Mar. 20, 2012 issue

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March 20th, 2012 issue of The Chronicle

Transcript of Mar. 20, 2012 issue



Sarah P. Duke Sarah P. Duke Gardens vandalized, Gardens vandalized, Page 3Page 3

Blue Devils prepareBlue Devils preparefor Vanderbilt, for Vanderbilt, Page 7Page 7

ONTHERECORD“It is astounding how a single moment or event can

change your perception of life in general.” —Ashley Camano in “For the love of the game.” See column page 10

DKU time frame still uncertain


Bon Appetit, the company that operates food facilities at Duke and numerous other universities across the country, is taking action to purchase meat and produce raised humanely. SEE STORY PAGE 3.

Taking a stand

by Lauren CarrollTHE CHRONICLE

Duke Kunshan University continues to progress on a changing timetable.

Both construction and pending Chinese Ministry of Education approval have pushed the opening of DKU to Fall 2013, Provost Pe-ter Lange said. Approval from the Ministry of Education is required to open a foreign uni-versity in China—and administrators noted that there is no predictable time frame for the completion of this process.

The most recent rescheduling decision was made two or three months ago, Lange said. He added that there is no sense of urgency to open the campus, noting that he does not expect the opening date to be changed again.

Still, he said that “anything’s possible.”It is possible that the next step in the Min-

istry of Education approval process will take place in the next couple of weeks, said Nora Bynum, associate vice provost for the Office of Global Strategy and Programs and manag-ing director for DKU and China initiatives. Bynum left for China Monday to meet with an expert panel from the Ministry of Educa-tion. The panel is expected to visit Kunshan and review the DKU campus and Duke’s proposal—though it is uncertain whether or not they will actually visit the university in that time frame.

Sexual assault policy changesraise questions

Fishman discusses future of water

by Raisa ChowdhuryTHE CHRONICLE

Recent changes to the sexual miscon-duct policy have some students concerned about the impact on assault victims.

The adjustments to the University’s sexual misconduct and harassment student conduct policy reduce the statute of limita-tions for when sexual assault victims must report cases from two years to one. Addi-tionally, the standard for proving someone guilty of sexual misconduct has been re-duced, per federal guidance, from a “clear and convincing” standard to a “preponder-ance of evidence” standard. Some students believe that the changes, which came into effect this Spring, might negatively affect victims who feel uncomfortable reporting an incident.

“While I recognize that some may feel that narrowing the time frame for report-ing will mean fewer reports, the evidence doesn’t show this to be the case,” Stephen Bryan, associate dean of students and direc-tor of the Office of Student Conduct, wrote in an email Sunday. “I have reviewed all sex-ual misconduct cases reported to my office for disciplinary action over the past 10 aca-demic years, and 96 percent were reported in less than a year after the incident. The average reporting time was within 60 days of the date of the incident, and 40 percent were reported within one week of the date of occurrence.”

The adjustments are the product of close collaboration between the Office of Stu-dent Conduct and the Department of Edu-cation and reflect the University’s efforts to revise policies to meet federal regulations issued last April. Because sexual violence is a subset of harassment, the reporting time frame for acts of sexual misconduct was changed to meet that of the harassment policy, Bryan added.

Supporting the victimsSenior Lillie Carroll, a gender violence

prevention intern at the Women’s Center, said taking a leave of absence, suffering from post traumatic stress disorder or ini-tially thinking they can handle the situation and its effects are some reasons why victims may take more than a year to report cases. Social pressure and alienation may also contribute.

Students who are participating in the Mox-ie Project—a social change program for wom-en that involves an introductory class in the Spring, a summer project and a Fall capstone class—have been working on an initiative to meet with administrators and investigate the


The days of water, water everywhere are numbered, journalist Charles Fish-man said Monday.

Soon, water will no longer be able to be safe, unlimited and free at the same time, said Fishman, who has been a re-porter for The Washington Post, The Orlando Sentinel and The News and Observer in Raleigh, N.C. In his talk at the Sanford School of Public Policy, Fish-man expanded on his latest book, “The Big Thirst: The Secret Life and Turbulent Future of Water,” in which he explores so-ciety’s relationship with water—tradition-ally seen as an abundant and free natural resource.

“There is a revolution coming in the world of water,” Fishman said. “The eco-nomics of water are all screwed up.”

In his discussion, Fishman addressed how the world of water is changing, not-

ing the considerable implications for society and his personal experiences re-searching the matter. He spoke of expe-riences ranging between standing at the bottom of a half-million gallon sewage tank and carrying water on his head for 3 kilometers with a group of Indian vil-lagers.

Fishman also noted the distinction between smart and wasteful approaches to water. The average American uses 99 gallons of water daily for simple activities like washing clothes, bathing and cook-ing. Fishman said that all of these uses, such as toilet-flushing, do not require perfectly clean water. Simple changes, such as not running water at full force, can help save water.

“Free is the wrong price for water,” Fishman said.

When something is virtually free, it SAMANTHA SCHAFRANK/THE CHRONICLE

Charles Fishman, center, speaks about the turbulent future of water across the globe.





worldandnation TODAY:




Over a 14-month period, Michael Sny-der, a molecular geneticist at Stanford University in Palo Alto, analyzed his blood 20 different times to pluck out a wide va-riety of biochemical data depicting the status of his body’s immune system, me-tabolism and gene activity.


“You can talk about security all you want, but I’ve found weapons-grade uranium in scrap,” says the radiation-safety chief for Jewometaal Stainless Processing, shown in 2008 in Rotterdam, Netherlands.

PARIS — France was plunged into mourning and national outrage by the ter-rorist-style killings of three young children and a rabbi as they gathered for classes at a Jewish school in a quiet residential neigh-borhood of Toulouse. A half-dozen students were wounded, including a 17-year-old.

Geneticist finds diabetes links by analyzing himself

Jewish school shootings trigger outrage in France

The annual National Bike Summit convenes in Washington this week, with threats to government funding for bike and pedestrian programs leading the agenda.

“They want to pick on bike funding as an issue in which they’re going to draw a line in the sand,” Andy Clarke, president of the League of American Bicyclists, which hosts the summit, said. “We think it’s perverse and we’re not sure why we are in the crosshairs, but we are and we’re responding in kind.”

In an era of austerity in Congress and state capitals, mandates that a fraction of federal funding be spent on bike paths, bike lanes, walkways and pedestrian bridges have been called into question by those who advocate putting scarce resources into highways and bridges.

A House proposal that would have abolished the 20-year-old Transporta-tion Enhancements program stalled last month.

Bike advocates gather to protest against funding cuts


“...the Duke Blue Devils men’s basketball Wikipedia page was hacked by a user by the name BlastinBoner24. Besides award-ing players with several inappropriate and phallic-centered titles, the prankster renamed the team as the ‘2011-12 Duke Blastin Boners men’s basketball team.’”

— From The Blue

onthe web

Trans 101 TrainingThe Center for LGBT Life 2 West Union

Building, 11 a.m.-1 p.m. Everyone is invited to this informational ses-sion about what it means to be in the trans community and what we can do to support

trans individuals.

