Marelife NEWS December 2012

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Transcript of Marelife NEWS December 2012

NASF PRE-CONFERENCE • March 6 • 2012


Christmas Letter from Marel i fe • December • 2012



NASFBiomarineInnovationDay2013 - March5, Bergen

PICTURE: ResearcherHelena Hauge from

the Norwegian Veter-inary Institute

presenting a forefrontproject on the Dec. 11DNA Vaccine Seminar

organized by The Nor-wegian Biotechnology

Advisory Board andMareLife.

Photo: Gorm K. Gaare

Christmas Letter from Marel i fe • December • 20122



symposiumIt is Christmas Season and the year end is nearing 2012,and we would like to mention acchievements in aremarkably eventful year on innovation efforts for MareLifeand allies. This is 2012 at a glance:

• All time success NASF 2012 with accompanying MareLifeInnovation Seminar

• Operational R&D and innovation projects in all marine sectors,some of which of large scale (Fishery, Aquaculture,Ingredients/Biotech)

• Assisting around 20 start ups with business planning, IPRmatters etc

• Arranged two successful miniseminar within traceability andDNA vaccines

• Launching and running the life science cross sector projectBioVerdi, focusing on actions for increased value creation in allbioeconomies (marine, agri, processindustry and medicine)

• Launch of Norways R&D and innovation strategy for the marinesector, HAV21, behind which efforts from MareLife’s and StorbyMarin’s allies were instrumental

• Entering into new phases on international network building:Nordic, North Atlantic, European and Global, new legal bodiesestablised and more to come with MareLife involved to be launched2013.

A prosperous new year is coming up with increased effortsto move forward on biomarine innovation. These eventsand projects are one the agenda in the first quarter 2013:

• Academy of Science Symposium, Oslo January 30 on Oceanriches.

• MareLife Biomarine Innovation Summit at North AtlanticSeafood Forum (NASF) March 5-7 Bergen

• Preparing for new innovation and industrial projects in thesector

• Main milestone report from BioVerdi: proposed action short listand accompanying launching conference mid or late April



The MareLife staff wishes our Board of Directors, ad hocadvisors and all members and allies a Merry Christmas and aprosperous New Year!

We also want to express our sincere thanks to the above groupsand to granting entities for crucial important engagements andsupport, without which we could not have moved any of theabove undertakings.

Together with you we are ready to take MareLife substantiallyforward in 2013.

Carl Seip Hanevold (Chair)Jon Aulie (Senior Advisor Marine Biotech)

Erik Lopez Fedde (Project Manager)Øystein Lie (Executive Manager)

MareLife Executive Manager, Prof. Øystein Lie.Photo: Gorm K. Gaare