Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDs) Intertek ...

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Transcript of Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDs) Intertek ...


Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDs)

Intertek Microbiological Media


Intertek Microbiological Media MSDs


1.) API Growth Media……………………………………………………………………………Page 3

2.) Sterile Fuel (BTM2) Dipslide………………………………………………………………..Page 6

3.) GHB PRD Growth Media…………………………………………………………………….Page 9

4.) Iron Utilising Bacteria Medium (IUBM)…………………………………………………...Page 12

5.) MPB Growth Media…………………………………………………………………………..Page 15

6.) Sterile Maximum Recovery Diluents (MRD)……………………………………………..Page 19

7.) NOB Growth media…………………………………………………………………………..Page 23

8.) NRB Growth Media…………………………………………………………………………...Page 27

9.) Oil-Degrading Bacteria Medium (sterile)………………………………………………....Page 30

10.) Phosphate Buffered Saline (PBS)………………………………………………………..Page 34

11.) Sterile Seawater Diluents………………………………………………………………….Page 37

12.) Thioglycollate Growth Media (TGC) …………………………………………………….Page 40

13.) TRB Growth Media………………………………………………………………………….Page 44

14.) Zinc Acetate………………………………………………………………………………….Page 47




Intertek, Exploration Drive, Aberdeen Science and Energy Park, Bridge of Don, Aberdeen, AB23


Emergency Contact No: +44 (0)1224 708 500 Fax: +44 (0)1224

Issued Date: 06 January 2014 Print Date: 23 October 2014

Section 1 Product Information

Product Identification/Trade name: API Growth Media

Appearance: Light straw-coloured liquid with precipitate

(may also contain a nail)

Section 2 Composition

Yeast less than 1.0 %

Inorganic salts less than 3.0 %

Mercaptoacetic acid less than 0.02 %


Section 3 Main Hazard

Non Hazardous

Health Effects:

Skin: Brief or occasional contact is unlikely to have any significant effect

Eyes: May cause slight irritation

Ingestion: Practically non-toxic

Inhalation: Unlikely to occur

Section 4 First Aid/Emergency Actions

If this happens Do this

Product on skin Wash skin with soap and water

Product in eyes Rinse with plenty of water for at least 10 minutes, holding the eye open.

Seek medical advice if soreness persists.

Product ingested Wash out mouth with water

Product inhaled Remove from exposure


Section 5 Fire-fighting Measures

Fire Hazard: Non-flammable

Section 6 Accidental Release or Spillage Procedure

Wash affected areas with plenty of water

Section 7 Handling and Storage

Materials: API media should be handled and used in glass containers as supplied and

should not be transferred to other vessels.

Precautions Store in a dry, well-ventilated area at ambient temperature.

Section 8 Personal Protection

Protective Equipment: Eye protection should be worn

Respiratory Protection:

Additional Instructions:

Section 9 Physical and Chemical Properties

Specific Gravity:

< 0


pH: 7.3

Does not flash



Solubility: Fully dispersed in water

Odour: Odourless

Section 10 Stability and Reactivity

Incompatibility: None known

Stability: Stable at normal ambient temperatures

Hazardous decomposition products: None known

Section 11 Toxicology Properties

Not applicable


Section 12 Ecological Information

Not applicable

Section 13 Disposal

disposed of according to local

regulations. Further information is available from ‘Survey of Microbiological Hazards and Risks

associated with Offshore Operations, published by the Institute of Corrosion, 1992.

Section 14 Transport Information

ARD/RID Class: Not Classified


Hazard Identification No.

UN Class: Not Classified

UN Number:

Packing Group:

Marine Pollutant:

IMO Classification: Not Classified

Emergency Action Code:

Substance Identification No:


IATA Class: Not Classified

Subsidary Risks:

Tremcard Number:

Section 15 Regulatory Labelling Information

Classification: Not Classified

Risk Phrases:

Safety Phrases: Avoid Contact with eyes. In case of contact with eyes, rinse immediately

with plenty of water and seek medical advice.

Section 16 Other Information

The technical information and suggestions for use contained herein are believed to be reliable,

but they are not to be construed as warranties and no patent liability can be assumed.




Intertek, Exploration Drive, Aberdeen Science and Energy Park, Bridge of Don, Aberdeen, AB23


Emergency Contact No: +44 (0)1224 708 500 Fax: +44 (0)1224

Issued Date: 06 January 2014 Print Date: 23 October 2014

Section 1 Product Information

Sterile Fuel (BTM2) Dipslide

Section 2 Composition

Polystyrene tube, containing polyethylene paddle coated with agar culture

Section 3 Possible Hazards

Not classified as hazardous

Section 4 First Aid Measures

Eyes: Wash out with plenty of water

Skin: Wash skin with soap and water

Ingestion: Wash out mouth with water. Drink 1-3 glasses of water

to dilute stomach contents.

Section 5 Fire-fighting Measures

Burns to give off toxic fumes

Section 6 Accidental Release or Spillage Procedure

No precautions necessary


Section 7 Handling and Storage

Store in a cool dry place

Section 8 Exposure Controls and Personal Protection

Protective Measures - Hands: Disposable vinyl gloves

Section 9 Physical and Chemical Properties

Form: Solid

Colour: Varies with product

Section 10 Stability and Reactivity

Stable, non-reactive.

