Mechanisms of Alkyl Sulfoate ... Water Interface

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  • 8/10/2019 Mechanisms of Alkyl Sulfoate ... Water Interface





    D. W. FUEBSTF.~A

    C>r)re f --4 D./A. However, care should be taken

    sincewe nitially assumed hat 'P'


    a.ndP'B are orthogonal

    a.nd n this case he homopolar dipole vanishes. If we

    had included the overlap integral, then the primary

    moments would have changedsomewhat.


    e wish to thank Proiessor

    Harrison Shull for his interest and hospitality. Our to Mr. John P. Chandlerand ~Ir.

    Robert Fern for their help with computational pro\>-


    Mechanisms of Alkyl Sulfonate Adsorption at the Alumina-Water Interface

    by P. Somasundaran nd D. W. Fuerstenau

    ~ 0/ MtII-z T~. U 0/ Cal~ B.-~. Calt/omiA ~ J",.. S. 19f1)

    Adsorption iaothermsof sodium dodecyl sulfonateon alumina were determined at con-

    trolled ionic strength, pH, and temperature. Electrophoreticmobilities of the alumina

    werealsom~ for the sameconditions. The ~ts indicate hat at a certain critical

    concentrationor critical pH, adsorption ncreasesmarkedly through 88SOOiationf the

    hydrocarbon chains of the adsorbed ulfonate ons to form hemimicellesat the solid-

    liquid interface. The dependencef the isothermson surfactantconcentrationand on pH

    is interpreted n terms of the Stern-Grahamemodelof the electricaldouble ayer.

    Indications of interactions at the interface can be

    found in the work by Wayman and co-workers~7on

    the adsorptionof surfactantaon clay minerals. Ad-

    sorption sothennsof surfactantson silica and alumina

    determined by other workers'-lo do 'exhibit marked

    changes t certain critical concentrations. However,

    these nvestigationshave not been extensive and no


    In previouspapers"a t was shown hat such nter-

    facial parameters sr potential and ftotation ~ponse

    dependupon the number of caroon atoms n the hy-

    drocaroonchain of a surfactant and upon the concen-

    tration of the surfactant n solution. Correlation of

    the various nterfacial parameters howed hat nuked

    changesn eachof the parameters ccurat somecritical

    concentration of the surfactant. It was postulated

    that these abrupt changes re due to the association

    of adsorbedsurfactant ions to form two-dimensional

    aggregates r hemimicellesat the solid-solution in-

    terface. From the dependence f the flotation and

    electrokineticbehavioron the chain ength of the sur-

    factant, the van der Wa.aJs ohesiveenergy ~pon-

    sible for latera. nteraction between urfactant ons at

    the interface was calculatedon a molar basis to be

    -0.6 kcal for eachCH, group n the chain. A direct

    test of the proposedadsorption mechanismss best

    obtained through the measurement f the adsorption

    of the surfactant tself and that is the purpoeeof this


    (1) Baaed in part on the Ph.D. m-tation of P. Somuundalan,

    University of California, Berkeley, Calif., 1960&.

    (2) D. W, Fuerstenau, T, W. Healy, and P. Somaaunduan, Tram.

    AlAtE. 129, 321 (1964). .

    (3) P. Somuundalan, T. W. H.I7, and D. W. Fueratenau, J.

    Ph.-. C1I8m,. 8, 3562 (1964).

    (4.) C. H. Wayman, Proc. I~ CZII~Coni" I, 329 (1963).

    (6) C. H. Wayman, J. B. Robert8OD,and H. G. Pap, C. S. Geo-

    IoIic81 8uney Prof~ Paper 47&-B (1968).

    (8) C. H. Wayman, ~., 45()..C 1962).

    (7) C. H. Wayman, H. G. Pap. and J. B. Robertson, ib1'd., 4.76-0


    (8) L W. Wark and A. B. Cox, ~. AlMB', liZ, 189 (19M).

    (9) K. Shinoda, d aI., "CoIloidal Surfactant.." Academic ~

    New York. N. Y., 1963, Chapter 3,

    (10) M. J. J&)'COCk nd R. H. Otte1ril1, Btdl.lf&1t. MimiIg JIet., n.

    497 (1968).

