May Fayre - MVSC · May Fayre. The expert training covers all aspects of today’s charity world...

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Transcript of May Fayre - MVSC · May Fayre. The expert training covers all aspects of today’s charity world...




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21, 22, 23 May 2013, DSC’s Charity Centre, London

#mayfayreFor updates & info

Scones & CreamWhat Fayre would be complete withoutscones and cream and a large pot of tea.Watch out for this yummy free offering.

Three days ofaction-focusedtrainingHour long Workshops and two hour in-depth Masterclasses equip you with the skills you need to succeed.

Come and celebrate all that is greatabout our Voluntary Sector at our newMay Fayre. The expert training coversall aspects of today’s charity worldwith a fun, fayre backdrop andopportunities to network and interactwith your peers. Bunting and bulldogscome as standard.

Anaudiencewith DebraFree Q&As for Voluntary Sector CEOsFor all leaders in thesector - tap into Debra’s25 years’ experience inthe sector with thisexclusive question andanswer workshop. Whynot use each other’sknowledge andexperience by chatting toyour fellow leaders andsharing views andopinions.


Book LaunchesMeet the authors and get the inside track.We’re launching DSC’s Guide to NewTrusts, Collaborative Working and TheCompany Giving Almanac.

Thank you toour supporters

Debra Allcock Tyler,Chief Executive of DSC

Supports UK charitieswith products to run theorganisation and helpbeneficiaries. Savemoney, join today.

For everyone who needs toknow what’s going on inthe voluntary and not-for-profit sector.

Championing andstrengthening voluntary andcommunity action.

Helping small charities andtrustees access the skillsand resources they need.

training advice networking

Stress BustingCornerTake advantage of our stressbusting corner where you canenjoy a free shoulder, neck orhead massage.

MeetMabelGuess the weightof our CEO’scharmingresident canineand win a prize.

Raffles &PrizesLots of games,giveaways and prizeswill make a really funday out.


MayFayreGuess how many


FREE AdviceSurgeries Free one-to-one developmentand fundraising coaching.Please book your place inadvance by contacting AnnetteLewis on: 020 7391 4818

FundingWebsites DemoBe shown how to access thousandsof pounds for your organisation. Lookout for an exclusive special offer.

#mayfayreFor updates & info

Fundraising Management Charity Marketing & Writing

10.00-12.00 Masterclass 12.30-13.30 14.30-16.30 Masterclass

Fundraising Skills People don’t give to organisations, people give to people.Being a good fundraiser takes confidence to approachpeople and convince them to donate to your cause. Attendthis masterclass to develop and extend your skill set. Getsome top tips on: how to tell stories that move people;how to make the ask; brushing up on networking; learningabout the importance of sustaining good donorrelationships and keeping your confidence levels up intough times.

Speaker: Nick Day

Fundraising Using Social Media You may have heard of people getting great results usingTwitter, Facebook and other social media. You may evenhave started using them. Does it really work for you?Whether you are a complete beginner or a regular user ofsocial media attend this workshop and learn how to getresults using all platforms of social media. You will look attools for effectiveness, up to date facts and figures as wellas models to build an effective strategy.

Speaker: Matt Haworth

Fundraising Strategy This workshop provides an overview of the processinvolved in constructing a fundraising strategy. Thisincludes how to review the internal and externalfunding environment as well as researching potentialsources of income, strategic issues in statutory, trust,individual and corporate fundraising. Finishing with astructure that delegates can use to create their ownfundraising strategies.

Speaker: Kathy Roddy

Proposal Writing Are you struggling with proposal writing and gettingturned down or just don’t know where to start? Toimprove your skills this workshop is packed with hints,tips and guidance to help you: • Have an understanding of ways to help make your

proposal stand out• Be aware of some of the terminology used and be able

to respond appropriately• Have an awareness of the funders’ perspective and the

importance of research

Speaker: Gill Jolly

Corporate Fundraising The world of corporate philanthropy is changing. Are youmaking the right partnership approaches and thinkingabout the risks to your existing corporate relationships? Whether your organisation is currently working with acorporate partner or wants to better understand theprocess this workshop will look at how to effectivelyassess the long term strength of your corporate databaseand how you can identify new companies for strategicrelationships.

Speaker: Valerie Morton

New to Marketing your CharityNo matter how small your charity and how small yourbudget, you can do marketing effectively by using a fewtried and tested techniques for generating more interest,impact and income. This masterclass will take you, step-by-step, through how to construct a simple but incrediblyeffective marketing campaign for your charity or project,even if you’ve never done anything like this before. Come ready to learn, leave buzzing with ideas.

