May, 24 , 2015...2015/05/24  · 10:00 am Group Prayer - Youth Room 6:00 pm Grupo “Oasis” -...

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Transcript of May, 24 , 2015...2015/05/24  · 10:00 am Group Prayer - Youth Room 6:00 pm Grupo “Oasis” -...

St. Anne’s Catholic Church Rejoicing in Over 100 years

215 W. Walnut St., Lodi, CA 95240

P.O. Box 480, Lodi, CA 95241

Phone: (209) 369-1907 Fax: (209) 369-1971


Visit our Parish Website:


Parish Clergy

Fr. Brandon Ware, Pastor Fr. Hung Joseph Nguyen, Parochial Vicar

Fr. Jorge Arboleda, Parochial Vicar Deacon Porfi Cisneros

Deacon Karl Welsbacher

Parish Office Hours

Monday - Friday 9:00am - 5:00pm

Closed everyday from 11:45am - 1:00pm for Prayer and Lunch

Weekend Masses

Saturday: 5:30pm English, 7:30pm Spanish Sunday: 7:00am & 12:30pm Spanish 8:30am, 10:30am, & 6:00pm English

(6:00pm Life Teen Mass)


Saturday 4:00pm - 5:00pm (Other times available by appointment.)


Monday - Friday: 8:00am in the Church & 5:30pm in the Chapel

Saturday 8:00am Church


Monday - Friday: 9:00am - 5:30pm


1st , 2nd & 3rd Saturday in Spanish. 4th Saturday in English. By appointment only. Baptismal classes required.

Please call Parish Office to register.


A six-month advance notice is required. By appointment only. Ceremony times available

Saturdays 11:30am & 2:00pm

St. Anne’s Catholic School

Kindergarten - 8th Grade 200 S. Pleasant Ave., Lodi, CA 95240

Principal: Mrs. Sarah Smith-Gillum Phone: (209) 333-7580

Mater Ecclesiae Catholic Church

26500 Sacramento Blvd., Thornton, CA

Church Hours: Monday – Friday: 12:30pm - 5:00pm

Sunday Masses: 9:30am Spanish | 11:00am English

Confessions: On Request

Pentecost Sunday

May, 24th, 2015

Can you help us reach our 2015 BMA Goal?

There are pledge envelopes in the back of the church. You can also find more information and the forms on our Parish Website.

¿Nos puede ayudar llegar a nuestra meta de Solicitud del 2015?

Hay sobres de promesa en las bancas y a la entrada de la Iglesia. Puede encontrar ma s informacio n, y formas,

en el sitio web de la Parroquia.

2015 BMA Goal $112,947 + $12,000 to support St. Anne’s Place


85 % 281 Families

As of

St. Anne’s Weekly Calendar Monday, May 25

Memorial Day Office & Adoration Chapel Closed

6:00 pm Estudios Bíblicos - Dining Room

7:00 pm Young Adult Ministry - Youth Room

Tuesday, May 26

1:30 pm Legion of Mary - Dining Room

7:00 pm Grupo de Oración - Youth Room

Wednesday, May 27

3:15 pm Alter Server Training - Church

Thursday, May 28

10:00 am Group Prayer - Youth Room

6:00 pm Grupo “Oasis” - Dining Room

7:00 pm AA Meeting Spanish - St. Anne’s Place

Friday, May 29

8:45 am Dust Angels Cleaning - Church

6:30 pm “The Bible Timeline” - Youth Room

6:30 pm Bingo - St. Anne’s Hall

7:00 pm AA Meeting Spanish - St. Anne’s Place

Saturday, May 30

Salvation Army Monthly Item Collection 9:00 am Baptisms (Spanish) - Church

11:00 am 1st Holy Communion (Thornton) - Mater Ecclesiae

4:00 pm Confessions - Church

7:00 pm AA Meeting Spanish - St. Anne’s Place

Sunday, May 31

Salvation Army Monthly Item Collection 7:15 pm Life Night - Skillin Building

*Stewardship Report*

Next Week’s Second Collection:

St. Vincent de Paul Collection

Mass Intentions & Readings Mon 5/25 Sir 17:20-24; Ps 32:1-2, 5-7; Mk 10:17-27

8:00 am Genadio Munoz+; Bill Gandara+; Jun Basa

5:30 pm NO MASS

Tue 5/26 Sir 35:1-12; Ps 50:5-8, 14, 23; Mk 10:28-31

8:00 am Concha Walker+;

5:30 pm Antonio & Rosita Naeg; Ariel G. Flores+; Julieta N. Tamayo+

Wed 5/27 Sir 36:1, 4-5a, 10-17; Ps 79:8, 9, 11, 13;

