Mar. 22, 2011 issue

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March 22nd, 2011 issue of The Chronicle

Transcript of Mar. 22, 2011 issue

The ChronicleThe independenT daily aT duke universiTy

Tuesday, March 22, 2011 ONe huNdred aNd sIXTh year, Issue

TEDx comesto Duke, Page 4

Grilled cheese bus needs funds to open, Page 4

onTherecord“Providing information to law enforcement about those

activities is one form of cooperation.” —Professor David Schanzer on preventing radicalism. See story page 3

duke student government

Election schedule changes to prevent voter ‘burnout’by Anna Koelsch


After low voter turnout for the sec-ond of two Duke Student Government elections last year, DSG has reshuffled the executive board and Senate election schedule.

Although DSG grouped committee vice president elections with Senate elections last year, the student body will return this year to choosing vice presidents on the same day as the president and executive vice president.

“It was our hope that by combining the two elections, we would elevate focus on vice president elections, which in our minds are equally as important [as presi-dent and executive vice president],” said DSG Executive Vice President Pete Schork, a junior, who wrote the executive order in

September changing the election based on an agreement between the executive board and the cabinet.

The executive order was written last summer while the Senate was out of ses-sion, but the Senate had the opportunity to repeal the legislation this Fall.

Last year, committee vice president elections were held with Senate elections to allow president and executive vice presi-dent candidates to run for other positions on the executive board if they did not win their first-choice position, said senior Gregory Morrison, former DSG executive vice president and a Chronicle columnist. He added that the process did not have its intended effect.

“When Awa Nur [Trinity ’10] won, Mike Lefevre and Chelsea Goldstein [Trinity ’10] lost.... Our 2009-2010 executive board

would have been strong if they’d had the opportunity to be elected to [other] posi-tions,” Morrison said. “The split election was designed to allow more continuity in the upper ranks of DSG.”

None of last year’s unsuccessful candi-dates, however, sought a committee vice president position after losing the race for president or executive vice president.

DSG President Mike Lefevre, a senior, said the organization “loses so much tal-ent” when unsuccessful contenders do not attempt to gain a different position.

“It was such a grueling process to run for executive vice president and presi-dent that nobody took advantage of the opportunity to run for something else,” Lefevre said.

In addition to the lack of former contenders running for other executive

board positions, last year’s separate elec-tions presented a large voter turnout discrepancy.

Although 41.5 percent of the student body cast votes for president and execu-tive vice president, only 26 percent voted in the election for committee vice presi-dents and senators, Schork wrote in an email. Schork attributed this drop in votes to “burnout” because the student body participated in two elections last year—Young Trustee in February and DSG president and executive vice presi-dent in March—prior to selecting com-mittee vice presidents and the Senate in April.

Although Lefevre said voter turnout will increase with the new schedule, he expressed concern for the Senate election


MMS grows despite doubts of practicality

by Matt BarnettTHE CHRONICLE

Duke’s undergraduate Markets and Management Studies certificate has a de-voted student following, despite the fact that some have criticized its practicality.

The certificate program has grown signif-icantly in the last 20 years, said Lisa Keister, professor and director of the Markets and Management Studies certificate program.

In May 2011, 211 students will graduate with the certificate on their transcripts. For the 2009-2010 academic year—the most recent year for which statistics are avail-able—620 students were enrolled in the certificate program. Only 24 students were enrolled in the program in 1989—one of the first years the certificate was offered.

Junior Juan Pablo Garcia, a candidate for the certificate, said the skills he has gained will be useful in his professional career.

“MMS has taught me a lot about the ‘soft’ side of business, and this will be very handy as I grow as a professional,” Garcia said. “It has given me a lot of skills that will definitely help me once I have a job.”

Yet some alumni and professors have expressed disagreement about whether the program should maintain a pre-profes-sional or more liberal arts focus.

In February, Scott de Marchi, director of


71 duke 66mrSTFreshman Gray leads comeback

Tyler Seuc/The chronicle

Freshman Chelsea gray scored 13 points in last night’s 71-66 win over marist, but none were more important than the eight she had in the contest’s last three minutes. duke advanced to the sweet 16.

by Steven SlywkaTHE CHRONICLE

All season-long, Duke has looked for se-nior Jasmine Thomas to hit the big shots that capped its improbable comebacks.

But last night, it came down to a fresh-man who played like it was her last game in a Blue Devil uniform. Chelsea Gray scored eight points in the final three minutes—including a 3-pointer—and made two key steals to give the Blue Dev-ils a 71-66 win over Marist and vault the team into the Sweet 16. Her play also pre-vented Duke from falling in a shocking second-round upset against the 10-seed-ed Red Foxes.

“This is March,” Krystal Thomas said. “It’s survive-and-advance time. We’ll take the fact that we did win.”

Duke trailed nearly the entire game, but thanks to the late rally keyed by Gray, the Blue Devils were able to with-stand 25 points from Corielle Yarde to keep their season alive.

With three minutes remaining and the shot clock winding down, Gray launched a three from well behind the line to cut the Red Foxes’ lead to one. Then, on the

SEE w. basketball ON PAGE 10

Blue Devils survive second-round scare

2 | Tuesday, marCh 22, 2011 The ChroniCle

LIT 120BS:

“Sci-Fi ‘70s Cinema”Abraham GeilMTuTh 6:00 - 8:05 PM

TERM 1 (MAY 18 - JUNE 30)


LIT 145S:

“21st CenturyScience Fiction”Gerry CanavanMTuTh 3:30 - 5:35 PM

LIT 147S:

“Soccer and Society”Justin IzzoMTuTh 12:30 - 2:35 PM

LIT 148S:

“Literature, Science and the Sea”(at Marine Lab in Beaufort, NC)Melody JueTuF 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM and 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM

LIT 151S:

“The American Gothic”Lisa KlarrMTuTh 12:30 - 2:35 PM

LIT 144S:

“U.S.-CanadianBorder Literature”Leah AllenMTuTh 12:30 - 2:35 PM

Summer Course Offeringsfrom the

Program in Literature

“ ”

worldandnation ToDAy:




BruSSelS — european union energy ministers predicted it would take months to start eu-wide nuclear “stress tests” as Germany led a push for stringent com-mon rules and said national leaders must tackle the matter later this week.

The energy ministers from the 27-na-tion eu said checks on the region’s 143 atomic plants following Japan’s nuclear accident would probably get under way in the second half of this year on a vol-untary basis. The tests may cover threats from earthquakes, floods, airplane crashes and terrorists as well as reactors’ cooling systems and their age, said eu officials.

“i’m not sure that all countries will proceed in as demanding a manner as we have planned in Germany,” German economy Minister rainer Bruederle, who also handles energy policy, told re-porters in Brussels after the emergency eu meeting.

WAShinGTon — When house repub-licans took power in 1995 determined to cut spending in a battle that shut down the u.S. government, then-house Speak-er newt Gingrich was persuaded to spare the national institutes of health.

Gingrich not only reconsidered his party’s proposed cuts to the nih bud-get after hearing concerns from busi-ness executives and nobel laureates, he later supported a bipartisan move to double the research center’s funding over five years.

For republicans who took control of the house this year, those concerns aren’t resonating, and the nih lacks a re-publican champion. house republicans are now pressing for a $1.6 billion, or 5.2 percent, spending cut to the center in Bethesda, Maryland, which includes the national cancer institute and other medical-research facilities.

Republicans propose 5.2 percent NIH funding cut

China criticizes US strikes against Libya

So quick bright things come to confusion.

— William Shakespeare

MichAel S. WilliAMSon/The WAShinGTon poST

sheila smink, pictured here with her granddaughter Jozelinn smink, has lived near three mile Island for 30 years and is not concerned. the crisis on march 28, 1979, led to major changes in the nuclear power industry. the plant generates electricity for 800,000 households. Precuations are now in place against disaster such as the availibilty of iodine pills, access to a disaster room, and warnings.

“Gray makes one of two, and with Marist trying to tie, ockenden’s three pointer bounces off the rim. peters ices it with two ft’s and Duke advances! All smiles around the Duke huddle, as they will advance to the Sweet 16, and cameron gives them a standing ovation. After her interview Krystal Thomas runs off with her hands in the air as she has played her last game in cameron. Jasmine does the same.”

— From The Chronicle’s Sports

Rick Hendrick Lecture Fuqua Mcclendon room, 4-5p.m. The owner of Hendrick Motor-sports, one of Nascar’s legendary racing organizations, speaks on

teamwork in business.

Duke Chorale Tour Concert Baldwin Auditorium, 8-9:30 p.m. The Duke Chorale, directed by Rodney Wynkoop, presents a concert featuring highlights from

their Spring Break Tour.

10 to 11Griffith Film Theater, 8-10p.m.

