Manifesting StewardHeirShip of Soda Springs Ranch€¦ · Resource Centers will provide training...

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Transcript of Manifesting StewardHeirShip of Soda Springs Ranch€¦ · Resource Centers will provide training...

Manifesting StewardHeirShip of Soda Springs Ranch

An Invitation to Help Discern the “Divine Design”

The ranch includes a 5,000 Sq. Ft Lodge with 11 bedrooms, commercial kitchen, 4 houses, barn, stables, pastures, pond, stream, springs, etc.

Here is a Short Video of the Property

If the video doesn’t play, click on the link below to go to YouTube

What Does “Divine Design” Mean?

Over the past few years, we have discovered that if we tune into Spirit, Inner Guidance, the Creative Force or Source Energy, whatever one calls the Infinite Power, the “Divine Design” inherent in anything, including a property, will reveal itself rather than our having to DO anything other than BE STILL, LISTEN, LET GO AND LET SPIRIT and take only appropriate ACT/I/ON. “The great Truth is that there is a divine plan for your life, and that divine plan is the sublime plan. It includes health, happiness, abundance, and perfect self-expression. As you begin to dwell upon the divine plan, you will attract to yourself the ideas, opportunities, events, and people that are meant to be part of your life.” – Catherine Ponder, Open Your Mind to Prosperity

Given the social, economic and environmental crises we face, what attitudes

and skills can help us discover and apply more positive, creative, and sustainable

approaches and strategies?

Perhaps the Ultimate Question These Days Is:

Awakening to our spiritual identity Realizing more of our inherent potential Harnessing our creative mind power Flowing our energy to solutions rather than problems Remembering who we really are and why we are here Fulfilling our life purpose and mission Making a difference and leaving a legacy Loving, serving, and blessing others Maintaining a positive mental attitude Applying creative thinking and problem solving Manifesting “StewardHeirShip” over the rich talents and treasures entrusted to us by God/Spirit/Source/Creator

We Believe the Answers to the Question Are Also “Successful Living Skills for the 21st Century”

The New Paradigm for StewardHeirShip

We use the acronym S.P.I.R.I.T. for Stewardship, Purpose, Integrity, Responsibility, Inspiration and Transformation.

What Does the Word “StewardHeirShip” Entail?

Service Stewardship Sustainability S.P.I.R.I.T.

We suggest that StewardHeirShip™ encompasses:

“The significant problems we have cannot be solved at the same level

of thinking (consciousness) with which we created them”

-- Albert Einstein

StewardHeirShip Will Help Shift Consciousness

Acquiring the Ranch as a Limited Liability Company

Encompassing Community Economic Development

Establishing a Benefit Corporation to Acquire and Operate It

Acquiring at Least the Land as a Community Land Trust

Inviting Participation in Creating an Intentional Community

Developing It As a Center for Conscious Sustainable Living

Combining Any or All of the Options Listed Above

We Are Exploring Several Possible Ways To Collaborate in Helping Fulfill the “Divine Design”

An intentional community is a planned residential community designed from the start to have a high degree of social cohesion and teamwork. The members typically hold a common social, political, religious, or spiritual vision and often follow an alterna-tive life-style. They typically share resources and responsibilities. The purposes of intentional communities vary in different communities. They may include sharing resources, creating family-oriented neighborhoods and living ecologically sustainable lifestyles.

Intentional Communities

Fellowship for Intentional Communities

A community land trust is a nonprofit corporation that develops and stewards affordable housing, community gardens, civic buildings, commercial spaces and other community assets on behalf of a community. “CLTs” balance the needs of individuals to access land and maintain security of tenure with a community’s need to maintain affordability, economic diversity and local access to essential services. The community land trust is an equitable and sustainable model of affordable housing and community development that has slowly spread throughout the United States, Canada, and the United Kingdom during the past 40 years.

Community Land Trusts

"Sustainability can be basically defined as “that which does not take more than it gives.” It can be more specifically defined as, “Any culture, lifestyle, or practice that creates peace, invites and nurtures the full development of each human while producing food, clothing, shelter, goods, and services in ways that create abundance and health for all living things into infinity.”

The 7 Fs of Conscious Sustainable Living:

Food Production and Distribution; Fuel Self-Sufficiency; Family/Home/Community; Financial Stewardship; Full Realization of Human Potential; Future Orientation; 7th Generation and Fully Enlightened Consciousness

Center for Conscious Sustainable Living

Community Economic Development (CED) consists of three main principles: Self-Help; Empowerment; and Capacity Building.

CED strategies include issues such as:

Community Economic Development

Local ownership of economic resources; Maximizing citizen participation; and Building the capacity of people to participate in and manage the development process.

Benefit Corporations are a new class

of cause-oriented corporation that create a material positive impact on society and environment

23 States have passed legislation:

Hawaii, Maryland, New York, Vermont, Virginia, New Jersey, California, Louisiana, Illinois, South Carolina, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, Arkansas, Arizona, Colorado, Oregon, Delaware, West Virginia, Rhode Island, Nebraska Nevada, Utah and Washington DC

Certified B Corps are a new type of corporation which uses the power of business to solve social and environmental problems

B Corporations are a diverse community with one unifying goal: to redefine success in business

There are over 1,000 Certified B Corporations across 60 different industries.

Benefit Corporations and B Corps Are Designed to Help Foster StewardHeirShip

We’re combining the Principles and Practices of Community Economic Development (CED) with the new Benefit Corporation model and the Crowd Funding provisions of the JOBS Act to help foster innovation, collaboration, job creation, enlightened entrepreneurship, and sustainable communities.