Mk 10:32-45

8:00 am Greg Yeager; David Rios; Greg Heli

9:00 am Living & Deceased Benefactors of St. Anne’s School

5:30 pm Francisca Hernandez de Castillo+

Thu 5/28 Sir 42:15-25; Ps 33:2-9; Mk 10:46-52

8:00 am The St. Anne's Ministry Team

5:30 pm Karl Herendeen; Louis Fugazi

Fri 5/29 Sir 44:1, 9-13; Ps 149:1b-6a, 9b; Mk 11:11-26

8:00 am The Intentions of Francine

5:30 pm Manuel Bulanon; Raymond M. Boccoli

Sat 5/30 Sir 51:12cd-20; Ps 19:8-11; Mk 11:27-33

8:00 am For Zelda

5:30 pm Emilio Santos+; Garry McKinstry+; Edward Casillas; Happy Birthday David Paler

7:30 pm Jose & Maria Casillas; Raquel Acevedo & Nicolas Flores+; Sery Aeidde; Jose Luis Figueroa

Sun 6/31 Dt 4:32-34, 39-40; Ps 33:4-6, 9, 18-20, 22;

Rom 8:14-17; Mt 28:16-20

7:00 am Gerardo Barrcera; Gonzalo Velazquez

8:30 am Jean Fager+; Armand Fonseca+

10:30 am Parishioners; Jorge Flores. Jr.;

12:30 pm Por Buen Salud Para Jerardo Gomez; Emigdio Mendoza; Guillermo Mendoza

6:00 pm Richard Ling; Catalina Cabrera Granados+

Mater Ecclesiae 9:30 am Intencion Especial

11:00 am Mateo Padrique+; Azela Conejero; Evelyn Bettencourt+; Reymundo Coronado

May 16th

- 17th

, 2015

St. Anne’s : $ 14,719.51

Mater Ecclesiae: $ 959.00

Catholic Charities Collection

St. Anne’s : $ 5,825.00

Mater Ecclesiae: $ 352.00

Donate Electronically

with Online Giving!

Visit our website at and click on Online Giving.

The Parish Office & Adoration Chapel

will be closed on

Monday, May 25th

in observance of the

Memorial Day


La Oficina Parroquial y Capilla de Adoración

estarán Cerradas el Lunes, 25 de Mayo

por el Día Feriado, Memorial Day.

Maria Fernanda Aceves, Debbie Azalde, Julia Barros, Jackie Best, Suzanne Bruns, Lucy Butler, Sal Castellon, Christopher Cisneros,

Michael Dell, Domenico Della Maggiora, Annabelle Elazegui, Gloria Escalante, Leona Figone, Ramon Fuentes, Jose Fuentes, Wendy Gallardo, Flora Garrison, Cirilo Gauna, Imelda Gaytan,

Marina Gaytan, Ruben Gomez, Jessie Gonzalez, Balbina Guzman, Julie Hanks Krader, Debra Harbin, Guadalupe Hernandez, Ann Ioppini,

Randy James, William M. Jordan, Bill Kearns, Frances Kraft, Norma Lagorio, Ken Lane, Barbara Leong, Kyle Lesley, Glenn Lewis,

Margaret Lobo, Cindy Louie, Linda Martin, Juan R. Mendez, Manuel Morin, Daniel Musch, Carmen Musch, Rosita Naeg, Kate Nunes, Ann Orgon, Vilma Pelletti, Giuseppe Puccinelli, Ethan Ray, Colby Rees,

Ursula Roesch, Andrae Sanchez, Angie Schatz, Frances Silva, Jean Thalken, Mary Ann Thevenot, Sonya Thomas, Ashly Thornburg,

Leonardo Torres, Marc Ulricksen, Thelma Welsbacher, Perry Westbrook, Kristen Wilson, Martha Wilson,

Amy Ybarra-Rojas, and all sick members of St. Anne’s Church.

Submit names to


A SIGNIFICANT DAY “And suddenly there came from the sky a noise like a strong driving wind, and it

filled the entire house in which they were” (Acts 2:2). The Holy Spirit’s arrival on that

first Pentecost was signaled by a rush of wind. We all know what it’s like when our

windows are open just as a summer storm rises up. Curtains fly, papers become

airborne, house plants shudder, dust is scattered. A rush of wind disrupts the orderliness

of our home. The coming of the Holy Spirit, as celebrated each year at Pentecost, can

also disrupt ways that have become comfortable and orderly. The Church always needs

Pentecost. We need the breath of God’s Spirit to blow away any complacency or malaise

that has settled into our faith. Jesus breathes on his disciples and they receive the Holy

Spirit. With that reception comes the power to share the Good News of salvation. Today,

this is no less true for us. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.