Watch a Modern Cinemas of the Middle East screening of the Turk-ish film “10 to 11” about the mem-

ories of a man in Istanbul.

EU plans to conduct tests on nuclear power plants


onthe web

todAY In HIstorY1765: The British Parliament

passes the Stamp Act.offthe wire...

The ChroniCle Tuesday, marCh 22, 2011 | 3



Snap this QR code with your mobile phone and link to the site. New-model phones come with QR readers. If yours doesn’t, go to the app store and search QR Reader.

Q A& with David SchanzerHomeland Security Chairman Rep. Peter King, R-NY, recently

convened controversial hearings on homegrown Muslim radical-ization in the United States. During the hearings, congressmen cited research by the Triangle Center on Terrorism and Homeland Security, a joint research endeavor by Duke University, the Uni-versity of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and RTI International. David Schanzer, associate professor of the practice of public policy, serves as director of the Triangle Center and has written exten-sively on topics of counterterrorism and national security. He is the lead author of the Triangle Center’s 2010 report “Anti-Terror Lessons of Muslim Americans,” which found a number of ways in which Muslim communities actively work to prevent radical-ization and homegrown terrorism in their communities. Schanzer recently spoke with The Chronicle’s Julian Spector.

the Chronicle: What is the stated goal of the King hearings, and do you think Congress will be successful at achieving it?

david schanzer: I don’t think that Congressman King has really articulated a clear goal for the hearings, which is one of the problems. He has said that he wants to prevent radicaliza-tion, which I think is a goal shared by Muslims, non-Muslims and law enforcement. But it is not clear that the hearings, the way he’s structured them, will achieve that goal.

tC: Were the hearings necessary?ds: Congress has held multiple hearings on this topic of

Muslim radicalization. Senator [Joe] Lieberman [I-Conn.] and Representative Jane Harman [D-Calif.] held hearings on this issue, so I don’t think the topic is taboo or should be taboo. We have a problem with young Muslim Ameri-cans who are adopting this radical ideology and turning towards violence. It’s not a widespread phenomenon, but there’s a sufficient quantity for it to be of concern to the American people and therefore Congress. The question is, what’s the best way to address the problem and how can congressional hearings bring us toward solutions?

tC: How can congressional hearings bring us toward solutions?

ds: A properly conceived hearing could try to get an understanding of why people turn towards radical ideol-

ogy and look at types of interventions that would prevent them from going down that path. They could explore ways to build better trust between Muslim communities and law enforcement so that information about poten-tial violence can reach authorities before it happens. A well devised inquiry could reduce the anti-Muslim senti-ment in the United States that I believe could contrib-

ute toward radicalization in the future.tC: What specifically is King doing wrong?ds: Unfortunately, over the past couple of years he’s made

a number of statements where he really conflates radical Is-lam, which is problematic and can lead toward violence, with the mainstream Islam that is practiced by the majority of Mus-lim Americans and is peaceful and nonviolent. He has made numerous statements that suggest a hostility toward the Mus-lim community as a whole. That really polarized the whole project, so Muslims viewed the hearings as a challenge to their patriotism. I don’t believe that was Congressman King’s intention, but it has been perceived that way, and when you start off like that it is hard to do anything productive. He spent a lot of time justifying why he was having hearings at all and backing away from previous statements—in the end it turned out to not be a particularly useful exercise.

tC: What are the effects of these hearings on non-Mus-lim citizens’ perceptions of Muslims and Muslims’ percep-tions of other citizens?

ds: That’s a complicated question. A lot of the media coverage I saw rebutted much of what Congressman King was trying to do. He made the point that he didn’t think Muslim Americans were successfully supporting law en-forcement. All the evidence that came out at the hearing proved otherwise. There were anecdotes, but the question of the behavior of communities as a whole was soundly rebutted. Our research at the Triangle Center shows that out of 120 instances of Muslim Americans being arrested on terrorism charges, in 48 of them information leading to their arrest came from Muslim Americans.

King also appeared to be attempting to give the impres-sion that radical violent thought within the Muslim com-munity was much more widespread than it actually is, and I don’t think the media coverage before the hearing or during the hearing supported that.

It’s all happening in a background of growing anti-Islamic sentiment in this country. Polling since 9/11 has shown an increasing dissatisfaction or uncertainty among

SEE sChanzer ON PAGE 7

courTeSy oF DuKe phoToGrAphy

Public policy professor david schanzer, a director of the triangle Center on terrorism and Homeland security, discusses muslim radicalization.

4 | Tuesday, marCh 22, 2011 The ChroniCle


Monday 3/21/2011Event: Conservation is…Art: Interdisciplinary

Approaches to Biodiversity through ArtLocation: Bryan Center

Event: One RoofLocation: Goodson ChapelTTime: 7:30P.M. – 9:00P.M.

Event: NMU Journal ClubLocation: Link

Time: 6:00P.M. – 7:30P.M.

Tuesday 3/22/2011Event: 389 Miles ScreeningLocation: Social Science 136

TTime: 7:00 P.M.

Event: Conservation is…Art: Interdisciplinary Approaches to Biodiversity through Art

Location: Bryan Center

Wednesday 3/23/2011Event: Spring Ball presented by Duke Habitat

Location: Kirby Horton Hall, Doris DukeTTime: 5:00 P.M. – 10:00P.M.

Event: Conservation is…Art: Interdisciplinary Approaches to Biodiversity through Art

Location: Bryan Center

Event: Spoken Verb Show (BSAI)Location: Von Canon B and C

Time: 8:30 P.M.

Thursday 3/24/2011Thursday 3/24/2011Event: Conservation is…Art: Interdisciplinary

Approaches to Biodiversity through ArtLocation: Bryan Center

Event: All of the AboveLocation: 209 East Duke

Time: 7:00P.M.

Friday 3/25/2011Event: Conservation is…Art:

Interdisciplinary Approaches to Biodiversity through ArtLocation: Bryan Center

Event: All of the AboveLocation: 209 East DukeLocation: 209 East Duke

Time: 6:00P.M.

Saturday 3/26/2011Event: Primate Palooza:

Lemur Center ToursLocation: Duke Lemur Center

Time: 3:30P.M. – 5:00P.M.

Event: Conservation is…Art: Event: Conservation is…Art: Interdisciplinary Approachesto Biodiversity through Art

Location: Bryan Center

Event: BSAI Farewell DinnerLocation: Von Canon

Time: 5:00 P.M.

Event: All of the AboveEvent: All of the AboveLocation: 209 East Duke

Time: 7:00P.M.

Sunday 3/27/2011Event: Primate Palooza:

Lemur Center ToursLocation: Duke Lemur Center

TTime: 3:30 P.M. – 5:00P.M.

Event: Conservation is…Art: Interdisciplinary Approaches to

Biodiversity through ArtLocation: Bryan Center

Event: All of the AboveLocation: 209 East Duke

TTime: 2:00P.M.

TEDxDuke to feature 15 diverse speakers


Entrepreneurs, Duke neuroscientists and a beatboxing flautist will be coming to Duke April 2 under the banner of the TED brand, known for its compelling series of online lecture videos.

In an independently organized event, TEDxDuke will feature 15 Duke students, faculty and surprise guests speaking to an audience about their intellectual passions. The event will be held in the form of a conference that aims to mimic

the short, diverse and creative format of TED talks, said organizer Chelsea Ur-saner, a junior.

“The TED format of the short speech is perfect, it appeals to people like me who have a short attention span but are inter-ested in a lot of things,” Ursaner explained. “That’s the beauty of a TED or TEDx con-ference—it makes you realize that there are so many things that you weren’t aware you were interested in.”

SEE tedx ON PAGE 8

chronicle GrAphic By MeliSSA yeo

Fuqua professor tony o’driscoll, Haiti Lab co-director deborah Jenson and dan Ariely, James B. duke pro-fessor of psychology and behavioral economics will be among the speakers at tedxduke April 2.

Grilled Cheese Bus to raise money for local community

by Michael ShammasTHE CHRONICLE

Durham residents and Dukies who crave grilled cheese sandwiches may soon have a chance to satisfy their craving and raise money for community organizations at the same time.

The Liberacion Juice Station stopped serving smoothies last year, but its own-er Zulayka Santiago hopes to keep the school-bus-turned-food-truck running by converting the vehicle into a grilled cheese vendor. She is offering the bus at a reduced price to Elena Everett—com-munity media director of the left-wing, Durham-based Southern Coalition for Social Justice—who aims to use the bus to give opportunities to the city’s low-in-come youth.

The effort is being coordinated with South Eastern Efforts Develop-ing Sustainable Spaces, Inc., an orga-nization that recruits young people to grow food locally. Santiago and Everett eventually hope that revenue raised from the planned Grilled Cheese Bus will promote social justice. A kick-off party was held March 19, and the Grilled Cheese Bus will be making rounds in Durham as soon as Everett raises enough money.

