MAY 16 FB Posts.pdf · Tomorrow is National Get Fit...

Post on 22-Aug-2020

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Transcript of MAY 16 FB Posts.pdf · Tomorrow is National Get Fit...


May 1 May is the beginning of the National Bike Challenge. The Challenge lasts from May to September. Check out to learn more and sign up for a fun way to be active during the summer. May 2 May is Stroke Awareness Month. Use the word FAST from the American Stroke Association to remember the signs of stroke. F - face drooping, A - arm weakness, S - speech difficulty, T - time to call 911.

May 3 Tomorrow is National Get Fit Don't Sit Day! Check out these great tips from the American Diabetes Association on how to be active at your workplace.

May 4 Today is National Get Fit Don't Sit Day! Try out these great exercise moves at your desk from the American Diabetes Association. Being physically active is part of a healthy lifestyle.

May 8 Today starts off Women's Health Week! For more information check out

May 9 It is Women's Health Week. Women face a higher risk of stroke. Check out this great infographic from the American Stroke Association. For more information and resources on stroke, go to:

May 10 It is important to a women's health to eat well and be active. Both of these things are part of a healthy lifestyle. For more information on Women's Health Week check out:

May 11 For more information on Women's Health Week check out:

May 12 Don't forget to schedule a well-women visit. For more information on Women's Health Week check out: May 13 ACEs are Adverse Childhood Experiences and can negatively affect a way a child develops. For more information from the CDC check out: May 14 For more information on ACEs from the CDC check out:

May 15 For more information from the CDC check out:

May 16 Why do ACEs matter? Because the experiences children have can positively or negatively impact their growth and maturation into adults. For more information on ACEs from the CDC check out:

May 16 ACEs matter because the impact a child's future. Preventing ACEs from happening in a child's life can significantly impact their future growth. For more information on ACEs from the CDC check out:

May 17 For more information and resources about ACEs check out information from the CDC: and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation:…/libra…/infographics/the-truth-about-aces.html May 18 It's National Stroke Awareness Month. Stroke can happen to anyone, at any age including infants and children. Know the risk factors and the warning signs of stroke in children. For more information and resources on stroke from the American Stroke Association go to:

May 19 Here are some great ideas for addressing ACEs. For more information and resources about ACEs check out the CDC: and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation:…/libra…/infographics/the-truth-about-aces.html

May 20 Tomorrow is Kids to the Park Day! Here are some fun tips from the National Park Trust for hiking. To find a park near you:

May 21 Today is Kids to the Park Day! Find a park near you to explore and be active at the same time. Use these fun tips from the National Park Trust to have fun while hiking.

May 23 The National Bike Challenge is on! Sign up here: Even if you don't have time to do the challenge, biking is a great way to be active. Here are some great safety tips for biking.

May 24

May 30 is a wealth of information for parents with babies 0-2 years old. The website features age-specific information on brain development, nutrition, and positive parenting created by experts. Sign up for weekly age-specific emails delivered to your in-box with positive parenting tips and ideas that you can use to make the most of your baby’s first years.

May 31 Today is No Tobacco Day! Check out this great infographic from the Huffington Post on the benefits to your body when you quit smoking. For the full article see: Also check out great material from the American Heart Association on the benefits of not smoking as well as tips to help you quit: