Mater means mother

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contains the etymology of the word mater

Transcript of Mater means mother

Lesson 13 (The root word mater)Written by Puneet BiseriaCategory:category4Published: 17 November 2014Hits: 79Today we will talk about the word which is pertaining to mother.The Latin word which is pertaining mother is mater.The Hindi equivalent of which is |If you see any word which has mater/ matri in it, understand that it has something related to mother.Now go through the list of the words. Maternal

Of or related to motherly care.Belonging to the mothers family. Maternal Uncle / Aunt

Mothers brother / sister.


Motherhood.The period during pregnancy. The pregnant ladies are admitted in the Maternity Ward. Matriarchy

Rule of mother.From Greek word arkhein which means to rule. A matriarch is a woman who is the head of the family. Matricentric

Holding mother as the center of all thoughts or activities.Centric means pertaining to center. Matronym

A name derived from the name of mother.From the Greek word onoma which means names.Matrilocal

The marriage in which the husband lives with the family of his wife.From the Latinword locuswhich means place. Alma Mater

The school, college, or university that someone formerly attended.From the Italian word Alma which means Soul.Alma mater therefore means mother soul mother.What does that mean?Mother also means to watch over, nourish, and protect maternally.Alma mater means a place where soul is nourished.The soul is nourished by education. Matrimony

The state of being married.What is the reason?Because after marriage usually women become mothers. Matron

A womanwho is responsible for the personal care of the children of a family.It means to keep a close look at the younger members of a family.To chaperon.Dura Mater

The tough outermost part of the skull that covers the brain and the spinal cord.From the Italian word dura which means hard.The dura mater meansprotect the brain and the spinal cord MATERNALLY.Dura mater is hard mother. Materfamilias

The female head of a family or household.From the Latin word familia which means household servants. Matricide

A person who killsones mother.It also denotes an act of killing.From the Latin word Cide which means to kill. Matroclinous

some thing / quality / disease inherited or derived from mothers family.From the Latin word clinare which means towards. MatrolinealOf or related to mothers line of family.From the Latin word linea which means ancestry. Matrophile

Love for ones mother. From Greek phelien which means to love.

MisomaterHate for ones mother.From Greek wordmisoswhich meansto hate. MatrolatryTo worship ones mother.From Greek word latreia which means to worship.Materophobia

fear from mother.From the Greek word phobia which means fear of. These are the terms which you have studied.The Greek wordarkheinmeansto rule.The Greek wordonomameansname.The Latinwordlocusmeansplace.The Italian wordalmameanssoul.The Italian worddurameanshard.The Latin wordfamiliameanshousehold servants.The Latin wordcidemeans tokill.The Latin wordclinaremeanstowards.The Latin wordlineameansancestry.The Greekphileinmeansto love.The Greek wordmisosmeansto hate.The Greek wordlateriameansto worship.The Greek wordphobiameansfear of.Now to consummate your learning write down the meaning of these words.MaternalMaternal AuntMaternityMatriarchyMatricentricMatronymMatrilocalAlma MaterMatrimonyMatronDura MaterMaterfamiliasMatricideMatroclinousMatrolinealMatrophileMisomaterSome other terms related to mother which you should be familiar with.Momism ~ an excessive attachment and devotion of children to their mothers, resulting in a childs dependence and failure to achieve emotional emancipation.Mother-in-law - the mother of your spousePrimipara - (obstetrics) woman who has been delivered of a child for the first timeSupermom - an informal term for a mother who can combine childcare and full-time employmentSurrogate mother / gestational mother - a woman who bears a child for a couple where the wife is unable to do so; "a surrogate mother is artificially inseminated with the father's semen and carries the fetus to term"Mother figure ~ An older woman, often one in a position of power or influence, who elicits the emotions usually reserved for a mother. (PUT THE IMAGE OF DAADI SAA)Mother Nature ~ The personification of nature as a powerful and nurturing woman.Mother's Day ~ The second Sunday in May, observed in the United States as a day honoring mothers.Mother tongue ~ One's native language.Motherless ~ having no motherMother country / motherland ~ the country where one was born.Mother hen ~ A person who fusses over others in an overprotective manner.Mother's boy - a boy excessively attached to his mother; lacking normal masculine interests. THERE IS AN IDIOM WHICH MEANS THE SAME, AND THAT IS "tied to one's mother's apron strings".Mother's daughter - a daughter who is EXCESSIVELY favored by her motherMother like - suggestive of or acting like a motherWHAT is the difference Biological mother and Non-biological mother?Idioms & Phrases~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The mother of allThe greatest example of its kindExpectant motherA pregnant woman.Face that only a mother could loveA very ugly face.Like mother, like daughter.It is a Proverb which means that daughters resemble their mothers.; Daughters tend to do what their mothers did before them.Diligence is the mother of good luck.It is a Proverb which means that if you work carefully and constantly, you will be far more likely to be successful, as if luck had come your way.Necessity is the mother of invention.It is a Proverb which means that when people really need to do something, they will figure out a way to do it.Swear on one's mother's graveEXCESSIVELY pledging to tell the truth.A mother lode of somethingAn EXCESSIVELY large collection of a somethingAt your mother's kneeTo be an expert at doing something, because your mother taught it when you were a young childShall I be mother?Something that yousay in order to ask whether you should serve food or drink to someoneThink of these terms. Whatwould be the meaning of the wordmatradelph?Mother's brother. Adelphos means brother, if you remember?What is the meaning ofmatromorphic?A child who has taken after his mother. From the Greekword morph which means form.If you remember we have studied the wordAnthropomorph.Do you know what the meaning ofmatrix?It means aWOMB. Now you understand. End of Session.