Masks of Bulls

Post on 07-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Masks of Bulls

The concepts behind Pablo Piccaso’s Bull Series

Analysis by: Lathan Toland

“There are lines that lack border. There is a disconnection of

individuality that presents a general concept and structure.”

“What the artist perceives as a bull is incorporated

in the image. You can see he is trying to translate

the attitude/general idea of a bull.”

“Translates shapes that build the elements of a

bull. It makes you look at each aspect of the bull to

explain the structure of the bull.”

“The bull has a sarcastic look to it and it makes me

feel more connected. The shading captures how

environments can justify the presence.”

“This bull looks like it has its own thinking

complex, rather than capturing a portrait. The

lines create areas that the eye is drawn to.”

“The bull no longer exists as a physical element. It

makes me perceive it as a creature of personality

looking beyond the image I see."

“It highlights how each part explains its animal

existence and how less complex it is to human life.

Animals have absence of thinking.”

This bull in particular exposes more on how to consider seeing art as a way to imply meanings about what the creature is. To me, this bull appears symbolic through the absence of shading and detail to signify elements that show how the bull acts, its goals. Areas on the bull seem to have more thought put into them when having created the piece. Perhaps to give those parts on the animal a function and thusly its own purpose. In comparison to humans, I would see in an animal only the parts that justify what it means to me as a person.

“All that is seen in previous slides/paintings have

been combined to explain the animal. It creates

shape and individuality.”

“It looks to be a picture that a viewer invents

him/herself; it is a bull but the viewer asks

themselves what makes it so.”

“I am reminded of the principles of human

evolution through art. The bull has no complex,

but is invented by the illusion of the viewer.”

“I see 11 lines that seem to have complementary

meaning towards the significance of the other bulls

to it. We see a bull only by comparison.”