Marketing Strategies Used by Political Parties to Win Elections

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  • 7/27/2019 Marketing Strategies Used by Political Parties to Win Elections




    Before learning the facts about political marketing it is mandatory to learn what

    marketing is and what its scope is.

    1. Marketing

    Marketing is about identifying and meeting human and social needs. One of the

    shortest good definitions is meeting needsprofitably.

    The American Marketing Association offers the following formal definition:

    Marketing is an organizational function and a set of process for creating,

    communicating, and delivering value to customers and for managing

    customer relationships in ways that benefit the organization and its

    stakeholders.Coping with these exchange process calls for a considerable amount

    of work and skill.

    The definition presented above reflects the managerial side of marketing. We can

    distinguish between a social and a managerial definition of marketing. A social

    definition shows the role marketing plays in society. Here is a social definition that

    serves our purpose:

    Marketing is a societal process by which individuals and groups obtain what they

    need and want through creating, offering and freely exchanging products

    and services of value with others.

    Aim of marketing is to make selling superfluous. The aim of marketing is to know

    and understand the customer so well that the product or service fits him and sells

    itself. Now the question arises what all things can be marketed. Marketing people

    market several types of entities such as goods, services, events, experiences,

    persons, places, properties, organizations, information and ideas. Now days in

    various democratic countries, political parties have started adopting marketing

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    concepts and strategies. Political parties try to market persons (contestants),

    organizations (their own parties) and ideas (their philosophies).Let us discuss what

    is political marketing, its scope, characteristics, relevance etc.

    2.1 Political Marketing: a definition

    Harrop (1990) perceives political marketing as being not just about Political

    advertising, party political broadcasts and electoral speeches but covering the

    whole area of party positioning in the electoral market. Kavanagh (1995, 1996)

    sees political marketing as electioneering, i.e. as a set of strategies and tools to

    trace and study public opinion before and during an election campaign, to develop

    campaign communications and to assess their impact. A similar view is expressed

    by Scammell(1995).

    Maarek (1995), Conceptualizes political marketing as a complex process, the

    outcome of a more global effort implicating all the factors of the politicians

    political communication and emphasizes that political marketing is the general

    method ofpolitical communication, one of its means. He considers the

    introduction of marketing in politics as an outcome of the elaboration of a policy

    of political communicationa global strategy of design, rationalization and

    conveyance of modern political communication

    2.4 Political Communication: a definition

    In an overview of the field of political communication in the UK, Franklin (1995)

    points out the broadness of character, the range and the lack of clarity of what falls

    into the concept of political communication. Franklin, in an effort, to operational

    this vast field, provides the following, very comprehensive and detailed, definition:

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    The field of political communication studies the interactions between media and

    political systems, locally, nationally, and internationally. Franklin argues that

    political communication focuses on the analysis of:

    a) The political content of the media

    b) The actors and agencies involved in the production of that content

    c) The impact of political media content on the audience and/or on policy


    d) The impact of the political system on the media system

    e) The impact of the media system on the political system

    Commenting on that definition, Franklin (1995) emphasizes that it will need to

    accommodate even further diversity, expressing the varied analytical approaches,

    assumptions, and disciplinarybackgrounds of communication scholars. These

    backgrounds range from political science to history, from cultural theory to

    sociology and to social psychology.

    2.5 Political Marketing and Political Communication

    Scammell (1999) notes that the political communications literature tends to treat

    political marketing as only one aspect of broader processes. According to her,

    political communicators perceive political marketing as a response to

    developments in media and communication technologies and tend to view modern

    politics as intertwined with the media. The emergence of non ideological catch-

    all parties and the role ofthe media as an autonomous major actor in the political

    process trouble political communication scholars who emphasize the potential

    consequences for civic engagement with politics and voice concerns over the

    quality of communication output and its influence on the democratic system as a


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    In Scammells (1995, 1999) view, marketings unique contribution is the

    introduction of strategic concern regarding the electorates wants and needs. The

    incorporation of strategy in election campaigning influences goals, priorities,

    policies and party behavior. At the same time, this strategy element is a very

    serious threat to democratic processes. Scammell (1995) notes though that political

    marketing should be discerned from propaganda as the former involves reciprocity

    which the latter lacks.

    Emphasis on strategy introduces a new focus, which shifts away from the use of

    promotional techniques and deals with the overall strategic objectives of parties

    and candidates. According to Scammell (1999), this new focus effectively

    reverses the perspective offered by campaign studies/political communications

    approaches. Political marketing is no longer a subset of broader processes: political

    communications becomes a subset of political marketing, tools of promotion

    within the overall marketing mix.

    Lees-Marshment (2001) argues that political communication focuses on the role of

    long-term communication while political marketing is more comprehensive

    binding together campaigning, political communication, market intelligence,

    and product design and product promotion.

    Butler and Collins (1994) present the structural characteristics of political

    marketing as follows (figure 2):

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    The Structural characteristics of political marketing

    Through the prism of the aforementioned arguments it can be claimed that political

    communication can offer guidance to political marketing on how to improve its

    negative perception, on how to make its outcomes more substantial to voters, on

    how to improve its standards and on how to attract media attention.

    The aforementioned analysis shows quite clearly the shift in the focus and range

    of the concept of political marketing, which has taken place in the past decade.

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    From being a set of theoretical and practical tools for the successful conduct

    of election campaigns, political marketing has expanded to a permanent strategic

    element of governance. Thus, from being a subset of a partys electoral

    communication, it has now grown so much that it hasannexed political

    communication as one of its components.

    Of course that is how political marketers perceive it. Political communication

    scholars clearly have a much different perception of the field. According to them,

    political communication is much wider in scope, focusing on the totality of

    communications and interactions taking place within the political process and is

    not just interested in voter behavior and campaign studies.

    2.6 Functions of Political marketing

    Functions of political marketing are pre- requisites for successful political

    marketing management. According to political marketing theorist, there 8 generic

    functions of a successful political marketing which includes the following:

    1. Product Function:

    In political marketing practice, there should be an exchange between political

    parties and electorate in the electoral market. Like mainstream marketing each

    political party has to offer some product which they wanted to sell in the market.

    Here party wants to market its product which is the promise of a good government.

    In some cases, the product may be image of the candidate, an ideology or certain

    specific foreign policies. Hence the entire marketing process is designed to market

    the product. In USA, the main product function of Democratic Party was to sell

    Obama Brand and good governance based on change.

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    2. Distribution Function:

    The distribution function refers to the conditions regarding the availability of

    exchange offer to the exchange partner. The function has two aspects campaign

    delivery and offering delivery. The campaign delivery function provides the

    primary exchange partner- the electorate-with access to all relevant information

    about the political product. This includes the dissemination of information

    regarding crucial party policies and programs, placing the candidates in right

    channels, making sure that medium of distribution fit the ideology of the party etc.

    3. Cost Function:

    One of the main functions of main stream marketing is to sell a product which is

    cost effective compared to other products in the market so that customer gets

    greater monetary satisfaction. In political marketing, cost function refers to the

    management of attitudinal and behavioral barriers of voters through calculated

    campaign strategies. The voter should receive all the information regarding the

    product without spending money for it.

    4. Communication Function:

    Communication involves the function of informing the primary exchange partner

    of the offer and its availability. It is often seen as the heart of political marketing.

    For a political party, it implies, providing political content, political ideas and

    future and sense making of a complex political world programs but also aiding the

    interpretation Often the communication function involves simplification of

    political messages, concise political stand etc. The communication function

    interacts with the campaign delivery aspects of the distribution function-the latter

    provides the medium while the former defines the content. The communication

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    function prescribes a dialogue with the exchange partnersa multidirectional flow

    of information and shared agenda setting.