“The most important part of this project are the young people,” Everett wrote in an email. “All revenue gener-ated by the bus will go toward projects that [they] vote on—projects that will improve our communities and create positive social change.”

The menu will strive for quality over quantity, serving mostly grilled cheese sandwiches but also allowing customers to add locally-grown, exotic add-ons such as pimento cheese, agua frescas, pickled okra and tomato soup, she added.

Although Everett said the quality of the food will be a priority, she empha-sized that the social justice component is equally as important as the food. The bus will help young Durhamites by

SpeciAl To The chronicle

the grilled Cheese Bus, which held its kick-off party march 19, will be run by local youth.


The ChroniCle Tuesday, marCh 22, 2011 | 5

Quake aftershocks keep Japanese in fearBy Michael Alison Chandler


TOKYO — This modern city stands improbably intact 10 days after the largest earthquake in Japan's history, but many residents are still deeply rattled by the record temblor.

It's hard to forget. The shaking hasn't stopped. More than 250 aftershocks larger than magnitude 5.0 were recorded the following week, including three above 7. In tea houses and on Twitter, many worry another Big One is coming.

"We can never quite relax," said Keisuke Okayasu, a sys-tems engineer who spent Sunday afternoon at a hardware store with his girlfriend sorting through a ravaged table of disaster supplies so they could update their emergency kit.

For those who grew up in the so-called Pacific Ring of Fire, atop colliding continental plates, the earth's shud-ders and shifts are intimately familiar. "Earthquakes are like rain," Okayasu said.

But the March 11 quake that bent skyscrapers and sent people bolting into stairwells was different. It was scarier. And for many, the earthquake safety tips taught from elementary school on have suddenly taken on a new relevance as Japanese people prepare mentally and physi-cally for another major quake.

Okayasu went to the hardware store to buy a flashlight and a radio, but they were sold out. He left with a $90 water filter that can make "even muddy water drinkable," he said.

Around the world, news of the earthquake was quickly overshadowed by the resulting 23-foot tsunami and a mounting nuclear crisis. In Tokyo, too, anxiet-ies are not isolated to earthquakes: Millions of people have logged on to monitor Geiger counter readings from across the city that are posted daily on news sites and streamed in real time. But 150 miles south of the crippled reactors, radiation levels have remained low, while the repeated jolts from the earth's shifting crust have been a vivid reminder of mortality.

Across Tokyo, people are emptying store shelves of batteries and rice, and storing gallons of water in their bathrooms, just in case. More people are commuting by bicycle instead of taking the subway, which stalled March 11. Some are carrying safety helmets to protect against falling objects.

Okayasu's shoe designer girlfriend Chihiro Osada stopped wearing high heels, in case she needs to walk miles home. The couple now sleeps with the bedroom door ajar, so it doesn't jam if the walls shift. And they downloaded a free iPhone application called Yure Kuru — or tremor com-ing — that is supposed to sound an alarm in advance of an earthquake. They said service has been spotty, irregularities the application's Web site attributes to a spike in users.

Seismologists say it's difficult, or impossible, to predict where earthquakes will occur. But rumors and speculation abound about where the big temblor will be and whether the massive shift in the Pacific plate could incite an earth-

quake along a fault directly under Tokyo. The epicenter for the March 11 quake was 230 miles northeast of the city.

Dark predictions have even spawned a new kind of hu-mor. Friends at restaurants urge each other to "Enjoy your sashimi, it may be your last!" They part ways with a sorrow-ful, "This may be the last time we see each other."

During the day, Hiromi Yaku, 27, a Tokyo saleswoman at an interior decorating store, carries a backpack filled with food and water, as well as her cellphone charger and an um-brella. At night, while Tokyo's infamous blazing billboards are turned off to save energy, she sleeps with her lights on. In the dark, her body and mind search for the slightest movement.

"I feel quake-drunk," she said. "There are so many now that I feel it even when they are not happening."

The anticipation is more tiring than terrifying, said Sara Falchi, a teacher from Italy and a scholar of Japanese cul-ture who has lived in Tokyo for more than a decade. She

watched in dismay as many foreign residents left at their embassy's urging and said she did not want to be driven out by panic. "I'm trying to be cool," she said from a cafe table where she had settled in to read. "But I still feel the pressure."

Fashion stylist Fukazawa Yata, 27, said he also tries to remain calm. He hasn't rushed to stock the perfect earth-quake kit, and he doesn't think you can control something that's out of control.

"If the big one comes, then it's the end of the world. That's my thinking. Rather than living with fear, I say, `So be it,' " he said.

Still, he can't avoid every nagging fear.As he sat down for sake with his friend Sunday night,

the thought of his dog alone in his apartment crossed his mind. If the big one comes now, what will happen to him?

"I know it's a risk," he said.

ToMohiro ohSuMi/BlooMBerG neWS

downtown tokyo is still feeling the many aftershocks generated by the 9.0-magnitude earthquake which rocked the country march 11.

6 | Tuesday, marCh 22, 2011 The ChroniCle


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Dr. Woodrow ClarkNobel Peace Prize winner 2007

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Questions raised on US role in Libya

by Karen DeYoung and Peter FinnTHE WASHINGTON POST

The prominent role played by the Unit-ed States in carrying out and commanding the initial coalition attacks on Libya ap-peared to extend far beyond President Ba-rack Obama's description of a narrow mis-sion in which U.S. forces would play only a supporting part.

Senior U.S. military officials continued Sun-day to describe the U.S. involvement as “limit-ed” in extent and duration. They emphasized plans to relinquish command and control re-sponsibilities to coalition partners within days. They repeated Obama's pledge that no U.S. ground troops would be deployed.

But administration officials and military leaders came under a barrage of questions —raised by members of Congress, outside experts and reporters—about the param-eters of U.S. participation and the op-eration's goals, especially if Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi does not capitulate.

“There have been lots of options which have been discussed, but I think it's very uncertain how this ends,” Adm. Mike Mul-len, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, acknowledged on CBS's “Face the Nation.”

Mullen, who appeared on five television talk shows, was pressed repeatedly to define the mission and its objectives. “I think cir-cumstances will drive where this goes in the

SEE libya ON PAGE 8

mms from page 1Bus from page 4

dsg from page 1

providing them job opportunities, teaching them social entrepreneur-ship skills and offering them a safe social outlet.

“The Grilled Cheese Bus is com-mitted to green practices and the local economy,” Everett said. “All our bread will be made by local bak-ers, and many of our ingredients will be seasonal and produced by North Carolina farmers. We will use only biodegradable products to serve our sandwiches, and we run our bus on biodiesel.”

She added that young people will become proficient in areas ranging from social networking to finance.

“Young people who are hired will learn marketing skills, culinary skills and financial literacy [by] learning how to develop a menu, read a spreadsheet and work a Twitter feed.”

Although the Liberacion Juice Station mostly served downtown Dur-ham, Everett said she hopes to drive the Grilled Cheese Bus to Duke’s campus soon after operations begin.

Junior Caitlin Ryan said she thinks the bus sounds like an inter-esting idea.

“We need more food options, and it will be for a good cause,” she said. “I really hope they come to Duke.”

The project will launch a cam-paign March 30 on—a website that helps entrepreneurs finance their initiatives—to help get the bus on the road. Everett’s goal is to raise $8,000, which will help her maintain the bus and give her the start-up capital needed to launch the project.

because DSG has struggled in the past with generating substantial interest in the election of committee senators.

Schork added that last year’s timetable presented problems with student groups endorsing candidates for DSG president and executive vice president but not com-

mittee vice presidential candidates, noting that burnout applied especially to groups who previously endorsed a candidate for Young Trustee.

“Returning to what we’ve had in the past will shift focus and eliminate that division of importance,” Schork said.

The executive board election will take place April 6 and the Senate election will occur April 21.

undergraduate studies in political science, criticized the seemingly pre-professional na-ture of the certificate in an interview with The Chronicle. Idan Koren, Trinity ’09 and an MMS certificate recipient, expressed simi-lar sentiment.

“I don’t think MMS’s point is to get you a job—if at all, its point is to provide you with the knowledge you need to make your own job,” Koren said. “And in that aspect, it’s lacking quite a bit.”

Koren added that he would have liked to learn more practical details of business in the courses.

“MMS is the closest thing we have to en-trepreneurship, but unfortunately, it’s just not real-world practical,” he said. “How do I go about incorporating the right type of company? Getting the right lawyers? Net-working with the right people, maybe get myself the right advisor?”

In contrast, junior George Pearkes de-fended the practicality of the program, which he views as the closest thing Duke offers to a business degree.

