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Distribution : daily to 22125+ active addresses 05-06-2012 Page 1

Number 157 *** COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS *** Tuesday 05-06-2012

News reports received from readers and Internet News articles copied from various news sites.


One Raffles Quay – 35-01 North Tower – Singapore - -

The Philippine Coast Guard base in Manila with moored alongside the 56 mtr long 2003

built San Juan class 004 BATANGAS , the BATANGAS is the last unit of a series of 4 patrol vessels built by TENIX in Australia for the Philippine Coast Guard between 2000

and 2003 which class is equipped with a heli-pad. Photo : Harrie van der Steldt


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(2012), all belong to Ocean Sparkle arrived from in Kochi Harbour to work at the new LNG-Terminal where the first tanker is expected in October 2012 – Photo : The Hindu

Philippine Coast Guard fines Motor Tanker Obama for maritime safety violations

A motor tanker operating in the Port of Jolo was held and fined by Philippine Coast Guard personnel for maritime safety violations. In a report to Philippine Coast Guard Action Center in Manila, Motor Tanker OBAMA was found


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violating Memorandum Circular 05-98 and 03-96 which provides that all vessels leaving a port must secure clearance from PCG and to file a Master’s Oath of safe departure.

Other violations were also noted during the mandatory pre departure inspection (MPDI) which includes the absence of Shipboard Oil Pollution Plan (SOPEP), Oil Record Book and Garbage Management Plan. The boarding team directed the master of the tanker to rectify said deficiencies and comply with PCG regulations. The Philippine Coast Guard under RA 9993 (Coast Guard Law) is mandated to implement maritime safety standards and to ensure that shipping companies comply with all safety regulations. Source : Philippine Coast Guard

The DENSA EAGLE inbound for Vancouver harbour – Photo : Robert Etchell (c)

Dutch invention prevents towline failure on tugboats

The Rotterdam based shipping company Rotortug and ASD Ship Design from Alblasserdam have

invented a revolutionary tugboat technology (‘tugnology’) to prevent towline failures from chafing against a tugboats fixed towing point. The invention of Mr. Ton Kooren (Rotortug) and Mr. Arie Aalbers (ASD Ship Design), the so called azimuth friction free towing point, was

presented at the 22nd International Tug, Salvage and OSV (ITS) convention in Barcelona, Spain.

Conventional towing point designs are usually fixed bitts fitted with polished and stainless steel cladding in line contact areas guiding a towline to a towing winch. Using state of the art towing winches, towlines

are winched in and out automatically by using a pre‐set line force to prevent both dynamic overloads and slack wires. Synthetic towlines can easily fail due to chafing and friction with increased risks for safety. Fast in‐ and outgoing movements of a towline with these winches cause high temperatures in especially the inner core of synthetic towlines. This is an even bigger issue at high outdoor temperatures. The fiction and the high result temperature cause much wear and, at the end, failure of a towline connection.


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Rotortug and ASD Ship Design in co‐operation with the company Ridderinkhof in Hasselt have developed a rotating wheel construction to guide the towline without friction. ‘’Our azimuth friction free towing point will be of great influence to towing methods,’’ according to Mr. Ton Kooren of Rotortug. ‘’Especially when synthetic towlines are used

our invention holds many advantages.’’ The patent on this invention is currently pending. Synthetic towlines are gradually replacing steel wire towlines. They are generally seven times lighter compared to equivalent steel wire towlines. In fact synthetic towlines are so light (and thus easy to handle) they float in water. A downside to synthetic towlines is their sensitivity to chafing and maximum safe working temperatures. Together with the Rotterdam based maritime service provider Kotug International and the Rotterdam pilot organization Rotortug has developed new methods to assist sea going ships. One of these methods is the so called ‘rotoring’, a method through tugs of the Rotortug type can assist objects to be towed and moored in confined spaces. The azimuth friction free towing point enables ‘rotoring’ in heavy seas.

Rotortug bv develops, builds and sales tugs. The Rotterdam based company is known for its revolutionary tug concept Rotortug, featuring three azimuth thrusters which provide a greater maneuverability and better specific towing characteristics compared to conventional tugboat designs.

ASD Ship Design bv, based in Ablasserdam (the Netherlands), develops and designs new types of ships for ship owners. In recent years ASD Ship Design was involved in the design of over 30 new types of ships.

Ridderinkhof bv, based in Hasselt (the Netherlands), develops and produces winches and winch systems for maritime and civil applications. Recently Ridderinkhof has developed the so called Wave Winch for sea and port tugs, a high dynamic winch that secures a tight towing rope even in difficult circumstances. Ridderinkhof is awarded the exclusive production rights for the azimuth friction free towing point for the first years.

