. The majority of real media products use clear, bold fonts on magazine covers to grab their target audience’s attention and in order to keep a consistent house style so I ensured I developed this form in my magazine.

Contents Page.The magazine NME has a alternative/indie sub genre like my magazine unplugged and by analysing the forms of NME I developed ideas of the types of bands and artists that I wanted to feature in unplugged. In comparison to NME I believe my magazine also uses the cover space consistently by keeping the majority of the magazines features to one side of the cover. In order to use and develop forms and conventions of real media products i presented a few various competitions on my cover one in a circular pug to fill the space effectively.

I developed conventions of real media products by recognising from my research of magazines with the same genre (acoustic) and sub genre (alternative/indie) as my magazine that a lot of magazines position the masthead behind the main cover image. Also a common convention of real media products is that the masthead always goes from the top left as this is the way in which we read. The artist in my main cover image intentionally looks casual and relaxed which is a symbol of the relaxed acoustic/unplugged genre of the magazine and the guitar which is where the artists gaze is focused further reflects one of the main instruments the magazines genre is based around. I also developed the forms and conventions of real media products by using a medium close up for my main cover image as the majority of magazine cover images are either medium close ups or close ups. Using a medium close up image focuses on the artist but also shows the background in the image which is simplistic to symbolise the simplicity of the magazines acoustic genre and the brick wall background also fits in with my magazines house style.

Contents pageWhen designing my magazines contents page I decided to challenge the forms and conventions of real media products by presenting my magazines contents on a type writer. I believe using a type writer makes my magazine unique and reflects its acoustic genre as type writers are old and simplistic. Unplugged/acoustic music is stripped back therefore I thought using an old type writer highlighted this simplicity. I chose an italic font for the ‘contents’ title as I believe it fits in with my magazines house style as its elegant and relaxed. As my main image of the type writer took up the majority of the space on the page I filled the rest of the page with small secondary images as I had recognised when researching real media products that a number of them do this to reflect some of the magazines features. Most real media products like Kerrang magazine below position the page numbers of the particular article on the secondary image hence why I included this idea on my contents page.

I further developed the forms of real media products by using a bright colour for each of the sub headings within the contents to divide up the text so that it is more eye catching for my target audience to read. Presenting an editors letter on my contents develops the forms of real media products and the colloquial, casual and chatty language I used in it symbolises the relaxed genre of my magazine and is appropriate for my target audience who are males and females ages 13-25.

Contents Page.When researching various media products that have a similar genre and/or sub genre that my magazine unplugged has I realised that the majority of contents pages are not ordered chronologically so I made sure I reflected this on my contents. I ensured that I perfected every little detail including the magazines issue date and the contents pages page number in order to develop forms of real media products. I created a consistent house style throughout my magazine by using similar colours on each product and similar fonts. Using a light blue colour for my editors letter not only fits in with my magazines house style but also reflects the delicate, soft sound of the magazines acoustic genre. Similarly to Q magazine I used a number of secondary images to show my target audience the types of articles that will appear in the magazine.

Double Page Spread.In order to develop the forms and conventions of real media products I structured my double page spread in columns as all magazines do this. I recognise from researching magazines which have the same genre (acoustic)/sub genre (alternative/indie) as my magazine that real media products use a dropped cap to start double page articles. A lot of real media products position a pull quote somewhere on their articles as well as a stand first to introduce the article so I used a pull quote which also answered the articles tittle ‘everybody’s talking about.’ To develop the forms of real media products I chose a title for my double page spread that will entice my target audience as they will want to find out what ‘everybody is talking about.’ I wanted to make my article look professional by using all of the space therefore I chose a number of secondary images that linked to the article and provided a caption to explain the images. The main image is taken from a lower level angle to make the artist look more dominate which reflects how dominate she is in the article as she is the one being interviewed and the majority of the article is based around her.

Double Page Spread.As the majority of my article was an interview I made sure I split the writing up using different colours so it was easy to read for my target audience. Similarly to Kerrang magazine I chose a main image that dominated both pages of the double page article which is very visual for the reader so I had to position the text over the image . I placed the text in a transparent box in order to not cover part of the image and fit the writing in with the image. I further developed forms and conventions of real media products by using a bold clear font for my articles tittle so it stands out and grabs the readers attention. Like Kerrang magazines main image my main image also reflects the genre (acoustic) and sub genre (alternative) through the clothing the artist is wearing in the image as she looks unique in a vintage, quirky outfit.

In order to perfect my magazines cover and include as many conventions as possible I added a brand statement above my mast head ‘the most unique magazine the world’s ever seen.’ I also added ‘acoustic covers from these bands/artists’ to make the genre of the magazine clear to the reader so they’re aware of what types of musicians will feature in the magazines issues.