“I think that the goal of the program is to give Duke students an opportunity to develop skills that are related to a career in a business field that aren’t purely aca-demic in nature,” he said. “You’re looking at things that are outside of the ivory tower, which is sort of nice.”

But professors within the program said the chance of the University offering a pre-business major appears slim. It is unlikely that the program will ever be offered as a major, Keister said.

“I don’t think we want our university to become a technical school,” she said. “So much of our prestige comes from the liberal arts focus. I think we want to keep it that way.”

George Grody, a visiting associate pro-fessor for MMS and a former marketing executive at Proctor and Gamble, empha-sized the difference between the certificate and a business degree, noting that skills

taught within MMS courses could be ap-plied broadly.

“Because MMS is interdisciplinary, it’s not an undergraduate business degree,” Grody said. “We’re helping students develop skills they can use in any job they go into, whether it’s teaching, becoming a doctor or becom-ing an engineer.”

Keister noted that the degree of practi-cality varies from course to course and that graduates of the program have found suc-cess both on and off campus.

“The skills are a powerful package that you can sell to employers,” she said. “A couple of our students won the Start-Up Challenge.”

And many of the graduates recently indicated that they were satisfied with the program. The 2010 senior exit poll reported that more than 97 percent of the students were happy with the pro-gram, Keister said.

Despite its success, the program does face a challenge in expanding its faculty because of its status as a certificate, she noted.

“I would really like to see us hire more regular rank faculty,” Keister said. “We could really expand course offerings with more faculty. [Markets and Management Studies] does not have faculty, though, so those hires have to be in core disciplines.”

Koren said despite its flaws, he found cer-tain aspects of the program in-spirational.

“In general, the things I really gained from MMS are the few words here and there that a few pro-fessors told me that inspired me or made me think dif-ferently,” he said.

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620studentsenrolled in the MMS certifi-cate program in 2009-2010

24studentsenrolled in the MMS certifi-cate program in 1989

The ChroniCle Tuesday, marCh 22, 2011 | 7

DistinguisheD speaker series

Mr. rick hendrickOwner, hendrick MotorsportsChairman, hendrick automotive group

tuesday, March 22, 20114:00 pM - 5:00 pM McClendon auditoriumthe Fuqua school of Business

teamwork and Communication in Business

The University Community Is Invited to Attend

Americans about their feeling towards Islam and Muslim Americans. One impact is that the Muslim-American com-munity was certainly galvanized and maybe motivated to take more aggressive or more visible actions to affirming their American values and dedication to combating radi-calization and cooperating with law enforcement. Ironi-cally, the hearings could have a positive impact.

tC: In what ways do Muslim communities prevent radi-calization?

ds: First, they have a consistent record of speaking out against terrorist violence, which is important—to get out on the record to Muslim communities here and around the world that violence is outlawed by and made illegal by Islam-ic laws. Muslims did communicate and cooperate with law enforcement in thwarting terrorist plots, building strong community organizations, engaging in political activity and providing strong Islamic education. The latter things were not necessarily undertaken for that purpose, but we believe they have a positive impact on counterterrorism.

Providing information to law enforcement about those activities is one form of cooperation. Another form is no-tifying authorities when individuals seem to be adapting a radical ideology that could lead towards violence. That becomes a tricky issue because holding extreme religious or political views in America is not a crime. Indeed, it is protected First Amendment activity. What do we want communities to do in this instance? That’s why building trust is so important. The communities want to save their young people and they don’t want them to face prosecu-tion when they can still be salvaged. Law enforcement needs to know when young Muslims are headed down the wrong path, but they will not get this information unless they have many different types of interventions that do not inevitably lead to 20 year prison sentences.

tC: What is the current state of homegrown radicaliza-tion in the United States?

ds: In our most recent study, the most recent data shows 161 Muslim Americans who have either engaged in terrorist acts, been arrested in terrorist charges or joined an armed fighting group. That’s 15 or 16 a year since 9/11 who have gone down the path towards violence. That’s not an insignificant amount, but it’s not a widespread or an overwhelming social phenom-

sCHAnzer from page 3

AuDrey ADu-AppiAh/The chronicle

students gather in the Bryan Center to enjoy performances from a number of student groups to raise money for chimpanzee conservation.

Another postcard from a chimpanzee

enon. During that same time period, there have been 150,000 murders and 13 million violent crimes. The [violence] from the 161 has accounted for 37 deaths in the United States and 62 individuals wounded since 9/11. I don’t dismiss that [do-mestic Islamic radicalization] is a serious problem, but I think you have to put it in some sort of context.

tC: What do you think Congress should be doing about it?

ds: The first thing to be said is that many steps are things that could be taken by Muslim-American communities, and indeed government [involvement] would be unpro-ductive or maybe even counterproductive. Communities need to educate themselves about signs that an individual is moving toward radicalization. They need to develop pro-grams to intervene with young people when they see this happen. In my opinion they need to be more outspoken, not just against violence after it occurs, but to really chal-lenge the ideology of [Osama] bin Laden and [Anwar] al-Awlaki, which purports that violent action against the West is a duty that must be undertaken by all Muslims.

On the governmental side, steps [must be taken] to con-tinue to build trust between Muslim-American communities and law enforcement and government officials, so there is as much flow of information as possible. That is extremely important. With recent immigrants, we have to remember that many fled countries where they feared the police, so the idea of interacting on a regular basis with law enforcement is not something that comes naturally. Finally, something both political leaders and corporate and community leaders can work on across the country is reducing the anit-Islamic sentiment in this country, which is both un-American and dangerous to our counterterrorism efforts.

Our research suggests that radicalization in America is a serious issue. Addressing it will require work within the community itself but also support from non-Mus-lims, people of other faiths and law enforcement acting cooperatively. The extent to which we can tone down hostility, understand the limited nature of the threat and work together to find effective solutions, we’ll be the better for it.

8 | Tuesday, marCh 22, 2011 The ChroniCle

TED, which stands for Technology, Entertainment and Design, is a nonprofit organization which puts on lectures and performances by scientists, entrepreneurs, artists and other public intellectuals. The organization also licenses the TED brand in the form of TEDx pro-grams, which are independently coordinated events or-ganized along the format of the TED talks.

TEDx—a branch of the TED organization that was es-tablished in 2009—is now experiencing rapid growth in its use among universities and other groups. According to its website, 186 TEDx events took place in 46 coun-tries last month.

Although organizers for TEDx events apply to use the TED name and must abide by certain rules, they have control in selecting the presenters at their conferences. According to its website, TED only requires that each TEDx event retain the TED format of combining short talks with performances and demonstrations, feature

two pre-recorded TEDTalks videos and avoid a commer-cial or political bias.

To recruit speakers, the general public was asked to nominate non-student candidates who were then invited by TEDxDuke to present. Students also directly applied for the opportunity to give talks.

Sophomore David Watson—who will present the story of his cross-country bike tour to raise awareness for peace initiatives in the Democratic Republic of the Congo—said he sees the event’s role as a collaborative learning experi-ence as its greatest strength.

“[TED] is about how you can present an idea in a short format that encourages people to interact afterwards,” he said. “There’s a lot of interplay between the audience and presenters.”

Six presentations will be given by students with another six given by Duke faculty, including Tony O’Driscoll, professor of the practice of business admin-istration at the Fuqua School of Business, co-Director of the Haiti Lab Deborah Jenson and Dan Ariely, James B. Duke professor of psychology and behavioral eco-

nomics. Ursaner declined to disclose the remaining presenters

and said she wished to keep some elements of the event a surprise.

The event has been highly anticipated, and 150 free student seats were sold out within an hour of going on sale with several hundred students placed on a waitlist. TEDxDuke is also selling general admission seats for $25.

With a budget of $20,000, the talks were sponsored through a variety of sources, including the John Spencer Bassett Fund Committee, the Student Organization Fi-nance Committee and the Smart Home.

Junior Vansh Muttreja will be presenting a tool he cre-ated that allows real-time remote collaboration on white boards. Noting in an email that TED is known for showcas-ing innovative and creative ideas, Muttreja said he is ex-cited for the potential of the event.

“I am of the opinion that TED is now one of the pre-mier platforms for individuals to introduce the world to their ingenious ideas,” Muttreja wrote. “I am extremely ex-cited to share my project.”

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tedx from page 4

future,” he told CNN's “State of the Union.”Could it end with Gadhafi remaining in power? “That's

certainly, potentially, one outcome," Mullen said on NBC's “Meet the Press,” using language he repeated in other in-terviews. "I wouldn't go so far as to say we're not going to have airplanes over Libya in three or four days.”

In a briefing for reporters traveling with Obama in South America, National Security Adviser Thomas Doni-lon said command would be transferred, possibly to NATO, in “days, not weeks,” and described the goal of the first phase of the mission as “crystal clear.”

