Market Ease - Advertising Agency

Post on 09-May-2015

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description Market Ease Business Promotions is a leading provider of SEO and Google Adwords PPC services to businesses located across Australia and around the world. Since 2006, we’ve helped hundreds of business owners across 5 different countries (Australia, New Zealand, UK, US and Canada) grow their businesses immensely through the power of the internet and digital marketing.

Transcript of Market Ease - Advertising Agency

Talk to a digital marketing expert. Call now 1300 662 990


Market Ease Business Promotions is a leading provider of SEO and Google Adwords PPC services to businesses located across Australia and around the world. Since 2006, we’ve helped hundreds of business owners across 5 different countries (Australia, New Zealand, UK, US and

Canada) grow their businesses immensely through the power of the internet and digital marketing. We have two offices in Australia, one in Adelaide, and one in Sydney.

Our strategies and methodologies have been applied to multiple businesses in Australia across a range of different industries and have helped them win major business awards including the BRW fast 100 list, BRW Client Choice Winner, The Ernst & Young’s Entrepreneur of the Year,

the Telstra Business awards and more.

By utilizing our extensive knowledge and experience as well as cutting edge marketing strategies, we provide businesses like yours with the online marketing assistance you need to

increase traffic, leads, and sales, and establish a firm foundation for growth.


We specialise in helping small to medium-sized businesses grow by leveraging the power of the internet and digital media to drive an avalanche of leads and sales through their website.

When working with us, you can expect:

• Your leads - and sales - to explode!

• Your reputation and status in your industry will grow by leaps and bounds!

• You’ll quickly position yourself as the “go-to-expert” for you niche in your local area!


We understand the search engine ranking needs and concerns of today’s businesses and will work with you to ensure your online marketing success. Our goal is to help you succeed. After all, your success truly is our success.

To help ensure your digital marketing success, we offer superior customer support service and the search engine marketing strategies you need to drive traffic and improve your rankings.

When you choose us for online digital marketing assistance, you are selecting a business partner that is dedicated to meeting your needs and providing you with superior service, and of course results! Your satisfaction is our #1 priority.

Talk to a digital marketing expert. Call now 1300 662 990


Market Ease Business Promotions was founded by our current CEO,

Mr. Binh An Nguyen, in 2006. In the last 5+ years, Binh has helped

several multi-million dollar companies in Australia sell millions of

dollars worth of products online.

Binh is regularly invited to share his knowledge on stage at several

business events around Australia, including the CEO institute, CPA

Australia, and the Marketing and Communications Executives

International. Binh also has students from around the world who pay

him a lumpy 4 figure sum to learn internet marketing from him. His

students come from all over Australia and he also has students from

the UK, USA, and Japan.

Don’t miss out on a rare opportunity to work with Binh and his team, and learn how the

marketing of small to medium sized businesses have changed over the years. Listen and watch

as Binh shows you why everything you have been doing in marketing has been wrong, and how

you can quickly change your strategies to capture your market in today’s digital-rich and

technology-savvy environment.

Talk to a digital marketing expert. Call now 1300 662 990

Talk to a digital marketing expert. Call now 1300 662 990

Reputable Advertising

Agency for Your SEO Needs

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is important

to any online business, this can’t ever be taken

for granted and never should be ignored. If you

are that guy who still don’t do SEO to his

website or niche then you’re in for a big

surprise if your beautifully made website won’t

have any visitors and your monetization won’t

be a bit successful at all. It’s just doing it all

wrong and you have only yourself to blame if

you don’t do SEO on your sites. Probably you’re

going to lose a lot of money rather than making

money which is your goal and all you need to

actually do was to do SEO or hire someone to

do the SEO for you.

Optimizing your website is the key to further be

able to make use of that website for

monetization and here you need an advertising

agency. You must first have visitors to your site

before you can generate money from it. Think

of it this way, if you are selling a product or

service, if no one sees them, how will they be

able to know that you exist. The best thing to

do is to get to the top page of Google so that

people with know you exist.

The next problem for you knows how you can

have your page in front of the search engines.

Primarily there is Google and there will also be

Yahoo and the other search engines, and you

will want to be on top of all of them using your

keyword. Your keyword is, forgive us for the

pun, the key to everything. If your keyword is

“target” then you must do SEO for that keyword

which in turn must point to your site and which

in return will drive in traffic and money to your

account. It’s that simple to understand but the

process is quite complex.

If you are intelligent enough then you could do

the SEO yourself but it will require some

studying and a lot of patience. You also must be

able to keep up with the changes in the SEO

world as well, read up online topics about SEO

of what is effective and of what is not effective

anymore. It’s quite troublesome to say the least

but it can be done.

