Mary Kay Mini Campaign

Post on 07-Aug-2015

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Transcript of Mary Kay Mini Campaign

Mary Kay Campaign Insomnia


Table Of Contents


Executive Summary 4Situation analysis 6Marketing Objectives 12 Media Objectives 20 Media Strategy 24Advertising Flowchart 26Creative Concepts 28 Concept Testing 34Creative Approach 36 Creative Brief 38 Advertisements 40 IMC Elements 46 Promotion Strategy 48 Copy Testing 52Evaluation 53 References 54

Executive Summery

Insomnia’s goal is to create a new advertising campaign that will establish Mary Kay as relevant and appealing to female consumers aged 18-25 (Gen Y). Our challenge is encouraging consumers to view Mary Kay as a sophisticated, cool brand for younger users rather than have the perception that Mary Kay is a product meant only for older women. Insomnia will work with Mary Kay to continue to embrace the brand’s history, values and mission statement while creating a campaign that attracts new, younger consumers.

There is a number of critical factors to consider with this new campaign. First and most importantly, is that there is a strong association with older women and the Mary Kay brand. Second, Mary Kay relies on its unique independent beauty consultant (IBC) model to sell products. This contrasts with the majority of Gen Y consumers who purchase their cosmetics from inside stores, 96% according to our research. Finally, Mary Kay has a high quality product, and consumers who have tried the brand’s products have a very positive reception to the product’s quality and performance.

To achieve our goal of increasing market share, brand awareness and brand perception, we propose a new campaign titled “City by Mary Kay” that emphasizes the sophisticated, classy, yet youthful appeal of the brand. Along with this, we will introduce an app – a platform proven to be receptive with millennials. Furthermore, we will have a promotional event, “The Beauty Bus,” where we will have a Mary Kay mobile beauty salon touring the country and offering product samples. Users will be encouraged via social media and traditional ads, to “follow the Mary Kay Beauty Bus around the country” as it tours from city to city.

To further help promote our new campaign, we propose a variety of IMC tactics. To begin, we’ll introduce a new program of hiring college representatives and ambassadors in major campuses that will be responsible for promoting Mary Kay products and spreading brand awareness. Second, we will host a sweepstakes where users can enter their email for a chance to win a trip to New York for the “Ultimate Project Kay Experience,” where they will attend a Project Runway episode filming and be featured as a Mary Kay model.

Based on our research results and logical reasoning, we concurred that this campaign will be effective in reaching our goals. This new campaign will establish a positive brand perception among Gen Y consumers along with drastically increasing brand awareness and market share. To evaluate our results, we will thoroughly use Google Analytics, market tests and periodically conduct copy-testing and post-testing.


Situation Analysis

Marketing ProblemMary Kay has a 7.6% market share in beauty & personal care, 16% in skin, 10% in color and 9.0% in fragrance. Respectively, this sets it as #2, #6, #9 and #12 in the market – an impressive statistic. Furthermore, the beauty industry’s sales are projected to only grow further in future years. However, Mary Kay’s problem is that it relies on its unique Independent Beauty Consultant program, which does not have a large following among Gen Y consumers, who most commonly shop in stores. Because 80% of beauty products are store based, Mary Kay has struggled to compete. If Mary Kay wants to stay relevant during the beauty industry’s projected sales increase, they must compete with stores that are capitalizing on store-based experiences who provide more innovative in-store experiences.


in Millions

in Millions

Situation Analysis

BRANd ANALYSISMary Kay Inc. is a privately held corporation headquartered in Dallas, Texas. Products are sold in over 35 countries with global wholesale sales of $3 billion. Mary Kay has over 3 million Independent Beauty Consultants that bring products into the consumers’ home. In terms of seasonality, Mary Kay’s sales are relatively consistent year-round. However, there is a slight increase during holiday seasons. Mary Kay has a high following in Washington and New York. Areas with high CDI but low BDI include Detroit and Boston. Other areas with room for improvement are Dallas (surprisingly), Houston and Atlanta.

In addition, Mary Kay has seen significant improvement with its digital presence in recent years. Compared to the rest of

the beauty industry, it ranks second in Pinterest, tenth in Instagram followers, and tenth in YouTube Subscribers.