UN DÍA SIGNIFICATIVO “De repente se oyó un gran ruido que venía del cielo, como cuando sopla un viento fuerte, que resonó por toda la

casa donde se encontraban” (Hechos 2:2). La llegada del Espíritu Santo en ese primer Pentecostés fue marcada por un

viento fuerte. Todos sabemos lo que se siente cuando abrimos las ventanas en el momento en que se levanta una

tormenta de verano. Las cortinas vuelan, los papeles se elevan, las plantas tiemblan y el polvo se revuelve. Un

ventarrón que perturba el orden de nuestro hogar. La venida del Espíritu Santo, que celebramos cada año durante

Pentecostés, también puede perturbar hábitos que se han vuelto cómodos y organizados. La Iglesia siempre necesita de

Pentecostés. Necesitamos el soplo del Espíritu de Dios para que disperse nuestras autocomplacencias o cualquier

malestar que ha penetrado nuestra fe. Jesús sopla en sus discípulos y reciben el Espíritu Santo. Con esa recepción viene

el poder de compartir la Buena Nueva de la salvación. Hoy esa realidad no es diferente a lo que se espera de nosotros. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.

Welcome! St. Anne’s Parish welcomes those who are visiting

or are new to our Parish Community

Bienvenidos! La Parroquia de Santa Ana da la bienvenida a aquellos que están visitando o los que son nuevos a nuestra Comunidad Parroquial.

St. Anne’s School

Join us for the new Documentary Series

Catholicism: The New Evangelization By: Father Robert Barron

The Series Begins: Monday, June 1st, 2015

6:00pm ~ Dominican Hall

FREE Admission! Invite a friend!

Attention St. Anne’s School Parents: It is Re-enrollment Time!

Please visit our website at for

2015-2016 tuition and fees schedule, pre-registration form

for current students as well as the Bingo and Script

Program agreements.

The Pilgrim Virgin: The Legion of Mary is seeking volunteers who are willing to open their homes to the Pilgrim Virgin image. The Pilgrim Virgin would travel to different homes from 1 to 2 weeks at a time. This is a beautiful experience and an opportunity for families to join in prayer. If you

are interested, please call the Parish Office.

The University of the Pacific

Summer Basketball Camp

The University of the Pacific is offering a discount to the Coach Verlin 2015 Summer Basketball Camp. All young boy and girls of St. Anne's Parish, 3


th grade, are invited.

St. Anne's must have 20 players pre-registered for a 20% discount applied to each player. Normal session is $230/player, with the 20% discount cost is $184/player for a four day session!

Please RSVP with Coach Mando Moreno at or call with any

questions at 329-7578.



There are two week long sessions to choose from: Session #1 : June 8-11 from 8:30am-2:30pm

Session #2 : June 22-25 from 8:30am-2:30pm

Deadline to register with Coach Mando is Friday May 22nd


Faith Formation

Youth & Young Adult


Marilyn Dawe

St. Anne’s School Distinguished Graduate

Salvation Army Monthly Item Collection

May 30th and 31st:

Sunscreen, Lip Balm, Hats, and Sandals

Help those in need in the Lodi community. Please call Janice at 369-1907 for information.

Social Justice

Marilyn Dawe

Catholic Fellowship

Atención Padres de La Escuela Santa Ana: ¡Es La Hora de Reinscripción!

Por favor visite nuestro sitio web al para

cuotas y matrícula del 2015-2016, un formulario de

preinscripción para los estudiantes actuales y los

acuerdos de programa Bingo y Script.

La Virgen Peregrina: La Legión de María está buscando voluntarios que estén dispuestos a abrir sus hogares a la imagen de la Virgen Peregrina. La Virgen irá a hogares diferentes por 1 o 2 semanas. Esta es una hermosa experiencia y una oportunidad para unirse, como familia, en oración. Si usted está

interesado, por favor llame a la Oficina Parroquial.

La Universidad del Pacífico

El Campamento de Baloncesto de Verano

La Universidad del Pacífico está ofreciendo un descuento para el Campamento de Baloncesto del Entrenador Verlin durante el verano 2015. Todos los niños y niñas de la parroquia de

Santa Ana, del 3 º- 8 º grado, están invitados.

Santa Ana necesita por lo menos 20 jugadores pre-inscritos para calificar por un descuento de 20% a cada jugador. Una sesión normal es $230/jugador, con el 20% de descuento el costo es

$184/jugador para una sesión de cuatro días!

Por favor, reserven su espacio con el Entrenador Mando Moreno por coreo electrónico a o llame al 329-7578.



Hay dos sesiones durante la semana de las que podrán elegir:

Sesión #1: 8-11 de Junio de 8:30am-2:30pm Sesión #2: 22-25 de Junio de 8:30am-2:30pm

Favor de registrarse antes del Viernes, 22 de Mayo con Mando.

Escuela Santa Ana

Acompa n enos para una Serie Documental

Catolicismo: La Nueva Evangelización Por: El Padre Robert Barron

La Serie Comienza: Lunes, 1 de Junio del 2015

6:00pm ~ El Salón Dominicano

¡Entrada GRATIS! ¡Invita a un Amigo!