After doing further research of real media products I realised that they do not number the contents page with the number zero so I changed this to ensure every detail is perfected and accurate. From my research of real media products I also realised that the mast head of the magazine needs to be displayed on the majority of if not all the magazines content particularly its contents page.

Final Drafts.

Final Draft.

When observing my work I realised that in order to create a consistent house style and tie the page together making the stand first box transparent like the box that contains my articles text would look more effective then leaving it the colour black. I also decided to move the stand first from the centre to the top right hand corner in order to make room for introducing my artists ‘Emily & Ed Sheeran.’ Positioning the artists names in the centre makes it clear that this answers what my masthead says and the colour of the font was chosen because it represents Ed Sheeran’s bright hair colour therefore continuing my consistent house style. Also from my research of real media products I realised that the vast majority of magazines display the magazines name throughout its pages hence why I wrote ‘Unplugged’ underneath my stand first.

Question 5: How did you attract/address your audience?

Before creating my magazine I had to decide how to both address who my target audience are and how to attract them. I decided the best way to do this would be to draw up a survey asking my potential audience a number of questions about what and who they would like to see feature in Unplugged magazine.

The most popular result was winning acoustic gig tickets which helped me to address that the majority of the people who took part in survey were my audience as they’re interested in acoustic music. After addressing this I also took on board from these results that the more competitions that feature in my magazine the better.

Asking what artists and bands people would like to see in Unplugged helped me to take on board who the magazines main article would feature. Ed Sheeran being the most popular helped me to decide that main magazines main focus would be on him collaborating with another artist. I also featured all the other artists that were chosen somewhere in Unplugged to attract my audience.

Question 5: How did you attract/address your audience?

The word ‘free’ attracts the reader to buy the magazine because it is something that they

don't have to pay for and it Is most likely a band who they like which persuades them further.

The world ‘win’ is in capitals and is also an exclamation to grab the readers attention, as it’s a chance for them to get something back from buying the magazine and also a chance to enter a fun competition.

Covering the space of the strapline completely ensures that as many artists and bands that feature in the magazine are mentioned as possible to entice the reader to purchase the magazine.

After conducting a survey and analysing the results Ed Sheeran proved to be the most popular artist to be included in the magazine. in order to entice my ideal reader I presented a competition where the competitors have a chance to win Ed Sheeran prizes.



Pug, competition.

Pull Quote

Free Giveaway


Issue number

Selling point

Main Image


Secondary images

Secondary image


House Style



Indirect eye contact


consistent fonts to create

brand ID

Audience.Age & Gender. – The audience age range for my magazine is typically from age 13-25, It is a fairly wide age range because a lot of people enjoy acoustic, stripped back music. ‘Unplugged’ is aimed at both males and females as unlike certain genres such as Pop which is typically aimed at teenage girls due to cheesy boy bands, acoustic covers a wider range of musicians. Genre –The Genre of my magazine is acoustic and the sub genre is alternative/indie, this is portrayed through the cover stars clothes as she has a unique style just like how unique the sound of acoustic indie music is. The genre of the magazine is also reflected through its masthead ‘Unplugged’ not only does this highlight that the genre is acoustic but also the fact the mast head resembles the logo of the guitar company Fender. This resemblance underlines that one of the main instruments acoustic music is based around is the guitar.

In order to perfect my magazines cover and include as many conventions as possible I added a brand statement above my mast head ‘the most unique magazine the world’s ever seen.’ I also added ‘acoustic covers from these bands/artists’ to make the genre of the magazine clear to the reader so they’re aware of what types of musicians will feature in the magazines issues.

After doing further research of real media products I realised that they do not number the contents page with the number zero so I changed this to ensure every detail is perfected and accurate. From my research of real media products I also realised that the mast head of the magazine needs to be displayed on the majority of if not all the magazines content particularly its contents page.

Final Drafts.

Final Draft.

When observing my work I realised that in order to create a consistent house style and tie the page together making the stand first box transparent like the box that contains my articles text would look more effective then leaving it the colour black. I also decided to move the stand first from the centre to the top right hand corner in order to make room for introducing my artists ‘Emily & Ed Sheeran.’ Positioning the artists names in the centre makes it clear that this answers what my masthead says and the colour of the font was chosen because it represents Ed Sheeran’s bright hair colour therefore continuing my consistent house style. Also from my research of real media products I realised that the vast majority of magazines display the magazines name throughout its pages hence why I wrote ‘Unplugged’ underneath my stand first.

Question 6 - What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

I selected the ‘Magnetic Lasso Tool’

I created a new layer and used this tool to go round the head of the cover star in my image.

I then put the new layer over the top of the layer

of my mast head.

Doing this positioned my masthead behind my cover stars head which was my aim.

