Master the Tempest is Raging-TTBB

Post on 16-Aug-2015

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Master the Tempest is Raging-TTBB

Transcript of Master the Tempest is Raging-TTBB


B2:.-. With fervor_, , , , , ,Mas - ter, the tem- pest is-

,,rag - ing,-B1:, , , , , ,Mas - ter, the tem- pest is ,- ,,rag - ing, ,__T1:T2:,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,,Mas - ter, the tem- pest is



,,rag - ing,



,,rag - ing,




, ,rag - ing,

, ,__

T2:T2 has melody , ,Mas -Mas -ter,ter,T1:B1:B2:,,, ,,, ,,, ,,, ,,, ,,,Mas -Mas-terter,thewithtem-an-pestguishisof, , , ,thewithtem-an-pestguishisof


,,,rag -spir -ing,it, , ,rag -spir -ing!it,,, ,,, ,,, ,,, ,,, ,,,mas-mas-terterthewithtem-an-pestguishisof

, ,TheI

,,, ,,,,,,rag -spit -ing!itTheI__ ,bil -bow,,, ,,, ,,, ,,,,,,bil -bowlowsinaremytoss -griefingto -, , , ,,lowsinaremytoss -griefingto -


,,,high,day,theI ,high!day.,,, ,,, ,,, ,,,,,,bil -bowlowsinaremytoss -griefingto - ,,TheThe,,,, ,,,,high!day.TheThe , ,,__ , , skydepthsisof,,, ,,, ,,, ,,, ,,, ,,,skydepthsisofo'er-myshad-sadowedheartwithare, , , , , ,o -myver-sadshad-heartowed withare

,,,,,,,,,black -trou -ness,bled,thethe,,,black -trou -ness.bled.,,, ,,, ,,, ,,, ,,, ,,,skydepthsisofo'er-myshad-sadowedheartwithare , ,NoOh,

,,, ,,,,,,black -trou -ness.bled.NoOh,Master, the Tempest Is RagingTTBBLyrics by Mary Ann BakerMusic by H. R. PalmerArranged by Craig Petrie 2001 by Craig Petriepetrie@ieee.orgMaking copies for noncommercial use is permitted.More LDS sheet music can be downloaded for free at ,shel -wak -,,, ,,, ,,, ,,,,,,shel -wak -terenorandhelpsave,isI, , , , , ,terenorandhelpsave,isI



,pray!nigh.,,, ,,, ,,, ,,,,,,shel -wak -terenorandhelpsave,isI



,,, nigh.pray!__T1, T2, B1:,, , , , , ,Car -Tor-estrentsthouofnotsinthatandweofB2:,,, ,,, ,,, ,,, ,,, ,,,Tor-Car - estrentsthouofnotsinthatandweof


,per -an -ish?guish


,,,per -an -ish,guish,

, , ,Oh,They

,,,,,,, , , , , ,car -tor-estrentsthouofnotsinthatandweof, , , ,sweephowo'ercanst thoumyliesink -,, ,, ,,

,, ,,per -an -ish?guish,__

, ,,a -ing

,, ,,,, ,,Oh,theyhowsweep

, sleepsoul,



, , , ,WhenAndeachI

,, , ,, ,,WhenAndeachI ,

,liesink -a -ing , ,mo -per -mentish!,, ,, ,, ,,, ,,, ,,,moper-mentish!soI per-mad-mad-per-lyish!lyish!isdearisdear -,,sleep,soul,soI, , , ,soImad-per-lyish!isdear

,,,,,,,,,threat -Mas -'ning,ter,eachI__ , ,threat -Mas -'ningter.,,, ,,, ,,, ,,, ,,, ,,,mo-per -mentish!soImad -per -lyish!isdear

, ,,AOh,

,,,,,,,,,threat -Mas -'ningter.AOh, ,gravehas -,,, ,,, ,,, ,,,,,,gravehas -intentheandan -takegrycon -, , , , , ,intentheandan -takegrycon -



,deep?trol!,,, ,,, ,,, ,,,,,,gravehas-intentheandan -takegrycon -

,-T1:T2:,much slower



,,,-B1:B2: ,deep?trol!

,T1 has melody,, ,, ,,winds and the waves shall o -,, ,, ,,,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,,,, ,bey thy will:,, ,,, , ,, ,2__, ,bestill, , ,,Peace, be

,,,,,,,, ,be still.


