MATH120 Exam3 2013 Prunty Pink

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Transcript of MATH120 Exam3 2013 Prunty Pink

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Find the number of students who studied only on Friday.

a) 22 b) 36 c) 29 ~ e) 13 f) none of these

1) A survey of 100 students regarding their study habits over the past weekend was conducted. The results were as follows:

41 students had studied on Friday 38 students had studied on Saturday 57 students had studied on Sunday 12 students had studied on Friday and Saturday 31 students had studied on Sunday but not Friday 15 students had studied only on Saturday 7 students had studied all 3 days

Directiiions: Select the best answer for each question and record youranswer on both the opscan and the test Your answers on the opscan will be the answers that I grade. Good luck and please ask if you have any questions. Approximate answers have been rounded to the number of places given in the answer choices.

Incorrectly completing the above instructions will result in up to a 4 point deduction from your grade.

• Your test packet (questions), print your name and circle your answers. You will look up your score and the answer key on ReggieNet. Therefore., you are to take your test questions with you when you leave.

Math 120 - Exam 3 FORM A ·y· (\ Name: tog- Prunty 2013 \ Instructions:

• On the opscan, print your last name, initial of first name, and vour UID then fill in the corresponding dots. Correctly

• Put your opscan YOUR ANSWERs in the appropr.iat,ely marked 11A" envelope in the front of class. FORM A (Pink) Labeled !Envelope. IF you want them graded.

A o< cs

Find n((A u B) n C'). (1,1) (1,2) (1, 3) (1,4)

(2, 1) (2,2) (2,3)

(3, 1) (3,2)


a) 2

~ e) 26 f) 14 g) None of these

4)Experiment: Two fair distinguishable 6-sided dice are rolled. The universal set is given Consider the following events. Let A be the event that at least one die shows a 5 or greater. Let B be the event that both dice show a 4 or greater. Let C be the event that the sum of the dice is 7.

3) The letters in the words COMPUTERS are to be used no more than once each to form sequences of 5 letters. How many of these sequences contain exactly one vowel?

a) 25,200 b) 5040 c) 10BO B e) 1BOO I) none of these

s1 t1~% Cm r )LLd (& J; ~ w ")

2) Given n(S) = 50, n(A) = 27, n(C) = 17, and n[ (Au C)1 J = 21, find n(A n C).

a) 29 b) 23 @ d) 27 e) 19 f) none of these

V\ ( Pr\) c ) -=- r\ (A) t " ( c ) - YI (Itri { V') (_ A L) c ) =- "!: 0 '-I d1 -= '2..7 + rr -n{A-n~ J -::::: 2 q

V\ ( i't- f\ L ) -z: J5

f) none of these

V\ l .: .l-. Pm ~ '2 {\) ~.-i-) C( 3/?.-). cc Cl;, 7) =10J

c) 135 b) 486 e) 864 a) 117

7) A bag of candy contains 2 lemon candies, 3 cherry candies, 6 grape candies, 1 orange candy. You reach in and grab a handful of 4 candies. Find the number of handfuls with exactly two cherry candies.

d) t 02 . 54 c) 10 · 2 + 5 · 4 b) 2'0 +45 a) l 02 + 54

6) A test consists of two parts. Part 1 contains 1 O questions to be answered true or false. Part 2 contains 5multiple~choice questions each with 4 possible responses. How many ways are there to fill out an answer sheet if a student must complete both parts 1 and 2?

Ntlr- /TM 8 ~~ c G:, l_ 51 Lf /_,_C) .An~ (

s = { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9} A= { 7, 3, 5, 8, .2} B = { 2, 5, 0, 1 } C = { 9, 1, 7, 5}

a) { 0., 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9} b) { 5, 7, 9} c) { 1, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9} d) { 1, 7, 9 f) none of these


5) Using the sets below, list the elements in the set (Au B) r. C.


d) 1,000,025 c) 220 a) 151,220 b) 2100

f'rA ') mt.,& 'PL -SJ L- J

1p J2f MI

tC>.Ak~a(~ Grn&,)b (ZoL0

pL!l>i G)

10) There are 10 women and 5 men that are eligible for a part in a play. The play, Cinderella, has 6 different female roles (Cinderella, 1st step-sisters, 2nd step-sister, the step-mother, the fairy godmother, and the queen) and 2 different male roles (the prince and the king). How many casts are possible if female roles must go to women, male roles must go to men, and no person may have more than one role?

c.> 4-LI 5rJ&+BJ cc !/-1) +-cc~,~) (7u)+~(p

vi( l 13 ~~ L/"_n+CT

c_(_ /,I) t-;

9) A bag contains 3 red marbles, 7 blue marbles, and 5 green marbles. You reach in and grab a handful of 5 marbles. How many handfuls are possible that contain at most 1 blue marble?

a) 3003 b) 126 c) 2457 8 e) 2947 I} none of these

.-:::: / 1- ,r ( ?- I -z: ( 2 t, (p

- AL rJo Sr)

c (_ /l 5) /. c) FY\~+ :::: f\ t. s \


f) none of these e) 21 a) 1287

8) A Drama Club consists of 6 seniors, 4 juniors, 1 sophomore, and 2 freshmen. A group of 5 is to be randomly selected to represent the club. Find the number of groups that contain at least 1 senior.

b) 71,280 @ d) 5040

------- -

13) In a survey of 500 students, 100 have a Blackberry and .200 have an I-pod. There are 80 students ~~both a 'Blackberry and an I-pod. How many students have an I-pod but not a bl'ackberry? ~ b) 100 c) 200 d) 280 e) 180 f) none of these

:p Qf !Y''

p( (U.3) y- 6"'_Jc z: o ( ~

rJ b ('-lpt v\ ~

12) A newly formed consumer action group has Ten members. How many ways can the group el'ect 3 different members to form an executive committee that will have a President, a Vice President and a Secretary?

a~OO b.) 120 2§) d.)30 e)27 f.) none of these

lfutJ,l)u I

G,f •<63(; - -- - ---

f) none of these e.) 6720 d) 40,320 b) 20,160 a) 80,000

11) How many 7-digit telephone numbers are possible if the first 3 digits must be 821, 827, 834, or 836? (t ma;ning dig;fs in the phone number may repeat)

N~ CG4C{) zv~

16) Seven women and 5 men are eligible to receive some awards. A $2000 award will be given and it must go to a woman. Also, two identical awards of $1000 each and three identical awards of $500 each are to be g.iven, and they may go to anyone, man or woman. A person may not receive more than 1 award. How many ways can~ be given? a) 1, 127,357 b) 62 ~ d) 388,080 e) 52 f) none of these

LorA b.'" 11 q~

c_( (L, 5) ~220

15) Twelve people attend a banquet. There will be three i~h prizes of $50 randomly handed out. Find the number of ways the prizes can be given to the people in attendance If a person may NOT receive more than on~

a) 1320 ~ c) 36 d) 531,441 e) 1728

- (?__ ~ (Z-

d) 531,441 e c) 36 b) 220 a) 1320

14) Twelve people attend a banquet. There will be three cash prizes awarded in the amounts of $100, $50, and $2.5. Find the number of ways the prizes can be g!iven to the people in attendance if a person may receive more than one prize.