Using these tools to position my magazines masthead exactly where I wanted it helped me to develop my Photoshop skills by using tools I have never used before. It also highlights how I have researched real media products and this has developed my knowledge of their conventions. One convention I realised that a lot of magazines use is positioning their masthead behind their cover star in their main cover image. Placing my masthead here also helped me to use the space I had effectively and learn about space coverage which has helped me in the construction of the rest of my magazine.

Front cover-

I researched the Fender logo and decided I wanted to use a similar font for the masthead of my magazine.

I used the website ‘My Fonts’ to find this font and it was listed under the ‘best sellers’ list.

I typed in ‘Unplugged’ in the search bar of the ‘best sellers’ list.

This search brought up a list of 50 fonts displaying the name of my masthead (‘Unplugged.’) From the list I chose ‘Thirsty Rough’ font as I believe it looks similar to the fender logo therefore reflecting the main instrument my magazine genre is based around.

This has developed my knowledge of the wide range of fonts there are and that researching different fonts rather than using the standard Microsoft ones makes my magazine look more professional and effective. I have also learnt how important it is to ensure all the text is inline with each other and positioned to the right size so that every detail is perfected.

I selected the rectangle shape on publisher and made the shape.

I then selected the shape fill tool and changed the shapes colour to black and changed the shapes outline to black as well.

I then copied the shape and pasted it into Photoshop.

I used the resize tool on Photoshop to make the shape the correct size.

I did the same steps to create this shape as well.

Once I had pasted the shape into Photoshop I selected the ‘set foreground colour’ tool and changed the colour to orange.

I used the move tool to position the pentagon over the rectangle.

With the type tool I created text boxes.

I positioned this text over the shapes.

Front cover-(Explanation on next slide.)

Using different shapes to create a strapline for my magazines front cover helped me to learn how to use different layers effectively. Positioning text on these shapes also developed my knowledge of how important space coverage is in order to leave my magazine looking eye catching so the reader is enticed and wants to see what's inside. When creating this strapline I used both Publisher and Photoshop and I would most definitely say constructing my magazine has developed my knowledge of how to use different aspects of both these programmes that I had not used previously.

Front cover -

I selected the rectangle shape and created a large rectangle.

Double Page Spread - I right clicked and selected ‘format auto shape.’ I selected the 3rd shade of maroon which

changed the shape to this colour.

I then changed the transparency to 60% by dragging the transparency bar.

This then allowed me to position the shape over my image without it covering the image as the transparency allows you to see the image through the shape even when I placed my text on it.

I have never used the transparency tool before so creating my double page spread has definitely taught me new skills of how to use new tools. Using this tool enables everything to fit on two pages and look extremely eye catching without dividing the image from the text completely. Not to mention I have also realised whilst creating this article that building up different layers looks good and stands out.

I used the website ‘My Fonts’ to choose fonts for my contents page from the ‘best sellers list.’ I saved these fonts as images.

I then went to ‘insert’ and selected picture.

I then inserted each of the text images individually.

I used the ‘tight’ tool to drag and resize each text image onto my typewriter image.

Contents Page-

Creating my contents page has taught me that choosing the correct fonts is vital and changes the full look of the page. I have learnt how to use the website my fonts.

In order to perfect my magazines cover and include as many conventions as possible I added a brand statement above my mast head ‘the most unique magazine the world’s ever seen.’ I also added ‘acoustic covers from these bands/artists’ to make the genre of the magazine clear to the reader so they’re aware of what types of musicians will feature in the magazines issues.

After doing further research of real media products I realised that they do not number the contents page with the number zero so I changed this to ensure every detail is perfected and accurate. From my research of real media products I also realised that the mast head of the magazine needs to be displayed on the majority of if not all the magazines content particularly its contents page.

Final Drafts.

Final Draft.

When observing my work I realised that in order to create a consistent house style and tie the page together making the stand first box transparent like the box that contains my articles text would look more effective then leaving it the colour black. I also decided to move the stand first from the centre to the top right hand corner in order to make room for introducing my artists ‘Emily & Ed Sheeran.’ Positioning the artists names in the centre makes it clear that this answers what my masthead says and the colour of the font was chosen because it represents Ed Sheeran’s bright hair colour therefore continuing my consistent house style. Also from my research of real media products I realised that the vast majority of magazines display the magazines name throughout its pages hence why I wrote ‘Unplugged’ underneath my stand first.

Question 7 - Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from this to the

final product?Preliminary task – Aquinas front cover.

Official music magazine front cover.

Preliminary task – contents page. Official music magazine contents page.

Comparing my preliminary task of an Aquinas college Magazine to my music magazine I can immediately see the lack of detail my preliminary front cover has. The front cover is missing a number of conventions which makes its appearance plain as it doesn’t stand out or use the space completely. In particularly I think the college cover needs to have more secondary images for both space coverage and to make it more eye catching for the reader. In order to entice the reader I positioned a strapline at the bottom of my music magazine front cover which lists bands and artists that will also feature in that issue. Not only did this help to me to entice my audience but it also ensured I used all the cover space effectively. I can now see that in order to improve my preliminary task I should have used a strapline as this would have made the cover look more eye catching and detailed.

