Matura Prime Time Plus Elementary Matura Skills_lo

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Matura Prime Time.

Transcript of Matura Prime Time Plus Elementary Matura Skills_lo

konsultacja: Bożena Sendor-Gala

Published by Express Publishing

Liberty House, Greenham Business Park, Newbury,Berkshire RG19 6HW, United KingdomTel.: (0044) 1635 817 363Fax: (0044) 1635 817 463email:

© Virginia Evans – Jenny Dooley, 2014

Design and Illustration © Express Publishing, 2014

Colour Illustrations: Victor, Emmanuel, Angela, Simon Andrews, Kyr © Express Publishing, 2014

First published in this edition 2014

Made in EU

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This book is not meant to be changed in any way.

ISBN 978-1-4715-3083-8


Matura Skills 1

Poziom podstawowy .............................................................................................................. p. 4

Poziom rozszerzony ............................................................................................................... p. 5

Matura Skills 2

Poziom podstawowy .............................................................................................................. p. 6

Poziom rozszerzony ............................................................................................................... p. 7

Matura Skills 3

Poziom podstawowy .............................................................................................................. p. 8

Poziom rozszerzony ............................................................................................................... p. 9

Matura Skills 4

Poziom podstawowy .............................................................................................................. p. 10

Poziom rozszerzony ............................................................................................................... p. 11

Matura Skills 5

Poziom podstawowy .............................................................................................................. p. 12

Poziom rozszerzony ............................................................................................................... p. 13

Matura Skills 6

Poziom podstawowy .............................................................................................................. p. 14

Poziom rozszerzony ............................................................................................................... p. 15

Poziom podstawowyMatura Skills

My name is David and I’m from Wales. My friends are all very good

at sports but I am not. My favourite hobby is listening to music.

I am in the school music club and I can play the guitar very well.

My dream is to become a famous rock star.

3 a) Look at the sentences before and after

the first gap and read the sentences A-E.

Are any of the sentences related?

b) Do the task. Compare your answers

with a partner.

2 Read the rubric and the sentences A-E. What

is the text about? Read through and check.

A Tennis and the martial art taekwondo are twoof the newest ones.

B Athletes come from countries all over the world.C It’s an event for athletes who have got special

needs.D The sport is a favourite hobby in their countries.E He can run faster than anyone else.


The Olympic GamesThe Olympic Games are the biggest

and most famous sport event in the

world. There are three kinds of

Olympics – the Summer Olympics,

the Paralympics and the Winter Olympics. A different city

has the Summer Olympics every four years. The Games are

during two weeks of July or August. Then the same city has the

Paralympics. American swimmer Jessica Long, for

example, hasn’t got legs, but she has got lots of medals.

The Winter Olympics are in February or March two years after

the summer events, in a different city. There are 28 Summer

Olympic sports. Some of the oldest Olympic sports are boxing

and running. Jamaican runner Usain Bolt is one of the

most famous 21st-century Olympians. He has longer legs than

the other runners. He’s also very tall – 1.96 m – and his arms

are well-built. Bolt is the fastest athlete in the world. He can run

the 100 m in 9.58 seconds and the 200 m in 19.19 seconds. He

has Olympic gold medals for both events.

There are 15 sports in the Winter Olympics. Ice hockey is one

of the most popular of all. It’s also one of the hardest, because it’s

so fast. The Canadians, Czechs, Finns, Russians, Slovakians,

Swedes and Americans are the best ice hockey players of all.

Cold countries have got the best winter sport athletes.

But Spain has won just two medals at the Winter Games!




Podkreśl słowa kluczowe w zdaniach A–E oraz tych,które poprzedzają luki i występują po nich. Pamiętaj,że zdania, które mają uzupełnić luki, muszą tworzyćlogiczną i gramatycznie poprawną całość z fragmen-tem tekstu przed luką i po niej. Zwracaj także uwagęna zwroty łączące poszczególne części tekstu i decydujące o jego spójności.

Rozumienie tekstów pisanych(Dobieranie)Preparing for the task

1 Match the sentences 1-3 to sentences

A-C that follow. Which words helped

you decide?

Dave is a very good athlete.

Many countries have got an animal as

a symbol.

The Eiffel Tower is France’s most famous


A For example, there is an eagle on the Mexican flag.

B It is 324 m high and weighs 7,300 tonnes.

C He has got lots of gold medals at home.





This speakerA can play basketball well.B is good at football.C isn’t good at playing music.D is good at painting.E can play cricket well.

Speaker 1

Speaker 2

Speaker 3

Speaker 4

Rozumienie ze słuchu (Dobieranie)Preparing for the task

4 Look at the statements, then read the script.Choose the correct answer(s) from A–E.

A I am good at football.B I am not very good at sports.C I can’t play the guitar.D I am very good at swimming.E I am in the school tennis club.


