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Wishes a Mazel Tov to the 2nd Grade Students In Celebration of their Siyyum Friday Night May 1, 2009 at 7:30pm Thursday, May 28, 2009 Evening Services and Jacob N. Lipman Graduation—7:30PM Tikkun Leyl Shavuot (Learning Sessions)—9:30PM Session 1: 9:30-10:10PM Break 1: Dinner (Salad, Pasta Bar) Session 2: 10:30-11:10PM Break 2: Dessert (Cheesecake and Ice Cream bar) Session 3: 11:30-12:10AM Mariah Kaplan Bradley Nelson Matthew Riseman Samantha Seserman Hebrew High Seniors

Transcript of may_2009

Iyar/Sivan Volume XX Number 8 May 2009

Temple Beth EmunahWishes a Mazel Tov to the 2nd Grade Students

In Celebration of their SiyyumFriday Night May 1, 2009 at 7:30pm

Jacob Bulotsky Tiffany MarshallRachal Cohen Evan PossickAlanna Crowley Sabrina RaynusOlivia Hoffman Hannah ShilakowskiBrian Kirsch Samuel SzumitaAdam Cramer Madison TheisDylan Lightman Jonathan Tolub

Wishes a Mazel Tov to the 7th Grade StudentsIn Celebration of their Graduation

Thursday Night May 28th. 2009 at 7:30pm

Arron Bourque Samuel GreensteinEmily Cramer Daniel MovermanOlivia Crowley Matthew PiazzaSpencer Dennis Alanna RubinAdam Goldstein Corey Shore*Alexa Grasfield Connor TheisMichael Greenstein Samuel Werman

* South Area Solomon Schechter Day School Student

Hebrew High Seniors

Mariah KaplanBradley Nelson

Matthew RisemanSamantha Seserman

Tikkun Leyl ShavuotCelebrate the tradition of studying Torah

through the night on Shavuot!

Thursday evening, May 28th beginning at9:30PM

Session 1: 9:30-10:10PMBreak 1: Dinner (Salad, Pasta Bar)

Session 2: 10:30-11:10PMBreak 2: Dessert (Cheesecake and Ice

Cream bar)Session 3: 11:30-12:10AM

Shavuot Services will be at 9:30AM

Note: Topics and teachers will beannounced in the coming weeksNote 2: The evening is open to

everyone, free of charge.Note 3: Please RSVP to ifyou are attending.

Note 4: As always, if you can only at-tend for part of the evening, please

come for what you can.

Service times for Shavuot

Thursday, May 28, 2009Evening Services and Jacob N. LipmanGraduation—7:30PMTikkun Leyl Shavuot(Learning Sessions)—9:30PM

Friday, May 29, 2009Shacharit/Morning Services—9:30AMMaariv/Evening Services—7:30PM

Shabbat, May 30, 2009Shacharit/Morning Services—9:30AM(Yizkor will be recited)Shabbat and Shavuot (Yom Tov) end at8:53PM (No evening services)

From The Rabbi's Desk

While we generally think of Sukkot as the first of the three Pilgrimage Festivals, inactuality, Pesach is the first one on the calendar. According to the Mishnah the yearfor holidays begins with the month of Nisan, whereas the year for months begins withTishrei (when we celebrate Rosh HaShanah). We have just completed the month ofNisan and the holiday of Passover, which we follow with Shavuot and then in the fallafter Rosh HaShanah we celebrate the month of Tishrei and the holiday of Sukkot.

This year was one of the most enjoyable Passovers we have experienced as a family.From services throughout the chagim to the Second Seder, everything was memora-ble. The teachers at the Jacob N. Lipman Religious School of Temple Beth Emunahdid a wonderful job of preparing all of our youth for Pesach. Our Model Seder thattook place just before the holiday was an incredible display of preparation, energy,and dedication by all of the teachers. The students and parents had a great time andI know that all of the kids enhanced their own seders with their newfound learning.

