Mcr albums

Post on 11-Aug-2015

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Transcript of Mcr albums

MCR ALBUMS!!!By: Blair Waldorf (aka Ky-ra)

1. I Brought You

Bullets You

Brought Me Your


2. Three Cheers For

Sweet Revenge

3. The Black Parade

4. The Lost Album

5. Danger Days: The

True Lives Of The

Fabulous Killjoys

I Brought You My Bullets, You

Brought Me Your Love

Genre: Rock Debut(First) Album Release Date: July 23, 2002

A very dark a lbum that shows the dark s ide o f people when in depress ion or cer ta in shades of sadness . I t i s a good a lbum to l i sten to i f you are fee l ing depressed and need a song to express your fee l ings . I s cons idered a very typ ica l a lbum for a rock band in New Jersey. Rated 2 and ½ stars . S ing les inc lude “Honey This Mir ror I sn ’ t B ig Enough For The Two Of Us”, “Headfi rst For Ha los”, and “ Vampires Wi l l Never Hurt You”. The song “Sky l ines and Turnsti les” was the fi rst song My Chemica l Romance had ever wr itt en. The lead s inger Gerard Way had wr itt en that song when he saw the smoke coming f rom 9/11 to express h i s t rue fee l ings . The gu i tar i sts , F rank Iero and Ray Toro, never p layed together on the same track . Ray- 3-7 ,9 ,10. F rank- 2 ,8 ,11. F rank was sadly unable to p lay in very many songs because he jo ined the band only a few days before they re leased the a lbum. Mus ic v ideos were made for the songs “Honey This Mir ror I sn ’ t B ig Enough For The Two Of Us” and “ Vampires Wi l l Never Hurt You”. Th is i s the only a lbum that Matt Pel i s s ier drums in .


Genre: Rock Second Album Release Date: June 8, 2004

Another very dark a lbum that te l l s a very dark and scary, but meaningfu l story. Th is a lbum focuses on the bruta l s ide of people . The a lbum is rated 4 stars . The s ing les inc lude “ I ’m Not Okay ”, “ Thank You For The Venom”, “ The Ghost o f You”, and “Helena”. Despi te the four s ing les , on ly three s ing les had mus ic v ideos made for them. The s ing le that d id not get a mus ic v ideo was “ Thank You For The Venom”. Mus ic v ideos were made for the songs “ I ’m Not Okay ”, “ The Ghost o f You”, and “Helena”. The a lbum opened wi th the song “Helena”. Which was a song about lead s inger Gerard Way ’s grandma that had recent ly passed away at that ti me. Her name was E lena Way. Dur ing the recording o f th i s a lbum the band changed drummers f rom Matt Pel i s s ier to Bob Bryar. Everyone in the band p layed in a l l the songs .

The Black ParadeGenre: Alternative Fourth Album Release Date: October 23, 2006

My Chemical Romance’s third album “The Black Parade” was by far the most successful. People are unsure whether it was because they changed their music style to a more alternative style, or the theatricalness of the album that made it so successful. The singles include “Welcome To The Black Parade”, “I Don’t Love You”, “Teenagers”, and “Famous Last Words”. All the singles got music videos. Oddly at the beginning or the end of the album the band did not put the song “Welcome To The Black Parade”. Which was the most popular and meaningful song. It was also the only song the band has ever named their album after. Instead, MCR opened with a song called “The End”. Which happens to be a sequel to the last album, because it occurs at a funeral. The song then ends with a unnoticeable transition to the song “Dead!”. The transition was made so that the songs appeared to be linked together as if it were only one song. Somewhere in the middle beginning of the album the song “Welcome To The Black Parade” plays. The song is about a man who is dying relatively young. And since he has done nothing special or memorable in his life, the memory that take him away from death is a memory from when he was a boy and his father took him to see a parade. The song begins with the lines “When I was, a young boy , my father took me into the city, to see a marching band.”. Also in the music video it shows “The Patient” dying in the hospital and when he dies all of a sudden he is in the memory of him and his father at the parade. The album ends with a revert back to rock song “Famous Last Words” to sum up the album. Though if you buy the whole album you’ll find a hidden track called “Blood”. The song starts at 1:30.The album variety has a huge range, it goes from a heavy metal song to a song with just a piano and some singing. And to top it all off, through “The Black Parade is Dead!” tour they claimed that MCR was dead and that “The Black Parade” was filling in for them.

The Lost Album

Genre: Unknown Fourth (technically) Album Release Date: Unknown

In an interview with My Chemical Romance, they talk about an album they recorded after “The Black Parade”, but before “Danger Days: The True Lives of The Fabulous Killjoys”. It was never released because the band decided that they didn’t like it and it all felt too forced. MCR’s rhythm guitarist Frank Iero says that he wants the album to be their epitaph, and release it when the band breaks up. This way it will be the last album My Chemical Romance ever released.

Danger Days: The True Lives Of The Fabulous Killjoys

Genre: Alternative Fourth Album Release Date: November 22, 2010

In this album My Chemical Romance go above and beyond “Alternative”, they turn into sort of a “punk-pop” mix. This proved that critics who thought MCR was going to release an even “Blacker Parade” wrong. Though the album is rated “Alternative”, throughout the album there are still plenty of rock mixes. Lead singer Gerard Way says unlike the other albums there is no story behind the album. The songs themselves are very down-to-the-point, self-explanatory. The story is kind of like a comic book, and a different point of view of the modern day world in the future. This the comic book part was because Gerard had been working on his comic book “The Umbrella Academy” before writing and recording the album. The singles of the album include “Na Na Na (Na Na Na Na Na Na)”, “Planetary (Go!)”, “Bulletproof Heart”, and “Sing”. All these singles have music videos. In the futuristic world the band have a “band of bandits” called the “Killjoys”. They give themselves nicknames such as: Gerard Way- Party Poison, Frank Iero- Fun Ghoul, Mikey Way- Kobra Kid, Ray Toro- Jet Star. Also, throughout the album there is a man named Dr. Deathdefying. He “checks-up” on you after a couple songs. During the middle of recording the album the band’s old drummer Bob Bryar left, no reason was given why. Causing the band to have to find a new temporary replacement drummer, Michael Pedicone.

Bibliography1. Website: I Brought You My Bullets You Brought Me Your Love

Album Review -- Website: Three Cheers For Sweet Revenge Album Review -- Magazine: The Black Parade Album Review – Blog: The Lost Album Interview -- http


5. Magazine: Danger Days: The True Lives of The Fabulous Killjoys --