Marj Sanour Watershed Palestine حوض مرج صانور - فلسطين

Post on 20-Jan-2016

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Social, Ecological and Agricultural Resilience in the Face of Climate Change (SEARCH) المرونة الاجتماعية و البيئية و الزراعية في مواجهة التغير المناخي. Marj Sanour Watershed Palestine حوض مرج صانور - فلسطين. Marj Sanour مرج صانور. يقع مرج صانور في شمال الضفة الغربية و يتبع اداريا لمحافظة جنين - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Marj Sanour Watershed Palestine حوض مرج صانور - فلسطين

Social, Ecological and Agricultural Resilience in the Face of Climate Change (SEARCH)

في الزراعية و البيئية و االجتماعية المرونةالمناخي التغير مواجهة

Marj Sanour WatershedPalestine

فلسطين - صانور حوضمرج

Marj Sanourصانور مرج

• Marj Sanour is located in the northern part of West Bank within Jenin governorate area.

• Marj Sanour watershed forms a unique closed watershed in the West Bank.

• The catchment area of Marj Sanour covers about 59 Km2 , lake area 16 Km2.

• Lands of Marj Sanour are mainly owned by some of the residents of the seven surrounding villages. The population of these villages reaches about 30,000 inhabitants.

• Rainfall is precipitated on the area from October to May, while it ranges between 400 to 1200 mm with an average of 634 mm.

الغربية • الضفة شمال في صانور مرج يقعجنين لمحافظة اداريا يتبع و

سطحيا • مائيا حوضا صانور مرج يشكلاالتجاهات جميع من بالجبال يحاط مغلقا

حوالي • الكلية الحوض ، 2كم 59مساحة ) حوالي ) المرج بحيرة السهلية االرض تحتل

تتشكل 2كم 16 المتبقية المساحة بينما ،. المرتفعات و الجبال من

قرى • لسكان مملوكة صانور مرج اراضي , سكان عدد يبلغ حين في السبعه المرج

.30000المنطقة نسمه بداية • من المنطقة على تتساقط االمطار

في ايار، شهر لغاية و أول تشرين شهرالمتساقطة االمطار معدل يتراوح حين

بين ما الحوض – 400على و 1200 ملمحوالي الى يصل سنوي .634بمعدل ملم

Marj Sanour watershed; location and land use : استخدامات و الموقع صانور حوضمرج


The Planning Cycleالتخطيط دورة



المراجعه والتقييم



االستراتيجيا ت

Stakeholder Analysesالمعنيين تحليل

Stakeholder Analysesتحليل المعنيين

Stakeholder Primary / Secondary Interest Role

Farmers Primary Agricultural practicesImplementing + Management

Ministry of Agriculture PrimaryFollowing agricultural practices

Policy, technology, fund, planning, implementing

Weather Department Secondary Weather data source Information

Environment Authority PrimaryMonitoring environmental issues

Search + Evaluation

Water Authority PrimaryFollowing water and sanitation sector

Policy + Search + Fund +Technology +Evaluation

Municipalities Primary Following people affairsPolicy +Management +Fund +Evaluation

Police SecondaryApplying laws and conserving resources

Policy (Monitoring)

Governorate PrimaryCoordination between all parties in the watershed


Education Department Secondary Guidance and awareness pupils Guidance and awareness

Joint Council for water and sanitation

primaryManage water and sanitation issues

Policy +Search +Fund +Technology +Evaluation +Application

Women centre Primary Consumers and awareness Application

Charitable Association SecondaryHelping poor people, and awareness


Watershed Association Primary Improve livelihood situation Policy +Search +Fund +Technology +Evaluation +Application

Well owners PrimaryManaging and operating agricultural wells


Health directorate Secondary Monitoring health issues Evaluation

Local Governorate Directorate

PrimaryMonitoring infrastructure, municipalities and village councils

Fund + Management +Evaluation

المعنيين تصنيفStakeholders categorization.



Stakeholder Effectiveness

المعنيين بين العالقات تحليلCoordination relations between stakeholders in the watershed

Stakeholder 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1


-1 +2 +2 +1 -2 - + +2 +2 -2 +2 ....

2Agriculture Directorate

+2 -2 +2 +1 -2 +2 +2 +2 +2 .... ....

3Environmental Directorate

+2 -2 -2 -1 +2 +2 +2 +2 .... .... ....

4Water Authority

+2 +2 +2 -1 +2 +2 +2 .... .... .... ....


+2 +1 +2 +2 +2 +2 .... .... .... .... ....


+2 +1 - + +2 -2 .... .... .... .... .... ....

7Joint Council for Water & Sanitation

+2 -1 - + +2 .... .... .... .... .... .... ....

8Women Centre

+1 -1 +2 .... .... .... .... .... .... .... ....

9Watershed Association

+1 +2 .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... ....

10Well Owners

-1 .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... ....

11Local Governorate Directorate

.... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... ....