Przeczytaj tekst, z którego usunięto

trzy zdania. Wpisz w luki (1–3) litery,

którymi oznaczono brakujące zdania (A–E), tak aby

otrzymać logiczny i spójny tekst. Dwa zdania zostały

podane dodatkowo i nie pasują do żadnej luki.

Usłyszysz dwukrotnie cztery

wypowiedzi na temat różnych

umiejętności. Do każdej wypowiedzi (1–4) dopasuj

odpowiadające jej zdanie (A–E). Wpisz rozwiązania

do tabeli. Jedno zdanie zostało podane dodatkowo

i nie pasuje do żadnej wypowiedzi.

Poziom rozszerzony


b) Choose the word which best fits the gap.

1 a – an 3 are – is 5 famous – favourite

2 in – at 4 eyes – ears

Rozumienie ze słuchu(Wybór wielokrotny)Preparing for the task

3 Read the question and the

choices (A-C). Now read the

script. Which is the correct


The speakers’ favourite subject is

A Literature.

B Geography.

C Spanish.

Znajomość środków językowych(Zadanie z luką)Preparing for the task

1 a) Read the sentences. What type of word is missing in

each sentence? Choose.

1 Mr Owens is .............. electrician. article/noun

2 Orla is very good .............. basketball. adjective/preposition

3 Mick and Alex .............. on the school football team.


4 Amy and Betty have got big blue .............. . noun/adjective

5 My .............. football player is Lukasz Broz. adjective/noun


1 The speakers are

A waitresses.

B neighbours.

C teachers.

2 The speakers are

A at home.

B at school.

C at the tennis club.

3 Which of the following if a fact –

not an opinion?

A Young children often wear


B The lost person is very young.

C Children like bright colours.


fame America easy usual interest rare

The Mohawks

The Mohawks are a tribe of Native 1) .................... Indians. They are

from the area of New York in the east of the USA but are now in Ontario

and Quebec in Canada.

Today, there are about 5,000 people in the Mohawk tribe. They have got

their own Mohawk language but they can also speak English.

Music and dance are important to the Mohawks and their favourite

musical instruments are the drums and the flute. They have got many

2) .................... songs and dances and many Mohawks are also very

good at art.

The Mohawk tribe is a very 3) .................... one and there are many

films and books about them. The game of lacrosse is their favourite

sport. Mohawk Indians are 4) .................... very good at lacrosse and

have got a great lacrosse team. They are not afraid to climb very high

so they can build skyscrapers.

Anna: Hi, I’m Anna. What’s your


Carla: Hi, I’m Carla. I’m the new girl.

Anna: Welcome, Carla. Where are

you from?

Carla: I’m Spanish. I’m from Spain.

Anna: Oh, that’s nice! What is your

favourite subject, Carla?

Carla: My favourite subject is


Anna: It is also my favourite subject.

Carla: That’s great! We can study


Przeczytaj tekst. Uzupełnij każdą lukę (1–4),

przekształcając jeden z wyrazów z ramki w taki

sposób, aby powstał spójny i logiczny tekst. Wymagana jest pełna

poprawność gramatyczna i ortograficzna wpisywanych wyrazów.

Dwa wyrazy zostały podane dodatkowo i nie pasują do żadnej luki.


dwukrotnie trzy

teksty. Z podanych odpowiedzi

wybierz właściwą, zgodną z treścią

nagrania. Zakreśl literę A, B albo C.

Poziom podstawowy2Matura Skills

Rozumienie tekstów pisanych(Dobieranie)Preparing for the task

3 a) You are going to read a text about

green roofs. What do you know about

green roofs? Are there such roofs in

your country?

Przeczytaj podane nagłówki, pamiętając że odzwierciedlają one głównąmyśl poszczególnych akapitów. Następnie przeczytaj tekst pobieżnie,aby zorientować się, czego on dotyczy. Potem przeczytaj uważnie każdy akapit i – nie koncentrując się nadmiernie na szczegółowychinformacjach – postaraj się określić jego główny temat.

Przeczytaj dwa zdania i zastanów się nad znaczeniem każdegoz nich. Z podanych odpowiedzi wybierz wyraz, którypoprawnie uzupełnia obydwa zdania.


b) Read the headings (A-F) in Ex. 3c andunderline the key words. Compare withyour partner.



Znajomość środków językowych(Uzupełnianie luk w dwóch zdaniach)Preparing for the task

1 Read the sentences (1-4) and decide which of

the three words in bold do NOT make

a logically and grammatically correct sentence.

1 There are/is/am several nice flats in this area.

2 The fridge is in/under/next to the oven.

3 What can I do/does/have to help you today?

4 To get to the butcher’s, enter/turn/across right

and go straight on.


1 ............... the train to King’s Cross Station and

go left out of the exit.