    5. News Management Function:

    This function is closely linked to communication function. But news management

    function is targeted to secondary exchange partners or intermediaries of which

    media is an important part. In other words it is the management of publicity of the

    candidate and party. Public relation activities, media management, online

    advertising campaign management etc are news management functions. In the era

    of communication revolution news management plays a vital role in success of

    political marketing.

    6. Fund Raising Function:

    In mainstream marketing fundraising is not an issue. But political marketing

    management cannot survive without fund raising. In fact the success of

    other functions largely depends on fund raising function. In order to provide the

    political actor with appropriate resources, a distinct fund raising function needs to

    be addressed. A political party depends to a varying extent on membership fee,

    donations, etc.

    7. Parallel Campaign Management Function:

    This function describes the requirement of co-coordinating the campaign

    management activities of a political party with those of parallel organizations.

    Coordinated and synergic use of managerial activities allows for a more efficient

    deployment of campaign resources. Furthermore, the use of parallel campaigns and

    the endorsements by other organizations can increase the trustworthiness of the

    political messages.

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    8. Internal Cohesion Management Functions:

    Besides the external management aspects, internal structure and functions of the

    political party also needs to be managed professionally. The function is concerned

    with relationship with party members and activists as well as the spoke persons.

    The internal marketing functions play a critical role in creating internal stability

    and therefore the credibility of the party regarding its outside image.

    During the past decade even the Indian political parties realized the importance of

    marketing and advertising in elections. Parties started hiring political consultants

    and ad agencies, to develop their positioning strategy among different

    socioeconomic classes of Indian public. Before understanding the whole strategies

    and view point of political parties we must learn what political campaigning is and

    its various techniques.

    3.1 Political campaign

    A political campaign is an organized effort which seeks to influence the decision

    making process within a specific group. In democracies, political campaigns often

    refer to electoral campaigns, wherein representatives are chosen or referenda are

    decided. Political campaigns also include organized efforts to alter policy within

    any institution or organization. Politics is as old as humankind and is not limited to

    democratic or governmental institutions. Some examples of political campaigns

    are: the effort to execute or banish Socrates from Athens in the 5th century BC, the

    uprising of petty nobility against John of England in the 13th century, or the 2005

    push to remove Michael Eisner from the helm of The Walt Disney Company.

    3.2 Techniques

    A campaign team (which may be as small as one inspired individual, or a heavily-

    resourced group of professionals) must consider how to communicate the message

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    of the campaign, recruit volunteers, and raise money. Campaign advertising draws

    on techniques from commercial advertising and propaganda. The avenues available

    to political campaigns when distributing their messages is limited by the law,

    available resources, and the imagination of the campaigns' participants. These

    techniques are often combined into a formal strategy known as the campaign plan.

    The plan takes account of a campaign's goal, message, target audience, and

    resources available. The campaign will typically seek to identify supporters at the

    same time as getting its message across.

    Campaign advertising

    Campaign advertising is the use of paid media (newspapers, radio, television, etc.)

    to influence the decisions made for and by groups. These ads are designed by

    political consultants and the campaign's staff.

    Media management

    The public media (in 'free media' or 'earned media')may run the story that someone

    is trying to get elected or to do something about such and such.

    Mass meetings, rallies and protests

    Holding protests, rallies and other similar public events (if enough people can be

    persuaded to come) may be a very effective campaign tool. Holding mass meetings

    with speakers is powerful as it shows visually, through the number of people in

    attendance, the support that the campaign has.

    Modern technology and the internet

    The internet is now a core element of modern political campaigns. Communication

    technologies such as e-mail, websites and pod casts for various forms of activism

    to enable faster communications by citizen movements and deliver a message to a

    large audience. These Internet technologies are used for cause-related fundraising,

    lobbying, volunteering, and community building, and organizing.

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    Other techniques

    Writing directly to members of the public (either via a professional

    marketing firm or, particularly on a small scale, by volunteers)

    By distributing leaflets or selling newspapers

    Through websites, online communities, and solicited or unsolicited bulk


    Through a new technique known as Micro targeting that helps identify and

    target small demographic slices of voters.

    Through a whistle stop tour - a series of brief appearances in several small

    towns. Hampering the ability of political competitors to campaign, by such

    techniques as counter-rallies,picketing of rival parties meetings, or

    overwhelming rival candidates offices with mischievous phone calls (most

    political parties in representative democracies publicly distance themselves

    from such disruptive and morale-affecting tactics, with the exception of

    those parties self-identifying as activist).

    Organizing political house parties.

    Using endorsements of other celebrated party members to boost support.

    Remaining close to or at home to make speeches to supporters who come to

    visit as part of a front porch campaign.

    Vote-by-mail, previously known as 'absentee ballots' have grown

    significantly in importance as an election tool. Today, campaigns in most

    states must have a strategy in place to impact early voting.

    Parties want to reach to the maximum number of voters and earn largest share of

    their minds and hearts. Political parties indulge themselves into political

    communication to influence masses. The political campaigns though have existed

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    since post independence era but it is only the recent times when parties have

    adopted modern techniques to reach maximum number of people .The various

    innovative techniques would be dealt in latter sections.

    4. History of Indian politics

    Since the first elections held in 1952, there had been 14 Lok Sabha elections in

    India, including that held in 2004.The Congress has been a major political party

    and had formed the government maximum number of times. In 1977, the Congress

    was defeated by the Janata Party. Morarji Desai(Desai) became the first non-

    congress PM of India. However, his government did not last long and the Congress

    regained power in 1980 under the leadership of Indira Gandhi (Indira).

    Indira was the daughter of India's first PM, Jawaharlal Lal Nehru. Indira remained

    as PM till October 31, 1984 when she was assassinated by her personal bodyguard.

    Following her death, the Congress fielded Indira's son Rajiv Gandhi (Rajiv) as the

    Prime Ministerial candidate. Riding on the sympathy wave generated by Indira's

    assassination, the party won by a huge margin, bagging 415 of the 542 seats in the

    1984 elections. In 1984, the BJP got only two seats in the Lok Sabha.

    The BJP consolidated its position in the 1989 elections and won86 seats. In 1989,

    though the Congress was the single largest party with 197 seats, the Janata Dal,

    which had won 142 seats, formed the government with the support of the BJP. The

    coalition government lasted for 15 months, after which mid-term elections were

    announced. During the election campaign, Rajiv was assassinated at an election

    rally in Sriperumbudur,Tamil Nadu. Again, a sympathy wave swept the country

    and the Congress returned to power with P V Narasimha Rao (Rao) as PM. The

    new government served its full term. However, the BJP had emerged stronger,

    winning 120 seats.

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    5. Emergence of political advertising in India

    In India the major credit of introducing political advertising on large and

    programmed way goes to BJP which had launched an ad campaign on television.

    The 'India Shining' campaign that marked the beginning of a new age of political

    advertising in India. It discusses in depth the political advertising strategy of the

    erstwhile NDA government and examines how the campaign was aimed as a tool

    to win votes.

    The case also discusses the political advertising campaign of the present ruling

    party - Congress that mainly targeted the masses. The case ends with a debate on

    the efficacy of political advertising campaign in general, and explores reasons why

    the' India Shining' campaign was unsuccessful.

    5.1 Introduction

    In mid January 2004, the former Prime Minister (PM) of India -Atal Bihari

    Vajpayee (Vajpayee) announced plans to dissolve the 13th Lok Sabha and go for

    early elections in April-May2004. The term of the Vajpayee government was

    scheduled to end in October 2004. The announcement of early dissolution did not

    surprise political analysts in the country.

