Marion VIEW VIEW Club Newsletter March...

Post on 07-Aug-2021

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Transcript of Marion VIEW VIEW Club Newsletter March...

Marion VIEW Club

Newsletter March 2021

The Pledge Grace I pledge to promote the interests of VIEW O Lord Giver of all good To extend friendship to all We thank Thee for our daily food And to help those in need May VIEW Club Friends

And VIEW Club ways Help to serve Thee all our days

1st Dianne Heynen 22nd Heather Waller

7th Helen Norman 22nd Linda Stein

7th Mandy Perry 22nd Yvonne Copley

8th Joan Millburn 23rd Trina Lambert

9th Lorraine Tiddy 25th Liz Thanissorn

15th Lesley Slattery 28th Vera Cornell

18th Moira KIlleen 31st Michele Flaherty



MARCH birthdays with our best wishes with our best wishes

Some things

just get better

with age.



Friday 19th March Luncheon at THE JUNCTION – Our 19th Birthday

Friday 9th April A Day in the Vales and Hardy’s Winery Further information is in the Program Books

Friday 16th April Luncheon at THE JUNCTION

Theme – Anzac Day

Saturday 8th May Tickets have been booked for ‘Legally Blonde’ Cost $28 Further information is in the Program Books

Friday 21st May Luncheon at THE JUNCTION

Theme – Mother’s Day

MARCH SPEAKER Hon David Speirs MP who will talk about issues relating to our local area APRIL SPEAKER Prof. Anne Summers PhD Flinders University – The letters of a WW2 Nurse


A BIRTHDAY is a reminder to celebrate the difference

we’ve made to the lives of many,

and look forward to continuing that together.

From Mandy

Your newly elected Committee met for the first time a week before our March lunch. Thank you to Vera Cornell, Past President, for the smooth handling of our AGM last month, and the swearing in of our Committee members. Last month we celebrated Valentine’s Day with pretty table decorations by talented Barb McDonnell and helpers. We also heard from Greg Stevens from Blaze Aid, who gave us a most informative insight into the challenging work they do after bushfires. On March 4th, more than 30 potential members for a new VIEW Club came to an information morning tea at Tonsley Hotel. This was one of the largest attendances ever nationally! Seven Marion ladies attended, in hostess, speaker or friendly capacity. A very heartening meeting. Sadly, our lovely Jan McFarlane, broke her hip and is in hospital. Marion VIEW wishes Jan a speedy recovery. On March 5th, International Women’s Day was held at Marion Hotel. This was attended by 191 ladies, who declared the day an immense success, which it was both socially and financially. Our speaker Jessica Leo-Kelton, Editor of The Sunday Mail, gave us a modern woman’s view of journalism. Remember ladies, that women our age began the movement for women’s workplace equality just 50 years ago! We can all be proud of Jessica, and the opportunities now available to women. A huge vote of thanks to Jill Cunningham, Shirley Ulmer, Lorraine Baker and Janice Paget, the IWD team who brought the day together. An incredible achievement for our Club. Thank you too, to Jim Blake who gave us immediate photographs of the day to enjoy; to Sorbet for the fashion parade; the other trading table ladies, Jill and Lorraine; and busy Marie selling raffle tickets. The raffle prizes were amazing! Many thanks to the young staff at Marion Hotel, especially Georgia, their first aid officer who came to a member’s assistance. Our Program Officers have been busy organising some inviting excursions. You will find these in the Newsletter and Excursions folder at March Lunch. This month we have David Speirs MP as our Speaker. We are also celebrating our 19th Birthday. Yay, we have cake! It just goes to show that you can have your cake and eat it too! Last year we missed our birthday, due to COVID, but not this time. Following on from Up, Up and Away, I shall give a brief talk about Marion VIEW’s history, with some items that may be of interest. Michele Flaherty has kindly offered to be Club History Keeper, so we shall assist each other in the talk. Thank you Michele, I am so happy to see you in this position. Next year will be our 20th Birthday, so start thinking ladies about a twenties theme? Flappers, Charleston and all that jazz! Any ideas welcome in advance, name the theme? The Smith Family was born in 1922, so they are 100 next year. Celebrate these events together, or separately, the choice is yours. More cake anyone? Enjoy this next month, and have a safe and happy Easter.