Mitsubishi Delays $5.7 Billion Oakajee Port on Jack Hills Review

Mitsubishi Corp. (8058), the biggest Japanese trading house, is holding up its A$5.9 billion ($5.7 billion) Oakajee port project in Western Australia as it reviews the Jack Hills iron ore mine following a price slump. Mitsubishi must decide on the scale of the expansion of Jack Hills before funding talks with six state-owned Chinese groups can be concluded, said John Langoulant, chief executive of the Oakajee Port & Rail project. “The delay has a lot to do with the delay in the development of the mines,” Langoulant told reporters after a conference in Melbourne today. “Discussions with the Chinese parties are continuing but those discussions and the final decision will depend on a range of factors. Short-term market circumstances will be one.” Mitsubishi, which paid A$325 million to buy out the Oakajee project and the Jack Hills mine from partner Murchison Metals Ltd. (MMX) earlier this year, is doing a complete review of Jack Hills that will determine when its other mines in the region will also start, Langoulant said. The review is expected to be completed in the second half, he said. Prices of iron ore delivered to the Chinese port of Tianjin have fallen 20 percent in the past year, according to data compiled by The Steel Index Ltd.


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Prices of the metal fell on concern that slower economic growth in China, the biggest buyer, is curbing demand from steel mills. “In the short term, it’s probably fair to say that demand for iron ore might not be as strong as it has been over the last five or six years but China has indicated that it’s prepared to stimulate its economy and it continues to have high demand,” Langoulant said. “Over the medium to longer term, if you look at the demand-and-supply equation, that looks pretty much in favor for the supply side.” Oakajee port and rail development was designed to open Western Australia’s midwest region for iron ore exports to Asia, Langoulant said. Source: Bloomberg

AVRA’s SOUTHWIND moored in Brisbane (Australia) – Photo : Jacob Versteeg ©

In Turkey, UN chief says Somalia needs help in building own security forces

International forces cannot solve Somalia's security problems in the long term and the fragile country needs its own strong force to do the job, U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said Friday. Ban spoke spoke at a conference in Istanbul that aims to support Somalia in a transition process calling for a new constitution and parliament, and the election of a president, by Aug. 20. The Horn of Africa nation dissolved into anarchy in 1991 and has endured conflict and deprivation ever since. While significant gains have been made in that fight, Ban said the international community must help Somalia build its own security apparatus, establish the rule of law and shed a pervasive culture of impunity. "In the face of terrorism, piracy and drought, Somalia needs solidarity," Ban said. "Partners have to step up and do their part." National reconstruction aside, international donors rushed last year to provide food aid to Somalia after a famine was declared, and the United Nations said donations of food and cash saved half a million lives in the second half of 2011. But reports of looting and diversion of humanitarian supplies pointed to endemic corruption in one of the world's poorest countries. Somali President Sharif Sheikh Ahmed told the conference that Somalia doesn't have a national army and needs military training. "We need to have a realistic state structure," he said. "These things are not easy at all because we are facing major problems, and especially the terrorists continue with their activities, and the clashes from tensions have hindered our efforts during the transition period." Al-Shabab is suspected in a bomb attack Monday in Nairobi, Kenya's capital, that killed one person and wounded more than 30. Kenya is involved in the fight against the Somali militants and announced this week that it had captured a rebel-held town in southern Somalia. Al-Shabab and al-Qaida formally joined organizations earlier this year, though the ties between the groups were already strong. Al-Shabab counts hundreds of foreign fighters among its ranks, including militants with experience in the Iraq


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and Afghanistan wars. Kenya's prime minister, Raila Odinga, said there were reports that militants were fleeing to mountain hideouts in Somalia's semiautonomous region of Puntland. He also said it was vital for Somalia's militia groups to be integrated into the country's fledgling forces so they can "assume control and protection of liberated areas," and that military action against pirates who prey on international shipping was also key to national security. As an example, he cited actions this month by European Union naval forces, which used attack helicopters in their first onshore raid on a suspected pirate lair in Somalia. A pirate said that strike destroyed a supply center and set back operations. The EU is the main donor to the Somali transitional government. It also trains Somali army troops, and is reinforcing the navies of five neighboring countries to enable them to counter piracy themselves. The long coastline of war-ravaged Somalia provides a perfect haven for pirate gangs that target shipping off the East African coast. Ban also urged Somalia's leaders to "keep human rights at the center of the political process," stick to commitments to allot 30 percent of the 225 seats in the new parliament to women, and ensure freedom of expression and the safety of journalists. He cited the shooting death earlier in May of a Somali journalist, the sixth to be slain in the country this year. Source: The Washington Post

Iran's sanction-beating grain trade seen ready to help Syria

Iran is poised to offer the Syrian authorities a short-term food lifeline with vital grains purchases as Western sanctions and mounting violence deter trade houses from doing deals with Damascus, international traders say, Reuters reports.

Both are targets of Western sanctions that, while not intended to disrupt food imports, have hurt shipments of all kinds by complicating financial transactions. Richer and more practised in the ways of sidestepping such embargoes, Iran seems set to help its struggling ally, though its own means are limited. "Iran will try to help Syria," said a senior trader at a major international grain house in France who likened Tehran's interest in helping Syrian President Bashar al-Assad stave off food shortages to Algerian state aid last year for Tunisian and Libyan autocrats who were trying to stifle popular unrest. "I think most of it will be done via the black market," the trader added, meaning that bread wheat, animal feed and other grains could be shipped to Syria by Iran discreetly, avoiding the normal practice of international public tenders.