    Analysts felt that the decision to go for early elections was maiden view of the

    booming Indian economy, encouraging state assembly election results, peaceful

    relationship with India's neighboring countries and the major opposition partythe

    Indian National Congress (Congress) being in a demoralized state.

    They felt the popularity of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) led National

    Democratic Alliance (NDA) was at its peak.

    A leading newspaper of India reported, "The popularity of the National Democratic

    Alliance and the standing of the PM himself have never been as high as they are


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    The BJP decided to leverage its popularity and initiated a major poll campaign

    with the slogan 'India Shining.'

    The campaign was aimed at highlighting the progress India had made during the

    tenure of Vajpayee as PM. The campaign was supported by another catch phrase

    'Feel Good Factor.'

    By the end of January 2004, almost all leading television channels, newspapers and

    magazines in India had carried advertisements as part of the campaign. Reportedly,

    the BJP spent close to Rs 5 billion on the campaign. As the polls neared, the BJP

    gained more confidence. Several opinion polls conducted before the elections and

    exit polls on election days predicted that the NDA was coming back to power. The

    BJP's President, Venkaiah Naidu (Naidu) claimed the alliance would get more than

    300 Lok Sabha seats.

    On the other hand, the Congress hoped it would win more than the 112 seats it had

    won in the last elections. Party leaders expressed the opinion that the maximum

    they could win was 135 seats.

    5.2 The Campaign and its Response

    The genesis of the 'India Shining' campaign began in July 2003.The NDA

    government approached 20 advertising agencies in its efforts to get an

    advertisement campaign developed that would highlight India as a fast developing


    The campaign was aimed at highlighting India's achievements under the NDA

    government. The government reviewed all the proposals submitted by the agencies

    but was not satisfied. It then approached 11 other agencies in October 2003.

    Finally, Grey Worldwide-India (GWI), a part of the Grey Global Group, bagged

    the contract.

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    During the conceptualization stage of the campaign, the government told GWI that

    the campaign should focus on the improving economic conditions and the rapid

    progress made by India in recent years. The 'India Shining' slogan was created by

    Prathap Suthan (Suthan), national creative director, GWI

    Before selecting this slogan, Suthan also considered some other lines such as 'India

    Alive,' 'India Rising' and 'India Dazzling.' However, he felt that none of these were

    as appropriate as 'India Shining.' Suthan said, "Each of them were wrong in certain

    ways. India Alive carries with it the implication of death or sickness.

    India Rising takes you back to the Independence era when we were just

    formulating an identity. India Dazzling was an over-claim." According to him,

    'India Shining' conveyed a sense of health, prosperity and radiance.

    After finalizing the slogan, GWI's planning department gathered preliminary

    information including key statistics and information on Indian economy. The

    Ministry of Finance also provided the company with some relevant facts and

    figures to use in the campaign. Further, a search was done on the Internet to

    gather useful information.

    5.3 The Debate

    The Congress, under the leadership of Sonia Gandhi (Sonia), the wife of the late

    Rajiv, vehemently opposed the claims made in the 'India Shining' campaign. In the

    initial days of the campaign, Congress opposed the campaign by terming it as

    'India Cheated.' The party leaders said that in reality, the Indian economy was not

    booming and there was no reason for the country to feel good. It also ridiculed

    Advani's catch phrase by terming it as' Fail Good.'

    The campaign showed 10.4% growth in the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of

    India in the third quarter of the fiscal year 2003-04, compared to the third quarter

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    in the fiscal year 2002-03. However, the Congress- insisted that the increase in

    GDP was largely due to better monsoon.

    Jairam Ramesh (Ramesh), a senior leader of the Congress commented, "The large

    picture looks good only because the monsoon has been good in 2003. Otherwise,

    the Vajpayee era could have been written off." The Congress also said that the

    GDP growth for 2003-04 was high as it had been compared with a dismal growth

    of 4.2% during 2002-03.

    It also claimed that during the five years of the NDA government, the Indian

    economy had grown only by 5.7%.The 'India Shining' campaign claimed that 8.4

    million new jobs were created every year... The Campaign of the Congress

    The Congress also took professional help to counter the "India Shining" campaign.

    It hired Orchard Advertising, an Indian subsidiary of Leo Burnett; a US- based

    advertising company. The company structured its campaign in the form of a

    question, which asked 'Aam Aadmi Ko Kya Mila?' (What did the common man


    The campaign argued that the masses were not benefited by the' feel good' factor

    that the NDA was stressing. Orchard's advertisement strategy was to counter the

    mood set by the "India Shining" campaign.

    Most advertisements by the Congress did not use colors and concentrated more on

    the poor. One advertisement showed anold, poor man.The punch line said, "Woh

    hukumat kis kaam ki jisme gareeb ki zindgi mein sukh chain nahi hai? Sochiye!

    Congress ka haath,Gareeb ke Saath" ("What is a use of that government which

    cannot bring peace and prosperity in the lives of the poor. Think! "The hand of

    Congress is with the poor.

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    5.4 The Result

    Various opinion polls and exit polls too suggested that the NDA government

    would be re-elected. However, the election results stunned all political parties in

    India as well as leading psychologists and political experts.

    The NDA managed to get only 188 seats with the leading party -the BJP getting

    138 seats. The Congress and its allies got 219seats of which the Congress on its

    own bagged 145 seats. With the support of the Left parties, who bagged 53 seats,

    the Congress formed the next government. The defeat of the NDA's major allies -

    the TDP and the AIADMK, meant that the NDA did not have any support to draw


    The defeat of the NDA in the Lok Sabha elections ignited a debate not only among

    its leaders but also among psychologists and other experts. They tried to draw

    conclusions on why the NDA had lost despite a major advertising campaign. A few

    analysts felt that the "India Shining" campaign made false claims since the whole

    of India was not shining. They said that the campaign alienated the common man

    for whom India was not shining at all. Salman Rushdie, a well-known writer in

    India, commented, "The gulf between India's rich and poor has never looked wider

    than it does today, and the government has fallen into that chasm."

    In India, political parties have to follow a certain code of conduct during the whole

    election campaign.

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    1. General Conduct(1) No party or candidate shall include in any activity which may aggravate

    existing differences or create mutual hatred or cause tension between

    different castes and communities, religious or linguistic.

    (2) Criticism of other political parties, when made, shall be confined to their

    policies and program, past record and work. Parties and Candidates shall

    refrain from criticism of all aspects of private life, not connected with the

    public activities of the leaders or workers of other parties. Criticism of other

    parties or their workers based on unverified allegations or distortion shall be


    (3) There shall be no appeal to caste or communal feelings for securing votes.

    Mosques, Churches, Temples or other places of worship shall not be used as

    forum for election propaganda.

    (4) All parties and candidates shall avoid scrupulously all activities which are

    corrupt practices and offences under the election law, such as bribing of

    voters, intimidation of voters, impersonation of voters, canvassing within

    100 meters of polling stations, holding public meetings during the period of

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    48hours ending with the hour fixed for the close of the poll, and the transport

    and conveyance of voters to and from polling station.

    (5) The right of every individual for peaceful and undisturbed home-life shall be

    respected, however much the political parties or candidates may resent his

    political opinions or activities. Organizing demonstrations or picketing

    before the houses of individuals by way of protesting against their opinions

    or activities shall not be resorted to under any circumstances.

    (6) No political party or candidate shall permit its or his followers to make use

    of any individuals land, building, compound wall etc., without his

    permission for erecting flag-staffs, suspending banners, pasting notices,

    writing slogans etc.