Warmest regards, and enjoy the autumn colours!

Mandy Perry

President’s March Report

December 2020 VITAMIN F I have a variety of friends who are all so different in character. How is it possible that I can get along with them all? I think that each one helps to bring out a "different" part of me. With one of them I am polite. With another I joke, with one I can be a bit naughty. Another, I can sit down and talk about serious matters. With another I laugh a lot. I listen to one friend's problems. Then I listen to another one's advice for me. My friends are like pieces of a jigsaw puzzle. When completed, they form a treasure box. A treasure of friends! They are my friends who understand me better than I do myself. They're friends who support me through good days and bad. We know that friends are good for our health. Doctors call them Vitamin F and counts the benefits of friends as essential to our well-being. Research shows that people with strong social circles have less risk of depression and terminal strokes. If you enjoy Vitamin F constantly, you can be up to 30 years younger than your real age. The warmth of friendship stops stress and even in your most intense moments, it decreases the chance of a cardiac arrest or stroke by 50%. I'm so happy that I have a stock of Vitamin F!

In summary, we should value our friends and keep in touch with them. We should try to see the funny side of things and laugh together and pray for each other in the tough moments.

Thank you so much for contributing to my Vitamin F.

Thanks for this Gerry Hood

Here is a gentle reminder of costs and due dates for upcoming payments.


This includes your luncheon, Club administration costs and Learning for Life student support.

ANNUAL VIEW SUBSCRIPTIONS for 2021 - $20 A reminder that this is DUE.

Payments can be made ONLINE as a DIRECT DEBIT

Our bank details for transfer of funds are:

WESTPAC Bank BSB Number: 035 045 Account Number: 167154

Our Account Name: Marionviewclub Please include your surname and what the payment is

for - e.g. WHITE- LUNCH (abbreviate if you need to)


as Cash in an Envelope

with your name on the envelope and what the payment is for.


10.45am for 11am start

To ensure we have the correct numbers for the

catering and seating arrangements

for our April Luncheon

please CALL/TEXT Janice Carvosso on 0401 141 223

or EMAIL her on

to let her know if you ARE COMING / NOT COMING,





‘Thinking of You’ cards ave

have been sent to Sue Baker

and Yvonne Copley.

We hope they are both

on the mend.

Don’t forget to let me

know if all’s not well with

you. We hope everyone

else is in good health.

is keeping well.



On: Wed. 24th March, 6.30 for 7

At: Arkaba Hotel , Fullarton

Cost: $30 for 2 courses

Interested in going?

R.S.V.P. to Sue Hogan on 0408 116 274


A reminder that now we are at THE JUNCTION

we are able to have trading tables again.

We’d appreciate any jams, slices, cakes, or things

from your garden you think ladies would like.


National Convention is conducted over 3 days, Friday to Sunday, and provides VIEW members, their friends and others interested in attending with an opportunity to hear from prominent speakers on a broad range of topics; a forum for debating issues of national importance; an ability to hear about the achievements of VIEW and their work and an opportunity for members to celebrate their contribution to supporting the education of disadvantaged Australian children. *Convention registrations are to be booked through OzAccom+. A registration fee of $25.00 for members and non-members is applicable for every registration, regardless of the number of events attended.

*All members and non-members must submit their Registration Form to OzAccom+, not VIEW National Office.

Clubs may choose to book together or members may book individually, as long as there is a unique registration form for each attendee. Club Booking Coordinators are advised to photocopy all information for each member registering, and send a club cheque along with Club Registrations to OzAccom+.