96% of cosmetics users buy them IN A STORE

37% of our study participants said they had used Mary Kay

63% had not

Average ranking by our participants of IMPORTANCE when buying cosmetics








MOST were VERY DISSATISFIED with the EASE OF ACCESS to Mary Kay but were

VERY SATISFIED with the QUALITY of the products and VALUE RECEIVED

Only 26 PARTICIPANTS use MARY KAY Products.

Neutrogena Clinique

Maybelline Cover Girl Sephora

Urban Decay

ALL had over 60 USERS



Secondary Competitor: SephoraA French brand and chain of cosmetics stores, Sephora

opened its first United States store in 1998, and launched its online store in the U.S. in 1999. They sell to the single female 18 to 34, whose annual income is

more than $50,000

Strengths - Diverse brand and product choice

- Good in-store service (try before buy; beauty advisor) - Good customer loyalty program

- Privately owned company - Sell their product both online and off line

Weaknesses - Geographic limitation

- Unsanitary tester’s in store - Higher price than others for some product

- Little television promotion, billboard advertisement or printed ads

Opportunities - Rise of Gen Y’s income

- Increased demand of male products - New international market

Threats - Strong competitors

- Cosmetic shop opening near Sephora - High cost due to high inflation, raw material cost increase

- Picky customers

High BDI: Boston; Chicago; Detroit; Miami; Philadelphia; San Francisco

Low BDI: Cleveland; Dallas; Houston; Los Angeles; New York; San Antonio; Washington

Primary Competitor: AvonAvon is an American international manufacturer and direct selling company in the beauty, household, and personal care categories. The demographics of Avon’s audience are females aged 18 to 24 and those older than 65 years old. Avon’s users tend to be married. Theirannual income is no more than $40,000. Avon’s consumers are busy, modern, working women who have little time to purchase make-up.

Strengths - Diverse brand and product choice

- Good in-store service (try before buy; beauty advisor) - Good customer loyalty program

- Privately owned company - Sell their product both online and off line

Weaknesses - Geographic limitation

- Unsanitary tester’s in store - Higher price than others for some product

- Little television promotion, billboard advertisement or printed ads

Opportunities - Rise of Gen Y’s income

- Increased demand of male products - New international market

Threats - Strong competitors

- Cosmetic shop opening near Sephora - High cost due to high inflation, raw material cost increase

- Picky customers

High BDI: Boston; Chicago; Detroit; Miami; Philadelphia; San Francisco

Low BDI: Cleveland; Dallas; Houston; Los Angeles; New York; San Antonio; Washington

Strengths - World’s largest direct seller (143 countries, 6.4 million Sales Representatives) - Well established, high caliber reputation - Diverse sale model - Owns its own major manufacturing and distribution centers - Association with younger woman

Weaknesses - Poor brand loyalty - Weak brand image - Misleading representatives

Opportunities - The growing trend of “green” products in the cosmetics industry - Enormous growth opportunities in Asian counties - Demand for cosmetic products normally remain constant and unaffected by economic distress.

Threats - Competition - Sales representative rejects internet selling - Rising cost of commodity - Decreased earning opportunities

High CDI High BDI

High CDI Low BDI: Washington 118, 0 Detroit 113,0 Boston 144,0

Low CDI High BDI: Atlanta 73,205, Los Angeles 94, 112, New York 81,148

Low CDI Low BDI: Dallas 90,, Houston 58,0, Chicago 97,26, Cleveland 27,0, Dallas 90,39, Miami 64,4, Philadelphia 54,93, San Antonio 51,26, San Francisco 71,1


Marketing Objectives

Weaknesses - Lack of scale - Associated with older women - Not currently stocked on inventory, must collect first then deliver product - Hard to feedback customer information - Misleading IBC - Can only buy from IBC

swot analysis

Strengths - Diverse portfolio - Well established high caliber reputation - Core company values - High quality product - Doesn’t have geographical territories - Direct sell model (try before you buy, IBC, high customer service) - High brand loyalty

Opportunities - Demand for Herbal and Ayuvedic product - Social Media’s influence - Gen-Y are potentially good IBC - Demand for cosmetic products normally remain constant and unaffected by economic distress

Threats - Innovation of traditional retail - Impact of online retail - Powerful competitor - Gen-Y’s shopping behavior 13