Numerous sources in European grain trading centres and the Middle East concurred that Iran, a major energy exporter which has been under Western sanctions for years due to a dispute over its nuclear programme, would help Assad, a key Arab ally whose government has been hit with Western and Arab League bans on banking and other dealings due to its crackdown on protests. "It's a given that Iran will help Syria," said another grains dealer in western Europe,


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speaking on condition of anonymity, as is common in the business. "But it won't be on the radar. It will be a bilateral agreement between them." Grains traders said Iran, which buys its supplies through public tenders and in private deals, would also aim to help Damascus by turning a blind eye to its own private merchants re-selling wheat to Syria.

Government agencies usually buy through public tenders where the quantity required, shipment schedule and other details are sent to international trade houses with a deadline for bids. Purchases by the private sector are generally less visible. Separated by a land border, some of the ways Iran could get supplies to Syria would be on trucks via Iraq or Turkey, which have borders with Syria. Separately, shipments could be re-routed through Iraqi or Turkish ports and then onto Syria, European and Middle East grain traders say.

Unable to finance the big international grain purchases it has been used to, Syria has engaged in a desperate search for grain that has forced Damascus into an array of unusually small deals, many arranged by middlemen around the Middle East and Asia. But the amounts agreed have been nowhere near meeting Syria's reliance on imports for about half of its annual needs of 7-8 million tonnes of grain, a situation that threatens to sap domestic support for Assad as he faces mounting international condemnation and domestic defiance of his rule. Tehran, under pressure itself for refusing demands from world powers to stop enriching uranium they see as part of a secret nuclear weapons programme, has experience that can help an ally in the regional confrontation which pits Shi'ite Muslim, non-Arab Iran against the Sunni-dominated Arab states.

"Iran's relative success in circumventing sanctions, which have complicated efforts to import grains and other basic food staples, derives from its ability to find alternative ways to pay for imports," said Torbjorn Soltvedt, senior analyst at risk analysis firm Maplecroft in London. Iran, unlike Syria, is increasingly working around the restrictions using covert payment systems including non-dollar currencies and its oil and gold in exchange for goods. However, even Iran, needing to feed its 78 million people, has limited resources to help Assad, whose Alawite minority, religiously tied to Shi'ite Islam, has dominated Syria for four decades, even though most of its 23 million people are Sunnis.

"Although Tehran is likely to continue to provide financial and logistical support to Damascus, domestic food security concerns may limit the degree to which it will be able to meet a significant shortfall in the supply of grain and basic food staples in Syria," said Maplecroft's Soltvedt.

A trader based in the Middle East said Syria was most likely to benefit from profit-driven private traders in Iran rather than from direct aid from the Tehran government: "Iran has to continue to sort out its own food problems, so any assistance to Syria is not viable by the government," the trader said. "It could become a private trade brokered by Iranian middle men," he added. Traders involved in the supply of grains to the region say the coming harvests in Syria and Iran may also help the Syrians for a short period, though its food requirements remained critical.

"Syria's crop is coming in and this will take some of the immediate pressure off the government," said one trader in Hamburg, a key grain trading centre in Europe. "The United Nations aid agencies are also doing big buying of Syrian aid cargoes, so the Syrian government may be happy to let the international aid agencies foot a large part of their food bill."


Turkey was also likely to remain as an intermediary for both Iran and Syria, traders said. In recent days there have been grain deliveries to Syria via the Turkish port of Mersin, while Turkish banks have been used for Iranian and Syrian deals. Turkey, exasperated by its one-time ally Assad, announced late last year its own sanctions targeting the Syrian government. But it specifically said it would avoid measures that would add to the hardships of the Syrian people. "Turkey will remain the key factor for the Iranians and they still look like they are keeping lines open," one trader in western Europe said. "So bringing in supplies from Turkey is a viable option for Iran."

Syria has few options but to look for unconventional supply routes:

"I do not know anyone who is prepared to offer to the Syrians," another grain trader in France said. "For us it is an internal decision that is not only related to financing problems and risks of shipping but a way to put pressure to stop the atrocities in that country." State currency reserves have been depleted and the Syrian pound has lost nearly half its value, adding to import problems. The worsening trade environment has already hit Syrian container ship volumes, which account for household products such as canned food and clothing. "There is a huge mess all over Syria today so how can you make sure your vessel will arrive and discharge safely with no problems, no demurrage (extra costs), let alone not being damaged by fighting?" the Middle East grain trader said. "These are considerations facing most shipowners and will deter business now." Source : PortNews


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The Chinese TSHD XIN HAI HU 4 arrived in Willemstad (Curacao) for drydocking at CDM. Photo : Kees Bustraan – (c)

Venice environmentalists ask Sophia Loren to renounce ship

Environmentalists on Saturday urged film diva Sophia Loren to help stop a big cruise ship named in her honor from ever entering the Venice lagoon because of potential damage to the city and the lagoon's delicate ecosystem. The MSC Divina (Divine), which the actress christened last month in France, is a 139,500-tonne ship that can carry 3,500 passengers and nearly 1,000 crew. "We can't believe that you want your name, which is a legend in Italy and the world, to be associated with a ship that contributes to the destruction of Venice, part of humanity's heritage," said an open letter from the group, called the No Big Ships Venice Committee. "We are asking you to give up your role as godmother of the ship. Venice and the world would see that as a divine gesture. Venice belongs to the world. Help us save it," the group said in the letter to the Italian screen legend.