Mechanisms and functions of synaptic plasticity

Bryan Research 103, 11:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Robert Malenka, the Pritzker professor of psy-chiatry and behavioral sciences and director of the Nancy Pritzker Laboratory at Stanford, will speak about his cutting-edge research.

EndNote ClinicMedical Center Library, 12-1p.m.

Learn how to add citations from databases, insert citations and build bibliographies.

scheduleonat Duke...

The road to success is dotted with many tempting

parking places.— Author Unknown

TODAY IN HISTORY1965: LBJ sends federal troops

to Alabama.

oono the calendarAbolition Day

Puerto Rico

Independence DayTunisia

Petroleum DayIran

World Frog DayInternational

Duke Fly ClubFrench Family Science Center 4233, 4-5 p.m. Dr. Jessica Monserrate and Doug Olsen will present research findings on Drosophila and

regulation of genes in the olfactory system.— from


Bon Appetit commits to humane food suppliers

by Gloria LloydTHE CHRONICLE

Duke’s food management company is preparing to launch an industry-leading comprehen-sive animal welfare policy.

Starting in 2015, Bon Appetit Management Company, which operates many of Duke’s dining operations as well as the dining services at more than 400 col-leges, universities and other orga-nizations, will not buy eggs from

hens kept in cramped battery cag-es or pork produced in gestation crate confinement systems.

The company does not expect prices to increase as a result of the policy announced last month, the first of its kind to be implemented by a major food service provider, Bon Appetit Resident District Manager Nathan Peterson wrote in an email Monday.

“Meat from animals raised in these cruelest of conditions—

gestation crates for pregnant sows and battery cages [for] hens—is not sustainable in the long term,” Peterson said. “We have always gotten requests from students to use more humanely raised meat and eggs and have wanted to do so for years.”

The Humane Society of the United States partnered with Bon Appetit in this process and


Bon Appetit operates most of Duke’s dining operations, including the Great Hall and The Marketplace.

Duke Gardens suffer damage over weekend

from Staff ReportsTHE CHRONICLE

The person or persons respon-sible for damaging property in the Sarah P. Duke Gardens have still not been found, Duke Police reported.

The vandalism occurred Fri-day night or Saturday morning, the Duke University Police De-partment reported. The damage was reported early Saturday by a person who was jogging through the gardens. The damages are es-timated to cost thousands of dol-lars, said Director of Media Rela-tions Keith Lawrence.

DUPD Chief John Dailey said the investigation was ongoing as of Monday afternoon. He de-clined to comment on any leads or on possible motivations of the vandal or vandals.

The vandals smashed approxi-mately 40 terra cotta flower pots, damaged part of the terrace foun-tain and displaced a variety of vegetation. The damaged Roney Fountain was built more than 100 years ago and stood at the en-trance to the former Trinity Col-lege. It fell into disrepair until it was moved to the Mary Duke Bid-dle Rose Garden spring 2011.


Approximately 40 terra cotta pots were smashed by vandals during a period between Friday night and Saturday morning. An investigation is ongoing.



New drones to map endangered habitatsby Maggie Spini


Some researchers are hoping that soon, remote-con-trolled airplanes will be more than just toys and instead serve as potent conservation tools.

Two conservation scientists have equipped a remote-controlled aircraft with cameras and GPS to gather im-ages of hard-to-reach landscapes for conservation efforts. Lian Pin Koh, an ecologist at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich, and Serge Wich, a biologist at the University of Zurich and research director at international conservation nonprofit PanEco, hope to use their conser-vation drone to assist the mapping of deforestation and to help count endangered species in places with difficult ter-rain, such as parts of Africa and Indonesia. Their work has the potential to enhance conservation projects currently underway at Duke.

“It could be hugely helpful in wildlife conservation work,” Emily Myron, who will earn a master’s degree in environmental management this May, said.

The drone technology offers a cheaper way of obtain-ing better quality data, Stuart Pimm, Doris Duke chair of conservation ecology at the Nicholas School, said. The first drone developed by Koh and Wich cost less than $2,000.

“If you’re trying to figure out how many elephants or lions there are [in Africa], you can’t exactly count them,” Pimm said. “You can try to count them from a helicopter, but the only problem with that is that you don’t have any permanent record of what you saw, and it’s hugely expen-sive.... We’re on the lookout for a really... cheap way of get-ting the data.”

The drones, which are mostly autonomous, can run independently. The drones also may improve upon exist-ing mapping techniques. Myron, who spent last summer

working on conservation efforts for the nonprofit African People and Wildlife Fund, noted that although current geographic information system technology—which gener-ates digital data representations of real landscapes, includ-ing objects like trees or waterways—is a powerful tool, re-searchers sometimes face problems with data quality.

“If you’re working in developing countries, it’s really a crapshoot in terms of the data you can find,” Myron said. “With... Google Earth, you can use a lot of geospatial analy-sis without even leaving your computer. It’s pretty incred-ible what technology allows you to do... but there’s still obviously a lot of value in going to places like Africa and making sure your data is accurate.”

Drones could eliminate this problem of accuracy be-cause they would be capable of obtaining real-time pic-tures, she added, while allowing researchers to see areas that may be otherwise inaccessible.

Although scientists at Duke have not yet worked with the drones, Pimm said it is applicable to some of their research. Pimm also works with the Big Cats Initiative, a National Geographic program that funds action-oriented conservation efforts for cheetahs, leopards, lions, tigers, jaguars and other big cats. National Geographic uses ma-terials that Duke students and researchers produce to help inform decisions for the initiative, said Andrew Jacobson, who coordinates BCI activities at Duke. Jacobson received a master’s of environmental management from the Nicho-las School in 2010.

Jacobson’s current project centers on making maps to show big cat ranges and distributions and understanding pressures on their habitats. Members of BCI also analyze the effectiveness of grantees’ conservation actions, he noted.

“We’re hoping to do a drone this summer and put it out in the field and do a field test for the [BCI],” Jacobson said.

Charles Welch, conservation coordinator for the Duke Lemur Center, also noted that having a constant source of current information would be invaluable to researchers and to locals in a given area. For his work in particular, drone technology could allow researchers to view lemur habitats—or whole forests. But drone technology would not necessarily be useful for all of his conservation efforts, like studying lemur behavior.

“In the area we’re working in, there are some really re-mote parts of it that take days of walking even to get there,” he said. “The most useful thing would be for the Madagas-car National Parks to have use of the drones.... Imagine if they had that kind of technology and the funds to run it, they could really keep an eye on protected [forest] areas.”

Researchers hope to provide drone technology to con-servationists in Africa using a grant from BCI, Pimm not-ed.

In addition to aiding researchers’ work, Pimm sees con-servation drones as having utility for crowdsourcing efforts. Conservation drones can take thousands of photographs, which researchers can stitch together and put online for public viewing.

“You want to get people engaged in counting them—the more eyes the better,” he said. “The idea will be to get people to be sort of virtual park rangers.”