Section 11 Toxicology Properties

Non-toxic when sterile. Used slides may carry live bacterial organisms

Section 12 Ecological Information

Not applicable

Section 13 Disposal

Used product should be disinfected before disposal

Section 14 Transport Information

Non-hazardous when sterile

UN: UN Number Not classified

Section 15 Regulatory Information


Risk Phases: Not applicable

EC Classification: Not classified

Section 16 Other Information

Culture media contains antibiotic or irritant supplements in low concentration. Avoid handling

agar gel. Do not ingest.

The information contained herein is based on the present state of our knowledge and does not

therefore guarantee certain properties. Recipients of our product must take responsibility for

observing existing laws and regulations.




Intertek, Exploration Drive, Aberdeen Science and Energy Park, Bridge of Don, Aberdeen, AB23


Emergency Contact No: +44 (0)1224 708 500 Fax: +44 (0)1224

Issued Date: 06 January 2014 Print Date: 23 October 2014

Section 1 Product Information

Product Identification/Trade name: GHB PRD Growth Media

Appearance: Red transparent aqueous liquid

Section 2 Composition

Organic compounds less than 1 %

Water 99%

Section 3 Main Hazard

Non Hazardous

Health Effects:

Skin: Brief or occasional contact is unlikely to have any significant effect

Eyes: May cause slight irritation

Ingestion: Practically non-toxic

Inhalation: Unlikely to occur

Section 4 First Aid/Emergency Actions

If this happens Do this

Product on skin Wash skin with soap and water

Product in eyes Rinse with plenty of water for at least 10 minutes, holding the eye open. Seek

medical advice if soreness persists.

Product ingested Wash out mouth with water

Product inhaled Remove from exposure


Section 5 Fire-fighting Measures

Fire Hazard: Non-flammable

Section 6 Accidental Release or Spillage Procedure

Wash affected areas with plenty of water

Section 7 Handling and Storage

Materials: GHB media should be handled and used in glass containers as supplied and

should not be transferred to other vessels.

Precautions Store in a dry, well-ventilated area at ambient temperature.

Section 8 Personal Protection

Protective Equipment: Eye protection should be worn

Respiratory Protection:

Additional Instructions:

Section 9 Physical and Chemical Properties

Specific Gravity:

< 0


pH: 7.0

Does not flash



Solubility: Fully dispersed in water

Odour: Odourless

Section 10 Stability and Reactivity

Incompatibility: None known

Stability: Stable at normal ambient temperatures

Hazardous decomposition products: None known

Section 11 Toxicology Properties


Not applicable

Section 12 Ecological Information

Not applicable

Section 13 Disposal

disposed of according to local

regulations. Further information is available from ‘Survey of Microbiological Hazards and Risks associated with Offshore Operations’, published by the Institute of Corrosion, 1992 Section 14 Transport Information

ARD/RID Class: Not Classified


Hazard Identification No.

UN Class: Not Classified

UN Number:

Packing Group:

Marine Pollutant:

IMO Classification: Not Classified

Emergency Action Code:

Substance Identification No:


IATA Class: Not Classified

Subsidiary Risks:

Tremcard Number:

Section 15 Regulatory Labelling Information

Classification: Not Classified Risk Phrases: Safety Phrases: Avoid Contact with eyes. In case of contact with eyes, rinse immediately with plenty of water and seek medical advice.

Section 16 Other Information

The technical information and suggestions for use contained herein are believed to be reliable,

but they are not to be construed as warranties and no patent liability can be assumed.




Intertek, Exploration Drive, Aberdeen Science and Energy Park, Bridge of Don, Aberdeen, AB23


Emergency Contact No: +44 (0)1224 708 500 Fax: +44 (0)1224

Issued Date: 06 January 2014 Print Date: 23 October 2014

Section 1 Product Information

Product Identification/Trade name: Iron Utilizing Bacteria Medium (IUBM)

Appearance: Golden yellow liquid

Section 2 Composition

Inorganic salts less than 1.0 %


Section 3 Main Hazard

Non Hazardous

Health Effects:

Skin: Brief or occasional contact is unlikely to have any significant effect

Eyes: May cause slight irritation

Ingestion: Practically non-toxic

Inhalation: Unlikely to occur

Section 4 First Aid/Emergency Actions

If this happens Do this

Product on skin Wash skin with soap and water

Product in eyes Rinse with plenty of water for at least 10 minutes, holding the eye open. Seek

medical advice if soreness persists

Product ingested Wash out mouth with water. Seek medical advice.

Product inhaled Remove from exposure


Section 5 Fire-fighting Measures

Fire Hazard: Non-flammable

Section 6 Accidental Release or Spillage Procedure

Wash affected areas with plenty of water

Section 7 Handling and Storage

Materials: IUBM should be handled and used in glass containers as supplied and should

not be transferred to other vessels.

Precautions Store in a dry, well-ventilated area at ambient temperature.

Section 8 Personal Protection

Protective Equipment: Eye protection should be worn. Wear gloves.

