Matthew 24:15-28 David Aukerman November 8, 2006.

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Transcript of Matthew 24:15-28 David Aukerman November 8, 2006.

Matthew 24:15-28

David AukermanNovember 8, 2006


Grammatical Considerations

the abomination [NSA] (of desolation)

that was spoken [NSA] (through Daniel the prophet)

standing [NSA] (in (the) holy place)

APP: ™= ™



Grammatical Considerations


Let those who are in Judea flee into the mountains.


Grammatical Considerations

the one who is on the roof

the things that are from his house

the one who is in the field

Grammatical Considerations



Literally “in the belly” or “in the womb”

the women who are with child

Grammatical Considerations


neither in winter nor on the Sabbath

MSG= winter

MSD€= Sabbath

Adverbial Genitive of Time

(kind of time)

Dative/Locativeof Time


Grammatical Considerations

™AMS 3SDep.

Triple Negative


Emphatic negationof the future(Machen 594)

nor ever will occur

Grammatical Considerations



the lightning

P M/P Ind 3S™


P M/P Ind 3S

Literally:“from risings”



the lightning

comes out

from the east

and is visible

to the west

NOT Dep.(I am visible)

(the lightning

is visible

to everyone




Therefore whenever you (pl.) see

the abomination of desolation

which was spoken through Daniel the prophet

standing in the holy place,

let the one who reads understand,



Then let those who are in Judea flee into the mountains,



Let the one who is on the roof not go down to take up

the things that are from his house,



And let the one who is in the field not return back

to take up his garment.



But woe to the women who are with child

and the women who are nursing in those days.



And pray that your (pl.) flight might occur

neither in winter nor on the Sabbath.



For then will be a great tribulation

of what sort has never occurred

from (the) beginning of (the) world

until now

nor ever will occur.



And if those days were not cut short,

all flesh would not have been saved;

but on account of the chosen ones

will those days be cut short.


Then if someone should say to you,

“Look! Here (is) the Christ,”

or, “There,”

you (pl.) should not believe.



For pseudochrists and pseudoprophets will be raised up

and will give great signs and miracles

so as to deceive, if possible,

even the chosen ones.


Look, I have foretold (this) to you.


Therefore if they should say to you,

“Look! He is in the desert,”

you should not go out;

“Look! In the closets,”

you should not believe.



For just as the lightning

is visible to everyone simultaneously,

so will be the coming of the Son of Man.


Wherever the carcass is,

there the vultures will be gathered together.

Daniel 12:11

™= abomination of desolation

Daniel 9:27

= at the temple an abomination of desolation(s)

1 Maccabees 1:54

™= abomination of desolation

Daniel 8:13

ƒ = the sin of desolation

Daniel 11:31

™= abomination

The Abomination of Desolation

Matthew 24:15 ™

Therefore whenever you (pl.) seethe abomination of desolationwhich was spoken through Daniel the prophetstanding in the holy place,let the one who reads understand,

The Abomination of Desolation

Matthew 24:15 ™

Therefore whenever you (pl.) seethe abomination of desolationwhich was spoken through Daniel the prophetstanding in the holy place,let the one who reads understand,

Mark 13:14

But whenever you (pl.) seethe abomination of desolation

standing (MSA) where it should not be,let the one who reads understand,

Luke 21:20

But whenever you (pl.) seeJerusalem surrounded by armies,then recognize that her desolation is near.

The Coming of the Son of Man

Matthew 24:27 ‡™

For just as the lightningis visible to everyone simultaneously,so will be the coming of the Son of Man.

Luke 17:24

For just as the lightning,when it flashes from one side of the sky ,shines to the other side of the sky,so will be the Son of Man in his day.

The Coming of the Son of Man

Matthew 24:28

Wherever the carcass is,there the vultures will be gathered together.

Luke 17:37

Where (not subjunctive) the body (is),there also the vultures will be gathered together.

Context in Luke:

Jesus’ disciples just asked, “Where, Lord?”

Job 39:30

Where the slain are,there [the vulture] is.

Context in Job:

End of the Lord’s “Where were you…?” speech:

“Is it at your command that the eagle mounts up…?”


Jesus predicted the destruction of the temple in Jerusalem,an event which ended the Jewish religious practice

of animal sacrifice.

By the power and sovereignty of God,the siege and destruction of Jerusalem was shortenedso that the early church might survive in its first few


From then on, the church has existedin a state of constant expectation

of the imminent return of Jesus Christ,an event which will be perfectly obvious to all human beings.