    (7) Political parties and candidates shall ensure that their supporters do not

    create obstructions in or break up meetings and processions organized by

    other parties. Workers or sympathizers of one political party shall not create

    disturbances at public meetings organized by another political party by

    putting questions orally or in writing or by distributing leaflets of their own

    party. Processions shall not be taken out by one party along places at which

    meetings are held by another party. Posters issued by one party shall not be

    removed by workers of another party.

    II. Meetings

    (1) The party or candidate shall inform the local police authorities of the venue

    and time any proposed meeting well in time so as to enable the police to

    make necessary arrangements for controlling traffic and maintaining peace

    and order.

    (2) A Party or candidate shall ascertain in advance if there is any restrictive or

    prohibitory order in force in the place proposed for the meeting if such

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    orders exist, they shall be followed strictly. If any exemption is required

    from such orders, it shall be applied for and obtained well in time.

    (3) If permission or license is to be obtained for the use of loudspeakers or any

    other facility in connection with any proposed meeting, the party or

    candidate shall apply to the authority concerned well in advance and obtain

    such permission or license.

    (4) Organizers of a meeting shall invariably seek the assistance of the police on

    duty for dealing with persons disturbing a meeting or otherwise attempting

    to create disorder. Organizers themselves shall not take action against such


    III. Procession

    (1) A Party or candidate organizing a procession shall decide before hand the

    time and place of the starting of the procession, the route to be followed and

    the time and place at which the procession will terminate. There shall

    ordinary be on deviation from the program.

    (2) The organizers shall give advance intimation to the local police authorities

    of the program so as to enable the letter to make necessary arrangement.

    (3) The organizers shall ascertain if any restrictive orders are in force in the

    localities through which the procession has to pass, and shall comply with

    the restrictions unless exempted specially by the competent authority. Any

    traffic regulations or restrictions shall also be carefully adhered to.

    (4) The organizers shall take steps in advance to arrange for passage of the

    procession so that there is no block or hindrance to traffic. If the procession

    is very long, it shall be organized in segments of suitable lengths, so that at

    convenient intervals, especially at points where the procession has to pass

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    road junctions, the passage of held up traffic could be allowed by stages thus

    avoiding heavy traffic congestion.

    (5) Processions shall be so regulated as to keep as much to the right of the road

    as possible and the direction and advice of the police on duty shall be strictly

    complied with.

    (6) If two or more political parties or candidates propose to take processions

    over the same route or parts thereof at about the same time, the organizers

    shall establish contact well in advance and decide upon the measures to be

    taken to see that the processions do not clash or cause hindrance to traffic.

    The assistance of the local police shall be availed of for arriving at a

    satisfactory arrangement. For this purpose the parties shall contact the police

    at the earliest opportunity.

    (7) The political parties or candidates shall exercise control to the maximum

    extent possible in the matter of precisionists carrying articles which may be

    put to misuse by undesirable elements especially in moments of excitement.

    (8) The carrying of effigies purporting to represent member of other political

    parties or their leaders, burning such effigies in public and such other forms

    demonstration shall not be countenanced by any political party or candidate.

    IV. Polling Day

    All Political parties and candidates shall

    (i) Co-operate with the officers on election duty to ensure peaceful and orderly

    polling and complete freedom to the voters to exercise their franchise

    without being subjected to any annoyance or obstruction.

    (ii) Supply to their authorized workers suitable badges or identity cards.

    (iii) Agree that the identity slip supplied by them to voter shall be on plain

    (white) paper and shall not contain any symbol, name of the candidate or the

    name of the party;

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    (iv) Refrain from serving or distributing liquor on polling day and during the

    forty eight hours preceding it

    (v) Not allow unnecessary crowd to be collected near the camps set up by the

    political parties and candidates near the polling booths so as to avoid

    Confrontation and tension among workers and sympathizers of the parties

    and the candidate.

    (vi) Ensure that the candidates camps shall be simple .The shall not display any

    posters, flags, symbols or any other propaganda material. No eatable shall be

    served or crowd allowed at the camps and

    (vii) Co-operate with the authorities in complying with the restrictions to

    be imposed on the plying of vehicles on the polling day and obtain permits

    for them which should be displayed prominently on those vehicles.

    VI. Observers

    The Election Commission is appointing Observers. If the candidates or their agents

    have any specific complaint or problem regarding the conduct of elections they

    may bring the same to the notice of the Observer.

    VII. Party in Power

    The party in power whether at the Centre or in the State or States concerned, shall

    ensure that no cause is given for any complaint that it has used its official position

    for the purposes of its election campaign and in particular

    (i) (a) The Ministers shall not combine their official visit with electioneering

    work and shall not also make use of official machinery or personnel during

    the electioneering work.

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    (b) Government transport including official air-crafts, vehicles, machinery and

    personnel shall not be used for furtherance of the interest of the party in


    (ii) Public places such as maidans etc., for holding election meetings, and use of

    helipads for air-flights in connection with elections shall not be monopolized

    by itself. Other parties and candidates shall be allowed the use of such places

    and facilities on the same terms and conditions on which they are used by

    the party in power;

    (iii) Rest houses, dark bungalows or other Government accommodation shall not

    be monopolized by the party in power or its candidates and such

    accommodation shall be allowed to be used by other parties and candidates

    in a fair manner but no party or candidate shall use or be allowed to use such

    accommodation (including premises appertaining thereto) as a campaign

    office or for holding any public meeting for the purposes of election


    (iv) Issue of advertisement at the cost of public exchequer in the newspapers and

    other media and the misuse of official mass media during the election period

    for partisan coverage of political news and publicity regarding achievements

    with a view to furthering the prospects of the party in power shall be

    scrupulously avoided.

    (v) Ministers and other authorities shall not sanction grants/payments out of

    discretionary funds from the time elections are announced by the

    Commission; and

    (vi) From the time elections are announced by Commission, Ministers and other

    authorities shall not

    (a) announce any financial grants in any form or promises there of; or

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    (b) (except civil servants) lay foundation stones etc. of projects or schemes of

    any kind; or

    (c) make any promise of construction of roads, provision of drinking water

    facilities etc.; or

    (d) make any ad-hoc appointments in Government, Public Undertakings etc.

    which may have the effect of influencing the voters in favor of the party in


    Note: The Commission shall announce the date of any election which shall be a

    date ordinarily not more than three weeks prior to the date on which the

    notification is likely to be issued in respect of such elections.(vii) Ministers of

    Central or State Government shall not enter any polling station or place of

    counting except in their capacity as a candidate or voter or authorized agent.

    7. Different media strategies used for advertisements in recent elections.

    During the recent assembly elections and ongoing Lok sabha elections many

    conventional and non-conventional mediaare used by various political parties. The

    biggest difference in recent and past elections is that all the parties hired

    their consultant ad agencies, planned a framework and laid aggressive ad


    With political advertising crossing over Rs 600 crore in ad spends this year, all

    kinds of advertising agencies, big and small, shoved and pushed for a slice of the

    pie. For some like the JWT, advertising in the political arena is a first. The agency,

    that tasted success with its campaigns for Pepsi and Nike, now has the challenge

    of selling a party as old and as varied as the Congress to as complex a market as

    Electorate India.

    Let us discuss all those media types and their advantages.

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    7.1 Television

    Only 15% of the total campaign budgets are spent on TV ads. Advertising experts

    believe it is because TV does not give political parties enough bang for the buck.

    A 10 second spot can sell for anywhere between Rs. 5,000 on a regional

    language channel to at least Rs. 1.5 lakh on a popular channel during prime time,

    say media buyers, while other platforms such as radio and outdoor are as effective

    and cheaper.

