Matthew Testimony

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Transcript of Matthew Testimony

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 Testimony of Matthew Philip Gill

My name is Matthew Gill I was born on the 29th of August 1978 to Philip Gill and Alyson

Gill. My parents were the maing of me for it was from them that I learnt how to !ommune

with God and how to pray and do all things that a belie"er in the #hrist does. $his is the storyof how I found the %ord and how I was !hosen to do a great wor upon this earth and how

that would e"entually lead me to be!oming a Prophet &eer '(e"elator and $ranslator.

I was twel"e years old when I first read the boo of Mormon for the first time. I remember

wanting to read it and wanting to find out if what I was told about it was true. I remember

that the boo of Mormon always too pride of pla!e in my family home and that the Prophet

)oseph smith )r was taled about freely and with lo"e and respe!t. I had a lo"e for that great

man e"en before I pi!ed up the *oo of Mormon. +is testimony was strong' stronger than

anything that I had heard or would hear. +e truly was a man lead by the %ord. ,ith this

strong feeling for the boo of Mormon in my family it was only natural that I would one day

find the time and desire to read it for my self and do as I had been told I must do and pray and

as if it is true.

I was drawn to it' lie nothing I had e"er felt before I almost felt that if I didn-t read it I would

 be stopped form progressing with the rest of my life' it is a "ery strange thing to eplain in

words but I all I !an say is that I felt !ompelled to read it.

$he night was a /riday I remember it well I too the !opy of the boo of Mormon that sat on

our shelf and I made my way to my room. I had de!ided that I would read it all night if

ne!essary until I had finished it. I too to my room made my self !omfortable' with supplies

and enough food and drin to last out. I started to read. &oon enough I had finished !hapterone and I found that I had not tired or e"en felt lie that would happen. I went on !hapter

after !hapter I !ouldn-t stop reading. After a while I noti!ed that it was getting late and I put

the boo down and de!ided to go to sleep and !ontinue in the morning. I !ould not sleep I

tossed and turned and finally I had had enough I went to get out of bed but found that I !ould

not mo"e it seemed that I was being held down by some for!e or other I struggled for some

time to mo"e until the weight upon my !hest be!ome to mu!h to bear I !alled upon my

sa"iour in prayer and I suddenly found that I was free I sprang to my feet swit!hed on my

 bedroom light and I new that I must finish the boo before the morning. It wasn-t long

 before I was reading about the sa"iour and his "isit to the 0ephites and how he waled among

them. I went on. $hree o-!lo! went by then four then fi"e I had finished. $he oy of doing sofilled my heart and the words of Moroni filled my head As God the eternal father in the

name of )esus #hrist if these things are not true3. $hey went round and round in my head

and I new that I must do as he ased. I nelt down and began to pray.

As I began to pray I be!ame aware of a light gathering in my room' so mu!h so that it filled

the room and the brightness was so great that I had ne"er seen the lies of it before. I saw

des!ending from abo"e me a personage who was glorious to behold he was dressed in a white

robe and he des!ended until he !ame to a stop ust off the floor. +e spoe to me and said these

words. My name is Moroni I !ome to you from the presen!e of the &a"iour )esus #hrist. I

!ome to you be!ause you ased with a sin!ere heart and with real intent as to weather the

things that you had read were not true. I bear witness in the name of the /ather and the &on

that they are true and they do bear re!ord of my people and of our dealings with the &a"iour

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)esus #hrist3. I felt totally o"er !ome with the spirit I felt tears fall upon my !hees I was

filled with the power of the +oly &pirit and I new that he was from the %ord be!ause the

spirit had bore witness to me. +e went on saying. *ehold Matthew the golden plates. &tret!h

for your hand and feel them. $urn the pages that you might now that they are real. /eel the

writing that you might now that it was by the hand of the Prophets that is was written3. I

stret!hed forth my hand and I did as I was !ommanded. I !an4t do usti!e to how I felt when I

did this. All I !an say is that I felt the pure lo"e of #hrist and that it was o"er whelming for a

 boy as young as I was to ha"e this happen to me. After I had tou!hed the Golden plates

Moroni spoe to me saying. 5o not wonder in your mind why I ha"e been sent unto you.

/or it is the will of the &a"iour )esus #hrist that I show these things unto you. $he time will

!ome when you will be !alled to do a great wor upon the fa!e of the earth lie unto that of

the Prophet )oseph smith )r. *ut behold I say unto you that this will be the last time that I

!ome unto you for when you are ready the sa"iour will send another unto you. *e faithful and

obedient to the lord. +onour thy parents that your days may be long upon the land. (ead from

the boo of Mormon' read third 0ephi and study it out in your mind. I lea"e you now and I

do so in the name of the sa"iour )esus #hrist3.

As he said this I noti!ed that the light gathered around him and that he as!ended ba! the way

that he had !ome until he was gone and I was alone. I fell to my bed ehausted when I had

gathered my strength I made way to may parents and told them what had happened. May

father told me that I must do as the angel Moroni had instru!ted me and that if I did the

 promise would be fulfilled.

I ne"er forgot that eperien!e and I don-t thin I e"er will.

6ears went by' I !ontinued to do as I was !ommanded I was diligent in reading the boo ofMormon and honoring my parents' although I did at times faulter with regards to the latter

and I did stumble along the way I was ui! to !all upon the %ord for forgi"eness. I told many

 people of my eperien!e. &ome a!!epted it others did not some said it was of the de"il others

that it was from God. I now what I saw and I will ne"er deny it. $he time !ame when I met

my wife and we married and we had our son %e"i' it was the most amaing time of my life to

hold in my arms a newly born baby and to realise where its spirit had !ome form was truly


It was in 2: that my life !hanged for e"er and the promise that had been gi"en me by the

Angel Moroni was fulfilled. I had retired to bed with my wife early. I had de!ided to spend

that time reading the boo of Mormon and praying' it was while I was praying for guidan!e

about what I !ould do for my family in these last days of trouble and strife that it happened.

$he room be!ame engulfed in light and I saw des!ending out of hea"en a personage he rested

 ust of the floor and he spoe to me !alling me by name saying behold I am (aphael sent

unto you from the presen!e of the father and the son3. I stret!hed forth my hand and he too

hold of it I felt him and he was real. I sat on my bed and listen to him tal to me about the

wor I was to do and the at one day a boo would be gi"en to me that would spea of a

 people that on!e inhabited my !ountry and that it would stand as a further witness of )esus


I was "isited many more times by (aphael ea!h time I was gi"en more !ommandants andre"elation until the time I was gi"en the boo of )erane!. I testify that these things are true

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that I ha"e indeed spoen to Angels from God and they ha"e indeed imparted many things

unto me. I now that my (edeemer li"es and that I ha"e been gi"en a boo that indeed

testify-s of the &a"iour and that it speas and bears witness of many things to do with the

gospel of #hrist. I will not deny them and I will defend them till my death and beyond. In the

name of )esus #hrist amen.