Marketing Objectives Marketing objective

From our research, we found that only 37% of Gen-Y participants had used Mary Kay before. Our marketing objective is to increase this to over 50%. Among Gen-Y consumers, we hope to increase market share by 10% in 2016 – and at least 5% by consumers overall. Furthermore, we hope to increase Gen-Y customer retention by 30%. We also found that 96% of consumers only buy cosmetics in stores – we hope to reduce this percentage and increase the amount of purchases made through IBCs.

advertising objective

Mary Kay has made solid improvements with their digital presence, increasing their digital IQ by 30% in the last year. We hope to continue with this momentum and increase digital IQ by another 35% in 2016. Furthermore, we want to increase Instagram followers, a platform popular among Gen-Y, by 35,000, and Pinterest followers by 25,000. With our launch of the beauty bus, we hope to increase traffic to Mary Kay’s digital platforms by 40% and social engagement by 35% within the first few months.

In addition, we hope to increase brand awareness among Gen-Y by 30%. Along with this, we hope to drastically improve positive brand perception among consumers. Through market analysis, copy-testing and post-testing, we will periodically check our results.


Marketing Objectives

Demographics- Females aged 18-25 years old- Wear makeup 5-7 days a week. - Most shop in stores - Most are single and have never been married - Annual income is $20,000 or less - Students and Young Professionals

Psychographics - They mainly consider price and quality when buying a product. They most commonly buy products under $25 and very rarely over $50. - They value convenience and accessibility when shopping for cosmetics, and most commonly buy their product in stores. -Most of them define their age group as unique and distinct. -They value self-respect and fulfillment, but still have fun and enjoy life. -They like good customer service. -They are hesitant to try new brands and stick to the ones they are loyal to. -They do not mind to being exposed to new products and information. -81% of them have social media accounts. They are masters at networking. They enjoy warm relationships with others and value their social life. -They value shopping as a social experience. -They hate to be sold anything. -45% of them spend more than an hour a day looking at retail-oriented websites.

target audienceBased on the market analysis, our primary target audience will be 18 to 25 year old females who live in Detroit, Boston, New York, and Washington. These cities have high BDI or high CDI and have some established advantages. Our secondary target audience will be the 18 to 25 year old females who live in other districts of United States. For both audiences we additionally advertise nationwide.

Media Use Habit Analysis

Social Media-eg. Figure 1 - Facebook is their primary choice. - They also love to use Instagram and Twitter. - Pinterest and LinkedIn are not that popular in Gen-Y, than in other demographics groups. Magazine - Our target audience loves to read Cosmopolitan (112) and Seventeen (110).

Mobile App- eg. Figures 2 & 3 - They are heavy mobile app user. - They spend 37 hours per month on mobile apps. - Facebook, Pandora Radio, Instagram and YouTube are the four apps they spend most of their time on. Television - Our target audience does not like to watch Television in prime time. - They love to watch TV early & late at night. (quintile: 142/94/106/130/35). - They love to watch America's Next Top Model(170), Cold Case (My networking ktv) (165), Scandal, Empire and House Of Cards.

Radio - Our target audience are heavy radio users. (quintile: 212/74/10/21/117). - They enjoy listening to the radio when they are driving. (quintile:186/149/25/63/66)


Figure 1

Figure 2

Figure 3

Marketing Objectives

Karly is 22 and just graduated from Louisiana State University with a degree in Business.

She is headed to Chicago for an internship at her dream company. She was a leader

on campus and enjoys a good book and an occasional drink on the weekend with friends. Shopping is her favorite past time, and always

wants the best quality products for the best price. She's the kind of girl you want as your best friend because she always seems to have it together and

knows how to be classy and fun at the same time. Karly is the girl who inspires you to be better.

Meet Classy Karly

target profile

She DOESN’T tend to venture outside the brands and products she TRUSTS, but is still open to

NEW PRODUCT information and exposure

She enjoys WARM RELATIONSHIPS with others and values her SOCIAL LIFE

PRICE and QUALITY are the main things she

considers when buying a product. She buys most

products UNDER $25 and very rarely OVER $50

She values CONVENIENCE and ACCESSIBILITY when shopping for cosmetics, and most commonly buys her product IN STORES She values SELF-RESPECT and FULFILLMENT, but still has fun and ENJOYS LIFE

Her friends and family TRUSTher opinion about brands


Media Objectives

Our media objective is to establish a 65% reach with a frequency of 4 among females aged 18 to 25 in the fiscal year of 2016.