Section 9 Physical and Chemical Properties

pH: 5.7

Flash Point (C): Does not flash

Decomposition Temperature (C): N/D

Auto Ignition Temperature (C): N/D

Solubility: Fully dispersed in water

Odour: Odourless

Section 10 Stability and Reactivity

Incompatibility: None known

Stability: Stable at normal ambient temperatures

Hazardous decomposition products: None known

Section 11 Toxicology Properties

Not applicable


Section 12 Ecological Information

Not applicable

Section 13 Disposal

Used media is to be autoclaved at 121C for 15 minutes, then disposed of according to local

regulations. Further information is available from ‘Survey of Microbiological Hazards and Risks

associated with Offshore Operations’, published by the Institute of Corrosion, 1992

Section 14 Transport Information

ARD/RID Class: Not Classified


Hazard Identification No.

UN Class: Not Classified

UN Number:

Packing Group:

Marine Pollutant:

IMO Classification: Not Classified

Emergency Action Code:

Substance Identification No:


IATA Class: Not Classified

Subsidary Risks:

Tremcard Number:

Section 15 Regulatory Labelling Information

Classification: Not Classified

Risk Phrases:

Safety Phrases: Avoid Contact with eyes and skin. In case of contact with eyes and skin, rinse

immediately with plenty of water and seek medical advice.

Section 16 Other Information

The technical information and suggestions for use contained herein are believed to be reliable,

but they are not to be construed as warranties and no patent liability can be assumed.




Intertek, Exploration Drive, Aberdeen Science and Energy Park, Bridge of Don, Aberdeen, AB23


Emergency Contact No: +44 (0)1224 708 500 Fax: +44 (0)1224

Issued Date: 06 January 2014 Print Date: 23 October 2014

Section 1 Product Information

Product Identification/Trade name: MPB Growth Media

Appearance: Pale cream aqueous liquid with precipitate

Section 2 Composition

Yeast less than 1.0 %

Inorganic salts less than 3.0 %

Mercaptoacetic acid less than 0.02 %



Section 3 Main Hazard

Non Hazardous

Health Effects:

Skin: Brief or occasional contact is unlikely to have any significant effect

Eyes: May cause slight irritation

Ingestion: Practically non-toxic

Inhalation: Unlikely to occur

Section 4 First Aid/Emergency Actions

If this happens Do this

Product on skin Wash skin with soap and water

Product in eyes Rinse with plenty of water for at least 10 minutes, holding the eye open. Seek

medical advice if soreness persists.

Product ingested Wash out mouth with water


Product inhaled Remove from exposure

Section 5 Fire-fighting Measures

Fire Hazard: Non-flammable

Section 6 Accidental Release or Spillage Procedure

Wash affected areas with plenty of water

Section 7 Handling and Storage

Materials: MPB media should be handled and used in glass containers as supplied and

should not be transferred to other vessels.

Precautions Store in a dry, well-ventilated area at ambient temperature.

Section 8 Personal Protection

Protective Equipment: Eye protection should be worn

Respiratory Protection:

Additional Instructions:

Section 9 Physical and Chemical Properties

Specific Gravity: 1.1 @ 20C

< 0


pH: 7.2

Does not flash



Solubility: Fully dispersed in water

Odour: Odourless

Section 10 Stability and Reactivity

Incompatibility: None known


Stability: Stable at normal ambient temperatures

Hazardous decomposition products: None known

Section 11 Toxicology Properties

Not applicable

Section 12 Ecological Information

Section 13 Disposal

Used media is to be autoclaved at 121C for 15 minutes, then disposed of according to local

regulations. Further information is available from ‘Survey of Microbiological Hazards and Risks

associated with Offshore Operations’, published by the Institute of Corrosion, 1992

Section 14 Transport Information


Class: Not Classified


Hazard Identification No. UN

Class: Not Classified

UN Number:

Packing Group:

Marine Pollutant:


Classification: Not Classified

Emergency Action Code:

Substance Identification No:


Class: Not Classified

Subsidary Risks:

Tremcard Number:

Section 15 Regulatory Labelling Information

Classification: Not Classified


Risk Phrases:

Safety Phrases: Avoid Contact with eyes. In case of contact with eyes, rinse immediately with

plenty of water and seek medical advice.

Section 16 Other Information

The technical information and suggestions for use contained herein are believed to be reliable,

but they are not to be construed as warranties and no patent liability can be assumed.




Intertek, Exploration Drive, Aberdeen Science and Energy Park, Bridge of Don, Aberdeen, AB23


Emergency Contact No: +44 (0)1224 708 500 Fax: +44 (0)1224

Issued Date: 06 January 2014 Print Date: 23 October 2014

Section 1 Product Information

Product Identification/Trade name: Sterile Maximum Recovery Diluents (MRD)

Appearance: Clear liquid. May contain sand.

Section 2 Composition

Peptone 0.1 %

Sodium chloride 0.9 %


Section 3 Main Hazard

Non Hazardous

Health Effects:

Skin: Brief or occasional contact is unlikely to have any significant effect

Eyes: May cause slight irritation

Ingestion: Practically non-toxic

Inhalation: Unlikely to occur

Section 4 First Aid/Emergency Actions

If this happens Do this

Product on skin Wash skin with soap and water

Product in eyes Irrigate thoroughly with water. Seek medical advice if discomfort persists.

Product ingested Wash out mouth with water. Seek medical advice

Product inhaled Remove from exposure


Section 5 Fire-fighting Measures

Fire Hazard: Non-flammable

Section 6 Accidental Release or Spillage Procedure

Wash affected areas with plenty of water

Section 7 Handling and Storage

Materials: MRD should be handled and used in glass containers as supplied and should not

be transferred to other vessels.