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sends the signal that water is unlimited and has no value, he said. If water costs more, people would be more conservative with their consumption. Revenue could also be used to modernize and support wa-ter systems and protect the environmental sources of water, like aquifers and rivers.

Fishman noted that water is local, which goes against conventions that there is a global water process. This means that if Durham has a water shortage, there is no means of getting water to the community from other cities, he said. Similarly, once a local water problem is solved, other com-munities’ potential mishandling of water will not affect the local source.

Issues such as unemployment make prioritizing water conservation difficult. Fishman said he believes people are tak-ing water for granted.

“It’s a value problem,” senior Kathryn Lowry. who attended the discussion, said. “It’s been so abundant. Reading the book made me realize this is a problem we need to face and do something about.”

Alma Blount, director of the Hart Leadership Program and lecturer in pub-lic policy, invited Fishman to speak in her public policy course titled, “Leadership, Policy and Change.” The course focuses on adaptive leadership—mobilizing peo-ple to confront complex, systemic prob-lems that are pervasive and seemingly un-solvable.

“‘The Big Thirst’ challenges us to change our relationship to water and says we need to rediscover water’s true value,” Blount said. “The core message of the book is hopeful. Many water problems are solvable, but we have to conjure the will, imagination and leadership guts to ad-dress them.”

After the panel visits DKU and discusses the proposal further, they will inform Duke whether or not its application was approved or requires revision, Bynum noted.

As of September, DKU was expected to open to students Spring 2013, but now the campus will not be ready for students until Fall 2013. Additionally, new details regard-ing construction have led administrators to believe that five of the complex’s six build-ings will not be finished until late summer 2013. When asked, administrators did not elaborate on the cause behind the construc-tion delay.

“It’s a big project,” Lange said. “There are lots of pieces to be put in place, and there are lots of decisions to be made, and that has slowed it down.”

Administrators do not need the campus to be open until Fall 2013, Executive Vice Presi-dent Tallman Trask wrote in an email Monday.

The changing timetable may be beneficial for DKU’s academic development. Lange said the extended time period for prepar-ing the campus is not a hindrance but rather provides more time for faculty and adminis-trators to create programs.

The first academic program to begin at DKU is a Master of Management Studies program through the Fuqua School of Busi-ness, where students will spend their first two semesters in Durham and the third in Kun-shan. The first group of students in this pro-gram will arrive in Kunshan Spring 2014.

Other academic programs for the Kunshan campus—including a Master of Science and undergraduate semester abroad programs through the Duke Global Health Institute—are currently being discussed. They will not be able to be approved unless Academic Council approves a resolution to consider additional academic programming for DKU.

DKU from page 1 FISHMAN from page 1

by Philip Rucker and Dan BalzTHE WASHINGTON POST

CHICAGO — On the eve of the hotly contested Illinois primary, each of the leading Republican presidential candi-dates drew inspiration from touchstones of conservatism on Monday and offered himself as the standard-bearer for the right's fight against President Obama.

Mitt Romney traveled to the urban campus where Obama once taught con-stitutional law to lecture the president on the principle of economic freedom, paying homage to the University of Chi-cago's legacy as the intellectual center of free-market economics.

A hundred miles west in Dixon, Rick Santorum tried to channel the spirit and vision of Ronald Reagan during a stop in the former president’s boyhood home-town, hoping to give his insurgent cam-paign a last-minute infusion of energy.

As they journeyed across Illinois, Romney and Santorum each cast himself as the rightful heir to Reagan’s conserva-tive mantle before voters here have their say Tuesday in what has been a tumultu-ous and increasingly caustic nominating contest.

Even as his campaign and its allies pummel Santorum in television adver-tisements here, Romney looked past his chief Republican rival in a speech casti-gating Obama as having “attacked the cornerstone of American prosperity: eco-nomic freedom.” Romney criticized, in particular, what he called overly burden-some regulations and taxes.

“The Obama administration’s assault on our economic freedom is the prin-cipal reason why the recovery has been so tepid—and why it couldn't meet their expectations, let alone ours,” Romney said. “If we don’t change course now, this assault on freedom could damage our economy and the well-being of American families for decades to come.”

Romney framed his hypothetical gener-al-election race vs. Obama as a choice not of party and personality but of principle.

“Our economic freedom will be on the ballot,” he said, “and I intend to offer the American people a clear choice.”

Santorum was working vigorously Monday to deny Romney that opportuni-ty. Campaigning in the northern Illinois town where Reagan grew up, Santorum attacked Romney as a man who will say anything to win the nomination and who lacks the conservative convictions that he said Republican voters should be looking for.

With a statue of Reagan on horseback behind him, Santorum cast himself as the true conservative in the race for the Republican nomination. He urged voters to make their voices heard on behalf of the values Reagan espoused as president and, in doing so, to help prevent Romney from becoming the party’s nominee.

“A lot is at stake (Tuesday),” he said. “The honor of the town that molded this man (Reagan). What will Dixon say? Will they stand up and uphold freedom, uphold the legacy of this great man and what he did to this country?”

Romney, Santorum stake claims in Illinois


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helped them select new suppliers compat-ible with the decision, Peterson noted.

Average-sized battery cages confine hens to a 67 sq.-inch space, too small to stretch their wings, according to the Humane Soci-ety’s website.

The industry standard for pork produc-tion includes the use of gestation crates, said Josh Balk, spokesman for the Humane Soci-ety’s factory farming campaign. These crates hold pregnant pigs in a space only slightly larger than their own bodies, leaving them unable to turn around. In the several states where gestation crates have been on a ballot referendum, citizens have overwhelmingly voted to ban them, he noted.

“They’re in these crates for four years, which is as long as someone would [study as an undergraduate] at Duke,” Balk said. “The pork industry is completely out of step with how consumers feel pigs should be treated when they defend the cruel and inhumane confinement of gestation crates.”

Bon Appetit will immediately cease the purchase of veal and foie gras—made from fattened goose or duck liver—neither of which are served on Duke’s campus, Peter-son added.

Additionally, Bon Appetit committed to purchase 25 percent of its meat and eggs from producers certified as humane by in-dependent animal welfare groups, which will monitor whether farmers allow animals to engage in natural behavior, said Helene York, Bon Appetit’s director of strategic sourcing and research. Bon Appetit will also continue to encourage vegetarian options as part of its ongoing Low Carbon Diet ini-tiative.

In early March, Compass Management, Bon Appetit’s parent company, announced a similar policy that will go into effect in

2017, Peterson noted.“The large national leaders in the meat

industry have been much faster to change in response to pressure from consumers, large buyers like ourselves and the public in the form of ballot initiatives than they have been to changing on their own,” he said.

In 2005, Bon Appetit became the first major food service company to switch the purchase of its shell eggs to cage-free. How-ever, the majority of eggs used in college dining halls are liquid, pre-cracked eggs, Balk said. Under the new policy, all 11 mil-lion liquid eggs purchased annually will also be cage-free.

