Media evaluation

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Transcript of Media evaluation

Media Evaluation

By James Willis

In what ways does my media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of

real media products?

By James Willis

USE I have followed real media magazine conventions when constructing my own as I wanted it to be recognisable and look the same as others on the market but at the same time as creating something different and eye catching.

When I was deciding where to place my masthead I decided on the traditional format of the top of the page (in the left) I did this to try and replicate NME’s style and layout and this would make it similar to the other conventions used in magazines. I also made the font of the masthead the biggest on the [age like all magazine do to make it stand out and be recognised as well as giving away clues to the type of genre that my magazine is based around and if it was to sold and stacked on shelves then this section of the page would still be exposed showing the name of the magazine.

What I told my model to wear was also important as I found out through looking at other dance magazines like mixmag and Billboard that they wear hoodies and headphones. These types of clothing or equipment are easily associated with the genre of my magazine and this should be more precise when targeting the audience and make them more interested in what my magazine has to offer.

The main image I have used for my front cover is a mid shot which engages the audience as they are drawn into the magazine as it also creates a centre point for all the other cover lines and information on the page to revolve around. He also looking away from the camera this was done on purpose to show that usually the DJ’s are in the shadows behind the scenes and also gives a cliff hanger for the reader to be intrigued.

DEVELOP When I was creating my contents page I made it in a similar design to my double page spread. I did this as it gave my magazine similarity and kept the house style the same throughout. The main image on this page also took up half of the page so for the readers that prefer images and to be more visual and be able to make the link between the text and the image this was for them as I am targeting a far smaller audience/market and I wanted them to be able to see the link between the pages and understand the text. It also meant that my magazine flowed from page to page making it easier to follow and read. When writing my text and layout for my contents page I combined ideas from NME and VIBE as I divided each column up into separate columns with subheadings and also the use of colour.

What I wrote inside follows any music magazine conventions with the featured and contents as well as the interview for the double page spread. However I also added my own twist on the puff as I offered a recording day and I also included a editors note to differentiate from other contents pages and give something else for the reader.

For my masthead I decided to give it a double meaning as this would again engage the audience FWD is a control often found on DJ decks to mix the songs and the niche audience I was attracting would understand this. It also means that it is up to date and finding the latest news and giving it to the fans.


Apart from my poster offer image on the front cover I used a male model for all of my images this kept it the same and made the magazine pages flow together but this could have restricted my target audience as there is no change for each of the different pages and this could become tedious but in the written contents I still mention both genders.

When creating my contents page I created it on a double page spread using a close up my model, this took up half of the pages as one side was just an image, and on the other side of the double page spread I used the image background to colour the page and the write over the top. This could have restricted the amount of content I could fit on the page but it then matched the double page spread making it look more professional.

How does the media product represent particular social groups?

By James Willis

The audience for my magazine is targeted at anyone who enjoys dance/DJ music, this is quite a niche market as not everyone is interested in this genre of music. Males and females could read this magazine as I haven’t secluded it to one genre. I have done this by using neutral tones and not “boy” or “girly” colours using primarily back, orange and white. Mixmag and Q magazine have a readership that varies from 15-44 and this market is who I am aiming my magazine at as these magazines have been successful but there is still room in the market. I haven’t limited the artists featured into gender groups as I have included artists from both genders and stories that should interest every reader.

The mode of address I have used varies throughout the magazine, it is mostly informative and uses language that only fans or followers of this music genre could understand but I do this formally and informally to suit both ends of the age spectrum so the younger scale of the audience don’t feel intimated but the older readers still feel like it is a formative and well planned out magazine. Throughout the double page spread interview I use a chatty tone to engage the audience as well as make them feel as in contact with the interview as possible. However apart from the specialist words I can be understood by all no matter how intellectual they are due to the simple layout and short bursts of writing.

The content of my magazine is similar to other music magazines that I have researched I also based it around findings from surveys as to what people want in a magazine. From this I found that they want is interviews (BOWIE) as well as whats new, track updates and competitions. This keeps it fresh and each issue would be different so that the reader would stay interested.