“The focus right now was on a direct threat to citizens”of Libya, he said, “in response to requests” from Arab govern-ments and under last week's U.N. resolution authorizing member states to take “all necessary measures” to protect civilians. The result of the first phase has been establish-ment of a no-fly zone that Pentagon officials said now ex-tended from Tripoli in the west to Benghazi in the east, and, as Donilon said, to “prevent what could have been a catastrophe in Benghazi” as Gadhafi's military forces began a major attack on the city Saturday.

Donilon said that the United States had brought its “unique capabilities” at the outset of the operation to “si-multaneously in a single evening... go after” Libya's air de-fenses and capabilities, allowing French and British planes to then establish a no-fly zone over Libya.

“This is a limited-in-scope-duration-and-task opera-tion,” Donilon said of the U.S. role. U.S. forces will quickly move into the background, he said, providing jamming of Libyan government communications, surveillance and intelligence and refueling for coalition aircraft.

Donilon and Mullen said that while the short-term goal was to remove the threat to Libyan civilians, other efforts would bring about Gadhafi's increasing international iso-lation, including previously adopted economic sanctions, an arms embargo and a travel ban on members of his fam-ily and government and help persuade his remaining sup-porters in Libya to abandon him.

But they stressed that while Obama has called for Gad-hafi to step down, unseating him is not an objective of the military operation.

Lawmakers commenting on the weekend's events were divided. Sen. Richard Lugar, R-Ind., said Obama should seek a declaration of war from Congress and questioned who would emerge in control of Libya. “We really have not discovered who it is in Libya that we are trying to sup-port,” Lugar said said on “Face the Nation.” “Obviously, the people that are against Gadhafi, but who?”

Donilon responded that the administration had made direct contact Sunday with leaders of the Libyan National Transitional Council, the opposition governing body in Benghazi. The opposition leaders said that “actions we have taken have prevented catastrophe there,” he noted.

Rep. Buck McKeon, R-Calif., chairman of the House Armed Services Committee, voiced concern about “the absence of clear political objectives for our country” and the risk of “entrenching the United States in a humanitar-ian mission whose scope and duration are not known at this point and cannot be controlled by us.”

A U.N. resolution, McKeon said, “is not and should not be confused for a political and military strategy.”

Donilon repeatedly stressed Obama's close involvement in every step of the operation, despite the president's decision to carry on with his planned South America trip. Obama, he said, had been in constant contact with allies, military lead-ers and members of his national security team. The president made no public comment about Libya on Sunday.

LIBYA from page 6

SportsThe Chronicle

TUESDAYMarch 22, 2011

>> ONLINE Check out our podcast with Shane Ryan, Duke grad and creator of the popular Duke blog “Seth Curry Saves Duke,” on the Blue Zone at

tyler seuc/the chronicle

Jasmine Thomas and Chelsea Gray used dynamic on-the-ball defense and constant pressure to help key Duke’s late-game comeback.

Defensive pressure keys comeback

women’s baskeTball

Game Analysis

ACC, Big East not that



nate glencer/the chronicle

kyrie Irving led all scorers against Hampton with 14 points and chipped in 11 versus the michigan wolverines.

men’s baskeTball

Irving’s return makes Duke a different team

See irving on page 11

See analysis on page 10See cusack on page 10


by Scott RichTHe CHRonICLe

While Kyrie Irving was certainly a dif-ferent player this weekend than he was

when he first put on a Duke jersey, the Blue Devils—and their coach—were more than happy to

have him back.“a guy with his talent, him at 70 per-

cent is better than a lot of guys at 100 percent,” andre Dawkins said after the Hampton win.

Despite the fact that Irving showed a loss in explosiveness, the freshman’s presence in Charlotte was a crucial factor

in Duke advancing to the Sweet 16. He turned in two solid performances, scor-ing 14 and 11 points, respectively, and helped remedy the Blue Devils’ recent depth issues.

What made Irving’s weekend a glass half-full, and not half-empty, return was not his undeniable skill set, but rather his style of play. Since the freshman’s infa-mous injury against Butler, nolan Smith has been Duke’s only constant and legiti-mate threat as a slasher. Kyle Singler has made his living off of mid-range jumpers while secondary threats Dawkins and Seth Curry score primarily from the perimeter.

nine.That’s the number of Big east teams that lost in

the first weekend of the nCaa Tournament. The result? a national uproar.

as Sunday’s games finished up, Charles Barkley made waves in his new gig as one of CBS’s tournament analysts, ripping the Big east while sit-ting directly across the desk from Louisville head coach Rick pitino.

“The Big Least as I like to call it, or the Small east... is

the most overrated conference in the world,” Bar-kley said. “The Big east should have never gotten 11 teams into the tournament.”

While pitino proceeded to defend his confer-ence as best he could, the second-straight year of Big east teams underperforming has left college basketball fans calling openly for a shake-up in the allocation of Tournament bids.

But aCC fans should be careful in calling for this, as recent history suggests the aCC is just as overrated as the Big east, at least when it comes to the first few rounds of March Madness (not count-ing the aCC’s national title success).

over the last five years, 21-of-40 Big east teams have been forced out of the Tournament in upset fashion compared to 14-of-28 aCC squads. even this year, aCC enthusiasts ought to hearken back to 2009 before gloating too loudly after getting three teams into the Sweet 16. That year, north Carolina overshadowed the rest of the confer-ence’s shortcomings by winning the nCaa Cham-pionship. Looking back, though, five of the six other conference teams lost prematurely. no. 5 seed Florida State went down to no. 12 Wisconsin.

by Steven SlywkaTHe CHRonICLe

Duke’s trademark the entire season has been its ability to generate points from its suffocating defensive pressure.

For the first 24 minutes of the Blue Devils’ game against Marist with a Sweet 16 berth on the line, however,

this pressure was nowhere to be found. against a Red Fox team that broke its press with ease, Duke stood in danger of an historic upset.

“I thought they came out really strong, I thought they out-played us,” head coach Joanne p. McCallie said.

“We needed to be aggressive.”Despite losing senior guard and MaaC player of the

year, erica allenspach, to an injury early in the first half, Marist refused to be rattled by Duke’s defense. elise Caron and Corielle Yarde navigated the Blue Devils’ press with composure, leading to several easy baskets.

During the first half, Duke had only eight points off turnovers, an alarming number for a team that relies on its defense to be the catalyst for the offense. When Duke is not generating the easy transition baskets, it is forced to rely solely on Jasmine Thomas to create out of the half-court set. Thomas finished the first-half with 15 attempts from the floor, almost half of all Duke shots.

“I didn’t think we were attacking the basket,” McCallie said. “We talked a lot about that at halftime. You can’t be this pretty team, pretty basketball, pretty jump shots. We needed to be aggressive. and I think in the second half you saw us do that a lot.”

The turning point of the game came when the Duke defensive pressure finally forced Marist into turnovers that led to instant offense. With the Blue Devils down by 11 points early in the second half, the Red Foxes committed three straight turnovers. Steals by Thomas and Karima Christmas led to an open 3-pointer for Thomas and a jumper by Haley peters that cut the lead to two.

10 | TueSday, marCh 22, 2011 The ChroniCle

ensuing possession, she stole the ball and was fouled.

The freshman showed great composure at the line, hitting both free throws to give Duke its first lead of the game since the opening minutes of the contest. Thirty sec-onds later, gray again poked the ball free, and her layup gave Duke a 65-60 lead.

“The steals got me going,” gray said. “Coach stressed defense in the locker room, and that’s what I wanted to do, just come out there and play ‘D.’ That gave me momentum, and then I knocked down a three, and that got me excited from there and ready to go.”

Marist, who had won a nation-leading 27 games in a row, refused to let up. De-spite losing their best player, erica allen-spach, to an injury early in the first half, a 3-pointer by elise Caron cut the lead to

two, and after gray only made one of two from the line, the Red Foxes had a chance to tie. Leanne ockenden took an open look at a trey with six seconds remaining, but it bounced off the back of the rim, and Duke could breathe a sigh of relief.

“The best 10-seed I’ve ever seen,” head coach Joanne p. McCallie said. “ours was certainly not an ‘a’ game, but theirs was an ‘a’ effort.”

Marist jumped out to an early lead, thanks to the hot hand of Yarde. The ju-nior connected on three 3-pointers early as the Red Foxes raced to a 23-13 lead. For the game, the Red Foxes shot 10-for-27 behind the line, with Yarde, Caron and ockenden connecting on multiple treys. That accuracy prevented the Blue Devils from cutting the lead to less than five at any point in the first half.

