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US 1840

Transcript of MANIFEST DESTINY AND ITS LEGACY: 1841-1848 AP US History: Mr. Long.


Introduction During the 1840’s territorial expansion

dominated diplomacy and politics Texas, Oregon and California

Key Issue= slavery:

The expansion expands the fracture between pro-slave and anti-slavery

US 1840

US 1850

The Accession of “Tyler Too” Election of 1840

Won by William Henry Harrison (Whig) Dies of pneumonia 4 weeks into

his term John Tyler takes over as

President (former Democrat) He is a Virginian, very old school

and stubborn in principal.

A President without a Party Whigs control Congress

Whig Program = very nationalistic1. Pro-Bank2. Pro-Tariff3. Pro-Internal Improvements

WHY DO THESE STANCES MAKE SENSE FOR WHIGS? Bank loans money for industry Tariff protects industry Internal improvements get goods from East to West

John Tyler vs. Henry Clay


A President without a Party Henry Clay tries to push through…

1. Got rid of Independent Treasury (Pro-bank)2. New Bank of US (vetoed twice by

Tyler=anti-bank)3. Tariff (distributed money among states

from sale of Western lands) vetoed. Tariff of 1842:

No dollar distribution for western lands lowered to 32% tariff of dutiable imports. Signed by Tyler b/c there was need for


The Lone Star of Texas Shines Alone Texas has gained its

independence in 1836 Wants to be annexed to

the United States

PROBLEM America’s foreign policy to

be neutral Mexico does not recognize

Texas’ independence

The Lone Star of Texas Shines Alone Texas looks to other nations for treaties

(Britain/France) Maintaining an army is very expensive.

Why would others nations be interested?1. Stop America from moving South2. Caribbean protection3. To later get Texas to turn on America4. Fragment and militarize America5. Important free trade area (cotton)6. Get rid of slavery

Belated Texas Nuptials Texas is huge issue in 1844 election

James K. Polk (Expansion ticket, Democrat) v. Henry Clay (Whig)

John Tyler wants re-elected so he tries to annex Texas before election.

b/c Congress will not support him with 2/3 vote he arranges for joint resolution which means he only needs simple majority.

Mexico is extremely angry, feeling the US stole Texas from them

Oregon Fever Populates Oregon Oregon = enormous wilderness territory

(W of Rockies to Pacific and N to 54* 40’ line)

Review What is Manifest Destiny?

How do we see the slavery issue shape territorial expansion in the US?

Oregon Fever Populates Oregon

1. Prior Discovery2. Exploration3. Treaty Rights4. Occupation

Hudson Bay Company Fur Traders

1. Exploration Lewis and Clark Robert Gray

names Columbia River

2. Occupation Missionaries to


British Ties to Oregon US ties to Oregon

Oregon Fever Populates Oregon Anglo-American Convention 1818

“Joint Occupation” is the compromise Oregon Fever of 1840’s

Willamette River Valley’s fertile soil attracted Americans

By 1846 5,000 Americans and only 700 British called Oregon home

British are more eager to reach compromise before they are completely overtaken.

Oregon Fever Populates Oregon Settling Oregon Dispute

Northern Democrats wanted Oregon (Southern Democrats had wanted annexation of Texas)

“Fifty-four Forty or Fight” Polk offers the 49th parallel as a compromise to the

British. At first they want the Columbia River this changes in 1846.

After rejecting Polk’s offer at first the British then offer the 49th parallel themselves.

Senate agrees quickly.

Why all of Texas but only some of Oregon? Britain is more powerful then Mexico

A Mandate for Manifest Destiny Manifest Destiny reveals itself in Election of

1844 Henry Clay (Whigs) vs. James K. Polk (Dem.)

Polk won his nomination and election on the expansionist ticket.

The Election of 1844 Issues Tariff Bank Annexation of Texas Oregon territory California

A Mandate for Manifest Destiny Manifest Destiny God had “manifestly” destined Americans for

hemispheric career and spreading religion/democracy. (God wanted them to expand)

Do you believe America still feels this way? Explain.

