March 2013 Newsletter

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March 2012 Newsletter

Transcript of March 2013 Newsletter


The Episcopal Church of the Holy Family

March 2013 Newsletter

Dear friends,

Are you a member? If you’re a member of, say, the AAA or the AARP, you’ll have a membership card which you show for special consideration. Not much beyond dues is required of you. It’s a pretty passive arrangement. If you’re asked, “Are you a member of Holy Family?”, how do you respond? On one level it’s fine to reply in the affirmative. But if that’s where it ends, I don’t think it’s satisfactory. In the second letter to the Corinthians, St Paul refers to Christians as “ambassadors for Christ.” II Cor 5:20 Ambassadors are, of course, official representatives, envoys, diplomats – they present the interests of a nation or entity. Ambassadors are much more than members – they have the standing to make appeals in the name of the one they represent. There’s something vital in this understanding – as I mentioned in my sermon on March 3, you are baptized to be an ambassador, not a member. You’re called to present and re-present Christ to a broken world, to reconcile (“to restore to friendship or harmony”, 14th century French for “make friendly again”) people with God. The Good News of God’s Love is your portfolio, your mission in life as a Christian. I was blessed to spend 2 days earlier this week on retreat with the Bishop and clergy of Western North Carolina at Valle Crucis Conference Center, near Boone. The leader was Br Curtis Almquist, SSJE (Society of St John the Evangelist). Br Curtis related a recent event in his life – he often takes the train between his monastery in Cambridge, MA, and New York City. One day, returning to Boston Station, walking along the platform beside the train, he came upon the engineer disembarking from the cab. As he came even with him, Br Curtis said, “Thank you for a great trip!” The engineer – plaid flannel shirt, suspenders, pot belly, beard, cap, and a smear of grease on his forehead, stopped and turned. This face scrunched up, he scowled and shouted, “What?” The platform was quite noisy, so Br Curtis, a little taken aback, leaned in and said, “I just rode with you from New York, and I said, ‘Thank you for a great trip.’” As the engineer stared at him for a few second, a tear came from one eye. He then said, “I’ve been driving this damn train back and forth for 30 years, and no one has ever thanked me before.” What a beautiful picture of what an ambassador does.

You know, our faith isn’t a system. It isn’t primarily a theory either. It’s an experience, it’s a relationship. One of the terms for our most important ritual is “communion,” the root word in “community.” Around the altar table we share a simple meal that creates community – with God in Christ and with each other. From our communion we’re sent forth as ambassadors, reconciling the world with God. That means building bridges, both big and small. From sincerely thanking another to feeding hungry people to advocating for changes in our culture, we’re commissioned as ambassadors for Christ. May God bless you in your service!

Yours in Christ Jesus,

Rob+ The Rev Robert Lundquist, Rector


Holy Week at Holy Family

March 24 – Palm Sunday On the Sunday before Easter we do 2 things. First, we

remember Jesus’ triumphant entry into Jerusalem, when he was greeted by crowds shouting “Hosanna!” and waving palms, the symbol of victory. We will begin in the Memorial Garden

(weather permitting), where we’ll bless the palms and process into the church. At the Gospel lesson, we will hear a dramatic reading of the Jesus’

Passion (arrest, trial and execution). The mood suddenly changes from worldly celebration to cosmic grief. Members of the congregation will take the parts of Jesus, Pontius Pilate, Peter, and the other figures in the story. This is our beginning of Holy

Week. Liturgy of the Palms and Holy Eucharist: 10 am

March 28 – Maundy Thursday On this night we recall Jesus’ last meal with his friends and disciples in the upper room in Jerusalem. After dining, Jesus asked those around him remember him,

offering bread with the words “This is my body,” and wine, saying “This is my blood.” It was the occasion when Jesus washed the feet of the others, noting that he came to serve and not to be served. Afterwards we’ll prepare the sanctuary for Good Friday.

During the stripping of the altar, the Holy Family Choir, under the direction of Terri Karlsson, will present 4 selections from John Rutter’s Requiem.

Footwashing, Holy Eucharist, Stripping of the Altar, & Rutter Requiem: 7 pm

March 29 – Good Friday

The service for Good Friday draws our focus to the cross upon which Jesus died. We’ll hear the Passion according to John, pray the Solemn Collects, and venerate the cross. The Eucharist is never celebrated on Good Friday and Holy

Saturday. The Stations of the Cross is a symbolic journey mirroring Jesus’ path from Pilate’s presence to Golgotha, “the place of the skull,” where he was crucified.

The Good Friday Liturgy: Noon & 7 pm The Stations of the Cross: 1 pm

March 30 – The Great Vigil of Easter From the most ancient texts of Christianity we learn that the celebration of new birth began at sunset. Accordingly, our Vigil will start at the end “Civic Twilight,” the

moment when night begins. We’ll begin in the Memorial Garden where we’ll kindle the new flame of Easter and light the Paschal candle, which leads us in procession into the still-darkened church, accompanied by the chanted Exsultet. During the Vigil

we’ll hear the story of salvation, told in scripture, prayer and music. It’s a tale of God saving us – in Eden, in the desert of Egypt, through the prophets. After renewing our

Baptismal vows we’ll welcome Easter with a shout. The Great Vigil of Easter: 8:17 pm

April 1 – Easter Our Easter morning celebration will ring with music as we hold a festive celebration of Resurrection. Afterwards there will be an Easter egg hunt for the

children and brunch for everyone. Festive Easter Eucharist: 10 am


"Hot Cross buns, Hot Cross Buns, one ha’ penny, two ha’ penny, hot cross buns"

So goes the old rhyme sung by street vendors as these Good Friday pastries were sold in

English cities. In many historically Christian countries, buns are traditionally eaten hot or

toasted on Good Friday, with the cross standing as a symbol of the Crucifixion. They are

believed by some to pre-date Christianity, although the first recorded use of the term "hot cross

bun" was not until 1733.

