Market Research: Focus Group

Post on 12-Feb-2017

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Transcript of Market Research: Focus Group

I created a focus group on a social media site called Facebook to collect answers from an audience asking them questions about what they like about it, dislike about it, whether the photography is strong, if there’s a clear colour theme and if there’s any improvements I need to make. I did this so that I can take the answers into account and make any improvements to my magazine for the final design.

A girl called Liz smith commented say that I should “move the barcode so that it isn’t right against the edge”. I didn’t do this to my magazine due to the fat that I felt that there is no room. Although I did swap around the barcode so that the numbers are on the outside like it would be on an actual magazine. However, I did take into account the “fuzziness” above the subjects head and removed this using Photoshop.

Liz Smith also commented on the contents page stating that I should “place a small badge next to Josh’s name in a completed list saying Cover article or Key Issue.” Due to my contents page being quite crowded I didn’t add a badge because it would have overlapped he image of the main subject –Josh Taylor and therefore made the page look to busy. However, due to the contents being quite clustered I removed the boxes at the top which would have been an author’s note and picture.

She also commented on the introductory page. She pointed out a spelling mistake which I corrected and also the fact that I could “impose a small sub quote over the image”. I took this into account and added a small comment in the corner of the image saying “Josh arrives in the studio after performing at the Manchester Apollo”. I like this small comment on the picture as it gives the reader a small insight into the day the image was taken on and also mirrors what an actual music magazine would do.

Lara Dobson commented on my double page stating that the use of “the larger fonts [drop caps] to start paragraphs may have been used slightly too much but it does draw people’s attention.” I changed the drops caps and reduced it to one on each column. I did this purposely so that the diagonal line draws the reader’s attention towards the large image on the bottom right page- following the reading gravity across the double page spread.

I also changed the title of the page due to the fact that I felt it was too big and I wanted to use the whole of the subjects name instead of his initials.

With these comments I have taken them into account and improved my design to reach my final deisgn.