,,, , , , , ,Wheth- er thewrath of the, , , , , ,, , , , , , , , , , , ,,,,, ,,,,storm - tossed sea Or,, ,, ,, ,,__,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,,de- monsor men or what -, , , ,, ,,, ,,, , ,accel. y cresc.,, ,, ,, ,,,,ev - er it be, No,, ,, ,, ,,,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,,wa -ters can swal - low the,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,,,,,, ,,,,ship where lies The,,,, ,,,,__,, ,, ,,rit.,, ,, ,,Mas- ter of o- cean and,, ,, ,, , , ,, , , _,,,, ,,-,,earth and skies. They,,, ,_,They, , , ,,a tempo,,,, ,, ,, ,,all shall sweet- ly o -

,,all,,,, ,, ,, ,,bey thywill:

,,,,,,be__,,,, ,Peace, be still;, , ,

,,,,,,still, be,, ,, _ ,peace, be still. They, , ,,

,,,,,still.,T2 has melody,, , , ,all shall sweet- ly o -,, , , ,,,,, ,, ,, ,,,,,,

,,-bey thy will:,,,,


slower, , , , ,Peace, peace, be ,,,

,,,,,,1a tempo, getting fastercresc.

,,,,,,still, be1 , ,,, ,,still, be still,

,,,, ,,still, be

, ,,, ,,be still, ,still., , ,(bestill.) ,, ,,be still.2a tempo

,,,,,,still, be2 , ,,, ,,still, be still,3__,,,,

,,,,,,still, be , , ,,,, ,be still, , , ,still. ,,, , ,be still.,, ,be still._not as fast as verses 1 and 2,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,,Mas- ter, the ter - ror is,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,,

,,,,,,o - ver. The

,,,,,,__,,,,,, ,, ,, ,,,,el - e -ments sweet - ly,, ,, ,, ,,,,,,,, ,,,,rest, they rest. Earth's,, ,,rest.

, ,,,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,,sun in thecalm lake is,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,,

,, ,,,,mir - rored, And

,, ,,,,__,,,,,, ,, ,, ,,,,heav-en'swith - in my,, ,, ,, ,,,,,,,breast.mybreast.


,,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,,Lin- ger, Obless - ed Re -,, ,, ,, ,,,, ,,


,,deem - er!


,, __,,,,,, ,, ,, ,,,, Leaveme a - lone no,, ,, ,, ,, ,,,, ,,, ,,more,nomore,Andwith , ,,, ,,, ,,nomore, , ,,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,,joy I shall make the blest,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,,

,, ,, ,,har - bor And

,, ,, ,,__,,,,,, ,, ,, ,,,,rest on the bliss - ful,, ,, ,, ,,,,


,, shore. The


,,T1 has melody,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,,winds and thewaves shall o -,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,,,,,,,

,,bey thywill:,,,,

,,4__,(stay loud)

, ,,Peace, be,, ,Peace, be still,

, , ,,,, ,Peace, be still, ,still.,, ,peace, be still. ,,, ,peace, be still.T2 has melody, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,,Wheth - er thewrath of the, , , , , , , , , , , ,,,,, ,,,,storm - tossed sea Or,, ,, ,, ,,__,,,,, ,, ,, ,, ,,de- mons or men or what -, , , , , , , , , , , ,cresc.,, ,, ,, ,,,,ev - er it be, No, , , ,,,,, , ,,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,,wat - ers canswal- low the,, ,, ,, ,,,, ,,,,,, ,,,,ship where lies The,,,, ,,,,__molto rit.,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,,Mas- ter of o - cean and,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, _,,,, ,,-,a tempo,earth and skies! They,,,,, ,,_,They,,,,, ,, ,, ,,all shall sweet - ly o -

,,all,,,, ,, ,, ,,bey thywill:

,,,,,,be__,,,, ,Peace, be still;, , ,

,,,,,,still, be,, ,, _ ,peace, be still. They, , ,,

,,,,,still.,T1 has melody,, , , ,all shall sweet - ly o -,, , , ,,,,, ,, ,, ,,, , ,,, ,bey thy will:, , , ,_ , _,,,, ,,- ,,-__,

,, Peace,



,,peace, be


,, ,still.Ooh T2:, , , , , ,



, , ,

,,, , , ,, , ,, ,

, ,


,,Be ,


,, ,