    Voter banks are not in big cities but in rural areas where posters, meetings and

    mobile vans reach out to more potential voters than a TV ad which costs 10 times

    the amount, says Sumira Roy, founder of Mumbai-based advertising agency

    Postscript. And spending so much on a political campaign like the BJP did with

    the India Shining campaign last elections, can actually backfire and work against

    the party.

    At a time when Indian advertising has become so creative and has set standards

    internationally, the quality of political campaigns on TV remains poor and reflects

    badly on the industry, says a senior advertising agency executive who didn't want

    to be named. Especially the BJP ads that featured politicians using the attacks in

    Mumbai to gain votes on TV and print was atrocious and will make them lose


    Adds Emmanuel Upputuru, National Creative Director, Public is India, Earlier,

    political ads on TV looked like an A/V (audio-visual), so at least now they look

    like an advertisement as the production has improved after advertising agencies

    were hired, but at the end of the day, the advertising will be just as good or bad as

    the product, so maybe product is bad.

    However with 400-Plus TV channels, 60-70% of which are regional language

    channels, the media does hold potentialif used intelligently.

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    7.2 Outdoor advertisements

    While door-to-door campaigning and political rallies continue to be the mainstay

    of election campaigns, political parties in India are looking at advertising

    campaigns across media platforms to reach the elusive voter, especially in urban


    Political parties are now more focused in their marketing strategies, and

    communication campaigns are going beyond reinforcing the party symbol. The

    proportion of poll budgets allocated to advertising has gone up and professional

    advertising agencies are being used.

    For advertising agencies, too, it has been a learning curvethe target group is

    diffused and most ads take the regional language route.

    Outdoor media, with its banners, hoardings and pamphlets, is the most obvious

    choice in political campaigns, with print ads a close second. The digital media has

    gained significance because of its ability to interact with urban voters; radio ads

    made their debut in the ongoing assembly elections. Television, despite its

    potential, has failed to click with parties and voters alike, mainly due to the poor

    quality of the ads.

    Campaign looks at how political parties are using these mediums to spread the

    word-and how effective each is.

    Hoarding, bus stands, mobile vans and floats have proved to be most effective

    forms of communication and are used extensively by political parties. In fact, the

    outdoor medium gets a higher budget than television. According to a

    media buyers, 20% of the Rs. 400 crore advertising budget was spent on outdoor,

    while 15% was spent on television.Outdoor advertising is the first indication that

    elections are coming up because all of a sudden, streets and parks in cities and

    villages across the country are filled with banners and hoardings of politicians,

    says Sumira Roy of Postscript.

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    This platform connects with the rural populations on the best because it talks to

    them in the language they understand and is effective in delivering results.

    Adds Gullu Sen of Dentsu India, We know the leaders ofpolitical parties such as

    Sonia Gandhi or Manmohan Singh but how many of us know the other politicians

    standing for elections in the states? So outdoor advertising helps spread awareness

    and educate people on who is who. Apart from effectiveness and recall, outdoor

    media is more cost-effective than advertising in the main stream media.

    According to a leading outdoor advertising agency in Delhi, hoardings in a city

    such as Delhi cost political parties Rs.2.5-5 lakh for a month depending on the

    location and can be as low as Rs. 50,000 a month in smaller towns. The cost

    of advertising in bus shelters for a month can be between Rs.80, 000 and Rs. 1.5

    lakh for digital print banners. Compare this to approximately Rs. 1.5 lakh for a 10-

    second TV spot ad during prime time on a general entertainment channel or a full-

    page advertisement across all editions of a national newspaper that can cost up to

    Rs. 1.7 crore a day.

    7.3 Print

    The lions share has traditionally gone to newspapers, and even though platforms

    such as digital and radio have gained significance, loyalties have not shifted yet.

    According to a media buying agency, print accounts for 4050% of the Rs.400

    crore budget in the latest assembly elections.Newspapers account for 50% of our

    spends because it reaches out to the masses, yet it is a very localized form

    of advertising that gets the message across to the lowest loca denominator, says

    Ranjan Bargotra, President of Crayons Advertising Ltd., the agency handling the

    Congress account.

    According to the latest figures of the Registrar of Newspapers in India, or RNI,

    India had 64,998 registered newspapers as of March 2007, with a total circulation

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    of 190 million. A political party can pay anywhere between Rs. 5 lakh andRs. 45

    lakh for one full-page advertisement in a newspaper, depending on the reach it

    has, says a senior media buyer who did not want to be identified.

    Print ads also allow parties to respond to unexpected situations.Yes, print is a

    localized from of advertising but the main reason for using so much of this media

    is because these political campaigns are all developed (at the) last minute and print

    is the fastest way to do it. All it needs is some script, party symbol and mug shots

    of the politicians, says Gullu Sen, Executive Vice Chairman and Creative

    Director of advertising agency Dentsu, India.

    Despite all this, experts believe the entire efforts may be a waste. The Quality of

    print Advertisements is still very tacky and seem like a big sham to me, says Anil

    Madan, founder and creative director, Aqua Communications.

    Adds Sen, They are bad leaflets, not advertisements-all it does is familiarize

    voters to their faces, so when someone does go to the poll booth, they might just

    recall the face and make a connection."

    7.4 Radio

    On 21 November, The Election Commission allowed political campaigns on

    airwaves. From the very next day, radio stations in Delhi and other states going to

    the polls aired political advertisements, mainly from the BJP and Congress.

    Analysts say the speed with which parties integrated radio into their campaigns is

    indicative of the potential it has to reach out locally. Radio is a localized medium

    that reaches out to19 crore listeners (above the age of 12) and unlike print and TV,

    where there are time and space restrictions, radio allows parties to actually

    communicate to listeners in theirlanguage says Sunil Kumar, Managing Director

    at Radio Business Consultancy Big River Radio (India) Pvt. Ltd.

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    With the poll panel putting restrictions on the expenditure forcampaigns, parties

    are looking at less expensive outlets. It isnatural for political parties to use radio

    channels which arepopular among youngsters, says BJP spokesperson

    RajivPratap Rudy.

    According to a senior executive from a media buying agency, who did not want to

    be identified, radio accounted for Rs.20 crore of the Rs. 400 crore political

    advertising budget.

    The Congress took six radio spots, the BJP took three. The ads ranged from 1050

    seconds and cost the parties between Rs. 250 and Rs. 1,200.

    Reaching out to 23% of the population, radio may be a more effective and cheaper

    medium, but experts say political parties will have to learn how to use it to debate

    and discus opposing viewpoints instead of using it as a platform for mud-slinging.

    In Delhi where Congress is the ruling party, radio ads highlighted the work done

    so farno promises were made. But in Rajasthan, where the Congress is in the

    opposition, the ads looked at the inefficiency of the government and pointed out

    what could have been done better. Similarly, BJP's campaign warned voters about

    the shortcomings of the government and rhetorically asked voters if they would

    make the same mistake.

    These ads were not fancy and did not need much production work as they

    basically had voice-overs communicating to voters. So the ads were probably

    developed in a span of two days and were all set to air as soon as the government

    gave the green light," says Prathap Suthan, Creative Director of Cheil

    Communications. Confirms Ashit Kukian, Executive Vice President of Radio

    city91.1FM, The commercials were ready. We were waiting for the Election

    Commission For the broadcast certificate and as soon as the formality was met,

    the ads were aired on our station.

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    The growing reach of private FM radio is expected to find political expression for

    the first time in India as parties tap it for their campaigns, bringing in welcome

    revenue to the Rs.8.3 billion/$165 million radio industry in the country.

    Many political parties realize the reach of the radio and the play that the ads

    would get and are warming up to the idea of broadcasting their ads on radio,"

    Panday, who is also senior vice president of the Association of Radio Operators

    for India (AROI), told IANS.