*Esta actividad es solamente en Ingles*

Formación de Fe


Marilyn Dawe

La Graduada Distinguida de la Escuela Santa Ana

Youth & Young Adult

Compañerismo Católico

La Colección Mensual de Artículos del Salvation Army

30 y 31 de Mayo:

Protector Solar, Bálsamo Labial, Sombreros

y Sandalias

Ayude a los ma s necesitados en Lodi. Para ma s informacio n, llame a Janice al 369-1907.

Justicia Social

Marilyn Dawe



8th Grade Homeroom Teacher and Junior High Language Arts Teacher. We are seeking a

well-qualified, enthusiastic person who has an affinity for teaching literature and writing. We

are also looking for a Part-Time Spanish Teacher. If interested, please submit your cover

letter and resume to Principal Danielle Silva at


Part-Time Music Director Responsibilities include providing music for weekend liturgies, holy days, Holy Week, (and funerals when possible); directing adult

choir; scheduling and training cantors and accompanists. The candidate should be a practicing catholic or have knowledge and

experience with catholic liturgy; have strong organ/piano and vocal skills; and have a familiarity with both traditional and

contemporary liturgical music. Interested candidates please email a cover letter and resume with references to


Environmental Justice Project Program Assistant

The Environmental Justice Project at Catholic Charities is looking for a part-time, Bilingual Program Assistant. This position is

based out of our Stockton Office and will focus on parish programming and outreach. A specific emphasis will be developing and

implementing programs and resources to respond to and promote Pope Francis’ upcoming ecological encyclical. A background in

education, communications, or religious studies is preferred. Hours are flexible, though some evenings and weekends will be

required. For full job description, or to submit a resume and cover letter, please email Applications

accepted until position is filled.

La Moral, los Valores y las Reglas de Familia

¿Qué es la moral de la familia? ¿Cuales son los valores familiares? ¿Necesitas ayuda para

establecer reglas en la familia?

Habrá un taller que te ayudará a ti y a tu familia a aprender más sobre la moral,

los valores y las reglas de la familia.

LAS CLASES SON GRATIS! Para reservar tu lugar, por favor llama a la Coordinadora María G. Perez al 444-5915.

Married Couples ~ Marriage Encounter Weekend “I place much of my hope for the future in marriage encounter”.

- Pope John Paul II

The next Marriage Encounter Weekends are:

June 12th - 14th, 2015 in Turlock, CA October 2nd - 4th , 2015 in Modesto, CA .

It is NOT to late to register for the June weekend!! For more information, contact John & Angelica at or 691-0603.

Priestly Ordination

Please join Bishop Blaire, and

the Stockton Diocese, for the

Ordination of Cesar Martinez

on Saturday, June 6, 2015

at 10:00am at the Cathedral

of the Annunciation 425 W. Rose Street, Stockton

During these final days of

preparation, please keep Cesar in your prayers.

Ordenación Presbiteral

Únase al Obispo Blaire y La Diócesis de Stockton

para la Ordenación Presbiteral de César Martínez

el Sábado, 6 de Junio del 2015 a las 10 10:00am

en la Catedral de la Anunciación 425 W. Rose Street, Stockton.

Oremos por César en los últimos días

de su preparación a la ordenación.

For more information please contact the Religious Ed Office at | Para mas información

contacte a la Oficina de Educación Religiosa al:

209-369-1907 |

Estudiantes Nuevos:

Martes, 9 de Junio Miércoles, 10 de Junio

de 4:00pm—7:30pm En el Salón Santa Ana

Estudiantes Regresando:

Martes, 2 de Junio Miércoles, 3 de Junio

de 4:00pm—7:30pm En el Salón Santa Ana

Inscripciones de Catecismo del 2015-2016

FAVOR DE TRAER: Certificado de Bautismo (si no ha sido

bautizado, se pide la acta de nacimiento) Pago para las clases.

Returning Students:

Tuesday, June 2nd & Wednesday, June 3rd from 4:00pm—7:30pm

In St. Anne’s Hall

New Students:

Tuesday, June 9th & Wednesday, June 10th

from 4:00pm—7:30pm In St. Anne’s Hall

PLEASE BRING: Baptism Certificate (if not baptized, please bring

birth certificate) Payment for the Classes.

For Adults,

Teens, & Children

Para Adultos,

Jóvenes, y Niños

Catechism 2015-2016 Reg-istrations

Cost for all our Religious Education Programs

$105 for the first Student

+$25 each additional Student in the immediate Family

The students must be parents of the students or siblings to the student (must share a parent).

Costo de todos los programas de Educación Religiosa

$105 por Primer Estudiante/Candidato

+$25 cada estudiante/candidato adicional en familia inmediata.

Es decir, los niños deben tener la misma madre o padre, o ser los padres del Estudiante.