Precautions Store in a dry, well-ventilated area at ambient temperature.

Section 8 Personal Protection

Protective Equipment: Eye protection should be worn

Respiratory Protection:

Additional Instructions: Rubber or plastic gloves should be worn

Section 9 Physical and Chemical Properties

Specific Gravity: Not determined

Melting/Pour Point (C):

Boiling Point (C): 100

pH: 6.0

Flash Point (C): Does not flash

Decomposition Temperature (C): Not determined

Auto Ignition Temperature (C): ND

Solubility: Fully dispersed in water

Odour: Odourless

Section 10 Stability and Reactivity

Incompatibility: None known

Stability: Stable at normal ambient temperatures

Hazardous decomposition products: None known


Section 11 Toxicology Properties

Not applicable

Section 12 Ecological Information

Not applicable

Section 13 Disposal

MRD should be disposed of according to local government regulations. Inoculated diluents

should be autoclaved at 121C for 15 minutes before disposal.

Section 14 Transport Information

ARD/RID Class: Not Classified


Hazard Identification No.

UN Class: Not Classified

UN Number:

Packing Group:

Marine Pollutant:

IMO Classification: Not Classified

Emergency Action Code:

Substance Identification No:


IATA Class: Not Classified

Subsidary Risks:

Tremcard Number:

Section 15 Regulatory Labelling Information

Classification: Not Classified

Risk Phrases:

Safety Phrases: Avoid Contact with eyes. In case of contact with eyes, rinse immediately with

plenty of water and seek medical advice.

Section 16 Other Information

Date of Issue: 23 September 1998 Replaces:


The technical information and suggestions for use contained herein are believed to be reliable,

but they are not to be construed as warranties and no patent liability can be assumed.




Intertek, Exploration Drive, Aberdeen Science and Energy Park, Bridge of Don, Aberdeen, AB23


Emergency Contact No: +44 (0)1224 708 500 Fax: +44 (0)1224

Issued Date: 06 January 2014 Print Date: 23 October 2014

Section 1 Product Information

Product Identification/Trade name: NOB Growth Media

Appearance: Pale pink aqueous liquid with precipitate

Section 2 Composition

Yeast less than 1.0 %

Inorganic salts less than 3.0 %

Mercaptoacetic acid less than 0.02 %


Section 3 Main Hazard

Non Hazardous

Health Effects:

Skin: Brief or occasional contact is unlikely to have any significant effect

Eyes: May cause slight irritation

Ingestion: Practically non-toxic

Inhalation: Unlikely to occur

Section 4 First Aid/Emergency Actions

If this happens Do this

Product on skin Wash skin with soap and water

Product in eyes Rinse with plenty of water for at least 10 minutes, holding the eye open. Seek

medical advice if soreness persists.

Product ingested Wash out mouth with water


Product inhaled Remove from exposure

Section 5 Fire-fighting Measures

Fire Hazard: Non-flammable

Section 6 Accidental Release or Spillage Procedure

Wash affected areas with plenty of water

Section 7 Handling and Storage

Materials: NOB media should be handled and used in glass containers as supplied and

should not be transferred to other vessels.

Precautions Store in a dry, well-ventilated area at ambient temperature.

Section 8 Personal Protection

Protective Equipment: Eye protection should be worn

Respiratory Protection:

Additional Instructions:

Section 9 Physical and Chemical Properties

Specific Gravity: 1.1 @ 20C

Melting/Pour Point (C): < 0

Boiling Point (C): 100

pH: 8.0

Flash Point (C): Does not flash

Decomposition Temperature (C): N/D

Auto Ignition Temperature (C): N/D

Solubility: Fully dispersed in water

Odour: Odourless

Section 10 Stability and Reactivity

Incompatibility: None known


Stability: Stable at normal ambient temperatures

Hazardous decomposition products: None known

Section 11 Toxicology Properties

Not applicable

Section 12 Ecological Information

Section 13 Disposal

Used media is to be autoclaved at 121C for 15 minutes, then disposed of according to local

regulations. Further information is available from ‘Survey of Microbiological Hazards and Risks

associated with Offshore Operations’, published by the Institute of Corrosion, 1992.

Section 14 Transport Information

ARD/RID Class: Not Classified


Hazard Identification No.

UN Class: Not Classified

UN Number:

Packing Group:

Marine Pollutant:

IMO Classification: Not Classified

Emergency Action Code:

Substance Identification No:


IATA Class: Not Classified

Subsidary Risks:

Tremcard Number:

Section 15 Regulatory Labelling Information

Classification: Not Classified

Risk Phrases:

Safety Phrases: Avoid Contact with eyes. In case of contact with eyes, rinse immediately with

plenty of water and seek medical advice.

Section 16 Other Information


The technical information and suggestions for use contained herein are believed to be reliable,

but they are not to be construed as warranties and no patent liability can be assumed.