The design of my magazine is simple yet effective. Throughout I have gone for a less cluttered feel with minimal writing with maximum insight into the stories within. This gives my magazine a crisp and un-cluttered feel so that the reader can easily pick out information that interests them . The use of my images is also good as it merges in with the writing to give it a smooth transition between the pages and they can also help the reader make the link between the article and the image. The including of posters may attract a younger audience as they could be seen as idols and this would give them a reason to buy it opening up to a wider target audience.

What kind of media institution might distribute my media product and why?

By James Willis

Publishing • Bauer Media is a division of the Bauer Media Group, Europe’s largest privately owned publishing Group.

The Group is a worldwide media empire offering over 230 magazines in 15 countries, as well as online, TV and radio stations. This means that my magazine will be advertised all over Europe and this would attract a wider niche audience to my magazine. I would also get their reputation and this would get the audience of current magazines to see mine and become interested. As Bauer has a reputation for quality it would also give my magazine the edge over others.

• They publish well known music magazines already like KERRANG and this means that my magazine could have another marketing platform to be sold on. This could also be good for publishing as they already familiar with what to include to appeal to customers.

Distribution method one I feel the best place to sell and advertise my magazine would be in traditional stores/supermarkets and newsagents. This is because the stalls are usually placed near the tills or checkouts so they will get a large audience viewing them each day and this would make my magazine a well known name. I would also get more sales from this as the audience have more access to them.

Selling directly in newsagents could also help sell my niche market magazine as it is far more specialist and this is where people may go to get magazines that aren’t sold in the larger shops.

I have also designed my magazine especially to be sold this way I have placed the masthead in the top left corner like NME. This means that when they are stacked up on the shelves the brand name is still visible.

Distribution method 2I could advertise or sell my magazine on the internet using sites such as to sell my magazines. This could open up my magazine to a mass audience interested in my genre of magazine. This could be more convenient to people as they can access these sites through their phones with the advance of technology. I could also create a small advert in front of YouTube music videos of the genre of people I am aiming at. Alesso’s latest music video has had more than 7 million views in 2 months, this means that they are fans of my genre and would be more interested in my magazine and what it has to offer.

I could also create my own website along with my paper copy. This is using technology to create another marketing platform to sell my magazine that would make my magazine well known and I could also keep up with the competition of mixmag etc. I could also create social media pages as there over 220 million active users.

Who would be the audience for your media product?

By James Willis

Mood board This is the typical attire for the artists that my target audience is interested in and they will be able to make the link from the clothing and the artist featured to the genre type.

My audience will likely listen to music via TV channels like clubland or watch the music videos on the internet through sites like YouTube as well as listening to the radio, podcasts and also through iTunes etc.

They should also be very up to date with the advances in technology and be able to see most things via a mobile phone. This links in with the how they listen to music and also how they buy and support the music industry. This means that they will also be able to check the web for events or magazine websites.

Again this a piece of equipment that my audience should be able to recognise and make a judgement on the genre of the magazine.

These are the kind of artists that my audience should be well aware of as Calvin Harris and Tiesto are world famous DJ’s

Client profile I have used this mood board as research as to what my target audience will recognise and are into. I used this to make a magazine that was tailor made to meet the needs of a niche market. It also allowed me to add extra into my magazine to create a selling point and give it the edge over other magazines available. I have included a website link on my page to give the audience an alternative way to view my magazine and also be able to mix it up and make it more interactive as this way the reader should feel more involved and it also shows that the magazine is fresh and up to date as well as competing for the market against mixmag. I have also considered what my model was wearing as he was in a hoodie and the readers from my research were able to make the link between the music genre type and the style of clothing worn. Naming and featuring other artists from the dance music genre will also give the reader a sense of security and recognition as they can make the link between the artists featured and BOWIE who I have made the main feature of my magazine about.

How did you attract/address your audience

By James Willis

Masthead, text and language • The masthead on my front cover is the largest text on the page. This makes it eye catching to

the reader. This will attract the reader as they will see my magazine name but also give away the genre of the magazine in the process giving the reader some more information about my magazine. I chose to use a neutral colour like white as stands out against the black background of my images and also gives my magazine a fresh feel.