Another option is there as well, it is of hiring

someone who is already good with SEO. You will

have to pay him for his expertise but it will save

you a lot of time and money in the long run.

You can hire someone abroad to do your SEO

and they are more than happy to do so for a

little amount and that is saying that you will

save more and have your site visited more both

at the same time.

How Can an Advertising

Agency Help Your Company

With great competition in any type of business

these days, owners must grab each opportunity

to gain an advantage over their competition.

Running a company today is definitely not a

walk in the park. There are a lot of things to

consider and one of the most important ones is

doing efficient marketing for your firm. One can

try various advertising methods in order to

promote the company itself and the products or

services which are being sold. Various media

such as print, TV, and radio can also be tapped

in order to attract more clients either locally or

internationally depending on the company.

However, a lot of business owners these days

are shorthanded. They either lack the

manpower to implement marketing strategies

or they lack time. Given this situation, it is

recommended for the owner to hire the

services of an advertising agency.

A group or a team focusing on advertising your

company would bring a lot of convenience. You

can free some of your time focusing on running

Talk to a digital marketing expert. Call now 1300 662 990

the other aspects of your operations and have

peace of mind knowing that people behind your

advertising efforts are experienced

professionals. These agencies also are up to

date with the latest advertising methods such

as web marketing with the use of SEO and social

media. These are on top of regular methods

which are being used up to this day.

Though the agency that will help your firm

reach out to clients are the ones mainly in

charge of promoting your products or brand,

you can also give personal inputs. Let them

know what your goals and preferred strategies

are and you can work together in coming up

with a solid plan. A good firm to hire is the one

who listens to you or one who does

collaboration with the owner of the company

that they will be working with.

Hiring the right advertising agency will help you

attract more customers and in turn will enable

you to increase your profits. It is truly a good

investment to hire one regardless of the type of

business you are running. You are also to gain a

lot of benefits and advantages, apart from

those mentioned in this article, in hiring one.

Know more about this type of firm and how it

can help you achieve your goals. Look for

reputable ones in your area and do some

comparisons in order to find the right one for

your needs.

Reasons to Hire a Web-

based Advertising Agency

The introduction of the World Wide Web has

brought about a lot of positive changes in our

existence. For this very reason, a lot of people

would more often than not rely on the internet

whenever they are searching for something;

and as a result, a lot of business-minded men

and women have started promoting their

products and services in the digital realm. This

post is going to talk about the importance of

hiring a web-based advertising agency to help

promote your business.

1. It helps you save time and be more


If you happen to own a particular business and

you wish to keep up with the cutthroat

competition of the industry, it is going to be

best to ask the assistance from the experts.

Leaving these agents to do the marketing

legwork will do a lot of good for you due to the

fact that they can leave you to focus your head

on other important matters. As a result,

marketing and promoting are not longer your

major concern since they will be the ones to

worry about it.

2. They know what to do and how to do it.

Another advantage of asking for the assistance

from these types of agencies is that you will be

more secured and assured of getting a positive

output. This is due to the fact that the people

who are working it these companies have

enough exposure and experience in the field

that makes them highly competitive to do the

job. This will spare you from the stress and

headache that is brought about by coming up

with a new scheme to promote your company’s

rendered products and services.

3. They are professionals.

Men and women who work in an advertising

agency are not just simply hired without a

reason. Rather, they are employed because of

the proper training and education they have

received. For this very reason, these individuals

are more likely to be knowledgeable with

regards to what ingredients would make the ad

not only presentable, but also effective.

4. You get to reach out to a wider scope of

target audiences.

Having these professionals post your ad

campaign is going to allow you to rope in more

Talk to a digital marketing expert. Call now 1300 662 990

potential clients. This is simply due to the fact

that a lot of individuals would spend most of

their waking hours connected in the internet. In

addition to this, the World Wide Web has made

intercontinental networking a whole lot easier,

thus giving you the opportunity to promote

your product globally.

5. It is cost effective.

Since the marketing agency is based online,

then their medium for promoting your products

and services would more or less be the internet

itself. This will help you save since you do not

have to worry about additional expenses that

usually go together with the traditional way of


Market Ease Business Promotions

Call Us: Telephone: 1300 662 990

Fax: 1300 305 335 Opening Hours: 9.00 am – 5.00 pm Monday – Friday

Closed on Public Holidays.

Adelaide Office: Suite 1402, 147 Pirie Street Adelaide, SA, 5000 Australia Sydney


Level 46, Governor Phillip Tower 1 Farrer Place