Make the most of yourself by fanning the tiny, inner sparks of possibility

into flames of achievement. Golda Meda


Our newly inducted 2021 COMMITTEE

From L to R: Janice, Marie, Claire, Liz, President Mandy,

Vicki, Chris and Elizabeth Absent Maz


From L to R From L to R: Riet, Jean, Barbara, Judith and Elizabeth


What an interesting speaker – certainly

making a difference by helping those

affected by our recent bushfires. Shirley thanking him on our behalf.

Treasurer Chris and Helen sorting

out money matters.

Janice who organises the luncheon

Venue, giving us an update on recent


She says THE JUNCTION has been

most accommodating and helpful in

meeting our needs.


From L to R: Janice, Jan, Sandy and Heather

(Linda Stein has now joined the group)

It was lovely to welcome

Sue, Dorothy, Janet,

and Jeannette who came

as visitors to our to our

February lunch, and to

welcome back the many

ladies who returned for

the first time since having

a COVID break.

So nice to see you.


Marion VIEW Club celebrated a FABULOUS 9th International

Women’s Day at the Marion Hotel on Friday 5th of March.

191 ladies enjoyed a great lunch and were entertained by

Jessica Leo-Kelton, Editor of the Sunday Mail, after which

Alison from Sorbet highlighted this season’s fashions with

her presentation.

The day was a wonderful Fund Raiser for the Learning for

Life students we support through The Smith Family.

We’re looking forward to our 10th International Women’s

Day in 2022. Jill

“Well done ladies! Another fun day celebrating all the

wonderful women on this planet and raising much needed

funds for our Learning for Life students. All your hard work

putting this wonderful day together is much appreciated.”


The wonderful, hardworking IWD Committee

From L: Shirley, Janice, Jill and Lorraine

From L: Betsy, Evelyn and

Gay wearing

their Westside

Glitzy Girls of the

Red Hat Society


Lorraine’s JEWELLERY TRADING TABLE. What a brilliant array of bling!

Thanks to Lorraine and Jill too, for helping

with this great Fund Raiser.

Hostesses with the Mostest!

From L: Jenny and Jan

A very elegant Marlies

Guest speaker Jessica Leo-Kelton

spoke to one side of the room, and

then the other, making sure all

could see and hear her.

Janice thanking Jessica for her

interesting and informative talk.


Thanks to the many

generous businesses

which donated

prizes, and the

intrepid ladies who

sourced them.


Joan Lyn Joan

LEFT From L: Margaret

and Bronwyn

Enjoying The day!

Thanks to Jim Blake for some of these pictures.

From Pauline A lot has happened in the past month. I have had the privilege

of going to Tasmania for a wonderful break of 11 days. It was quite cool to cold when I was there

but the company made up for it! It was interesting to go from ‘checking in everywhere’ in Adelaide

to a very different check in for Tasmania. They have the QR code which I downloaded and used wherever

it was indicated, however that was not everywhere. I contacted Yvonne, the president of the Hobart VIEW club

and had a wonderful talk with her. Ironically she was in Sydney! I plugged the Convention and said that I hoped

that some Tasmanians would come. I could have gone to one of their meetings but I left 2 days too soon.

My 11 days was packed but relaxing. Catching up with my cousin Peter and his wife Sandra was fabulous. They

live in a 1980’s stone cottage that he is lovingly restoring.

AGMs are now done and dusted and it was a pleasure to attend many of these and feel the positive vibes in the

clubs. The big event this month was Up Up and Away. It was very well attended and the feedback we have had

indicates that the new format was successful. It was great that the Sunraysia Club could join us on Zoom for

National President Anne Marie O’Connor’s welcome address. While they are in SA02 our thoughts should be with

them as they are still to meet properly after many, many months. I hope that those who attended have shared

their experience and knowledge from UUA with others at their club.