I want to ............... a trip to New York next


A use B take C get

2 The tower is 200 metres ..............., there’s

a great view at the top!

I’m much too ............... to fit in the bed, my

feet hang off the end!

A high B large C tall

W zadaniach 1–2 wybierz wyraz,

który poprawnie uzupełnia luki

w obydwu zdaniach. Zakreśl literę A, B albo C.

Przeczytaj tekst o ogrodach

zakładanych na dachach

budynków. Dobierz właściwe zdanie (A–F) do

każdej z oznaczonych części tekstu (1–4). Wpisz

odpowiednią literę w każdą kratkę. Dwa zdania

zostały podane dodatkowo i nie pasują do żadnej

części tekstu.

Houses with roof gardens are cool in summer and warm in

winter. They are also a great place to relax. But soil and

plants can be very heavy. Can your roof hold the extra

weight? This is a question you can ask an expert.

Now you are ready to begin. Tall plants and shrubs are great

for extra shade. Remember, too, some plants are better in

natural light than others, and they haven’t got a problem in

the wind and cold. These are the best choice for your roof.

Regular watering is important. You can water your plants by

hand or with an automatic watering system. It’s easier with a

tap on your roof. It can cost a bit extra but it’s worth it!

Finally, there is a great selection of garden furniture in the

shops. They’ve got special lightweight tables and chairs that

are perfect for roofs, and they’re strong too. Some people

have even got a barbecue for fun get-togethers with family

and friends!





Green RoofsPeople living in cities havenʼt always got a house witha garden. So how can they enjoy a little bit of green?

The answer is ... a roof garden!

Poziom rozszerzony


Explain what you want and

give details of size, floor,

rooms, etc.

Describe location.

Say amount.

Decide on one giving



Ask to help.

Ask which area B


Ask how much B

can afford.

Present B with two

possible places.

Rozumienie ze słuchu(Dobieranie)Preparing for the task

1 In a minute write down as many words as

possible related to flats under these

headings. Compare with your partner.

location furniture rooms

extra featuresadjectives

2 a) You are going to listen to four people

talking about their flats. Read the

sentences (A-E) in Ex. 2b and underline

the key words. In pairs think of words

related to them.

don’t like: hate, can’t stand, etc .

modern furniture: not old furniture, new, etc.


A I don’t like modern furniture in flats.

B My flat has fantastic views.

C I live in a flat next to a main

shopping street.

D It is very quiet inside my flat.

E I need new furniture in my flat.

Przeczytaj zdania i podkreśl słowa kluczowe. Słuchającnagrania, zwracaj uwagę na słowa/zwroty o takim samymznaczeniu jak te podkreślone.

c) Listen again with pauses. Which

words helped you decide on each choice?

b) Listen to Jenny talking to an estate

agent about a flat she wants to rent

and complete the table.

c) Listen again. Which flat does Jenny

decide on? Why?




special features



2 Read the information.

city centre sofa living room

cosy balcony

dopuszczalnawysokość czynszu


Now act out your dialogue. Follow the plan.Speaker 1

Speaker 2

Speaker 3

Speaker 4

wyposażenie mieszkania(meble, sprzęt AGD)


wielkość mieszkania (liczba pokoi)

Część ustna - bez określaniapoziomu (Rozmowa z odgrywaniem roli)Preparing for the task

1 a) Read the sentences. Who would ask

them: an estate agent or somebody

interested in renting a flat?

• How can I help you?

• How many bedrooms would you like?

• Somewhere outside York.

• Which area would you like it to be in?

• How much rent can you afford to pay?

• When can I see it?

Jesteś w biurze nieruchomości,

ponieważ chcesz wynająć

mieszkanie. W rozmowie z agentem

nieruchomości omów poniższe 4 kwestie:Usłyszysz dwukrotnie cztery

wypowiedzi na temat

mieszkań. Do każdej wypowiedzi (1–4)

dopasuj odpowiadające jej zdanie (A–E).

Wpisz rozwiązania do tabeli. Jedno zdanie

zostało podane dodatkowo i nie pasuje do

żadnej wypowiedzi.

Poziom podstawowyMatura Skills 3

5 Now match sentences 1-4 from above to the

situations (A-D).

Two friends deciding on a meeting.

A businessperson saying goodbye to another


Someone buying some furniture.

Someone visiting a friend’s house.








1 The announcement is for students who

A have breakfast in the school dining hall.

B have lunch in the school dining hall.

C don’t eat in the school dining hall.

2 What time do the speakers finish their violin


A 11:30 B 12:30 C 10:30

3 What does Jim say he does every day after school?

A surfs the Net

B goes to the swimming pool

C walks the dog

The person is describing

A her daily work routine.

B how the weather affects her work.

C a rainy day at work.

Rozumienie ze słuchu(Wybór wielokrotny)Preparing for the task

1 Read the text. Look at the underlined

phrases. Then read the question and three

possible answers. Which is the correct

answer? Why?