• This also links in with my text as I chose to write my masthead in Viner Hand ITC which gave my magazine an alternative feel and look and it also stood out against the font I used for the rest of the writing which was Gothic 720 BT.

• I used a mixture of formal and informal language all the way through my magazine. I felt that I had to get the balance right as if I made it too formal then the younger target audience wouldn’t be attracted to it an if it was too informal then my magazine would have no structure and the older audience wouldn't enjoy it as much or in some cases understand some slang words.

Images, layout and choice of representation

• The main image on my front cover large and takes up the majority of the page. The age of my model has also been used to attract my audience as he is a 17 year old teenager, this is who I am specifically aiming my magazine at. He is looking away from the main focus of the camera, this could address my audience and give you a hint of the genre as the DJ’s are usually in the dark and could be quite shy. It also draws you in as there is a hint of finding out what he is about.

• This also links in with my layout as I have added text around my images. As the cover lines and pull quotes revolve around the images I have used. This gets the reader to read all of the information on the page and read into the genre and what is featured in the magazine.

• From research I was also advised to add in adverts. This again would attract the audience and make them purchase my magazine and further find out the genre. I also used representation in my images, this gave the genre of my magazine due to the costume (hoodie) and props (headphones) that my model was wearing.

Audience • My magazine is niche to the reader as not everyone is interested into

dance music. However I tried to make my magazine unisex so both genders could be interested and buy it. I did this by including text from both sex as well as images. However I chose to do a main feature on a male. As he was a new artist both sex should find this interesting and engaging. On my front cover I also included a poster offer and this was of a female model.

• For contents page I did a questionnaire to see what information and layout as well as order would be most important for them. I decided form this that I would include a features column, up & coming as well as regulars. I also put a competition offer there as well as a editors note. This would target the audience as this is what the majority is interested in and make it more interesting and involve them a lot more.

What you learnt about the technologies from the process of constructing this product?

By James Willis

Tumblr I chose Tumblr for my blogging as it was a lot easier to navigate than Blogger. I found it difficult to use at the start but eventually I grasped how to use it. I was also able to use the app on my phone to update my blog on the move.

I also managed to upload slideshares and photos to break up the text and make it more interesting and interactive to the viewer.

It has given me an organised place to present all of my work as it is a lot more organised than using pieces of paper. It can also provide a back up if you manage to loose any pieces of work.

The blog posts also allowed you to go back and tweak or change blogs to improve them without having to rewrite the whole post which saved time and made it easier.

Slideshare I found Slideshare easy to use straight away and it is easy to make an account. I found the layout of the website user friendly and the ways of making them also straight forward. You either had a choice of using Microsoft PowerPoint and uploading or creating them straight on the website.

I also like the way that it gave me a different way to present my wok and allowed me to use a programme that I was already comfortable with.This made my research and analysis tasks a lot

easier as I could make slideshows and then upload them one at a time. It also gave me a different way to present my blog posts to make it more interactive.

Adobe Photoshop CS5 One of the most useful tools that I learnt to use was the guideline/ruler markers onto the page. This was particularly useful when creating my contents page and double page spread as I could see where the page fold would be and get the columns in straight lines with all the text organised.

It is also useful as each piece of work added could be made as a different layer. This means that if you make a mistake it can be easily deleted or if you need it again easily replicated identically without remaking.

I also learnt how to resize and edit my pictures to suit my page. I used the spot healing tool as well as using the stroke and shadow tool on my text to give it more depth and make the more important writing stand out more and grab the readers attention first.

Canon DSLR 500D I learnt how to use the camera to full effect and set it up correctly to take the best shot. Learning how to use different lenses for different shots and also how to zoom, this was good for long shots of my model and also to change the shutter speed on the camera either speeding it up or slowing it down this then allowed me to take an action shot at that precise moment or get a still at the right position.

I also learnt how to get the images from the SD card in the camera onto the computer or memory stick to create my magazine by using a card reader that plugged into the USB port of the computer.

I also used this camera to take my college magazine pictures, this allowed me to get to grips with the basic techniques and start to learn what all the different settings do.