Therefore, our gross impression will be 40,591,000

We, as an agency, believe that our proposal will help us achieve our marketing and advertising goals. Because we want to explore a new market, we will automatically be helping reach our objectives. We will use an aggressive

strategy and target the people who live in the high BDI, low CDI and high CDI, low BDI areas as our primary target audience, and the people who live in high

BDI & high CDI as our secondary target audience.

Therefore, our primary target audience will be the 18 to 25 female who live in Detroit, Boston and New York. And our secondary target audience will be the

people who live in Washington.

Based off who, how, when, and where we are targeting our Gen Y consumers, it will help increase market share of Mary Kay. We will focus more on

accomplishing the advertising goals stated through additional IMC and promotional elements.


Media ObjectivesWe choose to use PULSING as our scheduling strategy

based off of the following two reasons.

1. First, our target audience regards Mary Kay as an old woman’s product, To change our target audience's awareness of the brand, we need to have

high reach and take use of the special time for young girls. For example, the beginning of each semester and summer break. We will also consider

using the fourth quarter of the year, which covers the holiday season. The holiday season for it generates an average 25% of the industry's annual


2. Secondly, our products are frequently used. Therefore, we need to keep our frequency each month.

seasonality& scheduling

Diagram showing Seasonality

Diagram showing Reach & Frequency

regionalityOur primary target region is the low BDI & high CDI and high BDI & low CDI regions. This means: NEW YORK, DETROIT AND BOSTON. We chose them as the primary target regions because we want to establish Mary Kay in the new market and increase market share. Therefore, we will use aggressive strategies and choose them as the primary target region.

Our second target region is the high BDI & high CDI region: WASHINGTON DC.

Based on our advertising objective, we will also advertise nationwide and use social media, maga-zine, outdoor media and others for the whole nation.


Media StrategyTelevision

Our target audience does not like to watch television during prime time. They love to watch TV early & late at night. (quintile:

142/94/106/130/35). They love to watch America's Next Top Model(170), Cold Case (My networking ktv) (165), Scandal, Empire

and House Of Cards (170). From 4:30pm to 7:00pm and 11:30pm to 1:00 am.

RadioOur target audience are heavy radio users. (quintile: 212/74/10/21/117).

They enjoy listening to the radio when they are driving. (quintile:186/149/25/63/66) From 7:30am to 8:45am; From 4:40pm to

6pm weekday which could allow our target audience to listen when they are driving.

OutdoorOur target audience love to read the advertisement from outdoor media

210/48/ 26/ 75/ 124

Social MediaFacebook, Instagram, Twitter.

Mobile AppFacebook, Pandora Radio, Instagram and YouTube

MagazineCosmopolitan (112) and Seventeen (110).

Media Selections & Rationale

Media Selections & Rationale

Media mix

The following shows where we would place each type of media during the year. It shows both seasonality and media selections made for this proposal.


Ad Flowchart


By spending more of our budget in the high pulsed months, we hope to gain more brand awareness for Mary Kay. Additionally, during every month

of the year the target will be reached through different media. This will allow potential consumers to constantly see Mary Kay in their everyday lives

without being bombarded with advertisements.

Creative ConceptsProduct User Positioning Strategy

Mary Kay is currently using the use of application positioning strategy with the “Discover What You Love” campaign. This campaign focuses on emphasizing the better quality of the product. But it does not respect or consider the unique

characteristics of Gen-Y and it doesn’t dispel young girls’ misunderstanding of Mary Kay’s brand. It does little to express that Mary Kay is not only for older women.

Thus, our first recommendation is to use product user positioning. The product user positioning approach is used to associate a product with a specific user, class of users, or personality.

The user positioning strategy Insomnia conceptualized is titled “Not Your Grandma’s Makeup”. This strategy is rather straightforward. It immediately positions members of Gen-Y as the core Mary Kay user.