The Episcopal Church of the Holy Family continues that tradition this year as the "Busy Boys

and Lady" Bakery Guild are baking traditional English Hot Cross Buns for the community's

enjoyment on Good Friday. Place your order today by contacting: Warren Spahr, 388-1475


The cost is $6.00 per ½ dozen and $12.00 per dozen.

Pick up will be on March 23rd from 8:30 - 12:00 AM at Holy Family. Proceeds from the Hot

Cross buns sale will be used to further the ministry of the Episcopal Church of the Holy Family.

The Women of the Diocese of Western North Carolina are having a "Spring Fling" on Thursday, May 16, at the Historic Lake Lure Inn - 2772 Memorial Hwy, Lake Lure

NC. Lunch is $35 per person, which includes a complimentary glass of wine. The lunch is 11 am - 1 pm, followed by a Silent Auction, a Music Box and Antique Tour, or a Boat Tour for $11 per person and a discount on their Spa Services. See Evie Brush

for more information - 891-9326.

The monthly Holy Family lunch will be at the Horse Shoe Café at the

corner of Rt 64 and South Rugby Rd in Horse Shoe, Wednesday

March 20 at 1:00 p.m. Sign up on the Information table. Evie Brush



A Butterfly Pillow stuffing party was held on Friday, February 8, 2013. Twelve

ladies enjoyed wonderful fellowship while working on pillows for patients at Four

Seasons Hospice. New pillows are always needed as they are only used by one patient.

We completed 24 pillows that were blessed by Fr. Rob on the following Sunday. Liz

Spahr delivered them to Four Seasons. A

special thank you goes to Melissa Bailes,

Carole Braud, Kim Brown, Evie Brush,

Cissy Ford, Teresa Kelly, The Rev. Diane

Livingston, Louise Rooney, Liz Smith,

Liz Spahr, Chris Taylor and Rita

VanZant for a great job.

If you want more information about

making butterfly pillows contact Teresa


Energy Conservation News

Holy Family is investigating the use of solar energy to reduce our carbon footprint and our monthly expenditure for electricity. This is something everyone should consider. It may or may not be practical for you, but at least look at the possibly to see if it makes sense/cents for you. We will be dispensing more information over the next two/three months on how this really works and what we plan to do.

Jim Neal

Seed Balls Readied

Sunday evening, March 3, was a productive time for Holy Family’s Teens and Tweens. T’was a kitchen gathering dedicated to the mass production of seed balls, to be used to enrich our stream buffer. Attending were 2 Tweens, 4 Teens and 6 adults.

With Carolina Mountain Land Conservancy’s Meghan Montgomery at the helm, buckets of clay, sand, water, and native plant seeds, were shaped into golf-ball sized brown balls, and carefully laid in large


rectangular baking pans to dry. She explained the role of “buffer land” in the conservation of our streams, Boylston Creek and Sweetwater Creek, and gave each student an information sheet about the role of buffers. Benefits of buffers are - they prevent erosion, filter out pollutants, and provide habitat and wildlife corridors for birds and animals.

Step 2,” The Launching,” took place after our church service on March 10, and was open to Tweens, Green Team members, and anyone ready and willing to step forward, line up, and pitch the seed balls into the buffer. Enthusiasm reigned as the group completed the task and the seed balls were on their way to dispense their gifts of grasses, plants and flowers.

Another “Launch” will occur on March 17, when the “Teens” take over the job of distributing the remaining seed balls. Now with patience as out guide, we wait for the magic to begin, for growth to ensue as the seed balls release and disperse their seeds. Via Con Dias, little packages!

Each session with these groups was ended with the following prayer.

“Father, we thank you for the gift of New Life these seed balls contain. May we all become loving stewards of your bountiful earth. Amen!”

This will complete one GreenFaith Certification requirement that we conduct 6 Outdoor/Indoor activities focused on the Creation Story with our youth, as 4 had been conducted last spring.

Barbara Neal


Please save this date – Saturday, May 11. This is the date for our Annual Ladies Tea – open to all ladies of Holy Family (and their lady friends!). Watch for further details… Carol Braud, Linda Bregartner, Louise Rooney and Liz Smith. Texas Caviar

Sauce: tsp salt ¼ tsp pepper tbsp water ¼ cup cider vinegar ½ cup olive oil ½ cup sugar Vegetables: all vegetables are chopped except for peas/beans ½ cup onion corn cut off of cob (about 3 cobs) green pepper red/yellow or orange pepper celery 1 can (15 oz) black eyed peas 1 can (15 oz) black beans You can substitute other vegetables if desired. Mix together and chill in fridge before you serve.


The Episcopal Church of the Holy Family 419 Turnpike Rd

Mills River, NC 28759 828-891-9375