Speaker: Peter Gilheany

Telling Great Stories to Improve your ImpactDemonstrating the impact of your work and thedifference you have made has never been so important –and one of the most effective ways to inspire confidencein your organisation. Your stories are the most powerfultool you have to demonstrate your success. Thismasterclass will give you the tools to create humanstories to inspire action. It will cover the whys and howsof telling great stories using best practice examples andhow to use them in the media.

Speaker: Karen Ackermann

Writing for CharitiesAll good charity writing is based on certain must-knowtechniques. From the rudiments of rhythm to the rules ofrhetoric, we'll share tips and techniques for creatingstriking, stylish copy. This masterclass will inspire withideas and techniques to take your writing to the next level– no matter what publication you’re working on.

Speaker: Nick Day

Social Media for CharitiesWith over half of the UK on Facebook, it's never beenmore crucial to get your social media marketing right.Learn how to reach the right people and inspire them intotaking action for your charity using Facebook, Twitter orYouTube. You'll see real examples of social media success,and learn the key techniques you'll need to repeat thosesuccess stories for your charity in this practicalmasterclass.

Speaker: Matt Haworth

Writing for the WebEvery charity needs a website that people can find easily,use effortlessly and return to regularly - and the words youchoose will make all the difference. This masterclassfeatures insider tips and practical exercises to take yourweb copy to the next level. If you want to discuss yourown web writing, bring along some samples.

Speaker: Robert Bullard

AppraisalsAn effective appraisal processcan help charities ensure thatorganisation, team and individualgoals are being achieved andstaff feel motivated. Thisworkshop explores why theappraisal process is importantand provides a range of practicaltips to ensure an effectiveappraisal.

Speaker: Chrissie Wright

Flex your Management StyleThere is no one right style when itcomes to managing but differentpeople need different approaches.This workshop will help you get thebest from your staff, understanddifferent management styles andexplore why you may find somesituations easier than others.

Speaker: Stephenie Linham

Emotional IntelligenceSkill in ‘managing emotions’ isone of the key factors ofemotional intelligence. Theseskills are important in leadershipand today’s workplace. Thisworkshop will define what wemean by emotional intelligenceand the influence that emotionshave upon us and help youincrease your skill set in this area.

Speaker: Patricia Adams

Good Practice for one-to-onesThe discipline of regular one-to-one meetings forms part of agood performance managementsystem. They should besupportive and motivational ifmanaged well. This workshopgives tips on how to get the bestfrom this process in terms ofpreparation, style and approach.

Speaker: Heather Brierley

Building Trust withinYour TeamSurveys show that trust is thekey element most valued byemployees. Yet it is oftenelusive and hard to build. Trustfor the leader and other teammembers is essential forachieving desired outcomes.This workshop is about how toachieve that trust.

Speaker: Debra Allcock-Tyler

Tuesday Wednesday
















Workshops from £25 – see back page for full price details




14.30-15.30 15.45-16.45

Strategic VolunteerManagementDoes your organisation fullyappreciate the value ofvolunteers? We will explore theskills of advocacy, influencing,analysis and research thatVolunteer Managers need todevelop in order to be effectiveat a strategic level.

Speaker: Moyra Weston



Management DevelopmentManagement

10.00-11.00 11.30-13.30 Masterclass 14.30-16.30 Masterclass

Managing for High PerformanceHow is it that some people seem to get so much morefrom their team? Same financial climate – same sort oforganisation and yet they seem to be flying. Thisworkshop will give you practical, workable tips on givingmore, getting more and achieving more. It focusses onhow to communicate in a clear way what needs to bedone, setting meaningful goals, motivating the team andindividuals to greater success, praising effective work andmanaging poor performance.

Speaker: Steve Prince

If I Could Turn Back Time – Time Management & DelegationBusy managers can often feel like time is running away.This practical workshop will provide tips, tools anddifferent ways of thinking so that you can feel more incontrol of the time that is available. Including the key stepsinvolved in effective delegation, come along to thisworkshop and start on the path to managing your timemore effectively.

Speaker: Cathy Shimmin

Volunteers and the Law Volunteering is essential for the voluntary sector.There are regulations governing voluntary workers andcostly pitfalls if volunteers can establish employeestatus. In this masterclass we will examine keyregulations and recent case law.

Speaker: Rebecca Tully

Advanced Communication Using NLP PrincipleThis interactive masterclass will describe Neuro LinguisticProgramming (NLP) and how the tools and techniquesmight be used by managers to support successfulcommunication. Exploring the power of words and how touse language more effectively, you will also have theopportunity to practise some key NLP techniques such asmirroring, matching and mismatching, to build rapport andrelationships with others.