Our Second Seder that was organized by Keruv and members of the shul was suchan amazing experience. With almost 60 people in attendance we sang and learnedand ate and ate and ate. We sat everyone around one large dining room-like table toenable everyone to be able to see each other and participate fully. In addition to thetraditional Maggid (the story that answers the questions posed by the Four Questionsof Mah Nishtanah) volunteers acted out a play to teach about the story of our deliver-ance from slavery to freedom. Kids and adults chose parts and staged the short dra-matic presentation. Thank you to those who prepared the meals, made sure theroom was setup, took reservations, planned and executed the entire program. TheHaggadah teaches us that all who are hungry, let them come and eat. We share theexperience of the Passover holiday and the Seder with everyone—those whom weknow and those we meet for the first time that night. The Second Seder experiencewas no different for us.Our services this year throughout the Passover holiday were enjoyable, spirited, andfun. Each day was different, with a variety of shlichei tzibur (service leaders) and dis-tinct tunes and melodies. College kids who returned home to be with families cameout one day and led all facets of our services. High School and Middle School stu-dents made sure to attend and contribute by leading different prayers and readings.If you were not able to be with us, please be sure to make time to come to servicesand see and hear how everyone has a chance to participate and find engagement inour services.

As we look forward to the month ahead, we will be celebrating Shavuot beginningThursday evening, May 28th through the end of Shabbat (May 30th). In addition to ourannual graduation for students from the Hebrew School, we will again to observingthe tradition of staying up late in the night (not too late) to study Torah and learn to-gether. This tradition, called a Tikkun Leyl Shavuot (Studying on the Eve of Shavuot)is to connect our learning and studying with the gift of Torah given to the Jewish peo-ple. We will have a variety of sessions, and different topics and teachers to learn within the evening. And of course food will be served. Please be sure to see the flyerin the bulletin for more information.

And remember as always—even if you can only attend for a short time, you arealways welcome to stay and enjoy.

I look forward to seeing you in the weeks ahead.

Rabbi Joshua B. Cohen


Brockton, MA 02301(508) 583-5810

Fax: (508) 583-1360

affiliated with theUnited Synagogue

of Conservative Judaism

Rabbi Joshua CohenH. David Werb, Rabbi Emeritus

Robert Fishman, PresidentFran Litner, Educational Director

Deb Kirsch, Administrator

BulletinLisa Riseman, Editor

Aaron Riseman Editor

May BulletinDeadline:

May 17, 2009Articles must be submitted using

Microsoft Word, via e-mail to:


Friday at 7:30 PMSaturday at 9:30 AM

DailyWeekdays at 7:30PMSundays at 9:00AM

Unless otherwise announced

Visit our website

Rabbi Cohen’s Parshat HaShavuah Class will resume on

Saturday mornings afterservices:

Saturday, May 2, 2009Saturday, May 16, 2009

There will be no class the week-end of Shavuot (May 30th)

Remember: Even if you can’t make it to services that morning, please

feel free to come for class.We meet in the library 15 minutesafter Kiddush (around 12:30PM).

Class is conducted in English.

Message from the Educational Director:

As I am writing this article, our 2nd grade class is preparing diligently for their Siyyum on Friday, May 1st at 7:30 PM. The 7th gradeGraduation service will be held in conjunction with Senior Recognition on Erev Shavuot, Thursday, May 2 8th at 7:00PM. Mazel Tov toall of our students and their families.

Our thanks to the Board of Education chaired by Steve Merlin. It has been a productive year. Your support, vision and efforts on behalfof the students, parents and school staff are deeply appreciated both professionally and personally. Special thanks to the religious schoolstaff: Robin Ekpunobi and Wendy Sims and the teachers: Deborah Bank, Gail Burman, Tobi Bloomwald, Caryn Cohen, Jennifer Faber,Barbara Fine, Leanne Frank, Beth Golden, Robin Goldstein, Allyson Litner, Hagit Moverman,Leanne Pelser, Honey Possick, Lee Sternberg and Shira Werb for their devotion and hard work for our children. Also, thank you to Lind-say Caron for her devotion to our religious school and for donating the Passover Tic Tac Toe tiles for our children.