    TM J--Z of p~ ~

  • 8/10/2019 Mechanisms of Alkyl Sulfoate ... Water Interface










    quantitative d{',.rription of the adsorption process has

    becn presented In :\,'conunt nr the breaks in the iso-

    tbcnlls or for tht: ,;i: [UII.::~rll~",j thc slope of the iso-

    thl'n\l:;, T:~.I1:lrllu,.lli :1/111 :~m:lkil' attemptal to

    e.~pl:lill sucll i.~IIII1'r\II'; ill t('rlll ' oj:\ Bnmaucr-Emmctt-

    Teller (B,E. T.) tY11C f equ:Ltion. but the va.lidity

    of tllcir :lpl,roach i" flU{': l ollablc I~su:;c of their neglect

    of clcctri(':\I,'ffi.,'"". .\1 ), ;Id-"'()rplioll wthc~ gCllcr-

    ally have not been detemlined over a sufficiently wide

    range or with a precise control of such variables 88

    ionic ~lrell~lh, i,ll, ;111.1t'lllr,,'r:llI.n ",lli,'11 :ItT..." tIll.'


    The objective of tllis ImI~r is to present the re1'ult,-s

    of detailed studies of the adsorption isothem1S of s0-

    dium dodecyl sulfonate on alumina in aqueous media,

    These isothenns together with the electrophoretic

    behavior of alumina suggest mecha lLR DSf adsorp-

    tion of surfactant ions at the solid-liquid interface.

    where is the dielectric onstant f the medium,R

    is the gas constant, T is the absolute emperature,z

    is the valence of counterions ncluding the sign, F

    is the Faraday constant,and C is the molesof ions/

    cm.' n the bulk solution. Based n the Stem-Grahame

    treatmentof the double ayer, expressionor the ad-

    sorptionof counterionsat the planea s given by the




    where , is the adsorption density in moles/cm.' at the

    Plane &, r is the effective radius of the adsorbed ion in

    centimeters, C is the concentration of ions in the bulk

    in moles/em. , and W, is the work required to bring

    the ions to the plane &.

    Vol- 10,N-- 1 J~ 1966

    Equation 2 can be modified o take into account he

    interaction of surfactant ions at the interface by

    scparotingW. into electrostaticand interaction terms

  • 8/10/2019 Mechanisms of Alkyl Sulfoate ... Water Interface






    *-~~A;._~~_A ~~~







    +1 "c



    +2 ooj



    +3 ~~






















    4 /


    pH 7.2


    IOMC STREfGTH 2aI0-a..

    (WITH HoCI)








    10-5 0-4 io-.



    Figure 1. Adsorption density of dodecyl suJfonateons

    on alumina and the electrophoreticmobility of alumina as a

    function of the concentrationof sodium dodecyl sulfonate at

    pH 7.2 and at constant emperature and ionic strength.

    culated by taking the averageof the area occupied

    by cubic packing and by hexagona.l lose-packing f

    iOllSof 5.9-:\. diameter (the diameterof the sulfonate

    head). Sodium dodecyl sulfonate usedwas prepared

    from high-purity dodecyl sulfonic acid by treating it

    ,,-ith -"Odium y,lroxide, and the resulting sodium salt

    ,,-;'-.; lurifi"ll by rt"'rY8tallization rom hot absolute

    ethyl alcohol. Triply distilled conductivity water

    wasused or adsorption nd electrokinetic tudies.

    .\l~"or Jti"ll oj :;odiumdodecylsulfonateunder var-

    ious conditions was measured y determining he dif-

    ference n I'onl','ntration of the surfactant n solution

    before and after adding alumina. Experimentswere

    carried out at a. constant emperatureof 25 = 0.2,

    and an atmosphereof purified nitrogen was main-

    tained n the adsorptioncell. Total ionic strengthwas

    also kept constant at 2 X 10-1 M by additions of

    decinormal solutions of ~dium chloride and hydro-

    chloric acid and sodiumhydroxidewhich wereused or

    pH adjustment. The: adsorption cell, which was

    stirred magnetica.1ly, onnaUy contained 200 ml. of

    solution and 4 g. of al~ for ~h experiment,

    but for caseswhere he adsorption was ower, 8 g. of

    alumina. and 150 mi. of solution were used. The

    lowest point was obtained using 16 g. of alumina and

    100 mi. of solution. Although equilibrium was at-

    tained in much less han 1 hr. under the conditions

    used, each sample was agitated for 2 hr. (but more

    vigorous agitation was found to decrease he equi-

    librium time appreciably). After the equilibrium was

    attained, sampleswere collected or detennination of

    the equilibrium concentration f sodiumdodecylsulfo-

    nate and for electrophoresis xperiments. Determin-

    ations of pH were made after a.1lowinghe suspension

    to settle or at least30min.

