Meaning of Christmas

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With photographs taken in Nazareth and Bethlehem and quotations from the Biblle the meaning of Christmas is explained. For illustration a masterpiece of Matthias Gruenwewald with the Annunciation and Mary with the Child is presented.

Transcript of Meaning of Christmas

CSR: Culture, Science and Religion Christmas.ppt pagina 1 date: 19 December 2010

The meaningThe meaning



CSR: Culture, Science and Religion Christmas.ppt pagina 2 date: 19 December 2010


advent: the preparation

the Bible (Old Testament)


the home of Mary

the annunciation

the Bible (New Testament)


the birth of Jesus

the shepherds

the Bible (New Testament)


Isenheimer altaar

Mayné, 1975, retabel Torreciudad

CSR: Culture, Science and Religion Christmas.ppt pagina 3 date: 19 December 2010

Advent: the preparation I

Genesis 3:14-15 (circa 900 b.c)

(14) And the Lord God said to the serpent: Because thou hast done

this thing, thou art cursed among all cattle, and beasts of the earth:

upon thy breast shalt thou go, and earth shalt thou eat all the days

of thy life.

(15) I will put enmities between thee and the woman, and thy seed

and her seed: she shall crush thy head, and thou shalt lie in wait for

her heel.

CSR: Culture, Science and Religion Christmas.ppt pagina 4 date: 19 December 2010

Advent: the preparation II

Samuel 7:12-14 (7th century b.c.)

(12) And when thy days shall be

fulfilled, and thou shalt sleep with

thy fathers, I will raise up thy seed

after thee, which shall proceed

out of the bowels, and I will

establish his kingdom.

(13) He shall build a house to my

name, and I will establish the

throne of his kingdom fore ever.

(14) I will be to him a father, and

he shall be to me a son: and if he

commit any iniquity, I will correct

him with the rod of men, and with

the stripes of the children of men.

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Advent; the preparation III

Isaiah 7:13-14 (8th century b.c)

(13) And he said: Hear ye

therefore, O house of David: Is it a

small thing for you to be grievous

to men, that you are grievous to

my God also?

(14) Therefore the Lord himself

shall give you a sign. Behold a

virgin shall conceive, and bear a

son and his name shall be called


CSR: Culture, Science and Religion Christmas.ppt pagina 6 date: 19 December 2010

The archangel Gabriel and the virgin Mary I

Luke 1:26-28(1st century)

(26) And in the sixth

month, the angel Gabriel

was sent from God into a

city of Galilee, called


(27) To a virgin espoused

to a man whose name was

Joseph, of the house of

David: and the virgin's

name was Mary.

(28) And the angel being

come in, said unto her: Hail,

full of grace, the Lord is

with thee: blessed art thou

among women.

The church on top of the house of Mary in Nazareth

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Nazareth: The Church with the house of Mary

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The archangel Gabriel and the virgin Mary II

Luke 1:31-33 (1st century)

(31) Behold thou shalt

conceive in thy womb and

shalt bring forth a son: and

thou shalt call his name


(32) He shall be great and

shall be called the Son of

the Most High. And the Lord

God shall give unto him the

throne of David his father:

and he shall reign in the

house of Jacob for ever.

(33) And of his kingdom

there shall be no end.

The church with the house of Mary

CSR: Culture, Science and Religion Christmas.ppt pagina 9 date: 19 December 2010

The archangel Gabriel and the virgin Mary III

Luke 1:35+38 (1st century)

(35) And the angel

answering, said to her: The

Holy Ghost shall come upon

thee and the power of the

Most High shall overshadow

thee. And therefore also the

Holy which shall be born of

thee shall be called the Son

of God.

(38) And Mary said: Behold

the handmaid of the Lord: be

it done to me according to thy

word. And the angel departed

from her.

The house of Mary in Nazareth

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The archangel Gabriel and the virgin Mary IV

John 1:14 (1st century)

(14) And the Word was

made flesh and dwelt

among us (and we saw his

glory, the glory as it were of

the only begotten of the

Father), full of grace and




The Word became

flesh here

CSR: Culture, Science and Religion Christmas.ppt pagina 11 date: 19 December 2010

The Church above the cave of Bethlehem

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The nativity of Christ in Bethlehem I

Luke 2:1+4-5 (1st century)

(1) And it came to pass that in

those days there went out a

decree from Caesar Augustus

that the whole world should be


(4) And Joseph also went up

from Galilee, out of the city of

Nazareth, into Judea, to the

city of David, which is called

Bethlehem: because he was of

the house and family of David.

(5) To be enrolled with Mary

his espoused wife, who was

with child.The entrance to the cave of Bethlehem

CSR: Culture, Science and Religion Christmas.ppt pagina 13 date: 19 December 2010

The nativity of Christ in Bethlehem II

Luke 2: 6-7 (1st century)

(6) And it came to pass

that when they were

there, her days were

accomplished that she

should be delivered.