Speaker: Mike Phillips

Resolving Conflict and Building a Team How can you get the perfect team when you can’t throw moneyat it like a Premiership Football Manager? How can you get aperfect team anyway when we’re all just fallible humans? Thismasterclass will concentrate on the few simple things we can doto move our team toward being truly perfect. Debate andargument may be healthy for a team but conflict will usuallydisrupt and cause a poorer level of achievement. It’s themanager’s job to ensure that conflict is resolved early. Thismasterclass will provide you with a motivational way of dealingwith conflict so the team can return to its high performing best.

Speaker: Stephenie Linham

Events FundraisingWhy are some events moresuccessful than others andhow do you come up withthe next great idea for yourcharity? Get the key factorsfor success in thisworkshop.

Speaker: Al Bell

Donor FundraisingThis workshop looks at theprinciples of major donorfundraising, what needs to bein place to begin a majordonor developmentprogramme, and the keystages in major donorfundraising. For those whoare new to the subject.

Speaker: Tricia Monro

Legacy Fundraising Are people including yourcharity in their Will, if not,why not? This workshop willhelp you focus on thisvaluable income source, tapinto it effectively and enableyou to go away with somepractical steps to take youforward.

Speaker: Richard Radcliffe

Making the Ask One of the biggest taboos –talking about money. Apractical workshop which willbreak this down and help youthink about how to ask formoney starting with what yousay, how you say it and towhom you say it.

Speaker: Trudy Haydon

Trust Fundraising A great trust fundraiserknows that the difference isin the detail, both in terms ofplanning, strategy, research,writing and editing skills. Seehow you are performingagainst sector benchmarks,how you can improve andtake your applications to thenext level.

Speaker: Kathy Roddy

Assessing Impact of your Charity In this masterclass we will provide a speciallydesigned framework to help you assess the impactof your charity. Addressing the crucial questions“What difference are we making and how do weknow?” we will explain how to use this framework,providing you with a proven example and answeryour specific questions.

Speaker: Nick Smith

Assertive VolunteerManagement Volunteers are the life blood ofthe sector, but sometimessituations arise where people donot perform as we had hoped.This workshop will look at howto tackle difficult conversationspositively, creating a win-winoutcome for all involved.

Speaker: Cathy Shimmin

Nuts and Bolts ofManaging PeopleAs a manager you mustunderstand what people need inorder to achieve positive results.This workshop looks at keyprocesses you need to lead yourteam and which approach andstyle will unite them with acommon goal and vision.

Speaker: Heather Brierley

UnderstandingVolunteer MotivationsMeeting the ‘motivational pay-cheque’ of volunteers is criticalto getting and keeping people.Understanding motivations andhow they change is a key skillfor those managing volunteers.This workshop will explore themotivations for volunteering,giving practical advice onapplying this in your own work.

Speaker: Rob Jackson

Finance as aManagement ToolIf finance is so important why isit so difficult to understand?Why do numbers make ourhead spin and are we too busyto worry about the accounts?Learn how to use finance as amanagement tool and how tocontrol your fear of numbers.

Speaker: Alberta Boston-Mammah

Recruiting, Managing& Retaining Volunteers Want to recruit a diverse groupof volunteers, and make sureyou all benefit? Explore bestpractice in recruitingvolunteers, share ideas aboutwhat makes a positivevolunteering experience andmake sure you have theessentials in place.

Speaker: Heather Brierley

Effective DecisionMaking for the Board The Board of Trustees isresponsible for everythingthat the charity does. Thisworkshop explores thedecision making process ofthe Board, dealing withstakeholders whilst takingaccount of the best interestof the charity.

Speaker: Debra Allcock-Tyler

Future Proof yourOrganisation All organisations need tomanage themselves in a waythat maximises value to theirstakeholders whilst remainingrelevant and sustainable. Thisworkshop discusses thecharacteristics of successfulorganisations and a variety ofresources to help you beresilient.

Speaker: Uday Thakkar





















#mayfayreFor updates & info


Development LeadershipCharity Marketing

& Writing

10.00-11.00 11.30-13.30 Masterclass

11.30-12.30 12.45-13.45

14.30-16.30 Masterclass

Managing for High PerformanceHow is it that some people seem to get so much morefrom their team? Same financial climate – same sort oforganisation and yet they seem to be flying. Thisworkshop will give you practical, workable tips on givingmore, getting more and achieving more. It will focus onhow to communicate in a clear way what needs to bedone, set meaningful goals, motivate the team andindividuals to greater success, praise effective work andmanage poor performance.