To Rabbi Cohen - your support and interaction with the students and families has made a great impact in our school. We thank you andwish you, Sarah and Sidney much joy in Israel. We will miss you, Our student aides were a tremendous asset to the Hebrew School. Wecouldn’t have asked for a better group of teens to work with our kids and teachers. A hearty thank you to all of them.

The special needs school has continued to grow. We are very proud of the students who have accomplished the wonderful milestone ofbecoming a B’Nai Mitzvah. We look forward to all of the students achieving and arriving at this special time of their lives. We thank thespecial needs staff for working so hard and their enormous dedication to their students. The teachers are: Elaine Drobnis, Leanne Pelser,Michelle Roy and Cindy Schnitzer. Thank you to the aides who work with the special needs students.

The last day of school for Pre-K through 1st grade is Sunday, May 17th and Tuesday,May 19th will be the last day for grades 2-7. Please note that there is no school on Sunday, May 3rd because of Mother’s Day. Enjoy the day with your family. Everyone is welcome to join the festivities of Israel Day on Sunday, May 3rd from 9:00-11:00.

We will be sending out information to our 7th grade graduating class explaining our curriculum for Hebrew High School. If you have anyquestions, please contact either Rabbi Cohen or myself at the temple,508-583-5810

Have a safe and wonderful summer.

B’Shalom and Love,Fran Litner


Friday, May 1st - 2nd Grade Siyyum at 7:30 PMSunday, May 3rd - Israel DaySunday, May 10th - no school– Happy Mother’s DayTuesday, May 12th - Lag B’Omer –schoolwide programSunday, May 17th - Pre-K–1st grade–last day of classTuesday, May 19th - 2nd–7th grade–last day of classThursday, May 28th - 7th Grade Graduation–7:00 PM

Mazel tov to Zachary Lappen on graduating from Prozdor atHebrew College. Prozdor’s graduation will be held at Congrega-tion Mishkan Tefila on Sunday, May 31, 2009. Yasher Koach toZachary on reaching this milestone event in his Jewish educa-tion. Prozdor is Boston’s premier community Hebrew high school located at Hebrew College in Newton Centre on Sundaymornings and Tuesday evenings. If you would like to receiveadditional information about Prozdor, please contact AbigailKulick, Director of Admissions and Student Services for Prozdorat (617) 559-8805 or

From the cubby of the President ----

Does the rabbi of a shul make a difference to the members? Do you think that our new rabbi will have any effect on you? If youthink that a new rabbi makes a difference then perhaps you should read the poem below.

The Blind Men and the ElephantA Hindu fable by John Godfrey Saxefrom Elephants ancient and modern by FC Sillar and RM Meyler.Note:``The Blind Men and the Elephant'' occurs in the Udana, a Canonical Hindu Scripture.

So, if you think that a new rabbi will make a difference then you should attend the weekends when candidates visit. You shouldbring your children to speak with him on Sunday. You should attend the services and meals and get to know him so that we can allhelp quantify the ELEPHANT which we are seeking to identify? Up to this point we have not been stiff or obstinate but what doesthe ELEPHANT we are trying to identify look like?

If any person came to only Friday night services what would the ELEPHANT look like to him? If any person came only to Shabbatmorning services what would the ELEPHANT look like to her? If any person came late to Shabbat morning services and spoke tothe candidate at lunch what would the ELEPHANT look like to him? The same goes for Havdalah service. The same is true of theentire weekend - each piece touched is part of the ELEPHANT but no piece is the ELEPHANT.

The members of the RISC are on a mission to engage in the most exacting tasks of identifying the ELEPHANT so that we can pre-sent the best ELEPHANT to the congregation. The RISC members are trying to educate themselves so that none of them are theBlind Men of this parable.

