Manifesto Of A Digital Nomad

Post on 15-Jan-2015

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I created this manifesto to lead a movement: to become better freelancers and online businesses for a better world wide web. You can also view my blog to know more.

Transcript of Manifesto Of A Digital Nomad

Manifesto Of A Digital Nomad

By Joy Bautista-Collado


What is a Digital Nomad?


A Digital Nomad is someone who…

• Relies on internet and some portable gadgets to perform his or her work.

• Can work in different places, so travel is very favorable.

But it doesn’t mean that all Digital Nomads are travelers.

Being a Digital Nomad means you have the freedom to choose where you work..

and freedom over how to spend your time.

But…The internet is swarming with trolls…

Now is the time to act and change the face of the web.


Rally our forces to become the new generation of Digital Nomads.

The Purpose of this Manifesto

To reach out to my peers to build a better web, and a better world.

As A New Generation Digital Nomad, I promise…

To live freely, without the dictates of the norm.

To break the rules, but only when the rules do not serve the good.

To offer my services in an effort to make a difference in this world.

To build lasting and real friendships online and offline.

To be just and fair in all my dealings.

To give my best in everything I do.

To offer genuine care to my clients and readers

To be happy with others’ successes

And to cheer them along the way.

To lift up the spirit of those who try and fail,

And to offer a helping hand to those in need

To laugh, to cry, to fail and to try and try again.

To make the web and the world a better place for thinkers and dreamers.

To stay away from my computer from time to time.

To spend time with my family and friends.

Because my relationships are more important than money and prestige.

To do everything I do with passion, or not do it at all.

To earn what I deserve so I can give justice to my art, and to the artist that I am.

To give more value than the value of money I receive.

To be grateful in everything.

To be joyful…

And to always see the good.

To keep on dreaming.

And to encourage others to do the same.

To appreciate life, and to give glory to my Creator through my works.

What Now?

Are you ready to take the challenge?

Are you willing to be the next generation of Digital Nomads?

I hope you are, the world wide web needs you.

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About the Author

My name is Joy Bautista-Collado, freelance blogger and writer, founder of When I’m not writing for clients, you’ll find me writing stories, writing for my blog, reading, or craving for pasta and ice cream, or wasting my time on social media. So connect with me on:

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