The JOBS Act creates Crowd Funding opportunities, eases IPO rules, and will let businesses advertise and raise up to a million dollars a year of equity capital from non-accredited investors. It also allows up to 2,000 non-accredited investors to invest in these companies based upon a percentage of their income.

Crowdfunding and Forthcoming Equity Crowdfunding Through the JOBS Act

Betterment for 100% of Humanity Is Now Possible

“For the first time in history it is now possible to take care of everybody at a higher standard of living than

any have ever known. All humanity now has the option to become enduringly successful.”

-- R. Buckminster Fuller

The Buckminster Fuller Institute

Initial Project Sponsors

Community Economic Development Resource Center, Inc. Universal Stewardheirship, Inc. University for Successful Living CENTER SPACE (Center for Spiritual, Personal And Community Empowerment/Enlightenment) Shall We Add You and Your Organization Here?

CED Resource Center

Universal StewardHeirShip

University for Successful Living


Our Ultimate Shared Goals Are To Help:

(1) Individuals, organizations and communities actualize more of their potential to solve social, economic and environmental challenges.

(2) Manifest Bucky Fuller’s vision of betterment for 100% of humanity.

(3) Fulfill the ultimate destiny of the USA that Benjamin Franklin said is not power but light (enlightenment).

(4) Demonstrate the benefits of applying StewardHeirShip principles and practices in all areas of life.

In addition to providing training on Benefit Corporations, Crowd

Funding and Community Economic Development, our network of CED

Resource Centers will provide training programs from Ultimate

Destiny Hall of Fame Award recipients and other experts on:

Successful Living Skills, Enlightened Entrepreneurship,

Social Entrepreneurship, StewardHeirShip and


Sharing Successful Living Skills for 21st Century

Invitation to Help Envision the Divine Design

Cocreative Visioning for StewardHeirShip

From a StewardHeirShip perspective, how would we refine the question?

What are some of the ultimate possible ways that the property could foster higher levels of conscious sustainable living AND

benefit the greatest possible number of individuals, the larger community and our planet?

Please take a few minutes to answer that question on the visioning sheet.

The first step in our visioning process is usually oriented to something we want such as: List 10 positive things you would

like to see happen and help bring forth within the next __ years?

Spiritually Centered Cocreative Visioning

I propose that we might contemplate and share insights we receive as we turn within for answers to questions such as:

What is Spirit’s Vision for Soda Springs Ranch?

What do I/we have to be or become to allow Spirit’s vision to manifest?

What do I/we need to let go of to allow Spirit’s vision to manifest?

What is the Gift of Spirit that I personally bring?

Is there anything else I/we could know or receive from Infinite Wisdom?

Then after each individual shares the insights, images and ideas they receive in response to the questions, we will collectively consider the final question:

“Given this wisdom and inner guidance, what are the next steps we need to take to facilitate Spirit’s vision for Soda Springs Ranch

coming forth in, through and as us?”

Mind/Heart Storming for StewardHeirShip


I seek Wisdom and Inner Guidance on possible ways that I/we may help manifest “StewardHeirShip” of Soda Springs Ranch including how to most appropriately acquire the property, maintain it and operate programs and services there that bless residents, visitors, the larger community and our planet:

List 20 possible answers.

Then review them and list possible priority Action Steps.

Please take a few minutes to complete the Mind/Heart Storming exercise.

The Three Round Method of Brainstorming

The Three Round Method of Brainstorming is an exceptionally powerful and effective approach to problem solving and creative thinking. The process empowers a group of individuals to actively participate in a co-creative process that encourages everyone to contribute their best thinking on whatever problem or issue the group is attempting to resolve. It enables the group to discover their shared concerns and perspectives, it encourages positive thinking and generates a sense of community. STEPS IN THE THREE ROUND METHOD OF BRAINSTORMING:

Review the Rules of Creativity in Brainstorming: (1) Seek the greatest possible quantity of ideas (the most important rule) (2) Defer judgment (until the time set aside for evaluating ideas) (3) Freewheel (be as creative, innovative and "far out" as possible) (4) Hitchhike (to generate more ideas, modify or combine other ideas)

Possibility Thinking by Robert Schuller

If you need 7 million dollars, the possibilities are:

1 person (or Foundation) for $7 million

7 people for $1 million each

70 people for $100,000

700 people for $10,000

So What Are Our Next Steps in Manifesting StewardHeirShip of Soda Springs Ranch?

We Plan to Develop Publications That Introduce StewardHeirShip and Promote Collaboration

We Plan to Produce Empowering Programs that Foster StewardHeirShip in Every Area of Life

"Inherently, each one of us has the substance within to achieve whatever our goals and

dreams define. What is missing from each of us is the training, education, knowledge and

insight to utilize what we already have.”

– Mark Twain

Examples of Several Introductory Publications

More Examples of Introductory Publications

We invite your participation in whatever

way best serves you and your organization!

Complete the Interest Survey and or Help with Marketing

Help explore the Benefit Corporation Option

Help explore the Intentional Community Option

Help explore the Community Land Trust Model

Help Generate Investments and or Write Grants

Participate as a Strategic Alliance Partner

Serve as a Board and or Advisory Board Member

Become an Investor and or Revenue Share Partner

Provide a grant, donation or Program Related Investment

Help Co-produce or Sponsor Fundraising Events

Community Economic Development Resource Center, Inc.

C/O Universal StewardHeirShip, Inc. PO Box 20072, Sedona, AZ 86341

For More Information Contact:

Charles Betterton, MSCED