With just under six minutes to play in the first half, however, allenspach, Marist’s leading scorer, crumpled to the floor. The MaaC player of the year suf-fered a severely sprained ankle and did not return to the game.

With their senior leader being forced to cheer from the sidelines, Marist looked for someone to take her place, and Yarde was more than happy to oblige. She finished with a game-high 25 points and 12 rebounds, and consistently quelled Duke runs.

“You never want to see a player of that caliber go down like she did,” McCallie said. “I think they played very inspired basketball for her. I thought their team really rose to the occasion and really played fantastic basketball.”

With 16 minutes left in the second half, Marist had its largest lead of 11. During the next timeout, however, with McCallie conferencing alone with the other coaches, Jasmine Thomas vigorous-ly encouraged her team to step it up.

“I could just feel that we were kind of in a situation where nothing was really going right,” said Thomas, who finished with 17 points. “We weren’t getting stops, and we weren’t scoring on offense.”

on the next possession, Thomas sank a three, and baskets by Haley peters and Karima Christmas closed the gap to two. Yet threes from ockenden and Kate oliver kept the Red Foxes ahead until gray’s late-game heroics.

“I think Chelsea’s tough,” Thomas said. “She’s capable of making big plays; we’ve seen it all year long, and I just think that she is comfortable in any situ-ation. You couldn’t ask for more than that in a freshman.”

w. baskeTball from page 1 analysIs from page 9

CusaCk from page 9

Duke 71, Marist 66Marist (31-3) 31 35 66Duke (31-3) 26 45 71MarIst MIN fg 3-pt ft r a tO s ptsGang 33 1-4 0-2 0-0 4 1 3 0 2Oliver 30 6-12 1-5 1-2 3 2 3 0 14Caron 32 2-6 2-4 0-0 4 5 5 2 6Yarde 38 9-17 4-8 3-3 12 2 3 0 25Allenspach 13 1-3 0-1 0-0 1 3 1 1 2Ockenden 15 2-4 2-4 0-0 0 2 1 0 6O’Connor 7 1-2 0-1 0-0 0 1 0 1 2Laterza 10 2-3 0-0 0-0 2 1 0 1 4Best 22 2-3 1-2 0-0 1 3 2 1 5TEAM 1 2totals 200 26-54 10-27 4-5 28 20 20 6 66Blocks — Yarde (2), Gang (1)FG % — 1st Half: 44.4, 2nd Half: 51.9, Game: 48.1

DukE MIN fg 3-pt ft r a tO s ptsChristmas 11 4-9 0-3 3-6 6 2 0 4 11Vernerey 0 0-4 0-0 0-3 5 1 2 0 0K. Thomas 10 4-7 0-0 2-2 8 2 1 0 10Selby 4 2-5 0-2 0-1 2 1 2 2 4J. Thomas 17 7-22 3-6 0-1 4 4 2 3 17Wells 0 0-0 0-0 0-0 0 1 1 0 0Gray 13 4-7 2-3 3-4 4 3 1 3 13Jackson 2 1-1 0-0 0-0 1 0 1 0 2Scheer 2 1-2 0-1 0-0 4 0 1 0 2Liston 0 0-1 0-1 0-2 1 0 1 0 0Peters 12 4-5 0-1 4-4 5 0 4 0 12TEAM 1totals 200 27-63 5-17 12-23 43 14 16 12 71Blocks — Christmas (1)FG % — 1st Half: 32.4, 2nd Half: 55.2, Game: 42.9

no. 4 Wake Forest got overturned by no. 13 Cleveland State. and while no. 10 Maryland earned the aCC’s only upset by beating no. 7 California, the Terrapins were quickly dispatched in the second round.

What conference has attained an appropriate number of bids?

perhaps not sur-prisingly, the Big 10 has had the best postseason perform-ers in the past five years. It is the only conference to create more upsets than it has succumbed to, as six of their teams fell early while nine others beat higher-seeded opponents.

There’s a reason Michigan State fans refer to the month of March as “Izzo”: the Spartans had five upsets in four years before 2011, skewing the conference statistics.

Despite this, don’t expect a change in the way the nCaa Tournament selection committee goes about its process of extending bids. For starters, the nCaa has shown in recent years—see the BCS system—that it is unwilling to budge on issues that would cost it money, even at the expense of providing equal competitive

footing. plus, the aforementioned statistics only indi-cate that teams from both the Big east and aCC have been seeded too high, not that they were undeserving of a spot in the bracket.

The Big 10 has been the toughest conference all year per Ken pomeroy’s college basketball metrics, but the Big east has the most teams in the nation’s top-50. The problem is at the top, where pittsburgh is the only team to break pomeroy’s top-10. In contrast, the aCC ranks fourth overall behind the Big 12.

also, Barkley and many college basketball fans have begun to cite “east Coast bias” as a rapidly-growing problem among college basketball media. according to The new York Times’ nate Silver, the Big east gets 50 percent more media coverage than the Big Ten. In part, this is the Big 10’s own fault for promoting a low-possession, defense-oriented style of play as its hallmark. as Silver continues to say, though, the aver-age Big east game sees just as many foul calls as the Big 10, and the east Coast has teams that play at an undoubtedly-Midwestern pace. The aCC’s coverage, on the other hand, is tied closely to Mike Krzyzewski and Roy Williams and their respective fan bases, which produce enough television viewers and internet hits for the entire conference.

at the end of the day, Barkley’s antagonizing presence on the set and constant criticism of the Big east brought delight to many aCC fans. But supporters of the Blue Devils’ conference should watch out, though, because at the pace he’s moving, Barkley will be preaching about the mediocre aCC before Duke gets to anaheim.

Recent history suggests the ACC is just as over-rated as the Big East, at least when it comes to

March Madness. — Chris Cusack

lawson kurtz/chronicle file photo

Georgetown was one of nine big east teams to fall in early in the nCaa Tournament, Chris Cusack writes.

tyler seuc/the chronicle

after an emotional win, the blue Devils gather in the huddle. They play again Friday against DePaul in Philadelphia.

“We just needed to go out and play de-fense and make stops,” Chelsea gray said.

In the second half, Duke garnered 19 points off just 10 turnovers, averaging about a basket for every Marist miscue. Christmas and gray led the way with three steals, while Thomas had one.

Down the stretch it was gray that would come up with the two biggest steals of the game. Her defensive prow-ess with under two minutes remaining led to transition points that gave Duke the lead and at one point left Yarde with her head in her hands following yet an-other Marist turnover.

“I thought Chelsea played very poised and aggressive,” McCallie said. “Chelsea just has that in her. She’s a very, very spe-cial player and she’s been a warrior.”

Ultimately if Duke is to advance further into the tournament, it will be because of their full-court press—something that ac-cording to Thomas can only be successful if everyone is on the same page.

“I would say that a word describes it: togetherness,” Thomas said. “That last five minutes you just saw everybody move together on defense and on of-fense. That’s what’s important down the stretch for this team.”

The ChroniCle TueSday, marCh 22, 2011 | 11

>>Duke-Hampton In his first game since the toe injury, Kyrie Irving starts off slow and looks tentative against the Pirates, committing an offensive foul just 30 seconds into his debut. He picks it up in the second half, though, scoring 12 points including hitting back-to-back 3-pointers and a couple of coast-to-coast layups.>>Duke-Michigan Irving struggles from the field, only making one shot. That one shot, though, is huge for the Blue Devils—a game-clincher with 30 seconds left.

IrvInG from page 9

Irving, though, provides another Blue Devil that can create his own offense.

against Michigan, he only made one field goal but still finished with 11 points thanks to his ability to draw fouls while attacking the basket. His ability to pen-etrate and find the open man also led to more open looks for Duke’s plethora of outside shooters.

and his one field goal was the paramount basket of the game—a driving floater that gave Duke a three-point lead with under a minute to go.

“For him to be put in that position and make that float-er as soft as it can be... that’s a heck of a thing for that kid,” head coach Mike Krzyzewski said of Irving’s performance after the Michi-gan contest. “I mean, he’s nine for ten from the foul line. We wouldn’t be going forward if he didn’t play today.”

Irving also showed flashes of the player he was months ago and the player Duke fans hope he will become once again. The

game-winning shot in the third round was the most conspicuous example but over-shadowed his rather surprising perfor-mance against Hampton.

The point guard was clearly rusty in the opening minutes, guilty of a charge early, as well as some missed shots one would expect a player of his caliber to make. But in the second half, Irving erupted for 12 points. While his back-to-back three pointers in the closing minutes made the highlight reels, his fast-break layup earlier in the half was more reminiscent of the impact he had on this Duke team back in november and

the impact he can have this March if he continues to redevelop his game.