Creative concept 1

Creative concept 1

PROS: Straightforward – directly associates Mary Kay with young people. Humor piques the interest of Gen-Y consumers

CONS: Reminds users that Mary Kay is commonly perceived as an “old lady brand” May alienate older customers Some may find the humor distasteful

EXPECTED OUTCOME: Although this strategy provides a straightforward solution to Mary Kay’s positioning problem, we believe that Mary Kay would suffer backlash from older customers, which makes the brand suffer overall. Overall, this option does not provide a direct way to solve the objectives.


Creative Concepts

Product Class Positioning Statement

To women aged 18-25 who want to look classy and sophisticated without buying overpriced products of the same or inferior level quality. Mary Kay is the brand that let’s you have it all. That offers the high quality products you want for a reasonable price. After all, there’s a reason Mary Kay has been around for over 50 years and is used by over 3 million customers worldwide.

Creative concept 2


To Look Like It

You Can Have It All PROS: Emphasizes the affordibility of Mary Kay’s high quality products. Appeals to Gen-Y’s who are in college and/or have a low income. Showcases Mary Kay’s product quality. Lets women know they are in control.

CONS: Could be seen as “Cheap.” Message may miss our target audience and instead appeal to everyone with a low income. Affordability downplays the brand’s value.


Gen-Y will start to think of the Mary Kay brand more positively. They will identify Mary Kay products as high quality, yet reasonably priced. Sales will go up within the target audience and brand awareness will increase. Mary Kay will begin to be a relative competitor with other brands that are already in the minds of young consumers. Finally, Gen Y consumers will retain less loyalty to competitors as they start to branch out and be exposed to Mary Kay. While we think this concept could create a great campaign, the con’s still might outweigh the pro’s.


Product User Positioning StatementWe propose a campaign titled “City by Mary Kay”

that introduces a new product line and ad series that establishes a new appealing image to Gen-Y.

The product line will be implemented in between “Entry Level” and “Core” categories and will create a

sophisticated, trendy look with a hint of edginess. This creates an appealing, “socialite” image that resonates

with younger consumers. There will be multiple IMC tactics that run in conjunction with this campaign to

ensure the effectiveness of our message.

Creative Concepts Creative concept 3

Creative concept 3


PROS: Creates a sophisticated, fashionable look that has a slight edgy appeal to it. Gives Mary Kay a new, unique and attractive look that differentiates itself from previous marketing imagery and messages. The correlating IMC tactics we propose have a high level of expected effectiveness.

CONS: May alienate consumers who don’t associate with “city girl” look. Message may be misinterpreted or misunderstood.


Based on thorough pretesting and research, we are confident that “City by Mary Kay” will achieve our marketing and advertising objectives. Gen-Y consumers will have a positive reception to our new campaign, and the perception that Mary Kay is solely meant for older consumers will begin to dissolve. Mary Kay will begin to be a prevalent cosmetics brand with Gen-Y consumers, and consumer retention levels will drastically improve.

Concept Testing


We conducted ten one-on-one interviews and twelve online surveys to gauge the receptiveness of our three potential creative concepts. The questions revolved around the viewers’ emotional response, understanding and persuasive appeal of the ad. We

discovered that participants clearly resonated the highest with creative concept option three (City by Mary Kay), based on emotional response and persuasive appeal. It did

not have the highest response in understanding, which is something we took into consideration in order to make sure our message is more clearly comprehensible.

“I can definitely see myself and my friends buying cosmetics with this kind of edgy style. I’m not sure if others will understand the appeal of the ‘City’ look though.”

“City by Mary Kay looks awesome. Doesn’t look like

an old woman’s brand at all. I’d definitely be more

persuaded to buy from them with this product line.”

“Love the new look of Mary Kay City… Looks

a lot cooler compared to what I expect to see

from Mary Kay.”

"Love how unique this is. I like how different and edgy it is than other cosmetics”

Creative ApproachAfter choosing concept 3, we decided to dive further into our theme’s campaign, City by Mary

Kay. To achieve our advertising and marketing objectives we decided to create a new product

line titled “City By Mary Kay.” This would fall in between the entry and core product levels. It not only fits the style of our campaign, but it also takes

all of our research feedback into consideration. Ultimately, this new category exemplifies what

Gen-Y looks for in the makeup they purchase. Within the theme of “city”, we have a corresponding product for major cities around the world, [i.e. New

Orleans: a dark purple eye shade, NYC: a light gold nail polish, Chicago: a dark blue foundation.] This will help us achieve our marketing and advertising objectives by

giving Mary Kay a new stylish identity that resonates with Gen-Y audiences automatically increasing market share and brand awareness.