The members of the RISC implore each member of the congregation to come and see much of the ELEPHANT and fill out a feed-back form. The RISC members are here to bring you the best candidates to choose from–they are not here to choose the next rabbi.You, the general membership, should be the ones who choose by filling in and sending back a feedback form. Your preferences willbe counted and will be part of the decision making process but only if you attend events and fill out a form.

The RISC members - Ed Baron, Dave Bluestein, Heidi Bourque, Doria Burman, Reva Castaline, Josh Cohen, Ann Dreiker, GarretEkpunobi, Rhoda Factor, Barbara Fine, Bob Fishman, Jim Green, Stacey Jacobs, Debbie Kirsch, David Kramer, Beth Lappen, StanMarcus, Shari McBurney, Mary Alice Nathan, Marge Slotnick, and Josh Tolub are working to bring you the best available candi-dates. Help them help the congregation–come to the candidate weekends and fill in the forms.

Robert Fishman

It was six men of IndostanTo learning much inclined,Who went to see the Elephant(Though all of them were blind),That each by observationMight satisfy his mind.

The Firstapproached the Elephant,And happening to fallAgainst his broad and sturdy side,At once began to bawl:`God bless me! but the ElephantIs very like a wall!'

The Second, feeling of the tusk,Cried, `Ho! what have we hereSo very round and smooth and sharp?To me 'tis mighty clearThis wonder of an ElephantIs very like a spear!'

The Third approached the animal,And happening to takeThe squirming trunk within his hands,Thus boldly up and spake:`I see,' quoth he, `the ElephantIs very like a snake.'

The Fourth reached out his eager hand,And felt about the knee.`What most this wondrous beast is likeIs mighty plain,' quoth he;`'Tis clear enough the ElephantIs very like a tree!'

The Fifth who chanced to touch the ear,Said: `E'en the blindest manCan tell what this resembles most:Deny the fact who can,This marvel of an ElephantIs very like a fan!'

The Sixth no sooner had begunAbout the beast to grope,Than, seizing on the swinging tailThat fell within his scope,`I see,' quoth he, `the ElephantIs very like a rope!'

And so these men of IndostanDisputed loud and long,Each in his own opinionExceeding stiff and strong,Though each was partly in the right,And all were in the wrong!

So, oft in theologic wars,The disputants, I ween,Rail on in utter ignoranceOf what each other mean,And prate about an ElephantNot one of them has seen!

Temple HappeningsArron Jayson Bourque

On Saturday, May 9th, Arron will be called tothe Torah as a Bar Mitzvah. Celebrating thissimcha with Arron are his parents,Heidi and Gary Bourque, and his brother Ethan.

Arron is a 7th grader at the Friedman MiddleSchoolin Taunton and is an honor roll student.

Arron plays baseball for Babe Ruth, enjoys family camping andloves to wakeboard.

Arron is very proud of his Jewish education and thankshis teachers and Fran for doing a great job. Arron’sMitzvah project is creating baskets of toys for TheOld Colony YMCA DJL Center in Brockton.

His mother, Heidi has been a member her whole life,having been Bat Mitzvah and married here. Arron’s Bubbie and Papa, Myrna and Robert Rose have beenlifelong members. Arron’s Bubbie, Myrna of blessed memory was very involved in TBE. Bubbie wouldbe extremely proud of Arron’s accomplishments.

Supermarket Scripis now available

for all yourgift giving needs

Looking for a gift? We now have available Scrip for Shaw’s, Stop-n-Shop, and

Sudbury Farms/Roche Bros. in smallerdenominations of $10.00.

These make wonderful gifts forTeachers, Bus Drivers,

Secretaries, Hair Dressers and many others. Consider scrip when plan-ning gifts.

This is a gift that will helpsupport the Temple.

Please call:Selma Kracoff–508-587-4278

OrCele Lubin—781-963-8619

Or you can always stop by the Temple office.

Kosher Style Cooking, HomemadeSoups, Matzos Balls, Brisket, &

Kugel. Just like Bubbe used to make.