“once I got the butterflies out, I started to play real-ly well,” Irving said after the game. “I was pressing a little

bit instead of letting the game come to me.”Those butterflies might have held

Irving back from playing to his full po-tential in Charlotte, but if last weekend was the opening act to Irving’s reemer-gence, fans will be clamoring for what the second act might hold.

“A guy with [Irving’s] talent, him at 70 percent is bet-

ter than a lot of guys at 100 percent.” — Andre Dawkins

nate glencer/the chronicle

mike krzyzewski said of Irving after the michigan contest, “we wouldn’t be going forward if he didn’t play today.”


12 | Tuesday, march 22, 2011 The chronicleClassifieds



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The chronicle Tuesday, march 22, 2011 | 13

diversionsShoe Chris Cassatt and Gary Brookins

Dilbert Scott Adams

Ink Pen Phil Dunlap

Doonesbury Garry Trudeau

Sudoku Fill in the grid so that every row, every col-umn and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 through 9. (No number is repeated in any column, row or box.)

Answer to puzzle

The chronicle Where we’d like to edit from:

from bed: ................................................................. toni, nick, katiewith the gordon’s fisherman: ..................................... lrupp, doughPerkins:................................................................................ ndotkylea brewery: ........................................................eliza, clee, saneditorno coke, pepsi..: .................................................................... andrewshootahs 4x: ...................................................yeoyeo, tseuc, yellowarmadillo: .................................................................................. penathe other end of campus dr.: ..................................................... benBarb Starbuck gets it right the first time: ................................ Barb

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The Chronicle classifieds.

Last Thursday, the Arts and Sciences Council rightly approved a new South Asian Studies certificate program. The new certificate aims to provide a cross-disciplinary, integrated ap-proach to un-d e r s t a n d i n g issues in this region by offer-ing courses on economic and social development, global health and religion.

We support the creation of this program due to the heightened relevance of South Asian countries at Duke and in global affairs. We find, however, the rapid prolif-eration of new programs—at home and abroad—concern-ing. The administration must proceed with caution when developing new certificates and international programs.

The South Asian Studies certificate is the latest in a se-

ries of efforts to develop and institute certificates focused on regional and cultural stud-ies. Recent examples include the Islamic Studies certificate approved in 2007 and the

Latino/a Stud-ies in the Glob-al South certifi-

cate in 2008. Initiatives like these can in-

ternationalize Duke’s curricu-lum in ways that supplement the University’s international civic engagement and study abroad programs. We have long argued for continuing the experiences of programs like DukeEngage and study abroad on Duke’s campus. Regional studies certificates could allow students to contin-ue to learn about their region of interest when they return to Duke. If students are to de-velop meaningful knowledge of a country or region, their

learning must extend beyond a summer or a semester.

Furthermore, this new cer-tificate is particularly relevant considering the growing im-portance of India and South Asia as an emerging econom-ic and educational market.

Through programs like Du-keEngage and more long-term institutionalized initiatives like the Kunshan campus, Duke has committed to interna-tional educational connectiv-ity. India and other emerging countries in South Asia could be key educational partners in Duke’s international out-reach. These partnerships will require regional knowledge.

The new South Asian Studies certificate will assist Duke students and faculty in developing the sturdy, in-terdepartmental foundation necessary for sustained suc-cess in learning about and

working with South Asia.Further, countries in this re-

gion, including India, Pakistan and Afghanistan, continue to have more and more relevance in the world outside of Duke. Students will need regional knowledge to engage meaning-fully with these places.

Yet the pace of prolifera-tion of these types of programs is concerning. Focused certifi-cates are desirable for students with specific, cross-disciplinary academic passions. But admin-istrators need to ensure that they reserve the rubber stamp for certificates that demon-strate sufficient staying power.

For new programs to be-come respected, legitimate elements of the learning ex-perience at Duke, they must become institutionalized and exist for extended periods of time. Strong programs are able to leverage cross-departmental

collaborations and connec-tions to accomplish their aca-demic goals. This takes time.

This in mind, administra-tion officials and the mem-bers of the Arts and Sciences council should exercise bias toward the status quo when considering the creation of new certificate programs and international initiatives. The cost of formulating and enact-ing a new certificate program is not necessarily prohibitive. But new international pro-grams can endanger the Uni-versity’s financial resources and reputation abroad. These should be approached with especially high skepticism.

We understand the value and potential of the new South Asian Studies certifi-cate. Nevertheless, we hope that the administration fully considers the consequences of the trend it represents.

As I was working in the library late at night, I overheard someone quietly complain, “Why are there are so many Asians in the library?!”

Normally, I would have simply brushed the comment aside. However, similar versions of the complaint have been circulating around Duke and other college campuses.

I tried to reason with myself. There’s rationally nothing wrong with the question. It merely states the truth about the demographic compo-sition of the library. And as I looked around me, it appeared that more than two-thirds of the students there were, in fact, of Asian descent.

The statement wasn’t technically rac-ist because it doesn’t exactly attribute a specific char-acteristic to an entire ethnic population. It merely observes a fact and voices it out loud. Free speech is allowed. No one else around me seemed offended. The observation noted the truth. End of story.

Yet, to this day, the question continues to bother me.

Last week, a UCLA student posted a YouTube video expressing a more extreme version of a simi-lar sentiment, and a viral outrage quickly ensued. The student has since then withdrawn from UCLA and publicly apologized for the post.

When I saw the Internet community’s reaction, I began to question my own. Should I be furious that people joke about the same racist anxiety at Duke? Was I wrong in concluding that the student in the library that night was not technically racist? Should I be outraged?

Then yesterday, as I sat down with a group of friends at dinner, it occurred to me that all but one of us were Asian. Almost automatically, I could see how we looked to someone walking by: We were self-segregating. However, if a similar set of Caucasians were to sit together, the same term would not apply.

As with self-segregation, there are many other stereotypes attributed to Asians. As one friend re-layed to me, “Asians have all the good stereotypes. They are good at math. They are good at science. They’re not even considered a minority at most graduate schools!”

I cringed.These preconceptions are still stereotypes.

Being good at math and science also implies the Asian math or science nerd who stays in the library until late at night. Stereotypes are inher-ently untrue for everyone and often racist. There

are also Asians who are more in-clined toward humanities and the arts. And stereotypes specifically attribute one characteristic to an entire ethnic group.

I wanted to argue fervently why I don’t like those stereotypes. I wanted to say that the stereotypes confined Asians into a box that stripped us of any other charac-teristics. But I didn’t want to fall into the indignant-Asian-scream-ing-her-head-off stereotype. So

I didn’t say anything. And instead, I became the meek-little-docile-Asian-girl stereotype.

How could I avoid contributing to this cycle?Duke is more socially progressive than many

other areas in the United States and the world. Out-side of Duke, people frequently don’t believe me when I tell them that I come from Cleveland, Ohio. “Where do you really come from? Originally?”

Duke is expanding internationally and estab-lishing a new campus in Kunshan, China. Duke has also increased connections between the main campus and Asia. The Duke Center for Interna-tional Development has hosted many visiting scholars from Asia in the Sanford School of Public Policy in the past few years.

However, this is not enough. Race still remains a white elephant on Duke’s campus, and unless we consciously take action, it will only embed itself into our culture.

Race will never disappear. We will still be able to distinguish a Caucasian from an African-American or from another Asian. However, the stereotypes associated with each ethnic group can be amelio-rated with time and effort.

There is a reason why diversity is considered a significant factor in comparing colleges. Living, socializing and learning with different races helps disband racial stereotypes. In today’s global econ-omy, it is more important than ever to help Duke students escape racial biases.

Rui Dai is a Trinity sophomore. Her column runs every other Tuesday.

commentaries14 | Tuesday, March 22, 2011 The chronicle

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Erasing race

Good certificate, troubling trend

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”“ onlinecomment

Surely Coach K is not now so sacrosanct that any criti-cism is judged as heresy!

—“crdcsmith” commenting on the story “Coach K beats Beilein at his own game.” See more at

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rui daia picture’s worth

commentariesThe chronicle Tuesday, March 22, 2011 | 15

lettertotheeditorHow Crazie are you?

We just returned from watching Duke’s nail bit-ing win over the Wolverines, and we were whole-heartedly dismayed by the lack of passion exhibited by the Duke students in attendance. The Wolverine fans unarguably out-cheered the notorious “Crazies” from beginning to end. As hard as the Duke cheer-leaders and pep band tried, they weren’t able to get the Crazies off their butts for the first 25 to 30 min-utes of the game. We know the seats at Time Warner Cable Arena are more comfortable than the shoe-worn bleachers of Cameron Indoor, but we would hope that Duke’s quest for a back-to-back champion-ship would be enough motivation to get the Duke students to cheer for every offensive and defensive series. Coach K needs to focus 100 percent of his time on his players and the game, and he shouldn’t

have to personally pump-up the crowd like he did in the second half.