The idea of taking action on humane treatment of farm animals was originally brought to Bon Appetit in 2005 by an Amer-ican University student, York said. As a result of the student’s efforts, the company com-mitted that year to only purchase cage-free shell eggs, and the company has wanted to expand that cage-free commitment to all its eggs since then, she added.

Spurred by what he learned from the American University student, Bon Appetit CEO Fedele Bauccio served on the Pew Commission on Industrial Farming from 2006 to 2008.

“He was horrified by what he learned about factory farms,” York said.

Since Bon Appetit is a large buyer within the food industry—it purchases 3 million pounds of pork per year—its decision will cause suppliers to either change their pro-duction methods or lose business, York noted.

“I hope that other companies in the food industry will follow suit with Bon Appetit,” said senior Alana Bossen, president of Duke for Animals. “If animals are giving us the ultimate sacrifice of their lives, then at least we can spend a little bit more money on hu-manely raised meat and allow these animals to have a pleasant life while they are alive.”

BON APPETIT from page 3

revised reporting policy.Carroll, also a participant in the Mox-

ie Project, said the research shows that in recent years, no students have reported a sexual assault to the Office of Student Conduct more than a year after the inci-dent. These findings may be one reason why people are not fighting back against the policy changes, she added.

“It is important to note that students are reporting assaults that happened over a year ago to the Women’s Center—the fact that the Office of Student Conduct isn’t hearing these reports obviously doesn’t mean it’s not happening and that women don’t come forward past a year af-ter the assault happens,” Carroll wrote in an email Monday.

Senior Ebonie Simpson, vice president of student life for Duke Student Govern-ment and a gender justice activism intern at the Women’s Center, said she ques-tions the administration’s reasons for the policy changes.

“By decreasing the statute of limita-tions, seemingly [arbitrarily], administra-tors we’ve talked to have not been able to give us real reasons for the change, we are not supporting victims in the ways they deserve to be,” Simpson said. “Instead, we are protecting the perpetrators.”

Simpson acknowledges that although the state of North Carolina does not have a statute of limitations for felonious charges of sexual assault, it may be unre-alistic to implement the same model at a university. She submitted a DSG resolu-tion that urges the administration to al-low victims to report incidents in a time frame that at least accommodates about five years at the University. The resolu-tion, which was approved by DSG with

only one dissenting vote, states that ide-ally there would be no statute of limita-tions at the University.

‘Part of our consciousness’Develle Dish, a feminist campus blog

focusing on gender issues, is holding a sexual assault awareness campaign throughout March.

“It’s not part of our consciousness to think of rape as something that is very psychologically traumatizing and some-thing that takes long term care and to think about what it would take for a survivor to come to a place where he or she can report an assault or to even ac-knowledge the assaulted,” junior Sun-hay You, the editor of Develle Dish and a gender justice intern at the Women’s Center, said.

As a part of the campaign, Develle Dish has been posting firsthand accounts from survivors as well as opinion pieces about topics such as rape culture.

“It was really important for Develle Dish to give voices and faces to the sur-vivors and also just shedding light on the internal trauma that takes over a survivor’s life and what that experience is,” You added. “It’s just another way to get students and administrators in touch with what the reality is.”

Carroll finds the changes to the stat-ute of limitations uncharacteristic of the University’s traditionally strong stance on sexual misconduct, pointing to the pre-ponderance of evidence and the proac-tive staff reporting requirements as ex-amples.

“We were surprised to learn of the change to the statute of limitations be-cause it seems to counter the feeling be-hind other aspects of our sexual miscon-duct policy that are really supportive of victims,” Carroll said.

POLICY from page 1


‘Memorial Madness’ awaits

The Church of Fandom

Duke fans probably knew this day was coming. Most seasons end in losses, not wins.

But the ‘cruelest month’ came earlier than expect-ed, with the Blue Devils only hanging around for one song of the Big Dance.

The tell-tale signs of defeat were everywhere—jerseys strewn on dorm-room floors, empty gazes, angry hashtags and the staggering silence settling

across campus. But how do we justify and ratio-

nalize fanaticism when a team can lose like Duke did Friday, sending an entire campus into distress, de-spair and depression?

Wouldn’t it be easier to have never been a fan in the first place?

I don’t know the answers to these questions, but I can say that I believe in fandom because it’s akin to religion for me. I believe in something greater than myself—I’m not quite sure why—and I know it can be my rock and my redeemer during my lowest lows and highest highs.

I know when moments like Friday’s loss happen, I am not alone in my misery. Nothing compares to the camaraderie that is born from willingly submitting to becoming a part of something that my own will can-not affect.

Would you jump up and down and paint yourself blue if you stood alone in the student section? The com-radeship seals the deal—the Crazies wrap their arms around each other during the alma mater after each game, win or lose.

As much as I cared about the team, carried out my superstitions and yelled at the television screen, when Duke tipped off against Lehigh I had no say in the out-come. But I was similarly powerless when Austin Rivers hit arguably the greatest shot in the Duke-North Caro-lina rivalry Feb. 8, capping a miraculous comeback with a moment we will never forget.

As Jimmy Fallon’s character says in the movie “Fe-ver Pitch”—a film that probably only makes sense to sports fanatics and suckers for romantic comedies—“It’s good for your soul to invest in something that you can’t control.”

Friday night’s clouds of misery form the flood of doubt for why it makes sense to be a fan, but in the dis-tance a rainbow marks the hope that the future holds.

For every awkward silence after this year’s home loss to North Carolina, there was a crushed beer can next to the remnants of a bonfire after last year’s victory.

And the agonies of loss make the spoils of the next victory that much greater.

I have to believe this as a sports fan, rooting for teams that over my lifetime have made a reputation out of being perennial losers. I don’t take pride in this, it’s just a fact. I root for the Mets, Jets and Knicks—teams so messed up that we end up talking more about their off-field issues than their on-field potential.

None of those teams has won a championship in my lifetime, and I’ll consider myself lucky if and when they do. Everything we go through makes our bonds as fans that much closer, because as the tunnel grows longer, the light at the end of it only grows brighter.

When the Red Sox won the World Series in 2004, breaking a drought of 86 years without a title, surely the rare nectar of victory for their fans was sweeter than it is for Yankees supporters who get a taste seem-ingly every other year.

Hardship spawns great moments at Duke, too. The





NASHVILLE, Tenn. — Coming off its 82-47 drub-bing of Samford in the opening round of the NCAA tournament Sunday, Duke will face Vanderbilt in a sec-ond round matchup Tuesday night.

The second-seeded Blue Devils will go up against the seventh-seeded Commodores in the unique confines of Memorial Gymnasium, Vanderbilt’s home court in Nashville, Tenn. Tipoff is scheduled for 9:30 p.m.

“We like to get that Memorial Madness going,” Com-modores’ sophomore center Stephanie Holzer said. “We like to play at home and we’re comfortable here. It gives us a little confidence boost, especially when the game is tight.”

