Mastercard Internet Gateway Service (MIGS) – test demonstration Batch Facility Is a simple and...

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Transcript of Mastercard Internet Gateway Service (MIGS) – test demonstration Batch Facility Is a simple and...

Mastercard Internet Gateway Service (MIGS) – test demonstration

•Batch Facility

Is a simple and efficient payment solution for businesses that have large volume of transactions. Multiple transactions are submitted in a single file.

Processing Cycle – This is the process the Batch facility takes to authorise transactions.

Example of Batch Excel Spreadsheet – This will hold multiple card numbers to be submitted as one batch for faster processing time.

Sending Batch File

Welcome Screen

Step 1. Click on Open

Step 2. Choose File Name and select Open

Step 3. Tick Validate Only

Step 4. Select Load

Processing is displayed while validation is taking place. We need to validate file before sending real transactions for approval to help reduce errors.

Step 5. When file is finished Validation, select View All Results

Take note of any error transactions and make modifications if required to your master file and resave as new name. If any changes done repeat steps 1-5.

Step 6. To start the processing cycle, ensure the Validate Only checkbox is cleared

Step 7. To start the “Processing” sending of transactions, click on Load

Step 8. Click yes to proceed

Waiting for Processing Cycle to Finish

File Finished Processing, enables View All Results, Approved, Declined & Error to be viewed

Step 9. All transactions that are successfully processed, whether they are approved or declined, can be viewed and administered through the MIGS Merchant Administration portal via the internet. BBL will provide your log in details. This site allows you to view transactions, process refunds, process single credit card transactions and view daily settlement reports. Alternatively go to Batch Out Folder on your PC to view report details.

Thank you