    The sulfonate concentrationwas determinedby a

    variation of the methyleneblue method described y

    Jones.20 t is basedon the principle hat the anionic

    dodecylsulfonate n water combineswith the cationic

    methyleneblue to give a blue complex hat is soluble

    in chloroform. Hence, the concentrationof sodium

    dodecyl sulfonate n any aqueous olution can be de-

    termined by extracting the methyleneblue sulfonate

    complexwith chloroformand evaluating he concentra.-

    tion colorimetrica.1ly y comparisonwith the color

    produced by known quantities of sodium dodecyl

    sulfonate. The possible xperimental rrorshave been

    examined by Wayma.n.1 Since the readings could

    vary from one dye to another, he same ype of dye

    was used through each set of analyses. Absorption

    by the methylene blue sulfonate complex was de-

    termined rom 640 o 660mp n a Cary Model 14 spec-

    trophotometer. The mAximum optical density ob-

    tained was used for evaluation of the sulfonate

    centration. The lowest concentration hat could

    measured as 10-6M in the aqueous olution.

    The electrophoreticmobility of the alumina

    was determined by means of a Zeta-Meter

    method was necessaryf the measurement f

    kinetic behavior was to be determinedwith the

    small particles that were used n the adsorption ex';

    periments. In addition, this method has the advan-

    tage over the streamingpotential technique n that it

    givesan ndication of the distribution of charges mong

    the particles rather than only a net value for the

    charge f the particles n the system.


    The adsorption sothermof sodiumdodecylsulfonate

    by alumina at pH 7.2 and 25 is given in Figure 1.

    Electrophoretic mobilities of the particles under the

    same conditions are also given in Figure


    The adsorption sotherm consistsof t~ regions:

    region 1, characterized y a low increasen adsorption

    with surfactant concentration; egion 2 by an abrupt

    increase n the slope of the isotherm; and region 3

    again by a lower dependence f adsorption on sur.

    factant concentration. The electrophoreticmobility

    exhibits an almost negligibledependence n sulfonate

    addition n region 1, but it decreasesbruptly through

    region2. The end of region 2 is characterized y the "

    (20) J. H. Jon_. J. A_. Agr. ClIemw.. 28, 398.409 (1945).

    (21) C. H. Wayman, U. B. GeoIocicalSurvey ProfessionalPaper

    4ro-B (1962).

    TA. JwnIGl 01 Ph1/aicalChemi#)JI



  • 8/10/2019 Mechanisms of Alkyl Sulfoate ... Water Interface




    mobility becoming ero. In region3, the mobility i5

    opposite n sign. Moreover, n region3 a number of

    particles were observed o have a positive ch~\rge,

    and hoseparticleswith a negati\',~ h:irgehave a wide

    distribution of electrophoreticmobilities. This prob-

    ably results rom a distributionof particleswith varying

    surfaceactivities, thereby giving rise to a distribution

    of adsorption densities. However, the net elect oo

    phoretic mobility is characterized y a slower change

    in region 3.


    fr I





    0 :;~






    ~ + 2 ~ ~



    +3 O~


    ,- 'M ~~

    ;: .\' \.4 a i






    ... .

    'W ;

    ... ,

    0 '

    2 I

    ..- 10."L

    ... ,

    in 1

    z '




    l ' ALUMINA

    ;: pH 6.9

    Go 10-'1

    U 25.C,/

    -:..,c STAENGTM 2.

    ~ i

    /' - .. (WITHQt.,







    Figure 3. Adsorption density of dodecyl sulfonate ons on

    alumina and the electrophoreticmobility of alumina as a

    function of the concentrationof sodium dodecylsulfonate at

    pH 6.9 and at constant temperature and ionic strength.

















    .- 5




    Discussion of Results

    In interpreting these results, we shall consider that

    sulfonate ions are adsorbed at the alumina-water

    interface. as counterions in the electrical double layer.

    Furthermore, since sulfonate ions are not chemisorbed

    they are adsorbed appreciably only below the zero-

    point-of-charge of alumina, namely below pH 9.

    Effect of Surfactant Coocentration 00 Adsorption.