    Broadcasting of political ads was not allowed on private radio stations until 2005

    when the second phase of FM radio privatization was rolled out. This is the first

    time general elections will be held after that.

    Prior to this, only stations like the All India Radio (AIR) or BBC's Hindi station

    used to air such campaigns.

    Taking advantage of the new development, most major parties like the Bharatiya

    Janata Party (BJP), Congress, SamajwadiParty and Bahujan Samaj Party (BSP) as

    well as a few regional parties are already making use of the facility.

    While the Congress has roped in three known ad agencies -Percept, Crayons and

    James Walter Thompson (JWT) - to prepare the party's campaign strategy, the BJP

    has hired the services of Frank Simoes-Tag and Utopia Consulting. Nisheeth

    Sharan of Utopia Consulting told IANS: "We have placed BJP campaigns on all

    private FM channels as well as on All India Radio because any means of

    communication during the elections only helps. There is no debating that the radio

    is the best local media available to connect with people even in far-flung areas.

    And it makes more sense to campaign through it rather than print because it is cost

    effective and is a mass medium; it cuts across all literacy levels. According to

    report compiled jointly by global consultancy KPMG and the Federation of Indian

    Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FICCI), the country's radio industry is set

    to grow at 14.2 percent per annum and reach the size of Rs.16.3 billion by

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    2013.NEW DELHI: The growing reach of private FM radio is expected to

    find political expression for the first time in India as parties tap it for their

    campaigns, bringing in welcome revenue to theRs.8.3 billion/$165 million radio

    industry in the country.

    7.5 Internet

    In 2004 the Internet accounted for less than 1% of the advertising budget of

    political parties. Today however, the digital media makes up at least 10% of the

    budget, says Atul Hegde, Chief Executive, Ignite India Pvt. Ltd., the agency

    handling digital advertising for the Congress.

    With 40 million Internet users and Internet penetration in urban India at around

    9% the importance of digital media in political campaigns cannot be ignored. Add

    to that the fact that 100 million youngsters, half of whom live in urban India are

    expected to cast their voters for the first time in the Lok Sabha polls next Year,

    and the Internet emerges as very useful tool to engage with young people.

    The focus on digital and mobile media is to engage the urban youth in India who

    make up a large voters base, says HirenPandit, managing partner of GroupM

    ESP, the entertainment, sports and partnerships division of media buyer GroupM.

    While they are involved in political affairs, they may not be interested or inclined

    to vote, so these digital initiatives aim at interacting with them and getting the

    message out

    The BJP and congress have tracked US President-elect BarackObamas

    successful online campaign-social networking sites such as Facebook, Orkut and

    MySpace have communities built around the two parties and

    individual politicians. On Facebook, for instance, a BJP group has 275members

    who engage in discussions and post information on important dates and events

    related to the elections, while Congress Leader Sonia Gandhi and Prime

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    Minister Manmohan Singh have their own communities built on the site with 358

    and 1,310 supporters respectively. It's the success of Obama's campaign we are

    trying to replicate here, says Hegde.

    The BJP has launched a website for its prime-ministerial candidate L.K Advani. It

    had one, too, for V.K Malhotra, its chief ministerial candidate for Delhi. The

    Congress opted for a dedicated Internet campaign for the Rajasthan assembly


    In addition, the two parties have engaged voters through video-sharing sites such

    as YouTube and video ads on popular websites such as MSN and Rediffmail.

    The approximate cost for an extensive online campaign can be Rs.1 crore over a

    month. 40% of a typical advertising campaign goes towards contextual search

    and advertising networking and 60% is spent on popular websites such as Yahoo,

    MSN and Rediff, among others, says Sidharth Rao, chief Executive and co-

    founder of Web chutney, a leading digital marketing company.

    7.6 Mobiles

    Around 29 crore Indians use mobile phones. Therefore political parties are

    targeting these voters through SMS and tele-calling voters directly. This way of

    targeting people has all the advantages of Direct marketing. During these

    Lok sabha elections all the parties have used this medium but definitely BJP raced

    much ahead.

    The attempt to reach voters who usually do not turn up at polling booths is driven

    by an estimate that many of them might share BJPs vision for a strong Centre and

    a "nationalist" approach to security that includes "hard" views on anti-terror laws

    and illegal infiltration. These groups could motivate people to shed both their

    cynicism and lethargy to actually go to the polling stations.

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    Party sources said this would be accompanied by a massive SMS campaign which

    hopes to ultimately reach 10 crore voters. BJP managers claim that with close to

    half the voting population connected by mobiles, this campaign is now a must.

    They agreed that the party was looking forward to a sustained effort by Sangh

    organizations to reach and motive both the faithful and sympathizers.

    The saffron party BJP used state-of-the-art campaigning, including the recorded

    telephonic voice of its election candidates.

    2. Political Marketing strategies in India.

    A sound communications strategy could backfire without astute media planning.

    Vajpaye led NDA government had lost elections due to bad media planning. In

    fact there was nothing wrong with the communication strategy of India Shiningcampaign. Probably the segmentation was also done meticulously. The party

    managers had faltered on establishing a correct level of advertising spend

    believing that if they spend more on communication the result would be in their

    favor. How could one assume that when most research indicate otherwise.

    India shining campaign has been considered a flop show as the party lost

    elections. A closer study would reveal that there was real merit in the

    communication strategy adopted as election theme. Most experts also agreed that

    the campaign was generally good and effective before the election results were

    out. The devil did lie in the media planning. From political marketing viewpoint

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    no one tried to look at the desired level of media reach for an incumbent party.

    The overkill in media cost them elections.

    The Samajwadi party in Uttar Pradesh used the most powerful brand endorser in

    India combined with messages that had top grade production values, but that was

    not enough to keep the party in power. Did the political advertising campaign

    worked in this case?

    There are major differences between the American and European way of

    conducting advertising campaigns. In USA you have candidate centered,

    repetitive, and short advertising messages as against the European way that

    features party centric, longer duration, and single shot advertisements.

    If the Labor party in UK could use professional help and successfully re-brand

    itself as New Labor and go on to win successive elections. Why cant political

    parties in India learn from their experience and seek professional help in place of

    some in house experts who could be susceptible to the phenomenon of tunnel


    If congress party in Punjab assembly elections 2007 had succeeded in reminding

    the loyal voters of Shromani Akal Dal in towns about their differences with

    hardcore Hindutva forces then the election results outcome would have been

    different. If the media experts in congress party had targeted advertisements on the

    basic differences within the loyal cadres and voters of SAD and BJP it may have

    continued to rule Punjab.

    The hardcore Akali and RSS/BJP do not seem to have resolved their ideological

    differences over major issues like Punjabi language, river waters, Chandigarh, and

    attitude towards religions etc. Therefore Congress party in Punjab had a cut out

    task of reminding the core voters in both camps about their past.

    It was that core Akali voters who for the first time polled votes in favor of BJP

    that made the difference to the unprecedented BJP victory in the state. The credit

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    went to the young leadership of SAD for engineering a shift in the voting behavior

    of traditional Akali voter by very successfully mobilizing and convincing them to

    cast the votes in favor of Akali BJP combine.

    SAD & BJP are parties with a strong core. These kinds of parties can win an

    election on the basis of a strong wave only. It is very important for these parties to

    appeal to the floating voters to vote in their favor. In the last Punjab elections there

    were other strong reasons for the victory of SAD BJP alliance.

