Meaningful Use Stage I Core Objectives MAQ Dashboard= Meaningful Use, Adoption, Quality Dashboard...

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Transcript of Meaningful Use Stage I Core Objectives MAQ Dashboard= Meaningful Use, Adoption, Quality Dashboard...

Meaningful Use Stage ICore ObjectivesMAQ Dashboard= Meaningful Use, Adoption,

Quality DashboardTool to measure provider and practice

performance on meaningful adoption of EHR, population trends, and chronic disease/preventative care management

Data is not extracted realtime-The extraction of the previous month data is done in the first few days of each month.

Common term definitionsEP-Eligible provider

Unique patients-If the patient is seen by the EP more than once during the reporting period, that patient is included in the denominator once.

Denominator- The number of patients that meet the objective criteria

Numerator-The number of patients from the denominator that have documentation in the medical record which satisfies the objective

Reportable visit types-Excludes telephone encounter, virtual visit. Other visit types have been manually excluded as well.

OBJ304A -CPOE More than 30% of all unique patients with at

least one medication in their medication list have at least one medication ordered using CPOE(Computerized order entry)

Must be a reportable visit typeInvolves all methods of recording medications in

a structured manner. This includes Order Sets, Templated, e-prescription, eClinisense and manually ordered medications from the treatment window of progress note

OBJ302-CUp to date problem listMore than 80% of all unique patients seen by

EP have at least one entry or an indication that no problems are known for the patient recorded as structured data

Must be a reportable visit typeAdd any current and chronic problems to the

problem list or check the No known problems box

OBJ304-BGenerate and transmit eRXMore than 40% of all permissible

prescriptions written by the EP must be transmitted electronically to pharmacies

**Generating and transmitting a fax does NOT constitute electronic prescription

OBJ302-DMaintain active medication listMore than 80% of all unique patients seen by

the EP must have at least one entry or an indication that the patient is not currently prescribed any medication recorded as structured data

Medications recorded in the current medications section of progress note.

** The medications verified box must be checked

OBJ-302-E Active medication/allergy listMore than 80% of all unique patients seen by

EP must have at least one entry or indication that the patient has no known medication allergies recorded as structured data

** Must be a reportable visit typeAllergies verified box must be checked for

every encounter

OBJ-304C Recording demographicsMore than 50% of all unique patients seen by

EP must have demographics entered as structured data

Preferred language, gender, race, ethnicity, date of birth

**Must be a reportable visit type

OBJ-302F-Record vital signsFor more than 50% of all unique patients age 2

and over seen by EP must have height, weight, blood pressure and BMI recorded as structured data plot and display growth charts for children 2-20yrs

** Must be a reportable visit typeWhen height, weight and blood pressure are

recorded, BMI is automatically calculated and growth charts are plotted.

** Even specialists must document all 3-height, weight, B/P

OBJ-302G Record smoking statusMore than 50% of all unique patients 13

years or older seen by EP must have their smoking status recorded as structured data

**Must be a reportable visit typeComplete the tobacco control smartform

once for patients seen during 90 day reporting period.

OBJ-304F Electronic copy of health informationMore than 50% of all patients of the EP who

request an electronic copy of their health information must be provided it within 3 business days

Patient information additional information, structured tab for documentation.

Office Managers / Coordinators have access to run registry report-Registry-Demographics

***Only one person can be in registry at a time

OBJ-304H Clinical visit summariesClinical summaries must be provided to

patients for more than 50% of all office visits within 3 business days

Visit summaries may be printed from progress note or resource schedule

OBJ-203A Drug interaction checks*not on MAQAll medications prescribed to patients must

be checked against all other medications as well as all known allergies/intolerance in order to determine if there are any potential harmful interactions

File-settings-My settings-User settingsPop up drug interaction window when interaction is: check mild, moderate or severe

Reports-EMR-drug interaction report logs

OBJ- 304I Exchange key clinical information*not on MAQProviders must perform at least one test with

another provider using certified EHRFile-settings my settings-eclinicalworks P2P

to joinOutgoing referral-Send electronically via P2PVideo and FAQs will be available on website

OBJ-302O-W Comply with HIPAA rules*not on MAQConduct or review a security risk analysis,

implement security updates as necessary, and correct identified security deficiencies as part of a risk management process

Session timeout =30 minutesPassword authentication lockout after 5

attemptsStrong password

The ENDThere 2 Core objectives will be covered in

Meaningful Use class 2OBJ-304J Clinical quality measuresOBJ-304E Implement one clinical decision

support rule(CDSS)

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