Vanderbilt’s home crowd helped the Commodores overcome 10th-seeded Middle Tennessee Sunday night in their opening-round game, in which they never trailed the Blue Raiders. Sophomore guard Jasmine Lister scored 19 points and dished out five assists, and Holzer went for nine points and 10 boards.

Although she shot just 3-for-14 against Middle Ten-nessee, SEC leading scorer Christina Foggie is the Com-modores most dangerous offensive threat. The sopho-more guard averages 17.5 points per game and shoots over 41 percent from 3-point range.

“They are a high-powered scoring machine,” Duke head coach Joanne P. McCallie said. “What [Foggie] has done, and the kind of year she has had is remark-able when you look at where she was last year to this

year. We cannot stop her, but you try very hard to make things more difficult, so that’s a good place to start.”

The Commodores boast the nation’s sixth-highest shooting percentage at 46.4 percent, while holding their opponents to just 36.8 percent shooting. Foggie and Lister combine to attempt just over 10 3-pointers per game, and they shoot at clips of 41.2 and 34.6 percent, respectively.

Duke’s length on the perimeter proved effective against Samford—limiting the Bulldogs to 7-for-25 shooting from 3-point range—but Vanderbilt will bring a much more bal-anced attack offensively, challenging the Blue Devils’ de-fense both in the paint and from beyond the arc.

“They have all spots filled,” McCallie said. “I’m not sure that they have a weakness—maybe that they don’t go 12 deep, but neither do we. I think they are an ex-cellent team.”

Commodores’ head coach Melanie Balcomb, now in her 10th year in Nashville, seemed more concerned with Duke’s defensive prowess than its weapons on the of-fensive end.

“I am very familiar with it,” Balcomb said of McCallie’s defensive system. “I have coached against it. Now she uses length like Tennessee and LSU did against us this year. She is a very, very good coach defensively.”

Blue Devil freshman Ka’lia Johnson has provided Mc-Callie with a valuable role player to keep her defense fresh in recent weeks, especially in implementing an aggressive and effective full-court press against Samford.


Chelsea Gray will likely be tasked with guarding SEC leading scorer Christina Foggie, who has averaged 17.5 points per game this season.


Blue Devils to play Vandy on Commodores’ home fl oor

SportsThe Chronicle

TUESDAYMarch 20, 2012

>> BLUE ZONE Former Duke women’s basketball head coach Gail Goestenkors resigned from the same post at Texas Monday, citing fatigue as reason for her departure.



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Monday, March 26, 20129:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.—How to Identify and Leverage Your Transferable Skills12:00 p.m. – 1:30 p.m.—Alumni Lunch I – Basic Medical Sciences – Come and network!12:00 p.m. – 1:30 p.m.—Developing an Online Teaching Portfolio4:00 p.m. – 6:30 p.m.—The Art of Networking

Tuesday, March 27, 2012 10:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.—Financial Literacy Workshop – “Creditability: Building a Strong Credit History” 12:00 p.m. – 1:00 p.m.—Alumni Lunch II – Engineering – Come and network!3:00 p.m. – 4:30 p.m.—Theater Delta Performance – Research Ethics

Wednesday, March 28, 20129:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.—Presenting Yourself Successfully (Feedback & Video)10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.—Finding the Right Fit 12:00 p.m. – 1:30 p.m.—Alumni Lunch III – Natural Sciences and Mathematics 1:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.—Presenting Yourself Successfully (Feedback & Video) 2:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m.— Lecture: “Begin with the End in Mind: Planning for a Successful Career in Science” 3:15 p.m. – 4:15 p.m.— Post Doc Panel Discussion—“What to Know Before You Go”5:30 p.m. – 7:00 p.m.—Milestone Recognition Ceremony (for students passing preliminary exams since March 2011)

Thursday, March 29, 20129:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.—Interviewing Skills Workshop10:45 a.m. – 11:45 a.m.—Humanities and Social Sciences – Job Search Workshop1:00 p.m. – 2:30 p.m.—“Is Your Laptop a Pain?” (Ergonomics workshop)1:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.—Improving Communication Skills (Individual sessions)2:00 p.m. – 3:30 p.m.—Resilience & Flourishing in Graduate School4:30 p.m. – 6:30 p.m.—Dean’s Mentoring and Teaching Awards Ceremony and Reception7:00 p.m. – 9:30 p.m.—PHD Movie

Friday, March 30, 20129:30 a.m. – 10:30 a.m.—Financial Aid Workshop12:00 p.m. – 1:30 p.m.—Hurston-James Society Interest Lunch5:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m.—Graduate School “CPR” (Come, Partake, and Rejuvenate) Event

**Raffl e tickets for prizes available at each event. Awards to be announced 04/09/2012

Graduate Student Appreciation Week! March 26-March 30, 2012

Special Discounts All Week! Duke Stores and Gothic Bookstore, 20% off (some exclusions apply), just display your Duke ID at register before you purchase items.

The National Association of Graduate-Professional Students (NAGPS) sponsors a nationally recognized student appreciation week each spring. As part of this effort to acknowledge the invaluable contributions made by Duke graduate students to this institution, the Graduate School has organized a week of activities. The goal for this week is to show appreciation by giving students access to tools for

professional and personal development and opportunities for social interaction.

Don’t forget to register to participate in some of these great events:


lore of the 2010 national championship begins with that team’s seniors getting bounced from the opening round of the tournament as freshmen in 2007.

The Class of 2012 has never experienced an AP poll in which Duke was not in the top 10. The hallmark of Blue Devil basketball is its success, but crushing losses teach us that winning should not be an expectation or a privilege, but something special.

We must treasure the few moments that make it all worth it, because they are the dividends of our suffering.

The glory of the 2010 national championship. The eupho-ria of the 2011 comeback in Cameron over the Tar Heels. The pride in Coach K’s 903rd win. And Rivers’ shot heard ’round the Triangle.

And as I have to sit around for the next half year with-out any Duke basketball to watch, I thought it was impor-tant to remind myself why I’m a fan.

I don’t necessarily believe it’s always darkest before dawn, but I believe that the darker it gets, the brighter dawn will feel. And that’s how I can get through times like these: It can feel awfully stupid to care so much about something so heart-breaking, but let’s learn from yesterday and hope for tomorrow.

BEATON from page 7

With ACC rookie of the year Elizabeth Williams suf-fering from a stress fracture in her right leg and poten-tially seeing less playing time than usual, Johnson and others on McCallie’s bench will have to step up and provide minutes to sustain the aggressiveness of Duke’s defense. Senior Kathleen Scheer and junior Allison Vernerey spelled Williams effectively against the Bull-dogs and will most likely see extended minutes against the Commodores as well.

Although McCallie touted Vanderbilt—especially its offensive capabilities—in Monday’s press conference, she stayed positive about the challenge of playing as a No. 2 seed on the road.

“Nothing is fair in love and war,” McCallie said. “I’m really not concerned where we play, or when we play, but just that we play and play some great basketball.”


With Elizabeth Williams limited with a leg injury, third team All-ACC forward Haley Peters will have to shoulder an increased load.