Since February I have attended (virtually) a meeting of the Convention committee. I would just like to keep

encouraging members to register for Convention. I can appreciate that you may be feeling anxious about the year

to come and the pandemic, but registration now gives the organisers an indication of numbers. By the time you

read this we will have had the first delegates’ meeting for the year. Your delegate will have a report from the

meeting that they can share with you (probably at your April meeting).

Communication is a two-way process and I see my role as the conduit from National Councillors to the club

members and vice versa. There is a communication flow chart on page 25 of the VIEW club handbook. Refresh

your knowledge. Always remember our Code of Conduct and support the fun and friendship of VIEW –

demonstrating courtesy and avoiding rude and aggressive behaviour.

In the Action Calendar for Mindful March today’s (3 March) reflection is – Notice how you speak to yourself.

Try and use kind words.

In fun and friendship Pauline Glover SA01 Zone Councillor

PS – The meeting for the proposed new club in the Tonsley area on Thursday

5th March, was a resounding success with 35 new to VIEW ladies attending

and 27 registering interest for the first formal meeting on Thursday 1 April.

Congratulations to the Development Team!

Looks like we have another VIEW club in SA!!

From Pauline

The SAO1 Zone Counsellor

Pauline and cousin Peter


Our ‘fearless three’ entered this, and two

other pictures, in the competition on Marion

VIEW’s behalf. Luckily ON, not IN the Murray!

3 CHEERS FOR MARION OFFICEWORKS The amazing team at Officeworks, Marion

raised $26,660 for the Back to School Appeal

in January. What a fabulous group!

They also advertised the proposed 'Tonsley'

Club at their sausage sizzle.

This is teamwork and collaboration in action! Pauline

A woman is like a tea bag. You can’t tell how strong she is until you put her in hot water.



We received lovely birthday cards and wishes from Gawler View Club,

Adelaide West VIEW Club, The Vines Evening VIEW Club and birthday

emails from the Victor Harbor VIEW Club.


Moira was born on the 18th of March in Carisbrook

on the Isle of Wight in 1931, 90 years ago.

She remembers that at fifteen and a half, because

her father had died, she left school and had private

shorthand/typing lessons and then worked as a

secretary until she married.

As migrants she, her husband Roy, and their two

children, Neil aged 6, and Fenella aged 10, arrived

in Australia in January, 1965 (on one of the hottest days ever!!) looking for a change of scenery. She says it took quite a while to

acclimatise to the hot weather. They built a home in Torrens Park and Roy, who

was a chartered accountant, worked for a wine company. Her secretarial

experience saw her typing medical reports at the Daw Park Repat and later for a

Rheumatologist, until she retired at 58.

She loved singing. She says she’d been singing since she was 5 and had played

the role of Micaela in the opera Carmen when she was 18.

After retirement she and Roy travelled extensively, returning to the UK

and having wonderful times in Singapore, Malaysia, Canada and the USA.

Sadly, Roy died from cancer in 1994 and, after catching up with English

friends, she returned to Australia and moved to Brighton after selling

their house. She’s been a member of BETA Sigma Phi for 30 years,

worked for the RSPCA, helps out at the Brighton Op Shop and joined

VIEW in 2007.

Both her children have successful careers, Neil as an Astro Physicist, and

Fenella as a Psychiatrist, and she’s a proud Grandma to Sophie, who

teaches English in Buenos Aires, and Alexi who, having just finished her

Law Degree, has her first job.

She says she’s done so much in her life – there’s been ups and some

downs, she misses her UK friends who she rings regularly, and wishes her

Roy was here to share this special birthday milestone with her.





This is a photo of my new great

granddaughter Hazel Jean.

She’s only 2 weeks old!

I will be 85 on the 22nd of March.

I am celebrating with my 2 sons

and daughter for lunch at the

Edinburgh Hotel on Sunday the

21s, then I am flying up to the

Sunshine Coast on the 22nd.