Intertek, Exploration Drive, Aberdeen Science and Energy Park, Bridge of Don, Aberdeen, AB23


Emergency Contact No: +44 (0)1224 708 500 Fax: +44 (0)1224

Issued Date: 06 January 2014 Print Date: 23 October 2014

Section 1 Product Information

Product Identification/Trade name: NRB Growth Media

Appearance: Clear yellow aqueous liquid

Section 2 Composition

Dried meat extract 1%

Potassium nitrate 0.1 %


Section 3 Main Hazard

Non Hazardous

Health Effects:

Skin: Brief or occasional contact is unlikely to have any significant effect

Eyes: May cause irritation

Ingestion: Harmful in large quantities

Inhalation: Not applicable

Section 4 First Aid/Emergency Actions

If this happens Do this

Product on skin Wash skin with soap and water

Product in eyes Rinse with plenty of water for at least 10 minutes, holding the eye open. Seek

medical advice.

Product ingested Wash out mouth with water

Product inhaled Not applicable


Section 5 Fire-fighting Measures

Fire Hazard: Non-flammable

Section 6 Accidental Release or Spillage Procedure

Wash affected areas with plenty of water

Section 7 Handling and Storage

Materials: NRB media should be handled and used in glass containers as supplied and

should not be transferred to other vessels.

Precautions Store in a dry, well-ventilated area at ambient temperature.

Section 8 Personal Protection

Protective Equipment: Eye protection should be worn

Respiratory Protection: Not applicable

Additional Instructions:

Section 9 Physical and Chemical Properties

Specific Gravity: 1.1 @ 20C

Melting/Pour Point (C): N/D

Boiling Point (C): N/D

pH: 7.0

Flash Point (C): Does not flash

Decomposition Temperature (C): N/D

Auto Ignition Temperature (C): N/D

Solubility: Fully dispersed in water

Odour: Odourless

Section 10 Stability and Reactivity

Incompatibility: None known

Stability: Stable at normal ambient temperatures


Hazardous decomposition products: None known

Section 11 Toxicology Properties

Not applicable

Section 12 Ecological Information

Not applicable

Section 13 Disposal

Used media is to be autoclaved at 121C for 15 minutes, then disposed of according to local

regulations. Further information is available from ‘Survey of Microbiological Hazards and Risks

associated with Offshore Operations’, published by the Institute of Corrosion, 1992.

Section 14 Transport Information

ARD/RID Class: Not Classified


Hazard Identification No.

UN Class: Not Classified

UN Number:

Packing Group:

Marine Pollutant:

IMO Classification: Not Classified

Emergency Action Code:

Substance Identification No:


IATA Class: Not Classified

Subsidary Risks:

Tremcard Number:

Section 15 Regulatory Labelling Information

Classification: Not Classified

Risk Phrases:

Safety Phrases: Avoid Contact with eyes. In case of contact with eyes, rinse immediately with

plenty of water and seek medical advice.

Section 16 Other Information


The technical information and suggestions for use contained herein are believed to be reliable,

but they are not to be construed as warranties and no patent liability can be assumed.




Intertek, Exploration Drive, Aberdeen Science and Energy Park, Bridge of Don, Aberdeen, AB23


Emergency Contact No: +44 (0)1224 708 500 Fax: +44 (0)1224

Issued Date: 06 January 2014 Print Date: 23 October 2014

Section 1 Product Information

Product Identification/Trade name: Oil-Degrading Bacteria Medium (sterile)

Appearance: Clear liquid with precipitate (white to yellow)

Section 2 Composition

Inorganic salts 1 – 15%

Organic components < 0.1%


Section 3 Main Hazard

Non Hazardous

Health Effects:

Skin: Brief or occasional contact is unlikely to have any significant effect

Eyes: May cause slight irritation

Ingestion: Practically non-toxic

Inhalation: Unlikely to occur

Section 4 First Aid/Emergency Actions

If this happens Do this

Product on skin Wash skin with soap and water

Product in eyes Rinse with plenty of water for at least 10 minutes, holding the eye open. Seek

medical advice if soreness persists.

Product ingested Wash out mouth with water

Product inhaled Remove from exposure


Section 5 Fire-fighting Measures

Fire Hazard: Non-flammable

Section 6 Accidental Release or Spillage Procedure

Wash affected areas with plenty of water

Section 7 Handling and Storage

Materials: Oil Degrading Bacteria medium should be handled and used in glass containers

as supplied and should not be transferred to other vessels.

Precautions Store in a dry, well-ventilated area at ambient temperature.

Section 8 Personal Protection

Protective Equipment: Eye protection should be worn

Respiratory Protection:

Additional Instructions:

Section 9 Physical and Chemical Properties

Specific Gravity: 1.1 – 1.5 @ 20C

Melting/Pour Point (C): 0

Boiling Point (C): 100

pH: 7.0

Flash Point (C): Does not flash

Decomposition Temperature (C): N/D

Auto Ignition Temperature (C): N/D

Solubility: Fully dispersed in water

Odour: No discernible odour

Section 10 Stability and Reactivity

Incompatibility: None known

Stability: Stable at normal ambient temperatures

Hazardous decomposition products: None known


Section 11 Toxicology Properties

Not applicable

Section 12 Ecological Information

Not applicable

Section 13 Disposal

Used media is to be autoclaved at 121C for 15 minutes, then disposed of according to local

regulations. Further information is available from ‘Survey of Microbiological Hazards and Risks

associated with Offshore Operations’, published by the Institute of Corrosion, 1992.

Section 14 Transport Information

ARD/RID Class: Not Classified


Hazard Identification No.