    Use of marketing instruments, concepts and techniques is on the rise in India with

    every new election. Most political parties realizing the importance of political

    communications have created in house teams, often named as media cell, to

    establish, maintain and improve the image of their party and advise the party on

    professional political communications. These media divisions within parties

    generally consist of current and former journalists and a smattering of political

    communications experts. Well-planned political marketing helps to influence the

    election outcome by convincing the electorate about real effective issues.

    Elections and political management remains under tight control of the in-party

    specialists who claim to understand the political scenario better than the marketing

    expert who generally gets involved in elections during election time only. The

    politicians and parties in India have yet to get onto the perpetual political

    marketing mode as undertaken in democracies in western world and the ASEAN

    countries. The war room mentality remains the favorite style for leveraging the

    political marketing process in developed world.

    Punjab elections in 2007 featured high decibel advertising campaigns, public

    election broadcasts, road shows, exit polls, news management and a more

    organized campaign management to get the voters out to vote. The reverberations

    continue to be felt in the form of daily dose of news coverage about the arrest &

    trial of high profile previous chief minister and his associates.

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    The role of media and the media advisors have never had attracted such attention

    in election campaigns in particular and managing a political party in general. Can

    we conclude that astute media handling and overall use of marketing tools has

    become a necessary feature for the success of a political party? The application of

    marketing techniques and strategies to the political marketplace is a paradigm shift

    that will continue to change politics, as we know it today.

    Media in Punjab, India too, has long been associated with social and political

    movements. It has been considered as an instrument with the potential to usher in

    a socio-political change in society. Till recently, major media in India could have

    been identified with distinct religious, political, social and economic interest

    groups having a definite agenda to promote without regard to the overall health of

    our democratic nation. In the current democratic set up media openly seems to

    side with political parties and other vested interest groups to sway the public

    opinion in a particular direction. Therefore news management has become a full

    time activity for the political players. Success in politics is measured by the ability

    of a party to move the public opinion in a direction it wants it to move.

    Since vast majority of Indians are religious and God fearing therefore it has

    become a general practice amongst politicians of every hue to be seen to be

    seeking blessings from religious leaders more during the time of elections so as to

    impress upon their followers to vote in favor of their party and candidate. But for

    the first time in Punjab, a Baba from the neighboring state of Haryana took out

    series of advertisements impressing upon his followers to vote in favor of a

    Congress party.

    This cocktail of religion and politics seem to work all over India and has produced

    enormous aftershocks long after the polls have gone. A professional approach in

    handling such communications could reduce the unsavory aftershocks in the

    country. The intensity of the competition could be gauged from the fact that socio-

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    religious leaders are prompted to appeal to their followers to influence voting.

    It is not the media companies alone who take recourse to the pre poll surveys to

    assess the mood of the voters and pump up their TRP. The political parties also

    resort to use of market research to fine-tune their campaign strategy. Since these

    surveys make catchy headlines therefore their impact on the voters and the party

    workers is powerful. A positive survey finding motivates the party worker to get

    out work to get all the votes polled on the Election Day.

    A pre poll survey predicting a negative outcome could de motivate the party rank

    & file and also convince the floating undecided voter to form a negative opinion

    about the projected looser party. These surveys provide new debating points to the

    media and do seem to color their own news analysis also.

    The Parties employed below the line media to reach out to the rural voter. Music

    videos and election songs have become a major tool of communicating a political

    message to the rural audience. Terrestrial television in the form of state owned

    Doordarshan has an extensive reach in the rural areas and therefore used for the

    purpose of public election broadcast to disseminate the message to the people who

    otherwise depend upon vernacular print media.

    The cap on election expenditure also restricts the political parties from involving

    professional advertising organizations to execute a political campaign on their

    behalf. Because the political party would not want to disclose their actual

    advertising spend to the election commission.

    Persuasion remains the main objective of the political players. The parties stop

    short of finding out what the electorate wants from them; instead they claim to

    know what people must expect from them. The parties have generally ignored the

    need for marketing research to list the issues facing the public.

    There has been an extensive use of negative advertising during the election

    campaigning. Some of the advertisements do have advocacy tone also. But

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    nothing that could be called a creative advertising campaign capable of producing

    measurable effects. The media cells in parties continue to believe that voters

    would buy everything that they have to tell them. When would these media

    experts accept that we live in times when creating credibility of the messages is a


    There has been plethora of research suggesting that incumbent party does not gain

    from higher share of voice. Though it gains remarkably from share of mind and

    share of heart. This would require limited use advertising and leveraging the other

    promotion vehicles. But most incumbent parties do not seem to take lessons and

    keep on wasting resources on government advertising.

    It is believed by many that there are no upper limits to the quantity of

    communication to strengthen the appeal of a political party. More the merrier, but

    thats certainly not true. Several studies in political marketing have established

    beyond doubt that there is a non-linear relationship between the spending and net

    marginal benefit to the advertiser. Particularly for the incumbent party it has been

    generally accepted that low level of spending, than the challenger, may be better

    for producing a positive effect for an incumbent party.

    Most political pundits seem to have concluded that advertising and other

    marketing devices have almost negligible effective role to play in Indian elections.

    But several parties have tried to deploy sophisticated political marketing tools to

    convince the voter to elect them to power. But the results may not have been

    turned out in their favour.

    While most political parties use sophisticated technology to get across their

    message to the voters, they still rely on party old timers, journalists and

    bureaucrats to work out a communications strategy. Professional advice in

    election management is still not a very popular way. Therefore, most of the times,

    the quantity and quality of communication is way off the mark. Some political

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    parties in India have recently begun consulting outside professional marketing

    experts to understand the mood of the electorate, plan communications

    /advertising, & manage news media in order to mobilize public opinion in its

    favor. Definitely they see wisdom in using marketing for victory in the elections

    though political pundits may not agree with the effectiveness of the political

    marketing process.

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    To study about the different strategies use by Political parties to win


    To explore the political marketing strategies in India.

    To examine the role of political marketing strategies upon the voting public,

    and its ability to change the opinions and sway the allegiance of the public.

    To explore the role of political marketing in usage of marketing tools,

    techniques and methods in political process.

    The need of political marketing is inevitable in Indian democracy given the

    political competition at local, regional and national level to combat the game

    of coalitions and mid-term crisis.

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    Research in common parlance refers to a search for knowledge. Once can also

    define research as a scientific and systematic search for pertinent information on a

    specific topic. In fact, research is an art of scientific investigation. The Advanced

    Learners Dictionary of Current English lays down the meaning of research as a

    careful investigation or inquiry especially through search for new facts in any

    branch of knowledge.

    Research is regarded as systematic process of Identifying market problems and

    then gathering, recording and analyzing data about the problems and ordered to get

    a justify solution for the problems. The research methodology enumerates the

    description of the sampling plan, research instruments used for the collection of

    data, protesting questionnaire, the use of statistical tools and techniques for the

    analysis of collectives data.

    Research Methodology


    Primary: Primary data has been collected from questionnaire, Observation,

    Interviews, analysis of records and case studies.

    Secondary: the secondary data has been collected from following modes:




    Through internet sources


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    Research plan :

    For completing my study, I have used case studies, Internet sources, recent

    marketing strategies used by political parties, Interviews with people related in

    political world, various political marketing books and political websites. ( as

    mentioned in the reference section ).

    Sampling plan :

    A sample design is a definite plan for obtaining a sample from a given population.

    It refers to the technique or the procedure that researcher would adopt in selecting

    items from sample. Sampling plan may as well lay down the member of items tothe inched in the sample i.e. the size of sample. Sampling plan is determined before

    data are collected.

    Field work:

    I have collected data through questionnaire, Interviews, Observation, case studies,

    newspapers and articles. I started my project at very first educating the voters

    about my entire project and some interviews. Most of the respondent and people

    involve in political world were aware of this type of surveys. So I didnt face any

    type of difficulty during my project.