2 You are going to listen to three texts. Read

the questions and possible answers. Which

are monologues? Which are dialogues?

Which words helped you decide?

Well, my routine usually lasts no longer than a quarter of

an hour, but so much can go wrong in such a short period

of time. My main concern though is usually the weather

conditions. Working so high up in the air I have to

constantly fight against the elements to keep my balance

and avoid falling off. The wind is constantly trying to tear

me off the wing, while rain, or even moisture in the air,

can make the surface of the wing extremely slippery.

Often, I call the performance off if the conditions are too

bad; it’s just not worth the risk.

Znajomość środków językowych(Uzupełnianie minidialogów)Preparing for the task

4 Look at sentences 1-4. Which are formal and

which are informal?

1 Wow! Your place is beautiful!

2 Meet me at half five, don’t be late.

3 Thank you very much for your time.

4 It looks great, I’ll take it!


1 X: Where is the bathroom?

Y: ..........................................................

X: Great, thanks.

A It’s my favourite room.

B Go along the hall and turn left.

C There is a sink and a mirror.

2 X: Can I have a cup of tea?

Y: ..........................................................

X: I’ll have two sugars please.

A I don’t have a kettle, sorry.

B Sure, I’ll fill up the kettle.

C Yes, it’s in the kettle.

3 X: What chores do you do at home?

Y: ..........................................................

X: You lucky thing!

A There’s so many things to do.

B I have an old vacuum cleaner.

C I don’t have to do any.

Usłyszysz dwukrotnie trzy teksty.

Z podanych odpowiedzi wybierz

właściwą, zgodną z treścią nagrania. Zakreśl literę

A, B albo C.

Uzupełnij poniższe minidialogi

(1–3), wybierając brakującą

wypowiedź jednej z osób. Zakreśl literę A, B

albo C.

Poziom rozszerzony

Rozumienie ze słuchu(Wybór wielokrotny)


1 The speakers are

A photographers. B pet owners. C vets.

2 What is the best title for the piece of news?




3 What does the speaker believe?

A Life at university is very difficult.

B Life at university is very easy.

C Life at university is better than life at home.

Opis ilustracjiOpisując ilustrację, wyobraź sobie, że słuchająca Cię

osoba jej nie widzi. Zawrzyj w opisie możliwie najwięcej

szczegółów. Powiedz, kim są widoczne na zdjęciu postaci,

jak są ubrane, jaka jest pora dnia, miejsce, pogoda,

inne widoczne przedmioty i jakie są odczucia postaci.



1 Which are your favourite school subjects?

2 What’s a typical schoolday like?

3 Is it important for everyone to be able to go

to school? Why?

The photograph shows a

family having

1) ................................................ .

There’s the father, mother and

two 2) ......................................... .

They are at the table in the

3) .............................................. . They are in casual

4) ............................................... . On the

5) ............................................, there are cornflakes,

fruit and orange juice. The parents look happy.

1 Listen to someone

describing the photograph

and complete the gaps.

Dirty Wet JobGolf is becoming a very popular sport. In fact, there are around60 million golf players all over the world. Golf is not1) .................... a sport though. It is also a big business. Many companies spend a lot of money advertising their luxuryproducts during golf events and professional golf players canearn millions 2) .................... they win a golf tournament. It alsocreates jobs for a lot or people.Golf ball diver is probably one of the hardest jobs that3) .................... can have in a golf club. Every day people lose their golf balls in the ponds and lakes ingolf courses. A golf ball diver’s job is to dive into the ponds andlakes to find and recover the lost golf balls. It’s not only a hardjob, it is also a dangerous 4) .................... . The water is oftendirty and muddy and it is very difficult for the divers to seeanything. They often have to go on their knees and feel their waywith their gloved hands alone. Some ponds also have snakesliving in them, which makes it even more risky.

Znajomość środków językowych(Zadanie z luką)Preparing for the task

2 Read the sentences. What part of speech iseach gap asking for? Which of these wordsbest complete each gap: 1) at/on? 2) seeing/having?

1 He doesn’t work ............ Sundays.2 She is ............ a meeting at 7 o’clock.


Część ustna - bez określaniapoziomu (Opis ilustracji)

Usłyszysz dwukrotnie trzy teksty.

Z podanych odpowiedzi wybierz

właściwą, zgodną z treścią nagrania. Zakreśl literę

A, B albo C.

Przeczytaj tekst. Uzupełnij każdą

lukę (1–4) jednym wyrazem, tak

aby powstał spójny i logiczny tekst. Wymagana jest

pełna poprawność gramatyczna i ortograficzna

wpisywanych wyrazów.

Opisz zdjęcie i odpowiedz

na pytania.

Poziom podstawowyMatura Skills 4


Do you buy your milk in cartons, bottles

or bags?