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Creative Brief

OBJECTIVEOur campaign’s objective is to establish Mary Kay as a sophisticated, fashionable brand that’s appealing to female Gen-Y consumers. Our goal is to change the perception that Mary Kay is an “older women” brand and make it attractive to younger females.

AUDIENCEOur target audience is Gen-Y consumers (aged 18-25). Most are single, have never been married or divorced, and are students or young professionals with an annual income of $20,000 or less. They mainly consider price and quality when buying a product. They value convenience and accessibility when shopping for cosmetics, and most commonly buy their product, in stores. They are active on social media and are heavy app users.

STRATEGYMary Kay has a high quality product for an affordable price that fits our target’s budget. Furthermore, Mary Kay is a brand that’s founded on its owner’s principles and ethics and has a set of core company values that guides its business practices.

CHANNELSWe will use all forms of traditional media (magazine, TV and billboards) with a special emphasis on vehicles such as Cosmopolitan and America’s Next Top Model that have high index ratings with our audience. We will also talk to them through each of the major social media platforms. Furthermore, we hope to drive consumers to Mary Kay’s website and new digital app that we will create.

TACTICSOur message tone will be classy and tasteful with a hint of edginess. We hope our message is received as sophisticated and glamorous, but with a spirit of youthfulness and fun.


COMPETITIONOur primary competitor is Avon, an American international manufacturer and direct selling company in beauty, household, and personal care categories. It’s the world’s largest direct seller (143 countries with 6.4 million sales representatives). Our secondary competitor is Sephora, a French brand and chain of cosmetics stores. Sephora is beginning to offer innovative in-store experiences that make it especially appealing to Gen Y consumers who resonate more with shopping in stores. Mary Kay is unique in that it is a company grounded on its values and principles, while offering a more high quality product than its competitors.

ENGAGEMENTWe will have related social media posts that run concurrently with our campaign. In addition, we will frequently post about our Beauty Bus IMC tactic and motivate consumers to follow along either on our digital platforms or through the digital app. Consumers will be encouraged to comment and interact with the Beauty Bus posts as it tours the country. Furthermore, users will engage with us through our Project Kay sweepstakes.

EXTENSIONSWe hope through the innovation and uniqueness of the Beauty Bus tour and Project Kay sweepstakes that Mary Kay users will interact and continue to extend our campaign long after its launch. Furthermore, we hope that media outlets will cover our campaign, helping to extend its lifespan.

Advertisements Commercial 1 “Tour the City”

An attractive young professional/socialite is seen interacting with prominent landmarks. A smooth, jazzy hip-hop beat is playing in the background. As she and the camera flow through more recognizable landmarks, her outfits become more glamorous and the beat gets more energetic. As she finally ends up in New York’s Time Square, the camera zooms out before getting a shot of the starry New York skyline as the new Mary Kay slogan and logo appear on the screen: “Tour the city with Mary Kay.”

This commercial captures the tone and style we’re going for: sophisticated, trendy, a tad bit edgy, and very appealing to young fashionable adults.

Commercial Budget $787,500When: January - August; 5:00pm to 7:00pm, or 11:30pm to 12:30amWhere: Primary in Detroit Boston and New York, then in Washington DC

Commercial Budget $787,500When: January - August; 5:00pm to 7:00pm, or 11:30pm to 12:30amWhere: Primary in Detroit Boston and New York, then in Washington DC

Beauty Bus Personal Selling

We will have a mobile cosmetics shop in the form of a “Beauty Bus” that will travel across the country, stopping at major cultural cities and campuses. At stops, the Beauty Bus will serve as any other Mary Kay hosted party, where consumers can sample cosmetics and receive expert advice and feedback. In addition, consumers will be encouraged via social media and the digital app to “Tour the country with Mary Kay,” as they keep up to date with photos, videos and stories of the Beauty Bus’s stops. This will coincide with the launch of our campaign and will help us garner extra earned media attention. Furthermore, the concept of a traveling beauty shop, especially when employed by younger consultants, helps aid the idea of Mary Kay as a more youthful brand.

