Many Benefits of Avocado

Post on 18-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Many Benefits of Avocado

Avocado’s have long been a cause for question amongst dieters.

The nutritional information of an avocado may scare a few people off – especially those concerned about heart disease risk and blood sugar.

However, it has been shown through numerous studies that avocado is in fact a heart healthy food.

Research has shown that a diet including avocado reduces the risk of heart disease, regulates blood sugar levels and provides a number of other health benefits.

The fats found in avocado are monosaturated fats that are known to reduce artery clogging LDL cholesterol (bad cholesterol) and raise heart healthy HDL cholesterol (good cholesterol).

Avocado also helps to keep blood sugar levels regular and help limit insulin spikes when consumed with high-sugar foods.

Another way that avocados can reduce heart disease risk is through its soluble fiber content. Soluble fiber works to improve glucose levels and clean out arteries, too.

In addition, recent studies conducted by Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore showed that avocado is a heart-healthy food. It was shown to help reduce heart disease risk as well as control blood sugar in a sample group of 164 people.

As far as heart healthy foods go, avocado is near the top of the list. It’s make-up of important fats, vitamins and minerals have been shown to promote a healthy heart, regulate blood sugar and reduce heart disease risk. Don’t let the numbers scare you away – the calories found in an avocado are heart healthy!

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