Catering for all occasions. ShivaPlatters, Graduations, Bar/Bat

Mitzvah, and many more.Hosts: Ina & Mike Schwartz

111 Belmont St So. Easton, Ma.02375

Phone: (508) 230-8074 Fax: (508) 230-9065

Samuel Greenstein

On Saturday, May 16th, Samuel Green-stein will be called to the Torah as a BarMitzvah. Celebrating this simcha withSam are his parents, Paula & Howard,his 17 year old brother, Matthew, and hisgrandmothers, Anita Hunt & RubyGreenstein.

Sam is in the 7th grade honors program at Easton MiddleSchool where he enjoys science. He plays on 2 basketballteams, plays Babe Ruth baseball, Pop Warner football and healso received his black belt in karate at 9 years old.

The most meaningful part of his education at the Jacob N Lip-man Religious School is going on the outreach program wherehe visited nursing homes & day care. They made him feel likehe was representing the Jewish community in a positive way.

Becoming a Bar Mitzvah to Sam means becoming an adult inthe Jewish community and taking with that more responsibility.

Sam’s mitzvah project is the MSPCA, which is very important to him because it is where he adopted his two dogs.

Annual MeetingTuesday, June 9, 2009

7:30pm~ Come hear the State of the Temple ~

~ Vote on the budget andother Temple business ~

Sisterhood Judaica ShopDo you need that special Gift ?

Start your shopping at the Sisterhood Ju-daica Shop. Come in and see all of the new

merchandise.We have everything for that special Bar/BatMitzvah, Bride - to-be, and Housewares for

the new home owner and, we are in theprocess of restocking the gift shop with allnew merchandise. From tzedakah boxes tobeautiful Shabbat candle sticks. Our prices

are veryreasonable. Don’t miss out on the beautiful


Don’t forget all of your Bar/Bat Mitzvah needs

Yarmulkahs can be ordered in yourspecial colors

Hours: Sunday 9-11am –and- by ap-pointment:

Heidi Bourque 508-828-9515Robin Ekpunobi 781-424-3276

Sharon Wolf 508-238-1507

Please Save the Date

The Sisterhood of Temple Beth Emunah will be celebrating the 25th

Anniversary of our first Adult B’not Mitzvah.

In recognition of the 1984 class and the classes from 1988, 1993,1995, 1999 and 2006 we invite the congregation to join us at a spe-cial anniversary service on Friday, June 12, 2009 at 7:30 PM.

More information will be sent out in a few weeks. If you have anyquestions call Marilyn Geller at 508-588-5778 or Beverly Strumpfat 508-587-5757

T.B.E. Community Mitzvah ProjectKnitting for Preemies, Newborns, and Moms

Do you and /or your kids knit?

Please join our Team Project to knit hats for PREEMIES and NEWBORNS at Good Samaritan and Brockton Hospitals. Good Samaritan also needsprivacy blankets for nursing mothers and knit animals, such as teddy nears, for the children who come into the ER. Neither hospital has restrictions ontype of yarn. If you have a favorite newborn pattern, please use it. The blankets need to be closely knit rather than lacy, and they should measure24”x24”. Be a part of this Community Mitzvah Project. When you are finished with your project, please deliver your caps, teddy bears, and blanketsto the temple office. We will collect them through the summer.

Copyright Beverly A. Qualheim 2006, 2007 - All Rights Reservedin preemie and small newborn sizes (first numbers are preemie numbers)

COPYRIGHTED seed cap and patternSize 3 knitting needles1 oz Caron Simply Soft yarn (or any yarn to gauge)*CO 53 sts (63 sts)Rows 1-8 Knit 1, purl 1 across the row, ending each row on knit 1.This forms the seed st brim.Rows 9- 23 (26): Stockinette st (knit 1 row, purl 1 row)Row 24 (27) Decrease Rows: *K1, k2 tog into back of st.Repeat from * across.Row 25 (28): purlRow 26 (29): Repeat row 24 (27)

Repeat this pattern of a decrease row and then a purl row until there are about 12 sts left. Purl across. Cut yarn leaving a 14" tail for the side seam..Run needle and yarn through remaining sts on needle. Pull to draw shut to form the top.Sew side seam. (from start of decrease to end, is only about 1 1/2")* The local hospitals accept caps knot from any yarn.