UN Class: Not Classified

UN Number:

Packing Group:

Marine Pollutant:

IMO Classification: Not Classified

Emergency Action Code:

Substance Identification No:


IATA Class: Not Classified

Subsidiary Risks:

Tremcard Number:

Section 15 Regulatory Labelling Information

Classification: Not Classified

Risk Phrases:

Safety Phrases: Avoid Contact with eyes. In case of contact with eyes, rinse immediately

with plenty of water and seek medical advice.

Section 16 Other Information

The technical information and suggestions for use contained herein are believed to be reliable,

but they are not to be construed as warranties and no patent liability can be assumed.




Intertek, Exploration Drive, Aberdeen Science and Energy Park, Bridge of Don, Aberdeen, AB23


Emergency Contact No: +44 (0)1224 708 500 Fax: +44 (0)1224

Issued Date: 06 January 2014 Print Date: 23 October 2014

Section 1 Product Information

Product Identification/Trade name: Phosphate Buffered Saline (PBS)

Appearance: Clear liquid

Section 2 Composition

Inorganic salts less than 1.0 %


Section 3 Main Hazard

Non Hazardous

Health Effects:

Skin: Brief or occasional contact is unlikely to have any significant effect

Eyes: May cause slight irritation

Ingestion: Practically non-toxic

Inhalation: Unlikely to occur

Section 4 First Aid/Emergency Actions

If this happens Do this

Product on skin Wash skin with soap and water

Product in eyes Rinse with plenty of water for at least 10 minutes, holding the eye open. Seek

medical advice if soreness persists.

Product ingested Wash out mouth with water

Product inhaled Remove from exposure


Section 5 Fire-fighting Measures

Fire Hazard: Non-flammable

Section 6 Accidental Release or Spillage Procedure

Wash affected areas with plenty of water

Section 7 Handling and Storage

Materials: PBS media should be handled and used in glass containers as supplied and

should not be transferred to other vessels.

Precautions Store in a dry, well-ventilated area at ambient temperature.

Section 8 Personal Protection

Protective Equipment: Eye protection should be worn. Wear gloves.

Section 9 Physical and Chemical Properties

pH: 7.0 ± 0.2

Flash Point (C): Does not flash

Decomposition Temperature (C): N/D

Auto Ignition Temperature (C): N/D

Solubility: Fully dispersed in water

Odour: Odourless

Section 10 Stability and Reactivity

Incompatibility: None known

Stability: Stable at normal ambient temperatures

Hazardous decomposition products: None known

Section 11 Toxicology Properties

Not applicable

Section 12 Ecological Information


Not applicable

Section 13 Disposal

Used media is to be autoclaved at 121C for 15 minutes, then disposed of according to local

regulations. Further information is available from ‘Survey of Microbiological Hazards and Risks

associated with Offshore Operations’, published by the Institute of Corrosion, 1992.

Section 14 Transport Information

ARD/RID Class: Not Classified


Hazard Identification No.

UN Class: Not Classified

UN Number:

Packing Group:

Marine Pollutant:

IMO Classification: Not Classified

Emergency Action Code:

Substance Identification No:


IATA Class: Not Classified

Subsidary Risks:

Tremcard Number:

Section 15 Regulatory Labelling Information

Classification: Not Classified

Risk Phrases:

Safety Phrases: Avoid Contact with eyes. In case of contact with eyes, rinse immediately with

plenty of water and seek medical advice.

Section 16 Other Information

The technical information and suggestions for use contained herein are believed to be reliable,

but they are not to be construed as warranties and no patent liability can be assumed.




Intertek, Exploration Drive, Aberdeen Science and Energy Park, Bridge of Don, Aberdeen, AB23


Emergency Contact No: +44 (0)1224 708 500 Fax: +44 (0)1224

Issued Date: 06 January 2014 Print Date: 23 October 2014

Section 1 Product Information

Product Identification/Trade name: Sterile Seawater Diluents

Appearance: Salt water within a test tube

Section 2 Composition

100% seawater

Section 3 Main Hazard

Non Hazardous

Health Effects:

Skin: Brief or occasional contact is unlikely to have any significant effect

Eyes: Likely to irritate

Ingestion: Practically non-toxic

Inhalation: Unlikely to occur

Section 4 First Aid/Emergency Actions

If this happens Do this

Product on skin Wash skin with soap and water

Product in eyes Irrigate thoroughly with water. Seek medical advice if discomfort persists.

Product ingested Drink plenty of water. Seek advice if unwell.

Product inhaled Remove from exposure

Section 5 Fire-fighting Measures


Fire Hazard: Non-flammable

Section 6 Accidental Release or Spillage Procedure

Wash affected areas with clean water

Section 7 Handling and Storage

Materials: Seawater Diluents should be handled and used in glass containers as supplied

and should not be transferred to other vessels.

Precautions Store in a dry, well-ventilated area at ambient temperature.

Section 8 Personal Protection

Protective Equipment: Eye protection should be worn

Additional Instructions: Rubber or plastic gloves should be worn

Section 9 Physical and Chemical Properties

Specific Gravity: Not determined

Melting/Pour Point (C): -

Boiling Point (C): 100

pH: 7.6

Flash Point (C): Does not flash

Decomposition Temperature (C): Not determined

Auto Ignition Temperature (C): Not determined

Solubility: -

Odour: Virtually odourless

Section 10 Stability and Reactivity

Incompatibility: None known

Stability: Stable at normal ambient temperatures

Hazardous decomposition products: None known

Section 11 Toxicology Properties


Not applicable

Section 12 Ecological Information

Not applicable

Section 13 Disposal

Seawater Diluents should be disposed of according to local government regulations. Inoculated

diluents should be autoclaved at 121C for 15 minutes before disposal.