People in countries, such as Canada,

China and India, buy milk in bags. In

the UK, though, milk mostly comes

in plastic bottles or cartons.

Sainsbury’s, which is a big

supermarket chain in the UK,

sells milk in bags to shoppers.

Every week, people in the

UK drink 180 million pints of milk.

120 of these 180 million pints come in plastic bottles.

That’s a lot of plastic bottles! Unfortunately, many people

in the UK don’t recycle their plastic milk bottles.

Milk bags contain 75% less plastic than milk bottles. This

means that they are better for the environment than milk

bottles. Sainsbury’s says that putting milk in bags instead

of bottles could save over 1,000,000 kg of plastic a year.

This means a lot less plastic waste in bins. Sainsbury’s is

spending millions of pounds to advertise milk in bags to

its customers in an effort to make customers aware of how

they can help the environment. The new packaging is not

only environmentally-friendly, but milk bags are also

cheaper than milk bottles, so customers can save money

and help protect the environment at the same time.

Right now, Sainsbury’s is selling milk in

bags in a few of its stores to see how

popular it is. The new packaging is

already gaining popularity although

some customers are still reluctant

to buy it. They think the bags are

difficult to use because they leak

easily and it is very easy to spill

the milk. Nevertheless,

Tesco, another huge

supermarket chain,

is joining forces

with Sainsbury’s.

Rozumienie tekstów pisanych(Wybór wielokrotny)Preparing for the task

1 Read the paragraph. Read sentences A-D

and look at the underlined words. Which

sentence A-D relates to the paragraph?

Which words in the paragraph helped you



1 Where is it NOT usual to find milk in bags?

A Canada B China C UK D India

2 In the UK, how many pints of milk come in

plastic bottles?

A one million C 120 million

B 75 million D 180 million

3 What is good about milk in plastic bags?

A It is tastier.

B It is lighter.

C It is better for your health.

D It is better for the environment.

4 Which of the following is TRUE?

A Not many people like the idea of milk in bags.

B Milk in bags is becoming popular.

C Customers are asking shops to sell milk in bags.

D Shops don’t want to sell milk in bags.

5 The purpose of the article is to

A demonstrate that milk is a popular drink.

B describe how a supermarket is reducing waste.

C show what people in different countries like

to buy.

D encourage people to recycle more.

A Johnny always has breakfast in the morning.

B Johnny’s mum doesn’t always wake him up in

the morning.

C Johnny is often late for school.

D Johnny often arrives first for school.

Johnny likes to have a glass of hot chocolate andsome toast in the morning before he goes toschool but he doesn’t always get up when hismum calls him. In fact, he often has to run outthe door without any breakfast if he wants tohave any chance of being on time for school. Theteachers often complain that he arrives when theother kids are already in the classroom.

Przeczytaj tekst. Z podanych

odpowiedzi wybierz właściwą,

zgodną z treścią tekstu. Zakreśl literę A, B, C albo D.

Poziom rozszerzony


Rozumienie ze słuchu(Wybór wielokrotny)


1 What does Tom have to buy for hismum?A a bag B a dressC a hat

2 What are the boys and girlsvisiting? A a city B a marketC a volcano

3 The speakers areA in a café. B in a small shop.C at a mall.

In which paragraph does the author

describe the weather?

tell us what they want to do?

tell us what they like most?




This is one of the best festivals in the

world. People come from all over the

world to celebrate. I really like the

costumes but my favourite thing

about this festival is the face painting.

And, I can’t wait to walk in the big

parade on Sunday.


B This is a fantastic festival in a

fantastic city. The streets are full of

people wearing colourful costumes

and dancing to music. It’s very cold

and windy but that is not stopping

people from having a great time.

Discovery Gateway Children’s Museum is a great place for

children to play and learn. In the Kid’s Eye View gallery

children can see and explore everyday objects from the big

world in their size. They can ride child-size horses and cars

and climb mountains. In The Garden parents and children

work together in a beehive and outside kids can play the role

of pilot and paramedic in a rescue helicopter. Entrance is

$8.50 and children under the age of 14 must be accompanied

by an adult.



Zippos Circus is one of the UK's largest and most popular

travelling circuses. You can see Zippo the Clown bring

sunshine and laughter to both adults and children from

November to January at Hide Park Winter Wonderland; but

don’t wait too long to book. The circus show takes place in a

huge big top tent and lasts about 45 minutes. There are

clowns, acrobats, jugglers and more to entertain the young

kids and there is an evening show for older kids and adults

with High Wire, The Wheel of Death, and Knife Throwing.

Don’t miss the perfect family treat.


