May 2014 Annual Report

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Transcript of May 2014 Annual Report


Last fall, we experienced our Momentum campaign and together raised in excess of $400,000. Of that amount, $250,000 have been set aside to care for our interest-only mortgage payments from July 1, 2014 to June 30, 2017. The remainder helped underwrite a portion of the budget for 2013 to allow us to finish the year in the black and provide us with financial momentum into 2014. It was not easy, it was stressful, but the power of God has proved sufficient.

In addition, many wonderful ministry experiences took place last year that include the Super Bowl party, 41 new members, 27 baptisms and 38 professions of faith (people who have never joined a church family before), and a Summer of Fun series of small social events to help us to continue toget to know one another. Over 160 students and leaders participated in Impact Lan-sing Mission/Camp for our middle school students and another 25 senior high students went on the mission trip to Oklahoma.

The kinds of expenses the budget does and does not cover:

► 2013 Super Bowl Party was a $1000 outreach expense—covered by budget.

► 2013 Impact Lansing was covered by the fee for participants and had a budget of approximately $23,000. The Oklahoma trip was mostly under-written through donations and participation fees. However, some of it was underwritten by additional funds from Impact Lansing.

► All events that take students-off campus have a participant fee attached. We’d like to be able to have students pay less for each trip in order to enable more students to participate who have less financial ability to pay.

► Summer of Fun events were underwritten by the people/groups who hosted them.

Where we have been . . . 2013

The first quarter of 2014 is past, and mercifully, it seems as if winter has finally fallen asleep and we are experiencing some relief with warmer weather. Due in part to this harsh winter, our first quarter attendance and giving numbers are running behind last year.

• First Quarter giving is $129,649.65 against $150,995 needed for the budget.

• Attendance figures are running at 244 per Sunday compared to 274 for the same time last year. However, our numbers have picked up in April.

► A year ago, we began planning a new way of doing ministry with adults in our congregation. With less

staff than in the past, we needed to organize more around volunteer leadership and in the 1st quarter of 2014, we launched LifeStages Adults with 16 leaders in new volunteer positions to lead Sunday Morning Teams, Follow-up Teams, an Events Team, and a Discipleship Team.

► Launched in the fall of 2013, the ministry called PULSE on Wednesday nights for 1st-4th graders has been growing steadily, reaching a high of 31 in March.

► The number of children in Sunday morning pro-grams is also growing.

Where we are . . . 1st Quarter 2014

In these last months, a buzz of excitement is in the building…

► Nurmerous new families are attending worship for the first time.

► Our new LifeStages Adults leaders are working to learn what is currently being done in each of the four areas. They will be working with current and new team members to maintain what is working and make improvements.

► 2014 student mission trips are planned, students and children’s summer activities are being lined out and many new children and students are participat-ing. Watch for changes in VBS this year as we move to an evening program to take place in August rather than our usual daytime VBS in June.

We learned so much from the miraculous giving in our Momentum campaign last year:

► Trust God for our needs; trust His faithfulness and vision for our church.

► Continue to pray for people to find Trinity to be a place where they can meet Jesus and through Him, have their lives changed.

► Keep our congregation as informed as possible about the financial picture of our church -- when people know the circumstances they are equipped to respond. If you are newer to Trinity, you can find all information shared about our financial picture at

So in keeping with what we learned, we’ve present-ed the picture of our finances and tiny snapshot of ministry in the last year and in the last quarter. But there are other important facts you need to know:

► While the Momentum campaign got us out of the woods, it only set us on the path to recovery. It gave

us breathing room with the mortgage and allowed us re-fund our committed funds from which we had drawn to keep the church going.

► On the back panel, you’ll see that the budget (see back panel) for 2014 is at $522,620. That is just to maintain what we currently are doing - it doesn’t allow for the dreams we have for future ministry or even for many things that we really do need, but are being put off for as long as possible.

For instance . . .

. . . the Life Stages Students and Children budget for 2014 is set at $13,707. This number pays for all Wednesday night and Sunday morning programing for J-FORCE, Pulse, Blast 56, Blast and Fusion. This amount reflects cost-cutting and careful spend-ing, but doesn’t allow for moving these programs beyond maintenance to dreaming for what could be even better.

. . . On the technology front, much of our equipment is old and some important pieces of it are on their last legs. We would be hard hit if we had to replace them in the current budget

. . . Since it was opened in 2008, our gym has needed acoustical treatment. That need has been set aside, but would make that space more attractive for more regular use by us and our community.

We have great momentum and we love our church. We are at the tipping point of experiencing exponential growth both numerically and spiritually. Yes, there is going to be a change in pastoral leadership, but God’s timing is perfect in the life of our church. So, our chal-lenge and encouragement to each other needs to be to continue to step up, continue to participate, continue to give, continue to invite your friends and neighbors, con-tinue to pray…and above all, continue to walk so close to Jesus that the dust of our Rabbi will fall upon us.

Where we are going . . . 2014

Year-End Numbers 20122012 total given $535,296.06 Expenses $604,470.13 Shortfall -69,174.07

Year-End Numbers 2013Total given $876,686.87 (Including Momentum Campaign giving)

$250,000.00 (Set aside for mortgage )Expenses $588,319.34 Balance forward $40,606.99

Giving ComparisonFirst quarter 2013 $118,070.41 First quarter 2014 $129,649.65

Expenses ComparisonFirst quarter 2013 (Jan 1 - Mar 31) $145,549.79 First quarter 2014 (Jan 1 - Mar 31) $146,148.23 (reflects expenses without the interest-only

mortgage payment of $18,764.00)

2014 Budget $522,620 Ytd giving (thru Sun., April 27, 2014) $170,731.90 Ytd expenses (thru Sun., April 27, 2014) $191,019.57 (reflects expenses without the interest-only

mortgage payment of $25,544.00)

Overall Financial Picture

Our Volunteer Administrative Leadership TeamChurch Board Leader -- Bob HaddadFinance Team Leader -- Tony GiannelliTrustees Team Leader -- Jim Wagner (Sue Adsit assumes this role in June)Staff-Parish Relations Leader -- Jeff WaybrightLay Leader -- Judy Goudie