Questions? E mail Tina Langson at

What are your plans for Sunday, June 7 at noon? Why not join the 23rd annual Parkinson Walk-A-Thon at ReebokHeadquarters in Canton, right off Rte. 138. Enjoy an easy 5K walk on a soft track and raise money for Parkinson’s research. If you think 5K seem too long, don’t worry. You can stop at any time as the track is very safe. Herb Cohen, of blessed memory, was a long-time member of TBE. For many years, he and his wife Laurel have providedthe Siddurim our children receive for their Siyyum, and Laurel continues the tradition. To honor Herb, and tohelp others, join Team Herb. To join on line, go to You can contact Laurel at 508297 1997, or e mail her at 100% of the proceeds go to Parkinson’s research, and if you need another reason to join, there are Team Herb tee shirts.

Social Action


Please join in the Social Action Committee’s project to help feed nine families at Montello House, a shelter for homeless families in Brockton. Drop off non-perishable food items or personal care items in the blue bin near the Hebrew School firstfloor doors, or on Wednesdays in the box by the Bingo rear doors. Items do not need a hechsher. This is a wonderful oppor-tunity to put your unopened packages of chamatz to good use. In times like these, all donations make a difference.

Todah Rabah

6th Grade MitzvahProject Day



The Michelle Goldstein Bornstein College Book FundScholarship invites interested applicants to write a onepage essay, approximately 250 words, on how they planto make Judaism an active part of their college experi-ence. This essay must be typed or processed. The appli-cants must put only their date of birth on the essay.The applicants should place their essay into an envelope,seal it, and put their date of birth on the envelope. In ad-dition, the applicant must have a second, larger envelopein which to place the essay envelope and a sheet with theapplicant’s name, address, phone number, and date of birth.

All applications must reach Mr. & Mrs. DanielGoldstein, 10 Balmy Ln, MiddleboroMA 02346

by Sunday May 10, 2009. There are no excep-tions.

These are the criteria for the Michelle Goldstein Born-stein College Scholarship:1. a senior girl or boy.2. a graduate of Temple Beth Emunah Religious

School.3. must have completed Hebrew High/Telem4. active in USY5. must have an acceptance letter from a 4- year college

Attention Bar & Bat MitzvahFamilies:

It is a mitzvah to give tzedakah when becoming aBar or Bat-Mitzvah. Please consider donating tothe L’Dor V’Dor –Torah Project–perhaps even

restoring your Torah portion. You will be giving toa great cause, and at the same time getting the

satisfaction of knowing that every year when yourportion is read, you made it possible.

Please contact Deb Kirsch, Temple Administratorat 508-583-5810 to make a contribution.

Do a Mitzvah today!

Temple Beth Emunah is looking forvolunteers to join their Literacy team.Members of the Literacy Team go into lo-cal Brockton Elementary schools and work

with students in their readingand writing skills. Our TeamLeader is Robin Ekpunobi. Shehas been working with theJCRC and members of TempleBeth Emunah to help fill theneed in our local schools. Thecommitment is for just one houra week. All volunteers aretrained in how to service thesespecial students. If you areinterested in working with chil-dren and you enjoy reading

please contact Robin Ekpunobi at 781-297-



Would you like to commemorate aspecial occasion, such as a Bar or Bat Mitzvah, wedding,anniversary, or birthday; or honor or memorialize your

loved ones?You can purchase a personalized, laser engraved brick to

be placed in the Rabbi H. David Werb MeditationGarden or the Temple Beth Emunah Honors Walkway,both located in the Temple’s Korim Courtyard.

The net proceeds go towards theTemple’s Endowment Fund, which helps our Temple and Religious School. Your purchases will keep Temple Beth

Emunah strong for many years to come, and also add to thebeauty of the garden - an area for reflection, relaxation andenjoyment. Please be sure to visit it when you’re at the

Temple.4” x 8” and 8” x 8” bricks are available, and are perma-

nently laser engraved with your special inscription.Please pick up an order form at the Temple office, or call

for more details.