Main IMC Element


Beauty Bus Budget$180,000

AdvertisementsCommercial Budget

$787,500 When: January August; time 5:00pm to 7:00pm, or 11:30pm to 12:30amWhere: Primary in Detroit Boston and New York, then in Washington DC

Commercial 2“Beauty Bus”:Skylines of prominent cities are seen as the Beauty Bus travels on the highway. The female narrator explains that the Beauty Bus is traveling across the country showcasing its products. The next scene shows a group of attractive young females, possibly on a college campus, trying on and comparing beauty products. As they exclaim that they like a certain type more, the Beauty Bus strolls up and informs them that they’ve been using Mary Kay products. “Wow!” they exclaim, and share their surprise over the affordability and quality of Mary Kay. The commercial ends as the Beauty Bus strolls down another highway and the narrator encourages viewers to follow the bus’s adventures on social media and elsewhere. The new Mary Kay Logo and slogan is seen at the end. This commercial promotes our IMC Beauty Bus tactics and also helps give an appealing image of younger, possibly college students, associating themselves with Mary Kay.

Commercial Budget $787,500

When: January August; time 5:00pm to 7:00pm, or 11:30pm to 12:30amWhere: Primary in Detroit Boston and New York, then in Washington DC 43

Advertisements Magazine ad & Mobile ApP

“Tour the country with Mary Kay…”

This print ad shows a pink silhouette of America with dots that visualize the route of the Beauty Bus. In the bottom

left of the page, the main screen of the app is shown. In the bottom right, copy is included that explains the benefits and features of downloading the app. This ad will run as soon as

the Beauty Bus begins its tour. This ad helps promote the Beauty Bus tactic as well as the app.

Magazine Ad Budget: $1,350,000Where: Cosmopolitan; SeventeenWhen: the whole year

App Budget:

$450,000Where: Facebook; Pandora Radio; Instargram ; Pandora Radio; Youtube; and Mary Kay App. When: January; April; May; June; July; August; October; November and December


IMC Elements

College Reps/AmbassadorsPersonal Selling

With the launch of our new campaign, we will introduce a program of hiring college representatives/ambassadors in major college campuses who will be responsible for promoting Mary Kay products and spreading brand awareness. Each college representative will promote Mary Kay products via social media, connect with local clubs and organizations, and host at least two Mary Kay-sponsored events throughout the semester. Furthermore, by associating the brand with young college students, this will help negate the image of IBC’s only being older women.

College Rep Budget$135,000

Project Kay Sweepstakes/Event Sponsorship

Users can submit their email for a chance to win a trip to New York for the “Ultimate Project Kay Experience.” The Project Kay Experience stems from Mary Kay’s recent partnership with the popular fashion design show, Project Runway. In the show, designers compete against each other in design challenges and then show their work on the runway with models at the end of each challenge. The show has a high index rating in our target audience as well.

The winner and three of their friends, will have travel and lodging expenses covered to attend the filming of a Project Runway episode. Additionally, they will have the opportunity to be a model for the challenge that week. They will be featured on the show, get hair care and a makeover in the Mary Kay makeup salon. This will begin in July, as the season premiere of Project Runway begins late that month.

47Project Kay Budget$180,000

Promotion StrategyBranding & Packaging

We recommend that Mary Kay create a new product category to attract and target Gen-Y females.

Mary Kay’s Current Packaging & BrandingMary Kay’s current branding is centered around their “Discover What You

Love” campaign. The campaign invites women to “discover” what they love about Mary Kay in order to feel beautiful and empowered.

Discover What You Love’s packaging consists of a primarily pale pink palette with black accents and features their current logo. It appears outdated and

lacks the edge necessary to attract Gen-Y consumers.

What’s TrendingFrom researching our competitor’s packaging (Sephora, Mac, and Avon), we

discovered that packages that are primarily black and minimalist attract Gen-Y consumers the most.

Re-Branding & New PackagingTo attract our new demographic, we created a new product category titled “City by

Mary Kay”. We will introduce a new slogan as well: “Take On The City with Mary Kay”. New and on-trend products among Gen-Y consumers will be developed for this new


The new brand will consist of primarily black packaging, a new edgier logo, and skylines from famous or popular cities across the United States (New Orleans, New York, Chicago,

Los Angeles). Limited edition products will be named after those cities.