Speaker: Steve Prince

How to Solve any Problem Sometimes the managerial and organisationalproblems we face seem insurmountable; we just can’tsee the wood for the trees. In this masterclass, led byAlan Barker, author of ‘How to Solve Almost AnyProblem’, we’ll explore a range of tools to supportimaginative and robust problem solving. Reframe,recharge, recreate!

Speaker: Alan Barker

New to Management?Nobody said it would be easy and making the transitionfrom the led to the leader can be tough. Come anddiscover the key areas of responsibility, qualities andactions that will make all the difference to earlyperformance. Understand what is expected in the roleand deal with key areas of concern.

Speaker: Cathy Shimmin

Managing DifferenceDiverse teams are often the most creative, achievingoutstanding results. Everyone is different but withinorganisations, we have to manage with standardisedstructures and expectations. How can we apply fairstandards and allow for difference in our teams? Thisworkshop will give you tips on how to managedifference and get the best from your teams.

Speaker: Heather Brierley

Straight TalkingThis masterclass provides an overview of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) and how some of itstools and techniques can be used by managers tocommunicate more effectively. During thismasterclass you will have the opportunity to consideryour current communication skill set and areas forfuture development.

Speaker: Mike Phillips

Leadership andPersonal Development Leaders often neglect their ownneeds in order to support theirteams and organisations. Thisworkshop will help you helpleaders identify their ownstrengths and weaknesses andways in which they can focuson their own development.

Speaker: Mike Phillips

Harnessing Personal PowerYou need to be an excellentleader in both calm and choppywaters. We will explore styles ofleadership that can enhanceperformance, analyse your ownleadership style, identify yourown negative behaviours andincrease self awareness.

Speaker: Will Daniel-Braham

Leadership in Tough Times We are all tested when timesare tough. Are you aware ofyour leadership style andapproach when underpressure? Find out how youcan empower yourself toensure that your approach isadapted for challenging times.

Speaker: Steve Prince

Leadership Outside the BoxSolve unsolvable problems,and create solutions toproblems, even ones that youare not aware of yet. Join thisworkshop to explore howsuccess can inhibit innovation,what makes a problem andwhy ‘intermediate impossibles’are so useful.

Speaker: Alan Barker

Achieve – Being Your BestThis masterclass will help you improve your personal effectiveness and work performance, it will:• Identify the top time management mistakes. • Demonstrate four simple things to get right for daily effectiveness.• Give you the tools to achieve more goals, more of the time. • Show you how to use ‘1st, 2nd and 3rd brain thinking’ to

get better results. • Share the fundamental principle in increasing workplace creativity.

Speaker: Mark Butcher

Time Management andPersonal Organisation Being organised requiresplanning and time. Identify theimportant investment you canmake to ensure longer termshort cuts for smarter ways ofworking and less stress. Thingsyou can do to plan your timeand deal with your informationdeluge.

Speaker: Annette Lewis

Managing and Dealingwith Stress & Wellbeingin Yourself and OthersWe need some pressure tostimulate performance but canyou judge when the balance istipped and pressure turns tostress. This workshop will helpyou recognise the symptoms ofstress and overcome them.

Speaker: Heather Brierley

Communicating toInfluenceThis workshop is aboutbuilding effective, collaborativerelationships. It looks at howwe perceive others and theirbehaviour, how to adaptcommunicational approachesto influence others and whatgets in the way of listening.

Speaker: Cathy Shimmin

Communicating andManaging UpwardsDo you find it easier to saynothing than to speak up to yoursenior managers whenstruggling to get a difficultmessage across? This workshopwill look at the importance ofcommunicating effectively toimprove your workingrelationships.

Speaker: Debra Allcock-Tyler

Writing E-NewslettersE-mail has one of the highest‘Returns on Investment’ and isstill the most importantweapon in your digital toolbox.80% of charity e-mails neverget opened. Learn how towrite persuasive copy andensure your’s does.

Speaker: Sarah Westlake

Direct Mail Marketing What kind of writing makesdonors stop and give money?This workshop will share thetricks of the trade, showingyou how to create direct mailthat will stand out in anovercrowded marketplace andhelp to bring in that allimportant money.

Speaker: Chris Wells

Tweeting & Blogging It seems like barely a monthgoes by without a new “must-have” online communicationstool emerging. Come to thisworkshop to stay up-to-datewith social media. Produceeffective writing fore.newsletters, blogs, Twitterand Facebook.