    The shape of the adsorption isotherm supports the

    adsorption mechanism mentioned earlier. In region

    1 of Figure 1 or in region A of Figure 2, at low concen-

    trations of surfactants or at low surface potentials,

    the surfactant ions :)ore dsorbed individually and ad-

    sorption results primarily from electrostatic forces

    between surfactant ions and the charged solid surface.

    However, when the concentration of the reagent reaches

    the hemimicelle concentration or hemimicelle pH,

    that is the pH at which hemimicelles start forming

    at the solid-liquid interface at constant equilibrium

    concentration of surfactant, the ions begin to associate

    with each other. This associationenhances he adsorp-

    tion of sulfonate ions considerably and, hence, he rapid

    rise in the adsorption isothenns result. Thus, in

    region 2, the adsorption is due to the electrostatic at-

    traction between the ions and the charged solid surface

    and hemimicelle association of hydrocarbon chains.

    When sulfonate ions equivalent in number to the surface

    sites have been adsorbed, the contribution due to the

    electrostatic attraction disappears, and the further

    increase in adsorption will be only due to association

    between the hydrocarbon chains. Thus, in region 3,



    2. Adsorption density of sodiwn dodecyl sulfonate on

    alumina and the electrophoretic mobility of alumina as a

    function of pH at constant residual sodium dodecyl sulfonate

    concentration, ionic strength, and temperature. The ionic

    strength or the point at pH 1.98,however,exceeds X 10-1 N

    The adsorption isotherm for sodium dodecyl sul-

    fonateon alumina.s given n Figure 2 as a function of

    pH at constant onic strength of 2 X 10-1 N and an

    equilibrium concentrationof approximately3 X 10-6

    mole/I. This curve also consists of three parts:

    region A showing a low increase n adsorption with

    lowering of pH, region B with a greater ncrease n

    adsorption,and region C with a constantly decreas-

    ing.rateof increase f adsorptionwith loweringof pH.

    F.igure3 presents he adsorptiondensity and elec-

    tro.phoreticmobility 88 a function of sulfonateconcen-

    tration at pH 6.9underconditions f constant empera-

    ture an~ constant onic strength. This set of curves

    is siriillar to that given in Figure 1 for pH 7.2. The

    adsorption sothermsat pH 6.9 and 7.2 are now put

    togethern Figure4-forcomparative urposes.

    Volum. 70. N-.b..1 JGmA477/986

  • 8/10/2019 Mechanisms of Alkyl Sulfoate ... Water Interface




    ",lope n the second egion is due to this specific adsorp

    tion. Equation 5 can be modified in the following

    manner to take this into account. At any particula

    value of 1ft.


    Asswning the specific adsorPtion >Qtential f chlorid

    ions negligible compared to that of alkyl sulfonat

    ions and differentiating eq. 7 in the logarithmic form

    with respect o In (JR-yields

    the slope of the adsorJ)tinn i.o:ntherm dcCTe:L",cs. Thc

    rc:~on melltiont.-d above for tht: d~cre~~~ in ~lopc from

    n'~ion 2 to rt gion :~ ,; ~\IPI)(lrt~'(1by the el('ctrophoretic

    mobility ("In'c \\'hi

  • 8/10/2019 Mechanisms of Alkyl Sulfoate ... Water Interface



    (23) D. W. Fuerstenau and H. J.Modi, J.Bl.ceroeAem.8oc..106.336


    Volu_10. Number 1 JGAVIJrV 966

    In regionA, dn/d pH is nil and he change f adsorp-

    tion densitywith pH should hen be determinedby the

    change f

    1/-. with pH. Sincehe potentials directly

    proportional o the electrophoreticmobility at constant

    temperature, ""a/dpH will be determinedby the slope

    of the mobility-pH curve. In region A, d1/-a/d H

    is negativeand d In ra/ d pH must also be negative,as

    canbeseenn Figure2.

    The transition point from regionA to B corresponds

    to the hemimicellepH for that particular equilibrium

    concentration and association between the hydro-

    carbon chains begins to take place at that point.

    Hence, n region B, the second erm (dn/d pH) also

    becomeseffective. The term dn/d pH is negative,

    whereasd1/-a/d H is positive in region B. It can be

    seen hat the magnitudeof the seconderm, dn/d pH,

    due o hemimicelleassociations very high so that the

    slopeof the adsorption sothermd In ""./d pH is nega-

    tive. The drop in r potential in region B is indicative

    of the strong effect of this rapid hemimicelleassocia..-


    As the pH is further increased,he effect of sudden

    hemimicelle ormation diminishes and the slope of

    the isotherm decreases. n region 0, the association

    of a new ion going to the surfacewith a hemimicelle

    probably still takes place, but its effect will be very

    small compared o that of the association f a number

    of individually adsorbed ons to form a new hemi-

    micelle. In other words, n region 0, dnld p~ dimin-

    ishes and, correspondingly, he rate of increase n

    adsorption ecreasesontinuously.