Rabbi's Discretionary Fund Nedorim Fund Stuart Koretz Fund Stephan & Michael Wolfe FundYahrzeit Fund Rabbi H. David Werb Meditation Garden Bella Kovick Fund Richard Rosen Learning SeriesAliyah Fund Rabbi H. David Werb Youth Endow ment Fund Harry & Bessie Lemelman Fund Saftler Family FundHerbert Cohen Harry Belinsky Fund Law rence Liberman Fund Schair Memorial Lecture FundTeen Aide Scholarship Fund Dr. Stuart Birnbaum Defibillator Fund Jacob N. Lipman Religious Fund Hilary Schutt FundPrayer Book Fund Michelle Goldstein Bornstein Fund Craig Mendelson Heb. School Fund Maxine Steinberg FundAdamSlotnick Fund David Licter Scholarship Fund Mark Mendelson Fund Edw ard Teller FundMichelle Goldstein Bornstein Fund Louis & Ruth Zax Fund

Yahrzeit Fund Harry & Bessie Lemelman FundMarge & Lou Goldberg IMO his father Saul Goldberg Rhoda & Eli Factor IMO Stuart Kirsch's Uncle Jordan Gelman

Margie Steinberg IMO E. Milton Steinberg Rhoda & Eli Factor IMO Steve Weiner's mother Ethel WeinerMarge Steinberg IMO Selma Steinberg

Cele & John Lubin IMO his mother Elizabeth Lubin Nedorim FundCele & John Lubin IMO her mother Dorothy Press Bob .Judy & Emily Fishman IMO beloved mother Ethel WeinerCele & John Lubin IMO her father AbrahamPress Bob & Judy Fishman IMO beloved Uncle Jordan GelmanCele & John Lubin IMO his father Samuel Lubin Carmela & Bruce Caplain IMO Ethel Weiner

Cele & John Lubin IMO his brother Melvin R. Lubin Carmela & Bruce Caplain IHO Mary Rabinovitz's conversionMaxine & Maurice Bloom IMO Benjamin Clayman The Castaline Family for the recovery of Esther Fishman

Maxine & Maurice Bloom IMO Ida Clayman Alan & Reva Castaline IMO Irw in FineMaxine & Maurice Bloom IMO Hyman Bloom Tina Langson IMO Irw in Fine

Maxine & Maurice Bloom IMO Charlotte Bloom Marlene Shrago IMO Ethel WeinerAlan &Leslie Kaplan IMO Mollie Kaplan Stacey Jacobs IMO Irw in Fine

Alan &Leslie Kaplan IMO Nathan Kaplan Rosaline Nelson IMO Ethel WeinerLaw rence & Jeannette Small IMO Dr. Edw ard Small Rosaline Nelson IMO Jordan Gelman

Elliot Lerner IMO his father, Julius Lerner Rosaline Nelson IMO Thelma finger

Judy Bernstein IMO her mother, Eva Horvitz Rosaline Nelson IHO Sydney Cohen's 4th Birthday

Gary& Mary Rabinovitz IMO Steve Weiner's Mother Ethel WeinerAdam Slotnick Fund Fran & David Litner IMO Michelle Freedman's Mother Sophie Merman

Barbara & Stan Ashman IMO Ethel Weiner Cele & John Lubin IMO Izzy KaganStan & Dina Marcus IMO Ethel Weiner Barbara & Jack Lappin IMO Izzy Kagan

The Slotnick Family IMO Irw in FineDina & Don Oppenheim IMO Adam Slotnick Rabbi H. David WerbYouth Endowment Fund

The Moverman Family IHO Corey's Bat MitzvahJacob N. Lipman Religious FundGail & Len Burman IMO Irw in Fine Herbert Cohen