“City” will embody the type of consumer we are targeting. She is confident, classy, a little edgy, and ambitious.


New Packaging Budget$135,000

Promotion Strategy

As a part of City by Mary Kay's launch, we will plan promotional events in select cities around the United States. Events will be hosted by Gen-Y IBC representatives in or around large campuses. Limited edition versions of City products will be presented and given out at said events. For example, Mary Kay would host a product launch event in New Orleans on the University Of New Orleans’ campus. The “New Orleans” version of City products will be given out.

Participants will be given a tour of the Mary Kay Beauty Bus. Participants will enter their name in an on-site sweepstakes and one lucky participant will be given a free makeover, in which beauty consultants will demonstrate how the products work to other participants.

We hope to generate significant social media buzz with thesepromotional events. Participants will be encouraged to take pictures, tweet, and post using the hashtag #CityWithMK while attending the product launches.

Promotional Launch Event

Special City Packaging Budget$135,000

Our earned media campaign ties in with our “Project Kay” sweepstakes. By promoting Mary Kay in Project Runway, we’ll be receiving broadcast exposure. In addition, we hope that we can find a colorful, humorous personality to win our sweepstakes that will help us generate extra media exposure. We will also be running a social media campaign in conjunction with our main campaign. Our posts will encourage people to post selfies of themselves with City by Mary Kay products with the hashtag “#CityWithMK.” Posts will also promote our Beauty Bus tour, sweepstakes and digital app.

Earned Media

owned MediaWe propose a Mary Kay app where consumers can receive discounts and stay up to date with Mary Kay products. In addition, our app will have a special feature that follows the Mary Kay Beauty Bus while it travels across the country. Users will be able to view videos, pictures and stories about the stops the Beauty Bus has made, and essentially “tour the USA with Mary Kay.” Our social media posts will also concurrently promote the Mary Kay Beauty Bus journeys and encourage people to download the app. We will additionally update Mary Kay’s current website with a new supplemental site revolving around the “City” product line. This will be a place consumers can come get more information about the new products.


Copy TestingOnce our campaign is approved and carried out, we will begin conducting thorough evaluation methods during and after to

determine the success of our campaign. We will begin our copy-testing two weeks into our campaign, and then repeat through each

quarter of our campaign’s duration. Afterward, we will begin our post-testing a month after the end of our campaign. We’ll be conducting

these tests in each city that’s being most aggressively targeted by Mary Kay.

Our copy-testing will focus on affective and behavioral elements, because our objectives are concerned with brand awareness, perception and product purchase consideration. The primary technique we are

conducting will be attitude tests, because evaluating the change in brand perception by Gen-Y is one of the most important factors to us. In addition, we’ll be doing ad tracking research to compare our campaign

competitors and evaluate our ads’ effectiveness. We’ll be conducting ad tracking measures for likability, brand awareness and purchase intention.

We’ll be doing this to make sure our campaign is running smoothly and to see if we should make any urgent changes.

We will conduct testing in all cities in our primary and secondary target audience. Additionally, we will do testing behind where the Beauty Bus goes to see how effective it was. Our results gathered and the increase in both sales

and media traffic and usage will help us know if our objectives were met.





After our campaign has ended, we’ll be conducting a variety of post-testing methods to determine if we met our marketing and media objectives. Our most important test will be comparing the difference in likability, persuasion and emotions compared to attitudes before our campaign. Research has shown that ad effectiveness is significantly influenced by likability, so if that’s increased well enough, we can be sure to expect an increase in sales, therefore accomplishing our objective. In addition to this, we’ll be conducting memory tests to see how well our ads left mental residue with our target and to gauge brand recall. Finally, we’ll be conducting inquiry tests to evaluate how many people visited our social media sites, website and entered into our sweepstakes. Just like copy testing, We will conduct testing in all cities in our primary and secondary target audience. Additionally, we will do testing behind where the Beauty Bus goes to see how effective it was. We believe if the majority of the feedback we receive from post campaign testing is positive that we were successful. Additionally an increase in market share and brand awareness will be noticed in both sales and social media and website traffic.

Evaluation 53



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