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A handful of protesters held up a banner that read "No Big Ships" as the Divina passed by St Mark's Square on Saturday. Since the wreck of the Costa Concordia last January, environmentalists have stepped their efforts to have large cruise ships banned from the lagoon which surrounds the historic centre of the canal city. The Concordia capsized off the coast of the Tuscan island of Giglio after it hit rocks. At least 30 people were killed and two are still unaccounted for.

That disaster put the spotlight on the Venice lagoon, perhaps Italy's most delicate maritime area, which big cruise ships enter to drop off passengers conveniently close to the historic centre and the Grand Canal. The letter to Loren said the big ships pollute the air and their vibrations and the lapping waves caused by the wakes of their passage hurt the foundations of historic palaces and churches. "Venice and its lagoon are both world heritage sites and risk an environmental disaster every day because of the passage of these monsters of the sea," the letter said. Italia Nostra (Our Italy), the country's leading conservation group has also long been opposing the entry of large cruise ships into the lagoon. The Divina has a first-class suite named after Loren which is decorated with large pictures of the Oscar-winning actress at various stages of her film career. Source : Reuters

The EBERHARDT ARTIC outbound from Rotterdam – Photo : Paul Gerdes (c)


PH Navy needs bigger warships A ranking Philippine Navy official said they will need more and bigger ships to protect the nation’s maritime borders miles away from one of the longest coastlines in the world. Rear Admiral Jose Luis Alano, Philippine Fleet (PhilFleet) commander, said the country has no choice but to acquire ships like the US Coast Guard’s Hamilton-class cutters because of seasonal changes in the South China Sea that make it treacherous to smaller vessels about half of the time each year. Alano and Armed Forces chief Gen. Jessie Dellosa formally accepted delivery of the USCGC Dallas, the 378-foot, 3,250-ton sister ship of the Hamilton that was turned over to the Philippine last year and rechristened the


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BRP Gregorio del Pilar, during formal rites in Charleston, South Carolina May 22. Bigger ships, especially like the high-endurance, all-weather Hamilton-class cutters, can sail through huge waves and stay longer at sea, he explained.

He downplayed reports that like the Hamilton, the US had stripped the Dallas of its advanced weapons and electronic equipment despite a request from Philippine officials last January to keep them. They retained the 76mm Oto Melara but removed the 2 Mark 38 25mm cannons and the more sophisticated sensors.

Alano told the Manila Mail that since the Dallas underwent its last major retrofit in 1988, many of the machinery and equipment aboard needed replacement anyway. He added that the Philippine Navy is buying its own Mark 38 “Bushmaster” chain guns that can spew 200 rounds per minute to distances of as far as 6 kilometers. One will be installed on the Dallas (to be rechristened BRP Ramon Alcaraz) and the 2nd will be installed on the BRP Gregorio del Pilar, after the Dallas arrives in Manila sometime in November.

Alano revealed they are also putting in new surveillance and command and control equipment. “This is part of arrangements when the vessel’s capabilities will be upgraded,” he explained. The equipment is being procured on “cash basis” under the US Foreign Military Sales (FMS) program. But he admitted their bigger concern is how to sustain the naval modernization after decades of neglect. He said the development of a private-sector defense industry is crucial to the military’s long-term plans to build a credible defensive deterrent. That is why they are excited about an ongoing acquisitions of Philippine-made 65-foot Multi-Purpose Attack Crafts (MPACs). A local company is constructing them, borrowing technology from Taiwan and Sweden. The MPACs have a top speed of 48 knots. Although they are not exactly the “big ships” the Philippine needs to operate in the disputed parts of the South China Sea, Alano said the deal can kick-start a modest but home-bred naval defense industry. In the US, he noted, private companies – not the military – are the most active proponents of military modernization and are not timid about lobbying the Pentagon and Capitol Hill for funding.

A domestic defense industry would also help create demand for workers that have the skills needed for staffing a modern military. Alano explained that unlike ground forces, the Philippine Navy will need to recruit and train additional sailors who can operate the electronics and complex gadgets standard to most new warships. He said they plan to buy up to 40 MPACs but most of them will go to replacing older patrol crafts that have become too expensive to maintain.