Although I missed a number of conventions out when constructing my preliminary Aquinas magazine cover I did use some effective conventions such as a pull quote from one of the magazines articles. However comparing the pull quote from my Aquinas cover to the one on my music magazine cover I realise that the pull quote on the college cover would have been more effective if it was in a bold font. In a bold font the pull quote would entice the reader more which is the purpose of a pull quote.

I feel my main cover image for my music magazine is a huge improvement from my college magazine cover image. Comparing the two images I can see how much my photo shop skills have improved massively. Looking at my finished preliminary task I can see that the edges of the main image need to be softened further using Photoshop tools, which would make the image look more professional. I believe that my preliminary main image works well as a medium close up as the direct eye contact from the cover star helps the reader to engage with her. However the indirect contact from the cover star of my music magazine looks more professional as an image and reflects how focused she is with her music; which further highlights how stripped back acoustic music is. The cover star for my music magazine also works more effectively as she reflects the magazines genre through her unique style. However both cover stars are in the age range of the magazine’s target audience which works well. Comparing the mastheads of my two magazines I can further identify how much my photo shop skills have progressed as during the constructing on my music magazine front cover I learnt how to position the masthead behind the main image. Not to mention this also highlights how my research of other real media products has developed my knowledge, as I came to realise that a lot of magazines place their mastheads behind the cover star to ensure the space is used effectively.

I believe that my preliminary contents page works well in many ways as I have clearly used the space effectively. Not only does giving each article heading a caption help to fill the space well but it also entices the reader as it gives them an insight into what the article is about. Using a number of secondary images further entices the reader and also makes the page eye catching and it breaks up the text, ensuring that the reader is not overwhelmed with the amount of text on the page.

The fact I positioned the page numbers of the articles that contained a secondary image on the image not only made it easier for the reader but also highlights how my research of real media products has improved my skills as a number of magazines do this. I think the fonts I chose when constructing my Aquinas magazine contents work well as they stand out and using capitals for each sub heading grabs the readers attention. The use of bold subheadings also allow the reader to skip to the section in the magazine that they are most interested in. I also put each article heading in capitals to make them more eye catching and also to divide them from the caption beneath each. Experimenting with different fonts during my preliminary task helped me to decide which would be most effective for my music magazine. I thought the font used for the tittle of my preliminary contents page worked well and looked unique so I came to the decision to use the same font for the mast head of my music magazine.

Although I think my preliminary contents page works effectively I still believe some improvements need to be made. For example writing an editors letter like I did for my music magazine would entice the reader more by giving them an insight into what they can expect from this issue. I think the page could have been constructed better so that the contents is consistently in line with the secondary images.

After finishing my preliminary magazine i decided that I wanted to make my music magazine more unique. I wanted to do this not only to entice the reader but also to ensure it was well suited to its unique acoustic genre and alternative/indie sub genre. One of the main ways I made my music magazine unique was by using an old typewriter to display the magazines contents . Using a type writer made the contents page more visual in comparison to my preliminary contents and it also required me to choose fonts that suited the typewriter they are being displayed on. The old type writer portrays the acoustic genre of the magazine as it is something that is unique, simplistic and out of the ordinary like acoustic music is. Whereas my Aquinas contents doesn’t really reflect what the magazine is about other than through the names of some of the articles e.g. ‘how to enjoy your subjects.’

In order to perfect my magazines cover and include as many conventions as possible I added a brand statement above my mast head ‘the most unique magazine the world’s ever seen.’ I also added ‘acoustic covers from these bands/artists’ to make the genre of the magazine clear to the reader so they’re aware of what types of musicians will feature in the magazines issues.

After doing further research of real media products I realised that they do not number the contents page with the number zero so I changed this to ensure every detail is perfected and accurate. From my research of real media products I also realised that the mast head of the magazine needs to be displayed on the majority of if not all the magazines content particularly its contents page.

Final Drafts.

Final Draft.

When observing my work I realised that in order to create a consistent house style and tie the page together making the stand first box transparent like the box that contains my articles text would look more effective then leaving it the colour black. I also decided to move the stand first from the centre to the top right hand corner in order to make room for introducing my artists ‘Emily & Ed Sheeran.’ Positioning the artists names in the centre makes it clear that this answers what my masthead says and the colour of the font was chosen because it represents Ed Sheeran’s bright hair colour therefore continuing my consistent house style. Also from my research of real media products I realised that the vast majority of magazines display the magazines name throughout its pages hence why I wrote ‘Unplugged’ underneath my stand first.