Polk the Purposeful Polk had 4 goals while president (4 point


1. Lower Tariff (Walker Tariff) Lowered tariff from 32% to 25%

2. Restore Independent Treasury (1846)3. Acquisition of California

Achieved with Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo4. Settle the dispute in Oregon

Misunderstanding with Mexico Polk is very eager to buy California from


1. We have terrible relations with Mexico2. Mexico owes $3 million in damages claimed

by Americans. (defaulted on payments)3. Texas (Mexico thought we stole it)

Still a border dispute Mexico thinks it is the Nueces River US believes it is the Rio Grande

Misunderstanding with Mexico RUMOR:

Britain was going to buy or seize California (violation of Monroe Doctrine)

Polk Sends John Slidell to buy California for $25 million. Mexico won’t even allow him to propose it

REVIEW What is the Monroe Doctrine and how is

it challenged with the rumor of Britain buying/seizing California?

Who are the main supporters of expansion?

How is Manifest Destiny going to arouse the slavery issue again?

American Blood on American Soil Polk sends Zachary Taylor to the Rio Grande

with 4,000 troops. Is this really the border?

Asks Congress to declare war (on 2 facts)1. Unpaid claims ($3 million)2. Slidell’s rejection

The Cabinet/Congress want Mexico to fire first

American Blood on American Soil

April 25, 1846 Mexican troops crossed Rio Grande and attack US troops.

Is this really the US’s soil? Patriotic Congress says YES and declares war

Spot resolution: “Show me the exact spot on American soil where blood was shed”

Abraham Lincoln (Whig, Illinois) Whigs fear the spread of slavery

Did Polk instigate War with Mexico?

The Mastery of Mexico At the onset of the war Polk hoped to

fight a limited war then pull out when California was won.

The Mastery of Mexico The War

Americans were 100% successful in the Southwest and California. Captain John C. Fremont collaborated w/ navy

and local Americans to capture California in rebellion from Mexico

Happened before word of American-Mexican War arrived.

California Bear Flag Republic

The Mastery of Mexico Zachary Taylor

“Old Rough and Ready” in charge of Northern campaign. Buena Vista: Feb 22-23,

1847 5,000 US troops withstood

20,000 Mexican troops and Taylor is dubbed the “Hero of Buena Vista”

The Mastery of Mexico General Winfield Scott

In command of main American effort on Mexico City Focus for Americans is right;

they try to take Mexico’s heart Most successful General

from Revolution to Civil War While Taylor was good with

small forces he struggled to command large campaigns.

Fighting Mexico for Peace Polk simply wants to meet his

territorial goals = anxious for peace. Sends Nickolas P. Trist to

negotiate peace with Santa Anna and Mexico. Trist and Scott negotiate armistice

for $10,000 Santa Anna pockets the money and

uses the time to bolster his troops and reorganize.

Polk calls for Trist to come home!

Fighting Mexico for Peace Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo 1848

TERMS: Confirmed Americas title to Texas Territory stretching west to Oregon (including CA) was

US soil. US pays $15 million plus it assumes American claims

($3 million) Remember Polk was willing to pay $25 million before the


Needed to happen fast b/c there is a responsible government in place to carry out the treaty in Mexico

Profits and Loss in Mexico

America’s land increased by 1/3

Spirit of Manifest Destiny

Justified West Point Schoolroom for

Civil War

Turning point in ugly relations between US and Latin America

Re-aroused slavery issue (new territories)


Slavery and the Territory Issue Abolitionists thought fighting in Mexico spread

the “slavocracy” Fight goes to Congress

Wilmot Proviso: Bill which stated that slavery would not exist in the

Mexican Cession territory. (David Wilmot, PA) Passed the House twice but failed in Senate.

Many northern states adopted this on a state by state basis.

Polk’s Legacy: left the nation with vast territory but ugly slavery