Philippine Defense Secretary Voltaire Gazmin said the government will award 138 contracts worth about P70 billion (about $1.2 billion) before July to boost military modernization. Source : ABS-CBS News

The French Navy Gowind Class OPV FS L’ADROIT P725 entering Grand Harbour, Malta during her BFT Patrol and

maiden call to Malta on Friday 1st June, 2012. Photo : Capt. Lawrence Dalli - (c)


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USS Iowa makes its way into berth at Port of Los Angeles under watchful eyes The ship won't open for tours for more than a month yet, but San Pedro's fascination with the USS Iowa already is at a near fever pitch. Spectators came out again this morning to watch the World War II battleship being towed from its offshore anchor. Dozens of people -- many with binoculars and long-lens cameras -- lined local bluff tops and rooftops to watch the big battlewagon being towed around the breakwater and into a temporary berth in the Port of Los Angeles' outer harbor.

Photo : Bob Duckson (c)

"Spectacular," one woman as a large crowd of people watched almost silently from a harbor lookout on Gaffey Street.

"Awesome," said another. One woman began clapping as the big ship finally made the turn inside the breakwater, dwarfing the Angels Gate Lighthouse on the tip of the rocky barrier. The ship will remain in the port's outer harbor temporarily until next Saturday when it will be brought up the Main Channel and parked in its permanent spot at Berth 87 just south of the Fanfare Fountain and north of the harbor fireboat station near Fifth Street and Harbor Boulevard. Port officials have closed off the temporary berthing area where the ship is now moored in the outer harbor and are asking people to stay clear of the area. Despite the gray skies this morning, many spectators got a good birds-eye view of the massive warship's slow tow into the harbor. In the afternoon sun later in the day, one man said, the view of the ship "will be splendid."

"I've been a resident here for about 10 years and I'm just excited to see some of these long-term plans finally happening," said Glenn Wagstaff of San Pedro who has followed the Iowa story since the idea was first proposed nearly three years ago. "That's pretty darn cool," said Laura Davis of Winnetka, a book editor who spends weekends in San Pedro. Helicopters buzzed overhead as the ship was slowly towed and escorted into the port. The Goodyear blimp also made an appearance overhead.

The 887-foot-long battleship, which arrived in the area early Wednesday morning from Northern California, will open to the public on July 7 as an interactive naval museum. "It's great to see this ship here," said Ron Weiss of San Pedro. "You look at these ships and think this is what America can do."

Many local residents said they'll wait for the crowds to thin out a bit after the ship's July 7 grand opening before taking a tour onboard. But they said lines will probably be long for a while. The Iowa will be the only World War II battleship museum on the entire west coast. "Where else are you going to see one of these warships?" Weiss said. Source : Dailypress Los Angeles


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DSME sees sharp fall in Q1 profit Daewoo Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering (DSME) recorded a huge drop in net profit in the first quarter ended 31 March 2012. The South Korean shipbuilder posted a first quarter net profit of KRW84.2bn ($71.5m), down 68% year-on-year, due largely to the production of lower margin vessels. Revenue was recorded at KRW3.64trn, a 7.8% decrease compared to the same period of 2011. DSME also registered a 58.2% fall in operating profit to KRW181.2bn. Source: Seatrade-Asia

POSCO subsidiaries receive shipbuilding order from Singapore

South Korean steel giant POSCO has announced that its trading house subsidiary Daewoo International will build a $20 million offshore supply vessel for Swire Pacific Offshore (OSV), a Singapore-based service provider to the offshore oil and gas industry.

Daewoo will deliver the vessel to be built in cooperation with another POSCO subsidiary Sungjin Geotec, specializing in offshore plant equipment, within one year. Sungjin Geotec plans to strengthen its ties with Daewoo International to expand its presence in global offshore supply vessel markets. Offshore supply vessels, used for diving assistance or oceanographic surveys for offshore oil platforms, are becoming increasingly important amid a worldwide boom in marine energy exploration. Source: Steel Orbis

Russia's Shipbuilding Corp. approves $31bln backlog of orders

Russia’s United Shipbuilding Corporation has approved a backlog of orders worth 1 trillion rubles (more than $31 billion), with 200 billion rubles ($6.2 billion) to be spent on civil-purpose ships, the corporartion's representative Dmitry Sapov told the World Marine Technology Conference in Saint Petersburg which is attended by experts from 20 countries. Mr. Sapov added that the corporation also deals with the construction of drilling platforms, one of them called ‘Prirazlomnaya’ scheduled to start drilling for oil in early 2013. Source: Voice of Russia


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The BOURBON YACK moored in Onne (Nigeria) – Photo : Dirk van Uitert ©

Shin Yang wins RM166.3m job Shin Yang Shipping Corp Bhd's wholly-owned unit, Shin Yang Shipyard Sdn Bhd, has received a RM166.3 million contract from Belait Shipping Co (B) Sdn Bhd, a company incorporated in Brunei. In a filing with Bursa Malaysia today, Shin Yang said the contracts were for the construction of two units of 77-metre diesel electric dynamic positioning 2 (DP2) platform supply vessels. "The vessels are scheduled to be completed and delivered by the fourth quarter of 2013 and second quarter of 2014," it said. Shin Yang said with the ongoing upgrading and advancement to the shipyards facilities and human capital, the group was pleased with this important key milestone and opportunity to construct the first DP2 platform supply vessels. Source: Bernama