London’s Natural History Museum is one of the oldest

museums in the world and is a wonderful place for kids. It is

full of interesting objects from fossils to skeletons. There is a

huge model of a dinosaur skeleton in the middle of the

museum that is now famous all over the world. There is also

a blue whale skeleton, and a giant squid in a tank. Outside

there is a wildlife garden with amphibians, birds, insects and

more. The museum does not charge an entrance fee and is

open every day. If you’re coming in November or December

you should bring your skates because there is a huge ice rink

outside the museum.


In which paragraph does the author

1 advise people not to wait?

2 say that people don’t have to pay?

3 say that children cannot go alone?

4 make a suggestion?

Rozumienie tekstówpisanych(Dobieranie)

Preparing for the task

2 Read the two short paragraphs

A-B and the questions 1-3. Match

the underlined parts of the

paragraphs to the questions.


dwukrotnie trzy

teksty. Z podanych odpowiedzi

wybierz właściwą, zgodną z treścią

nagrania. Zakreśl literę A, B albo C.

Przeczytaj informacje o trzech formach

spędzania czasu. Do każdego pytania (1–4)

dopasuj właściwy tekst (A–C). Wpisz rozwiązania do tabeli.

Jeden tekst pasuje do dwóch pytań.

Poziom podstawowyMatura Skills 5



1 He is a(n) ........... child.This is the ........... place that serves fish.A first B one C only

2 She ........... lessons in the morning.He ........... lunch at 2:30.A attends B eats C has

3 He ........... his afternoons in the gym.She ........... her money on books.A saves B rests C spends

Rozumienie ze słuchu(Dobieranie)

Preparing for the task

6 Read the question and the script. What is thecorrect answer, Jack or Holly? What words/phrases in the script helped you choose?

Which person J H

1 is having a problem with his/her neighbours?

Which person E S

1is enjoying the different tourist attractions inLondon?

2 recommends visiting a particular place?

3 compares London to another city?

4 suggests using a different mode of transport?

5 is happy with his/her housemates?

Jack: You’re so lucky that you get on with your neighbours,Holly. I’m having a bit of trouble with mine. They have loudparties all the time and I can’t sleep. Holly: That’s awful! You should go and speak to them aboutit, Jack. Maybe they don’t realise the noise is bothering you.

Znajomość środków językowych(Parafraza zdań)Preparing for the task

1 Read the sentences (1-3) and identify the item

A, B or C that is NOT of a similar meaning.

1 Henry puts his life on the line.A Henry does a dangerous job.B Henry does something unsafe.C Henry has a dangerous lifestyle.

2 What does Jeremy do for a living?A What does Jeremy do at work?B Where does Jeremy live?C How does Jeremy make money?


1 Jim departs from work at 5 pm and goes home.A quitsB leavesC disappears

2 Georgia passed the exam.A tookB succeeded inC solved

3 Do you have any spare time?A free timeB time filled with activitiesC time when you’re not busy


1 X: Do you want to go to the park later?Y: ..........................................................X: Oh, that’s a shame.

A Yes, I’d love to!B I have to go to the doctor’s, sorry.C No, I haven’t been there.

2 X: Do you have the time?Y: ..........................................................X: Thank you very much.

A It’s quarter to ten.B In about ten minutes.C That’s not a problem.

W zadaniach 1–3 spośród

podanych opcji (A–C) wybierz tę,

która może najlepiej zastąpić zaznaczony fragment.

Zakreśl literę A, B albo C.

Uzupełnij poniższe minidialogi

(1–2), wybierając brakującą

wypowiedź jednej z osób. Zakreśl literę A, B albo C.

Usłyszysz dwukrotnie rozmowę

Emmy i Stevena na temat

mieszkania w Londynie. Odpowiedz na pytania 1–5

zgodnie z treścią nagrania. Zaznacz znakiem X

odpowiednią rubrykę w tabeli (E – Emma lub

S – Steven).

W zadaniach 1–3 wybierz wyraz,

który poprawnie uzupełnia luki

w obydwu zdaniach. Zakreśl literę A, B albo C.

(Uzupełnianie minidialogów)


(Uzupełnianie luk w dwóch zdaniach)Preparing for the task

4 Read the sentences and the options A-C.Which word cannot be used in any sentence?Which word can be used to correctlycomplete one sentence but not the other?

1 They ........... home an hour ago.2 Is there any milk ........... ?

A left B gone C arrived

Poziom rozszerzony

Znajomość środków językowych(Układanie fragmentów zdań)Preparing for the task

1 a) Read the sentence. Then underline the

correct option in sentence A and B.

A The second sentence describes an action taking

place now/a future plan or intention.

B The verb in brackets should be in the


b) Now, complete the sentence.

I can’t wait for the party tonight.

What (you / wear) ..............?


1 We ................................................. (not/have)

electricity in houses until the 20th century.

2 Danny and Jimmy ................................. (wear)

their team colours today.

3 Martha ........................................ (tired/study)

and wants to go out.