Looking back at my preliminary task, what do I feel I have learnt in the full progression to the

full product

By James Willis

College magazine (preliminary)

Music magazine (final)

Photography • My college magazine and music magazine don’t share a lot in common. You can see

the progression with my photography skills. Firstly for my final magazine I took a lot more images to choose from. This then allowed me to pick a mid shot for my front cover. For my college magazine had to use a long shot with cluttered surroundings compared to a mid shot with specific lighting and a plain black background. The more photos I took also allowed me to make the link between the image and the genre of the magazine through his clothing (hoodie) and his headphones as a prop both of which are usually associated with DJ’s or dance music. Using the schools studio I was able to take my images with a black backdrop this was used in my magazine to write cover lines or text over compared to my original images which had cluttered background in it. The image quality I have also improved from the first magazine. As I learnt how to use the camera with the different settings I was able to create different images, auto focus or blur specific parts of the image either the models clothing or surrounding background. We also had a photographer Tracy Kidd come to college and we learnt how different movements and using light reflectors can change the image. For my college magazine I also used my mobile phone which the camera is good but once you stretch them they become very fuzzy and the overall quality worse. For my final images I used the schools Canon DSLR 500D digital camera with high megapixel capacities.

Fonts • The font of magazine can turn it from a Microsoft document to a professional

magazine. For my college magazine I used WordArt and Calibri for the main text on the page used to write the contents and cover lines. For my final magazine I used two main fonts, for my masthead I used Viner Hand ITC FWD. For my other writing on my page including the contents page and double page spread I used Gothic 720 BT. This was quite a plain font but it gave my magazine a clear font to read and also making it more organised and look professional. I also tried to keep it all of a similar size as I made the double page spread size 12 and the larger titles in size 48. This was different to my first college magazine as the size varied and this also make it look a lot less professional.

Layout • My college magazine doesn’t follow the conventions that my magazine does.

However it still has a left third, barcode, puff and a price line. My final magazine has all of these but looks more professional there is no overlapping and has proper cover lines as well a price and a set colour scheme. My college magazine had numbered cover lines that over lapped the main image, I have never seen this on a magazine before and my final magazine uses less text and is in separate boxes. My contents page on my real magazine is a lot more organised and has more than one column and it also follows the house style of my cover and double page spread giving my magazine a flowing feel. It is also a lot easier to navigate and find the page or information you want (page number or featured artist) through the sub-headings. My college magazine contents page only has a single column and no page numbers, this would make navigating my magazine harder. I have also added an additional barcode which again I haven't seen in a magazine before.

Mode of address • I have addressed the audience the same on my college and final music magazine

via the direct mode of address. However this was far more apparent in my final magazine. Firstly through the feel and the images used they will instantly notice the clothing and props is linked with the dance genre and this will attract them as it caters for a unique audience. In both of my magazines I included information and prizes that would interest and catch my audiences attention however it was very vague and unexplained in my college magazine as I only offered a select few offers the iPad and the Greggs voucher along with the typical study tips. In my music magazine I included lots of different and interesting content that would make them want to buy my magazine. Including ticket offers that are specific and cater for that genre as well as all the latest news and chart updates. I have also tried to make my magazine unisex, I did this by including images of both male and female models. The way that my model on the front cover may be subtle but it shows that the typical DJ is in the background and they may be able to make this link and find the magazine more inviting and in my college magazine it was varied still at a niche audience it had an age range of 16-19 where as my music magazine was for all ages as long as they were interested in my dance music.

Evaluation • Through producing my own magazines I have been able to see my skill set develop

with technology and conventions as I now know how to layout a magazine so that it is reader friendly and looks professional. I am now able to use the schools cameras and technology to full effect as I can set them up correctly and get the best possible images. I have also found out different ways to present my work through Slideshare and Tumblr which before this task I wasn't very familiar with. I have improved my analytical skills as now I can find faults in my own work and improve on them. using programmes like Photoshop I have now got used to what each tool does and used them to full effect managing to create a professional looking magazine. I have also been able to work from constructive criticism from others to improve my findings and final magazine through the use of questionnaires and primary research.