Maria c Interview With Some Special Guests 2...

Post on 07-Oct-2015

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English Language Interview skills.Role play practice for Teachers and learners

Transcript of Maria c Interview With Some Special Guests 2...

She told us that she chose her school because the stage
convinced her and because she was and she still is very
good at drawing. But she told us that when she decided to
go there she didn’t think about her future and about what
you can do after that school...
She also told us that at the beginning of the school she felt
a bit anxious but also happy because she liked a lot the
school subjects! And now she is happy with her school
choice because she thinks that that school is very good for
her but she also feels a bit tired and stressed because they
have a lot of homework!
In her class there are 20 students and they study
geography (only during the first year,) Italian, Maths,
History, Latin, History of Art, Physics
English and Science.
She also told us that in that school they have some
extracurricular activities: like language courses, like
German, French and Spanish or an Economics course, a
medicine one , a drama one , photography, and chess
courses ! She told us that some times they do assemblies.
She said that, in her opinion, the most difficult subjects are
Philosophy and Physics!
She also explained that if you are committed and you work
hard, teachers are willing to help!
Chiara and Giorgia are two students at “LICEO SCIENTIFICO Marinelli” High School and they came and visit us to talk about their school!...
They told us that when they were attending the third year at Middle School, the decision that they had to make was very difficult and also very important:
… They usually do assembly once a month. They also have the opportunity to have a stage at university!
I asked what is the relationship with their teachers like and the answer was that it changes a lot from Middle school , where teachers are quite sympathetic, to High School, where they have to play a strict role, because in High School the teachers are willing to help but the students are also very autonomous (if teachers don’t explain, students often study alone, but at the same time if students don’t understand they can ask and teachers usually help them): so the only thing in common between the relationship with teachers at Middle and High School is that you have to be respectful to them.
They also said that they don’t know exactly what they are going to do after finishing school, but Chiara told us that she is thinking about being a doctor while Giorgia, at the moment , doesn’t know but she must try and think
about something, because the University tests are approaching!