Cash crisis threatens German yard survival One of Germany’s most successful shipyard groups – P&S Werften – is threatened by cash-flow problems and reportedly needs more than €200 million to carry on, some of it immediately to pay 1700 employees. Tom Todd writes: Erwin Sellering, first minister of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, the Baltic coastal state where P&S yards is located, was reporting back to his cabinet in Schwerin on Friday (1 June) after seeking EU approval in Brussels for a financial and restructuring rescue package. He said his government, which has given cash support totalling millions of euros to P&S in the past, was willing to help yet again. This time however he said he wanted Berlin, the banks, the shipyard and its workers to also play their part. “We cannot do this on our own”, he said. Chancellor Angela Merkel, who has just visited Stralsund, also said it was “appropriate and important” that all concerned, including the EU, discuss the situation at P&S. P&S Werften groups Volkswerft in Stralsund and Peene-Werft in Wolgast. As far as orders go it is reported to be one of the most successful German groups with orders in hand worth more than €1 billion. It also says it is “negotiating projects worth a further €2.4 billion”. It acknowledges however that securing “the necessary financing is a considerable problem”, a reference to reluctance currently by the normal credit suppliers, banks, to put


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up pre-finance for projects. P&S also faces penalty payments over delivery delays on the two Scandlines ferry newbuildings Berlin and Copenhagen. They should have been delivered by about now but latest word is that they will not be ready until September. In a statement the yard rejected claims that the delivery delays had contributed significantly to its current cash difficulties. Delay penalties were not unusual and were limited, but “did not cause losses totalling millions”, P&S said. Source : The Motorship

The SEAHORSE outbound at the river Tyne bound for the Tees after loading from the FITNES

Photo : Kevin Blair (c)

Korea's DSME Unveils World's Biggest Car-Ferry

Korea's Daewoo Shipbuilding and Marine Engineering has unveiled the world's largest car-ferry, that can carry more than a thousand cars and over 3-thousand passengers. The ferry, named Tanit, is 210 meters long and 30 meters wide, and has more than 800 rooms as well as a shopping center and a swimming pool. The ship also has additional engines and electric generators for passenger safety in emergency situations. Tanit was ordered by Tunisia's state-run cargo vessel company COTUNAV, and it is the first vessel Daewoo has exported to Africa. The ferry will be operational in mid-June connecting Tunis to Marseille and Genoa. Source: Arirang


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ROUTE, PORTS & SERVICES NCC receives new chemical tanker “NCC

SHAMS” National Chemical Carriers Ltd. Co. (NCC) of Saudi Arabia, a subsidiary of The National Shipping Company of Saudi Arabia (BAHRI) announced that it had received on Tuesday, 29th May 2012 in Korea a new chemical tanker named “NCC SHAMS” from SHINAsb (previously SLS) of South Korea, as part of Nine (9) vessels previously contracted by NCC from this yard during 2006 – 2007 for a total value of approximately (SAR 1,722 Millions). “NCC SHAMS” has a DWT of 45,000 tons with (DNV) classification and full (IMO 2) notations and cargo capacity of 53,200 cubic meters comprising (22) Zink/Epoxy coated cargo tanks with (20) full segregations. The vessel will be commercially operated by “NCC ODFJELL Chemical Tankers JLT”, located in Dubai and owned jointly by NCC and its long term strategic partner ODFJELL SE of Norway, which commenced operation in January 2010. NCC has additional Four (4) vessels under construction at SHINAsb in South Korea with deliveries expected during 2012, in addition to one large chemical tanker of 75,000 DWT, to be constructed at Daewoo Shipbuilding and Marine Engineering Co. Ltd. (DSME) of South Korea at the price of (SAR 247 Millions) for delivery during 2013. NCC currently operates a fleet of 19 vessels that are specialized in transporting Chemicals, Vegoils and Clean Petroleum Products with DWT capacity of nearly 850,000 tons, which will grow to (25) vessels and 1.1 Millions DWT by 2013. Source: NCC.

The ROTTERDAM EXPRESS in the Port of Los Angeles – Photo : Bob Duckson (c)

Port handles record quantity of container cargo The New Mangalore Port handled a record quantity of 1,710 TEUs (twenty-foot equivalent units) in container vessel MV Tiger Mango which called at the port on May 28. This is the highest number of containers ever handled at the port from a single voyage surpassing earlier record of 1,512 TEUs handled on September 9, 2011 from the vessel MV Tampabay. Out of the total 1,710 TEUs, 995 were imports and 715 were exports. Major importee items were raw cashew. The exported items consists of coffee, cashew kernels, fish and fish products, and candles. M/s Bengal Tiger Lines are the feeder line operators and M/s Delta Infralogistcs Pvt Ltd are the agents of the vessel. Chairman P Tamilvanan stated that the port was witnessing a steady growth in container traffic thanks to pro-active marketing efforts made by the port management coupled with infrastructure addition created during the past few years. This has yielded positive results in fostering the container movement to the port from the hinterland which is evident from the fact that from 9,646 TEUs handled in 2005-06, it has grown to 45,009 TEUs in 2011-12. In 2012-13 as on date, the port has handled 7818 TEUs as against 7,281 TEUs handled during the corresponding period of previous year. Source: TNN