Problem Tree

Marj Sanour…………Flooding & Drought



Problem tree of Marj Sanourصانور لمرج المشاكل شجرة

Climatic threats matrix of Marj Sanour watershed. المناخية العوامل عن الناتجة المخاطر اثار و مسببات

صانور فيحوضمرج

Adaptive capacity analysisالتكيف على القدرة تحليل

Vulnerability assessment of the watershedصانور حوضمرج لمنطفة الهشاشة تقييم

Affected area/ sector


Vulnerability Assessment of the watershed

Exposure Degree of

Sensitivity of the System

Degree of the adaptive capacity

Vulnerability of the area

Downstream area

Flood High-As it is a closed watershed, runoff water from hilly areas drained and accumulated in downstream area.

High-downstream area is very sensitive to flood.

Low-suggested adaptation measures can only upgrade the system partially, and these options are costly.


Water sources

Drought High-Groundwater that forms the main water source is directly affected by the precipitation quantity.

High-summer water needs already greater than production, and many regulatory problems face groundwater abstraction.

Medium-There is ability to regulate groundwater exploitation. Some upgrade measures by now adopted but it is not enough.


Plantation area and infrastructure

Frost wave

Medium-The area suffers repeatedly from frost wave in winter months causing severe impacts on the area.

Medium-Impacts magnitude and affected areas change from year to year.

Low- Some upgrades already adopted, but needs some modifications. Negative impacts mostly limited to some crops.


Wind storm

Medium-Unpredicted windstorms mostly cause damage of crops, and infrastructure.

Medium-there is ability to upgrade the system by improving of the system, but it is considered costly for some people.

Medium-some modifications can be applied to reduce the impacts. Medium

Social map showing the vulnerable areas of Marj Sanour

Rainfall of Meithaloun Station

Maximum flood volume


Resilience Visionالرؤية

“Rural livelihoods in Marj Sanour watershed area are rescued through demonstrating effective ecosystem/watershed management tool and improving conjunctive use of both ground and surface water in order to improve agricultural practices”.

صانور" مرج حوض في الريفية المعيشة سبل ) من) عليها الحفاظ تم المائي المسقط منطقةالبيئي النظام إدارة ألدوات الفعال االستخدام خالللكال/ المشترك االستخدام وتحسن المائي الحوض

تحسين أجل من والسطحية الجوفية المياه" الزراعية الممارسات

Principal Factors Affecting the Visionالرؤية على تؤثر التي الرئيسية العوامل

• Lack of development plan• Lack of working staff interest• Weakness of monitoring• Shortage of infrastructure• Political situation• Weakness of community interest• Availability of fund• Climate change

Factors’ Categorizationوعدم ألهميتها وفقا العوامل لتقييم مصفوفة




ng Im



Increasing uncertainty of happening

More important and less uncertain

-Lack of development plan -Shortage of infrastructure -Weakness of community interest

Less important and less uncertain

-Lack of working staff interest -Political situation

More important and more uncertain

-Availability of fund - Climate change

Less important and more uncertain

-Weakness of monitoring

Possible Scenariosالمحتمله السناريوهات

• Scenario 1: Funding is available and there is a change in the climate.

• Scenario 2: Funding is unavailable, but there is a change in the climate.

• Scenario 3: Funding is available, but there is no change in the climate.

• Scenario 4: Funding is unavailable and there is no change in the climate.

Developing Resilience Strategiesالمرونه استرتيجيات تطوير

• First: Diversity Strategy التنوع • Second: Self Organization Strategy الترتيبالمؤسساتي

• Third: Learning Strategyالتعلم • Fourth: Sustainable infrastructure and

technology Strategies التكنولوجيا و التحتية البنية المستدامه

Project evaluation and rankingالمشاريع تقييم

Type of Projects Environment

ΎϴΌϴΑ Economy

ΎϳΩΎμ Θϗ Social ΎϴϋΎϤΘΟ

Overall ϲ ϠϜϟ

Score Rank Score Rank Score Rank Score Rank Land Management Projects

ϲ ο έϻΓέΩϊ ϳέΎθϣ 30.4% 1 60.8% 1 90.6% 2 53.8% 1

Rainwater Harvesting Projects ϲ ΎϤϟΩΎμ Τϟϊ ϳέΎθϣ

21.1% 2 59.9% 2 91.0% 1 48.9% 2

Artificial Recharge Projects ΔϴϓϮΠϟϩΎϴϤϟΔϳάϐΗϊ ϳέΎθϣ

15.2% 4 46.0% 3 79.0% 3 41.0% 3

Water Transfer projects ϩΎϴϤϟϞϘϧϊ ϳέΎθϣ

17.5% 3 13.7% 4 45.1% 4 24.3% 4

Pilot Projects المشاريع

Project ωϭέηϣϟ Budget Ϫϳϧί ϳϣϟ (US$) Institution Ϫγγ΅ϣϟ Water Harvesting ϲΎϣΩΎλ Σ

Spain 28000


2 Artificial Recharge Groundwater Wells ΔϳϓϭΟϟϩΎϳϣϟΔϳΫϐΗϟϥϳέΑ

Netherland 110000


Agricultural Water Pond (25000 m3) Ϫϳϋέί ϪϛέΑ25000ϡ3

Netherland 250000


Water ponds & Land Rehabilitation Islamic Bank 3000000



Thank You

Marj Sanour WatershedPalestine

فلسطين - صانور حوضمرج