W. BASKETBALL from page 7

Check out our sports blog, the Blue Zone, online at


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When the fi rst words from the opposite end of a telephone call are “Don’t panic, but … ” the instinctive and unconscious reac-

tion we have as human beings is to do just that.

It’s hard to imagine life with-out your greatest passions. Your most thought-provoking and time-consuming activities or hobbies, taken from you in a single mo-ment. What do you do? How do you react?

On a humid day in early Septem-ber, I received a phone call notifying me that one of my closest friends was going to have to fi nd out what life would be without her passion. As a Division-I athlete, her mind, body and soul were essentially sold to her sport. Years of recruitment, hundreds upon hun-dreds of dollars spent on clubs and camps, all to garner a personalized team room locker, a jersey on her back and the ability to identify herself as a member of the Division-I elite.

This title was unquestionably an arduous one to earn. After we graduated high school, her athletic career seemed to fi zzle out—her weeks were no longer planned around sport related travel, her days were no longer sectioned off by practice. She enrolled in a prestigious uni-versity in which her sport was no longer a pri-ority, or a piece of the proverbial puzzle of life at all. She developed a large group of friends, and thoroughly enjoyed her fi rst year of college. She didn’t realize what was missing from her life until it came knocking on her door—an open spot on the squad at her university. This was her gateway back into the passion that she had so fervently, both painstakingly and passionately, developed for so many years.

Sept. 4 was a monumental day—the fi rst day she’d ever hear her name announced boisterously over a loudspeaker, echoing off the metal bleach-ers of a collegiate stadium. It was also her fi rst ca-reer loss, but the feeling of losing was something to be embraced, a feeling of competitive pain that she had never expected to feel again.

The night of Sept. 4, however, she awoke in an ambulance after fl ipping her Chevy Blazer six times on an interstate highway. A medical crew spent 12 minutes extracting her immobilized and helpless body through the back of her vehicle with the jaws of life. She dislocated two vertebrae and wedge-fractured two more. The bones in her back, once cylindrical, were now shaped like function-ing doorstops. A litany of tests led to a surgery to fuse her T10 vertebrae to the L1, thereby straight-ening her spine with two titanium rods and eight

screws. She fulfi lled her greatest passion and had it stripped from her in the span of a single day.

Adapting to college takes a lot of things away from us. Emotionally, we’re put in an unfamiliar environment and left to fend for ourselves. We’re stripped of nearly all the traditional comforts of home, and we’re faced with innumerable emotional and physical stresses. In theory, college is a time to uncover our passions and ignite our psyches, but, by and large, it is a period during which time transpires faster than we can bear to let go of our past.

Try to remember yourself in high school, beyond your most unfl attering yearbook photo-graphs. Perhaps you had braces or a terrible case of acne. Maybe you wore glasses or accidentally blinked in your picture. The younger, dumber versions of ourselves were probably a lot cooler than our present-day version. Perhaps we were less intelligent, as we slouched in wooden desks for nine periods a day; perhaps we were less ca-pable of networking or narrating or negotiating. Regardless, those more youthful versions of our-selves were probably less prone to settle for less than the best. If you’ve let the fi re of your old passions die out, rekindle it.

A mere six months after the accident, my friend was cleared last week to return to the fi eld. She has refused to live life without her great-est passion. On her left leg, she has a tattooed excerpt of William Ernest Hensley’s “Invictus,” which she had inked in the 11th grade after the loss of her father. The tattoo unintentionally foreshadowed her own transformation into In-victus. Six months ago, she started by sitting up at a 30-degree angle, and last week she enjoyed the fruit of her perseverance as she returned to the locker room. Her soul is unconquerable. She has not winced and would be the last to cry aloud. Her head is bloody, but unbowed. She is the master of her fate, the captain of her soul. She is the Invictus.

It is astounding how a single moment or event can change your perception of life in general. A single moment can threaten to take away your pas-sions, but only if you let it. Take risks and be all but complacent. Don’t accept life without what you desire, and make the imperfect circumstances be-come the idyllic, even when faced with crippling adversity. Do not settle. Be an Invictus.

Ashley Camano is a Trinity sophomore. Her column runs every other Tuesday. Follow Ashley on Twitter @camano4chron

commentaries10 | TUESDAY, MARCH 20, 2012 THE CHRONICLE

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For the love of the game

Culture shock

”“ onlinecomment

I sincerely hope there were some witnesses to this damage.

—“DUl0r4x” commenting on the story “Vandalism reported in Duke Gardens.” See more at


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ashley camanogoing camando

Sometimes it takes a bold statement to make people re-alize a change is needed.

The New York Times pub-lished a controversial op-ed March 14 titled “Why I am Leaving Gold-man Sachs.” The piece brought concerns about the ethics of the fi nancial services industry back into the public sphere. The piece—written as a public letter of resigna-tion by Greg Smith, former executive director and head of Goldman’s United States equity derivatives business in Europe, the Middle East and Africa—highlighted frustra-tions with the internal shift in culture that had occurred over the employee’s 12-year career at the fi rm. In frank and powerful language, the

author described his frustra-tion and regret that a com-pany he once passionately worked for had reduced itself to snatching at profi ts instead of building value for clients.

In the past, we have argued that fi nancial

services jobs, compared to other careers, are unlikely to provide students with a reliable means to generate social value and that these same jobs may only be fulfi ll-ing for a very slim margin of students. But Smith raises an independent concern—that fi rm culture can frustrate a well-intentioned employee’s aim of building value or seeking personal fulfi llment. Smith’s column is not an em-pirical assessment of fi rm cul-ture in the fi nancial services

industry, or even at Goldman Sachs. But it raises an obvious concern that extends beyond the fi nancial industry.

The concern is this: On the ground realities of the places we fi nd ourselves work-ing can frustrate the very reasons we decided to work there. To put some fl esh on it: We may join a fi nancial ser-vices fi rm because we believe coordinating resources in the economy is very important or join the government because we believe crafting regulatory policy is crucial to the func-tioning of a democratic soci-ety. But greedy fi rm culture may prevent us from realizing value for our clients; lackadai-sical government culture can prevent us from making a real difference. These factors tend not to fi gure into our broad

ethical reasoning, but they are often the factors on which our ethical success turns.

College students face the same concerns Smith raises every summer, when we ap-ply for internships and after graduation, when we look to build careers. We take for granted that college stu-dents, and people gener-ally, have moral obligations to pursue ethical careers, at least insofar as they have the opportunity to do so. Given the concerns Smith raises, we suggest a natural corol-lary to this obligation—that we have signifi cant duties to understand the fi rm culture of the specifi c places we want to work, independent of the supposed social function of general industries. This puts us in a sort of double-bind:

Naïvely jumping into a fi rm makes us ethically culpable, but so does ignoring facts about what we will actually be able to achieve there. The only way out is due dili-gence.

