May 2012 Newsletter

Post on 11-Mar-2016

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May 2012 newsletter for mkc photography by Michelle Ciarlo-Hayes

Transcript of May 2012 Newsletter


May 2012 It’s May and it’s finally time for the Cheltenham Township Open Studio Tours. On May 5th & 6th, you are invited to tour the studios of local Cheltenham township artists!

We’re keeping our fingers crossed for beautiful weather, because there are many fun outdoor family events scheduled on the tour that weekend. Click here for a list of participating artists and here for more stops on the tour.

Better yet, go here and print out a copy of the map (or just bookmark it on your phone) to take with you.

I will have my studio open for guests to visit and I look forward to welcoming you all!

Looking ahead to June 9 & 10, I’ll also have a table at Art for the Cash Poor in Philadelphia. More details to come next month...

Hope to see you soon,

Mich ellePS. If you know someone who would enjoy this newsletter who is not receiving it, please forward it to them, and they can sign up here.

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