Section 14 Transport Information

ARD/RID Class: Not Classified


Hazard Identification No.

UN Class: Not Classified

UN Number:

Packing Group:

Marine Pollutant:

IMO Classification: Not Classified

Emergency Action Code:

Substance Identification No:


IATA Class: Not Classified

Subsidary Risks:

Tremcard Number:

Section 15 Regulatory Labelling Information

Classification: Not Classified

Risk Phrases:

Safety Phrases: Avoid Contact with eyes. In case of contact with eyes, rinse immediately with

plenty of water and seek medical advice.

Section 16 Other Information

The technical information and suggestions for use contained herein are believed to be reliable,

but they are not to be construed as warranties and no patent liability can be assumed.




Intertek, Exploration Drive, Aberdeen Science and Energy Park, Bridge of Don, Aberdeen, AB23


Emergency Contact No: +44 (0)1224 708 500 Fax: +44 (0)1224

Issued Date: 06 January 2014 Print Date: 23 October 2014

Section 1 Product Information

Product Identification/Trade name: Thioglycollate (TGC) Growth Media

Appearance: Pale straw coloured aqueous liquid

Section 2 Composition

Yeast less than 1.0 %

Inorganic salts less than 3.0 %

Pancreatic Digest of Casein less than 2.0 %

Dextrose less than 1.0 %

L-Cystine less than 1.0 %

Sodium Thioglycollate less than 1.0 %

Agar less than 1.0 %


Section 3 Main Hazard

Non Hazardous

Health Effects:

Skin: Brief or occasional contact is unlikely to have any significant effect

Eyes: May cause slight irritation

Ingestion: Practically non-toxic

Inhalation: Unlikely to occur

Section 4 First Aid/Emergency Actions

If this happens Do this


Product on skin Wash skin with soap and water

Product in eyes Rinse with plenty of water for at least 10 minutes, holding the eye open. Seek

medical advice if soreness persists.

Product ingested Wash out mouth with water

Product inhaled Remove from exposure

Section 5 Fire-fighting Measures

Fire Hazard: Non-flammable

Section 6 Accidental Release or Spillage Procedure

Wash affected areas with plenty of water

Section 7 Handling and Storage

Materials: TGC media should be handled and used in glass containers as supplied and

should not be transferred to other vessels.

Precautions Store in a dry, dark, well-ventilated area at ambient temperature.

Section 8 Personal Protection

Protective Equipment: Eye protection should be worn

Respiratory Protection:

Additional Instructions:

Section 9 Physical and Chemical Properties

Specific Gravity: 1.1 @ 20C

Melting/Pour Point (C): < 0

Boiling Point (C): 100

pH: 7.2

Flash Point (C): Does not flash

Decomposition Temperature (C): N/D

Auto Ignition Temperature (C): N/D

Solubility: Fully dispersed in water

Odour: Odourless


Section 10 Stability and Reactivity

Incompatibility: None known

Stability: Stable at normal ambient temperatures

Hazardous decomposition products: None known

Section 11 Toxicology Properties

Not applicable

Section 12 Ecological Information

Not applicable

Section 13 Disposal

Used media is to be autoclaved at 121C for 15 minutes, then disposed of according to local

regulations. Further information is available from ‘Survey of Microbiological Hazards and Risks

associated with Offshore Operations’, published by the Institute of Corrosion, 1992

Section 14 Transport Information

ARD/RID Class: Not Classified


Hazard Identification No.

UN Class: Not Classified

UN Number:

Packing Group:

Marine Pollutant:

IMO Classification: Not Classified

Emergency Action Code:

Substance Identification No:


IATA Class: Not Classified

Subsidary Risks:

Tremcard Number:

Section 15 Regulatory Labelling Information

Classification: Not Classified

Risk Phrases:

Safety Phrases: Avoid contact with eyes. In case of contact with eyes, rinse immediately with

plenty of water and seek medical advice.


Section 16 Other Information

The technical information and suggestions for use contained herein are believed to be reliable,

but they are not to be construed as warranties and no patent liability can be assumed.




Intertek, Exploration Drive, Aberdeen Science and Energy Park, Bridge of Don, Aberdeen, AB23


Emergency Contact No: +44 (0)1224 708 500 Fax: +44 (0)1224

Issued Date: 06 January 2014 Print Date: 23 October 2014

Section 1 Product Information

Product Identification/Trade name: TRB Growth Media

Appearance: Pale cream aqueous liquid with precipitate

Section 2 Composition

Yeast less than 1.0 %

Inorganic salts less than 3.0 %

Mercaptoacetic acid less than 0.02 %


Section 3 Main Hazard

Non Hazardous

Health Effects:

Skin: Brief or occasional contact is unlikely to have any significant effect

Eyes: May cause slight irritation

Ingestion: Practically non-toxic

Inhalation: Unlikely to occur

Section 4 First Aid/Emergency Actions

If this happens Do this

Product on skin Wash skin with soap and water

Product in eyes Rinse with plenty of water for at least 10 minutes, holding the eye open. Seek

medical advice if soreness persists.