4 When .............................................. (you/visit)

your grandparents next?

Rozumienie ze słuchu(Wybór wielokrotny)


1 The speakers are

A fashion designers. B friends. C tourists.

2 What is the best title for the piece of news?




3 Where was Fiona yesterday?

A at home C at a shopping centre

B at the cinema

Rozumienie tekstów pisanych(Dobieranie)



Exploring the world

William Dampier was a pirate but he wasn't just a typical

pirate. He attacked ships and stole things but he also wanted

to explore and describe all the different lands he saw. He

journeyed around the world three times, visited places only

very few people ever saw and kept a detailed journal of

everything. He drew and collected plants wherever he went.

Later, he published his journal in his best-selling book, A New

Voyage Around the World, in 1697. His book inspired the work of

some of the most famous scientists, explorers and writers of all

time, including Charles Darwin and Jonathan Swift.


Nowadays, you can get on a plane and be on anothercontinent within hours, but until recently the only way to getfrom one continent to another was by sea and the journeytook months. There were still many distant places that peopledidn’t know of and for centuries explorers sailed around theworld looking for new lands. Among the very first explorerswere the Phoenicians. They sailed far from their home inmodern Lebanon and explored many regions of theMediterranean. Legend says that their Queen Dido foundedCarthage almost three thousand years ago and some scientistsbelieve that they even sailed as far as America.

The Guinness Book of Records says that ex-army officerRanulph Fiennes is the world’s greatest living explorer. Hewas the first person to visit both the North and South Polesby surface means and the first to completely cross theAntarctica on foot. In July and August 1981, he and a friendof his sailed around the world, the wrong way. Their journeywas the first open boat crossing from West to East andcovered around 4,800 km. In 2003, he ran seven marathonson seven continents in seven days, and in May 2009, at theage of 65, he climbed to the summit of Mount Everest.



In which paragraph does the author

1 describe an unusual person?

2 mention a world record?

3 make a comparison?

4 say someone was an inspiration to others?

Uzupełnij zdania 1–4,

wykorzystując podane

w nawiasach wyrazy w odpowiedniej formie.

Nie zmieniaj kolejności podanych wyrazów.

Dodaj niezbędne elementy, tak aby otrzymać

logiczne i gramatycznie poprawne zdania.

Wymagana jest pełna poprawność ortograficzna

wpisywanych fragmentów. W każdą lukę możesz

wpisać maksymalnie sześć wyrazów, wliczając

w to wyrazy już podane.

Usłyszysz dwukrotnie trzy teksty.

Z podanych odpowiedzi wybierz

właściwą, zgodną z treścią nagrania. Zakreśl literę

A, B albo C.

Przeczytaj trzy teksty o badaczach

i odkrywcach. Do każdego pytania

(1–4) dopasuj właściwy tekst (A–C). Wpisz rozwią-

zania do tabeli. Jeden tekst pasuje do dwóch pytań.

Poziom podstawowyMatura Skills 6


When I was six years old my family and I went onholidays in a hotel resort. I couldn’t see the swimmingpool over the gate and my brother and sister keptmaking fun of how I was too short to see over the gate.I got a little annoyed and stuck my big head through it.And yeah you guessed it. My head got stuck in the gate.My brother had to call the maintenance people in thehotel to cut the gate and get my head out. I felt reallystupid. They still laugh at me about that.


Why did the boy get stuck in the gate?

A He wanted to show his sister and brother


B He was playing a silly game with his brother

and sister.

C He put his head through to look at something

on the other side.

The new evening computer lessons are for any studentsinterested and take place in Computer Room 2 on thefirst floor. Students should have written permission fromparents and should bring their own laptop or tablet toclass. They should have a meal before coming to classand arrive at least five minutes before lessons begin. Nofood or drinks are allowed in the computer room.


The text gives readers

A directions to a classroom. B a set of rules.

C news about the school.

During recent times it has become very clear to everyonethat teens are almost addicted to gadgets. Teens arereally into staying connected to the people they knowthrough social networking. One in four American teenssays that they regularly use the Internet from theirsmartphones. No one can deny that mobile phones havemade life easier in many ways but they are also having anegative effect on us, and especially teens, who seem tospend a lot more time with their gadgets than with theirfriends.


The text gives readers

A an opinion about teens and gadgets.

B advice about teens and gadgets.

C statistics about teens and gadgets.

Rozumienie tekstów pisanych(Wybór wielokrotny)Preparing for the task

1 Read the text and answer the questions



1 The text is a(n) ...

A advert in a newspaper.

B notice at a museum.

C announcement.

2 The purpose of the text is to ...

A inform people.

B give a warning.

C advertise something for sale.

3 The text ...

A explains how statues are made.

B gives directions how to reach the museum.

C gives information about a statue.