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    1. Lack of professional approach, as the subject of the study is on political

    marketing strategy.

    2. It cannot be accepted as a piece of excellence and is limited to knowledge

    and experience of student.

    3. Have to rely upon the information given by respondents, which may not

    be fully true.

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    The data that was delivered to and collected by the respondents had included four

    parts relevant to this research study. The first part includes a loyalty and a time of

    voting decision making question. The loyalty question was asked in order to

    classify the respondents in the following four categories: 1) hard loyalists, 2) soft

    loyalists, 3) swingers or floating voters and 4) non voters. In addition the time of

    voting decision making question was asked in order that the respondents groups

    would be further divided in: 1) those voters who decide which party to vote before

    the beginning of the election period, 2) those who decide during the election period

    and 3) those that make their voting decision at the last minute.

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    1. The respondents have been asked to answer if they vote every time for

    the same party and when is the time that they decide in favor of which

    party to vote?

    Loyalty No. of Respondents %age

    Hard-loyalists 25 50%

    Soft-loyalists 20 40%

    Swingers 5 10%


    In regard with the loyalty question, 50% of the total sample consider themselves as

    hard loyalists, since they vote the same party in every election, 40% are the soft

    loyalists, while 10% are the swingers, which are people who vote for different

    party in every election.








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    2. What time do you decide your voting decision making?

    Voting decision No. of Respondents %age

    Before election period 30 60%

    During election period 15 30%

    Last moment 5 10%


    In regard with the time of voting decision making, 60% of the sample make their

    voting decision before the beginning of the election period, 30% during it and 10%

    at the last moments before voting.




    Time of voting decision making

    Before election period

    During election period

    Last moment

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    3. Analyzing, the final segment of voters criteria.

    Voters criteria No. of Respondents %age

    H- I before 15 30%H- I during 1 2%

    H- I last minute 2 4%

    S- I before 9 18%

    S- I during 4 8%

    S- I last minute 3 6%

    Swingers before 6 12%

    Swingers during 7 14%

    Swingers last-min 3 6%


    As it is mentioned above, the intention of this research is to separate each loyalty

    group according to the time of voting decision making and to analyze their voting

    behavior. Therefore, hard- loyalists, soft-loyalists and floating voters were divided

    in three segments each one.














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    4. Analyzing the Hard loyalists voters Segments.

    Hard loyalist No. of Respondents %age

    H-I before 35 70%

    H-I during 10 20%

    H-I last minute 5 10%

    Figure 4Hard loyalists segments


    As it is shown below (Figure 4), most of the hard loyalists (80.68%) tend to make

    their voting decision before the beginning of the election period, while only

    13.84% during and 5.48% the last minute of it. That means that the big majority of

    the hard loyalists do not change their mind because of the election campaign of the

    political parties.




    H-I before

    H-I during

    H-I last minute

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    5. Analyzing the Soft-loyalists Segments.

    Soft loyalist No. of Respondents %age

    S-I before 25 50%

    S-I during 18 36%

    S-I last minute 7 14%


    Furthermore, more than 50% of the soft loyalists tend to make their voting decision

    before the election period. However, the important to mention here is the increase

    of the people who decide during the election period for which party to vote, who

    reach 36%. Finally, only a 14% of the soft loyalists wait until the last minute of the

    election campaign in order to decide which party to vote for figure.




    Self-loyalist's Segment

    S-I before

    S-I during

    S-I last minute

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    6. Analyzing the structure of swinging voters segment.

    Swingers segments No. of Respondents %age

    Swingers before 20 40%

    Swingers during 25 50%

    Swinger last-min 5 10%


    On the other hand, swingers are split in two big segments; those who make their

    voting decision before the election period 40% and those who decide the lastminute 50%. The people who make their voting decision during the election period

    represent only the 10% of the swingers.




    Swingers' segment

    Swingers before

    Swingers during

    Swinger last-min

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    7. Criteria for voting decision making.


    The criteria used by respondents appear to fall into two categories. The first one

    includes those criteria that are considered to be of medium or high importance and

    the second category those that have low importance. The most important criteria

    are: the program of the parties about socio economic and national issues; ideology;

    and the personality of the partys leader.

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    8. Trust of information provided by the sources for elections.


    In regard with the sources that provide information to the electorate during the

    election period, the respondents in general seem not to trust the information they

    receive by most of them. In this question also the soft loyalists who make theirvoting decision during the election period seem generally to show more trust on the

    information they get by the sources than all the other segments.

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    9. What is the political marketing influence on the electorate segment?


    The analysis of the responses in the relevant, to the research objective 1 questions,

    has shown that there is one market segment that is by far the most influenced of all

    by political marketing. This group is the one which includes the people that are soft

    loyalists and make their voting decision during the election campaign. In the firstquestion its influence by political marketing is ranked with 3.7/6 while the second

    most influential segment is ranked.

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    In conclusion, given the general findings of the study, there should be several

    actions taken by political candidates and political parties to maintain a positive

    message and to foster connections with the voting public. Overall, the study

    presented the collective opinions of several experts in applicable fields and a

    review of literature of political marketing. Of course, political marketing is a

    treacherous field, inspiring passion and strong opinions in the majority of

    individuals. Political campaigns are notorious for their sweeping claims and bold

    promises, but if candidates can remain truthful, and make strong positiveimpressions on people and emotional connections, their chances to become the

    elected official vastly improve. The study serves as a guide and educational tool

    for classical marketing, political science, communications, and journalism

    professionals who are interested in political marketing and the role of the media, or

    someone who is considering a potential political campaign, either on a local, or

    even national level.

    Consumers buy benefits; voters are buying confidence that the candidate will

    deliver what they want essentially, the benefit(s) they want the elected official to

    deliver. They change the voters behavior and therefore win elections when they

    connect emotionally with the voting public. They overcome the effect of media

    bias when they connect with, speak directly to, and interact with their potential


    Voter behavior has been studied much in the same manner as consumer behavior,

    namely as a decision making process to engage in a certain action (voting,

    purchasing), including processes which proceed and follow that act. Both the voter

    and the consumer are viewed as individuals receiving information, and possibly

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    seeking out information, processing this information to reach predispositions to

    respond, and finally responding toward the product and the candidate in question.

    Consequently, the principles of well known models and frameworks of consumer

    behavior can be effectively applied to voter behavior and vice versa. Accordingly,

    in applying the general approach of consumer behavior models to voter behavior,

    one can point out the following components that are part of the decision process.

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    Arun Kumar, Regal Publications (2009).- Political Marketing in India.

    Political MarketingThe Indian Experience, by Dilip M. Sarwate

    Political Marketing in India, an article by Prof. Gurinder Singh Ahluwalia (GJIMT,

    Mohali )

    Emergence of political Marketing, an article by Anand Tajpuria, Omkar

    Deshpande & Anurag Thakurta, from NMIMS Mumbai.

    Introduction to political Marketing ,an article by Vijaykaran

    Political marketing game , - byJennifer Lees-Marshment

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    Name: - _____________

    Age - Below 20



    40 above

    Q1. Do you vote every time for the same party?

    I am a Swinger

    I am a Hard Loyalist

    I am a Soft Loyalist

    Q2. What time do you decide your voting decision making?

    Last Moment

    Before Election Period

    During Election Period

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    Q3. What are your Criteria of voting decision making (Importance)?

    Socioeconomic Program

    Leader personality

    National Issues Program


    Regional Program

    MP Personality

    Party Image

    Personal Benefits

    Election Campaign

    Win Possibilities

    Q4. What sources of information do you trust