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Photo : Marijn van Hoorn (c)

Last weekend in de Dutch city Dordrecht the yearly festival “DORDT IN STOOM” was held, during this days all kind of steam powered engines are around including a lot of steam powered and other historical ships, herewith an impression of the last weekend Photo left : Hans Hoffmann (c) below : Frans de Lijster (c)

photo left : Marijn van Hoorn © below : Jan van Heteren ©


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Dredging project gets under way at Bembridge on Isle of Wight

Isle of Wight County Press reports that a major dredging programme has started at Bembridge harbour on the Isle of Wight in the UK. The work follows Fiona and Malcolm Thorpe’s purchase of the harbour just before Christmas. They said this summer’s near £500,000 improvement programme underlines their commitment to bringing the harbour back into being fully functional "at the earliest opportunity." Isle of Wight County Press aid the work follows years of complaint about lack of investment under previous ownership which sank the harbour into administration with debts of about £3 million. ML Dredging Ltd won the contract to dredge 12,000 cubic metres of silt. It is due to be complete by June 15. Source : Dredging News Online

Wärtsilä dual-fuel now in 100 LNG carriers Wärtsilä says that it now has its dual-fuel engines in 100 LNG carrier vessels, following delivery of one such ship from a South Korean shipyard. These 100 LNG Carriers represent about 25% of the current global fleet. Wärtsilä’s dual-fuel technology was first launched in the early 1990s for use in land-based power plant applications. The first marine installation of the 50DF engine came a decade later. The technology enables the engine to be operated on either natural gas, light fuel oil (LFO), or heavy fuel oil (HFO), and switching between fuels can take place seamlessly during operation, without loss of power or speed. This ensures safety and continuous installation operability. The Wärtsilä

50DF engine is designed to have the same output regardless of the fuel used. Following the first 50DF LNG carrier installations in 2006, Wartsila believes some 65% of all new LNG Carriers have been fitted with Wärtsilä dual-fuel engines. One of the reasons for this is the high propulsion efficiency. The environmental advantages that operating on gas allows is another factor in the success of this technology. When operating in gas mode, the nitrogen oxide (NOx) emissions are at least 85% below those specified in the current IMO regulations, and CO2 emissions are some 25% less than those of a conventional marine engine running on diesel fuel. Additionally, the sulphur oxide (SOx) and particle emissions are almost zero.

"This is indeed an important milestone for Wärtsilä, and for the shipping industry as a whole. It confirms not only our

leading position in the LNG transportation sector, but also the viability of Wärtsilä dual-fuel engines. They have demonstrated that they are a solid and reliable choice for owners and operators, enabling easy adaptation to different sailing patterns, in both arctic and tropical conditions, and to various operational profiles," says Lars Anderson, vice


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president, Wärtsilä Ship Power, merchant. In addition, the 50DF engine is being considered for other shipping sectors. For example, in the cruise and ferry sector, where it is often necessary to operate in ECAs, there is growing awareness of the advantages of operating on gas. The new Viking Line ferry to operate between Finland and Sweden will be the largest ferry to operate on gas fuel.

Similarly, vessels serving the offshore oil and gas industry are increasingly being fitted with Wärtsilä dual-fuel engines. The need for flexibility, fuel efficiency, and compliance with stricter environmental regulations, are the drivers behind this trend. To date Wärtsilä has sold some 720 DF engines, and has accumulated more than 5 million running hours of experience with this technology, claimed to be far beyond anything offered by other engine manufacturers. With environmental issues and fuel economy likely to be the future market drivers, Wärtsilä has recently expanded its merchant fleet equipment range to include solutions that address process efficiency and environmental compliance. Following its recent acquisition of Hamworthy, Wärtsilä is established in the LPG and LNG carrier markets for the reliquefaction of boil-off gas, with solutions that offer both economic and environmental advantages. Source : The Motorship

The CIELO DI MILANO arriving in Rotterdam-Europoort – Photo : Paul Gerdes ©

Titan cuts costs, terminates five bareboat charters

Titan Petrochemicals unit Sino Venus is cutting short five bareboat charters from Oceanic Shipping with effect from 1 June 2012. The charters of the five vessels, one 7,000 dwt bunker/transportation dual purpose product tanker and four 9,000 dwt chemical tankers ended 31 May 2012 and Sino Venus has agreed to pay accrued and unpaid charter fees up to that date totalling $5.55m. For the year ended 31 December 2011, annual charter fees for the vessels