Speaker: Matt Haworth

Press Releases Attention-grabbing pressreleases that get your causethe media coverage itdeserves. If that’s what youwant then this workshop isfor you. We’ll show you howto structure and write a pressrelease so it is guaranteed tocatch a journalist’s eye.

Speaker: Peter Gilheany

Edit and Proof Read like a Pro Is it your job to sort outcolleagues’ flabby, off-tonecopy, filled with jargon andunwieldy sentences, or toproofread before publicationsgo to print? Step-by-step,we’ll show you how to editpoor copy into shape.

Speaker: Eleanor Stanley





















Workshops from £25 – see back page for full price details




14.30-16.30 Masterclass

Meet theSpeakers

Annette Lewis Cathy Shimmin Chris Wells Chrissie Wright Debra Allcock Tyler Eleanor Stanley

Al Bell Alan Barker Alberta Boston Mammah

Gill Jolly Heather Brierley Karen Ackerman Kathy Roddy Mark Butcher Matt Haworth

Mike Phillips Moyra Weston Nick Day Nick Smith Peter Gilheany Patrica Adams

Rebecca Tully Richard Radcliffe Rob Jackson Robert Bullard Sarah Westlake Stephenie Linham

Steve Prince Tricia Monro Trudy Hayden Uday Thakkar Valerie Morton Will Daniel-Braham

#mayfayreFor updates & info

Booking FormDelegate attending (full nam

e)Job title

Delegate em

ail (mandatory)

Workshop nam

eWorkshop C













WING WORKSHOPS (Please use block capitals in black ink) FOR M



Terms and




(made payable to D



Invoicing(orders over £50 only)


BACS(ensure rem

ittance is sent)Delta/C


Method of P


Main C

ontact address Billing address (if d

ifferent from m

ain contact)

Specific requirem



e Organisation







Cardholder’s signature:










Card no.

Security no

(last 3 digits on back of card)

Valid from

Expiry date

Issue no(Sw

itch only)H

earing aid loop


Wheelchair access

Large print hand

outs S

ign language interpreter*

Lip sp


Other (specify). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

TotalThe m

oreyou book themore yousave

Advance bookings close on Friday 17 May 2013. B

ookings received after this date will not be

processed, but you will be able to book on the day. N

B: Once you have subm

itted your bookingwhether or not you have sent paym

ent you will be liable for the w

hole fee.


ation statement:

I have read and agreed to DSC’s Term

s & Conditions

Sign: D

ate: / /


All bookings need to be sent with your paym

ent to:For enquiries about booking:

May Fayre 2013, D

SC, 24 Stephenson W

ay, Tel: 08450 77 77 07 Fax: 020 7391 4808

London NW1 2D


ail: mayfayre@ Website: w

How to B

ook All bookings m

ust be made in w

riting andcan be subm

itted by post, fax or online atw


May Fayre 2013, D

SC, 24 Stephenson W

ay, London N

W1 2D

P. Fax: 020 7391 4808


We can only issue an invoice for over £50. In

order for us to process this, we m

ust receive yourbooking postm

arked no later than Friday 17 May 2013.

All other bookings m

ust be accompanied by paym


Once paym

ent has been received and your booking hasbeen processed w

e will send you an em

ail confirmation.


Once you have subm

itted your booking, whether or

not you have sent payment, you w

ill be liable for the whole fee.

Bookings are only transferable to another delegate from

the same

organisation. They are not refundable. Only in exceptional

circumstances can delegates qualify for a refund at the discretion of

the Custom

er Services M

anager, and in these circumstances a 25%

administration charge w

ill be deducted for each workshop


Data Protection


C w

ill use the information you provide on your

Booking Form

(see opposite) for administering the w

orkshops only.W

e will not disclose this inform

ation to any other person ororganisation, except in connection w

ith May Fayre 2013.




About usT

he Directo

ry of S

ocial C

hange (D


) is an indep

endent charity w

ith a vision ofan ind


ent voluntary sector at the heart of social change. DS

C’s ind


entstatus and

well resp

ected research m

eans they can challenge and create d


around governm

ent policy, trust fund

ing, comp

any giving, Big Lottery fund

ing (jointhe B

ig Lottery Refund


aign at ww

w.b and

other issuesw

hich threaten the indep

endence of charities. D


’s opinion is regularly sought

and featured

in the charity sector, national and b

roadcast m


May Fayre Venue

Charity C

entre, 24 Step

henson Way, Lond

on NW

1 2DP

Two m

inutes from E

uston mainline and

Euston, E

uston Sq

uare and W

arren Street


erground stations

*These must

be booked byFriday 19 April