Marketing in a Connected World

Post on 17-May-2015

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How is marketing today different today than in the past, and how can your organization benefit from these changes? Learn about the new rules of marketing in the age of social media.

Transcript of Marketing in a Connected World

Marketing in a Connected World:

The new rules of marketing

Just Because you can…

New Rules

Obligatory Steve Jobs picture

New Rules

New Rules

Marketing in the Connected World

Explore all avenues of your marketing strategy,

– from who influences the buy to the buyers themselves

– to the different channels you use to reach the market

– to the products and services you offer

Going Social

Charlene Li

Josh Bernoff

Going Social

Objectives are the key:

– People

– Objective

– Strategy

– Technology

Going Social

Possible objectives include:

– Listening

– Talking

– Energizing

– Supporting

– Embracing

Going Social

New Rules

Engage or be Tivo’d

Engage or be Tivo’d

New Rules

Engage or be Tivo’d

Content Matters

Content Matters

Content Matters

Content Matters

“Though we still obsess over hits – they are not

quite the economic force they once were.

Where are those fickle consumers going instead?

No single place.

They are scattered to the winds as markets fragment

into a thousand niches.”



Content Matters

If the cost of

carrying inventory

are low, the

incentive is there to

carry everything,

regardless of the

volume of its sales

Pareto does not rule

Content Matters

It’s the Content, Stupid!

New Rules

Engage or be Tivo’d

Content Matters

Marketing is a Conversation

Marketing is a Conversation

Because we are all connected

That changes everything

In the ways that we are able

To communicate with each other

Marketing is a Conversation

The Internet is a Platform

Harness Collective Intelligence

Data as the “Intel inside”

Software above the level of a

single device

Software as a service

Tim O’Reilly

Marketing is a Conversation

Marketing is a Conversation

People get what they need from each other -

Instead of from the corporation

Marketing is a Conversation

Marketing is a Conversation

Growth of the Blogosphere

Marketing is a Conversation

The conversation is the content

Marketing is a Conversation

The value of the data grows exponentially

Marketing is a Conversation

New Rules

Engage or be Tivo’d

Content Matters

Marketing is a Conversation

Open Your Brand

Open Your Brand

Respect your Brand online

Open Your Brand

Open Your Brand

Open Your Brand

New Rules

Engage or be Tivo’d

Content Matters

Marketing is a Conversation

Open Your Brand

Always Learning

Always Learning

Always Learning

New Rules

Engage or be Tivo’d

Content Matters

Marketing is a Conversation

Open Your Brand

Always Learning

Marketing in a Connected World:

The new rules of marketing


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