We hope you have a wonderful time.

Moira says she’d love to see anyone who has the day free to come along

to Oaklands Park about 11.00 a.m. on Sunday, April the 18th, with their

lunch and seat just for a get together and celebration.


Friday, 9th April is our trip to McLaren Vale We will visit Hardy’s Winery The Fleurieu Art House, Menz Chocolates and The Almond Train While some ladies take part in the wine tasting. (Payment of $10 for the tasting must be paid at the March luncheon in a sealed envelope, with your name on it.) *We will meet at the Marion Sports Club car park at 10.00 am and car pool from there. *If you decide to buy some goodies at the Menz shop, show your RAA card for a 10% discount. *For those going down just for lunch, please meet at the Hotel at 1.30 pm. NB Details are in the outings book and it is not too late to book.

On Saturday, 8th May, 30 tickets have been reserved

for the Metropolitan Theatre Company production of

“Legally Blonde” at the Arts Theatre in Angas Street

in the city, at 2.00 pm.

NB Details are in the outings books today and payment of $28.50 must be paid at the April meeting.

VACCINE ALERT This happened yesterday and is important information for our age group.

A friend had his 2nd dose of the vaccine at the Vaccination Centre,

after which he began to have blurred vision on the way home.

When he got home, he called the Vaccination Centre for advice and to ask if he should

go see a doctor, or be hospitalized.

He was told NOT to go to a doctor or a hospital, but just return to

the Vaccination Centre immediately and pick up his glasses.

Thanks to Bev Robinson for this gem.

Acting President Mandy Perry 0409 459 654 Secretary Liz Thanissorn 0419 847 388 Treasurer Christine Woodward 0407 985 634 Program Officer Marie Schwerdt 0402 440 394 Delegate Mandy Perry 0409 459 654


On Wednesday 17th of February four representatives from each

SA VIEW Club met to hear the positives from COVID 2020 and

look at plans for the coming year.

It was great to hear The National President, Anne-Louise

O’Conner’s welcome via Zoom.

Graham Jaeschke, The Smith Family’s SA and NT General

Manager, told us that South Australia ‘was batting above the

average’ in our support of disadvantaged students.

A TSF survey had shown that the attendance rate of LfL students

was 90%. Great!

He was proud of a new programme TSF were piloting in the

Onkaparinga area, ON PAR, which involved 70 of the least-

engaged local students. He explained TSF were placing a

particular emphasis on students transitioning from Primary to

Secondary schooling and from Year 10 to 12 where both groups

needed to adapt to changing expectations. South Australian

colleges e.g. Immanuel, St Peters, Westminster etc. were being

encouraged to provide scholarships for Indigenous students.

TSF were also overseeing a Government funded Growing Careers

Project -student events that were organised to provide

information for job opportunities.

Natalie, the Tertiary Students Co-ordinator, explained she was

working with Year 12 students to help them apply for SA

scholarships, in fields such as Nursing and Engineering.

The Development Team gave us an update on the proposed new

Club at Tonsley.

We were reminded about the need to ‘keep our Club’s history’.

(I see that next year will be Marion’s 20th year. A time to look

back and celebrate our Club.)

Pauline reminded us of the need to ‘spread the VIEW word’, to

publicise the wonderful things we do and update our Club

Webpage. (Which has already been done!)

Other issues discussed included, the use of a Square Reader and

electronic banking, developing a Speaker’s bureau and of course,

much info on the 2021 Convention in Adelaide. Highlights were

two videos – a wonderful Welcome to Country produced by Year

12 Indigenous students and a heart-warming HAPPY BIRTHDAY

to VIEW from many LfL students. It was great just to catch up.

Many thanks to Anne, Janice, Pauline and Joan for organising this informative and interesting day. Liz

Anne-Louise O’Conner ‘Zooming’ in.

From L: Vicki, Marie, Mandy and Liz from Marion