Opportunities for ethical careers are not unlimited: We do not think culpability ex-tends to cases where students simply cannot get the job offer, or when they need to pursue fi nancial gain to support their families, for example. Some students will enter careers they do not endorse and take the opportunity to build skills and credibility, and it may be rea-sonable to accept it in the ethi-cal short term if the long-term effects can justify it. What Smith teaches us is that these ethical considerations are more com-plex than we often realize.

commentariesTHE CHRONICLE TUESDAY, MARCH 20, 2012 | 11

I don’t know about you, but I prefer to see in color. When I say color, I mean color in the sense of diversity—ethnic,

racial and cultural. I believe that diversity is a relevant and essential trait in an educational setting, which is why I am worried about the ar-gument for a “color-blind” admissions process that has re-emerged during a recent case on affi rmative action policy in education. We cannot afford to be a color-neutral society until disparities in education and employment cease to be defi ned and accentuated by race.

In Fisher v. University of Texas, Abi-gail Fisher, a white student from Loui-siana State University, held that she was denied admission from the University of Texas because of her race. The case involves a policy called the “Top Ten Percent Plan” that admits pub-lic school students in the top 10 percent of their graduating classes into the state university system, a policy that has seen a remarkable rise in the numbers of black and Hispanic minority students. Fisher, who did not graduate in the top 10 percent of her class, claims that additional racial considerations unfairly denied her admission.

The case recalls the 2003 case of Grutter v. Bollinger, during which the Court affi rmed the use of race as a compelling state in-terest in the admissions policy at the University of Michigan Law School. What’s interesting about the case is a much-recalled state-ment by former Justice Sandra Day O’Connor that the use of prefer-ences will no longer be necessary in 25 years.

We may have several years to go before reaching our deadline for racial integration in education, but eliminating the affi rmative action policy now would only serve to dismantle the efforts to over-come a key obstacle in the path toward increasing racial diversity and equal opportunity in education: removing the institutional bar-riers to racial mobility.

One of the strongest arguments against affi rmative action—that it causes the “reverse discrimination” of whites, and in certain cases, Asian-Americans—mistakes a lack of preferential treatment for a de-nial of constitutional rights. The purpose of such programs, however, is not to discriminate against majority racial groups but to provide preference for minority groups of similar merit. These programs do not, and should not, deny opportunities on the basis of race. In-stead, they use race as an additional consideration in the application process, with the ultimate goal of increasing diversity and providing opportunities to those from underrepresented populations.

If diversity and access to education are accepted as values on par with academic standing in an admissions decision, then universities have a right to use these factors when admitting students. On these grounds, preference is not a denial of equal protection granted in the 14th Amendment, as Fisher attempts to claim in her case.

Even so, it can be argued that giving preference to students of minority groups becomes harmful when it devolves into a policy of racial balancing, where quotas are given for certain groups and students are picked solely on these grounds in order to uphold an institutional defi nition of what diversity means. By strictly adhering to these quotas, universities could sacrifi ce academic standards in order to fulfi ll racial quotas in the application process.

There’s also the question of whether affi rmative action is actually an effective means of ensuring that minority groups from low-income neighborhoods are given opportunities to receive higher education. Policies driven toward giving preference to socioeconomically dis-advantaged groups, rather than certain racial minorities, have been proposed as an alternative to affi rmative action programs. Whether or not this policy would be a preferred alternative to affi rmative ac-tion, however, should still be the decision of the university—the ef-fectiveness of affi rmative action is a question of university policy and is not a constitutional issue.

As someone who went to an ethnically diverse high school in Mi-ami, Fla., I highly value the infl ux of different cultural and racial perspectives on education. At Duke, there isn’t necessarily a lack of diversity in the student body, but there does seem to be a lacking acceptance of and desire to socially interact with those outside of one’s racial or ethnic group. And although policies like affi rmative action will not necessarily redirect our social preferences, they can help create a setting conducive to greater openness and tolerance for those of different backgrounds.

Nothing can reverse or erase the centuries of racist policies that have stifl ed attempts at racial equality in this country. But efforts can be made to ensure that minority groups, through increased educa-tional and leadership opportunities, do not face such discrimination moving forward.

The road to achieving equal access to education will not be in easy one. But we shouldn’t have to wait until 2028 to fi nish the jour-ney that began in 1964.

Sony Rao is a Trinity junior. Her column runs every other Tuesday. Fol-low Sony on Twitter @sony_rao

Remembering color

lettertotheeditorI was incredibly saddened to read about the re-

cent vandalism at the Sarah P. Duke Gardens. As an alumna and annual donor to the gardens, I consid-er them as a part of “home” at Duke—an indelible part of the Duke experience that everyone shares and enjoys in different ways. Although no suspects have been identifi ed, I couldn’t help but wonder if angry students or fans had taken out their anger on the gardens after our loss to Lehigh.

I hope this is not the case. Last Friday was dis-appointing, but also a normal part of loving Duke in an era of extremely competitive college bas-ketball. But Duke is about more than basketball wins. The buildings you study and sleep in and the people you work and live with become part of your DNA. Destroying something communal because you’re angry disintegrates what makes Duke special. Win or lose, the campus is every-one’s home—not the place to lay blame when we come up short.

I spent the summer of 2004 in Durham, and one

evening friends and I heard over the radio (yes, we listened to radio way back then) that Coach K was weighing an offer from the Lakers. Half-kidding, I suggested we hold a candlelight vigil to change his mind. The idea spread, and that evening dozens arrived at Cameron painted head-to-toe in hopes that we could convince Coach K to stay. Whether or not he even knew we were there is irrelevant. We took something that seemed like an inevitable loss and created a positive demonstration of how great the Duke family is. We did not descend upon the gardens with torches.

Duke is a place where you have four years of encouragement, intellectual freedom and student government funding to make your dreams run wild. Don’t forget how rare and precious a place it is. Celebrate the wins, and take the losses in stride.


Elizabeth Dixon, Trinity ’05

This weekend saw the culmination of Duke Students for Humane Borders’ Immigration Awareness Week with an inspiring speech

delivered by Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist and undocumented immi-grant, Jose Antonio Vargas.

“Together, undocumented im-migrants like me and the citizens who aid us are increasingly telling the truth about our broken system,” writes Vargas on his website.

The weekend also marked the signing into law of Mississippi’s anti-immigrant bill, HB 488.

The law requires police offi cers to check the immigration status of those arrested and prohibits those without proof of documentation from starting businesses or “having transactions” with the state for services.

This bill is only one of a growing number of laws written in the vein of Arizona’s SB 1070, which, in the summer of 2010, simultaneously garnered national outrage and approval. Copycat laws have appeared in several states, including Louisiana, Georgia and South Carolina. In fact, according to Vargas in his speech to students, 162 anti-immi-grant bills have been introduced across the U.S. in just the past two years.