Kirsch Family Wishes a R'fuah Sh'laymah -a speedy recovery to Lauren Cohen Wendy,Michael, Robbie & Abby Green IMO Irw in Fine

Louis & Ruth Zax Fund Michelle Goldstein Bornstein FundRose Atkinson IMO Betty Sacks Lotstein Ruth & Daniel Goldstein IMO Ethel Weiner

Ruth & Daniel Goldstein IMO Irw in FineCraig Mendelson Hebrew. School Fund Marilyn & Jason Shapiro IMO Father of Arlene EhrlichSandi & Norton Mendelson IMO Ethel Weiner Marilyn & Jason Shapiro IMO Les Furman

Stan & Dina Marcus IMO Jordan GelmanMitchell & Wendy Sims IMO Irw in Fine Saftler Family Fund

Mitchell & Wendy Sims IMO Ethel Weiner Morton Saftler IMO Jordan Gelman

Stephan & Michael Wolfe Fund Mazel TovElaine & Leonard Freed IMO Steve Weiner's mother Ethel Weiner Bob,Judy & Emily Fishman, mazal tov to Mary Rabinovitz and your family on your convertion

Barry & Ellen Abrams IHO Gary Rabinovitz, man of the year Bob,Judy & Emilty Fishman, mazal tov to Gary Rabinovitz on becoming Brotherhood"Barry & Ellen Abrams IMO Steve Weiners Mother Ethel Weiner "Man of the Year"

Jillian Riseman on advancing to the National History Day competition inAliyah Fund Washington ,D.C.

Rosaline Nelson IHO Corey Shore"s Bat MitvahRosaline Nelson IHO Gary Rabinovitz for Man of The Year Wishes for a R'fuah Sh'laymah -a speedy recoveryRosaline Nelson IHO Mary Rabinovitz on her conversion Bob & Judy Fishman with wishes for a speedy & complete recovery for John Finstein

Rosalyn Nelson with wishes for a speedy & complete recovery for Esther FishmanLouis & Ruth Zax Fund

Rose Atkinson IMO Betty Sacks Lotstein Baruch Dayan HaEmet (We Mourn the Passing)Dr.& Mrs.Herbert Bernstein IMO Minna Bernstein Stu Kirsch's Uncle Jordan Gelman

Gary Fine's father Irw in FineMichelle Freedman's mother Sophie Merman

Please help us expedite matters by making all requests in writing, with complete names & addresses, including zip codes.

Donations may be IHO (In Honor of), IMO (In Memory of) or For the Recovery of someone

Temple Beth EmunahAffiliated w ith United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism

Donations for--Mar.21,2009 --Apr.20, 2009Thank you for your continued support

NedorimDonation: $5 Minyan Circle Donation: $10 Chai Circle Donation: $18 Silver Circle Donation: $25 Special Gifts Donation: $50+

May 2009Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

1 2

3 4 5 6 7 8 9

10 11 12 13 14 15 16

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BrotherhoodBreakfast 9amPreK to 1st lastday of school

BrotherhoodElection Supper7pm

Candle Lighting 7:24pm

Candle Lighting 7:32pm

Candle Lighting 7:39pm

Candle Lighting 7:46pm

Candle Lighting 7:52pm

2nd Grade Siyyum7:30pm

Shavuot Service &7th Gr Graduation7:30pmTorah study 9:30pm

Shavuot Services9:30am &7:30pm

Shabbat Services9:30amYizkor recited

Bar Mitzvah of AdamGoldstein 9:30amRabbi’s classMembership AppreciationNight

Bar Mitzvah of ArronBourque 9:30amRabbi candidate-luncheon

Bar Mitzvah ofSam Greenstein9:30amRabbi’s class

Bat Mitzvah ofAllana Rubin9:30amLast day of Hebrew


Israel Day at HebrewSchool

No School—HappyMother’s Day Lag B’Omer program

Sisterhood DonorDinner 6pmBrotherhood BdMeeting 7:30pm





Rabbi CandidateService 6pmDinner 7pm

Candle Lighting 7:52pm