In an effort to take some of the burden off Coach K, we would like to sponsor the airfare and cost of admission for the most passionate Duke stu-dent to attend the rest of the Duke Men’s NCAA tournament games and be a “rally captain” to lead the Crazies in 40 minutes of cheering to try and give our Blue Devils a “home court” advan-tage away from Cameron. To be considered, post a short 1-minute video to YouTube pleading your case and copy the link in the comments section of this letter on the Duke Chronicle website by noon on Wednesday. Go Duke!!

Dennis and Elizabeth ChenPratt ’02 and Trinity ’00

Athletics—excellent athletics—are central to the Duke “brand.” And that brand is pretty success-ful judging by the fact that more than 26,000

people applied for admission to the Class of 2014. Our athletic department, too, is gearing up for a round of investment in the brand. The Triangle Business Journal reported in February that Duke Athletics is set to launch a $100 million fundrais-ing campaign this spring. The money will be used mainly to renovate Wallace Wade, adding 10,500 seats, including 24 suites and 700 to 800 club seats. These additions obviously will generate revenue themselves.... Did you know donors who sit right above the student section in Cameron donate about $25,000 per year?

After the announcement of the fundraising cam-paign by the athletic department, there were predict-able calls to reduce the athletics “subsidy.” The subsidy to athletics, $14.6 million this past year, is routinely criticized by members of the faculty. Last January in a meeting of the Academic Council, mathematics profes-sor Richard Hain questioned whether the subsidy was a wise use of scarce resources. He was quoted in The Chronicle Jan. 22 as saying, “Various long-term employ-ees are losing their jobs and Arts and Sciences are be-ing asked to cut $100,000 in each department, yet the athletics department is growing at a staggering rate.” Hain particularly took exception to the construction of a new field house.

The Academic Council revisited the issue this past December. Charles Clotfelter, Z. Smith Reyn-olds professor of public policy, economics and law, whose book on athletics and universities was pub-lished this month, noted that students at schools without major sports programs spend more time in their labs and classrooms, while students at Division I institutions spend more time binge drinking. Af-ter Clotfelter’s presentation, Hain led the faculty in another discussion about the University subsidy of athletics, this time highlighting the costs of coach-ing salaries at Duke which run about $14 million an-nually. Duke is the ACC leader in head and assistant coaching salaries.

Athletic departments are not, contrary to popular belief, cash cows. Only seven universities have had profitable athletic programs in each of the past five years. Only 14 athletic departments turned a profit last year (one of which is UNC, making a paltry $238,644 in 2009-2010). Duke Athletics does not turn a profit, so there is no question that it will require a University subsidy. Almost all athletic programs have a structural deficit. The question is not, “How do we make the ath-letic department turn a profit?” but rather, “How do we responsibly manage the subsidy?”

Athletics used to receive a subsidy only out of the funds of the Trinity College of Arts and Sciences and the Pratt School of Engineering. The subsidy back

in 2008 was only $7.2 million. But that subsidy was deceptively low. It failed to account for the maintenance and op-eration costs of ever-expanding facilities, the growth of the athletics staff, the in-crease in financial aid to student athletes attending summer school and the cost of support services for student athletes. Because of these rising costs, the Univer-sity doubled its commitment and spread responsibility around—no longer would supporting athletics be only the duty of

the undergraduate schools.The 2008 strategic plan for Duke Athletics, “Unri-

valed Ambition,” never intended the subsidy to be a permanent part of the budget: “Increasing the yearly subsidy from central funds to $15 million —while a vi-able short-term solution—is undesirable in the long term.” The athletic department outlined plans to es-tablish a $300 million endowment, half of which will come from the University. Athletics looked to the next major capital campaign (presumably more similar in size, duration and purpose to Keohane’s Campaign for Duke than to Brodhead’s Financial Aid Initiative) to contribute half of that sum for the endowment.

It’s only been three years since the 2008 subsidy increase. We are still well within the “short term.” It’s much too soon to be crying foul.

The other $150 million for the endowment was to be raised by the athletic department’s own development team. Indeed, the field house which so raised Hain’s ire was largely paid for by a $6 million directed gift from Bob Pascal, Trinity ’56. Steve Brooks, Trinity ’70, also donated $4 million to athletics at the same time.

Enter our $100 million campaign starting this spring. The Bostock Group, a set of donors and alumni including Roy Bostock, Trinity ’62, have been thinking about renovating Wallace Wade for a long time. They probably set the $100 million target. It wouldn’t surprise me if this group has not only com-mitted to donate themselves, but has also committed to lead the campaign.

Now that athletics has begun a large development campaign to renovate facilities, we can envision a date in the not too distant future when athletics will kick off a second campaign that will found an endowment. The athletics subsidy will no doubt disappear when the University finishes its not-yet-started major capital cam-paign, completing the inaugural fundraising for the $300 million endowment for Duke Athletics.

Gregory Morrison is a Trinity senior and the former execu-tive vice president of DSG. His column runs every Tuesday.

The well-endowed athlete

My phone buzzed late one night last weekend. “WTF,” the text message read. “I knew I shoul-da gone to Mardi Gras. All these Facebook

pics! Ugh. Woulda been TOML. OMG. And now I’ve got a severe case of FOMO. SOMFL.”

Sometimes I feel like I don’t speak English anymore.

WTF. TOML. OMG. FOMO. SOMFL. All in one text. Really?

It was late. I was tired. But I was determined to de-cipher.

1. WTF: Okay, I know that one.

2. TOML: Tough on my liver? Thousands of my lov-

ers? Ah yes, time of my life.3. OMG: I don’t live under a rock. I know that one, too. 4. FOMO: Forgetting of my origins? Freaking out made

out? Fear of ... fear of ... got it! Fear of missing out.5. SOMFL: Well the “F” undoubtedly stands for freak

so, should of met freaking ladies? Some of my freaking losers? Oh no, I need to put this in context. Fear of missing out must be the ... story of my freaking life.

Yes, I had figured out the coded message, but it had taken me way too long. Worst of all, I was embarrassed to text back with my own, “WTF. OMG. FML. YS (You suck!). Spell out your acronyms! SMH (Shaking my head).”

I’m 21 years old. I’ve been instant messaging since I was nine, texting since I was 13 and surfing the World Wide Web on a daily basis for the last eight years. I’m perpetually “connected” and pride myself on my ability to communicate biweekly with the Duke populace.

So am I really supposed to know all of these things? Am I NC (not cool)? OS (Old school)? AL (A loser)? Or just stuck in the olden days of BWPWAP (back when Pluto was a planet)?

I think it’s nearly impossible to keep up with the times. In my humble opinion, our English slang acro-nyms (ESA?) have surpassed the level of annoying and are now teetering on the edge of absurdity. Save a few that are quite useful and well established in modern history —ASAP, TMI, TBA, FYI, IDK, VIP, MVP, FAQ, LBD, GTHC—the rest are just plain silly.

Can you imagine if I responded to an urgent email from my future boss with “IDK”? Or if I ended my Span-ish paper with “HLVB,” or, God forbid, “AMF”?

And then there’s the recent craze of acronym web-sites whose titles have blossomed into common expres-sions. MLIA (My Life is Average), FML (Freak My Life) or, my personal favorite due to its sheer ludicrousness, MLIB (My Life is Bro).

Even worse is when fellow texters, tweeters and blog-gers morph acronyms into words. ROFLing, LOLing, LYLAS (or LYLAB, although I’m pretty sure boys would never be caught dead using this “word”), MILF, BAMF and BFFL (pronounced biffle) ... not real words! But at this rate, I wouldn’t be surprised if they achieve “real word” status soon.

If “bromance” and “chillax” made the cut for the Oxford Dictionary of English (ODE, different from the OED) in 2010, then I feel strongly that my not-top 10 neologisms can, too.

In the spirit of KISS (keep it simple stupid), I’ll make this short. Fellow citizens of the English-speaking World (ESW?), don’t be afraid to use the real words because more than likely, when you ask for CWMAOS, no one is going to know what you’re talking about. And you might get fired.

Join me in the UAAAA (Universal Association Against Acronym Abuse). TTYL.

Molly Lester is a Trinity senior. Her column runs every other Tuesday.

HA (holy acronyms!)

gregory morrisonfinish the thought

molly lestermore taste, less filling

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16 | Tuesday, march 22, 2011 The chronicle

Thursday, March 24The Bad Plus: Conversation and Demonstration

moderated by UNC Professor Mark KatzReynolds Theater, Duke’s West Campus, 7 pm

Free & open to the public.

Presented in conjunction with The Jazz Loft Project on view through July 10, co-sponsored by theNasher Museum of Art at Duke University and Duke’s Center for Documentary Studies.