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came up to $12.23m while they brought in only $13.83m in revenue, which was insufficient to cover their operating costs. Titan said the contract termination will relieve the group of the financial burden of paying about $15.32m of charter fees for the vessels for the rest of the contracted term, when they are continuing to operate at a loss due to the continued depressed freight market, high operating costs and competition from new emerging owners in Asia. With the termination of the Charter Agreements, the Company can focus more of its resources towards re-positioning its offshore storage operations and transportation operations, in order to improve performance going forward," Titan said in a stock exchange filing. The group however continues to operate a floating storage units fleet of five VLCCs having a total capacity of 1,469,331 dwt and a transportation fleet of three double-hulled product tankers and one VLCC having a total capacity of 321,441 dwt. Source: Seatrade Asia Online

The cruise ship ms MARCO POLO departing from Cardiff, Wales on 2nd June 2012, bound for Belfast. The 1965 built

former Aleksandr Pushkin was accompanied by the tug boats Nobleman (built 1976, Germany) and Trueman (built 1987, Japan). Photo : Paul Thomas (c)


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GC Rieber shipping expands in subsea GC Rieber Shipping has ordered a new high capacity subsea vessel from Ulstein Verft with an option of one additional vessel. The new building, to be delivered in the first quarter of 2014, represents a total investment of approximately NOK 800 million.

The market for this type of vessel is expected to be attractive going forward. This investment is consistent with our strategy to strengthen our position in the high end subsea segment. We have an attractive and flexible ship design with interesting potential also in the SURF market as well as a favorable delivery date, says CEO Irene W. Basili in GC Rieber Shipping.

GC Rieber Shipping concluded 2011 with a fully booked fleet and significantly improved operational performance. The company expects a strong demand within advanced subsea operations in the coming years, which has been the basis for making this investment now.

The vessel is a construction support vessel "CSV" designed to operate in harsh and deep waters with length of 130m and beam of 25m. It is built to the highest standard for dynamic positioning DP-3 and equipped with a 250t AHC offshore crane. Furthermore, the ship is designed to operate in the SURF market, with capacity for pipe loads below deck and on main deck, and a vertical pipe lay system above the moon pool. The ship will have capacity for 130 people and built according to the latest international environmental standards.


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Basili looks forward to a positive partnership with Ulstein Verft. - GC Rieber Shipping has over many years developed considerable competence in the design of specialized vessels, and the constructive cooperation we have experienced with Ulstein to accommodate for our requirements , has been important. GC Rieber Shipping positions itself in the more challenging niches of the offshore market, and I am very comfortable that we will receive a top-class vessel from Ulstein, says Basili.

GC Rieber Shipping has a strong financial capacity with solid liquidity, low gearing and long contract coverage on several of the group's vessels. The investment will be financed through a combination of equity and debt. - Our financial strength gives us flexibility, still after this investment, says Basili. Source: GC Rieber.

The ADREAS moored in Onne Port (Nigeria) – Photo : Dirk van Uitert ©

B O E K B E S P R E K I N G Door : Frank NEYTS

“Coasters op kaarten’” Bij Uitgeverij De Alk verscheen onlangs een buitengewoon mooi boek onder de titel “Coasters op kaarten, een maritieme groet”, samengesteld door Harry de Groot.

Zolang er ansichtkaarten worden uitgegeven zijn havens en schepen aantrekkelijke onderwerpen om als groet te versturen. Niet in de laatste plaats door de zeeman zelf die zijn familie of geliefde wilde laten weten waar hij zich bevond. Het liefst met een kaartje waarop de ligplaats van zijn schip was te zien. Daardoor kan je op veel oude kaarten een kruisje vinden: hier liggen wij. Uit een bonte verzameling postkaarten uit alle windstreken ontstaat een schitterend beeld van de Nederlandse kustvaart in de vorige eeuw. Op vrijwel iedere afbeelding speelt een Nederlandse kustvaarder een rol. Haventjes die inmiddels bijna zijn vergeten worden voor het voetlicht gehaald. De rust van afgemeerde schepen en de hectiek van laden en lossen wisselen elkaar af. Honderden unieke ansichtkaarten maken dit boek een boek dat je moet beleven... Een aanrader!

“Coasters op kaarten” (ISBN 978 90 6013 332 3) werd als hardback op A4 formaat uitgegeven en telt 144 pagina’s. Het boek bevat zo’n 250 foto’s en kost 27.90 euro. Aankopen kan via de boekhandel of rechtstreeks bij de Uitgeverij De Alk, Postbus 9006, 1800 GA Alkmaar, Nederland. Tel +31.(0)72.511.39.65. internet: In Belgie wordt het boek verdeeld door Agora Uitgeverscentrum, Aalst/Erembodegem. Tel. 053/76.72.26, Fax 053/78.26.91, E-mail:


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Above the arrival of Grimaldi’s GRANDE ANVERSA in Flushing on June, 2nd assisted by the UNION GRIZZLY.

Photo taken from a helicopter during a tour over the Flushing harbour while visiting the Open Havendag. Photo: Harry van Tiel ©

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