Znajomość środków językowych(Uzupełnianie luk w dwóch zdaniach)


1 Can I try .......... this jacket, please?

There were lots of people .......... the bus.

A of B on C out

2 I enjoy .......... the internet in the evening.

It’s fun to go .......... at the beach in summer.

A surfing B staring C skating

3 Let’s hike to the .......... of the mountain.

I’m going to wear my blue and white ..........

because it matches this skirt.

A head B hat C top

4 Can I have a .......... ticket to Edinburgh, please?

Are you married or ..........?

A slim B single C short


This statue of Ivan the Terrible is over 400 years

old. It was made in 1548 to celebrate the birth

of the Tsar’s first child. It shows the Tsar

holding his daughter Anna in his arms. It is

made from iron and gold and is a beautiful

example of classical Russian art.

Przeczytaj trzy teksty. Z podanych

odpowiedzi wybierz właściwą,

zgodną z treścią tekstu. Zakreśl literę A, B albo C.

W zadaniach 1–4 wybierz wyraz,

który poprawnie uzupełnia luki

w obydwu zdaniach. Zakreśl literę A, B albo C.

Poziom rozszerzony


Last year, Anna Jones

had the travel experience

of a lifetime. She took the

world’s greatest railway

journey – the Trans-Siberian

Railway – from Moscow to Vladivostock. Here are her tips for taking

this amazing journey.

First, consider where you want to end up. Two end in

Beijing and one ends in Vladivostock. Beijing is a wonderful city to

visit, but there isn’t a lot to see in Vladivostok.

Ticket prices for the Trans-Siberian Railway are the same all year.

Taking the Trans-Siberian Railway in the winter is a good

idea because flights to Moscow are cheaper then.

The journey from Moscow to Vladivostock takes seven days and

can be very tiring. There are lots of interesting places to see in



Siberia, so break up the journey by staying a night or two

somewhere along the way.

The Trans-Siberian Railway is incredibly popular, so tickets sell out

very quickly. I tried to get tickets in November for December,

but none were available until February.

I decided to learn some useful Russian phrases before my trip and

I’m glad I did. Knowing some Russian - or at least having a

phrasebook - is essential because it’s rare to meet anyone on the

trains who speaks English.

The train makes frequent stops to pick up new passengers.

I’ve heard stories of passengers who got off the train to go

sightseeing, missed the train leaving, and had to wait a whole week

for another train.

At every stop, local women come to sell you food that they have

cooked at home. A fellow passenger advised me to avoid the railway

shops and to buy my meals from these women. It was good advice

because that was some of the tastiest food I’ve ever eaten.




1 (Mam) ...............................................................

a terrible headache for two hours.

2 They all (podobała się wycieczka) ..........................

......................... to London.

3 (Czy kiedykolwiek byłeś/-aś) ...............................

......................... on a cable car?

4 Peter asked me (o zrobienie kilku zdjęć)

................................................ of the building.

5 We (szukamy kogoś) ..........................................

......................... to help look after the animals.

Znajomość środków językowych(Tłumaczenie fragmentów zdań)Preparing for the task

3 a) Read the sentence. What tense shouldyou use: present continuous or present


I (wychodzę) .......................................................tonight.

b) Complete the sentence with the correcttranslation.

Rozumienie tekstów pisanych(Dobieranie)


A Plane tickets, however, vary greatly in priceduring winter and summer.

B Be very careful when hopping on and off the train.C People sit back and enjoy the views from the

train.D There are three different routes.E My advice is to purchase your tickets as soon as

you’ve decided to do this trip.

Rozumienie ze słuchu(Dobieranie)


The speakerA had a good time but didn’t want it to continue.B didn’t expect to meet people form all over the

world.C was surprised to make so many

good friends.D originally planned to stay for

a shorter time.E stays in touch with the children.

Speaker 1

Speaker 2

Speaker 3

Speaker 4

Przeczytaj tekst, z którego

usunięto cztery zdania. Wpisz

w luki (1–4) litery, którymi oznaczono brakujące

zdania (A–E), tak aby otrzymać logiczny i spójny

tekst. Jedno zdanie zostało podane dodatkowo i nie

pasuje do żadnej luki.

Usłyszysz dwukrotnie cztery

wypowiedzi na temat

wolontariatu. Do każdej wypowiedzi (1–4) dopasuj

odpowiadające jej zdanie (A–E). Wpisz rozwiązania

do tabeli. Jedno zdanie zostało podane dodatkowo

i nie pasuje do żadnej wypowiedzi.

Przetłumacz na język angielski

podane w nawiasach fragmenty

zdań 1–5, tak aby otrzymać logiczne i gramatycznie

poprawne zdania. Wymagana jest pełna

poprawność ortograficzna wpisywanych

fragmentów zdań. W każdą lukę możesz wpisać

maksymalnie pięć wyrazów.

ISBN 978-1-4715-3083-8