(7) And she brought

forth her first born son

and wrapped him up in

swaddling clothes and

laid him in a manger:

because there was no

room for them in the inn.

Inside of the cave of Bethlehem

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The place of the nativity in Bethlehem I

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The place of the nativity in Bethlehem II

Hic de Virgine Maria

Iesus Christus nascit

Here Jesus Christ was

born from the virgin


CSR: Culture, Science and Religion Christmas.ppt pagina 16 date: 19 December 2010

The shepherds field near Bethlehem I

Luke 2:8-10 (1st century)

(8) And there were in the

same country shepherds

watching and keeping the

night watches over their


(9) And behold an angel of

the Lord stood by them and

the brightness of God shone

round about them: and they

feared with a great fear.

(10) And the angel said to

them: Fear not; for, behold, I

bring you good tidings of

great joy that shall be to all

the people:

The shepherds field near Bethlehem

CSR: Culture, Science and Religion Christmas.ppt pagina 17 date: 19 December 2010

De nativity of Christ in Bethlehem III

Luke 2:11-12 (1st


(11) For unto you is

born this day in the

city of David a

Saviour, which is

Christ the Lord.

(12) And this shall be

a sign unto you; Ye

shall find the babe

wrapped in

swaddling clothes,

lying in a manger.

The manger in the cave at Bethlehem

CSR: Culture, Science and Religion Christmas.ppt pagina 18 date: 19 December 2010

The fountain at the shepherds field in Bethlehem

Lucas, 2, 13-14 (1e eeuw)

[13] En plotseling voegde

zich bij de engel een groot

hemels leger dat God

prees met de woorden:[14]

Eer aan God in de hoogste

hemel en vrede op aarde

voor alle mensen die hij


De omgeving van het herdersveld bij


CSR: Culture, Science and Religion Christmas.ppt pagina 19 date: 19 December 2010

Luke 2:13-14 (1st century)

(13) And suddenly there

was with the angel a

multitude of the heavenly

host praising God, and


(14) Glory to God in the

highest, and on earth

peace, good will toward


The surroundings of the shepherds

field at Bethlehem (with fountain)

The shepherds field near Bethlehem II

CSR: Culture, Science and Religion Christmas.ppt pagina 20 date: 19 December 2010

Grünewald (1470-1528): Isenheimer altar I

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Grünewald: Isenheimer altar II

The annunciation of the angel to the virgin


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Grünewald: Isenheimer altar III

Luke 1:35 + 38 (1st century)

(35) And the angel answered and

said unto her, The Holy Ghost shall

come upon thee, and the power of

the Highest shall overshadow thee.

CSR: Culture, Science and Religion Christmas.ppt pagina 23 date: 19 December 2010

Grünewald: the prophet Isaiah

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Grünewald: Isenheimer altar IV

Isaiah 7:14 (8th century b.c.)

Ecce virgo concepiet. . . .

(14) Therefore the Lord himself shall

give you a sign; Behold, a virgin shall

conceive, and bear a son, and shall call

his name Immanuel.

CSR: Culture, Science and Religion Christmas.ppt pagina 25 date: 19 December 2010

Grünewald: Isenheimer altar V

CSR: Culture, Science and Religion Christmas.ppt pagina 26 date: 19 December 2010

Grünewald: Isenheimer altar VI

John 1:14 (1st century)

[14] And the Word was made


Paul’s letter to the Philippians 2:6-

8 (1st century)

(6) Who being in the form of God,

thought it not robbery to be equal

with God:

(7) But emptied himself, taking

the form of a servant, being made

in the likeness of men, and in

habit found as a man.

(8) He humbled himself,

becoming obedient unto death,

even to the death of the cross.

CSR: Culture, Science and Religion Christmas.ppt pagina 27 date: 19 December 2010

Grünewald: Isenheimer altar VII

The Nicene creedGod from God, light from

light, true God from true

God, begotten, not made,

of one Being with the


Paul’s first letter to

Timothy 6:16 (1st century)

(16) Who only hath

immortality and

inhabiteth light

inaccessible: whom no

man hath seen, nor can

see: to whom be honour

and empire everlasting.


CSR: Culture, Science and Religion Christmas.ppt pagina 28 date: 19 December 2010

Grünewald: Isenheimer altar VIII

Luke 2:8-9 (1st century)

(8) And there were in the

same country shepherds

watching and keeping

the night watches over

their flock.

(9) And behold an angel

of the Lord stood by

them and the brightness

of God shone round

about them: and they

feared with a great fear.

CSR: Culture, Science and Religion Christmas.ppt pagina 29 date: 19 December 2010


The pictures from Nazareth and

Bethlehem have been taken during a

stay in Israel from the 25th of July until

the 16th of August 2009.

The English version has been made in

cooperation with Patrick Smink.

CSR: Culture, Science

and Religion

These and other presentations can be

found at:

Icon in the Church of Bethlehem

The quotes from holy scripture come

from the Douay–Rheims version of the
