Maths that’s mental!. 12 passengers are on a bus. 5 more get on. How many are there now? How many...

Post on 29-Dec-2015

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Transcript of Maths that’s mental!. 12 passengers are on a bus. 5 more get on. How many are there now? How many...

Maths that’s


12 passengers are on a bus. 5 more get on. How many are there


How many are there if 8 get off?

How many if 5 get on at the next stop?

You have to go to bed at 9 o’clock. You

have 43 minutes left. What time is it?

It takes 10 minutes to clean your teeth and put on your jimjams. What

time do you get into bed?

You read for twenty minutes before falling asleep. What time do you fall


What is the total number of sides?

What about 3 triangles subtract 1


How about 3 hexagons add 2

triangle and then subtract a pentagon?

There are twelve eggs in a box. How

many eggs are there in two boxes ?

What about 3 boxes?

What about 4 boxes?

How many toes are there on 2 pairs of feet?

What about 3 pairs?

There are 5 apples, 10 strawberries and 7 pears in a basket. How many pieces of fruit are there in total?

Half of the fruit is rotten and has to be thrown

away. How many pieces are left?

There are no apples left and just 3 pears. How many strawberries are


If I have 32 pizzas at my party, and 11 are left at the end, how many were eaten?

If I cut all the leftovers in half, how many halves will I have?

If I eat 3 halves, how many half pieces remain?

Eggs are sold in dozens. What is half

a dozen?

What is 3 dozen?

How many eggs are 3 and a half dozen?

A book costs £11.70. If I save £1.50 per week, how many

weeks will it take me to save enough


Everything this author has ever written would cost £126. How long will I have to

save if I want to buy them?

There are 15 strawberries in a bowl. If I eat 3, how many are


If I share what’s left equally with a friend, how many do I get?

If my friend gives 3 back to me, how many do I have?

I bought 3 sweets. They were 12p each. How much did I


How much would I need to buy 11


If I bought 5 sweets how much change would I get from £1?

What is 0.3 as a fraction?

What is ¾ as a decimal?

What is one fifth as a percentage?

An ant has 6 legs. How many legs do

3 ants have in total?

What about 4 ants?

What about 5 ants?

How many corners do 5 squares have?

How many corners do 2 squares and 2

triangles have?

How about 3 squares and 3 triangles?

How many road wheels

are there on 3 cars?

What about 14 cars?

What about 27 cars?

A farmer has 5 sheep, 7 cows

and 12 chickens. How many animals has he got?

How many legs do the animals have altogether?

12 children get a sweet from a jar. There are only 4 left. How many sweets were in

the jar to start with?

I buy some more sweets. There are now 10 in the jar. How many did I


If I keep 2 for myself how many friends can I now give a sweet to?

I have bought a box of 50 new pens for my class and

have given one to each student. There are 13 left

in the box. How many students are in the class?

I want to keep half of the remaining pens as spares. How many do I want to


Madison got 24 Easter Eggs from friends. Her

Mum and Dad gave her 8 more. How many did she get


She ate half of them – how many does she have left?

How many sides does a hexagon have?

What is the total number of sides of a

pentagon and a hexagon?

What about a pentagon and 2 hexagons?

I drive 18 miles to get to school. How far does I

drive each day?

How many miles do I drive in a week?

Can you work out my mileage for a 6 week term, and what about a school


If it’s 13:00 now, what time was it 5

hours ago?

What time will it be in 14 hours?

How about in 7 hours?

I have 75p in 5p coins. How many coins do I have?

I save up and have 1,203 5p coins. How much money do I


If today is May 9th. What will the date

be in 16 days?

What was the date 8 days ago?

What will the date be 15 days from yesterday?

For the end of term maths quiz there are 6 rounds. If I give 2 prizes

for each round, how many prizes will be given


I want to give out 3 prizes for each round how many more prizes do I

need to get?

In the athletics championship all of the 200 competitors receive a medal for taking part, but the top 4 in all of the 54 events get an extra medal. How many medals are given in total?

Half of the medals go to boys. How many medals

do the girls get?

The sides of a square measure 8 cm. What is the perimeter of the square?

How many sides are there on 5 squares?

What is the total perimeter of the five squares?


A box of sweets costs £2.40. If you pay with a £10.00, how much change will

you be given?

You decide to buy a candy cane too. This costs £1.45 How much money do you

have left?

How much change do you now have?

What do these have in common?

How many sides do these quadrilaterals have in total?

How many vertices do these shapes have in total?

Just for fun!

When do giraffes have 8 feet ?

What has 4 legs and only 1 foot?

When there are 2 of them

How many eggs in an empty basket?


A bed