Last year, the state of Alabama passed the harsh-est of these “reform laws” thus far. It stripped those without papers of most rights, including the rights to enroll in public colleges, solicit work, rent prop-erty and access any public services—including wa-ter services. Administrators in K-12 schools were re-quired to track the immigration status of children at their schools. The children, some as young as four or fi ve, were required by law to present their birth certifi cates at school. Because of this, on the fi rst day of classes last year, towns like Foley, Ala. saw high numbers of withdrawals and absences of Latino students from school. At Foley Elemen-tary, 19 Latino children withdrew, 39 were absent and those who did appear were crying and afraid. Although some of the provisions of this bill have been blocked by the U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, the law still stands.

Ironically, any measure of “success” lawmakers hoped to see was overshadowed when thousands of immigrants fl ed Alabama, resulting in the sub-sequent blow to local agriculture and other busi-nesses. Without farm workers to tend to the fi elds, millions of dollars in crops were lost and left to rot.

Of course, the aspect of these laws —and of Ari-zona’s law in particular—that has elicited the most outcry is the requirement that offi cers check a per-son’s status if there is “reasonable suspicion” that he or she is undocumented.

Reasonable suspicion can stem from any char-acteristic, from the color of a person’s skin to the hint of an accent. The term is indicative of a vague-ly worded law and provides nebulous guidelines

for police offi cers. Local offi cers do not have the training or knowledge to act as pseudo immigra-tion enforcement.

In a debate, presidential can-didate-hopeful, Mitt Romney, de-scribed the Arizona law as a “model” for formulating immigration policy. Yet, that is just what we don’t need at this time: a continuation of the controversy, fear and alienation that these laws incite. Those immigrants who escaped Arizona and Alabama were fl eeing—there is no other word for it—persecution.

This environment of fear lives close to home, too. Here in Durham, Section 287(g) of The Immigration and Nationality Act enables local

police offi cers to enforce immigration law. Even now, they must check the status of those detained. Like the anti-immigrant laws, this agreement can encourage racial profi ling. Though the law is os-tensibly for catching “dangerous felons” it is often more likely to cause the deportation of DREAM Act-eligible youth and others for petty crimes such as broken headlights or driving without a license.

According to community members, just this past week, many immigrant workers feared to even drive their children to school because of a series of police checkpoints that had been set up across Durham. Their fear might seem unjustifi ed if not for the fact that checkpoints are more regularly seen in predominantly Latino communities, out-side churches that have services in Spanish and even outside stores like Food Lion.

This isn’t an Arizona issue, and it is not “just” a border issue. This is a Durham issue, and this is a national issue.

This is an issue that concerns every person on our campus. “Not just undocumented people need to come out,” Vargas said in his talk to Duke stu-dents. “The people who support us need to come out, [too].” As voters and student advocates, we can take certain actions, however small, to speak out against these ill-conceived attempts at immi-gration reform.

Your own state could be among those trying to pass similar legislation. There are several steps you can take back home. You can contact your local DREAM Team, call your state and local represen-tatives, make calls to release DREAM Act-eligible youth arrested for civil disobedience or post a de-scription of the law outside your dorm room.

And please, reach out to us at if you’re ready to speak out.

Shaoli Chaudhuri is a Trinity senior and the co-pres-ident of Duke Students for Humane Borders. This col-umn is the ninth installment in a semester-long series of weekly columns written by dPS members addressing civic service and engagement at Duke. Follow dPS on Twitter @dukePS

Papers, please

Duke Partnership for Service

think globally, act locally sony rao

that’s what she said


This message is brought to you by the Center for Documentary Studies, Duke Chapel Music, Duke Dance Program, Duke Performances, Duke Music Department, Nasher Museum of Art at Duke University, Department of Theater Studies, and William R. Perkins Library with support from Office of the Vice Provost for the Arts.

ExhibitionsI Recall the Experience Sweet and Sad: Memories of the Civil War. Thru April 8. Perkins Library Gallery. Free.

Alexander Calder and Contemporary Art: Form, Balance, Joy. Thru June 17. Nasher Museum.

The Puerto Rican Diaspora: Photographs by Frank Espada. Thru July 8. Rubenstein Library Photography Gallery. Free.

Events Mar 20 - Mar 26March 20Book Signing and Panel Discussion. Laura Browder will sign copies of her book When Janey Comes Marching Home: Portraits of Women Combat Veterans, and participate in a panel discussion with visiting scholar Sharon Raynor—at Duke studying oral histories—and Beth Ann Koelsch, curator of the Women Veterans Historical Project at UNC-G. 6–9pm. Center for Documentary Studies. Free.

The King of Madison Avenue. Ken Roman, former CEO of Ogilvy & Mather, discusses his new book about the making of modern advertising. 5pm. Rubenstein Library, Gothic Reading Room. Free.

March 21Roscoe Holcomb: From Daisy, Kentucky. Screening of documentary about Kentucky coal miner and banjo player Roscoe Hol-comb, by director John Cohen. 7pm. Center for Documentary Studies. Free.

March 23The Mary Play from the N-Town Cycle. A reading translated from Middle English. Mandy Lowell, dir (Sr. Distinction Project). 8pm. East Duke 209. Free. This show will also take place on March 24 and March 25 at 8pm.

March 24Chamber Music Master Class. With the Borromeo String Quartet, featuring Stephen Jaffe’s String Quartet No. 2 (“Aeolian and Sylvan Figures”). 12pm. Nelson Music Rm. Free.

Berlioz Requiem. Duke Chapel Choir, Duke Chorale, and Choral Society of Durham join together to present Hector Berlioz’s massive Requiem. 8pm. Duke University Chapel. $20, general; Students, free.

March 25Alice Fest. A showcase of work by lo-cal women filmmakers cosponsored by the Southern Documentary Fund. Due to limited seating, RSVP required; e-mail 2–5pm. Center for Documentary Studies. Free.

Screen SocietyAll events are free and open to the general public. Unless otherwise noted, screenings are at 7pm in the Griffith Film Theater, Bryan Center. (N) = Nash-er Museum Auditorium. (SW) =Smith Warehouse - Bay 4,C105. (W) = Richard White Auditorium.

3/20 CHAN IS MISSING (Wayne Wang, USA, 1982) (8pm, W)Cine-East: East Asian Cinema

3/21 WAVES OF REVOLUTION (India, 1974) + RAAM KE NAAM (In the Name of God) (India, 1992) (7:30pm)AMES Presents: Reel Revolutions. Discus-sion to follow w/ Prof. Satti Khanna (AMES).

3/26 SKETCHES OF KAITAN CITY (Japan, 2010) Cine-East: East Asian Cinema

Saturday, March 2412-5PM

West Campus Main Quad

FREE ADMISSIONMore information contact

DJ’s Freestyle Dance LifeMoonlight Dance CrewNCSU CloggersBboy BattleSwing DanceLaasya

Mighty Arms of Atlas

KamikazeStop Motion CrewMomentumSabrosuraDCDDhoom Rince DiabhalDuke Dance ProgramDuke Ballroom Team


Dance groups from Duke, UNC-Chapel Hill and North Carolina State University

Break Dancing and Salsa Graffiti Art Workshops Live Music!

Duke Moves has received support from the Office of the Vice Provost for the Arts and Duke Student Government.