Product ingested Wash out mouth with water


Product inhaled Remove from exposure

Section 5 Fire-fighting Measures

Fire Hazard: Non-flammable

Section 6 Accidental Release or Spillage Procedure

Wash affected areas with plenty of water

Section 7 Handling and Storage

Materials: TRB media should be handled and used in glass containers as supplied and

should not be transferred to other vessels.

Precautions Store in a dry, well-ventilated area at ambient temperature.

Section 8 Personal Protection

Protective Equipment: Eye protection should be worn

Respiratory Protection:

Additional Instructions:

Section 9 Physical and Chemical Properties

Specific Gravity: 1.1 @ 20C

Melting/Pour Point (C): < 0

Boiling Point (C): 100

pH: 7.2

Flash Point (C): Does not flash

Decomposition Temperature (C): N/D

Auto Ignition Temperature (C): N/D

Solubility: Fully dispersed in water

Odour: Odourless

Section 10 Stability and Reactivity

Incompatibility: None known


Stability: Stable at normal ambient temperatures

Hazardous decomposition products: None known

Section 11 Toxicology Properties

Not applicable

Section 12 Ecological Information

Section 13 Disposal

Used media is to be autoclaved at 121C for 15 minutes, then disposed of according to local

regulations. Further information is available from ‘Survey of Microbiological Hazards and Risks

associated with Offshore Operations’, published by the Institute of Corrosion, 1992

Section 14 Transport Information

ARD/RID Class: Not Classified


Hazard Identification No.

UN Class: Not Classified

UN Number:

Packing Group:

Marine Pollutant:

IMO Classification: Not Classified

Emergency Action Code:

Substance Identification No:


IATA Class: Not Classified

Subsidary Risks:

Tremcard Number:

Section 15 Regulatory Labelling Information

Classification: Not Classified

Risk Phrases:

Safety Phrases: Avoid Contact with eyes. In case of contact with eyes, rinse immediately with

plenty of water and seek medical advice.

Section 16 Other Information

Date of Issue: 19 October 2001 Replaces: Not Applicable

The technical information and suggestions for use contained herein are believed to be reliable,

but they are not to be construed as warranties and no patent liability can be assumed.




Intertek, Exploration Drive, Aberdeen Science and Energy Park, Bridge of Don, Aberdeen, AB23


Emergency Contact No: +44 (0)1224 708 500 Fax: +44 (0)1224

Issued Date: 06 January 2014 Print Date: 23 October 2014

Section 1 Product Information

Product Identification/Trade name: Zinc Acetate

Appearance: Colourless crystals

Section 2 Composition

Zinc acetate CAS No. 5970-45-6

Section 3 Main Hazard

Non Hazardous

Health Effects:

Harmful by ingestion, causing nausea and vomiting. Continued ingestion of small amounts can

cause digestive disorders and constipation. Irritating to eyes and may irritate skin.

Section 4 First Aid/Emergency Actions

If this happens Do this

Product on skin: Wash off skin thoroughly with water. In severe cases, seek medical attention

Product in eyes: Irrigate thoroughly with water. If discomfort continues, obtain medical attention.

Product ingested: Wash out mouth with water and give plenty of water to drink. OBTAIN


Product inhaled Remove from exposure, rest and keep warm

Section 5 Fire-fighting Measures

Fire Hazard: Non-flammable


Section 6 Accidental Release or Spillage Procedure

Wash affected areas with plenty of water

Section 7 Handling and Storage

No special requirements

Section 8 Personal Protection

Protective Equipment: Eye and hand protection should be worn.

Respiratory Protection: A dust respirator should be used. Use within a extraction hood

Additional Instructions:

Section 9 Physical and Chemical Properties

Specific Gravity: 1.73 @ 20C

Melting Point (C): 200 (decomposition)

Boiling Point (C): N/A

Auto Ignition Temperature (C): N/D

Solubility: Very soluble in water

Odour: Acetous odour

Section 10 Stability and Reactivity

Incompatibility: Avoid contact with oxidisers

Stability: Slowly effloresces

Hazardous decomposition products: None known

Section 11 Toxicology Properties

Toxicity data: LD50 = 794 mg/kg (rat, oral)

Exposure limits not assigned (long term 8 hour TWA)

Section 12 Ecological Information


Not applicable

Section 13 Disposal

Dilute greatly with water and run to drain

Section 14 Transport Information


Class: Not Classified


Hazard Identification No.


Class: Not Classified

UN Number:

Packing Group:

Marine Pollutant:


Classification: Not Classified

Emergency Action Code:

Substance Identification No:



Class: Not Classified

Subsidiary Risks:

Tremcard Number:

Tremcard Number:

Section 15 Regulatory Labelling Information

Classification: Not Classified

Risk Phrases: Harmful if swallowed

Irritating to eyes and skin

Safety Phrases: Avoid Contact with skin and eyes. In case of contact with eyes, rinse

immediately with plenty of water and seek medical advice.

Wear suitable protective clothing, gloves and eye/face protection

Section 16 Other Information

Date of Issue: 1 June 1998 Replaces:

The technical information and suggestions for use contained herein are believed to be reliable,

but they are not to be construed as warranties and no patent liability can be assumed.