    Figure 4 showsa very strong dependence f the ad-

    sorption of sulfonate ons on the pH of the system.

    The nteresting eatureof this set of curv~ is the change

    in hemimicelleconcentration with pH. Hemimicelle

    concentrationat pH 7.2 is 8 X 10-6 mole/ . and at

    pH 6.9 it is 3.5 X 10-6 mole/ . At a lower pH, the

  • 8/10/2019 Mechanisms of Alkyl Sulfoate ... Water Interface




    M 10




    ~ I

    0 '



    .. 10""








    ~ la'





    10-11 mole/cm.s, or at a coverage of only about one..

    tenth of a monolayer. The much higher coverage

    at about pH 2 as compared to pH 7 may result partly

    from the presence of and coadsorption of sulfonic

    acid molecul~ which occur n appreciable concentration

    at low pH valu~ since the pK of sulfonic acid is about

    1.5. Extensive adsorption of the sulfonic acid mole..

    cul~ would occur through interaction of hydrocarbon

    chains, but without electrostatic repulsion because he

    polar eads .re ncharged.


    Detailed adsorption measurementsof sodium dodecyl

    sulfonate ions on alumina together with electrophoretic

    mobility measurements at constant - ionic strength

    and pH indicate that sulfonate ions adsorbed in-

    ilividually as counterions in the electrical double layer:'

    at low sulfonate concentrations. Adsorption under

    th~ conditions occurs by an ion-exchange process.

    The adsorption of sulfonate ions was found to be ex-

    ceedingly dependent upon the pH of the liquid with no

    adsorption occurring above the zero-point-of-charge

    of alumina (pH 9), which suggests that chemisorp-

    tion doesnot exist in this system. At a certain critical

    concentration or critical pH, adsorption increases

    rapidly through the formation of two-dimensional

    aggregates of the surfactant ions or hemimicelles at

    the solid-solution interface. At still greater adsorp-

    tion densiti~, the increasen adsorptionwith in-

    creasing sulfonate concentration decreases because

    the sign of the net electrical charge at the interface is

    reversed by the adsorbed surfactant ions. The' de-

    pendence of the adsorption isotherms on surfactant

    concentrationndon pH is interpreted

    terms of the

    Stem-Grahame model of the electrical double layer.

    Acknowledgments. This research was sponsored by

    the National Science Foundation. The authors wish

    to thank Dr. T. W. Healy of the University of Cali-

    fornia, Berkeley, for helpful discussions and Dr. W.

    M. Sawyer of the Shell Development Company,

    Emeryville, California, for the sample of dodecyl sul-

    fonic cid. .


    10-- 10-. K)-4 10-S



    Figure 4. Comp&riaon f adsorption BOtherma f dodecyl

    sulfonate ons on alumina at pH 6.9 and 7.2.

    particles are more positive and, hence, there is an in-

    crease n adsorption at the lower pH. Greater charge

    on the particle at lower pH will need a greater adsorp-

    tion density of sulfonate before the r potential is

    brought to zero and this can be observed in Figure 4

    by the change in adsorption density at the transition

    between region 2 and region 3.

    Surface Coverage. From surface area.measurements,

    aMuming that saturation adsorption of stearic acid

    on alumina. corresponds to a' monolayer, maximum

    adsorption in Figure 2 approaches a calculated mono-

    layer of dodecyl sulfonate on al'1minA. At the lowest

    pH value studied (pH 1.98), the ionic strength exceeds

    the value used for all the other experiments, that is

    2 X 10-8 M. At these low pH values where the sur-

    face charge will be high, the amount of sulfonate ad-

    sorbed approachesmonolayer coverage.

    Data. on adsorption of the sulfonate ions at pH 7.2

    show that association of the adsorbed ions begins at a

    coverage of about 10-12 mole/cm.S (based on the area

    of the sulfonate head) and that zero mobility (the

    transition from region 2 to region 3) occurs at about 3 X

    M Joumol 01 Pial/tical C1IcmWFV