Marriage and Money

Post on 07-Aug-2015

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Transcript of Marriage and Money

  1. 1. Marriage
    a key to unlocking the door to a
    healthy& happy marriage
    The New Mexico Relationship Center
  2. 2. Have You Ever Fought Over Money With Your Spouse?
  3. 3. Money Is One Of The Leading Sources Of Conflict In Most Marriages
  4. 4. However, the following tips can help you manage your money in ways that strengthen your marriage instead of damage it.
  5. 5. 1. Choose which road you will go down
    If you spend MORE than you earn you reap financial stress
    If you spend LESS than you earn your reap financial peace
  6. 6. 2. Get Out Of Debt
  7. 7. 3. Track Your Spending
  8. 8. 4. Needs vs Wants
  9. 9. 5. Strengthen Your Financial Willpower Muscles
    That which you persist in doing becomes easier to do Waldo Emerson
  10. 10. By using these tips you can significantly decrease the amount of marital conflict you experience over money and increase your financial peace of mind
  11. 11. Most of us have already been taught these principles but find them hard to live by
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